글로벌 경제구조 개편에 따른 새로운 산업정책의 모색 모시는 말씀 글로벌 경제구조 개편에 따른 새로운 산업정책의 모색 을 주제로 한 국제세미나에 여러분을 초대합니다. 2008년 미국발 금융위기, 그리고 현재 진행 중인 유럽의 재정위기 등 선진국으로부터 유발된 경제불안은

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Rethinking Industrial Policy in the Era of Global Socio-Economic Restructuring Letter of Invitation You are cordially invited to the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade s international conference entitled Rethinking Industrial Policy in the Era of Global Socio-Economic Restructuring, which will be held on 13 December, 2011 in commemoration of the institute s 35th anniversary. The shadow of economic instabilities triggered by the 2008 financial crisis in the United States and aggravated by the on-going European Union s euro crisis has expanded globally deepening the shade of uncertainties and risks that lie ahead of us. Against such a background, the government of each and every nation is tasked with reducing factors of economic uncertainties and ensuring the nation s competitiveness through proactive and innovative policy interventions. Even the countries that abide by an adamant rule of the government s minimum market intervention are taking various industrial policy initiatives and implementing them. Korea has overcome the financial crisis in 2008 successfully through proactive and innovative policy. Also, Korea has actively pursued and promoted national green growth, which contributed to the framing of the global green growth agenda. Furthermore, in 2010, as a chair country of the G20 Seoul Summit, Korea was able to mediate the conflicts between the developed and developing nations on various issues. Now, however, Korea has to face its own challenge of growing out of the current status as a middle income country. It is indeed a critical moment for the nation to enhance and augment both social welfare system and the overall economic wealth based on an earnest reflection on industrial policies that prioritize new growth engine and job creations. For this reason, Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade will engage renowned scholars and policymakers to discuss and analyze shifting industrial policy paradigms in significantly changing global socio-economic circumstances at this international conference. The conference will also provide an opportunity to learn about the industrial policies in Europe and the United States to extract policy implications for Korea in growing further in the future. This conference is organized by Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade in collaboration with the Ministry of Knowledge Economy (MKE), National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences (NRCS) and Joongangilbo. We believe the conference will provide you with useful information and meaningful insights from diverse knowledge and ideas shared among many renowned scholars and policymakers on the direction of new industrial policy which is certainly one of the most important agenda for the global economy. Byoung Jun Song, Ph.D. President of KIET

글로벌 경제구조 개편에 따른 새로운 산업정책의 모색 프 로 그 램 13:00-13:30 등록 개 회 식 13:30-14:00 개회사 : 송병준 산업연구원 원장 축사 : 박진근 경제인문사회연구회 이사장 제 1 세션 : 세계 경제의 환경변화에 따른 산업정책 패러다임 변화 - 새로운 산업정책의 방향과 전망 사회 : 김광두 (국가미래연구원 원장) 14:00-15:20 발표 1 : 산업정책의 새로운 관점과 전망 - Prof. Dani Rodrik (미국 하버드대학교 교수) 패널토론 : - Prof. Robert H. Wade (런던 정경대학교 교수) - Prof. Jacques Sapir (프랑스 고등사회과학원 교수) - 장석인 박사 (KIET 산업경제연구센터 소장) - 김준동 국장 (지식경제부 산업경제정책관) 15:20-15:35 휴식 제 2 세션 : 경제 선진국 진입을 위한 새로운 산업정책의 역할 - 중진국의 산업정책 방향과 한계 사회 : 이경태 (국제무역연구원 원장) 15:35-16:50 발표 1 : 도전에 직면한 산업정책: 미국의 기업네트워크 구축을 중심으로 - Prof. Robert H. Wade (런던 정경대학교 교수) 발표 2 : 산업정책의 귀환 : 최근 프랑스의 경험과 시사점 - Prof. Jacques Sapir (프랑스 고등사회과학원 교수) 16:50-17:00 휴식 발표 3 : 한국 산업정책의 과제와 향후 전망 - 김인철 박사 (KIET 산업경제연구센터 연구위원) 17:00-17:50 패널토론 : 이상호 교수 (세종대학교) 이 근 교수 (서울대학교) 신장섭 교수 (싱가포르국립대학교) 이상진 국장 (국무총리실 산업정책관) 17:50-18:00 질의응답 및 폐회사

발 표 자 대니 로드릭 (미국 하버드대학교 교수) 로버트 헌터 웨이드 (런던 정경대학교 교수) 자크 사피르 (프랑스 고등사회과학원 교수) 하버드대학교 케네디 스쿨의 국제정치경제학 교수로 재직 중이 며, 최근 발간한 저서로는 세계화의 역설: 민주주의와 세계 경제 의 미래 가 있다. 미국 사회과학연구위원회가 수여하는 앨버트 허시먼 (Albert O. Hirschman)상과 경제학의 지평을 넓힌 경제학 자에게 주는 상인 레온티예프 (Leontief)상을 수상했다. 런던정경대(London School of Economics)의 정치경제학 교수 로, 영국 서섹스대, 미국 MIT와 브라운대에서 교수로 활동했으 며, 세계은행(World Bank)에서 이코노미스트로 활약하기도 했 다. 1979년 한국의 정부산하기관인 농지개량조합( 農 地 改 良 組 合, Farmland Improvement Association)에서 현장활동을 하였 으며, 그의 책 시장의 통제 는 미국정치경제학회가 수여하는 최고의 책 상을 받았으며, 2008년 레온티예프 (Leontief)상을 수 상했다. 파리 산업화 양식 비교연구센터(CEMI-EHESS)의 소장이며, 프 랑스(EHESS)와 러시아(MSE - MGU)의 학계에서 활동하고 있 다. 프랑스 정부와 주요 기업 및 각종 국제기구의 동유럽 지원 프로그램 자문관으로 활동했으며, 글로벌 환경에서의 개발문제 와 경제이론에 대해 프랑스, 미국 및 러시아 저널에 광범한 저술 활동을 했다. 김인철 (KIET 연구위원) 산업연구원의 연구위원으로, 산업자원부 장관의 자문관으로 활 동했으며, 경제성장, 산업역학 그리고 산업정책에 대한 학술지 및 정책 보고서 등의 많은 논문을 발표했다. 국무총리실, 재정경 제부, 지식경제부 및 통계청의 정책조언을 했다. 사회자 김광두 국가미래연구원 원장 이경태 국제무역연구원 원장 토론자 Robert Hunter Wade Jacques Sapir 장석인 김준동 이상호 이 근 신장섭 이상진 영국 정경대학교 교수 프랑스 고등사회과학원 교수 KIET 산업경제연구센터 소장 지식경제부 산업경제정책관 국장 세종대학교 교수 서울대학교 교수 싱가포르국립대학교 교수 국무총리실 산업정책관 국장

