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1 ABACUS 주판 abacus : calculator :: quill : pen ADVENT 출현, 도래 advent end, exit, disappearance, departure ABANDON ( 감정, 충동에 ) 사로잡히 다, 방종 abandon : inhibition :: consciousness : numbness ADVERSARY 적, 원수 supplicant : humility :: adversary : resistance ABASE ( 품위, 지위 ) 강등시키다 abase : strength :: taper : width ADVOCATE 지지하다, 옹호하다 advocacy : champion :: criticism : evaluate ABASH 당황하게하다, 부끄럽게하다 unabashed : embarrassment :: unheralded : announcement AERATE 통풍시키다 aerate : oxygen :: hydrate : water ABATE ( 정도, 세기, 수량등 ) 줄공기의, 공기중에서발 abate : intensity, strength :: taper : width :: fade : loudness AERIAL 이다, 감소시키다생하는 aerial : air :: ferrous : iron ABBREVIATE ( 단어, 문장, 글의 ) 길이를줄이다 abbreviate : length :: attenuate : thickness :: sap : vigor AESTHETE 심미안이있는사람 aesthete : art :: gourmand : food ABERRANT 정도를벗어난, 비정상사귀기쉬운, 붙임성있 aberration : course :: digression : theme AFFABLE 의, 변종의는, 상냥한 affable : gracious :: (A=B) ABET 부추기다 ; 돕다, 지원하가장, 꾸미는태도, 허세 abet : encouragement :: elucidate : clarity AFFECTATION 다부림 affectation artlessness, ingenuousness ABJECT ( 생활, 상태, 태도, 기분 ) 비참한 abject exultant, spirited, exciting AFFECTED 인위적인, 꾸민 officious : meddle :: disaffected : rebel ABNORMAL 비정상적인 AFFINITY 좋아함, 유사성 affinity aversion, hideousness, repugnance ABOUND 풍부하다 AFFIX 첨부하다, 고정시키다 affix detach ABRADE 마모시키다 scuff : abrasion :: heat : vaporization AFFRONT ( 면전에서 ) 모욕 ( 하다 ) affront please( 칭찬, 찬사하다류 ) (*countenance( 찬 성 하다류 ) 는오답 ) ABRIDGE 요약하다, 축약하다 abridge : length :: dilute : concentration AGAPE 입벌어진, 열중한 agape closed ABSCOND 몰래도망가다 abscond : depart :: lurk : wait AGGLUTINATED 접착된, 응집된 ABSOLVE ( 비난, 유죄성, 책임에서 ) 벗어나게해주다 hortative : encourage :: exculpatory : absolve AGGRANDIZE ( 권력, 힘, 지위, 재산, 명성 등 ) 증대시키다 aggrandize relegate (undermine 은 2 순위 ) ABSORB 흡수하다 ; 열중케하다 absorb : sponge :: seal : caulk AGGRAVATE 악화시키다, 화나게하다 aggravate alleviate, ameliorate ABSTEMIOUS ( 음식, 음주 ) 삼가는, 절제 하는요약하다, 주의를딴곳 reticent : talk :: abstemious : gorge AGGREGATE 모으다 ; 결합된, 총계의 ; 집단, 총계 aggregate isolated units ( 명 ), broken apart ABSTRACT 으로돌리다,( 설명이 ) 구체적이지않은, 난해한 abstract elaborate AGGRIEVE 괴롭히다, 고통을주다 aggrieve gratify, comfort, mollify, appease, conciliate ABSTRUSE 난해한, 심오한 abstruse : comprehend :: faint : perceive AGILE 민첩한 agility dilatoriness, hesistancy ABSURD 비상식적인, 터무니없는 AGITATION 불안, 초조 ; 선동 ;( 용액 ) 휘젖기 ACCEDE 동의하다 accede demur, dissent, oppose AGOG (~ 하고싶어 ) 못견디는, 흥분한 ACCELERATE 가속하다, 촉진시키다 expedite : process :: accelerate : pace AGONIZE ( 심적으로 ) 괴로워하다, 번민하다 ; 괴롭히다 ACCLAIM 칭송하다, 환호를보내다 acclaim berate, disapprove, vituperate AGREEABLE 상쾌한, 기분을좋게해주는 ; 동의하는 ACCLIMATE 순응시키다 acclimate become unaccustomed, disaccustom AID 돕다, 지원하다 agitated : equanimity :: (A 에는 B 의속성이없는 ) agog indifferent agonized : distress :: obsessed : concern (A >> B) ACCOLADE 영예, 영광, 찬양 accolade : praise :: castigation : rebuke AILING 아픈 ACCOST 다가가서 ( 당돌하게, 공목적없이노력하지않 accost : approach :: importune : request AIMLESS 격적으로 ) 말걸다는 ACCRETE 점진적으로증가하다 accrete : grow :: inch : advance (A << B) AIRPROOF 공기가통하지않는 airtight //// foolproof : fail :: airtight : leak ACCRUE ( 증가, 첨가에의해서 ) 생기다 accrue decrease, lose, scatter, dwindle, erode ALACRITY 민첩함, 민활함 ; 선뜻 ~ 함 husbandry : dissipate :: alacrity : procrastinate ACERBIC ( 태도, 말 ) 신랄한 ; ( 맛 ) 신, 쓴 acerbic sweet, saccharine ALBINO 백화병환자 albino : pigment :: prairie : tree ACHROMATIC 무색의 achromatic : hue :: transitory : permanence ALIBI 부재증명 alibi : exculpate :: sophism : deceive (A is for B) ACME 최정상 vagary : predict :: acme : surpass ALIENATE 멀리하다, 사귀지않다, 소외시키다 ; 양도하다 alienate unite, reunite ACOLYTE ( 로마가톨릭예배의식 ) ALIGN 제휴하다, 연합하다 ; 일직선으로맞추다 ; 가지런히 align divide, disjoin 시제, 복사 두다 ACOUSTIC 음향의, 소리의, 청각의 acoustic : sound :: optical : light ALLAY ( 두려움, 의심, 염려 ) 가라앉히다,( 고통 ) 완화시키 allay : relief :: (A는 B를할수있게해줌 ) 다 ACQUIESCE 마지못해따르다 intransigent : acquiesce :: deferential : offend ALLEVIATE 완화하다 : RELIEVE, LESSEN alleviate : intensity :: abate : tax :: console : grief ACRID ( 냄새와맛 ) 매운, 신 ;( 말, 어조 ) 신랄한 acrid : gentleness :: forthright : guile (A lack B) ALLOY 합금하다, 혼합하다 alloy : purity :: thin : density (A reduce B) ACUMEN 예리함, 통찰 alacrity : prompt :: acumen : shrewd ALLUDE 넌지시말하다, 암시하다 intimate : communicate :: allude : refer ACUTE 날카로운, 통찰력있는, 민감한, 급성의 perspicacity : acute :: caprice : whimsical ALOOF 쌀쌀맞은, 무관심한, 초연 한 aloof : objectivity,solitude,reserve :: sluggish : torpor ADAMANT 단호한 adamant : yield :: slothful : assiduity (A = B 속성이없는 ) AMALGAMATE 혼합시키다, 융합시키다 amalgamate isolate, disintegrate, insulate ADAPTED 적절히변경된 adaptable unchangeable AMBIVALENT 상반된마음이나생각 을동시에가진 ; 마음이 오락가락하는 ambivalent committed, definite, settled, unequivocal [ 1 / 29 ] 2nd Edition by 돈데크민

