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. Outlook of Life 8 Business Results (%) (%) (%) New Increase Business Increase Increase Business Rate in Force Rate Lapses &Surrendens Rate 8,,,, 8,8,,,,,,,8 8,, 8,,,,8,,8. 8......8...,,8,,,,,8,8 8,,8,,8,8,,,8,,88 8,8,,, 8,,,,,,8,,8 8,,8,,,, 8,,,,8. 8. 8.....8 8... (%) Premiums Increase Written Rate,,,,88,,,,8,88, 8,, 8,,8,,,,8,,.8.8... 8. 8....,,,,8,8,,8,,8,.. 8...8,,,88,8,,,,,,...8..,,,,,,,8,8,8,.... 8. 8,,,,,,8,,8,,.....8 S K,,,,,,,88,88,88,,,8 8,8,,,,...8... 8...,,,8,,8,,8,8,,,8,8,8,, 88,8,... 8... 8..8 8.,88,,,,,,,8,88 8,,,,,,...8......,,,,,,8,,,,,8... 88.8 8..... I N G,,,,,,...,,,,,,8. 8..,,,,8,,8.. 88.,8, 8,88. 8.. A I G,, 8,,,,,,8,,8,88,,8, 8....8.8...,8,8 8,,,,,,,,,,,,8........8,,8 8,88,,,,, 8,,8,..... 8.. 8.,,8,,,,,8,,8,8.. 8....8..8,,8. 8,8,8 )..,,8.,,.

Insurance Business () (%) Claims Increase Paid Rate,8,,88,,8,8,,,,,,,,,,,8,,8,....8...8... ( ) Profit & Loss Accounts (%) (%) Operating Increase Investment Increase Expenses Rate Operating Income Rate,,,,8,,,8,8,,,8,,,,,,8,,,..........,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,8,, 8,,.......... Net Balance,,,,8,8,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,8, (%) Increase Rate. 8....... 8.. In million won Classification 8,,,,,,8,8,,,. 8.... 8,8,,,,,,... 8.8 8.,,,8,,,,,8,... 8..,8,8,8,, 8, 8,,,.8 Korea. Samsung. Hungkuk. Kyobo. 8,8 8,,,,,,,,,8,,8,88.........,8,,,,,,,8,8.........,,,,,,,,, 8.. 8..... 8.8.,,8,, 8,8,,,,,8.. 8..,8... 8.. Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,,8...,,,. 8.8.,,,...,,,... Dongbu AXA ING,8,88,,,,,,,,........, 8,,,,,, 8,8.....8...,,,,88,88,,,........,,8,,8,,,,.8 Prudential. France. Allianz First. MetLife.8 NewYork. LINA 8. AIG 8.,8,.,,. 8,,.,8,.

. Outlook of Life Underwriting Reserve Reserve Excess Participating Adjustment Account for R/C Premium Reserve Unearned Prem. Res. Reserve for Outstanding Claims Provision for Policyholders'Div. Policyholder Devidend Reserve,8,8,,8 8,,,,8,,,,8,,,,,,,8,,,8,,,,8,,8,,, 8,, 8,,8,8,, 8,,8,,8,,,8 8,,,,,8,,,,8 8,,8,,,,,,,, 8,8,8 8,8,8,,,8,88,,,,,,8,8,88,,,8,, 8,,,,8,8,8, 888,,,8,8,8,,,,,,,8,,,,,, S K,, 8, 8,8,,,,,,,,88,,,8,,,8,8,,,88,, 8,,,,8,8,, 8,,8 8,8, 8,, 8,,8 I N G 8,8,,,,, 8,,8,,,,,,, A I G 8,8 8,,,,,,, 8,8,8,,,, 8,, 8,8, 8,88,,,,8, 8,,,,8,,,88, 8,8,8 8,8,8,,,8,88

Insurance Business () Reserve for Assumed R/P,88 88,,8,, 8,,,8, 8,,8 8,,,,8,,8,,,, ( ) Assets Assets 8,8,,,,,8,8,,, 8,88,,,,8,8,,8,, Increase Rate.....8..... Invested Assets,,,,,,,,8,8,8 8,8, 8,8,8 8,8,,,,8, Increase Rate.8.......8.8. In million won Capital Stock 8,,,,8 8,,,,8,,,,,,, Net Income, 8, 8,, 8,8 88, 8,,, 8,8 8, Classification 8 8,,8,,,,8,8, 8,, 8,,,,,,8,8,,,8..8. 8..,,,88,8,8,,, 8,,8.... 8.,,,, 8,,, 8,8,,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8,8,,8,,,,8, 8,,,, 8,,8 8,,8,,,,,, 8,8,,,,,.8.8.... 8...,,,,8,,,,8,8,,,,,8..8.. 8.....,, 8,,,,,,,,,,, 8, 8, 8,,,8 Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,,,8,8,,8,... 8,8 8, 8,... 8,,,,,, Dongbu AXA ING, 8,8,88, 88, 8, 8,,,8,,,,,,,,8 8,,,....8.. 88..,,,,,, 8,8,,, 8.... 8.8. 8..,,,,,,,,,,,,8,8,,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG 88,,,,.,8,.,, 8,

. Principal Indicators of 8 Ratio of New Business 8. 8..8 8..8..... Ratio of Claims Paid.. 8.... 8. 8.. 8. Management Efficiency Ratio of Ratio of Investment Income Operating Investment Ratio of Lapses Expenses Ratio Assets Invested Assets & Surrenders.8............8.. 8..... 8...8.........8.. 8.. 8.8.... 8.... 8. 8.. 8.... 8....8...8...8... 8. 8. 8. 8. 8.8.8..... 8.. 8. 8.8..... S K.. 8.....8.8...... 8. 8............. 8.. 8... 8. 8.. 8............ 8.....8.... 8....8..8 I N G.. 8....8.8...8 8..8......... A I G.....8..... 8. 8....8.......8....8 8..... 8.8.. 8. 8....8 8...... 8............ 8. ) = = = 8. 8.. 8.. = ( ) ( + - ) = (+ )

Life Insurance Premiums Operating Written Claims Paid Expenses..8.. 8... 8. 8.8.8.......8..8........ 8.. 8. Index Assets... 8..... 8.. Invested Assets.... 8..8....8 Investment Income...8..8..... In Percentage Classification Underwriting Reserve.... 8...8...8 8..... 8..... 8... 8..... 88.8.........8 8. 8. 8.. 8... Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8..8. 8..8....,..,.,.,8.,...... 8...8 8. 8..8,.,.,.8... 8.8.,.,.,.... 8. 8.,.,.... 8...,.,8.... Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8.,...,8.. 8....,8.. 8.8,8... 8...,. 8. Dongbu AXA ING,88....,...... 8.,.. 8.. 8.8.,....,..,8.8.. 8.8,.. 8.. 88. 8... 8,. Prudential France. Allianz First. MetLife NewYork. LINA,. AIG..8. 8.. ),,,,,. ) ().8..8

8. Balance Sheet of Assets 8 Cash & Deposits,,8,,,,8,,8,8,,,8,8,,,,,8,,8 Marketable Securities,,,,,,,,,,,8,88,,,,,,,, Invested Assets Investment Securities,,,,8,, Loans,,,,8,, 8,8,,8,8 8,,,,,,,,8 8,,8 Real Estate,88,8,,,8,,,8,,,,88,8, 8,,8,,8,,8 Invested Assets,,,,,,,,8,8,8 8,8, 8,8,8 8,8,,,,8, Compo. Ratio(%).......8 8.8 8. 8.,8,8,,,,,,,,, 8,,,,88,,,,,,,8,,,,8,8,,, 88,,,,,,8,,, 8,,,88 8,,,,,88,8,8,,, 8,,8 8. 8. 8. 8. 8.8 S K, 8,, 8,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,8,,, 8,,,8,,, 8,,,,8 8,,8,,, 8,,8,8,8,8,,,,8, 8,,,,,,8,,,,8,8,,,,,8. 8.. 8... 8. 8.. I N G,8,,,,, 8,8,8, 8,8,, 8,8 8, 8,.8 8..8 A I G, 8,,,,,,,,, 8,, 88,,,,,8,, 8,,8,,8,8,,,,,,, 8,,,,,,,,, 8,8,,,..8 8..... 8.8,,8,,,, 8,,8,,8,8, ),,,,,. 8.

Life Insurance () Insurance Receivables,,8,,8, 8,8,,, 8, () Non Operating Assets Leasehold Other Accounts Receivables & Other Deposits Others Non Operating Assets Compo. Ratio(%) Separate Account Assets Assets 8,,8,8,,8,,,,,,,8,8,8,,,,,8,,8,,8,8, 8,,8,8,,,,8,,8,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,8,...8.......,, 8,, 8,8,,,,,8,8,,, 8,88,,,,8,8,,8,, In million won Classification 8,,,,,8,,,,,8 8,,,8,,,,,,,8,,8 8,,,8,,8,,,,8,8,. 8.... 8,8,8,,,,8,, 8,,,,,,8,8,,,8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,88,8,8 8,,8 8,88,8,,8, 8,,,8,8 8,,, 8,,,,8,8,8,,,, 8,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,8...8......,,,,,8,, 8,,, 8,,8,,,,,, 8,8,,,,, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,8, 8 8,,,,,,,,88,...,,,8,,8, Dongbu AXA ING 8, 8, 8,,,, 8,,8,8,,8 8, 8,,,8 88,,,,8,8,, 8,,,,8,8,,,,8,..... 8. 8..8,, 8,,,,,,,,8 8,,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG 8,,8,,,8,,8,. 8,,,,

. Balance Sheet of Liabilities Separate Account Liabilities Liabilities Policy Reserve Policyholder's Equity Adjustment Other Liabilities Liabilities Unpaid Claims Unearned Insurance Premium Leasehold Deposits Received Reserve for SeveranceBenefit Others 8 S K I N G A I G,,8,, 8,,,8, 8,,8 8,,,,8,,8,,,, 8,,8,,,,8,8, 8,,,8,,8,,,,8, 8,,,,,,8,,,,8, 8,8,88, 88, 8, 8,,,8,,,,8,, 8,88,,,8,,, 8,88,,, 8,,8,,,8,8,,,,88,,8 8 8,,, 8 8, 8 8,,,,8,, 8,,,,,,8,,, 8,8,8,,8,,,8,,,,8,8,,,,,8,8, 8, 8,8,8,,,,8,,,8,,,8 88,,,,,,8,,,, 8,,,8,8,,8,,8,, 8,8,,8 8,,8,,8 8,8,8,,,, 8,,,,,8,88,8,,,,, 8,,8,, 8,,,,,,8,,8,,,,,,,8,,,,,88, 8,, 8,,,,,,,8,8,,8,, 8,,,,,,,,,,,8,,8,,,,8 8,,,,,,,88,,,8,,,8,,,,8,,,8,,8,8,8,,,,8,,,8,,,,8,,,,8,,,,8,8,8,8 8,88,,,,8,, 8,, 8,8,8,,,,8,,,,,,,8,, 8,,,,,,, 8, 8,,,,,,8,,8,,,,8 8,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,,8,8,,,,,,,,,8,,,,8,,, 8,,,,,,,,,,,8,,8,8 8,88,,8,,

