CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 냉철하고 창의적인 생각 CCT
What is Critical & Creative Thinking? (Definitions and Elements) CREATIVE Thinkng is the thinking we do when we generate ideas Pose questions Imagine possibilities 'Brainstorm' solutions Elaborate Improvise Chase inspiration Speculate Use intuition Defer judgements CRITICAL Thinkng is the thinking we do when we judge ideas Pose questions Consider perspectives Identify pros and cons Determine causes Predict effects Consider alternatives Avoid assumptions Look for proof Draw conclusions
WHY TEACH CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING? 為 何 要 教 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考? 냉철하고 창의적인 생각을 가르치는 이유 1. It s in the syllabus 這 是 在 課 程 內 강의계획에 포함되어 있습니다. Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT ) is an across-the-curriculum General Capability. It is a new addition to the NSW Board of Studies syllabus and is a requirement of the new Australian Curriculum. 2. It will help students perform better at school 能 助 學 生 在 學 校 表 現 更 好 학생들이 학교의 더 나은 도움이 됩니다. Critical and creative thinking are integral to activities that require students to think broadly and deeply using skills, behaviours and dispositions such as reason, logic, resourcefulness, imagination and innovation in all learning areas at school and in their lives beyond school.
3. It will help them adapt to changes and problems they will face beyond school 能 助 學 生 於 校 外 對 轉 變 和 面 對 問 題 的 適 應 그것은 학교밖에서의 변화와 문제들을 직면할때 해결할수 있드록 도와줍니다. the twenty-first century with its complex environmental, social and economic pressures requires young people to be creative, innovative, enterprising and adaptable, with the motivation, confidence and skills to use critical and creative thinking. (The Australian Curriculum) 4. It will help counter declining creativity levels in children (Ref: Yes, There is a Creativity Crisis! by Dr. Kyung Hee Kim) 能 對 抗 兒 童 創 意 力 下 降 的 現 象 그것은 아디들의 창의력 저하를 막도록 도와줍니다
WHAT IS CCT CAPABILITY? 什 麼 是 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 能 力? 냉철하고 창의적인 생각을 할수있는 능력이란? Across the curriculum, students develop capability in critical and creative thinking as they learn to generate and evaluate knowledge, clarify concepts and ideas, seek possibilities, consider alternatives and solve problems. (The Australian Curriculum) Critical and creative thinking ability has three aspects dispositions, skills and strategies. Combined they make up a student s CCT capability. 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 能 力 有 三 方 面 - 特 性, 技 能, 策 略 同 組 成 一 個 學 生 的 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 能 力 냉철하고 창의적인 생각을 할수 있는 능력 세가지 측면이 있습니다- 성향, 기술, 전략입니다 이 세가지가 결합하면 학생들의 냉철하고 창의적인 생각을 완성합니다.
CCT Dispositions (Is the student willing?) CCT Capability CCT Skills (Is the student able?) CCT Strategies/Tools (Is the student equipped?)
1. DISPOSITIONS 特 性 성향 Dispositions describe a person s inclination to use particular skills when faced with problems to solve, ideas to evaluate or decisions to make. (Macquarie University) 特 性 是 指 當 一 個 人 能 夠 偏 向 用 某 些 技 力 去 解 決 問 題, 評 估 意 見, 或 作 出 決 定 성향이란 한사람의 성질에 따른 경향에 따라 특정한 기술들을 사용하여, 문제들을 해결 또는 아이디어를 평가하거나, 결정을 할수 있는 것을 의미합니다. A student has a disposition for critical and creative thinking when they display inquisitiveness, reasonableness, intellectual flexibility, open- and fair-mindedness, a readiness to consider alternatives and try new ways of doing things, and persistence. (The Australian Curriculum)
Critical & Creative Thinking Capability - (K-6) The following 7 dispositions are widely considered to be traits and attitudes commonly found in highly creative and innovative people. The student is: Open-minded 思 路 開 放 개방적인 Flexible 富 有 彈 性 융통성있는 Risk-taker 冒 險 者 모험적인 Resourceful 足 智 多 謀 창조적인 Patient & Persistent 有 耐 性 和 堅 持 끈질긴 Ubiquitous 普 及 性 유동적인 Reflective 反 思 반영적인 The student is open to new and different ideas and considers the opinions of others. The student is able to look at problems from multiple perspectives and will change their mind when presented with new information. The student likes to try new ways of doing things and is not afraid of making mistakes. The student finds inventive ways to overcome difficulties and will improvise when resources are limited. The student displays resistance to premature closure by elaborating their ideas and letting ideas incubate. The student believes that thinking and creating can take place anywhere, anyhow, anytime. The student likes to evaluate their own work and thinks about their thinking processes as needed.