2 ADEPT 솜씨좋은 complaisance : intractable :: adeptness : maladroit AMBLE 천천히걷다 walk : amble :: talk : chat :: draw : doodle ADHERENT 지지자, 추종자 adherent dissenter, forerunner AMBROSIAL 맛있는, 향기로운,savory mellifluous : music :: ambrosial : food ADHESIVE 접착성의, 끈적끈적한 etch : corrosive :: glue : adhesive AMELIORATE 개선하다, 개량하다 ameliorate : promotion :: exacerbate : depravation ADJUNCT 부가물, 첨가물 convoke adjourn AMENABLE 잘따르는, 순종적인 inimical, intransigent, obdurate, recalcitrant AD-LIB 즉흥연설 ( 연기등 ) ad-lib : impromptu :: side, aside : divergent AMENITY 편의시설, 쾌적함, 예의 amenity : comfortable :: honorarium : grateful ADMONISH 경고하다, 훈계하다 pretense : deceive :: admonition : reprove AMNESIA 건망증 amnesia : memory :: enervation : vigor ADORN 장식하다 AMORPHOUS ( 형태, 정의가 ) 불명확한 amorphous : shape, structure :: errant, wandering : course 연대기적오류가있는 ; ADROIT 솜씨좋은, 능숙한 loquacious : succinct :: adroit : ungainly ANACHRONISTIC 구시대적인 ADULATE 심하게아부하다 fulminate : criticize :: adulate : flatter ANAEROBIC 혐기성의 ( 산소를싫어하는 ) living in oxygen, require oxygen, respiring ADULTERATE 불순물을섞다,( 불순물을섞어 ) 순도 / 품질을떨어뜨리다 demanding : satisfactory :: adulterate : pristine ANALGESIC 통증을없애주는 ; 진통제 sensitivity to pain ADUMBRATE 어렴풋이예시하다, 희미무정부주의자 ; 폭력혁명 revelation adumbration ANARCHIST 한모습을그리다가 anarchist : government :: abolitionist : slavery ANCILLARY 부속의, 보조의 ancillary paramount ASCENDANCY 영향력, 우세함 domination ANECDOTE 일화, 야사, 유머스런이상승하는, 올라가는 ;( 힘 anecdote : story, narrative :: skit : play (A B) ASCENDANT 야기과영향력 ) having no influence, having no power, declining ANNOTATE 주석 ( 주해 ) 를달다 annotate : commentary :: gloss : definition ASCETIC 금욕주의자 ascetic : self-denial :: glutton : overindulgence ANNUL 무효로하다, 취소하다, 폐지하다 annul make legal, reaffirm ASEPTIC 무균의 aseptic : disinfections :: anesthetic : numbs ANODYNE 진통제, 진정제 anodyne : pain :: soporific : wakefulness ASKEW 휘어진 askew aligned, straight, orderly ANOMALOUS 변칙적인, 비정상의, 특이한 anomaly : paradigmatic :: blemish : flawless ASPERSION 비방 aspersion : discredit :: canard : deceive ( 목적 ) ANONYMOUS 무명의, 익명의 anonymous : identify :: nonchalant : excite ASSEMBLY 모임 ANSWERABLE 책임이있는, 책임져야끈기있고부지런한, 꾸 not responsible for, exempt from liability ASSIDUOUS 하는준한 assiduous : diligent :: bootless : futile (CHARACTER) ANTERIOR 이전의 anterior ensuing ASSUAGE 달래다, 만족시키다 assuage : sorrow :: dampen : ardor ANTIC 익살스런, 장난끼있는 antic : gravity :: (A lack B) ASSUME 가정하다 ;( 권력, 의무 ) 떠맡다 ; 가장하다 refuse, reject, abdicate, doubt, repudiate ANTIDOTE 해독제 antidote : poisoning :: balm : irritation :: remedy : disease ASTRINGENT 수렴제 ; 신랄한,( 맛, 냄새 ) 신, 떫은 astringent : contraction :: anesthetic : insensibility ANTIPATHY 반감, 혐오 affection, affinity, benevolence, predilection ASUNDER 분리된 ; 나누어진 yoked, in a piece, united, conjoined, ANTITHETICAL 대조법의, 정반대의 drenched : wet :: antithetic : different (A >> B) ASYLUM 보호시설, 피난처 asylum : extradition :: (filibuster : delay 관계는오답 ) APATHETIC 무감각한, 무정한, 무관심한 apathetic motivated, vehement ATROCIOUS APEX 최고점 apex : career :: summit : mountain (zenith : horizon은오답 ) ATROPHY APHID 진딧물 ATTENTIVE 극악무도한, 아주나쁜, 매우잔인한신체구성조직의퇴화 ; 약화, 감소주의깊은 ; 상냥한, 친절한 atrocious : bad :: momentous : important attentive : officious :: refined : snobbish (A << B) APHORISM 금언, 격언 aphorism : succinct :: bromide : hackneyed ATTENUATE 가늘게하다, 약화시키다 attenuate : density :: blunt : sharpness APIARY 양봉장 apiary : bee(s) :: cage : pet ATTEST 증명하다, 증언하다, 입증하다 궁극적인, 결정적인, 매우 APOCALYPTIC 중요한 ; 종말론적파괴를예언하는, 끔찍한 apocalyptic : prophetic :: inconsequential : irrational AUDACIOUS 대담한, 호기로운, 무모한 audacious : trepidation :: laconic : volubility APOCRYPHAL 저작자가의심스런, 가짜 ( 회계, 장부 ) 감사 / 검사하 apocryphal : authentication :: shady : integrity AUDIT 의다 APOLOGIST 변증론자, 변론자 apologist critic/detractor AUGMENT 증가 / 증대시키다 ; 증가하다 retrench, abate, abasement, diminution APOPLECTIC 성난, 화난, 뇌졸중에걸린 apoplectic : angry :: emaciated : thin (A >> B) AUSPICIOUS 길조의, 유리한 boding ill, untoward, ominous, ill-omened APOSTATE 변절자 ; 변절하는 apostasy : faith :: recantation : heresy AUTONOMY 자율성, 자치권, 자립 dependence, external control/rule APPEAL 상소, 항고 remonstrator : dissuade :: applicant : appeal AVARICE 탐욕 stoic : perturb :: avaricious : satisfy APPEASE 달래다, 진정시키다, 양보하다 appease aggravate, exacerbate, roil AVERSION 혐오감 aversion : disinclination :: adulation : admiration APPLAUD 박수갈채를보내다 mirth : laughter :: approval : applause AVIARY ( 큰 ) 새장 aviary : bird :: aquarium : fish :: arboretum : tree APPRECIABLE 상당한, 쉽게알아볼수있몹시탐내는 ; 열심인, 열 appreciable : perceive :: tenable : defend AVID 는광적인, 열정적인 reverence : respect :: avidity : enthusiasm APPREHENSIBLE 이해하기쉬운 apprehension( 두려움 ) : terror :: affection : adoration AWNING 차양 awning : sun :: umbrella : rain APPREHENSIVE 걱정하는, 겁내는 apprehensive : dire :: (A << B) AWRY 비스듬한, 뒤틀린 awry aligned, orderly, planned, straight APPRISE 정보를주다, 알려주다 apprise : information :: admonish : warning BABBLE 재잘거리다 ; 옹알거리다 babble : sense :: parrot : originality APPROACHABLE 친근한, 말걸기쉬운 approachable : intimate( 친한 ) BADGER 계속괴롭히다 ; 계속졸라대다 badger : bother :: belabor : mention [ 2 / 29 ] 2nd Edition by 돈데크민

3 APPROBATION 승인, 칭찬 BADINAGE 가벼운농담 playful : banter :: exaggerated : hyperbole APROPOS 적절한, 알맞은, 시기적 절한 apropos irrelevant BAFFLE 당황하게하다, 어리둥절 하게하다 AQUATIC 물의, 수생의 aquatic : water :: aerial : air :: arboreal : tree :: sidereal : star BALE 재앙 ; 불운, 고통, 불행 happiness, success, good fortune, mirth, benefit AQUEOUS AQUIFER 물의, 수성의, 물을함유한대수층, 지하수를내장한침투성지층 aqueous : water :: ferrous : iron BALK 주저하다, 갑자기서서나아가지않다 ; 방해하다, 막다, 좌절시키다 balk move ahead willingly mineshaft, shaft : lode :: well : aquifer BALKY 고집센, 말을안듣는 acquiescent, eager, accommodating, compliant ARBITER 중재자 ; 판정권자 arbiter : decide :: broker : negotiate BALLAD 담시, 노래 ballad : stanza :: symphony : movement ARBORETUM 수목원 arboretum : wilderness ::(B lack A) BALLAST 배의무게중심 ballast : instability :: purchase : slippage ARCANE 불가사의한, 신비한 arcane well-known BALM 향유,( 피부, 마음 ) 진정제 antidote : poisoning :: balm : irritation ARCHAIC 고대의, 고풍스러운, 구식 의 archaic : currency :: irrelevant : pertinency :: evanescent : permanence BANAL 진부한 equivocation : ambiguous :: platitude : banal ARCHIPELAGO 군도 archipelago : island :: range( 산맥 ) : mountain :: school : fish BANE 고통의근원 ; 맹독 bane benefit, blessing ARCHIVE 기록모음, 기록보관소 archive : file, manuscript :: arsenal : weapon BANISTER ( 계단옆 ) 난간 staircase : banister :: road : guardrail ARDENT 열정적인 ardent : zeal :: ascetic : self-denial :: busybody : intrusiveness BARB 가시, 신랄한비난 ad-lib : impromptu :: barb : caustic ARGOT 은어 standard language, common verbalism BAREFACED 뻔뻔스런 ; 숨김없는 headlong : forethought :: barefaced : shame ARIDNESS 건조함 marsh : sodden :: desert : arid BARGAIN 흥정하다 : HAGGLE debate : issue :: bargain : price ARREST 진행을막다, 눈길을끌다 vitalize, stimulate, advance, forward, promote BAROQUE 지나치게화려한, 장식적인 baroque austere ARROGANCE 오만함 confidence : arrogant :: inquiry : interrogatory BARRACKS 군인들의막사, 병영, 숙사 barracks : soldier :: monastery : monk ARTICULATE 말을유창하고조리있쏜살같이움직이다, 질주 articulate : talk :: graceful : move BARREL 게하는하다 barrel plod ( 천천히나아가다 ) ARTISAN 기능공, 숙련공, 장인 artisan : potter :: entertainer : comedian BARREN 열매맺지않는, 수확이없는 barren prolific, fecund 꾸밈없는, 솔직한 ; 자연스 ( 도덕적으로 ) 상스러운, ARTLESS 러운 ; 솜씨없는, 기교없 artless : guile :: impartial : bias :: informal : ceremony BASE base virtuous, noble, patrician, sublime 는 천한, 비열한 BAUBLE 겉만번지르르한싸구려 ; 시시한것, 장난감 bauble valuable thing BOOTLESS 소용없는, 쓸모없는 bootless : futility :: effulgent : resplendence :: convoluted : complexity BEACON 등대, 봉홧불 castle : turret :: sea : beacon BRACKISH 짭짤한 ; 맛이없는 brackish : repulsive :: (A << B) BEATIFIC 축복을주는, 행복을주 는 beatific dreadful BRAKE 제동장치 divert : shunt :: retard : brake (B = A 하는장치 ) BEDECKED 치장된, 장식된 bedecked unadorned BRASSY 뻔뻔스런, 철면피의 brassy reticent, reluctant BEDLAM 소란스러운곳 ; 대소동, 혼란, 아수라장 tumultuous : bedlam :: active : hive BRAZEN 파렴치한, 철면피의 brazen : impudent :: deadpan : impassive ( = ) BEFITTING 안성맞춤의, 적합한 befitting inappropriate BREEZEWAY ( 집과차고등을연결하는 ) 지붕과기둥만있는 breezeway : building :: stairway : floor stairway 통로 BEFRIEND 친구가되다, ~ 을돌봐주다 ~ 을돕다 befriend neglect BREVITY 간결함 brevity : aphorism :: distortion : caricature BEFUDDLE 혼란스럽게하다 befuddlement : understanding :: BRIBE 뇌물주다, 매수하다 bribe : incorruptible :: affect : insensible BEGUILE 매혹시키다, 속이다, 기분연하게성내다, 성나 beguile disenchant, repel, disgust BRISTLE 만하다서털이쭈볏서다 bristle : anger :: vacillate : irresolution, indecision BELEAGUER 괴롭히다 ; 포위공격하다 badger : bother :: belabor : mention (A >> B) BROADEN 확장시키다, 확장되다 broaden : width :: compact : density BELIE 잘못드러내다, 모순되다 affirm, aver, confirm, represent faithfully BROMIDE 진부하고상투적인말 bromide : hackneyed :: equivocation : misleading BELLICOSE 호전적인, 싸우기좋아짐승같은사람, 망나 imperious : servile :: bellicose : peaceable BRUTE 하는니 BELLIGERENT 호전적인, 전쟁중에있는 obsequious : servile :: belligerent : assertive BUCOLIC 전원적인 palatial : hovel :: bucolic : city, metropolis BELLWETHER 지도자, 선도자 bellwether : leadership :: adviser : consultation BUDGE 살짝움직이다 ; 의견을바꾸다 palter : candor :: budge : diehard BENEDICTION 축복, 축도 benediction curse BUGLE 군대나팔 bugle : horn :: cleaver : knife BENEFICENCE 선행, 자비 philanthropist : beneficence :: comedian : humor BULGE 돌출, 불룩함 bulge : protuberant :: spike : pointed 자비심많은, 자선을행 BENEVOLENT benevolent : meanness :: (A한사람은 B가없다 ) BULLY 하는 BENIGNANT 친절한, 다정한, 유익한 noxious, toxic, vicious, harsh, relentless, malevolent BUMPTIOUS 불량배 ; 약한자를괴롭히는사람거만한, 오만한, 지나치게자기주장이강한 instigator : incite :: bully : browbeat dour : geniality :: bumptious : humbleness BENUMBED 무감해진 BUNGALOW 방갈로 bungalow : building :: (A 는 B 의한종류 ) BERATE 호되게꾸짖다 berate commend, laud, praise BUNGLE 어설픈짓하다, 실수하다 bungle : clumsiness :: (A 인사람은 B 의속성 ) BETRAY 배신하다, 배반하다 ; 은연중에드러내다 betray : trust :: transgress( 어기다 ) : rule BUOY BETTER 향상시키다 ; 더나은 deteriorate, worsen, impair, inferior, worse BUOYANT 띄우다, 뜨다 ; 받치다 ; 기운을북돋우다부력이있는, 기운찬, 명랑한 buoyed unsupported buoyance : float :: resilience : recover [ 3 / 29 ] 2nd Edition by 돈데크민