Life Insurance () ( ) Shareholder's Equity Retained Earnings Capital Capital Legal Other Statutory Voluntary Ret'd Earnings Capital Stock Surplus Reserve Reserve Reserve at E.O.F Adjustment 8,,,,8 8,,,,8,,,,,,,,8,8,8,,,,,,8,, 8,,,8 8,,8 8, 8,8 8,8 8,8 8, 8,8,8,,8, 8,,,,,8,,8,,,8,,,8,,8,,,8 8,8,,,,,,,,,8,,,, 8,8,,,,8,,8,,,8,,, Stockholders' Equity 8,8,,,,8,,8,,,8,8,,,8 Liabilities & Stockholders's Equity 8,8,,,,,8,8,,, 8,88,,,,8,8,,8,, In million won Classification 8,,,, 8,,,,88,,8 8,,8,, 8,8,8,8,88, 8,,,8,,8,88,,,8,,8,,8,8,,,8,,8,8,,,8,,,, 8,,,,,,8,8,,,8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,, 8,,,,,,,,,, 8,, 8,,,,,,,8,88 8,, 8,,,,,,,8,88 8,, 8,8,8 8,, 8, 8,,,,,,,, 8,,8,,,,,, 8,8,,,,, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8,,,,,,8, 8,,8, 8,,,,,8,,8,,8, Dongbu AXA ING,,,,,,,,,,,88,88, 8,8,8,,8,,8,,8,,,,8,,8,8,,8,,8,,,, 8,8 8,8,,,8,,,8,,,8,,,8,,,,,,,8 8,,,,, ),,,,,. Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG

. Details of Invested Assets 8 Cash,,8 8,, 8,,8,,8,, Cash & Deposits Money Deposit in Trust Others,88,,,,,8,88,,,8,88,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,8,,,,,,, 88,,8,,,,,,,88,88,8,88,,8,,8,,,,,,,8,,8 (%) Ratio.......8...,,88,,,,,8,,,,,,8,,8,,,8 8,,,8,8,8,,,,,,..... S K,,,8,,88,8,,,,,8,,,, 8,8 8,,,,88,88,8,8,, 8,, 8,,,,,,.........8 I N G,,,,88,,8,8,,. 8.. A I G 8,,,, 8,,8,,,,,, 8,,,,,,,......8..,,8,,8, ),,.,,8.

of Life Insurance () () Stocks,,,,,,,, 8,,,,,,,8,,,, Government and Public,,,,,8,8,,,,8,,,,, 88,,,8 Marketable Securities Coorperate Investment Bonds Funds Others,,,8,88,,,8,,,,,,,,, 8,,8,8,,,,,,,8,,,8 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,88,,,,,,,, (%) Ratio 8....... 8... In million won Classification 8,,8, 8, 8,,8 8,8, 8,88, 8, 8,,,,,,,8,8,,8,8 8,,,,, 8,,,,88,..... Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8,,8 8,,8,, 8,,,8,8 8,8 8,8 8,,, 8,,,,8,,8,,,,,,8,,,,,8,,8,,,8,,,,,8,,,.8..8.. 8...8. Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,8,8 8,,8,,,,,,,,,. 8.. Dongbu AXA ING,,,,,8,8,8,8,,,, 8,, 88,... Prudential France Allianz First MetLife. NewYork LINA. AIG.,,,8 8,,, ),,,,,.

. Details of Invested Assets 8 Stocks,,,,88,, Investment Securities Investment Government Coorperate Unincorporated and Public Bonds,,888,,,,,8,,,,8,8, 8,, Investment Funds,,8,,,, Others,8,,,,8,,8,,8,8,,,,8,,,,,,8,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,, 8,8,,,,8,8, S K,,,, 8,, 8,,,,,,,8,8,,,,, 8,,,,, 8,,,,,, 8,8,8,,8,8 I N G,, 8,,8,8,,,, A I G,,,,, 88,,,,, 8,,8,,, 8,8,8 8,,,,,,,,,, 8,, ),,,,,8,

of Life Insurance () ( ),,,,8,, (%) Ratio... Reserve for Doubtful Account,,,,,8,,8,,,,,,8 Loans Call Loans,8,,8,,,,88,,,8,8, 8,,8 8, Policy,8,,,,8,,8,,,8,, 8,, 8,, 8,8,,,8 Loan Secured,,,,,,,8,,8,,, 8,,,, 8,,,8, Unsecured,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8,,,, In million won Classification 8,,,,,,8,,,,8.... 8. 8,,,,8,,,,,,8,,8,8,, 8,,,,,8,,,,,8,,,8,,8 8,8,8,8,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8,,,8,,, 8,,,,8..8 8....8...,,,,,,,8 8,,,, 8,, 8, 8, 8,,,,,,88, 8, 8,,,8,,, Daishin,8 Shinhan,8 Lucky, Kumho, SK,8 Hanil 8, Tong Yang Yongpoong,, 8,8,8,...,, 8,8,88,8,,,8 Dongbu AXA ING,8,,,,8,, 8,,8,,8.....8 8. 8..,8,, 8,,,,,8 88, 8,,,,,8,8,,8 Prudential France,8 Allianz First MetLife NewYork 8 LINA AIG,,,.,,8 8,,,8 ),,8,,,

. Details of Invested Assets Loans Loan Secured Discounted Note by Third Party Guarantee Others,,,, 8,,,8,,,,, 8,8,88,,, 8,, 8,8,,8,,8,,,, 8,,,,,,,8,8,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,,8, 8,8,8,,,,,,8 8,,8 (%) Ratio....8 8. 8. 8... 8. Land,,,,8,,,,8,8,,,,,,,,,,,8 Buildings 8,,,,,,,8,88,8,,8,,,,8,,,8,,,,,,,,,8,,,,8,,8,,,8,,, 88,,,,,. 8....,88,,8 8,8 8,8,,8,8,,,8,,,, S K,8,,8,8,,,,,,,, 8,,,,, 8, 8,,8,,, 8,,8,8,8,8.........,,8,,,,,,,,,,8,, I N G,, 8 8 8,8,,... A I G,, 8,8,8 8 8,8 8 8,8,,8,,,,,,,........ 8,,, 88,,,,,,,, ) 8,,8 8.,,8,8,

of Life Insurance () ( ) Real Estates Structures,8,,,,,,,,, Construction in Progress,8,,,,,,,,8,8, Others,8,88,8,,,8,,,8,,,,88,8, 8,,8,,8,,8 (%) Ratio..8 8. 8..8. 8.... Invested Assets,,,,,,,,8,8,8 8,8, 8,8,8 8,8,,,,8, (%) Inv't Ratio.......8 8.8 8. 8. In million won Classification 8,8,,8,,8,,,8,8,8,,, 8,,,88 8,,.....,,,88,8,8,,, 8,,8 8. 8. 8. 8. 8.8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8 8,8, 8,,8,,,,8, 8,,......8 8.,,,,8,,,,8,8,,,,,8. 8.. 8... 8. 8.. Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8,8 8, 8,.8 8..8 Dongbu AXA ING 8, 8, 8,,,....,,,,,, 8,8,,,..8 8..... 8.8 Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,,8,,8 ),,,.,8, 8.

8. Details of Investment & 8, Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery,,,,,,,8 8,,8, Mining, 8,,,8,,, 88,,, Manufacturing,,,8,88,8,8,,8,,,8,,8,,,,,,, Electricity, Gas & Water,8, 8,,8,,8,8,,,,88 Wholesale, Retail Trade, Construction Restaurants & Hotel,,8,,,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,8,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,,,,88,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,8,,8,,,8,,,,88 8,8,,8,,,8,,,,,8 S K,, 8,,, 8,,,,8,,,8,,, 8,,,8,8,8,,8,,88,8,8 8,,,,8,,8,,8 I N G 8, 8,,, A I G 8 8,, 8,,,8,,,,8,8,,,,,,,,88,,,88,

Loan of Life Insurance by Industry Transport, Storage & Communication,8 8,,8,,,8,,,,,,,,,, Financing Community, Social Insurance, Real & Personal Estates & Business Services,,,,,,,,,,8,,8 8,8,,, 8,,,8,,,,, 8,8,,,,8,8,8,,88,, Individual,,,,8,,8,,8,8,8,,,,,,8,,,, Allowance for Bad Debts,8,8,, 88,88,,,8,,, 8,,,8,,,8,8,8,8,, 8,,88,,,,,88,,, In million won Classification 8, 8,, 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,8,,,,,,,, 8,,,,8,,88,,,,,8,,8,8, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,8 8,,, 8,,,,,8,,8,,8,,8,,8,,,,,8,8,,,8,,,,, 8,,8,8,8,,8 8,,, 8, 8,,,,8 Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,, 8,,,,,,,, Dongbu AXA ING 8,8 8,,, 8, 8,88,,8,8,,8,,,,,8 8,,,8,88,,88,,8, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,,8,,,,, 8,,,

8. Details of Investment 8 Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery,,,,,, 8 Mining,,, 8,8,,,,, Manufacturing,,,8,,8,8,,8,,,,,,8,,,,8,,8 Electricity, Gas & Water, 8,,,,, 8,8,,,8 Wholesale, Retail Trade, Construction Restaurants & Hotels 8, 88,,88,,,8,,8 8,,8 88,,8,88,,, 8, 8,,,,,,8,,88,,88,,88, 8,,,8,,, 8,,, 8, 8, S K 8 8,,8,,,8,,, 8,,,8 8,8,,, 8, I N G 8, 8,,, A I G 8 8,,,,,8,8,,,8,,,, 8,,,8,8,,

8 of Life Insurance by Industry Transport, Storage & Communication,,8,,, 8,,,8 8,, Financing, Insurance, Real Estates & Business,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,8,8,,8 Community Social & Personal Services,88,,,,,, Allowance for Valuation,8,,8,,,,,,,,,,,, 8,,,8,,,8,, 8,,,,8 In million won Classification 8,8, 88,,, 8,, 8,,,,8 8,,,,,,, 8,,,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8,8 8,, 8, 8,, 8, 8,8, 8,, 8,,,,,, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,, Dongbu AXA ING, 8, 8,,8 8,,,,,,,,8 8, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,,8,,,8

