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' ' ( ) 2 60 ' ' ( ) 50% 21% 95 ( ) 43% 13% 10 5 ( ) 24% 9% 11 5 ( ) 20%6% ' ' ' ' ' ' 1965





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Urban Development in T ransition Economies and its Implications for North Korea


200 1 55 Urban Developm ent in T r an sition Economies and it s Implications for North Kor ea

2001-55 / / 2-22 / 2001 10 11 / 2001 10 15 1591-6 (431-712) 031-380-0426( ) 031-380-0114( ) / 031-380-0474 6,000 / ISBN 89-8182- 161-5-93300 http://www.krihs.re.kr 2001,.

20. 1990. 1998 (global standard),.,....,. i

.,.... 2001 10 ii

,,. 1.,. 2.,.. 3,.... iii

,.,,,...,,..,.., (FDI). 4 "..,... iv

< 1>, - ( ), / / ( ),.,,. v

,,,,.,,,,.,, ( ).. (mobility),.,,.,,,,.,,,.,,.,,. vi

1 1. 1 2. 3 2 1. 7 2. 9 3 1. 17 2. 23 3. 44

4 1. 89 2. 97 3. 109 5 1. 113 2. 115 117 SUMMARY 121

< 1> < 2-1> 15 < 3-1> 22 < 3-2> 25 < 3-3> 26 < 3-4> 28 < 3-5> 28 < 3-6> 30 < 3-7> 31 < 3-8> 35 < 3-9> 38 < 3-10> 39 < 3-11> 41 < 3-12> 42 < 3-13> 47 < 3-14> 49 < 3-15> (1998) 50 < 3-16> 50

< 3-17> (1988) 51 < 3-18> 25 (1979-1996) 53 < 3-19> 54 < 3-20> 56 < 3-21> (1997) 59 < 3-22> 61 < 3-23> (1990-1996) 61 < 3-24> 64 < 3-25> - 65 < 3-26> 66 < 3-27> (1989 1999) 67 < 3-28> 10 (1995) 68 < 3-29> 20 (1995.6) 70 < 3-30> 71 < 3-31> (1989) 76 < 3-32> (1989 1994) 77 < 3-33> (1990 1998) 79 < 3-34> 80 < 3-35> 87 < 4-1> 95 < 4-2> 98 < 4-3> 102 < 4-4> 103 < 4-5> 104 < 4-6> 108

< 2-1> 12 < 3-1> 44 < 3-2> 64 < 3-3> 69 < 3-4> 72 < 3-5> 75 < 3-6> 81 < 4-1> 101

1 C H A P T E R 1.,.,.,... 1 1

..,.,,,..,. 1970, 1989..,,,.,,,.. 2

2.,.,. 1989,,.,..,.. 1978, 1989.,.... 1 3

( ),,.,. 1).,,,. ( ), ( ), ( )..,..... ( ),. 2) 1). 4

... 3),.,.,. 2) Fulong Wu. 2001. "China's recent urban development in the process of land and housing marketization and economic globalisation". Habitat International 25. p.284. 3).. 1 5

2 C H A P T E R 1. 1). (economic reform) (economic transformation). (Haeussermann) (Grundparameter),,. 4). 20, 4) Hartmut Haeussermann. 1996. "Von der Stadt im Sozialismus zur Stadt im Kapitalismus". Stadtentwicklung in Ostdeutschland. p.5. 2 7

... 2) (marketization),. (privatization).. 5) (globalization).,. 1980 2001 (WTO). 6) 5).... 1997... p.241. 6) 2001 12 (WTO), '.,.. 2001. 568. p.14. 8

., (private ownership), 7).....,. 2. 1).,..,,. 7). 1997... p.167. 2 9

,..,...,.,.. 2),.,,... 8) 8). 20-30%,. 10

,,..,..,,,.,..,.. 2 11

< 2-1> 3).,, (private sector),,,.....,.,.. 12

,.... 9).,.,.,,,. (Flierl),, 10),,.,. 9),. (I.Hoover),,, (J.Heibrun),,.,, 2000, p.205.,,,. (W.A.V. Clark), (demand) (accessibility).. 10) Hartmut Haeussermann. 1996. "Von der Stadt im Sozialismus zur Stadt im Kapitalismus". Stadtentwicklung in Ostdeutschland. p.11. 2 13

...,,,.... 11),. < 2-1>...,,,.. 11).,... 2000.. 35 4. p.28. 14

.... < 2-1> / : / :, / : :, : : / ( / ) 2 15

3 C H A P T E R 1... 1) 1978. 12) 1978 (1966 1976). 10. 12) 1978 (socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics)". George C. S. Lin. 1999. "State policy and spatial restructuring in post-reform China". International Journal of Urban and Regional Research no.4. p.674. 3 17

(1976),. 13). 1978.,., 1978 1 2 3 71%, 15%, 14%. 2) 1989,. 1950, 1970. 1981. 14). 13). 1-2, 2,000-3,000... 2001.2.8., 10%... Jasper Becker. 2001.. p.292. 14) 1981 1989 147,000 288,000. 5.4% 16.3%. Piotr Korcelli. 1997. "Regionale Muster der Transition: Poland". Die Rueckkehr der Regionen. Wien. p.196. 18

97%(1986), 96.5%(1982) 81.7%(1985). 1989. 2. 1970 (1971 1975 ) 9.8%. 1970, 1980. 1981 1985, (-0.8%). 1981 1982.,. 15), 1989 (Mazowiecki). 1989 3,861, 1 GDP 5,668, 1 29%, 2 35%, 3 36% 1. 75%. 15) Leszek Balerowicz, Barbara Blaszczyk and Marek Dabrowski. 1998. "The Polish Way to the Market Economy". Economies in Transition. Comparing Asia and Europe. p.132. 3 19

. 3). 1949 40 1989 1990 10. 16). (Sozialismus in den Farben der DDR),. (1990) 30%, 21%, 11%, 1 11%, 2 50%, 3 39%. 1970. 16) 1989 1990 10. 1989.10.9:, 1989.11.9:, 1990.3.18:, 1990.5.18:, 1990.7.1: -, 1990.8.23: 10 3, 1990.8.31:, 1990.9.12: 2+4, 1990.10.3:, 1990.12.2:.. 2000.. p.25. 20