4 BEVY 무리, 떼 bevy individual BURGEON 급성장하다, 싹트다 wither, subdue, waste away, subside, want BEWITCH 마술걸다, 매혹시키다 BURLESQUE 풍자극 burlesque : mockery :: diatribe : abuse BIBLIOGRAPHY 도서목록, 문헌목록 bibliography : publication :: roster : name BURLY 건강한, 튼튼한 skinny, slim, thin, tiny, little, weak, delicate, puny BIBLIOPHILE 애서가 BURNISH 닦아서광내다 burnish : dull :: mar : flawless (OPPOSITE) BIFURCATE 두갈래로가르다, 분기하다 bifurcate coalesce BUSTLE 활기, 붐빔, 소란스러움 bustle calm, peace, stillness, orderliness BIGOT 마음이편협한사람 ; 나와생각, 종교, 사상등 bigoted : advice :: conservative : change BUTTRESS 부벽 ; 지탱하다 buttress : edifice, building :: splint : limb :: splint : fracture 이다른사람을배척하는사람 BILIOUS 극도로불쾌한, 성미까다로운 BYLINE ( 기사 ) 필자란 newspaper : byline :: letter : signature ( 돈 ) 사취하다, 속이다 ; 정치적음모단, 비밀결 BILK 피하다 ; 좌절시키다, 막 pay in full, deal with earnesty, be forthright, be honest, help CABAL cabal : association :: plot : plan (DEFECTIVE) 다 사, 파벌 BITING 신랄한 ; 통렬한 gentle, mild, kind, conciliatory, flattering, feeble CACKLE ( 닭, 오리 ) 꼬꼬댁울다 ; 낄낄대며웃다, 목소리 cackle : laugh :: 찢어지게웃다 BLANDISH 아부하는말로설득하다, 꼬드기다 blandishment : coax :: medal : honor CACOPHONY 불협화음 cacophony : sound :: malodor : scent :: glare : light BLANKET 담요로덮다, 전면을덮다 CAGEY 신중한, 빈틈없는 caginess incautiousness BLATANT 뻔한, 몹시떠들썩한 ; 야감언으로꼬셔서 ~ 하게 ambiguous : understand :: blatant : ignore CAJOLE 단법석의하다 cajolery : hesitation :: clarity : misunderstanding BLAZON 과시하다, 꾸미다 alliterate : remove :: blazon : efface CALAMITOUS 재앙의, 불행한, 비참한 calamitous felicifi BLEMISH 흠 ; 도덕적오점 anomaly : paradigmatic :: blemish : flawless CALCIFY 석회화하다, 굳어지다 calcium : mineral :: sugar : carbohydrate (A B) BLIGHT 고사시키다, 해를입히눈금을매기다, 눈금을 flourish, grassy, hale, sound, robust, lush CALIBRATE 다정확히조정하다 measure : dimensions :: calibrate : diameter :: plumb : depth BLISS 더없는기쁨, 행복 dislike : loathing :: pleasure : bliss (A << B) CALLOUS 냉담한, 무감각한 callous : impassivity :: dupe : duplicity (EQUAL) BLITHE 경솔한, 부주의한 ; 명랑한, 쾌활한 blithe grave, irascible CALLOW 미성숙한, 경험이없는 callow : mature :: greenhorn : experienced :: capricious : deliberate BLUEPRINT 청사진 blueprint : edifice :: syllabus : course CALUMNY 중상, 비방 corroborate : evidence :: calumniate : falsehood BLUNT 직설적인, 무뚝뚝한, 퉁명스런 ; ( 칼이나연필 ) 뭉 slacken : tension :: blunt : sharpness CAMARADERIE 우정, 동지애 camaraderie, comity enmity 퉁하고무딘 ; 날카롭지않게만들다 BLURB 짧은광고, 선전문 blurb : notice :: gloss : explanation :: glance : look CAMEO ( 유명배우 ) 우정출연 ; ( 보 cameo : sculpture :: peccadillo : offense :: knoll : hill 석 ) 카메오조각 ( 양각 ) BLURT ( 말을 ) 불쑥내뱉다, 무심코말하다 blurt : utter :: flit : move CAMOUFLAGE 위장, 속임 camouflage : deception :: flattery : ingratiating BLUSTERING 호통치는 blustering : speak :: swaggering : walk CANARD 헛소문, 지어낸이야기 aspersion : discredit :: canard : deceive ( 목적 ) BOAST 자랑하다 blowhard : boastful :: toady : obsequious CANDID 솔직한 candid : ingenuousness :: BOGGLE 깜짝놀라게하다, 압도하다 ; 깜짝놀라다, 움찔 boggle embolden, march CANE 사탕수수나무줄기, 지 cane : walk :: glasses : see ( 도구 : 목적 ) 하다 팡이, 회초리 BOGUS 가짜의 bogus authentic, genuine CANONICAL 권위로인정된, 정통의 canonical : conforming :: qualified : limited BOLSTER 지탱하다, 지지하다, 강권위있는것으로인정 bolster : support :: leash : restrain :: tackle : hoist CANONIZE 화하다하다, 찬양하다 religion : devoutness :: canon : orthodoxy BOMBASTIC 허풍떠는 nonsensical : drivel :: pompous : bombast :: critical : tirade CANOPY 차양 canopy : cover :: tag : identify (A의목적 = B) BOOR 무례한사람 insensitive : boor :: mischievous : imp CAPITULATE 복종하다, 항복하다 resist, oppose, stand firm, fight, defend, withhold CAPRICIOUS 변덕스러운 caprice : whimsical :: stealth : furtive :: discontent : unsatisfied CIRCUITY 우회, 돌아가기 circuitous : directness :: irresolute : decision 에둘러대기, 완곡어법, CAPTIOUS 트집잡는, 반대하는 captious : please :: (A는 B하지않는 ) CIRCUMLOCUTION pithy uttering, aphoristic uttering, straightforward 다변 CAPTIVATE 매료시키다 captivate repulse CIRCUMSCRIBE 제한하다 unlimited, ecumenical( 전반적인, 보편적인 ) CAPTOR 포획자, 획득자 captor liberator CIRCUMSPECT 신중한, 주의깊은, 깊이 생각하는, 용의주도한 rash : circumspective :: imperious : servile (OPPOSITE) CAREFREE 걱정근심없는, 속편한 carefree : responsibility :: hidebound : flexibility (LACK) CIRCUMVENT 피하다 confront, encounter, direct encounter CARETAKER 임시로직무를맡은 ( 사람 ) CISTERN 물탱크 cistern : liquid(s), water :: landfill : refuse :: larder, pantry : food CAREWORN 걱정 ( 고생 ) 으로초췌한 careworn lighthearted, fresh, healthy CLAIRVOYANT 천리안이있는, 통찰력이있는 dexterous : manipulate :: prescient : predict CARNAL 육체적인, 속세의 carnal spiritual, intangible CLANDESTINE 비밀의, 은밀한 clandestine : secretly :: overt : openly CAROUSE 흥청대며마시다 roisterer : carouse :: recluse : withdraw CLARION ( 소리가 ) 크고명료한 soft and indistinct, muted, cloudy, dull CARPENTRY 목수일 trade : carpentry :: clothing : outfit (B는 A의종류 ) CLAUSE 문장의절 clause : sentence :: paragraph : essay [ 4 / 29 ] 2nd Edition by 돈데크민

