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the related factors of eating were eating attitude & behavior, stimuli situations on eating, and personality. In stress- eater group, they constantly went on a diet, however, they were prompted to eat when an uneasy feeling such as anxiety, depression, annoyance developed. T heir personality were entirely optimistic. Whereas non- stress eater group had no interest in diet and didn 't appear to have psychological factors to stimulate eating in stressful situations. T heir personality was not only optimistic but also keenly characteristic. 5. T o com pare obese - norm al high school girls on the effect of stress in eating. N orm al w eigh high school girls decreased their eating w hen stressed (t = - 13.62, p =0.0001). In conclusion, this study suggests that there are tw o different groups in obese high school girls in reg ards to eating responses on stressful situations. A s a result of these finding, clinical and school nurses can detect the stress - eaters w ho need stress m anagem ent intervention, and can apply appropriate m an agement program according to the individual needs. - 1402 -