8. Details of Loan of Life 8 Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery,,8,,,,8,,,, Mining, 8,8,8,,,,8 8, 8, 8, Manufacturing,, 8,,,,8,,,8,,8,,, 8,8,,,,8, Electricity, Gas & Water 8,,,,,, 8,8,,,8 Wholesale, Retail Trade, Construction Restaurants & Hotels,,,,8,,8,,,8,,,8,,,,,,,,,8,8,,,8,,,8,,8,,88,,8,,,,,,,,,,,8,8,,,,8,8,8,,,8,,8, 8,, 8,8,, 8,,,,,, S K,, 8,,,,,8,,, 8,8,8,,,,,,,,,,,8 8,,8, 8,,,,8,, I N G,,,, A I G 8,8 8,8,,,,, 8,,8,,8,,,,

8 Insurance by Industry Transport, Storage & Communication,,,,, 8, 8,,,,,8 Financing, Insurance, Real Estates & Business,,,8, 8,88,,8,,,,,,,8, Community Social & Personal Services,,,, 8,88,8,8,,,,,8,8,, Allowance for Individual Bad Debts,,,8,,8,,,8,,,8,,8,8,8,,,,,,,,8,8,,,,,,, 8,8,,,,8,, 8,8,,8,8 8,,,8,,,8,,,, In million won Classification 8,, 8, 8,88,,,, 8,8,,8,,, 8,8,8,,,8,8,,,,,,,, 8,,,,8,,8,,,8 88,,,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8,,8,,,8 8,,8,, 8,8,,, 8,,8,,8,,,,,8,8,,,8,,,,, 8,,,8,8 8,,8,,, 8,,8,,,8 Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,, 8,,,,, 8,8,, Dongbu AXA ING,,, 8, 8,,,,8,,8,,,,,8 8,,8,,,,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,,8,8,,,,, 8,8,,

8 8. Details of Underwriting Reserve Reserve Reserve for Adjustment Premium Unearned Outstanding Excess Crediting Account for R/C Reserve Premium Reserve Rate Reserve Mortality Interest,8,8,8,,,8, 8,,,,,8,,,,8,,8,, 8, 8,, 8,8,,,8 8,,,,,,,,,8,8,8,8 8,,,8, 8,, 8,,8,8,,,,8 8,,8,8,,,8,8,8 8,,,,,8, 8,,, 8,,8,,,,,,,, 8,8,8 8,8,8,,,8,,,,,,,8,8,88,,,8,, 8,,,,8,8,8, 888,,,8,8,8,,, 8,,8,,,8,8,8,,8,,,8,, S K,, 8, 8,8,,,,,,,,88,,,8,,,8,8,,,88,, 8,,,,8,8,, 8,,,,8,8,,8 8,,8,,,8,,8,,8,,,,8, I N G 8,8,,,,, 8,,8,,,8 8,,,8,,8, A I G 8,8 8,,,,,,, 8,8,8,,,, 8,, 8,8, 8,88,,,,8,,8, 88,,, 8,,8,8,, 8,8,8 8,8,8,,,8,

of Life Insurance () Reserve for Participating Policyholders' Dividend Long-Term Expense Policy Revaluation,88,,,,,8,, 8,,,, 8,8,, 8, 8,,8,8, 8,,,,8 8,8,8,,,,,,,,, 8,,,,8 ( ) Policyholders' Profit, 8,8,8,,, 8,8,8,,88 Reserve for Assumed R/P,8,,,,,,88 88 8 In million won Classification Underwriting Reserve,,8,, 8,,,8, 8,,8 8,,,,8,,8,,,, 8,,,, 8,8,,,,,,,,8,,,,,, 8,,8,,,,8,8, 8,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8,,,8 8,8, 8,, 8,,8 8 8,8,,8,,,,8, 8,,,,,,8 Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,,,,,,,,8 Dongbu AXA ING, 8,, 8,,,,8,,,88, 8,8,88, 88, 8, 8,,,8, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG 8,,,,8,88 88,,

8 8-. Details of Underwriting Reserve 8 Premium Reserve,,8,,,8, 8,,8,,8 8,,,8,8,,8,,8 8,, Unearned Premium Reserve,,,8,8,8,,, 8,, Reserve for Excess Crediting Outstanding Rate Reserve Mortality Interest 8,8,88, 8,, 8,,,,8,,8,8, 8,,,8 8,8,8,,,,,,8,8,,888 8,,,8,,, 8,,,,8,,, 8,,,,,8,,8,,,8,,,,,,,,,8,,, 8,, 8,,,,, 8,,8,,8,,, 8,8 S K,, 8,8,88,8,,,,,,,8,,8,88 8,,,8,,,8,,8 8 8,8,,, 8,8, 8,,8 8,,8,, 8,8 I N G 8,,,8,8,,88,,,, A I G,,8,,,8 8,,,,8 8 8,,8 8 8,8,8,8 8,,, 8,,8,8 8,,,, 8,,,

8 of Life Insurance (Pure Endowment) ( ) Reserve for Participating Policyholders' Dividend Long-Term Revaluation Expense Policy,,,8,,,8,8,,,8,,,,,,8,8,,,8 8,,,,,8,,,,,,8,,8,, Policyholders' Profit Underwriting Reserve,,,,,,88,,8,,8,,,,8,,,88,8,, In million won Classification 8,8 8,,,,8,,,8,8 8,8,,,8,,8,8,8,,,,,88,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8 8,,,8,8,8,,8 8,,,, 88,,8,,8 8,,,, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8 8,8,,,,8 Dongbu AXA ING,,,,88 8 8, Prudential, France,,8 Allianz First, MetLife, NewYork, LINA, AIG,,8,8,8,,,,

88 8-. Details of Underwriting Reserve 8 Premium Reserve, 8,,,,8,,8,,, 8,,,,,8,,,8 Unearned Premium Reserve,,,,,8,8,,, 8, Reserve for Excess Crediting Outstanding Rate Reserve Mortality Interest 8,,8, 8,,,,8,,8, 8,,88,,8,,8,8,8,8,, 8, 8,8,,8,88,8,8 8, 8,,8 8,,, 8,,8,,,,,8,8,,,,, 8,,8,8, 8 8,8,,,, 8,, 8,,,,,88,, 8,,,,,,,,8 S K 8,8 8,,8,,,,,8,8,,,,,, 8,,8,,,88 8,,,,, 8,8,,8,8,,8,8, 88, 8,8,,,8,8,, I N G,,, 8,,, 8,,,8,,,8,8, A I G,,,,,, 8,,,,,,8, 8, 8,8,8, 8,8,, 8, 8,, 8 8,,,8,,,8 8,,,,,

8 of Life Insurance (Term) ( ) Reserve for Participating Policyholders' Dividend Long-Term Expense Policy Revaluation,,,,,8,,,,,,,8,,,8,, 8, 8,8 8, 8,,,,,8,, Policyholders' Profit Underwriting Reserve 8, 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,8 8,,,, In million won Classification 8,, 8,,,,,8,8,8,,,8,,,,,88 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,8, 8,,,8,8,, 8, 8, 8,, 8,,,, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,,8,8,, Dongbu AXA ING 8, 8,,8,8,8,,,,,,,,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,,,

8-. Details of Underwriting Reserve 8 Premium Reserve,, 8,,,,,,8 8,,88,,,8,,,,,8,, Unearned Premium Reserve,,,8,8, 8,,,, 8, Reserve for Outstanding Excess Crediting Rate Reserve Mortality, 8,,,8,,,,8,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,88,,8,,,, 8, Interest,, 8, 8,8 8,8,8,,,8,,,8,,,88,,8,,8,8,,,,, 8,,,8,8, 8,,,,,8,8,,,,,,,,, S K 8,, 8, 88,8 8,,8,,8,8, 8 8 88,,,, 8,,,,, 8,,,, 8 8,8 8, I N G,,,8,, 8 88 A I G,8 8,,8,,8,,,,,, 8,,, 8,,,, 8,, 8,,,, 8,,,, 8,,

of Life Insurance (Endowment) ( ) Reserve for Participating Policyholders' Dividend Long-Term Expense Policy Revaluation,,8,8,,8,,,,,, 8,,,,88,8,,8,8,8,,8,,,,, 8, Policyholders' Profit Underwriting Reserve,, 8,8,,,8,,,,88,,,,8,,,,,,8 In million won Classification 8,,,,, 8 8,, 8,,,8,8,8,,,,,,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,, 8,, 8,,8,,,,,,, 8,,8, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8 8,,, Dongbu AXA ING,, 8 8,8,8, 8,,,,,88,,,,,8, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG, 8,,,8

8-. Details of Underwriting Reserve 8 Premium Reserve,,8,,,,,,8 8,,,,,8,8,, 8,,,, Unearned Premium Reserve,,,,,,,,,8, Reserve for Excess Crediting Outstanding Rate Reserve Mortality Interest,8 8,8,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,8,,, 8,8, 8,,,8,,,,, 8,8, 8,8,,,8,,,,,8,,,8,8 8,,8,,,,8,,,, 8,,,,8,,, 8,,,, 8,, S K,, 8,,,,,8,8,8, 8 8,,,,8,, 8 8,8,8, 88, 8, I N G,,,8,, A I G,,,,8 8,,, 8,, 8 8, 88,,,,,8,,

of Life Insurance (Group) ( ) Reserve for Participating Policyholders' Dividend Long-Term Expense Policy Revaluation,,,, 8,8,8,8,8,,,,,,8,,,8,,,,, 8 8, 8,8 Policyholders' Profit Underwriting Reserve,,8,,8,,,8, 8,8,,, 8,8,88,, 8,,,,8 In million won Classification 8 8,,,8,,8,,,,8,,,88,,8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,8, 8,,8,8 8,,,,,,,, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8,,, Dongbu AXA ING, 8, Prudential France 8, Allianz First, MetLife, NewYork,8 LINA, AIG, 8,8,,8

. Income Statement of 8 Insurance Operating Income Reinsurance Income Premium Income,,,,88,,,,8,88, 8,, 8,,8,,,,8,, Assumed R/I Premium 8,,,,,8,8,, Ceded Reinsurance Ceded Reinsurance Claimes Recovered Experience Refund,,,,8,8, 8,8,,,8 8,,,,,,,,,,8,8 8,8,,8 8,8 8, 8,,,,,8,8,,,,88,8,8,8 8,,,,,,,,,8, 8,,,,,,8,,8,,,,8,,,,,,,,8,,,, 8,8, 8, 8,,8,8,,,,8,,, S K,,,,,,8,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,8, 8,,,,, 8,8,,, 8,,88,8, 8,,,,,,, I N G,8, 8,88,,, 8,,,8,,8,8,, A I G,,8,,,,,8,,8,8, 8,, 8,,, 8 8,8, 8,,,8,,8,,,88,,, 8,,8,,,,,,8,,,,8,

