Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck(1961), Douglas (1970) Hofstede(1980, 1991, 2001), Schwartz(1992, 1994), Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner(1997), House et

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1 : Hofstede(1980, 1991), Schwartz(1992, 1994), Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner (1997), House et al.(2004). (heuristic)..,,.,,,, 5.. :,, hisim@skku.edu

2 Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck(1961), Douglas (1970) Hofstede(1980, 1991, 2001), Schwartz(1992, 1994), Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner(1997), House et al.(2004). Hofstede 1), (Triandis, 2004). Hofstede(1980) Schwartz(1992, 1994), Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner(1997), House et al.(2004). Hofstede.. 1) Hofstede(1980, 1991, 2001), -, -,, -., (Gooderham & Nordhaug, 2001; Roberts & Boyacigiller, 1984).,,, (House et al., 2004; Schwartz, 1992). 3 (, 2000). 3, ( ), (Ibid)., 3, 2) (House et al., 2004), 3. (emic approach) (Chinese Values Survey, CVS), Yau(1994) Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck(1961) 12 2) Hofstede 18, 20, , 58, 35.

3 (CVS). (, 1993;, 2003;, 2007;, 1994),,,,. (heuristic) (Kweon, 2003)., Hofstede DB,. 3),... 3) (, 2011;, 2012;, 2000),. - ( ) Triandis(1995) Singelis et al.(1995).,.. Hofstede(1980, 1991), Schwartz(1992, 2004), Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner(1997, 2001), House et al.(2004). 4),. Hofstede IBM 4) (Word Values Survey) DB..,,, 4 EASS(East Asia Social Survey),,.

4 (work related values), 5) Schwartz. Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner 6) (Hooghiemstra 2003: 61). 7) GLOBE, ( What should be...? ) ( What is...? ),. GLOBE, 8) 5) Hofstede 5 IBM.. 6) (, 2004). 7) THT Parsons,, (Parsons & Shils, 1951)... (1994),,, ( ),. (1993),,, (2003),,,,,,,,,. (2007) 9) 19,,,,,,,,, 8) House et al.(2004) GLOBE. 4),,. 9),, (2007: 98).

5 ,,,. 10) 1..,, -, -., -, -..,,., 10) (2007). (2003)., (, 1991)..,, 11).,. (,, 2011;, 2012;,, 2000;, 2013;, 2012)., 1. (2007) 12 (107 ) (108 ), (1993) (135 ). 11) (Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner, 1997).

6 (1994) (2004) (2003) (2007) * < > ( ) ** ( ) 12) 22) - * < > ( - ) *** (- ) **** 13) 14) Hofstede (1980, 2001) Schwartz (1992, 2004) **** - * **** 5-95 **** 39> * < > **** ( ) 15) Trompenaars & Hampden- Turner (1997) House et al. (2004) - * ( ) **** < > - *** - *** ( ) 16) - *** < > - *** < > - ( ) *** - ** - *** < > 17) 18) * Hofstede(1980, 2001). ** Schwartz(1992). *** Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner(1997). **** House et al.(2004). 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24)

7 .. 12) (, 2003). (2007). 13), (, 1994). 14) ( ) (, 2003). 15). (, 2007). 16), (, 2007). 17) (, 2003). 18),, (, 2003). (Cultural Consensus Theory)., 19) (, 2004). 20). (, 2003). Schwartz(1992) House et al.(2004). 21), (, 2003). 22),. (, 2007). 23) (, 2007). 24).,.,, (, 2007).

8 (D'Andrade, 1981; Weller, 2007: 339)., (Ibid)., (, informant). ( ),?(Romney, Weller, & Batchelder, 1986: 314;, 2007: 47 ), ( ) (culturally correct answers), (Weller, 2007: 339).,, (consensus) (agreement). (reliability) (competence) (Weller, 2007: 340). :,..,..,. (Weller, 2007: 340)., 1 4 (Borgatti, 1996; Horowitz, 2007: 50-57; Weller & Romney 1988). 1, (freelist) (Horowitz, 2007; Keller & Loewenstein, 2011; Weller & Romney 1988). 25) (open-ended questions), ( ), ( ) 25), (Horowitz, 2007), (Keller & Loewenstein, 2011), (Chavez et al., 1995), (Magana, Burton, & Ferriera-Pinto, 1995),,,.

9 (, ).,., ,. Anthropac(v. 4.98), ( ),, Smith s S( ). 3 1, (MDS, Multidimensional Scaling), PROFIT(property fitting),. (pilesort) 3 (triad)., 3 ( Borgatti, 1996). 4,,, (consensus analysis).,,.

10 .,,. (freelist) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 22, 21, 20 26, 30 13, 40 3, (pilesort), , 19, 20 12, 30 15, 40 6, ( ) ,. 7 3., (Anthropac). hurry, in a hurry, rush, hurry,,,, respecting olders and seniors, respectful to the elderly and superiors respecting olders. 159, Anthropac(v. 4.98)

11 63... (, pile), 37 UCINET6. UCINET6 NetDraw., ( ). (salience)., (Borgatti, 1996; Horowitz, 2007: 51). 2 Anthropac(v. 4.98), ( ),. Smith s S. Smith s S 70 ( 2 ) (items) (%) Smith s S 1 friendly hurry hardworking polite proud of Korea conservative patriotic hospitable appearance emotional

12 1 ( ) ( ) ( ) / ( ) 10 / ( ) ( ) ( ) 15 ( ) (peer pressure) (,, ) 18 ( ) ( ) ) 26) , 28 (20 7, 30 14, 40 3, 50 4 ).