5 CARTOGRAPHER 지도제작자 cartographer : map :: tailor : clothing :: weaver : cloth CLEMENCY 자비, 관대함 pitiless, severe, harsh, baneful, pitiless CASCADE 폭포처럼떨어지다, 작은폭포 cascade trickle, drip CLICHÉ 진부한표현 hodgepodge : uniformity :: cliche : originality :: jejune : interest CAST 출연배우들, 배역 ( 하다 ) appoint : official :: cast : actor CLINCH ( 못, 나사 ) 고정시키다, 결말을내다, 성사시키다 clinch remove, make more doubtful CASTIGATE 심하게꾸짖다, 비난하 castigation : disapproval :: crime : misbehavior :: ( 움직임, 흐름 ) 막다, ( 활 CLOG 다, 징계하다 blasphemy : irreverence (A >> B) 동 ) 방해하다 clog : drainage :: stalemate : negotiations CATALYZE 촉매작용하다, 촉진시키다 catalytic : initiate :: synthetic : create CLOUT 영향력, 힘 impuissance, impotence, impuissance CATEGORICAL 절대적인 categorical qualified, conditional COALESCE 합쳐지다, 하나가되다 disaggregate, sunder, polarize, break apart CATHOLIC ( 취향이 ) 폭넓은, 보편적관대하게하다, 너그럽 catholic narrow CODDLE 인게대하다 scorn, deplore, treat harshly CAUSTIC 신랄한 caustic : burn :: solvent : dissolve COGENT 설득력있는 cogent : convince :: repugnant : repel CAVALIER 건방진, 거만한 rapscallion : mischievous :: sluggard : lazy COGNIZANT 인식한, 알고있는 incognizance : knowledgeable :: penury : wealthy CAVIL 트집잡다 nitpick : criticize :: cavil : object (trivial B = A) COHERENT 일관성있는, 논리적인 coherent irrational, incongruous CAVORT 흥청거리며탐닉하다, 뛰어다니다 dodder : unsteady :: cavort : sprightly COLLAPSE 붕괴하다, 붕괴시키다 collapse : implode :: divide : sunder (A << B) CEDE 포기하다, 양도하다, 할양하다 cede : possession :: COLLEAGUE 동료 CELEBRITY 유명세, 유명인 celebration : decry :: slight : show respect (OPPOSITE) COLLUDE 결탁, 공모하다 collude, connive : cooperate :: smuggle : convey 동등한, 같은크기의, 균 CELERITY 신속함 celerity delay, languor, sluggishness COMMENSURATE 형잡힌, 비례된 commensurate preponderant CEMENT 시멘트로결합시키다, 접합시키다 cement fracture, sever COMMODIOUS 넓은, 널찍한 taut : commodiousness :: extraordinary : purlieu CENSURE 비난하다 lamentable : pity :: reprehensible : censure COMMONPLACE 진부한, 진부한문구 phenomenal, inimitable unexceptional, commonplace CENTRAL 중심의, 중요한, 필수의 COMPETENCE 능력, 재능 CESSATION 끝, 중지 commencement, start( 시작 ), continuation( 지속 ) COMPLACENCE 자기만족 complacency anxiety CHAGRIN 원통함, 분함 chagrin : mind :: grimace : face COMPLAISANT 기쁘게해주려하는, 친절한, 정중한 complaisance : intractable :: adeptness : maladroit CHAMPION 옹호하다, 지지하다 champion disparage, impugn, oppose COMPLEMENT 보완하다, 보충 complement : complete :: illuminate : clear CHAPERONE 사교계에나오는미혼여성을따라다니며돌 chaperon : propriety( 단정함 ) :: COMPREHEND 이해하다 봐주는부인 CHARADE 뻔한거짓, 제스처게임 charade : dissimulate :: void : empty COMPROMISE ( 명예, 신용 ) 위태롭게하다, 훼손하다 mediation : compromise :: prosecution : conviction CHARISMATIC 카리스마있는 charismatic : appeal :: presumptuous : panache COMPUNCTION 양심의가책 impartial : prejudice :: unshameness : compunction CHARITABLE 자선을베푸는, 관대한 charitable : malign :: (OPPOSITE) CONCERTED 협동 / 협의에의한 individually devised, meant to obstruct CHARLATAN 허풍선이, 돌팔이, 사기화해시키다, 중재하다, charlatan : deceive :: mentor : guide, advise :: juggernaut : crush CONCILIATE 꾼조화시키다, 일치하다 sop : conciliatory :: subsidy : supportive CHARY 낯을가리는, 신중한 chary : caution :: imperturbable : composure (A have B) CONCILIATORY 달래는 conciliatory contentious, belligerent, vexation 훈육하다, ( 마음을 ) 정화 CHASTEN 시키다, 겸손하게하다, chasten : humbled :: vex : irritate CONCORD 일치, 조화, 화합 inconsonant : concord :: scattered : overlap 억제하다 CHATEAU ( 프랑스 ) 성 chateau : dwelling :: sedan : automobile CONCUR 동의하다, 동시에발생하다 object, dissent, naysay, take issue, differ, oppose CHAUVINISM 맹목적인애국심, 충성심 patriotic : chauvinistic :: receptive : gullible (A<<B) CONDENSED 요약된 condensed unabridged CHICANERY 속임수 gullible : chicanery :: servile : domination CONDESCEND 생색내다, 오만하게행동하다 condescending : patronize :: obsequious : fawn CHIDE 꾸짖다 chide : pillory :: humor : mollycoddle (A << B) CONDOLENCE 위로, 조의 condolence : sympathy, compassion :: gibe : derision CHIMERA 가공의괴물, 가상 melodrama : subtlety :: chimera : authenticity (LACK) CONDUCIVE 공헌하는, 도움이되는 conducive : motivate :: tonic : invigorate CHIP 깨진 ( 돌, 나무 ) 조각 chip : stone :: shard : glass CONFIDENT 확신하는 confident : timid :: open : shy (OPPOSITE) CHOIR 합창단 CONFINE 제한하다, 가두다 loose : confinement :: disabuse : misconception CHOLERIC 담즙질의, 화잘내는 cowardice : intimidate :: choler : antagonize CONFLUENCE 합류, 집합, 모임 confluence : streams :: junction : roads CHORD 코드, 화음 chord : note, tone :: grove : tree :: constellation : star CONFOUND 혼돈하다, 당황케하다 discriminate between, enlighten, make straightforward CHOREOGRAPHER 안무가 choreographer : movement :: architect : building CONGEAL 응결시키다, 경직시키다 melt, disintegrate, fail to solidify, liquefy 킬킬웃다, 소리없이마음이맞는, 같은성질 CHUCKLE chuckle : laughing :: whisper : speaking CONGENIAL 웃다의, 상냥한 CHURL 무례한사람, 구두쇠 churl : affront :: instigator : foment CONGENITAL 선천성의 dour, grouchy, surly genial, congenial CIPHER 암호문 cipher : cryptic :: precis : concise CONGREGATE 모이다 congregate separate CONGRUENCE 적합, 일치, 합동 congruent : dimension :: coeval : age CREDULOUS 잘믿는잘속는 credulous : cozen :: tractable : control CONNIVE 공모하다 connive : cooperate :: spy : watch (DEFECTIVE) CREEK 시내, 지류 hill : mountain :: creek : river :: pebble : rock [ 5 / 29 ] 2nd Edition by 돈데크민

6 CONNOISSEUR 미술품전문가, 권위자 connoisseur : art :: gourmet : cuisine CREEP 살금살금걷다 creep moved swiftly ( 동 ) CONSENSUS 합의, 동의 consensus : factionalism :: law : criminality CREST 닭볏 :( 산파도등의 ) 최 정상 crest : wave :: summit, peak : mountain CONSOLE 위로하다 embarrass : shame :: console : comfort CRESTFALLEN 풀죽은 ecstatic, elated, euphoric, exultant, jubilant CONSOLIDATE 굳건하게하다 consolidation fragmentation CROON 낮은목소리로부드럽 게노래하다 croon : sing :: murmur : speak CONSPIRE 공모하다 uncouth : churl :: conspiratorial : conniver (B = A 한사람 ) CROTCHETY 화잘내는, 까다로운 genial, sweet, yielding, stable CONSTELLATION 성단, 별자리 constellation : star :: chord : note :: bouquet : flower CROUCH 웅크리다 crouch : spring :: hover : plunge (OPPOSITE) CONSUMMATE ( 기술, 실력 ) 완전한, 완 벽한 incomplete, unfinished, worst, abrogate( 폐지 ) CRUMB 빵부스러기 crumb : bread :: splinter : wood CONTEMPT 경멸, 멸시 measly : contemptibly :: puny : weakly CRUMBLE 부숴지다, 가루가되다 friable : crumble :: malleable : alter CONTENTION 다툼논쟁 general agreement, concurrence, accord, concordance CRUMPLE ( 종이등을 ) 구기다, 압 도하다 fold : crumple :: defeat : overwhelm CONTINUUM 연속 ( 체 ) CRUST 빵껍질 CONTORT ( 몸이 ) 휘다, 비틀어지다 contortion : body :: grimace : face CRUTCH 목발 crutch : walk :: glasses, lens : see CONTRAVENE 위반하다모순되다반박하다 contravene support, buttress, uphold CRUX 가장중요한점 peripheral element, pettiness, unimportant element CONTRETEMPS 뜻밖의불운한사건 contretemps felicity CULPABLE 과실이있는, 비난받을만한 exemplary : imitation :: culpable : blame CONTRITE 뉘우치는 apologize : contrite :: compliment : impressed CULTIVATE 재배하다. cultivate : crop :: foster, nurture : child CONTRIVED 계획된, 의도된 contrived : design :: (EQUAL, 형 : 명 or 동 ) CUNNING 교활한, 교묘한 cunning : gulled :: watchful : waylaid :: wary : duped CONTROVERT 부인하다, 반박하다 controvert substantiate CURB 억제하다 goad, spur, lack of restraint CONTUMACIOUS 고집센 contumacious : authority :: hidebound : novelty CURMUDGEON 심술궂은사람 curmudgeon agreeable person CONUNDRUM 난제, 수수께끼 conundrum : solve :: tangle : unravel CURT 간략한, 퉁명스러운 curt : words :: parsimonious : resource, money CONVENE 소집하다 convene adjourn CURTAIL 단축하다, 줄이다 ;( 비용 ) 절감하다 curtail : period :: enervate : energy :: abase : strength CONVERGENCE 합침, 집함, 집중 convergence moving apart, discrepancy DAB 가볍게살짝바르다 dab coat thoroughly CONVERSANT 정통한 conversant unfamiliar, ignorant DABBLER 취미로하는사람 dabbler : dedication :: martinet : leniency (LACK) CONVERT CONVIVIAL 변형시키다, 바꾸다, 개종시키다연회를좋아하는, 명랑한, veer : direction :: convert : belief DAFT 어리석은, 미친 daft : sanity :: skeptic : credulity (OPPOSITE) convivial : social :: DALLY 시간낭비하다 ; 가지고놀다, 희롱하다 dally : times :: squander : money CONVOKE 소집하다 convoke adjourn DAMN 비난하다 damn extol CONVOLUTED 복잡한, 난해한 convoluted : complexity :: ephemeral : transience DAMPEN COOLHEADED 내정한, 침착한 DANDY 약화시키다, 찬물을끼얹다지나치게멋부리는남자 dampen : ardor :: abase : prestige :: dim : light miser : hoard :: sycophant : fawn :: pundit : opine COPIOUS 풍부한, 많은 copious sparse, dearth, meager, scanty DANK ( 불쾌하게 ) 축축한 dank : moisture :: dappled : spot CORNUCOPIA 풍부함 ( 의상징 ) cornucopia : abundance :: mace : authority DAPPER 말끔한 slovenly : dapper :: indulgent : adherent (OPPOSITE) CORONATION 대관식 coronation : reign :: wedding : marriage DART 돌진하다 dart : missile :: skiff : boat (A B) CORPOREAL 육체적인, 물질적인 intangible, disembodied, spiritual, immaterial DASH 돌진하다 : 활기, 원기 dally, dawdle, linger, tarry, lumber CORPULENT 살찐, 뚱뚱한 corpulent emaciated, thin, gaunt( 여윈 ) DATED 구식의, 오래된 dated : currency :: spent : efficacy :: spent : solvency CORRECTIVE 교정하는, 올바르게하 는 DAUNT 위협하다 embolden, make resolute, hearten, cheer, urge on CORRESPOND 부합하다. 상응하다. DAUNTLESS 겁없는 dauntless : intimidate :: irrepressible : restrain CORROBORATE 증명하다, 확증하다 corroborate : evidence :: calumniate : falsehood DAWDLER 게으름뱅이 dawdler : punctilious :: philistine : cultivated CORUSCATE 반짝반짝빛나다 DEADPAN 무표정한 deadpan : impassive :: impudent : brazen :: insightful : discerning COSSET 응석을받아주다 slight, bemean, ignore, denounce, mistreat DEBARK ( 비행기나선박에서 ) 내리다 debark : ship :: unload : truck COTERIE 공통의취미 / 흥미를가진그룹 coterie: intimate :: flock : bird, sheep DEBASE ( 질, 가치 ) 저하시키다. debase : value :: attenuate : density, force, power, intensity, strength COUNTENANCE 찬성하다, 지지하다 countenance : toleration :: demur : objection DEBAUCHERY 방탕, 환락생활 debauchery ascetism COUNTLESS 무수히많은 DEBILITATE 쇠약하게만들다 attenuate : thickness :: debilitate : strength COURT 아첨, 구애 ( 하다 ) repel intentionally, repulse intentionally, snub, reject, shun DEBUNK 거짓을폭로하다 debunk : deceive :: (OPPOSITE) COVETOUS 탐내는, 갈망하는 troubled : distraught :: covetous : rapacious :: enthusiastic : mania DEBUT ( 경력의 ) 처음시작, debut : career :: embark : journey COW 위협하다 cow hearten, embolden DECELERATION 감속 COWER 두려워움츠리다 bristle, brazenly confront, advance brashly DECORUM 단정함, 예의바름 miscalculation : judgment :: gaffe : decorum COY 부끄러운척하는 blatant, brash, brass, brazen, impudent DECREPIT 나이들어쇠약해진 sturdiness, cheerfulness, alacrity CRAMPED 답답한, 비좁고갑갑한 commodious constricted, cramped DECRY 공개적으로비난하다 celebration : decry :: slight : show respect (OPPOSITE) [ 6 / 29 ] 2nd Edition by 돈데크민