Life Insurance () Benefit Payments,8,,,8,,,8,8,,,,8,,8 8,,,, 8,8, () In million won Insurance Operating Expenses & Claims Claims Paid Reinsurance Expenses Classification Refunds 8,88,,,,8,,8,8,88,8 8,8,,,8,,,, 8,, Dividend Expenses,,,,,,8,,,8,,8,,88,,8,8,,,,,,,,,,,8,,8, Ceded R/I Premium,8,, 8,, 8,88,,,8,8, Assumed R/I Claims 8, 8,,8,,,, 8,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,8,8,8 8,8,,,,,,,,,,8,8,,,,8, 8,, 888,,8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,8,,,,,,,,,, 8, 8,, 88,88,,8 8,,,,,8,8, 8,8,, 8, 8,8 8,,,,,,,,,8,,8,88,8,,,,, 8,8 8, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8,,8,,,,,,8,,,8,,, Dongbu AXA ING 8,8, 8,,,,8,, 8,8,,,,,8 8,,,,, 8,88,8,88,,,,,,,,,,,8,88,8, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG 8,8, 8,,,,8,,8,,

. Income Statement of 8 Insurance Operating Expenses & Claims Reinsurance Expenses Amortization Assumed R/I Experience Refund Operating Expenses of Deferred Acquisition Cost Discount Expenses 8, 8,, 8,8,,8 8,,,88,,,,,8,,,,8,,,8,8,,,8,,,,,,8,,,, 8,8,8,,8,,, 8,8,8,,,,,8,8 8,,,,,,,,8 8,8,,8 Interest on Bank Deposits,,,, 8,,,,,,,,,,,8 8,,8 8,8 8,8,,,,,,,,8,, 8,,8,8,,8,,,,,,888,,8,, 8, 8,,8,, S K,8,,,,, 8,8 8,,8,,,,,,,8,8,,8,,,8,,8 8, 8 8 8 8,88 8,,,,,,8 8,,,,,8,,8,,,,,,, I N G,,,,,,,,,8,,8 8,,,, A I G,,,8,88,8,, 8,,,,,, 8,8,,, 8, 8 88,,8,8,,, 8,,,, 88, 8, 8 8,,,,8,,,8, 8,8,,8,

Life Insurance () ( ) Investment Operating Income Interest Income Interest Income Interest Income Interest Income Interest Income on Marketable on Investment Interest on on Other Other Secutrities Secutrities Loan Deposits Interest Income 8,8 8,8,, 888,8 888,,,,,,,,8,,8,,,,,88,8,88,8,8,,,,,,,,8,,,,,88,,, 8,,,8,,8,8,,,,, 8, Sun-total,8,8,,,,,,,,,8, 8,,8 8,,,8,,, In million won Classification 8,,,,8,, 8,,,,,8,,8,,88,,, 8,,8,,8 88,,,8,8,,,,8,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,,,8,,, 8 8,, 8,,,8,,88,,,8,,8,,,,, 8,,,, 8,,8, 8,,,88,,,8 Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,,8,8,8,8,, 8,,,8 Dongbu AXA ING,8,8,, 8,,,,, 8,, 8,,88 8,,,,,,,,,,8 8,8 Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,,,,, 8,,,

8. Income Statement of 8 Investment Operating Income ( ) Gains on Dis. Money Gains on Dis Devidend Rental Commission (Valu.) of. Trust of Invest Income Income Income Market. Sec. Income Securities Others,8 8, 8,,,,,,,8, 8, 8, 8,8,8, 8,8,, 8,,,, 8,,, 8,8 8,8,, 8,,,,,,,,,, 8,8,88,,8,8,,8,,8,8,,8,,,,88,8,,8,8,,8 8,,8,8, 8,,,,,8,,8, 8,,8,, 8, 8,,8,8,,8,8,8,8, S K,,,,,,,8, 8,,, 8, 8,,8,,,,, 8,,8 8,, 8,,,,,,, I N G,,,8,,,, A I G,8,8,,,,,,, 8 8 8,, 8,8, 8,8,8,

Life Insurance (),8,,8,,,,,8,,,,,,,,8,, 8,, ( ) Inveestment Operating Expenses Investment Administrative Expenses Losses on Valuation of Equit Method ( ) Losses on Dis. (Valu.) of Market. Sec. Money Trust Losses Interest Expenses,,8,,,8 8,,8 8,8,,8,,88,,,,,8,,,8,,,,8,8,88,,, 8,8 Bad Debt Expenses,,,, 8, In million won Classification 8,,,8,,,,,8,,8 8,,,,,,, 8, 8,,,8,, 8,,,, 8,,8,,,8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,8,,8,,8,,,,8,,,88,,,,,,,,,,88, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,,,,,,, 8,,,8 Dongbu AXA ING,,,,88,88,,,,,, 8 8,88,,, 8 8,,,8 Prudential France,88 Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG, 8,,,8,88,8,8 8,8 8,

. Income Statement of 8 Investment Operating Expenses ( ) losses on Dis. (Unrecover. Valu.)of Other Investment Sec. Losses,,,8,,8,,8 8,,8,8,8,, 8,,,,8,8, 8,,,,,,8,,8, ( ) Increase (Decrease) in Policy Reserve,8,,,,,,,,,,8,,,88,8,,, 8,, ( ) Operating Income (Loss),,,8 8,, 88,,8,,8,8, 8, Other Income,, 8, Other Expenses,,8,,8,8,,,8, 8,,,8,,8,8,8,,,,8,,,,,8,,,,8,8 8, 8,,,,,,,,,8 8,,,,, S K,, 8,, 8, 8, 8,,,,8 8,8,8,8,88,8,,88 8,,,8 8,,,,,,,,,8, 8,,, 8, 8,88,,88,,,,,,,,,,, I N G,,,8,,,8,,,,,,,88,,8, A I G,8,88,,,8,, 8,88,,,,,,,,,,8,,,8 8,,, 8 8,,8, 8,,,,,8, 8,,8, 8,, 8, 8,,8,

Life Insurance () ( ) Separate Account Operating Income(Expenses) ( ) Ordinary Income (Loss),8,,, 8,8 8, 88,,,8,8 8, Extraordinary Income,,,,, 8, Extraordinary Losses ( ) ( ) ( ),, 8,,, 8,,8 Net Income (Loss) Before Income Tax,,8 8, 8, Income Tax Expense 8,,,,,,8,,,8 Net Income (Loss), 8, 8,, 8,8 88, 8,,, 8,8 8, In million won Classification 8 8,8, 8, 8, 8,,, 8,8, 8,,,,,,,8 8,8,,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,,,, 8,,,,8,,8,8,,, 8, 8, 8,,,, 888,,,, 8, 8, 8,,,8 Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,,8,,,8,,,,, Dongbu AXA ING,,,,8,8 8,,,,,,,8,8 8,,,,,88,,,,,8,8,,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG 8,,,8 8,,8 8,

. Details of Premiums Written of 8 Initial,,8,,,8,8,,8,,,8, 8,, 8,,8,,,8, First Year Premiums nd & Sub Instal.,,,8,,8,,8,88,8,8,, 8,8,,8,,,,,,8,8,8,8,, 8,,,8,8,,,8,,,8,,,, (%) Component Ratio...... 8..8..,,,8,,,,,,8,8,,8, 8,8,8, 8,,,,,,,8,,,8,8... 8.. S K,,,,,,8, 8,8,,, 8,,,,8,8 8,8,, 8,8 8,,,888,,8,,,,8......... I N G,8,,8,, 8,,888,,8.8.8. A I G,,,,,8, 8,8,,,,8,,,8,,, 88,,,8,,,8,8........,8,,,,,.

Life Insurance () Premiums for nd Year & Subsequent (%) Component Ratio,88,8.,,.,,.,,.,8,. 8,, 8.,8,. 8,,.,,.,,. ( ) (%) Component Ratio,,.,,88.,,.,,8.,88,. 8,,. 8,,8.,,.,,8.,,. In million won Classification 8,, 8,, 8,,,8,,8 8..... 8,,,,,,8,,8,,..... Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,88, 8, 8,8 8, 8,,,,8.........8,,,,,,8,,,,,8......... Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,8,.. 8.,8, 8,88... Dongbu AXA ING,,8 88,8,8,,,,,. 8.......,,8,,,,,8,,8,8........ Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,.,,.

8 -. ( ) Details of Premiums Written of Life Insurance (Pure Endowment) First Year Premiums Initial nd & Sub Instal.,8,,,,,,,,,,8,,8,8,,,,8,8,8 8,,8,,,,,,,8,,,,88, 8,,88,8,,,,,,,,8,88,,,,,,,,,8,,8 (%) Ratio. 8..8. 8...... Prem. for nd Year & Sub. (%) Ratio,,.,88,8.,,. 8,,8.,,8.,,8.,8,.,8,8.,8,8.,,. In million won,8,8,,,,,,8,, 8,,,,,,,8,,8,,,,8, 8,,,88,,,,,8,,8, 8,,,,8.8.8...,,,8,,,,, 8.... 8.,8,8,,8,,,,, S K,,, 8,,,8 8 8,8,,,,, 8,8 8,,, 8,,8,,8 8,....8.... 8.,,8,,,,,,,..... 8. 8... 8,8,,,,, 8,,8 8, I N G,,88,8,,8,,,8. 8..,, 8, 8...8,,8, A I G,,,8,,, 8,8,,..... 8., 8,,,8, 8,...8... 8.,,8 8,,,,88,,,,8,,8.,,.,8,

Initial 8,8,,8, 8,,8 8,, 8, 8, -. ( ) Details of Premiums Written of Life Insurance (Term) First Year Premiums nd & Sub Instal.,8,,8,, 8,,8,8,,,,,8,8,8,,,,8,8,8,8,,8,,,,,,8,,8 (%) Ratio.......... Prem. for nd Year & Sub. (%) Ratio,8.,8.,88.,88,8.,,8.,,8.,,.,8,.,,. 8,,8. 8, 8,,,,,,,,8,,,,,88,,8,, In million won Classification 8 8,8,,,8,,8,8,8,,,,8,,,8,,8,8,8.....,8,,,8,,,,,.....,8,,8,,88,88,,,8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,,8,,,,8,8, 8,,,,8 8,, 8,,,, 8,8 8,,,8,8, 8. 8.....8..8.,,,8,8,8,8,,8 8,8....8.....,,,,,,,,,, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,,,,,,,,...,88,,..., 8,, Dongbu AXA ING,8,,8,,,,,,,,,,, 8,8,, 8,8,,88,,888,........,88,8 8,,,8,8,8,..... 8...,88 8,88,,, 8,,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG 8,,,8,,8. 8,,8.,,