4),..,....,.,, ( ) (, ). ( ).. 3 21

< 3-1> 1978 1989 1990 ( ) 962,590 38,607 16,614 (1 GDP) $220 (377 ) (1.72 /$, 1978) $5,668 (1989) $5,840 (1989) (1/2/3 ; %, ) 71/17/12 29/35/36 11/50/39 / ( ) ( ) / ( ) / / + (1979), : (1995) :,. 2000. p.33... 1994. p.207. 22

... 2.,,. 1),.. (1) 1978 12 11 3 ( ). ( ) ( ) (incremental). (marketization). 3 23

, ( ). 1984,. 17) 1984..,,,. 1980 IMF, IBRD, ( ), ( ), ( ) ( ) 4.. 1990. 2001 12 11 (WTO).,,,,, 5 ( ),. 18) 1990, 2001 11 ( 17),, 3,, 3.. 1998.. p.148. 18). 1997. : http://www.koreaexim.go.kr/exim/eximdb/list/edito/ 970501.htm. 24

) 2002. 2002 WTO.,,. 19) < 3-2> 1 (1978 83) 1978.12 1979. 8 1980. 8 11 3,, 4, 2 (1984 87) 1984. 4 1985. 2 14,, 3 (1988 91) 1988. 3 1988. 4 1990. 4 1991. 4,,, 7 4, 3 (,, ) 4 (1992 ) 1991. 6 1992. 1 1992. 3 1992. 4 1992. 5, 4, :... 2001: http://seriecon.seri.org. 19) 11 12,.. 2001. World Report 48. :http://seriecon.seri.org. 3 25

< 3-3> 1 (1978 83) 2 (1984 88) 3 (1989 91) 4 (1992 96) 1983 (1989),,,, ( ),,,,, 1980 IMF, IBRD,,, 1986 1986 ADB 1980 1984 14 1988, ( ), ( ), ( ) ( ) 4 1985, 5, 1990 1990 FDI ( ) 26

(2) (1978-1984). 1979 1984 14.9%. 1980. 2001 90%.. 1975 0.3% 1996 14%,,.. 1978 1 70.5%, 1988 59.3%, 1998 49.8%. 1 1998 GDP.... (IT).,,,,,,, 2000 IT 38.4% 255 3. 20) 3 27

< 3-4> ( : ) (%) 1952 24,860 15,800 230 8,830 (35.5) 1957 32,050 24,510 6,500 1,040 (3.2) 1965 51,360 37,380 12,270 1,710 (3.3) 1975 82,220 64,260 17,720 240 (0.3) 1980 105,250 80,190 24,250 810 (0.8) 1990 145,660 103,460 35,490 6,710 (4.6) 1994 160,560 112,140 32,850 15,570 (9.7) 1996 165,890 112,440 30,160 23,290 (14.0) : 1) 1989, 2) 1953 1956 1956 1% 3) 1990. : Sun Sheng Han. "The Geography of Privatization in China, 1978-1996", Economic Geography, Vol. 75, No. 3, 1999, p.276.,.. 2000. p.29. < 3-5> ( : %) 1978 1988 1998 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 70.5 17.4 12.1 59.3 22.4 18.3 49.8 23.5 26.7 (GNP ) : 28.4 48.6 23.0 27.4 47.1 25.5 18.4* 48.7* 32.9* * GDP :. 1992, 2000. 20). 2001. " IT ". Issue Paper. p.1. ( ) 9 ( ) 10 30% 10 ( ) 10. 1 ( 160 ) (GDP) 19%. 2001.12.11. 28

. GDP 1990 1:57:42(1 :2 :3 ) 1998 1:48:51 3. 21) IT.,., 1990 (FDI). 500 2/3. 1979 2000 3,486. 22) 1980. 20 30%. 23) 21),. 2001. IT.. 5. p.76. 22) 2.,. 2001... p.19. 23) 1979 1998 20 (FDI) 65%. 17%, 8%, 6% (IBRD).,. 1982 1998 IBRD 94 2,200, 31%, 26%. (ADB) (38 3,760, 1988-1999) (46.1%), (19.2%). (IDA) 84 900 (54%), (21.7%), (12.2%). IDA IDA.. 2000... p.58, p.64. 3 29

< 3-6> ( :, ) 343,025 5,585 3,486 :.. 2001: http:// seriecon.seri.org.,... p.19....,, GDP 12 3.3 5.0 10 1.0 2.8. 24) 19.5% 11 ( ) 40%, 33.4%, 25.9%. 25). ( ). 1958. 26) 24) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 9 1.5-3.3.. 2000. WTO. 25) Yingqi Wei et. al. 1999. "The Regional Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment in China". Regional Studies. Vol.33.9. p.860. 26) 1958 1958 1978. 1978, 1994, 2001. 30

-. 1 3, -. 27) -. 20% 20% 1996 2.87 2000 3.61. 28) (< 3-7> ).,. NGO ( 0-10) 3.5 91 59. 29) < 3-7> 1980 1990 1999 0.16 0.23 0.30 0.24 0.31 0.34 : 0, 1. :.. LG 650. p.12., 2001.11.27. 27) 1985 1 1 1.86 1994 2.86.. 2001.. LG 650. p.12. 28). 2001.. p.12. 29) (Transparancy International) 2001 1 9.9, 4.2 42. 2.6 75, 0.4. Weekly SOL 7. 2001.11.26. 3 31

2) (1),,,,.,. 30), 1989. 1991. IMF/IBRD 1990 1 (shock therapy). (system transformation),,,,,,. (1989 640%). 1989 6. 1989 12 ', 1990 7 (Privatization law for State Owned Enterprise: ). 1990 9 (The Ministry of Ownership Changes : MOC). 30). 2001. : http://seriecon.seri.org. 32

( ).,,, (direct privatization)., (capital privatization). 2., (voucher) (mass privatization). 1990, 1991. 1989 5, 1991. 1991,.. (2),. 1990 5 6%, 2005 (EU).,.,,. 31) 31). 1989 3 33