7 CRAVEN 비겁한, 비겁한사람 craven : admirable :: deft : awkward DIDACTIC 가르치기위한, 교훈적 인, 설교적인 CREDENCE 신용, 신임 dislodgement, misplacement DEFAME 명예를훼손하다 CREDIBLE 믿을만한 DEFEASIBLE 무효화할수있는 indefeasible : annul :: ineffable : express, depict DEFERENTIAL 공손한 deferential : offend :: scornful : respect DETOUR 우회하다 DEFERRABLE 미룰수있는 deferrable exigent DEVIATE 이탈하다, 일탈하다 deviate follow strictly DEFICIENCY 부족 ; 결핍 deficiency surfeit, surplus, repletion DEVIOUS 부정한방법을쓰는 ; 돌아가는, 우회하는 straightforward, sincere DEFINE 분명하게묘사하다, 정의를내리다 DEXTEROUS 솜씨좋은, 능숙한 dexterous : manipulate :: prescient : predict DEFINITIVE 명확한 ; 최종적인 ; 결론 definitive provisional DIABOLIC 악마같은 diabolic seraphic, benefic, benevolent 적인 ; 권위있고완전한 DEFLATE 수축시키다 ; 풀죽게하다 DIAGNOSE 진단하다 diagnose : treat :: proofread : correct DEFRAY ( 비용등을 ) 부담하다 defray entrust DIAPHANOUS ( 천이 ) 얇은, 비치는 ; ( 생각 ) 확실하지않은, ( 가 opaque, substantial, substantive, opaque, murky 능성 ) 희박한 DEFT 솜씨좋은, 민첩한 maladroit : deft :: voluble : terse DIATRIBE 통렬한비난, 혹평 lullaby : song :: diatribe : discourse DEFUSE 뇌관을제거하다 ; ( 긴장등을 ) 완화시키다 defuse foment DICEY 예측할수없는, 잠재적으로위험한 dicey lacking danger DEFY ( 공공연하게 ) 저항 / 도전하다, 불복종하다 defiant : resistance :: rational : reason DIFFIDENT 자신없는, 기가죽은, 수줍어하는 brassy, brazen, nervy, bold, expansive DEHYDRATE 건조시키다, 탈수시키다 abraded : friction :: desiccated : dehydration DIFFUSE 퍼뜨리다, 확산시키다 euphemism : offensive :: aphorism : diffuse DEIFICATION 신성화, 신격화 deification debasement DIGRESS ( 주제에서 ) 벗어나다 digress : excursive :: reiterate : redundant DEJECT 낙담시키다 mollify : anger :: hearten : dejection DIKE 제방 dike : water :: fence : livestock DELECTABLE 맛있는 delectable loathsome, unpleasant DILAPIDATED 낡은 dilapidated restored, still in use DELEGATE 위임하다 ; ( 회의 ) 대표로파견하다 assume responsibility, keep from, retain, hold DILATE DELETERIOUS 해로운 salutary, salubrious, wholesome, benignant DILATORY 확장되다 ; 장황하게말하다행동이느린, 늑장부리는 dilate : circumference :: protract : length laggard : dilatory :: rascal : mischievous DELIBERATION 심사숙고, 합의, 토의 brash : deliberation :: candor : subterfuge DILETTANTE 아마추어 ( 예술가 ) dilettante : commitment :: nonentity : consequence DELINEATE 정확하게묘사하다 DILUTE 묽게하다, 약화시키다 slacken : tautness :: dilute : strength, concentration DELUDE 속이다 delusion : thought :: hallucination : perception DIMINUTION 축소, 감소 diminish increase, escalate DEMOGFAPHY 인구학, 인구구성 demography : population :: meteorology : weather DIN 소음 stench : nose :: din : ear DEMOLISH 파괴하다 recycle : disposal :: rehabilitate : demolition DIPLOMATIC ( 사람다루는데에 ) 능 숙한, 능란한 diplomatic : tact :: genial : bonhomie DEMORALIZE 사기를꺾다 dispirit : morale :: enervate : strength :: disiccate : moisture DIRE 끔찍한, 불길한 pleasant, fortunate, propitious, favorable DEMOTE 강등시키다 demote : rank :: cheapen : value DIRGE 만가, 비가 dirge : grief :: paean : praise :: madrigal : love DEMUR 반대하다 demur : qualms, doubt :: waver : irresoluteness DISABUSE 그릇된생각을없애다 loose : confinement :: disabuse : misconception, fallacy DEMURE 얌전한, 조신한 DISAFFECT DEMURRABLE 이의를주장할수있는 demurrable firm, agreeable DISARM DEMYSTIFY 명확하게설명하다 DISAVOW 공공연히비난하다 ; ( 조 DENOUNCE admonish : denounce :: persuade : convince DISCERN 약 ) 폐기를선언하다 정떨어지게하다 ; 불만을품게하다적개심을제거하다 ; 무장해제시키다부인하다, 거부하다, 의절하다알아보다, 이해하다, 분별하다 disaffected : contentment :: dubious : conviction, commitment bait disarm, put on guard disavowal admission, acknowledgement, approval discern : acute :: believe : gullible DENSENESS 조밀함 DISCERNMENT 인식력, 분별력, 판단력 perspicacious : discerning :: ravishing : attractive DENTURE 의치 ( 한벌 ) denture : teeth :: toupee : hair :: wig : hair DISCLOSURE 폭로 DENUDE 벌거벗기다 denude, uncover blanket DISCOMBOBULATE 혼란스럽게하다 discombobulated : order :: erratic : consistency DENUNCIATE 공공연히비난하다 castigation : reproof :: denunciation : denial DISCOMFIT 당황하게하다 discomfited : blush :: contemptuous : sneer ( 형 : 동 ) DEPLETE 고갈시키다 enrich deplete DISCOMMODE 폐를끼치다 aid, assist, help, ease, oblige, inspire, pacify DEPLORE 비난하다 ; 개탄하다 accolade, laud, express accolade, extol, commend DISCOMPOSE 마음을불안케하다, 마음의평정을빼앗다 discompose : pacific :: engage : tedious, odious DEPRECIATE 평가절하하다 ; ( 가치 ) 떨어뜨리다 fawn : hauteur :: self-depreciate : swagger DISCONCERTED 마음이혼란스런 disconcert placate DERACINATE 뿌리째뽑아버리다 ; 근불협화음의, 조화를이 deracinate, UPROOT plant DISCORDANT 절하다루지못하는 discord : sound :: anachronistic : time DEPRECATE 비난하다 ; 반대하다 DISCREDITABLE 불명예스러운, 비난받을만한 invective : discredit :: exhortation : motivate DERELICT 태만한, 나태한 ; ( 건물 ) 방치된, 버려진 stickler : derelict :: poseur : unaffected DISCREET 신중한, 조심스러운 reckless, tactless, thoughtless, artless, naïve, uncalculating [ 7 / 29 ] 2nd Edition by 돈데크민