-. ( ) Details of Premiums Written of Life Insurance (Endowment) 8 First Year Premiums Initial nd & Sub Instal.,8, 8,,8,8,, 8,,,,,8,,,8,,,,,8,8, 8,,,8,,,,,8,,,,8,,,8,,8,88,8,,,,8,,,8,,8,,8,,,8 (%) Ratio 8.8 8..... 8. 8.8 8.. Prem. for nd Year & Sub. (%) Ratio,,8., 8.,8,.,,.,,.,,8.,,.,8,.,8,.,,8. In million won,8,,8,,8,,8,88,,,,8,,,,,8,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,8,8,,,,,,,8,,8,,,.....,8,,,8,8,,,.....,8,,,,88,,,, S K,88, 8, 8,,,8,,8,,8,, 8,8,,,8,,,,, 8,8,8,,,,. 8...... 8.. 8, 8,,,,8, 8, 8,....8.8... 8.8,88,,,,,8,,,8, I N G,8,8,,,88,88. 8.,8,...,,8 A I G, 8,8,,,,,,,8,8,88 8,8,8 8,, 8,,8..... 8..,,8,88,,,,8........,,8,,, 8,8,,,,8,,8,,,8.,,8.,,

Initial,8,,8,,,,,,8,,,8,88, 8,,,,,,88 -. ( ) Details of Premiums Written of Life Insurance (Group) First Year Premiums nd & Sub Instal. 8,,,8,,,8,,,8 8,,,,8,8,,88,,,,8,,,,,8,,8,,8,,8 Prem. for nd Year & Sub. (%) (%) Ratio Ratio.,,.8.8,,..,,.8 8.,,..,,8..8,,..,88,..,8,..,,. 8.8,,8.,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,8,8,,8, In million won Classification 8,,,,,,,,,,8,,,88 8,,,,,,,, 8.... 8.,,8,8,,,8.....,,,, 8,8,,8,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,,,,,,,8, 88,,,8, 8,8,,,,,8, 8,8,,.... 8.... 8.,,8,,8,8,,8,8........ 8.,,8,,8,, 8,88,,8 Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8, 8,,8, 8,8,...8,,.8.. 8, 8, Dongbu AXA ING 8,8,, 8,, 8, 8, 8,.......8.,,8, 8..8..... 8,, 8,,8 Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,88,8,,8 8.8,,8.,8,

8. Details of Claims Paid of 8 Death,8,,,8, 8,,8 8, 8,,,8,8,,, 8,88, 8, 8,, Accident, 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8,,,,, Matured,,, 8,,, 8,88,, 8,8,8,,8,,8,,,,,, 8,8,, 8,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,8,,,8,,,8,,,8,,8,,8,,,,,,,,,, S K,,,8,8 8,8 8,,,,,,,, 8 8,,,8 8,,,,,,,,, 8, 88,,,,,,, I N G,, 8,,8,,8, A I G,8 88 8,8 8,8,,,8,, 8,,,8,8,,,,8,,, 8,,,,,,,

Life Insurance ( ) ( ) Claims Paid Retired, 8,,,,8,,,, 8,,,8,8,,,,,,8,,,,8,8,8,, 8,,,,,,,,,8 8,,8,,8,,8,,, 8, 8,, 8,,,,,,,8,,8, 8,8, Death Benefits,,8,, 8,,,8 8,,8,8,,,,,,,8,,, In million won Classification 8,,,,,,,8 8,,,,,8 8,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,, 8,8,,,,88, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,88,,8,,,8,,,,, 8,,,,,8 8,,8,,,,,8 8,8,,,,,,,,,, 8, Daishin Shinhan Lucky, Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,8,, 8,,, 8,,8,,, Dongbu AXA ING,, 8, 8,8 8,,,, 8,8, 8,,,,8,,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife, NewYork LINA AIG,,8,,8, 8,8,,8,

. Details of Claims Paid of Lapse Surrender Hospitalizstion Accident Pure Endowment 8 S K I N G A I G, 8, 8,8,,8,8,,,88,8,,,,8,,, 8,,,,8,,,88 8,8 8,8,,8, 8, 8,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,8,,,,8, 8,,, 8,, 8,,,,88 8,8,8, 8,8,8,,, 8,,8 8, 88,,8,,,8,8,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,8,,,,8,,88,,,8,8,,,,8,8,,,,,8,8,,,,,,8,,8,8,,,88,8,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,8,,8,,,,, 8,,,,,, 8,,,8,,,,,,,, 8, 8,,88,8,,8,,8,,8,8,,,,,8,,,,8,,8,8,, 8,,8,8, 8,,,,,,,8,, 8,,,, 8,,,8,,8,,,,,8,8,,,,,8,,,,,,,8,,,,,88,8,,,8,,8,8, 8,,,8,,8,8 8, 8,,8,,,,,,,,, 8,8 88,,, 8,,8,,,,,,,,,8,8,, 8,8,,8,8,,, 8, 8,8, 8,, 8,8, 8,, 8, 8,8,,8,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8,,, 8,,,8,,,,8,,8,,,,,8,,8,,,,8,,,,, 8,8,,8,8,,8,,,,,8 8,8,8,8,,,,,,

Life Insurance ( ) ( ) Refunds Dividends Others Mortality Interest Others 8,,,8,8 8,88,,,,,,8,,,8,,,88,,,,8 8,,,,8, 8,,,, 8,,,88,,8,8,,,,,,88,,,88,8, 8,,8, 8, 8,,8, 8,8, 8,8,,8,8,,8,,,,8,8,,88, 8,8,,8,,,, 8,8,,,,,,,,,8,8,8,8,,,, 8,, 8,8 8, 8,,,,,,,,,,,, 8,,,,,,,,,,,8,,88,,8,8,,,,,,,,,,,8,,8, In million won Classification 8,,8, 8,88 8,,,8,,,8,,8,,88,,,8 8,,8,,,,,,,,8,8,8,8,8, 8,,, 8,,,,,,,8,, 8,8,,,,,,,,8,8,, 8,8,,,,,,,8,8,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,8,,,,, 8,8,,8,,,,,8,, 8,8,,,,,,,8,8 8, 8,, 88,88,,8 8,,,,,,,,88 8,,,,,,, 8,,8,8, 8,8,, 8,,,,8,,,8,,,, 8,8 8,,,,,,,,,8,,8,88 Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong, 8, 8, 88,,8,,,, 8 8,,,,8,88 8,,,,,8 Dongbu AXA ING,,, 8,,88,,8,8,8,,,8,,8, 8,, 8,8,,,,,8 8,,,, 8 8 8 8,,,,,,,, 8,88,,,,,,,,88,8,88,,,,,,,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,,, 8,, 8,8 8, 8,,,,,8, ),,,,

-. Details of Claims Paid of 8,8,,88,,,, 8,,8, Death,,,,8, 8,, 8,,,8 Accident 8,,,88,,,,,,,8,8, 8,,8,,8 Matured,,8,,8,,8,8,, 8,, 8,,,,,,8 8,,8,,,8,, 8,,,,, 8,,8, 8,,8,,8,8 8,,,,, S K 8 8,,,,, 8,,, 8,,,,,8,8,,,, I N G 8 8 8 A I G,,,,8 8 8,8,,, 8,88,,8,,8 8,,

Life Insurance (Pure Endowment ) Retired Claims Paid,,,8 8,,, 8, 8,8 8,,8 ( ),,,,8,88,,8,,, Death Benefis,,,,,,88, 8, 8, 8,,8,, 8,88,,8,,,,88 In million won Classification 8,,,,,,,, 8,,88, 8,, 8,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8,8,, 8,,,,,, 8,,8 8 Daishin 8 Shinhan Lucky Kumho 8 SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8, Dongbu AXA ING,8,,,8, 8, 8 8 Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG 8,8, 8,,88

-. Details of Claims Paid of Lapse Surrender Hospitalization Accident Pure Endowment 8 S K I N G A I G,8,,8,,8, 8,,,8,,8,,,,8,8,,,,8,, 8,, 88,,, 8,,8 8,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,, 8,, 8,,,,,,,,,,, 8,8,,,,8,,8 8,,,,8,,,,,8,,,,8,8,,,8, 8,,,,,, 8,,,8,,8 8, 8,,,, 8 8,, 88 8,8 8,,,8,,,,,,,,,,88,8,8,8,8,,88,,8,,,8,8,8,8,, 8,8, 8,8,,,8, 8,,,8,8,,,8,, 88,,,8,8, 8,, 8,8 8,,8,8,88,,,,,,,8, 8,,8,,,8,,8, 8,8,,,,8,, 8,,,8,,,,,,8,, 8,8,,,8,,,8,,, 8,88,8, 8,,,,8,8, 8 8 8 8 8 8 88,, 8,,8,,,8 8,888,, 8,,,,8,, 8 8,,8,,8 8,,,,,,8,8, 8,,8 88,8,8,8, 88,,,,,,8 8,8 8,,,,,,,8,,8 8,8,,8,,,,,,8,, 8,,8,,,,,, 8,,8,,88,,,8,8

Life Insurance (Pure Endowment ) Refunds Others,88,8,8,,,,,,8,,,,,8,,, 8,88,8,,8,,,,,,8,8,88,,,,,8,,,,,,8,, 8,,,,8,,,,8,, 8,8,8,,8,8,,, ( ) Dividends Mortality Interest Others,8,,8,8 8,,8,,,8 8,8,,,88,, 8,,, 8,8 88,,88,88,8,8,,,,,8,,8,8,,8,8,,,8,8,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,,,,8,8,,,,,, 8,,8,,,,,8,,,,,8,,,8,,,8 In million won Classification 8 8,,8,,88,,88,8,,,,8,8,8,8,8,,,,,,,8,,,,,8 8,,,8,,,8,, 8,8,,,8, 8,8,8,8,8,88,,8,,8,,,,,,,,8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 88,8 8,8,, 8 8,,8,8,,8,,8,, 8 8, 8,8,,,8,,, 8, 8 8 8, 8,8,,,,,,,8 8,,88, 8,8,8,,,, 8,8, Daishin, Shinhan 8, Lucky,8 Kumho, SK, Hanil, Tong Yang Yongpoong 8,, 8,,,8, 8,8,8,,,, 8,, Dongbu AXA ING 8 8 8 8,8,,,,,8,88,,, 8,,,,8, 8, 8 88,,,8,,,,,,,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,,,8,, 8,8 88,,,,,,,8 ),,,,