2. SKILLS 技 能 기술 The 4 strands of critical and creative thinking skills, as described in the Australian Curriculum, are Inquiring, Generating ideas, Analysing and Reflecting.
We have re-arranged these skills into 6 strands: Fact-finding posing questions, considering perspectives, identifying problems 追 尋 事 實 사실을 구분할수 있는기술 Generating ideas imagining possibilities, connecting ideas, considering alternatives 創 造 意 見 아이디어를 창출할수 있는능력 Judging ideas applying logic and reasoning, making predictions 判 斷 意 見 판단력 Planning organising and processing information, drawing conclusions 計 劃 계획력 Producing putting ideas into action, transferring knowledge into new contexts 制 作 산출력 Reflecting evaluating procedures and outcomes, thinking about thinking 反 思 반영력
3. STRATEGIES/TOOLS 策 略 / 工 具 전략/도구 By applying a sequence of thinking skills, students develop an understanding of the processes they can employ whenever they encounter problems, unfamiliar information and new ideas. (The Australian Curriculum) 透 過 運 用 一 序 列 的 思 考 技 能, 學 生 便 加 增 理 解 對 遇 見 問 題, 不 熟 悉 的 資 料 和 新 意 見 時 可 用 得 着 之 流 程 여러가지 생각하는 기술들을 정리함으로써, 학생들은 문제에, 익숙치않은 정보 그리고 새로운 아이디어에 직면할때, 이해하는 과정을 발달시킬수 있습니다. The practice of using thinking strategies can increase students motivation for, and management of, their own learning. They become more confident and autonomous problem-solvers and thinkers. (The Australian Curriculum)
CCT AT SCHOOL 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 於 學 校 학교 생활에서의 냉철하고 창의적인 생각 1. My CCT Dispositions PROGRAM 我 的 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 課 程 일상 생활에서의 생각할수 있는 방법
2. SHORT DAILY CREATIVE THINKING EXERCISES 每 日 簡 短 的 思 考 運 動 일상생활에서의 생각할수 있는 방법 CCT Crunchers 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 的 關 鍵 냉철하고 창의적인 생각을 할수있는측면 3. CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING STRATEGIES 創 意 性 問 題 解 決 的 策 略 문제를 해결할 창의적인 전략 The Coloured Thinking CaPs 顏 色 思 考 帽 子 컬러플한 생각할수 있는 모자
ASSESSMENT 評 估 평가 1. A student s progress in developing CCT skills will be plotted from Kindergarten through to Year 6 using the school s CCT Capability Learning Continuum. 一 個 學 生 之 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 能 力 的 發 展 進 度 會 籍 着 學 校 的 審 辯 性 和 創 意 性 思 考 尺 度, 由 幼 兒 級 開 始 繪 製, 直 至 六 年 級 학생의 CCT skill 이발전하는 과정은 유치원부터 6 학년까지 전학년까지 작성될것입니다. 2. Once a year Stages 2 and 3 will participate in a major CCT Project. 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 項 目 CCT 프로젝트 3. All students from Years 2-6 will undergo formal measurement of their critical and creative thinking skills through the Victorian Education Department s CCT Online Assessment Tool. 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 網 上 評 估 工 具 Students will be tested twice a year. Vic Ed will provide us with the data from that testing. 평가툴
CCT AT HOME 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 於 家 中 집에서의 CCT Allow children to have nothing time I m bored! is good. (Limit device time.) 容 許 孩 子 擁 有 沒 有 的 時 間 我 很 悶! 是 好 的 限 制 玩 電 子 設 備 的 時 間 아이들에게 잉여시간이 없도록 합니다. 저는지루해요 라고 하는것은 좋습니다 Allow children to play freely and spontaneously. 전자기기 사용시간 줄이기 容 許 孩 子 自 由 地 和 即 興 地 玩 耍 아이들의 자유롭고 자발적으로 놀수 있도록 합니다. Encourage the use of CCT Crunchers exercises at home. 鼓 勵 在 家 中 做 審 辯 性 與 創 意 性 思 考 關 鍵 運 動 Print the My Dispositions posters and display at home. 打 印 我 的 特 性 海 報 及 掛 在 家 中 Whenever the family needs to make big decisions use The Coloured Thinking CaPs strategy. 每 當 家 中 要 作 重 大 決 定, 可 用 顏 色 思 考 帽 子 的 策 略