Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management Customer Relationship Management CRM., CRM.,., 2CRM PRM, SRM, ERM CRM.,.,. 111
CRM (customer) CRM.,. Custom.. (entity).,. CRM 2.,,.,.,,.. 1, (, ).., (logistics).,,.,,. 112
. [ 4.1],. [ 4.1]. (B2B, ),,,,,.. CRM., CRM?,?,?. CRM. 113
CRM,.,., CRM,., 1 CRM. CRM.??, CRM.. (CRM ),.,,.. (Vilfredo Pareto) (Pareto Principle). 8 2 80 % 20 % 114
., 80 % 20 %, 80 %20 %, 80 % 20 %.., 80 % 20 %. [ 4.1]. Kaplan. 100. 1 % 70 %, 20 % 220 %., 50 % 100 %. [ 4.2]. 2,000, 1,600. 115
(heterogeneity) CRM.,. CRM. Brief Case 4.1,,. VIP PB(Private Banking), PB. PB (Private Banker),.,,,,,,. PB VIP.,,, Travel, 116
,,., PB...., (upstream) (downstream)... (R&D) (outsourcing) R&D,., CRM.,., 117
.,,,.,. Brief Case 4.2 (google).,.,,,,,. 20 %.,.,....,. (supply chain) (upstream) (downstream).,, OEM 118
,,,,. [ 4.3]. 1,,,, 2,,. 2,,, 1.,.,. CRM,,,.. [ 4.4]. 119
(potential customer).,,. (,, )., (threshold value),..,. (acquired customer). 1., 120
., 2.,,, 2. 2 (existing customer). 1.,,.,.. (core customer)..,., 1, (Prosumer),.,, 121
,,. (defected customer),,.,.., 1., 1 1.,.,..,,,,,,..,.,,.,,. 3 60 %,. 122
Brief Case 4.3 A 6,. A.,,,,. A,. Customer Relationship Management.,., CRM.,,.. (value) (utility)., 123
. (perceived value). 3..,,.. (customer equity). (contribution margin) (Customer Lifetime Value),, RFM. CRM,.. 1 ROI.,,. 124
... (fair value), [ 4.5] 3 [ 3.8]. B D., B D. (launching)., (B A- D A), (B A D A+). 125
, C E.. (E A C A+), (E A- A)..,. A-, A, A+, A- A, A A+.,,. CRM CRM., CRM. 3 3,,.,?.,,,,.., 126
.,.,.., 4~5., 1 100 100., (revenue) (profitability).. [ 4.2]. 3 34, 3. 14 94 14. 127
. [ 4.6],. Customer Relationship Management,..,. 128
CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) (= ). CLV., CRM., 3 1,,., 1.,,., [ 4.7]., (),,, (lifetime profit)(acquisition cost).,.,.,.,.,,,.,. 129
Brief Case 4.4 2001 CRM CRM. CRM., CRM,.,., CRM 1. CRM.. 130
. (discount rate). (constant),.,.., (standpoint)..,.,,. (contribution margin) ().,.. i = n GC in (1+r) n i = i r = n = GC in = i n (Gross Contribution) n-1 131
, 30 %, 5 ( r 1.25 %). $ 275.6546 (= 6(1+0.0125) + 15(1+0.0125)2 + 30(1+0.0125) 3 + 30(1+0.0125) 4 + 180(1+0.0125) 5 ).., (contractual), (non-contractual)., (observation period).,., P(Active)t,. P(Active) = T n n = T = 132
[ 4.8] ( 1 2) 12 P(Active). 9 1, 2, 9 12. 12 9 T 9/12 = 0.75. 12(). 1 : T = (9/12) = 0.75, n=4 P(Active)=(0.75) 4 =0.3164 2 : T = (9/12) = 0.75, n=2 P(Active)=(0.75) 2 =0.5625 12 P(Active). ( 2 ) 4(9 12).. 133
.,., CRM. CRM,, CRM,.,,. CRM., TV,.,,,., TV,, 6:3:1., CRM ABC (Activity Based Costing Method).. T t-1 CM t P t { } 1 1+ CM :, P :, :, t = 134
T t-1 1 { CM t P t - CM { } t it 1+ } - AC i CM =, P =, :, t = MC = i AC = i 1.,. 2,.,. 1, 2. [ 4.3]20, 1, 2. 135
1, 10 %, 30 %,.,., (= ). 1 1 CLV.,.. (recurring cost) 2 CLV.,. 2 2 CLV., CLV 1, 2. [ 4.4] 136
,. 1 CLV 3, 1 CLV 2 CLV 2. 1 CLV., CLV 1,., 12, 110.,., CRM (CLV 1). 137
Brief Case 4.5 A., DM,,, 1..,,,.,. (customer equity)., (corporate valuation). 3,,.,. (customer equity) (customer lifetime value).,,. 138
. (Wikipedia) :.,,.,? (CLV).., CRM.,.,., (customer referral value). (customer referral value), CRV., (CRV) (CLV). 139