-. Details of Claims Paid of 8 Death, 8,8,,,,88,,, 8,8,, 8,88 8, 8,,,8 8,8,,8 8 8 8,,8,,8 Accident,,8,, 8,, 8,,,, Matured,8,,,,,, 8,,,8,8,,,8,,8,,,,, 8,8, 8,,8,,,,, 8,,,8,,8,8,,,8,,8,,,,8, S K 8, 8,,,,8,8,8,88,88,, 8, 8,,,8 8,, 8,,8,, I N G,,8, 8 8 A I G,,88 8,8,,,,,, 8, 8 8,8,8,8,,8,

Life Insurance (Term ) Retired Claims Paid, 8,,8,,8,,,8 8, 8, ( ),,,8,,, 8,8,,8, Death Benefis,,,88,8,8,,8,,,,88,,,,,8, In million won Classification 8,,,,,,8,,,8,,, 8, 8, 8,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8,,8,8, 8,8,8,,,8,,,,88 8, 8 Daishin Shinhan 8 Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,, 8 8 8 Dongbu AXA ING, 8 8, 8,8,,,8,88 8, 8 Prudential France, Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,8 8,,,,

8 -. Details of Claims Paid of Lapse Surrender Hospitalizstion Accident Pure Endowment 8 S K I N G A I G,,,,,8,,,,88,,8,,,,,,8,,,,,,,,, 8,8,,,,,,,8,8,,,,,,,,8,8,88,,,,8 8,8,,,8,,,,8,,, 8,,8,,,8, 8,,8,,,8,,, 8,,8,,,,8,,888,,,8,,,,,,,8,,,, 8,,8 8,8,,8,8,8,8,,8 8,,,,8,,,,8,,8,, 8,8,, 8,,8,,,8, 8,,8,,,,,,8 8,,8 8,8,8,,8,,8,,,,8 88,8,,8,8,,, 8,,,,,8,,,8,88,, 8,,,88,8,,,,, 8,8,8,,,, 8,,8,,,,,,,,8,,,,8,8,, 8,88,8, 8,,,,8, 8,, 8,, 8,,,,,,,,88 8,,,,,,,, 8, 8 8,,,8,,8 8,8 8,,,,,,,, 8,88,,, 8,,,,8,, 8,,, 8,,8,,,,,, 8,,,, 8,8,,8,,,,, 8,,,,,,8,8, 8,,,8,,,,, 8,8,8,8,,,8,8,,,,, 8,8,,,,8 8,8

Life Insurance (Term ) Refunds Others, 8,,,8 8,,,8,,,,,,,,8,8 8,8,,,8,8 8,8 8,,,,,,,,8,,8,88,,8,,8,8,,,,,,,,8,,8 ( ) Dividends Mortality Interest Others,,8 8,,,,,,,,,,8,, 8,,8 8,8,,8,,,,,,,8,8,8,8 8,,,,,,8,8,,,,,8, 8, 8,,,8,,8,,,,,, In million won Classification,8,,8,,,,,8,,8,88,, 8,,,8,,8,,,,8,8,,,8,,,,,, 8,8, 8,,,,8,, 8, 8,,8,,,8,, 8,,,,8,8 8,8,,8,,,8,,, Korea,, Samsung, Hungkuk 8, Kyobo,8,,88, 8,8,,,8,8,,,,,8,,, 8,,,,8,,8,,,,,, 8, 8 8, 8,,,,,,8,8 8,, 8,8,8, 8, Daishin, Shinhan,8 Lucky 8, Kumho,8 SK,8 Hanil,8 Tong Yang Yongpoong,,, 8,8,8 8,,8 8,, 8 8 8,,8 8,8,8,, Dongbu AXA ING,,, 8,,8,,8,8 8,,,,8,8,,,,,8,,,8,, 8 8 8,,8,8,,,8, 8,88,,,,,, Prudential, France, Allianz First,8 MetLife,8 NewYork, LINA, AIG,,,,88,,,8,,,8,,,,, ),,,,

-. Details of Claims Paid of 8 Death, 8, 8,8 8, 8,8,,,8,8,,,,,,8, 8, 8, 8,8, Accident 8,,,,,,,,8,, Matured,,, 8,8,,8,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,88,8,,8,,,8, 8, 8,,,,,,8,8,,,,,, 8,8,, S K 8 8 8 8,8,,,88, 8,,8,,8,,8,,8,,,,8,8,,,8 8, I N G 8,8, A I G 8,,,,,,,,8,,, 8,,,,

Life Insurance (Endowment ) Retired Claims Paid,,,,,,,,, 8, ( ),,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,8,8,,, Death Benefis 8 8 8 8,,8,, In million won Classification 8,,8,,8,,,,,,,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk,8,8 Kyobo,8,,,, 8,88,,,,8,,,8, 8, Daishin Shinhan Lucky 8 Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,, Dongbu AXA ING,, 8,,,,8 8, Prudential France 8 Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG 8 8,,,, )

-. Details of Claims Paid of Lapse Surrender Hospitalization Accident Pure Endowment 8 S K I N G A I G,8,8, 8,,8,,,,,, 8,8,,,88,,,,8,,,8,,8,8,, 8 8,,,,,,,,,8 8,,,,8,, 8,,, 8,8,,8,8,,,8,,,,,8,,8 8, 8,,,8, 888,,,,,8,,8,, 8,,8 8,,,,,,8,,8 8,8,,8 8,8,,8,8,,8,,,,8,8,,,,,8,,,8,,,8,,8,8,8 8,,,8 8,,,,,,,,,,, 8,,,,, 8,,,,,,,,8,8,,8,,,,,,,8 8, 8,8,8,,,,,,, 8,, 8,8 8,8 8,,,, 8,,,,,,8,,,8,,,,,8,,,8 8 8,8,,,,,,,8,8,8,,,,88 8 8,,,,,,,,8,,,,, 8, 8, 8 8,88 8 8 8 8, 8,,,,,,,8,,,,,8 8,8,, 8,, 8,,8,,8,8,,,8,,,8,,,,,, 8,,,, 8, 8,,, 8,,,,,,8,88, 8,8,,,,,,,,,,,,

Life Insurance (Endowment ) Refunds Others,,,8 8,, 8,,8,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,8,8,,,8,8,,8,,,,,8,,,8,,8,,8,,,,,, 8,8,,, ( ) Dividends Mortality Interest Others 8,,88 8,,,,,,,,8,,,,88,,,88,,8,8,,,,8,,,,,, 8,,,,,,,8 8,,,8,,,,,,8,,,8,,8,,8,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,8,88,,,,,, 8,,8,8,8,8,8 In million won Classification 8 8,,,88,,8,,,,8,,8,,8,,,88,,8,8,,,,,,8,,8,,,,8 8,,,,8, 8,,8,88,,,8, 88,,,8,8,,8,8,,8,,,8 8,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,8,, 8,8,8,8,,8,,8,,,,8 8,, 8,, 8,,,,8,,8,, 88 8 8 8 88 8,,8 8,,,8,, 8, 8 8,88,,8,,,,,,8,, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,8,,,,,, 88, Dongbu AXA ING 8 8, 8, 8 8,8, 8,8,,8,8,,8,,,, 8,8, 8 8, 8 8, 8,, 88,, Prudential, France 8, Allianz First, MetLife, NewYork, LINA, AIG,,,,,,,,8,8,,8,,,8,8 ),,,,

-. Details of Claims Paid of 8,,,,,8,8,,8,, Death,, 8,,,,,8 8,8,, 8 Accident,,8,,,,8,,8,, Matured 8,,8 8, 8,88,8, 8,, 8, 8,,,, 8,,,,,,8 8, 8,8,, 8,,,,88,8 8,8, 8,8,,8,88,, 8,,,,,, S K 8 88 8 8,8, 8,, 8,8,, 8,8 8,8,,,,, I N G 8 8 8 8,,8 A I G 8,8 8 8,8 8, 8, 88,,,, 8, 8, 8,

Life Insurance (Group ) Retired,,,8,8,8, 8,, 8,,8 Claims Paid 8,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,8, 8,,,,,,,, 8, ( ),,8,,,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,8 Death Benefits,,,,,,8,,8,8, In million won Classification 8,,,,,,,8 8,,,,,,,8,,8,,,,,,,8 8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk,, Kyobo,88,,8,,,8,,,,, 8,,,,,8,8,8,,,8,8,, 8,,,,8,,, 8,8 Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,8,, 8,,,,, 8 Dongbu AXA ING 8,, 8, 8,8 8,,8,,,,8,,,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,8,,8 8,,,8,,

-. Details of Claims Paid of Lapse Surrender Hospitalization Accident Pure Endowment 8 S K I N G A I G, 8,, 8, 8,,,, 8,,,,,,8,8 8,,,8,8,,,,,,,8,8,, 8,8, 8,8, 8,,,,8, 8, 8,, 8, 8,,8,,8, 8,,, 8,,8, 8,,8,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,8,88,8 8,,8,,,,,8,,,,,,,8,,8,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,, 8,,,8,8,8,,8,8,,,, 8,8,,,, 8,,,,8,,,8 8,,,8,,,,, 88,8,88 8,8,,8,, 8,,,,8 8,,,,,88,,,8,, 8 8,,8, 8,,, 8,8, 8,,,,,8,,,, 8, 88,8,,,,8 8,,,,,, 8,8,88, 8,,,8,88,8,,8, 8,8,,,,, 8,8,8,, 8,, 8,,88,,,,

Life Insurance (Group ) Refunds Others 8,, 8,8,,,8,,8,,8,8,8 8, 8,,, 88,8,,,,,, 8,88,8,,,,,,,8,,,8,,8,8,,8,,,8,,,,,,,,,8,8 ( ) Dividends Mortality Interest Others,, 8,,,,,,8,,, 8,,,8,8,88,,,88,,,, 8 88 88 8 8,, 8,,8,8, 8,8 8,8,8 8,,,8,8,,,8,,,,,,,,8,,,,8,,,8,,,8,8,,,8,8,,,,,8,,,, In million won Classification 8,, 8,,8,,, 8,,,,,,,,,,8,8,8,,,,,,8,,8,,,,,,,,8,8,,,8,8,,,,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,8,, 8,,,,88,8,,,,8, 8,8, 8,,,8,8, 8,,8,8,, 8 8,,,,8,8,,,,,,8,,8 8, 8,8,8, 8, 8,, 8,,,8, 8,,,,8,,,,, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8 8 8,,,,, 8,8,,,,8,,8,8, Dongbu AXA ING 8,,,,8,8,,8,8,,8, 8 8, 8,,,8,,,8,,,8,,8,,8,, 8, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,8,,,,8,8,, 8,,,8,, ),,,,

