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Analysis of the importance-satisfaction analysis of service quality perceived by users at the screen baseball Sunyun Shin, Kwangmin Cho*, & Jung-sup Bae Yonsei University [Purpose] [Methods] [Results] Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ [Conclusion] Key words:

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of screen baseball users Age Frequency of using screen baseball (1 year per person) Cost to use, (Total cost per person: games and food & beverage) Concepts n % 20 s 46 21.5 30 s 102 47.7 40 s 49 22.9 50 s 16 7.5 under 1 29 12.6 2-5 96 44.9 6-10 68 31.8 over 11 22 10.3 under 20000 73 34.1 20000-30000 67 31.3 30000-40000 48 22.4 over 40000 25 11.7

Table 2. Summary of the scales used Scale Service Quality Demographics Items Tangibility, Assurance, Reliability, Responsibility, Empathy Age, Frequency of using Screen baseball, Cost to use, How to visit Number of questions 21 TOTAL 25 4

Table 3. Exploratory factor analysis of service quality Factor Items 1 2 3 4 5 Respond quickly to requests.899.154.191 -.030.116 Responsibility Member convenience.889.105.224 -.022.074 Provide immediate service.868.146.164 -.012.145 Continuous service delivery.828.222.237 -.027.065 Trust in employees.172.883.065 -.074.091 Assurance Attitude toward members.215.869.079 -.101.036 Safety of facilities.175.867.050 -.128.102 Knowledge of employees.023.823 -.064.104 -.024 Trust in the program.181.044.822.036.068 Employee's interest and efforts.128 -.055.804.014.170 Reliability Service promised to customers.215 -.031.713.019.114 Provision of program.111.146.676.064.178 Records management.115.022.516.243.044 Considering the position of members -.003 -.044.144.849.009 Assurance Matching time of use. -.043 Understanding the needs of members -.154 -.022.147.777.110 Attention to members.001 -.102 -.076.688 -.140 Facilities suitable for baseball. Tangibility Dress and appearance of staff. Internal facilities.038 -.038.094 -.027.722 Modern facilities and equipment.160.161.135 -.194.676 Eigen Values 5.512 3.185 2.332 1.974 1.384 Variance% 26.247 15.167 11.106 9.398 6.589 Accumulation% 26.247 41.414 52.520 61.918 68.506 Fig. 1. IPA matrix

Fig. 2. Slack's(1994) diagonal model

Table 4. The importance and satisfaction of service quality of screen baseball Division Importance M ± SD Satisfaction M ± SD Modern facilities and equipment 4 3.45 1.12 2 3.07.961 Internal facilities 2 3.70.932 4 2.91.945 Tangibility Dress and appearance of staff 3 3.65 1.01 1 3.43.687 Facilities suitable for baseball 1 3.82 1.00 3 2.97.973 Average 3.66 1.02 3.10.713 Service promised to customers 5 3.76.876 1 3.48.828 Employee's interest and efforts 1 3.85.861 2 3.26.826 Reliability Trust in the program 2 3.81.855 4 3.09.759 Provision of program 3 3.79.899 5 3.02.755 Records management 4 3.78.865 3 3.14.792 Average 3.80.871 3.20.792 Continuous service delivery 3 3.05 1.05 1 3.13.990 Respond quickly to requests 1 3.12 1.08 2 2.98 1.01 Responsibility Member convenience 4 2.87 1.04 4 2.90.959 Provide immediate service 2 3.08 1.13 3 2.97.981 Average 3.03 1.08 3.00.985 Trust in employees 3 3.02 1.04 4 3.42.868 Safety of facilities 1 3.15 1.03 3 3.45.826 Assurance Attitude toward members 2 3.11 1.08 2 3.47.816 Knowledge of employees 4 2.77.900 1 3.57.957 Average 3.01 1.01 3.48.867 Attention to members 4 4.23.853 2 3.57.957 Matching time of use 2 4.55.632 3 3.33.850 Empathy Considering the position of members 1 4.61.624 4 3.28.833 Understanding the needs of members 3 4.51.627 1 3.58.916 Average 4.48.684 3.44.889 Overall average 3.60.458 3.23.434