(FDI). IMF 7 3,000, OECD 1,. 1998 287, 256 FDI 31. 32), 2001 FDI 300.,. 33) 1991 50%, 1996 65%,.,. 1990 8,453 1996 1,864 (22.1%). 34) 1994., 1988 23.6% 1997 25%. 640%, 1989 2,700%.. 1998... p.40. 32) http://www.welcome.pl/01/prywat.html. 33) 1989 1995 (EU) 48% 71%, (COMECON) 40% 16%. Piotr Korcelli. 1997. "Regionale Muster der Transition: Poland". Die Rueckkehr der Regionen. Wien. p.190. 34). 1998.. p.70. 34

. 1990. (< 3-8> ). < 3-8> ( ) (%) (%) 1989 16,726 25.8 7.8 28.8 37.6-1990 16,280 26.8 7.5 28.0 37.7 6.1 1991 15,326 27.3 7.2 27.2 38.3 11.4 1992 14,677 26.1 7.1 25.9 40.0 13.6 1993 14,330 25.7 6.0 25.6 42.7 16.4 1994 14,475 26.8 5.7 25.2 42.3 16.0 1995 14,735 26.0 5.7 25.5 42.8 14.9 1996 15,021 26.7 5.6 24.8 42.9 13.6 : 1996, 1997 11.5%, 1993 : Grzegorz Gorzelak, Regional and Local Potential for Transformation in Poland, Warsaw, 1998, p.52, p.59..,.. 35) 35) (Special Economic Zone) 1994. 1999 3 35

3).,. (1) 1990 10 3,,. 36).., ( ), ( : ),,.,. 1990 8 31 (1996) 17. 20 ( ). 36),, (1989 11. 1990.8 10.3 : 11 ),. 36

25 ( (Treuhandgesetz)), 8,000. 1990. (restitution), 1992 (Investitionsvorranggesetz) 37).. (2), ( ) 1990... 1998 1 GDP 1991 2 60% (< 3-9> ).. 1998 1 3% 0.9% 2 3 33%, 64% (40.5%, 58.6%). 2 37). ( ),,.. 1997. -.. p.169. 3 37

(< 3-10> ).. < 3-9> 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1 GDP 31.3 38.9 47.7 52.3 55.4 56.8 56.7 56.1 1 GDP 31.0 43.5 53.1 56.0 57.3 59.4 60.4 59.4 1 63.6 75.3 99.5 111.5 110.2 111.3 102.1 135 1 67.2 100.9 130.8 163.7 174.5 178.4 175.4 164.3 : =100 : Bundesregierung, Jahresbericht 2000 der Bundesregierung zum Stand der Deutschen Einheit, 2000.. (340 )... 1989 11 1998 9 186 4, 1989 11%.,.. 38

< 3-10> (%) 1989 1998 1992 1998 (1998) (%) (1998/1992) 1 2 3 1 2 3 2-6 0.9 40.5 58.6-10 -17 3-40 -11 3.0 33.0 64.0-31 -20-5 -40-12 2.1 30.5 67.4-24 -23-6 -41-19 0.6 24.6 74.9-3 -33-13 -39 12 4.3 45.1 50.6 23 1 22-42 -4 4.4 45.3 50.3-21 -14 11-31 2 4.4 35.2 60.4-34 -6 11-39 -12 3.2 35.7 61.1-29 -21-4 -28-22 0.8 23.8 75.4-29 -38-15 -43-7 3.7 41.7 54.7-22 -16 4-42 -4 4.8 40.4 54.8-34 -13 7-41 -7 5.0 34.6 60.4-38 -9-2 -41-12 3.4 37.5 59.1-27 -16-8 -41-4 6.2 32.5 61.4-42 -2 2-11 -7 1.4 38.8 59.8-21 -17 1 :, 1999. ( momentum) 1990,. 4 7 8%, 3 (1998 2000) 1.2 2%. 1989 1999 1.4 ( 700 ). 3 3 39

, 2030. 38) 4) (1),,..,..,.,,.,.. 38). 2000... p.76. 40

..... (FDI).. 1990 IBRD... < 3-11>, ( ) :. ( ) 3 41

< 3-12> 1998 4 /,, ( ),, ( ) ( ), ( ) (, ) / ( ) (, ), : 1989 98 1 FDI $389 ( ) - :... 2000. p.43.. 42

(2). (FDI)....,. 1:1..,. 39),.,.. 39) 1997 GDP 67% (70%), (75%), (82%) ( 31% ). 3 43

3. 1) (1). 20 1970., 1949 1979. < 3-1> 44

.,. 1980 1, (1958). 1952 1978. ( ). 1949 1978,. (2).. (gateway). 40)... 40) 20,,. Zhong Yan. 2000. "China to Quicken the Pace of Urbanization". Beij ing Review: http://www.bjreview.com.cn/beijing Review/2000Mar/ bjr2000-12e-5.htm. 3 45

1984. 1949-1980 3.9%, 1980 13.9%. 1949 5.1% 1978 8.7%, 1999 30.4% 1980... 1984. 41). 10 (1978 1988). 1978 (rural urbanization process). 1978 1988 56.3% 81%, 172%, (GDP) 1988 24.7%. 42) < 3-13> 1980-1994 20 41) 1983 10, 1984 2 6. (Goldstein 1990) ( ruralization of urban areas). Kyung-Sup Chang. 1994. "Chinese Urbanization and Development Before and After Economic Reform: A Comparative Reappraisal". World Development. Vol. 22. No. 4. p.602. 42) Gan Shi Zhou. 1991. "Urbanisation in China - The Rapid Growth of Small Cities and Rational Regrouping of Cities of Different Sizes". HABITAT INTL. Vol. 15. No. 3. p.144. 46

,. < 3-13> 1949 1965 1980 1994 200 1 5 7 10 100-200 4 8 8 22 50-100 7 18 30 41 20-50 18 42 72 175 10-20 20 54 63 219 10 82 41 43 155 132 168 223 622 : 1945 1965 5.58%, 1965 1980 2.03%, 1980 1994 5.34%.. : SSB(1990, 1996), C. Cindy Fan. "The vertical and horizontal expansions of China's city system". Urban Geography. 1999. 20. 6. p.498. ( 50 ), ( 20 50 ), (20 ) 1980. 43) 1984., (floating population).. 43) 1982. Yin-Wang Kwok. 1988. "Metropolitan Development in China A Struggle Between Contradictions". HABITAT INTL. Vol. 12. No. 4. p.195. 3 47