8. Details of Operating Expenses 8 Premiums Written,,,,88,,,,8,88, 8,, 8,,8,,,,8,, Expected New Business Expenses,,,8,,,,,,,8,8,,,,,,,8,, Actual,,8,8,,,,,,,,,8,,8,,,,8,, Excess,,,,,8,,,8, 88, Expected,8,, 8,,,,,,8,,,8,,,, Maintenance Expences Actual, 8,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,,, Excess, 8,, 8,,,,, 88,,8 8,,,,,,8,,8,,,,,,,,,8,, 8,,8,, 8,,8,,8,8,, 8,,8 8,,,88,, 8,8,8,,,,,,8,,8, S K,,,,,,8,,,,,8,,8 8,,8,,8,, 8,,,,8,8, 8,,,,,,8 8,,,,,,,8,,,8,8,,,,,8,88,8,8,,8,,,,,8 8,,,,,, I N G,8, 8,88 8,8,,,,8,,8,,, 8,,,, 8,,8,8,88 A I G,,8,,,,,8,,8,8,,, 8,8,,,,,,, 8,,,, 8, 8,,,,,,,, 8 8,,,,,,8,,8,,8,8,8,,,,8,8,8,,,,,, 88,,,,,,8

of Life Insurance Expected Collection Expenses,,, 8, 8,,,, 8,8 8,8 Actual,,8,,8,8, 8,8,,8, () Excess,8,,,,,,,,8 8, Expected,,,8,8,,,,,,8,88,,,8,88,,,8 8,,88 ( ) Actual,,,,8,,,8,8,,,8,,,,,,8,,, Excess 8,8,8,,,,8 8,,8,,,,, (%) Ratio of Expected Expenses... 8.. 8.... 8.8 In million won (%) Ratio of Classification Actual Expenses.8.. 8. 8.... 8. 8.,,,, 8,,,,8,8 8,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,, 8,8,,,,,, 8,,,8 8, 8,8,,88. 8......8... Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,8, 8,8,8,8,8,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,8,,8, 8,, 8,,,,8,,8,,,,,,,8,8,8,8,,8,8 8,,8 8,.8..... 8............ Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,,, 8,8,88,88,,, 8,,,,, 8,,8....8.. Dongbu AXA ING,,, 8,,,,,,8,88,, 8,, 8,8,,,8,8,8,,,8, 88,88, 8,,,,,, 8,8 8,,,,8,,8,, 8...8..8.. 8.. Prudential. France. Allianz First. MetLife. NewYork.8 LINA. AIG. 8,8, 8, 8,,88,, ),, 8.8 8.

-. Details of Operating Expenses 8 Premiums Written,8,8,,,,,,8,, 8,,,,,,,8,,8, Expected New Business Expenses,,,,8,,,,,8,,,8,,, 88,,8 Actual,8,8,,,,,,,88,,,,8,8,,, Excess,8, 8,, 8, 8,,,8,8,8 Expected Maintenance Expences,,,8,,,8,,, 8, Actual,,,8 8,8,,8,,, 8,8 Excess,8,,8,88,8,, 8,,8,,8,8,,8,,,,,,,,8,,,,8,8,,, 8, 8,8, 8, 8,, 8,,,8,,,, 8,8 8,,,8 S K 8,8,,,,, 8,,8 8,,,,,,,8,,8,8,, 8,, 8, 8,, 8 8,,,8,8 8,,, 8,,8,,,,8 8,,, 8,, I N G,,8,,,,,,,,8,, 8,,8,,,,8,88 A I G,,8 8,,,,88,88,,8,,, 8,,88 8,8,,,,,,8,,8,,8 8, 8,8,

of Life Insurance (Pure Endowment) Expected Collection Expenses,88,,,,88, 8, 8,8, 8,8 Actual,,,,,,, 8,,,8 Excess 8,,,,,,8,, 8,,8 Expected,,,8,8,,8,,,,,8,8,,,,,8,,8, ( ) Actual,,,,,,88,,,,,,,,8,,8 8,8, Excess, 8,,8,,8 8,,,, 8,88 (%) Ratio of Expected Expenses.......... In million won (%) Ratio of Classification Actual Expenses.....8... 8 8..,8,8,,,,,,, 8,,,,, 8,8,,, 8,,, 8,,8,,,,8,8,,8,8....... 8..8. Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,,,, 8, 8 8, 8, 8,,,,8,,8,,,88,,,,,,,,,8,,,, 8 8,,8,,88,,,,8..... 8.......8.8..... Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8,, 88,,8,,,,,,8,,,8...8... Dongbu AXA ING, 8,8,, 8 8,,88, 8,,88, 8,,..8..... Prudential 8. France. Allianz First. MetLife. NewYork. LINA. AIG. 8,8,8,8,8,, ) 8,88..

-. Details of Operating Expenses 8 Premiums Written 8, 8,,,,,,,,8,,,,,88,,8,, Expected New Business Expenses,,, 8,,8,,,,,8,,,8,,, Actual, 8, 8,,,,,,,,8,,8,,,8, Excess,,8,8 8,8,8,8,,,8, Expected Maintenance Expences,,8,,,,8,8 8,,,8, Actual,,8,,,,, 8,8 8,, Excess 8,88,8 8,,,,, 8,,,,8,,8,,88,88,,,8 8,,, 8, 8,,,,8 8,,,,,8,,,,8,,8,, 88, 88,,,8,,,,,,,,8 S K,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,, 8,8,,, 8,,, 8,,,,,8,8,,,8 8,,,,,,8,,,8 88,,,8,,,,888,,88,,,,8,,8,,,, I N G, 8,,,88 8, 8,8,,,8,,, 8,, 8,,,88,,,, A I G,88 8,88,,, 8,,,,,,,,,8,,,, 8,,,,,8,8,, 8,,8 8,8,,,,,,,8,,,,,, 8,,,,8,88,8,8,,8,8,,,,,8,,,8,,,

of Life Insurance (Term) Expected Collection Expenses, 8,,,,,,8,,, Actual,,8,,8,8,88,,,8,8 Excess,,, 8,8,,,,,8, Expected 8,,,,,,8,,,,8,8,,,,8,8 ( ) Actual, 8, 8,,8,,,,8,8,8,,,,,88, Excess,,8, 8,,,,,,,,, (%) Ratio of Expected Expenses....8..... 8. In million won (%) Ratio of Classification Actual Expenses.... 8.... 8. 8.,8,,, 8,8,,,, 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8 8,,,,,,8, 8,,,,8 8.. 8...... 8..8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,8, 8,, 8 8,,8,8, 8,,,8,,,,, 8,,,,,,,,8,8,,88,,,, 8,8,8,8 8,,,,,,8,,,8... 8.. 8. 8..8...8....... Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,88,8, 8,,,,, 8,,,,,,8,,..... 8. Dongbu AXA ING,,,,,8,8,88,, 8,,,,, 88,8,8,,,8,,,,,,8,8,,,8, 8, 8,,8,,,,8,8 8,.8... 8.....8 Prudential. France. Allianz First. MetLife. NewYork. LINA 8. AIG 8.,,8,,8,8,88, ),, 8. 8.

-. Details of Operating Expenses 8 Premiums Written,8,,8,,8,,8,88,,,,8,,,,,8,,, Expected New Business Expenses 8,,8,,,88,,,8,,,,, Actual,,,,, 8,,8,,,,,, Excess,,,8,8,,,8, 8,8, Expected Maintenance Expences 8,, 8, 8,,, 88,,, 8, Actual,,, 8,, 8,,,,8, Excess,,, 8,,8 8,,,,8 8,,8,,,,88,,,,, 8,8,,88,,8,,,8,,,8,,,,,8,,,,8,,8,8,,,,, 8,,8 S K,88,,,,,8,,,8,,,8, 8,,,,,,88,,8,,,8,,, 8,, 88, 8,8,88,,8,,8 8,,8,,88, 8,,,8 8,8, 8 8,8,,,8 I N G,,8,,,, 8 8 88 A I G,,8,,, 8,8,,,,, 8,8,,8 8,,,,88,8,8,8,,,,,,, 8,8,, 8,,,,,,,,, 8,, 8,

of Life Insurance (Endowment) Expected Collection Expenses,8,,, 88,,88,, 88,, Actual,,,8,,8, 8,8,8, 8, Excess,,,,,, 8,8,,, Expected,, 8,8, 8, 8,,8,,,88,,,, ( ) Actual, 8,88,, 8,8,,,8,,,88, Excess, 8,,88, 8,,,,8,,, (%) Ratio of Expected Expenses....8.8..... In million won (%) Ratio of Classification Actual Expenses.8....... 8..8,,,,,,,,,8,,8,,,, 88,8 8,8,,,, 8,,8,,,,,, 8,8,8,.8.. 8....... Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,8, 8,8,8,,,,,, 8 8,,, 8,8,, 8,,,,,,, 8,,,,,,8 8,,8,8,,,,, 8,, 8 8,.....8.. 8.......... 8. Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8 8 8,,8,8, 8...... Dongbu AXA ING,,, 8, 8 8, 8, 8,8,,, 8,8,,, 8,,,,,8 8 8,,,8,,... 8.........8.... Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG, 8,,,,, ),,..8

-. Details of Operating Expenses 8 Premiums Written,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,8,8,,8, Expected New Business Expenses,,,,,, 8, 8,,, Actual,8,8,8,,,8 8,,8,,8 Excess, 8,,,8,,,,, Expected Maintenance Expences, 8,88, 8,,,, 8,,, Actual,,, 8,,8,,,,, Excess,, 8,,,,,8,,,8,,,, 8,8,,8,,,,,8, 8,,8,,88,8,,8, 8,,,,,,,, 8,,, 8,88,,,,8, S K,,8,,8,, 8,88,,8 8,8,,8, 8,,,,,,,,, 8,8,,,,888,8 8,8,,,,,8,,8,8,8,,,8,,88,,, I N G 8, 8,,, 8, 8,,,,,8,, A I G 8,, 8,,8,,,8, 8,, 8 8, 8 88,,8,,,8,,,,8

of Life Insurance (Group) Expected Collection Expenses 8,,,8,,,,,,8, Actual 8, 8,8,,,,,8,,8,8 Excess, 8,8,,,88,8,,8,8 8, Expected,,,, 8,8,,,, 88,8 ( ) Actual,8 8,,,,, 8,8, 8,, Excess,,8,, 8,8,,8,8,, (%) Ratio of Expected Expenses.......... In million won (%) Ratio of Classification Actual Expenses...8..... 8.8.,,8,,,,8,,,,, 8,8,,8,,,8,8, 8,8,,,, 88,8,,.......... Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo, 8 8,8 8, 88,,8,8,8,, 8,,,,8,8,,8 8, 8,,,,,8,,8 8,.....8...... 8. 8.....8. Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8 8,,8,,,8.... 8. 8. Dongbu AXA ING 8 8 8,,8 8,,,,8 88,..8..... 8...... 8. 8.. Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,8 8, 88,8, ),..