Table 5. Priority of screen baseball service quality importance and satisfaction Importance Satisfaction 1 Considering the position of members Understanding the needs of members 2 Matching time of use Attention to members 3 Understanding the needs of members Service promised to customers 4 Attention to members Knowledge of employees 5 Employee's interest and efforts Attitude toward members 6 Facilities suitable for baseball Trust in employees 7 Trust in the program Dress and appearance of staff 8 Provision of program Safety of facilities 9 Records management Matching time of use 10 Service promised to customers Considering the position of members 11 Internal facilities Employee's interest and efforts 12 Dress and appearance of staff Records management 13 Modern facilities and equipment Continuous service delivery 14 Safety of facilities Trust in the program 15 Attitude toward members Modern facilities and equipment 16 Respond quickly to requests Provision of program 17 Provide immediate service Respond quickly to requests 18 Continuous service delivery Provide immediate service 19 Trust in employees Facilities suitable for baseball 20 Member convenience Internal facilities 21 Knowledge of employees Member convenience Table 6. Verification of the importance and satisfaction difference of screen baseball service quality Tangibility Reliability Responsibility Assurance Empathy Division Importance average Satisfaction average t p Modern facilities and equipment 3.45 3.07 4.544.000 Internal facilities 3.70 2.91 10.774.000 Dress and appearance of staff 3.65 3.43 3.630.000 Facilities suitable for baseball 3.82 2.97 11.115.000 Service promised to customers 3.76 3.48 3.429.001 Employee's interest and efforts 3.85 3.26 7.546.000 Trust in the program 3.81 3.09 9.070.000 Provision of program 3.79 3.02 9.323.000 Records management.378 3.14 8.244.000 Continuous service delivery 3.05 3.13 -.940.348 Respond quickly to requests 3.12 2.98 1.661.098 Member convenience 2.87 2.90 -.331.741 Provide immediate service 3.08 2.97 1.370.172 Trust in employees 3.02 3.42-4.811.000 Safety of facilities 3.15 3.45-2.983.003 Attitude toward members 3.11 3.47-3.697.000 Knowledge of employees 2.77 3.57-8.840.000 Attention to members 4.23 3.57 7.438.000 Matching time of use 4.55 3.33 16.817.000 Considering the position of members 4.61 3.28 18.263.000 Understanding the needs of members 4.51 3.58 12.529.000

Table 7. Matrix analysis result of screen baseball service quality Section 1 quadrant (status quo) 2 quadrants (concentration effort), 3 quadrants (inferior rank) 4 quadrants (avoid excessive effort) Contents Internal facilities, Dress and appearance of staff, Modern facilities and equipment, Attitude toward members, Facilities suitable for baseball, Trust in employees, Provide immediate service Continuous service delivery, Knowledge of employees, Member convenience, Safety of facilities, Trust in the program Respond quickly to requests, Service promised to customers, Provision of program, Records management, Employee's interest and efforts Matching time of use, Considering the position of members, Understanding the needs of members, Attention to members Fig. 3. IPA matrix Ⅰ Ⅱ

Table 8. Matrix analysis result of screen baseball service quality Section Contents Needs urgent attention - Improvement Appropriate Excess Continuous service delivery, Knowledge of employees, Member convenience, Safety of facilities, Trust in the program, Internal facilities, Dress and appearance of staff, Attitude toward members, Respond quickly to requests, Records management Facilities suitable for baseball, Trust in employees, Provide immediate service, Modern facilities and equipment, Employee's interest and efforts Matching time of use, Considering the position of members, Understanding the needs of members, Attention to members Fig. 4. IPA and Slack's(1994) diagonal model matrix Ⅲ Ⅳ




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