8 DEROGATE 비하하다, 격하시키다 derogate accolade, aggrandize, laud DISCREPANCY 불일치, 차이, 어긋남 convergence, concord, consonance, agreement DESECRATE 신성을모독하다 desecrate sanctify, revere, hallow DISCRETIONARY 재량껏할수있는 obligatory, mandatory, preordained, rigid DESICCATE 건조시키다 abraded : friction :: desiccated : dehydration DISCURSIVE 산만한, 종작없는 keen on title, succinct, concentrated DESIST 멈추다 ; 삼가다 desist : injunction( 중지 ) :: DISEMBARRASS ( 짐, 장애, 걱정등에서 ) 해방하다 disembarrass : impediment :: emancipate : servitude DESPICABLE 경멸스러운, 비열한, 야비한 despicable : scorn, contempt, disregard :: redoubtable : regard DISGRUNTLE(D) 화난, 불만족한 disgruntled contented, rapturous DESPISE 경멸하다 despise venerate, respect DISGUISE 위장하다 padding : damage :: disguise : recognition DESULTORY 계획없는, 목적없는 desultory : plan :: inadequate : sufficiency DISILLUSION 몽상이나잘못된믿음에서깨어나게하다 disillusion : belief :: disenfranchise : right DETAIN 붙들다, 지체시키다 ; 구류하다 detain manumit DISINCLINED 하기싫은, 내키지않는 aversion : disinclination :: adulation : admiration DETERIORATE 악화시키다, 손상시키다 ameliorate, improve, strengthen, fortify DISINFECT 살균소독하다 aseptic : disinfection :: anesthetic : numbness DETERMINATIVE 결정적인 DISINGENUOUS 솔직하지않은, 부정직한 DETERMINISTIC 결정론의, 결정론적인 DISINTEGRATE 해체시키다, 해체하다 DETERRENCE 단념시키는것 DISJUNCTIVE 연관성이결여된, 분리하는, 분리성의 nominal : significance :: disjunctive : unity DISLOCATE ( 관절 ) 탈구시키다 ; 위치를바꾸다, 뒤죽박죽으로 EATABLE ( 음식 ) 먹을수있는 만들다, 교란시키다 DISMOUNT ( 말등에서 ) 내리다 EAVESDROP 몰래엿듣다 eavesdrop : listen :: collude : cooperate DISPARAGE 깎아내리다, 깔보다, 비쾌활한, 활력있는 ; 비등 epithet : disparage :: alias : mislead EBULLIENT 난하다하는 calm restraint, impassiveness, lifelessness, torpor, lethargy DISPARATE 본직적으로다른 similar, analogous, like, alike, homogeneous, analogous ECCENTRIC 별난, 엉뚱한 hero : admirable :: eccentric : unconventional 감정에휘둘리지않는, 위계질서 ; 계층, 명령체 DISPASSIONATE 냉정한 ; 편견없는, 공평 partial, biased, prejudiced, fervent, partisan ECHELON echelon : hierarchy :: (A는 B의한단계 ) 한 계 ( 열정, 사기, 희망등을 ) 일식 ; 명예, 권위등을실 DISPIRIT ECLIPSE 추시키다 ; 명성의상실, eclipse : prestige :: enervation : vigor 잃게하다 권위의추락 DISPLACE ( 위치 ) 옮기다, 바꾸다 ; 강제이주시키다 displace : position :: coarsen : texture ECUMENICAL 보편적인, 전반적인 ecumenical : generality :: entire : integrity DISPLEASANT 불쾌감을주는 EDIT 편집하다 DISPUTABLE 논쟁의여지가있는 incontrovertible EFFACE 삭제하다, 지워없애다 ; 눈에띄지않게행동하다 alliterate : remove :: blazon : efface (OPPOSITE) DISSECT ( 표본 ) 해부하다 specimen : dissect :: sentence : parse 쾌활함, 활기, 기운이넘 EFFERVESCENCE 침 effervescence : feeling :: fury, furor : anger (A >> B) DISSEMBLE 가장하다 dissemble : honesty :: snub : politeness EFFETE 활력없는 hale, sound, vigorous, fertile, strengthened 의견을달리하다, 동의 ( 감정 ) 넘쳐흐르는, 토로 DISSENT dissenter : orthodox :: maverick : group EFFUSIVE 하지않다하는 DISSIPATE 흩뜨리다, 탕진하다 husbandry : dissipate :: alacrity : procrastinate EIDETIC 선명한, 생생한 gush : effusive :: rage : irate DISSUADE 하지않도록설득하다 remonstrance : dissuade :: reprehension : censure ELABORATE 복잡한, 정교한 fawn : imperious :: equivocate : direct :: elaborate : sketchy DISTEND 부풀게하다 constrict, condense, deflate, contract ELASTIC 탄력있는 ephemeral : endure :: inelastic : stretch (OPPOSITE) DISTILL 증류하다 distill : purity :: leaven : volume ELATED 아주즐거워하는, 기뻐하는 DISTRACT 집중하지못하게하다 intrepid : deter :: rapt : distract ELECTIVE 선출의 ; 선출권이있는 ; 선택적인 DITCH 수로, 도랑, 배수구 ditch : canyon :: burrow : cavern ELECTRICITY 강한흥분, 격한감정 depress, despond, reprobate, wretched elective obligatory DITHER 마음이오락가락하다, 불안, 초조 ELEGY 애시, 애가 elegy : sorrow :: satire : ridicule :: hymn : praise DIVULGE 분기하다, 의견을달리하다, 탈선하다 ad-lib : impromptu :: aside : divergent ELEMENTAL 기본적인 nitrogen : element :: biology : science (blue : spectrum은오답 ) DODDER ( 나이들어서 ) 비틀거리다, 비틀거리며걷다 dodder : unsteady :: cavort : sprightly ELEVATION 상승, 높아짐 debasement elevation DODGE 피하다 dodge : blow :: escape : capture ELIMINATE 제거하다 DOGGED 끈질긴, 끈덕진 yielded, easily discouraged, reluctant, hesitating ELLIPTICAL 생략적인 ;( 의미 ) 지나치 게생략된, 모호한 elliptical palpable DOGGEREL 엉터리시 doggerel : verse, poem :: burlesque : play ELONGATE ( 길이 ) 늘이다, 연장하다 DOMICILE 거주지, 집 nomad : domicile :: freelance : employer ELUCIDATE ( 명확히 ) 설명하다 elucidate : clarity :: abet : encouragement DORMANT 활동이없는 ; 동면기에 ( 이해, 정의 ) 힘든, 피하 dormant : inactivity :: malleable : plasticity ELUSIVE 있는 ; 잠재적인는, 잡히지않는 elusive : define :: (A = B하기어려운 ) DOSE 일회복용량 dose : medicine :: sentence : punishment EMACIATED 쇠약해진, 수척한 emaciated : thin :: apoplectic : angry DOUSE ( 물 ) 끼얹다 / 불을끄다 EMANATE 발산하다 emanate absorb DOWNGRADE 강등시키다 EMBEZZLE 횡령하다 forgery : counterfeit :: embezzlement : fraud [ 8 / 29 ] 2nd Edition by 돈데크민