8. Details of Operating Expenses 8 Proportional Allowance,,88,,,8,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,8 Expenses of Branch Office Operation,88,,8,,8 8,,888,8,, New Business Expenses Expenses of Expenses of Sales Medical Printing Promotion Examination Expenses,,, 8,8,,,,,,,,,8, 8,8,8,,,, 8, 8,, 8,,, 8,8,,8, Expenses of Advertisement,8,8,8, 8, 8,8,8,8,,8 Expenses of Training, 8,,,8,88, 8,88,8,,8,8,,8,8,,,8,8,,8,, 8,,88, 8,8,,,,8,,88, 8,,,,,,8, 8,8,,,,8 S K, 8,8,, 8,, 8,,,,8,,,,,,,8,,,8 8,8,,,8 8 8 8 8, 8,,,8,8,,,,8,8, 8,,,, I N G,,8,8 8,8,,,,,8, 8 8 A I G 8,8,,8,8,,88,,8, 8,,,8,,,,,8,, 88 8 8,, 8,, 8,8,,,,,,,8,,,,,8,8

of Life Insurance by Description () Other Expenses,,,,8,8,,, 8,8 8,,,8,8,,,,,,,,,8,,8,,,,8,, Salary & Pay,8,,8, 8,, 88,, 8,8, () Expenses of Bonus Welfare,8,8,8 8,,8,,,,, 8,,,,,,,,,,8 In million won Traveling & Classification Retirement Transportation Grant Expenses,, 8,,8,,,,,,,,8 8,,, 8, 8, 8,,8,,,,8,, 8,,8,, 8,,8, 8,8,,,8, 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 8,8,,8 8,8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,, 8,8 8,,,,8,8, 8,,,,,,8,,,,8,, 8,,,8, 8,,88,,8 8,8,,,,,, 8 8,,8,,,,,8, 8, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,8,,,8,,,8,,,,88,, 88,, Dongbu AXA ING, 8,,,,, 8,,,, 8,,,,,,,, 8,,,,, 8,,,,8,,,8 8,,,,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG 8,,,,,,8,8,

. Details of Operating Expenses Communication Expenses,,,,,8,, 8,,,8 Water & Heating Expenses,,8, 8,,8 8,8,,,8, Rents,, 8,,,,,,,,8 Motor Maintenance Expenses Printing Expenses Expenses of Advertisement,8,,,8,88,,,,8,,,8,8,8,,,,8,,,,8,8,,,,,,, Office Administrative Expenses,,,,8,8,8,,,8,,,,,,,,, 8,8,8,,,8, 8,8,8,,,, S K 8 8,,88,,8,8 8,,,,8,,8, 8 8 8 8 8 8,, I N G,8,8,,,8, 8 A I G,,,,8 88,8,8,,, 8, 8,, 8,,8,,8,,,,

of Life Insurance by Description () Premiums,,,,8,, 8,,,88 8,8 ( ) Maintenance Expenses Book & Paper Repairing Entertainment Purchasing Expenses of Expenses Expenses Expenses Conference,,8,,,,8,,8,,,8,,,,,,,,8,,8 8,,,, 8,,,,,,,8,,,,8,8,,, Supplies Expenses,8,,,8,,,,,, In million won Classification Expenses of R & D,,88, 8,,,8,8,8 8,,, 8,8 8,,, 8, 8,, 8,8,,8 8,8,8,,,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8 8 8,8 8 8, 8 8 88 8 8 8 8, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8 8 8 8 8 8 Dongbu AXA ING 8 8 8, 8, 8, 88 8 8,8 Prudential France Allianz First 8 MetLife NewYork LINA AIG 8,8,8,,,,,

. Details of Operating Expenses Maintenace Expenses Expenses of Athletics Promotion Expenses of Training Computerizing Expenses Commissions,,,,,,8,,8,, 8,,, 8,,88,,,8,8,,,,8,,, 8,, 8,8,,8 8,8,,,,,8,,, Sundry Expenses,,, 8,8,8,,8 8,8,8, Proportional Allowance,, 8,,,,8,,,,,,8,8,,,,,,,,,, 8,,, 8,8, 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,, 8,8,8,,,,,8,8,8,8,8 S K,, 8 8 8,, 8,,,,8,, 8,8,,8,,8,88,8,8,,8,,, 8,8,8,8,, I N G 8 88,, 8,, 8, 8 8 A I G 8,, 8,,,,88,8, 8,,,8,,8,,8,8,,8,,,8,,,,,, 8,8

of Life Insurance by Description () ( ) Collection Expenses Expenses of Branch Office Expenses of Expenses of Printing Other Operation Communication Collection Expenses Expenses,,8,,,,,,,,, 8,8 8,,,8,8,,,, 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,, 8,,,8,,8 8,,,8,, 88,8 8,,,8,,,8,,8,8, 8,8,,8,,,,,8,,,8,8,,,8,,,,,,8,,, In million won Classification 8, 8,8,8,,,,,8,88,8,8,8 8,,8,8,8,8,,8,8,,,,8,8 8, 8,8,,,,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo 8,,, 8,8 8,8, 8,8 8 8,8 8 8,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,,,8,8 Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong 8 8, 8,8,,, Dongbu AXA ING 8, 8,8 8 8,,,8 8,,,,,8,88,, Prudential 8, France, Allianz First, MetLife, NewYork, LINA, AIG 8,8 88,8 8,,,8 ),,,,

. Business Results of 8 Business in Force at the Beginning of the Year,, 8,8,,8,,,8,,,,,,,, 8,,8,8,8,,,,8,,,,,8,8 8,,8,,8,8,,,8,, New Business,,,,,,,,,88,,,8,,,,,8, 8,,8 8,,,, 8,8,,,,,,,8 8,, 8,,,,8,,8 Revivals,, 8,,,,,,,,,,,,8,,,,,8,888 8,,,,8,,,,,,8,,,,,,,,8,8,,,88 8,8,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,8,8,88 8,8,,,,,,,,8,8,,8,,8,,8,8,, 8,,,,8, 8,,,,8, S K,8,8,8,8 8,, 8, 8,8,,,,,8,8,,8,,,8,,,,,,,,,8,,,88 8,,8,,88,,,8,,8,,,,,,,88,88,88,,,8 8,8,,,,,,88,,8,,,,,,, 8, 8,,8,,,8, I N G,,,,,,,,,,, 8,,,,,,,,,,,8 8,88, A I G 8,8,8,8,,,8,,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,,8,,,88 8,, 88,,,,8,,,,, 8,,,,,,8,,8,88,,8,,,,,,, 8, 8,8,88,,8 8,8,8,,,8,8,, 8,,8,,8,,,, ), 8, BYC,,,,,,,,,,.

Life Insurance ( ) ( ) In million won Other Increases,,88,,, 8,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,, 8,,,8,,, 8,,,,8,,,,8 Death Claims & Accident,,,,,8 8,,8,,, 8, 8,8,8 8,,,,,8,, Matured,,8,,8,8 88, 8, 8,,,,,,,,,,,8,,8,,,8,,8,,8,8 8,,,,,,8 Classification 8,,8,,, 8,,,8, 8, 8,,, 8,,,,,, 8,88,,8,, 8,,,,8,,,,, 8,,,,, Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,888,, 8,,8,, 8,8,,8,,,,,,,,,, 888,,,,,,8,,,,,,, 8,8,,,,,, 8,8, 8,,, 8,,,,8 Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,8 8,,,,8,,,, 8,, Dongbu AXA ING,8 8, 8, 8,,,,8,,8 8,8,888 8,, 8,,, 8,,,, 8,,, Prudential, France, Allianz First, MetLife, NewYork, LINA, AIG 8,8,,8,,8,,,,,,8

. Business Results of 8 Retired,,8,8 8,,8,,,,,,,8,,,,8,,,8,,,,,8,,,,8,8, Lapses,,,8,,88,,,8,8,,,,, 8,,,,,,8,,,88,,,,,8,,,,,, 8,,,, 88,, Surrenders,,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,8,,,,,,,, 8,, 8,,,,,,,8, 8,8,,,,,,,88,,8,,,,,, 8,8,,,,,, 8,,8,,8,8,,,,,8,8,, 8,,8,,,, 8,8,,,,,,,,8,,,, S K,,,,,8,,,,,8, 8, 8,8,,,8,,,,,8,,,, 88,,8,,,,,, 8,,,,,,,8 8,,8 8,8 8,,,,8,8,,,, 8,,,,8, 8,,,8,,, I N G,8,8, 8, 8,,, 8,,,,8,,,88,,,,, A I G,,,, 8,,,8,88 88,8,,,8,,88 8,,8,, 8, 8,,8, 8,,,8,8,,8, 8,,,,,,,,8,,,8,,,,8,,,8 88,,,,,,88

Life Insurance ( ) Other Decreases, 8,88 88,,, 88,,8,, 8, 8,,,,,,8,8,8,,,8 8,88, 8,,,,,,,,,8, ( ) Business in Force at the End of the Year 8,8,,8,,,8,,,,,,,8, 8,,,8,,,,,8,,,,,8,8 8,,8,,8,8,,,8,,88 8,8,8 Net Increases,,,,8,,,,8,8,8,,,8,8,,,,,8,,,,8,,, 8,,,,,8,8,,8,8,8,8,,, In million won Classification 8, 8,,,,,,,,,,,8,, 8,,,,,, 8,88,,8,,,,88,8,,,,,, 8,,,8,8,,8,,,8,,8,,,8,,,8 Korea Samsung Hungkuk Kyobo,,, 8,,,,,8,8,,,,8,,8,, 8,,,,,,8,8,,8,,,, 8,,,,,8,8,,,8,,8,,8,8,,,8,8,8,, 88,8,,,,8,,8,,,,88,,,8,,8,,8,8,,,,,,8,8, Daishin Shinhan Lucky Kumho SK Hanil Tong Yang Yongpoong,,,, 8,,,,8 8,,,,,,,8,,,,8,,8,, Dongbu AXA ING,,,,,,8, 8,,,8,8,,,,,, 8,8,,,,,,,8,8 8,,,,,,,,,,,,8 88,88 88,8 8,,8, 8,,,,,8,8,8,8,8,,,8,8, 8,, Prudential France Allianz First MetLife NewYork LINA AIG,,,8,,, 8,8,8,8,,,