Rethinking Industrial Policy in the Era of Global Socio-Economic Restructuring PROGRAM 13:00-13:30 Registration Opening Session 13:30-14:00 Opening Remarks : Byoung Jun Song (President of KIET) Congratulatory Remarks : Chin Keun Park (Chairperson of NRCS) 14:00-15:20 SessionⅠ: The Return of Industrial Policy and Its New Framework 15:20-15:35 Coffee Break Moderator : Dr. Kwang Doo Kim (President of IFS) Presenter 1 : Perspectives on the New Industrial Policy -Prof. Dani Rodrik (Harvard University) Discussants : Prof. Robert H. Wade (London School of Economics) Prof. Jacques Sapir (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) Dr. Suk In Chang (Director, Center for IENPS of KIET) Mr. Jun Dong Kim (Director General of MKE) Session Ⅱ: The Role of New Industrial Policy in Avoiding Middle Income Trap 15:35-16:50 16:50-17:00 Coffee Break 17:00-17:50 Moderator : Dr. Kyung-Tae Lee (President of Inst. For Int l Trade) Presenter 1 : Industrial Policy: Building Interfirm Networks, US & Elsewhere - Prof. Robert H.Wade (London School of Economics) Presenter 2 : The Return of Industrial Policy : the French Case (2005~2011) - Prof. Jacques Sapir (School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences) Presenter 3 : Industrial Policy in Korea and Its Perspectives - Dr. In-Chul Kim (Research Fellow of KIET) Discussants : Prof. Sang-Ho Lee (Sejong University) Prof. Keun Lee (Seoul Nat l University) Prof. Jang-Sup Shin (Nat l University of Singapore) Dr. Sang-Jin Lee (Director General of Prime Minister s Office, Korea) 17:50-18:00 Closing Remarks : Byoung Jun Song (President of KIET)

PRESENTERS Dani Rodrik (Professor, Harvard University, the U.S.A.) Robert Hunter Wade (Professor, London School of Economics, the U.K.) Jacques Sapir (Professor, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, France) In-Chul Kim (Research Fellow, KIET) Dr. Rodrik is the Rafiq Hariri professor of International Political Economy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. His most recent book is The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy. Among other honors, he is the recipient of the inaugural Albert O. Hirschman Prize of the Social Science Research Council and of the Leontief Award for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought. Dr. Wade is professor of political economy at the London School of Economics. Earlier he taught at Sussex, Princeton, MIT and Brown, and worked as an economist at the World Bank. He did field work in Korea in 1979, studying the inside workings of a parastatal organization (a Farmland Improvement Association near Pyongtak). His book Governing the Market won the American Political Science Assoc prize for Best Book in Political Economy, and he was awarded the Leontief Prize in Economics in 2008. Dr. Sapir is director of the CEMI-EHESS research centre and works in academia both in France (EHESS) and in Russia (MSE-MGU). He leads several programmes on economic development. He published extensively on Russian transition, economic theory and problems of development in a globalized environment in French, US and Russian journals. He published several books, the last ones having a noted impact in the debate on Economic policy in France. Dr. Kim is a research fellow at KIET and served as an economic advisor to the Minister of Commerce, Industry, and Energy. He has published many papers in academic journals and policy reports on economic growth, industrial dynamics, and industrial policy. He also provides policy advice for the Prime Minister s Office, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Ministry of Knowledge Economy, and Office of Statistics Korea. Moderators Dr. Kwang Doo Kim President, The Institute for the Future of State(IFS) Dr. Kyung-Tae Lee (President, Institute for International Trade, KITA) Discussants Prof. Robert Hunter Wade London School of Economics, the U.K. Prof. Jacques Sapir Dr. Suk In Chang Mr. Jun Dong Kim Prof. Sang-Ho Lee Prof. Keun Lee Prof. Jang-Sup Shin Dr. Sang-Jin Lee School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, France Director, Center for IENPS of KIET Director General, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy(MKE) Sejong University Seoul National University National University of Singapore Director General, the Prime Ministers Office, Korea

LOCATION 대한상공회의소 Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry 주소 Address 서울특별시 중구 남대문로 4가 45번지 45, Namdaemunro 4ga, Jung-gu, Seoul, 100-743 Korea 지하철 안내 By Subway 1호선 서울역 3번출구(YTN 방향 5분거리) 2호선 시청역 9번출구(삼성본관 방향 5분거리) Seoul Station (Line 1) Exit No.3 City Hall Station (Line 2) Exit No.9 문의처 Contact 산업연구원(KIET) 이경선 Kyoung-Seon Lee 02-3299-3265 백목윤 Mog-Yun Paik 02-3299-3157