1997 11 1,260 260, 9 1,460 340. 44). 45). 1980 1994 10 287 51.4% 36.5% 12.2%. 46) 1996,, 14.5 (< 3-14> ). 44) 130,,. Wolfgang Taubmann. 1999. "Stadtentwicklung in der VR China- geschlossene und offene Phasen der Urbanisierung". Raumentwicklung und Raumf orschung. 2/3. p.187. 45) 7 5 (1986-1990),,. 11,, 13.5%, 41.2%. 9, 30%, 35.5%. 9, 56.5%, 23.3%.,,. 2000.. p.376. 46) C. Cindy Fan. 1999. "The vertical and horizontal expansions of China's city system. Urban Geography. 20. 6. pp.504-511. 1949 1978 ( 30 ) 136 191, 2.47%. 1978 1990 7.74%. 467 286, 112 (39.2%), 111, 53. 1978 1990 45.6% 46.8%, 18.1% 17.1%,. Xueqiang Xu, Nanjiang Ouyang, Chunshan Zhou. 1995. "The Changing Urban System of China: New Developments since 1978". Urban Geography. 16. 6. pp.493-495. 48

< 3-14> ( :, /, / ) 1949 69 0.53 14.54 50 0.18 2.03 13 0.02 0.52 132 0.14 2.88 1978 68 0.53 30.35 84 0.30 9.74 40 0.07 2.41 191 0.20 8.40 1980 78 0.60 34.84 100 0.36 11.03 45 0.08 2.71 217 0.23 9.56 1985 113 0.87 44.94 133 0.48 14.32 78 0.14 3.65 234 0.34 12.44 1991 191 1.47 59.12 194 0.69 19.35 94 0.17 4.37 461 0.50 16.28 1996 298 2.29 82.22 245 0.88 25.12 123 0.23 5.66 666 0.70 21.87... 28. 1999. p.72. 1980 ( ) 47).,. 1990 1998 10.2% 22.3%. 48) 47),, 1993 600, ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ). 1980.. 1998.. 10. pp.102-103. 48) 1990, 1990 GDP 1,2,3 4.3%, 63.8%, 31.9%, 1998 2.1%, 50.1%, 47.8%. 3,,,,,.. 2000.. p.328. 3 49

< 3-15> (1998) (%) 704.27 3688.20 19.1 1 5.3 78.5 6.8 2 412.82 1847.20 22.3 3 286.15 1762.5 16.2 :, 1999.. 2000. p.337., 199 0 1995. < 3-16> 1990 1995 ( :,%) 133.94 (100.0) 148.63 (100.0) 76.73(57.3) 57.21(42.7) 90.14(60.6) 58.49(39.4) 81.67(61.0) 52.27(39.0) 109.73(73.8) 38.9(26.2) :.. 1998 11. p.50... 1988, 429 22 50

16 (72.7%). 49) < 3-17> (1988) 1 22 ( : ),, 2 31 3 100 ( ) 4 138,, 5 138,, : 429 1 6 : Sen- dou Chang, Won Bae Kim. "The Economic Performance and Regional Systems of China's Cities", R eview of Urban and R egional Development Studies 6. 1994. pp.66-71. 1979 1996 25 (< 3-18> ). 10, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1. 49) Sen-dou Chang, Won Bae Kim. 1994. "The Economic Performance and Regional Systems of China's Cities". Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies 6. pp.66-71. 3 51

.,,,.. 1980,,. 50),...,.,. 50). 2001.. 7 2 :http://www. sejong.org/korea/publications/ns/ns0702/ns0702-a3.htm. 52

< 3-18> 25 (1979 1996) (79-96,%) (96, ) 8.1 1,955 * ( ); 3.4, 1.4, 1.1 7.8 1,513 6.3 1,238 ** ( ) 8.4, 3.3, 3.2 * ( ) 1.6, 1.3, 1.2 6.2 964 * ( ); 1.5, 1.2 5.4 2,606 ( ); 1.1, 1.8 7.8 629 * ( ); 4.8, 2.3, 1.9 6.4 333 6.0 441 5.9 487 *** ( ) 10.4, 2.7, 1.4 *** ( ) 12.4, 1.6, 1.3 **** ( ) 1.9, 1.9, 1.3 5.4 499 ( ); 65.4, 5.6, 4.6 6.0 1,394 ** ( ); 6.9, 1.4, 1.2 6.1 1,692 ( ); 1.1 6.1 1,694 * ( ); 1.9, 1.1 5.4 733 * ( ); 4.8, 1.5 7.7 311 ** ( ); 2, 1.8, 1.1 7.0 1,575 ( ) 6.0 242 ( ); 1.8 5.4 664 ** ( ); 2.2, 1.2 8.3 1,170 * ( ); 1.5, 1.4 6.9 652 ** ( ) 4, 2, 1.6 5.5 1,303 * ( ); 2.1, 1.2 5.5 604 ** ( ); 3.1, 1.6, 1.1 6.0 1,759 ** ( ); 7.2, 3.7, 1.1 5.5 1,630 *** ( ); 3.8, 3.7, 1.7 5.6 1,133 ( ); 1.2 : *, **, ***, **** 1) 2) 1998 81, 205 382 668. : 2000, ;, 1997. 3 53

,,. 51) 1978... < 3-19> ( ), ( ) (3).,,. (land and housing 51). 54

marketization). 1984,. 1 GDP 3000, 1998 1 GDP 3,400. 52).. (Gini) 1980 0.16 1990 0.23, 1999 0.30. 53). (,, )... 1990. (1,200 ) 1994 1998 20%, 1978 1984 6 11%. 1979 1994 ( ) (< 3-20> ),. 52) 1 1980 637 1998 8,773 12.8 ( 15.7%).. 2000.. pp.341-342. 53) 20% 20% 1996 2.87 2000 3.61. 1997 8.7% 60%.. 2001.. p.12. 3 55