13 . 27) ),,. (,, ),,. (MDS). MDS ( ) ) 28) MDS 2 3.


15 2, (Stress) (Sturrock & Rocha, 2000), (+,+), 2(,+), 3(, ), 4(+, ) 3,,,, 1,,. 2,,,, 4,,. 63. NetDraw , 32. NetDraw 1, 3 (37 ) 1/ ,,,,, 5.,,,,,,,,,, ( ),..,,?.?, (self-concept). Mead(1934) Fenigstein et al.(1975). Mead(1934) (I)

16 (me). Mead. I me, (I) (me) (, 2012).,., I me. Mead (generalized other) Fenigstein et al.(1975) (public self-consciousness). (Froming & Carver, 1981; Lennon, Burns, Rowold, 1995; Schlenker & Weigold, 1990). 3,,,,,,,,, ( ),,.,. (high context) (Hall, 1976).,,, ( ), ( ),, (peer pressure), (,, ),., 1. 2,, ( ) 1,,.. 1 (primary group) (in-group) Cooley(1909) Sumner(1906), 1

17 (Cooley, 1909), (Sumner, 1906; Tajfel, 1969)..,.. (, 2000).,, (2002),, (2002),,.,,. Triandis Hofstede. Triandis Hofstede (interest) (Kim & Cho, 2011; Jackson et al., 2006; Triandis, 1989, 1995), (Hofstede, 1980) (Triandis, 1989, 1995). (Jackson et al., 2006: 886).,,, ( ),,. ( ),,, ( ),,,..,. 3

18 . 1. Hofstede(1980, 2001) -. Hofstede, Clark & Mills(1979). Clark & Mills(1979) (benefits) (communal relationship) (exchange relationship), (needs) (debt). 29) Clark & Mills(1979),. 29),, (Clark & Mills, 1979).,,. (open-hearted patience), (courtesy), (kindness), (gentleness), (compassion) (humanheartedness: Leung, 2010).,.,. 30). 31) 30),, ( )., (ice breaker). 31).

19 ,...,,,,,,,,,.. ( ), 32),,. 32),,,, ( )., ( ).. Max Weber(1958) (traditional), (charismatic), - (rational-legal).,,,, (, 2003: ).,,,, -., -,. Hofstede (power distance) Schwartz (hierarchy). Hofstede et al.(2010),. Hofstede 60 76

20 Schwartz (wealth).,, (humility), (Schwartz, 2004). Hofstede(1980), Hofstede et al.(2010) Schwartz(2004),.,,,. Hofstede et al.(2010: 63). 33) 33).. 34), 35) Hofstede.,,,,, ( ),,, ( ),,, ( ),, ( ),,,,., 34) (positional goods). (Hirsch, 1976). 35).,,,.

21 .. ().. 36) 37).,.. 38) 36) , 8 2 ( ) K-pop. 37),,,. 38) (., ;., ; ;,,. Hofstede(1980), Hofstede et al.(2010) -., Hofstede -. Trompenaars & Hampden- Turner(1997).,, (ascription).,.,,, ),.

22 . (, 2006;, 2010;, 1997). Trompenaars -..,,. 39). (, 2012;, 1979;, 1998). 40) 39),..,,. (, 1979).. House et al.(2004) GLOBE..,.,., ( ),, ( ),,,. 40) Schwartz(2004),,,,,. Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner (1997) (sequential) vs. (synchronous).

23 ,,,,,,,. ( 4)..,,, ( ),.,.,. Hofstede(1980, 2001), Schwartz(1992, 1994), Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner(1997), House et al.(2004)

24 , , 63 (Kweon, 2003).,. 5,,, ( ),. 5,,,.,,,,,. 41) 41),. 5, ( ), -, -, -, -.,.,....,,,.

25 . (1993). :. (2001). :., (2011).,. (4), (2012). :. (2004). : Trompenaars - Turner (2012).,,,,,. (4), (1979). :.,, (2002). :. (1), (1991). :. (2003). :. (2007). :. (1), , ( ) (2006). :., (2000). -. (1), ,,, (2013). :. (1), (2007). :. (2003). :.,,,, (2010). :. (1998) (2000). :.,,, (2012).. (1), (1997) (2000).., (2002).,, : ( ),. (1), (1994). :. Borgatti, S. P. (1996). ANTHROPAC 4.0 reference

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29 A Study on the Cultural Characteristics of Korean Society: Discovering Its Categories Using the Cultural Consensus Model Minbong You Hyungin Shim Sungkyunkwan University This study attempted to discover the dimensions of Korean culture, with the presumption that the cross-cultural studies(hofstede, 1980, 1997; Schwartz, 1992, 1994; Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1997; House et al., 2004) have limitation to explain non-western culture including Korean culture. Even though there are some Korean cultural studies, they used heuristic approaches applying the authors' experiences and intuitions. This study applied the Cultural Consensus Theory to overcome the previous studies' shortcomings and to discover the dimensions that can be empirically proved by data. In specific this study conducted in-depth interview, used content analysis, did frequency analysis, and applied pilesort technique, multidimensional scaling and network analysis. As a result, this study obtained five categories: public self-consciousness, group-focused orientation, affective human relations, hierarchical culture, and result-orientation. It is expected that these dimensions can be used as important variables that may explain Korean social phenomena. Key words : Korean culture, cultural consensus model, freelist, pilesort

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