9 DOWNPLAY 얕보다, 중시하지않다 EMBOLDEN 대담하게하다 abash, faze, cow, appall, daunt, boggle, thwart DOZE 선잠들다 doze : sleep :: nudge : prod (A << B) EMBRACE 포용하다, ( 생각, 의견 ) 채택하다 embrace : affection :: shrug : indifference :: blush : embarrassment DRACONIAN 가혹한, 아주엄격한 draconian : inclemency :: fretful : vexation EMERGENCE 출현, 부상, 발생 DRAIN 서서히배출하다, 물기 없애다 inch : move :: drawl : speak :: lope : run :: nibble : eat EMINENT 저명한, 유명한 eminent undistinguished, unextraordinary DRAMATIC 극적인, 인상적인, EMOLLIENT 피부연화제, 완화제 emollient : soothe :: dynamo : generate DRAWL 모음을늘여서천천히말하다 EMPATHETIC 감정이입의 empathetic insensitive DREDGE 물바닥등을긁어내다, 준설하다 dredge fill in EMPIRICAL 경험적인 empirical theoretical DRENCH 흠뻑적시다 drenched : wet :: antithetic : different (A >> B) EMPORIUM 큰상점 ; 상업중심지, 시장 emporium : commerce :: court : trial :: stadium : game DROLL 까부는, 우스꽝스런 grisly : flinch :: droll : laugh EMULATION 경쟁의식, 모범으로삼음 ; 흉내내기 emulate : exemplary :: obviate : unnecessary DRONE 단조롭게말하다 hiss : sibilant :: drone : monotonous :: stammer : halting ENCHANT 황홀하게하다, 매혹시키다 DROP CLOTH ( 페인트칠을할때 ) 방을막이천 drop cloth : floor :: apron : clothing ENCODED 암호화된 DROSS 녹은금속의찌꺼기 ; 납동, 물때 ; 가치없는것 ENCOMIAST 칭송하는자 encomiast : eulogize :: quibbler : cavil DRUDGERY 허드렛일 drudgery rewarding work ENCOMIUM 찬사, 칭찬하는말 encomium : eulogize :: discontent : complain :: quibble : cavil DUBIOUS 의심하는, 의심스러운 disaffected : contentment :: dubious : conviction, commitment ENCOMPASS 순종적인 ;( 금속 ) 두드려 DUCTILE 변형시킬수있는, 가소 ductility : malleable :: toxicity : poisonous ENCUMBER 성의 DULCET ( 소리가 ) 감미로운 dulcet : sweet :: raucous : harsh ENCYCLOPEDIC 둘러싸다, 포위하다, 포함하다짐지우다 ; 막다, 방해하다포괄적인, 백과사전식인, 해박한 encompass exclude, leave out encumbrance : hinder :: palliative : mitigate encyclopedia : compendious :: assay : objective DULY 적절하게, 적당하게 duly improperly, inappropriately, unjustifiably ENDEAVOR 노력 DUPE 속이다 reverent : idolater :: trusting : dupe ENDORSE 승인하다, 지지하다, 보증하다, 배서하다 rider : bill :: endorsement : policy DYNAMO 에너지가넘치는사람, 기부하다 ; 주다, 부여하 dynamo : retard :: (OPPOSITE) ENDOW 정력가다 endow : income :: endorse : approval EARMARK ( 자금, 물건등을 ) 특정용도로지정하다 budget : earmark :: time : schedule ENDURING 지속적인 ephemeral : endure :: inelastic : stretch (OPPOSITE) EARTHLY 세속적인, 지상의 earthly spiritual ENERGETIC 활력있는 ENERVATE 약화시키다 eclipse : prestige :: enervation, enfeeblement : vigor EVOKE ( 감정 ) 불러일으키다 ; ( 반응 ) 이끌어내다 evoke fail to elicit, repress ENFEEBLE 약화시키다 eclipse : prestige :: enervation, enfeeble : vigor EXACERBATE 악화시키다 exacerbate allay, palliate, mitigate, assuage, mollify ENFRANCHISE 투표권을주다 ; 자유롭게해주다 enfranchise : vote :: license : practice EXACTING 정확한 ; 엄격한 exacting : satisfied :: vigilant : entrapped ENGROSSED 몰두한 engrossed : absorbed :: intimate : close (EQUAL) EXALT 칭송하다, 높이다 ; 고상하게하다 exaltation condemnation, degradation ENHEARTEN 용기를북돋우다 EXCISE 잘라내다, 삭제하다 excise implant, embed ENIGMATIC 난해한 enigma : impenetrable :: juggernaut : unstoppable EXCORIATE 심하게비난하다 excoriation : glorification :: (OPPOSITE) ENMITY 적대감 amity, camaraderie, comity, concord, affinity EXCRUCIATE ENNUI 권태 ennui : enthusiastic :: fervor : apathetic EXCULPATE 심한고통을주다, 괴롭히다협의를벗겨주다, 무죄로하다 excruciate exult exculpatory : absolve :: motivational : stir :: hortative : encourage ENRAPTURED 기뻐서어쩔줄모르는 EXECRABLE 혐오스러운, 형편없는 execrable : denunciation :: ENRICH ENSCONCE 부유하게만들다 ; 향상시키다안전한곳에두다, 감추다, 숨기다 ; 편히앉히다 enrich deplete, impoverish EXECRATE 혐오하다, 비난하다 execrate : denounce :: exemplify : imitate dislodge, displace, unsettle, reveal, disclose EXEMPLAR 전형, 모범 emulate : exemplary :: obviate : unnecessary ENSUE 뒤따라발생하다 anterior ensuing EXEMPTION 면제 exempt : liability :: pardon : penalty ENTANGLE ENTHRALL 뒤엉키게하다, 복잡하게만들다마음을사로잡다 ; 노예로만들다 exonerate : blame :: disentangle : snarl EXHAUST 기진맥진하게하다 infinite : exhaust :: discrete : overlap liberate, release, emancipate, bore, disenchant, dull EXHAUSTIVE 포괄적인 ; 철저한 exhaustive : careful :: mesmerizing : interesting ENTICE 유혹하다 command : entreaty :: goad : enticement EXHORT 강요하다, 강권하다 exhort : suggest :: goad : direct (A >> B) ENTRAMMEL 얽히게하다, 구속하다, 방해하다 EXODUS 대탈출 exodus : departure :: rally : meet ENTRANCE 매료시키다, 입구 disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse, bore EXONERATE 용서하다, 면제하다 exonerate : blame :: disentangle, extricate : snarl ENTRENCHED 굳어진, 확고한 changing, flexible, questionable EXPEDIENT 편의주의적인 ; 신속한 consensus : factionalism :: expedition : foot-dragging ENUNCIATE 명확히표현 / 설명 / 발음 하다 waffle : enunciate :: embed : disinter EXPEDITE 촉진시키다, 추진하다, 신속히처리하다 expedite : process :: accelerate : pace ENVY 부러워하다, 탐내다 EXPEDITIOUS 신속한 [ 9 / 29 ] 2nd Edition by 돈데크민

10 EPHEMERAL 일시적인, 덧없는 repellent : attract :: ephemeral : endure EXPLOIT 위업, 업적 ; 이용하다, 착취하다 exploit : heroic :: gaffe : tactless EPICENTER ( 지진 ) 진앙, 진원지 ; 중심점 epicenter periphery EXPONENT 지지자 exponent : advocate :: pollster : canvass EPISTEMOLOGY 인식론 epicure : discriminating :: spectator : watching EXTANT 현존하는 extinct, lost, missing, destroyed EPITOMIZE 요약하다 ; 완벽한예가즉흥적인, 계획없이이 epitomize : brevity :: embellish : ornamentation EXTEMPORANEOUS 된다루어진 EPONYMOUS -의이름을딴 eponymous : name :: EXTEND 확장하다, ( 범위, 정도 ) 넓히다 침착한, 차분한 ; 한결같 ( 죄, 과실 ) 경감시키다, EQUABLE intemperate, unsteady, uneven, hostile EXTENUATE 가볍게하다 ; 야위게하 moderate : intensify :: extenuate : seriousness 은, 안정된 다 EQUITABLE 공정한, 공평한 equitable biased, unfair, disproportionate EXTINGUISH 불을끄다 extinguish kindle, ignite EQUIVOCAL 애매한 equivocation : clarity :: prevarication : truth EXTOL 극찬하다 extol, praise lavishly censure, despise, vilify, deprecate EQUIVOCATE 애매하게둘러대다 equivocate : commitment :: procrastinate : action EXTRANEOUS 관련없는 extraneous : essence :: achromatic : hue ERA 시대, 시기, 연대 era : moment : region : site (A >> B) EXTRICATE ( 위험, 곤란에서 ) 벗어나게하다, 구해내다, 빼내주다 extricate enmesh, entangle, embroil ERRATIC 변덕스런, 일정하지않비본질적인, 외래의, 외 heroic : craven :: erratic : permanent (OPPOSITE) EXTRINSIC 은 ; 비정상적인부의 intrinsic, immanent, inherent, ingrained, elemental ERUDITE 박식한 erudite : fathom :: oblivious : neglect EXUBERANT 열의에찬, 열광적인, 원기왕성한, 활력적인 exuberant : happy :: soaked, drenched : wet, damp ESCALATE 증대시키다, 고조되다 escalate decrease, diminish, ebb, wane EXUDE 스며나오게하다, 발산시키다 exude absorb, take in ESCHEW 피하다 embrace, greet, habitually indulge in, seek, welcome EXULTANT 뛸뜻이기뻐하는 exult : satisfaction :: crave : longing ESOTERIC 난해한, 소수만아는 commonly accepted, generally known, commonplace FABRICATE 만들어내다, 꾸며내다 ; 제조하다, 조립하다 irritate : pacific :: fabricate : ingenuous ESTEEM 존경, 존중, 호의적평가 esteem : idolatry :: favor : bribe (DEFECTIVE) FACETIOUS 익살스런, 웃기는 ; 가벼운 facetious : speech :: antic : behavior ESTIMABLE 존경받을만한 estimable : admiration :: questionable : doubt FACILE 피상적인 ; 손쉬운, 용이한 facile arduous, profound ESTRANGE ( 관계 ) 소원하게하다 estrangement rapprochement, reconciliation FACILITATE 용이하게하다 facilitate impede, hamper, obstruct, thwart ETHEREAL 천상의, 영적인 ; 가볍고 ( 고장에대비하여 ) 안전 ethereal material, ponderous, worldly FAIL-SAFE 섬세한장치를갖춘 fail-safe : malfunction :: precarious : stabilize ETYMOLOGY 어원, 어원학 etymology : language :: genealogy : family FALLACY 잘못된생각, 그릇된논리, 궤변 disabuse : fallacy, miscomprehension :: cure : disease EULOGY 칭송, 찬양, 송덕문 eulogy : speech :: ode : poem FALTER 주저하다, 비틀거리다 falter : act :: stammer : speak EUPHEMISM 완곡어법 equivocation : truth :: euphemism : offense :: obfuscation : clarity FANATIC 열성적인 nicety : precision :: illusion : fantasy (EQUAL) EUPHORIA ( 강한 ) 행복감 satisfaction : euphoria :: (A << B) FANTASTIC 비현실적인 fanatic : admirer :: zealot : adherent EVANESCENT 사라지는 satisfaction : euphoria :: (A << B) FARCICAL 우스꽝스런 EVASIVE 회피하는, 솔직하지않은 intended to, frank, candid, direct, forthright FASCINATE 매료시키다 fascination : interest :: adoration : fondness EVEN-HANDED 공정한, 공평한 evenhanded lopsided, partial, unfair FAST 확고한, 고정된 ; 금식하다 ; 금식 fast : eat, eating :: respite : labor EVERLASTING 영원히, 영속적인 everlasting : permanence :: fitful : discontinuity FASTIDIOUS 꼼꼼한, 까다로운 devoted : zealous :: careful : fastidious EVERYDAY 일상적인 extraordinary, abnormal, exceptional, special, uncommon FASTNESS 요새, 안전한곳 ; 고정 ; 신속 unsecured place, deliberate action EVICT 퇴거시키다, 내쫓다 deportation : country :: eviction : dwelling FATHOM 헤아리다 ; 수심을재다 recondite : fathom :: tenacious : eradicate EVINCE 분명히나타내다, 명시하다 keep hidden, conceal, obscure, keep secret FATIGUE 극도의피로 fatigue : repose, rest :: dehydration : water FATUOUS 어리석은, 바보같은 acute, astute, sagacious, sensible, judicious, prudent FLOUNDER 간신히나아가다, 버둥거리다, 몸부림치다 flounder : process :: FAULTFINDING 트집잡기 faultfinder : criticize :: arbitrator : mediate FLOURISH 번성하다 flourish wither, waste away, wilt, lose out 편애하다, 지지하다, 유경멸하다, 비웃다, 멸시 FAVOR tease( 괴롭히다 ), thwart, hurt, impede, prevent FLOUT 리하다하다 FAWN 아부하다 condescending : patronize :: obsequious : fawn FLUCTUATE 변동하다 pristine : decay :: stable : fluctuation FAZED 당황한 embolden abash, faze, cow FLUVIAL 강의, 하천의 fluvial : river :: sidereal : star :: arboreal : tree :: sylvan : forest FEALTY ( 영주에대한 ) 충성 fealty perfidy FLUX 흐름, 끝없는변동 flux stability, solidity, stasis FEASIBLE 실행가능한 feasible impossible FOCUS 중심으로모이다 focus radiate FEATURELESS 뚜렷한특징이없는 distinctive, exceptional, prominent, singular FOIL 방해하다, 막다 foil : metal :: veneer : wood FECKLESS 무기력한, 무책임한 feckless responsible (feckless responsive는오답!) FOLLY 어리석음, 우둔 folly sagacity FECUND 비옥한, 생산력이있는, 풍성한 fecund barren, unproductive, short, meager FOMENT 선동하다, 자극하다 disseminate : information :: foment : discontentment FEISTY 적극적인, 원기왕성한 FOOT-DRAGGING 지체, 더딤, 주저 [ 10 / 29 ] 2nd Edition by 돈데크민