< 3-20> 1979 1994 ( ) 8,700(518 / ) (100%) 10,600(631 / ) (100%) ( ) 4,600 (52.9%) 6,800 (64.2%) ( ) 4,100 (47.1%) 3,800 (35.8%) ( / ) ( / ) 3,358 266 4,964 246 (%) 21.8 47.8-7.3 47.8-7.5 : 1994 1979 15,437 1,370. : Victor F. S. Sit(edit.). Chinese Cities. the growth of the metropolis since 1949. Oxford. 1984. p.69. Urban Statistical Yearbook. 1995., (slum areas)..,. 54), 1982 1990, 5 10km. 55). 54),,,,.. Yixing Zhou, Laurence J.C. Ma. 2000. "Economic Restructuring and Suburbanization in China". Urban Geography. 21. 3. p.225. 55) F. Wang, Y. Zhou. 1999. "Modelling Urban Population Densities in Beijing 1982-90: Suburbanization and its Causes". Urban Studies. Vol.36. No.2. p.284. 56

. 1982 1987,.. 1988 1989 250,.. 1982 1/3,.. 1990, 1985 1.7 1996 6. 56) 1984,.. ( ) 750, 1979 1987 40% 1988 1992 25%. 57) 1980 30%, 1995 20%. 56). 1998.. p.165. 57) A. Yeh, F. Wu. 1996. "Changing Spatial Distribution and Determinants of Land Development in Chinese Cities in the Transition from a Centrally Planned Economy to a Socialist Market Economy". processed Hong Kong. Hong Kong University.. 1996... p.90. 3 57

2010 5%. 58) 1998,...,,. 1993 12 1995 10. 23. 59). 60) 1997 27.6% (< 3-21> ). ( )., IT., 7,000 58). 1996.. p.91. 59) 1992-1995 1155,,.. 2000.. pp.63-64. 60) 1995 1,163,,,.. 2000.. p.64. 58

. 61) 32 6. 62) < 3-21> (1997) 2 3 1997 1997 % % 1 0.96 0.02 0.003 0.01 2707.45 56.31 11.138 52.93 2695.28 56.06 11.001 52.28 12.17 0.25 0.137 0.65 2099.75 43.67 9.878 46.94 1325.90 27.58 4.964 23.59 16.75 0.35 0.388 1.84 222.82 4.63 1.921 9.13 225.88 4.70 1.656 7.87 4808.16 100.00 21.043 100.00 : Shanghai Statistical Bureau. 1998. Fulong Wu. "China's recent urban development in the process of land and housing merketization and economic globalisation". Habitat International 25. 2001. p.285... 63) 61) (Gaubatz),,, (foreign enclaves). Piper Rae Gaubatz. 1995. "Urban transformation in post-mao China: impacts of the reform era on China's urban form" Urban spaces in contemporary China. New York. pp.47-56. 62) Microsoft, IBM, GE, HP, Canon, National.,. 2001., p.79. 63). Fulong Wu. 2001. "China's recent urban development in the process of land and housing merketization and economic globalisation". Habitat International 25. p.275. 3 59

(4)..,.,.., 5. 64). ( ),, ( ),,. ( ) 6 (1999, BOT, 7450, 18 ).. 4 6%, 20 30%,. 64). -.. 2001.. p.13. 60

,. < 3-22> 1978 1990 1998 1990/1978 1998/1978 km 905 1,663 4,712 1.84 5.21 868 1,787 5,403 2.06 6.22 2,983 1,720 11,298 0.58 3.79 1,720 11,298 41,183 6.57 23.94 :, 99,, 1999.8... 2000. p.334. < 3-23> (1990-1996) 1990 1996 1 ( ) 2.7 2.3 7.6 4.5 1 ( ) - - 5.3 1.9 : 1 1990 : State Statistical Bureau(1997); Yusuf and Wu(1997), Weiping Wu. "Urban infrastructure provision in Chian". Urban Studies. Vol.36. No.13. 1999. p.2266.. 1 1996 7.6, 4.5. 1 35.8% (< 3-23> ). 3 61

... 1993-1994 333% 1990,. 65).,. 1995 73 7,. 66),...,. 65) 1996 6,624. Fulong Wu. 2001. "China's recent urban development in the process of land and housing marketization and economic globalisation". Habitat INTL. 25. p.277. 66). 1998.. 18.. p.189. 62

( ), 1994 ( ), ( ) 37. 2) (1) 10 (Poznan),. 67) (13-15 ),.,. 1950 (< 3-24> ).. (1989) (Upper Silesia) 68). 170, (Lodz) 85, (rank-size-rule)... 67). 1994.. p.32. 68) (Katowice), 2% 10%. 3 63

< 3-24> 1950 1960 1961 1970 1971 1975 4.99 1.83 2.35-0.52 0.15 0.19 2.41 1.35 1.41 1.54 1.20 3.10 : F.E.Ian Hamilton. 170.... Vol.24. Nr.9. pp.31-45. < 3-2> : Piotr Korcelli. "Regionale Muster der Transition: Poland". Die Rueckkehr der Regionen. Wien. 1997. p.194. 64

. 2,.. (2).,. < 3-25> - ( : ) 1981 1990 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 4,196.5 346.0 331.2 314.1 281.1 258.9 239.3 243.5 2,852.5 233.3 224.8 228.4 221.2 219.9 212.4 220.2 2,513.9 183.9 174.2 180.0 175.7 179.0 180.4 183.8 3,857.9 296.6 280.6 265.7 235.6 218.0 207.3 207.1 1,344.0 112.7 106.4 85.7 59.0 39.0 26.9 23.3 : Grzegorz Gorzelak. Regional and Local Potential for Transformation in Poland. Warsaw. 1998. p.41.. 1989 1992, (< 3-26> ). 3 65