Reichheld.,? (words of mouth),..,.. (NPS) (KPI) ( 3 CRM ). NPS. NPS, NPS.. Brief Case. Brief Case 4.6, NPS ( )., NPS,,..,, 140
,.. 1/3, 10 %., 10 %.,..,. (CRV)., Type 1 Type 2. Type 1. CLV1 141
t = ( :,, ) x = OM = x (operational margin) RC = x (referral cost) MC = x (marketing cost) AC1 = x (acquisition cost), A B, B. 2, 1 (reward)., B, 5, B 10. A B 5(10-1 - 6 + 2 )( ). Type 1,., Type 2,,. CLV2 T AC2 r t-1 t = ( :,, ) y = AC2 = y (acquisition cost) 142
.,. Type 2., Type 2.,,,. [ 4.5] Type 1 Type 2. [ 4.5] [ 4.3] 20..,., 3 1 (), 31, 2 5 () 25,, 5. 143
Type 1 CRV, Type 2 CRV., 8 5 5 (9 ) 5 (1 ), 5 (3), (9.6) 14.68 Type 1 ( 9.6 [ 4.3], [ 4.3] )., 5, ( 2) 2 5. 144
.,,. = + CLV1 T t=1 X x=1 i = AC2 r (OM tx - RC tx -MC tx +AC1 tx ) (1+r) t,. [ 4.6]. 145
2,707, 3,254.. CRM,..,,.,,,.,., B A 100 70 % A 30 % B, (, ) B A. 146
,,.,.,., B2B., CRM. CRM,., 100, 10 %.., 1,000?,,. (share of customer),. (Size of Wallet).,.. 147
Size of Wallet = c c- C = Sc = c, A, B, C, A, B, C 50, 20, 30 100.,?..,.,, 2. 5 10.,.,..?., (Share of Wallet) CRM. (share of customer)., 148
A 50 % (50/ 100).. share of customer = C = S c C c=1 S c S c = c. [ 4.7],,. 1 210050 1, 1 100 % 2 ( 1 ).. 1 > 4 > 2 > 5 > 3, 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 1,. 149
.,,., (Aggregate Share of Wallet).. Aggregate Share of Wallet = I i=1 S i C c=1 I i=1 S ic I = C = Sic = c i. (A, B, C) (1, 2, 3). A 1, 2, 3 57 %, 36 %, 26 %. B 1 3, C2 (B 2, C 1 3 ). 150
: 32,000 + 26,000 + 18,000 A = = 38.1 % 56,000 + 73,000 + 70,000 24,000 + 52,000 B = = 60.32 % 56,000 + 70,000 47,000 C = = 64.38 % 73,000, A B, B., C.. A. C,., B. 151
(SCR, Share of Category Requirement).. Share of Category Requirement = I i=1 V i C C=1 I i=1 V ic I = C = V ic = c i (volume).,,?., ( ).,,.,,, (volume). 1 1... [ 4.9],. 152
.,.,.,,,.., CRM? [ 4.8]. 153
. [ 4.8] C 2, 13 () 199,000 47,000 (23.62 %).,. C, 2 73,000 47,000 (64.32 %).,,,. CRM, CRM., CRM, CRM. 154
[ 4.10]. ( ).,.,,,.,.,,.,., (). CRM..,.,., RFM(Recency, Frequency, and Monetary). RFM (Recency), (Frequency), (Monetary),,. 155
RFM,,. CRM RFM,,,. RFM. RFM = a (Recency) + b(frequency) + c (Monerary) (Recency) ( ).,. (Frequency).., (Monetary). Monetary, Monetary., RFM., RFMa, b, c,. R, F, M,.,, R.,,.,., F, M., RFM. 156
,,..,, R, F, M (coefficient)., R, F, M( 1 5 ). 4 5 R, F, M.,. RFM. q = 1 o p 1 RFM = (R) -q (F+1) (MV+1) p -q recency., (monetary value) p RFM.,. RFM RFM, RFM F RM, R FM, R (longevity) LFM., RFM RFM. RFM R, F, M, RFM 157
(proxy measure). RFM. RFM R, F, M. 5.,, [ 4.10] ). 158
1 (,, ). RFM (cubic), (hierarchy), (matrix). Brief Case 4.7 P RFM. RFM. P,, PB(Private Banker),,.,,. P (cubic) (point)., P RFM. 159
[ 4.11] RFM. (recency), 125.,, (targeting)., R, F, M, RFM. R, F, M R-F, R-M, F-M, (monetary) R, F, M R-F. [ 4.12] R-F. 160
RFM RFM., RFM. RFM RFM RFM.,. RFM (scoring). 161
Brief Case 4.8 RFM. (Sears).,,,. RFM 1,, 1 6.,,,,,,. RFM.. Customer Relationship Management,,, RFM..,.,.... 162
.,..,,.,,.,..,.,,,. :..,,,,,,. : (,, RFM ).,,., [ 4.14] 1,. 163
.., (mass customization).,,. Brief Case 4.9 K,.,,,,,,,,, 6.,. 164
