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Organization Beginning of MF AMDA 2002 GRET 1995 PACT (UNDP projects) PACT (non UNDP) Save the Children (Dawn Microfinance Program) Total (Yadana Suboo Micro-finance) 1997 2005 2002 1997 World Vision 1998 Geographical coverage Mandalay State: 1TS, 37 villages Chin State (North 4TS, 86 villages) Mandalay, Sagaing, Shan, Delta,Magway: 22 TS, 4,568 villages Magway: 4TS, 201VT, 476 villages Yangon 5TS Division, Tanintharyi State, 1TS,25 villages Yangon, Mandalay, Ayerwaddy division, Shan, Kayin, and Mon State: 9TS Targeted Population Beneficialries of AMDA's NGO program Active Borrowers % Women 1,510 100% Poor people in rural area 4,332 57% Poor people to facilitate the growth of their microenterprises Poor women in peri urban area of yangon Poor and middle poor individuals wishing to start of expand micro enterprises in the pipeline area Poor entrepreneurs, beneficiaries of other World Vision programs 319,744 93% 33,713 100% 16,656 100% 1,197 75% 8,131 71% Total 385,283 93% Gross Loan Portfolio (MMK) 55,109,960 (US $ 55,109) 33,313,000 (US $ 300,313) 24,513,000,000 (US $ 24,513,000) 1,396,493,000 (US$ 1,396,493) 400,000,000(US$ 400,000) 165,077,000(US$ 165,077) 1, 0 0 0, 0 0 0, 0 0 0 (US$ 1,000,000) 27,829,992,960 (US$ 27,829,922) - 75 -

Organization AMDA GRET PACT/UNDP PACT Save the Children (Dawn Micro finance Program) Total (Yadana Soboo Micro finance) World Vision Methodology Group sitting cycle including health insurance Village Credit Scheme Group guarantee with Village Level Credit Organization (VLCO) with the possibility of loan insurance Group Guaranteed model Individual lending with a guarantor policy Group guaranteed Model Compulsory Savings Yes Yes Yes Yes No NO Credit Products products Mormal Loan Amounts/ borrower 40,000 to 70,000K Term, repayment 1 year, bimonthly Short Term Loan 50,000K 4 months, bimonthly Normal Loan 60,000K 12months Performance Loan 84,000K 12months Special Loan 120,000K 12months Micro enterprise Loan Regular Income Generating Loan Health Care Loan $50 Educational Loan $50 Agricultural Loan $80 Seasonal Loans/ Consumer Loan Micro enterprise Loan General Loan Emergency Loan (health care) Nargiz Loan Progressive Capital repayment Loan (PCL) Bulk Capital repayment Loan (BCL) Special Loan Small Loan Micro enterprise Loan small enterprise Loan Emergency Loan 250,000 to 500,000K $ 60 to 150 Up to $100 Up to $500 14,000 to 100,000K 12months 25 weeks, weekly 49,900K 16weeks, weekly 30,000-500,000 K 100,000-500,000 K 5,000 to 100,000K 5,000 to 50,000 K 50,001 to 300,000K 300,001 to 10,000,000K 50,001 to 300,000K 50weeks 3,6,9,12 months, monthly 3,6,9,12 months, monthly repayment with principal ta the end of the cycle (bulk repayment) 3-9 months, monthly/weekly 3 months, monthly/weekly 3-9 months/weekly 3-6 months/weekly 3-9 months, monthly/weekly Saving Products No No Yes Yes (in 1TS) Pilot phase in 4villages No - 76 -

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2) 향후예정사업 - 102 -

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지적도 Thanh Tri district, Hanoi city Cadastral map of Buon Ma Thuot city, Dak Lak province - 141 -

Lien Mac Commune, Tu Liem district, Hanoi city Cadastral map & land ministration of Binh Thuan province Long Hoa Commune, An Giang province - 142 -

Dong Anh District, Hanoi city - 143 -

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( 13 년 10 월기준 1USD = Rs. 128.73) ( 13년 10월기준 1USD = Rs.128.73 ) - 162 -

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( 토지구분은 Zone -> Sheet -> Lot 로순차구분됨 ) - 167 -

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Total 221 305 367 372 263 499 1056-174 -

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Etalin HE Project - 191 -

Etalin HE Project Etalin HE Project - 192 -

Etalin HE Project - 193 -

Etalin HE Project Etalin HE Project - 194 -

Etalin HE Project Etalin HE Project - 195 -

Etalin HE Project Etalin HE Project - 196 -

Etalin HE Project Etalin HE Project - 197 -

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Etalin HE Project Etalin HE Project - 199 -

Etalin HE Project Etalin HE Project - 200 -

Etalin HE Project Etalin HE Project - 201 -

Etalin HE Project Etalin HE Project - 202 -

Etalin HE Project Etalin HE Project - 203 -

Etalin HE Project - 204 -

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Land Management Urbanization and Construction(MLMUPC) - 233 -

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Nº Collateral Type LVR Insurance Other 1 Land 2 Building of Rice Milling 50% No Yes - Building of Rice Milling such as warehouse or other building related to rice milling or agricultural production. 3 Rice Milling Machinery 30% Yes - Rice Milling Machine: Drying Machine, Refining Machine, Paddy Separator, Packing Machine, Rice Grader, Rice Polisher, Color Sorter, Biomass etc. 4 Other Supporting Machinery Yes - Other Supporting Machinery such as Truck, Excavator etc. - Original Registration Card Required - 243 -

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GIS Cadastral Survey ( 가칭 ) - 276 -

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