< 3-26> ( ) (%) (%) (%) 1989 1992 1989 1992 1989 1992 1986 89 1990 92 17,558 15,495 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1,155 970 6.6 6.3 11.0 11.4 7.6 11.7 1,770 1,596 10.1 10.3 10.9 11.9 13.2 12.8 585 516 3.3 3.3 3.5 3.8 4.5 3.4 598 564 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.8 3.9 581 537 3.3 3.5 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 526 417 3.0 2.7 2.4 2.6 2.5 2.3 499 422 2.8 2.7 2.9 2.8 2.5 2.7 :,. : Mync,A. "Die Region Warschau". Information zur Raumentwicklung, Heft2/3. 1995. p.143. 1989 1999 50 (5 ). (ILO) 1992 1997 30% 49 15. 69).. 1989 1999 (< 3-27> ). 50 69) http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/inf/. 66

(Poznan -2%) 30 (Katowice -6.2%). < 3-27> (1989 1999) ( ) 1989 1999 (%) (1990) Warsaw 1655.1 1699.6 2.7,, Lodz 851.7 801.1-5.9 2, Krakow 748.4 740-1.1,,, Wroclaw 642.3 636.3-0.9, Poznan 588.7 576.7-2.0 (, ), Gdansk 464.6 457.8-1.5 ( ),, Szczecin 412.1 416 0.9, Bydgoszcz 380.4 386.2 1.5, Katowice 367.0 344.1-6.2,, Lublin 349.6 356.1 1.9, Bialystock 268.1 285.3 6.4, Sosnowiec 259.3 243.1-6.2 Czestochowa 257.5 257.1-0.1 (, ) Gdynia 250.9 253 0.8,, Bytom 229.8 204.2-11.1, Radom 226.3 232.4 2.7,, Gliwice 221.1 211.6-4.3 Kielce 212.9 212.0-0.4, :... (GUS).,,.,. 70) 3 67

10, (< 3-28> ). < 3-28> 10 (1995) 1 10 1 10 (voivodships) =100 (voivodships) =100 1 Warsaw 182.4 40 Siedlce 78.3 2 Katowice 125.7 41 Krosno 76.3 3 Krakow 114.3 42 Ostroleka 76.0 4 Wroclaw 112.6 43 Biala Podlaska 75.0 5 Lodz 111.2 44 Skierniewice 74.4 6 Poznan 111.0 45 Lomza 73.6 7 Szczecin 104.9 46 Slupsk 73.1 8 Leginika 98.5 47 Przemysl 72.3 9 Gdansk 98.0 48 Nowy Sacz 72.2 10 Czestochowa 97.5 49 Suwalki 68.2 : 7. : Grzegorz Gorzelak. Regional and Local Potential for Transformation in Poland. Warsaw. 1998. p.31., 12% (< 3-3> ). 71), 1 70). 71). 1, 2, 6. 68

20% ( ) 20%. 72) < 3-3> : Grzegorz Gorzelak, "Decentralization, Regional Development and Regional Policies", Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Heft 7/8, 2000, p.352. (Vistura) ( ) B' A. 73) 1995 20 72) 16 (voivodship ), 300 (district), 2500 (gminas) ( 1996 315, 555 - ). 73) http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/inf/. 3 69

(< 3-29> ). < 3-29> 20 (1995.6) ( ) 1 IPC 275 Kwidzyn 2 Fiat 260 Tychy 3 Pol.-American 250-4 Coca-Cola 235-5 EBRD 222-6 IFC 218-7 Pilkington 166 Standomierz 8 ABB 166 / - 9 Thomson 147 TV Warschau 10 ING-Group 140 / - 11 Procter&Gamble 113 Warschau 12 Curtis 100 / Mlawa 13 Unilever 98 / Bydgoszcz 14 Epstein 90 / - 15 Philips 74 / Pila 16 D.Chase Ent. 65 / Danzig 17 IAEG/WIBEBA 60 Kattowitz 18 Nestle 60 Posen,Slopsk, 19 Pepsico 55 / Warschau 20 Fortrade-Financing 55 - : Piotr, Korcelli. "Regionale Muster der Transition: Poland". Die Rueckkehr der Regionen. Wien. 1997. p.202.. 70

< 3-30>,,, (monofunctional) (Konin, Piotrkow, Tarnobrzeg) ( 8.1%) (3). 2 (Lodz: 1990 85, 1995 83 ) 59 1995 11.9% 7 (, 18.6%).. 1995 46.7%, 67.5%, 27.6%.... 3 71

< 3-4> : Ray Riley. "Central Area Activities in a Post-communist City: Lodz, Poland". Urban Studies. Vol. 34. No. 3. 1997. p.457.,,.,,,. 72

,.,.,...,,. 74) (FDI) 1990. FDI. (4).... 1994 2 257km.,,. (Upper Silesia, Krakow, Legnica, Walbrzych, Lodz), 74) 1990 FDI. 3 73

Upper Silesia... 1990-1994 3/4 1995 42%, 813..,.. 3) (1), 19,. 75). -. 75) 1 (Sachsen). 74

< 3-5> :Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Landeskunde und Raumordnung. R egionalbarometer neue Laender. 1995. p.24., (Eisenhuettenstadt), ( Schwarze Pumpe ) - (Hoyerswerda-Neustadt). (Cottbus). 1970 3 75

,. < 3-31> (1989) (%) (%) 500 3,580 47.3 1,724 20.3 500 1,000 1,956 25.9 1,344 15.8 1,000 2,000 1,042 13.8 1,578 18.6 2,000 5,000 597 7.9 1,733 20.4 5,000 10,000 164 2.2 980 11.5 10,000 20,000 107 1.4 646 7.6 20,000 50,000 82 1.1 348 4.1 50,000 100,000 20 0.3 84 1.0 100,000 15 0.2 68 0.7 7,563 100.0 8,506 100.0 : 1989 26.8% 88.9%. : Hartmut Haeussermann. "Von der Stadt im Sozialismus zur Stadt im Kapitalismus". Stadtentwicklung in Ostdeutschland. 1996. p.22.. < 3-31> 5 0.5% 1.7%. (2),. 76

.. < 3-32> (1989 1994) ( : %) (Dresden) (Leipzig) (Rostock) 1989 45.5 53.1 45.5 54.3 37.2 62.8 1990 43.5 55.5 41.6 58.1 29.1 67.9 1994 28.1 71.6 28.9 70.7 25.1 73.8 :Juergen Friedrichs, Hartmut Haeussermann. "Die Entwicklung der Staedte in den neuen Bundeslaendern". Die Transformation Ostdeutschlands. 2001. p.320. 76). (Weimar +0.3%) 1990-1998. (EU). ( 10% ). (Halle -16.7%), (Leipzig -15.8), (Chemnitz -14.2%).. 76) 1989 1999 16,614 15,217 8.4%. 1989 11 1998 9 186 4, 1989 11%. 3 77