11 야생의, 야생으로돌아 결부된것이없는, 마음 FERAL wilderness : feral :: (CHARACTER) FOOTLOOSE 대로할수있는, 구속 간 되지않은 FERROUS 철의, 철을함유한 ferrous containing no iron FORAGE ( 식량 ) 찾아헤매다 forage : sustenance :: canvass : support FERVOR 열성, 열렬 ennui : enthusiastic :: fervor : apathetic FORBEARANCE 인내, 자제 forbearance impatience (forvear= 조상, 선조 ) FETTER 족쇄를채우다, 구속하 다 enfranchise, liberate enfetter FORCEFUL 강력한 FIASCO 대실패 a notable success, eclat, unalloyed success FORESWEAR 포기하다, 위증하다 adhere to, admit, approve, tell the truth FICKLE 변덕스런 fickle : constancy :: naive : sophistication FORLORN 버림받은, 절망적인 겁먹게하는, 위협적인, FIDELITY 충성, 정조 respect : baseness :: trust : infidelity, perfidiousness FORMIDABLE formidable : intimidate :: (A한사람은 B한다 ) 경외감을갖게하는 FIGURINE 작은조각상 figurine : status :: twig : branch :: vestige : remainder FORMULAIC 도식적인, 공식에만따른 formulaic innovative, original FILCH 훔치다 FORTHCOMING 다가오는, 임박한, 솔직한 FILIBUSTER 의사진행방해 ( 긴연설등 ) filibuster : delay :: hoax : deceive FORTUITOUS 우연한 planned in advance, planned ahead, previously planned FILLY 어린암말 filly : horse :: pullet : chicken FOUL 불쾌하고역겨운, ( 날씨 ) 사나운, 나쁜 FILMSTRIP 영사슬라이드 FOUNDER 침몰하다, 실패하다 foundation : building :: root : tree FILTHY 매우더러운, 추잡한, 난 잡한, 비열한 filthiness : pristine :: (OPPOSITE) FRACTIOUS 쉽게해내는, 다루기힘 든 fractious : umbrage :: ( 화잘내는, 화 ) FINALE 공연의마지막, 대미 beginning, genesis, inception, initiation FRAGILE 약한, 부서지기쉬운 fragile : break :: porous : penetrate :: flammable : burn FINCH 되새류과의새 finch : bird :: aspen : tree :: lizard : reptile FRAGRANT 향기로운 fragrant fetid FINGERPRINT 지문 FRAIL 약한, 깨지기쉬운 FIR 전나무 fir : tree :: wool : fiber (lawn : grass는오답 ) FRANTIC FIREFLY 반딧불이 FRATERNIZE FIRM ( 태도, 마음 ) 확고한, 굳은 FRAUGHT 광란의, 정신없는, 미쳐날뛰는사귀다, 친해지다, 형제처럼지내다가득한, ( 정신 ) 괴로워하는 fraternizing unrelated to, estrange, shun fraught : placid :: baffling : perspicuous FISCAL 재정의, 재무의, 회계의 fiscal : finance :: pedagogical : teaching (political : law 는오답 ) FRECKLE 주근깨, 거미 freckle : skin, face :: pinstripe : fabric FISSURE ( 땅, 바위 ) 균열, 불화 fissure unity FREEZE 동결하다 FIT 적당한 fit inappropriate FRENETIC 광란의, 지나치게열광 적인 energetic : frenetic :: firm : obdurate :: firm : obstinate FITFUL 불규칙적인, 발작적인 continuous, constant, stable, steady, equable FRENZY 광란, 열광 convulsion : contraction :: frenzy : emotion FIXED 고정된, 견고한, 확고한 illegible : read :: fixed : move FREQUENT 자주들르다 frequency : pitch :: wavelength : color FLABBY 살이축늘어진, 허약한 flabby firm FRETFUL 안달하는, 초조해하는, 화내는, 언짢아하는 displaying equanimity, equanimous, pleasing FLAGGING ( 힘, 권한, 결심 ) 약해지는, 축늘어지는 growing vigorously, thriving, vibrant, hale FRETWORK 실톱세공 fretwork : ornamentation :: oil : lubricant FLAGRANT 극악한, 악명높은 hidden, concealed, obscure, subtle FRIABLE 쉽게부서지는 friable : crumble :: malleable : alter :: lucid : comprehend FLAMBOYANT 눈부신, 화려한, 현란한 furtive : openness :: flamboyant : reserve FRICTION 마찰 friction : oil, lubricant :: mobility : splint FLANNEL 플란넬, 무명, 면포 flannel : cloth :: linen : fabric :: tin : metal FRIGHTEN 겁나게하다, 놀라게하다 FLATTER 추켜세우다, 알랑거리다, ( 찬사등으로 ) 기쁘 flattery : praise :: loquaciousness : talkativeness FRILL 허식, 장식 frill : superfluity :: void, vain : vacuity, vanity, absence 게하다 FLAWED 결점이있는 impeccable : flaw :: ingenuous : guile FRIVOLOUS ( 태도가 ) 가벼운, 하찮은 frivolous : gravity :: brash : discretion FLEDGLING 풋내기, 애송이 full-fledged incipient, nascent, defective FROWARD 다루기힘든, 완고한 forward : control :: intrepid : discourage FLEETING 휙지나가는, 순식간의, 덧없는 fleeting : pass :: FRUGAL 검소한, 절약하는 parsimony : frugality :: hubris : pride FLICKER 깜빡거리다 flicker shine steadily FULL-FLEDGED 완전한, 성숙한 FLIMSY FLIPPANT FLIT 부서기기쉬운, 무른, 약한, 설득력이없는경박한, 성의없는, 무례한경쾌하게움직이다, 빨리지나가다 flimsy substantial, plausible, convincing FULMINATION 심한비난 fulminate : criticize :: adulate : flatter flippant : respect, sincerity :: nonchalant : concern FUTILITY 헛수고, 무익함 flit : move :: blurt : utter FUMBLE 서툴게다루다, 더듬어찾다, 말을더듬거리다 fumble : maladroit :: FLOCK 떼로모이다, 움직이다. clique, coterie : intimates :: flock : sheep FUR 털가죽, 모피 FLOPPY ( 옷이 ) 펄럭이는, 늘어 진, 느슨한 floppy taut, inflexible FUROR 분노 furor, havoc serenity FURROW 홈을파다, 골, 밭고랑 furrow smooth, iron out GREGARIOUS 사교적인 poseur : sincerity :: recluse : gregariousness FURTIVE 은밀한 furtive : open :: flippant : reserved :: flamboyant : reserved GRIEVOUS 심각한, 중대한, 슬픈 smart : pain :: grieve : sorrow [ 11 / 29 ] 2nd Edition by 돈데크민

9 급공무원시험합격비법자료시리즈오권영의 Oh! voca 1. 약화시키다 약화되다 debilitate 약화시키다 devitalize 약화시키다 incapacitate 무능력하게하다 wither 시들다, 약해지다 enervate 약화시키다 unnerve 무기력하게하다 en

9 급공무원시험합격비법자료시리즈오권영의 Oh! voca 1. 약화시키다 약화되다 debilitate 약화시키다 devitalize 약화시키다 incapacitate 무능력하게하다 wither 시들다, 약해지다 enervate 약화시키다 unnerve 무기력하게하다 en 1. 약화시키다 약화되다 debilitate 약화시키다 devitalize 약화시키다 incapacitate 무능력하게하다 wither 시들다, 약해지다 enervate 약화시키다 unnerve 무기력하게하다 enfeeble 약화시키다 attenuate 가늘게 약하게하다 extenuate 줄여주다, 경감하다 languish 나른해지다, 약해지다 wane (

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28 abrasion No WORD ANTONYM ANALOGY MEANING abraded friction vaporized heat scuff abrasion heat vaporization n. / abrade augment abraded friction desi

28 abrasion No WORD ANTONYM ANALOGY MEANING abraded friction vaporized heat scuff abrasion heat vaporization n. / abrade augment abraded friction desi 1 abacus abacus calculate sextant navigate n. abacus calculate balance weigh abacus calculated balance weighed 2 abandon abandon inhibition tranquility agitation(#) n. salvage abandon inhibition despair

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Unit 2. Plants 1 sunlight 2 root 3 own 4 living 5 space 6 stem 7 leaf 8 change 1 대부분의 2 ~ 을떠받치다 3 ( 식물의 ) 양분 4 저장하다 5 식물 6 자라다, 성장하다 7 땅, 지면

Unit 2. Plants 1 sunlight 2 root 3 own 4 living 5 space 6 stem 7 leaf 8 change 1 대부분의 2 ~ 을떠받치다 3 ( 식물의 ) 양분 4 저장하다 5 식물 6 자라다, 성장하다 7 땅, 지면 Unit 1. The Arctic 1 warm 2 ocean 3 keep 4 around 5 Arctic 6 throw 7 freeze 8 fur 1 땅, 지면 2 북극 3 지역, 구역 4 얼어붙은 5 동물 6 부딪치다, 닿다 7 깃털 Unit 2. Plants 1 sunlight 2 root 3 own 4 living 5 space 6 stem 7 leaf

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