, CRM..,. Brief Case 4.10..,.,,, 1.,,,.,.. 165
.,,. ([ 4.15] )..., (analysis sample) (holdout sample). (operational definition). 1:1.., (coefficient) (weight) 166
.,. (scoring),. (likelihood).,,..,. 167
...,,,., [ 4.12]. 5 %, 12 5,.,, 12 5 1 4,900. 16 5 32% ROI.,, 20 5 64 % ROI..,,,. 168
CRM. (retention rate) CRM.,.,..,. CRM..,,..,. [ 4.16]. 169
. (contractual),. RFM. RFM. [ 4.12] RFM R-F., RFM.,...., 3..,??. (E, expected time) (L, elapsed time since the last purchase) E-L 0, E-L 0. 170
., (win back),,..,.,. 3,,.. 1... 8 (event-based marketing). (event)., (event),.,, (event),.,. 171
Brief Case 4.11....,,. (decision tree),.,, 3, 55.. 172
.,.,., (cherry picker).,.,..,. (customer migration). CRM,.,, (pyramid)., [ 4.17]2 2,. (CLV), (CRV). 173
,., 1.. Customer Relationship Management (customer)., 174
,,,,. (Perceived Value) (customer equity) CRM,. (1)(CLV), (2), (3), (4) RFM.,,,,., Type 1 Type 2. (Recency), (Frequency), (Monetary),, 175
,,,,. 176
CRM?.? A B.?.. RFM? 178
.. 1., 2,, 2006, Ch. 11. 2.,,,,, 2007, Ch. 1, 7. 3., CRM I: CRM,, 2008, Ch. 2. 4., CRM,, 2001, Ch. 5. 5. T., A., N.,,, 2006, Ch. 1, 8. 6., CRM,, 2000, Ch. 9, 13, 17. 7., CRM,, 2005, Ch. 8. 8.,, CRM CRM,, 2001, Ch. 1. 9., CRM,, 2003, Ch. 15, 17. 10., :, 21, 2000, Ch. 5. 11. F.,,, 1997, Ch. 3. 12. Allenby, G.M., Leone, R.P., and Jen, L. A Dynamic Model of Purchase Timing with Application to Direct Marketing, Journal of American Statistical Association, 94 (446), 1999, pp. 365-374. 13. Cao, Y. and Gruca, T.S. Reducing Adverse Selection Through Customer Relationship Management, Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 2005, pp.219-229. 179
14. Kumar, V., Petersen, J. Andrew and Leone, Robert P., How Valuable Is Word of Mouth, Harvard Business Review, 85(10), 2007, pp.139-146. 15. Kumar, V. and Reinartz, W.J. Customer Relationship Management: A Databased Approach, John Wiley & Sons, 2006, Ch.1., Ch. 6. 16. Lewis, M. Incorporating Strategic Consumer Behavior into Customer Valuation, Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 2005, pp.230-238. 17. Peppers, Don and Rogers, Martha, Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004, Ch. 11, 12. 18. Rust, R.T., Lemon, K.N., and Narayandas, D., Customer Equity Management, Pearson Prentice Hall, Ch. 1, 5. 19. Rust, R.T., Lemon, K.N., and Zeithaml, V.A. Driving Customer Equity: Linking Customer Lifetime Value to Strategic Marketing Decisions, Working Paper No. 01-108, Marketing Science Institute, (2001). 20. Rust, R.T., Zeithaml, V.A., and Lemon, K.N. Customer-Centered Brand Management, Harvard Business Review, 82(9): 2004, pp. 110-8, 138. 21. Ryals, L. Making Customer Relationship Management Work: The Measurement and Profitable Management of Customer Relationships, Journal of Marketing, 69(4), 2005, pp. 252-261. 22. Setijono, D. and Dahlgaard, J.J. Customer value as a key performance indicator (KPI) and a key improvement indicator (KII), Measuring Business Excellence, 11(2), 2007, pp. 44-61 23. Venkatesan, R. and Kumar, V. A Customer Lifetime Value Framework for Customer Selection and Resource Allocation Strategy, Journal of Marketing, 68(4), 2004, 106-125. 180