(Erfurt -5.4%), (Potsdam -6.5%), (Wittenberg -2.0), (Jena -6.5%). (Hessen) (Kassel) 180,.,, (Schwerin -16.5%), (Greiswald -15.1), (Zwickau -15.0), (Schwedt -16.3) (< 3-33> )..,. 95%.. (Riesa).,...... 78

< 3-33> (1990 1998) ( ) 1990 1998 (%) (1990) Leipzig 530 446-15.8, Dresden 501 459-8.3 Halle 322 268-16.7,, Chemnitz 302 259-14.2,, Magdeburg 288 246-14.8,, Rostock 253 213-15.9,, Erfurt 217 205-5.4 Potsdam 141 132-6.5, Gera 132 119-10.1, Schwerin 129 108-16.5, Cottbus 129 118-8.2, Zwickau 119 101-15.0,, Jena 106 99-6.4 Dessau 101 89-12.3, Brandenburg 93 82-11.3, Neubrandenburg 91 77-15.0, Frankfurt Oder 87 78-10.5, Stralsund 75 63-16.0, Plauen 74 66-10.1, Greifswald 68 58-15.1, Weimar 62 62 0.3, Gotha 57 50-12.7,, Eberswalde-Finow 54 47-12.3, Schwedt 53 44-16.3, Eisenhüttenstadt 52 46-12.1 Wittenberg 52 51-2.0, Riesa 47 41-12.3 : Deutscher Staetetag. Statistisches Jahrbuch Deuscher Gemeinden Schriftleitung. 89.Jahrgang. 1991. 1999.,,. 3 79

..... < 3-34> 1) 1),, IT,,,, : 1), (3). 80

,,. 20 (Thueringen) (Erfurt) 77),. < 3-6>., 1988 924 1992 972 1 96 171 1.8, 23%. < 3-6> < > < > : Paul Gans, Thomas Ott. "Die lokale Dimension der Raumstruktur und ihre Dynamik". Staedte und Regionen. Opladen. 1996. p.413.,, 77) (,, :1970 ),,. 3 81

. 78) ( ).. (Sachsen) 51, 1990 1998 7 (1 2,000 ), 1998 4 5,000. 1988 1992 4.4...,... (FDI) ( ), FDI. (Riesa).. 78) (1992). 82

5 (Arbonia-Forster-Holding), (Feralpi),.. (4) 1990..,.. (40% ),.,... 20% 2,500, ( ).., 3 83

. 4),,. (1),....,,,.,.,. 84

,.,.,,.,.,..,.... (2),,.,, 3 85

.,..,,.. (3)..,..,..,. 86

,. < 3-35>, / / ( ), / / ( ), ( ) 3 87

4 C H A P T E R 1.,.,..,.,., 4 89

... 1)..,.,..... 90

.,.,..., (, ).....,... 4 91

.. 2)..,.. 1990,...,. 92

., (Gorzelak). (Leaders),. (Winners). (Losers) (Backward regions).. 79),...... (Parker) 79) Grzegorz Gorzelak. 2000. "Decentralization, Regional Development and Regional Policies". Informationen zur Raumentwicklung. Heft 7/ 8. p.351.,,,. 4 93

(macroeconomic stability) (economic liberalization). 80).,,. 3).,.... 80) Stephen Parker, Gavin Tritt, Wing Thye Woo. 1998. "Some Lessons Learned from the Comparison of Transitions in Asia and Eastern Europe". Economies in Transition: Comparing Asia and Eastern Europe. p.16. 94

. 81).... < 4-1> 1999 1978 1989 1989 ( ) 22,082 962,590 38,607 16,614 1 GNI $714 1 GDP $220 1 GDP $5,668 1 GDP $5,840 (1/2/3 ; 33/37/30 71/17/12 29/35/36 11/50/39 %, ) (%) 50-60 9 62 60 :. 2000. Marcus Noland. "North Korea in Global Perspective". Proceedings of the International Conference Developing Social Infrastructure in N orth Korea for Economic Coop eration between the South and the North. 1998. Seoul. p.38. 81) Yuan Zheng Cao, Gang Fan, Wing Thye Woo. 1998. "Chinese Economic Reforms: Past Successes and Future Challenges". Economies in Transition: Comparing Asia and Eastern Europe. pp.28-29. 4 95

..,...,.....,.,,. 96

2... 1),..,.., 1990. 1998.,,.. 4 97

. 82),. 83) < 4-2> : : ( ), ( ),, (FDI),. 84) 82). 2001... 36 4. p.12. 83). 1, 2, 3, 1, 2. 3. 84). 98

2).. 60%, (Eberstadt 1996) 60%, 1995 61%. ( 90%) (75%) (40%). 85). (66%) (74%),. 20%, 400. 86). -,. 85).,. 86) 60%. (86% 1997) 20%... 4 99

27. 87) 100, 16 15 45., 16., 16 11..,,,,. 1982 25 9000 1996 37 7000 7. 88) 87) ` '. ` '. 1960 10.,, 2.8,,. 2001.11.1. 28.. 88),. 1998... p.38. 100

< 4-1> :,... 1998. p.35. 4 101

< 4-3> (1996) ( ) 30km ( / ) 1360, 1030,,, 310, 700,, 500,,, 200,,, 690,, 660,, ( ) 2330,,, 310, 420,,,, 960, 150,, 170,, 870,, 1540,, 620,, 1400, 40km 450,, 580,, 250,,, 80,, 1200,, 5320,, 1690, 5km 1150,,,, 370,,, :,,,, 1998. 102

< 4-4> 30-45 (19 96) 15-30, 60,, - 45-60 - -,,,,,,,,,,,, 15,,, - -,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - 3) (1).,.,,,., 4 103

. 89) ( ). 90).. < 4-5> (1996, %),, 33.2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28.7 38.2, 89).,,. 1985.. 1996. - -. pp.11-12. 90).,. Sen-dou Chang, Won Bae Kim. 1994. "The Economic Performance and Regional Systems of China's Cities". Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies. 6. p.73. 104

30,,,,.,. - -.. -.,. (2).,..,. 4 105

... 91)..,.,. 1 1990 5.9 7.6 40 53%.... ( ) 91).... (1990-1992). 1994 1995..,. 106

,.,. 92),. 4) (1).,,.,,.,. 93),,, 92) 6%(1987 ) 1/4. 93).. 4 107

.,,,, 13,..,. < 4-6>,,,,,,,,,,, -, (1996, %) 29.9,,, 41.4,,,,,,,,,,,, 28.7 (2).,,,.,. 108

.,.. 3... 1)....,., 4 109

.. 2)..... (target).,. (master plan)..,. 110

..,..,. 3)..,,,..,. 4 111

....,. - - -.,,,. 112

5 C H A P T E R 1.,,.,,,..,,.,.. 5 113

,.,.,,,.. (FDI),....,..... 114

,....,.,. 2..,.. 5 115

...,,,....,.,,...,.. 116

. 1997.... 2000... 2001.... 1989.. 24.. 2001.. 7.. 1999.. 28.. 1998.. 11.. 2000.. 35.. 1994... 2000. WTO.. 2001.... 1997.... 1998... 1996. -.. 2001. IT. Issue Paper.. 2001. World Report 48.. 2001.. LG 650.. 2001... 117

36.. 2000...,. 1998.... 1997. -... 1998.. 18..,. 2001. IT. 5.. 2000... 2000.... 1996.... 1998...,. 2000...,,,. 2000.... 2001. 568. Balerowicz, Leszek; Blaszczyk, Barbara; Dabrowski, Marek. 1998. "The Polish Way to the Market Economy". Economies in Transition: Comparing Asia and Eastern Europe. Bundesforschungsanstalt fuer Landeskunde und Raumordnung. 1995. Regionalbarometer neue Laender. Zweiter zusammenf assender Bericht. Bundesregierung. 2000. Jahresbericht 2000 der Bundesregierung zum Stand der Deutschen Einheit. Cao, Yuan Zheng; Fan, Gang; Woo, Wing Thye. 1998. "Chinese Economic Reforms: Past Successes and Future Challenges". Economies in Transition: Comparing Asia and Eastern Europe. 118

Chang, Kyung-Sup. 1994. "Chinese Urbanization and Development Before and After Economic Reform: A Comparative Reappraisal". World Development. Vol. 22. No. 4. Chang, Sen-dou; Kim, Won Bae. 1994. "The Economic Performance and Regional Systems of China's Cities". Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies 6. Deutscher Staetetag. 1999. Statistisches Jahrbuch Deuscher Gemeinden Schriftleitung. Fan, C. Cindy. 1999. "The Vertical and Horizontal Expansions of China's City System". Urban Geography. 20. 6. Friedrichs, Juergen; Haeussermann, Hartmut. 2001. "Die Entwicklung der Staedte in den neuen Bundeslaendern". Die Transformation Ostdeutschlands. Opladen. Gaubatz, Piper Rae. 1995. "Urban transformation in post-mao China: impacts of the reform era on China's urban form" Urban spaces in contemporary China. New York. Gans, Paul; Ott, Thomas. 1996. "Die lokale Dimension der Raumstruktur und ihre Dynamik". Staedte und Regionen. Opladen. Gorzelak, Grzegorz. 2000. "Decentralization, Regional Development and Regional Policies". Inf ormationen zur Raumentwicklung. Heft 7/8. Gorzelak, Grzegorz. 1998. Regional and Local Potentialfor Transformation in Poland. Haeussermann, Hartmut. 1996. "Von der Stadt im Sozialismus zur Stadt im Kapitalismus". Stadtentwicklung in Ostdeutschland. Han, Sun Sheng. 1999. "The Geography of Privatization in China, 1978-1996". Economic Geography. Vol. 75, No. 3. Korcelli, Piotr. 1997. "Regionale Muster der Transition: Poland". Die Rueckkehr der Regionen. Wien. Kwok, Yin-Wang. 1988. "Metropolitan Development in China - A Struggle Between Contraditions". Habitat International. Vol. 12. No. 4. Lin, George C. S. 1999. "State policy and spatial restructuring in post-reform China". International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Vol.23, No.4. Mync, A. 1995. "Die Region Warschau". Inf ormation zur Raumentwicklung. Heft 2/3. Noland, Marcus. 1998. "North Korea in Global Perspective". Proceedings of the International Conference Developing Social Infrastructure in North Korea for 119

Economic Cooperation between the South and the North, Seoul. Parker, Stephen; Tritt, Gavin; Woo, Wing Thye. 1998. "Some Lessons Learned from the Comparison of Transitions in Asia and Eastern Europe". Economies in Transition: Comparing Asia and Eastern Europ e. Riley, Ray. 1997. "Central Area Activities in a Post-communist City: Lodz, Poland". Urban Studies. Vol.34. No.3. Sit, Victor F. S.(edit.). 1984. Chinese Cities: the growth of the metropolis since 1949. Oxford. Taubmann, Wolfgang. 1999. "Stadtentwicklung in der VR China- geschlossene und offene Phasen der Urbanisierung". Raumentwicklung und Raumf orschung, 2/3. Wang F., Zhou, Y. 1999. "Modelling Urban Population Densities in Beijing 1982-90: Suburbanization and its Causes". Urban Studies. Vol.36. No.2. Wei, Yingqi et. al. 1999. "The Regional Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment in China". Regional Studies Vol.33. No.9. Wu, Fulong. 2001. "China's recent urban development in the process of land and housing marketization and economic globalisation". Habitat International 25. Wu, Weiping. 1999. "Urban infrastructure provision in Chian". Urban Studies. Vol.36, No.13. Yan, Zhong. 2000. "China to Quicken the Pace of Urbanization". Beijing Review. http://www.bjreview.com.cn/beijing Review/2000Mar. Zhou, Gan Shi. 1991. "Urbanization in China - The Rapid Growth of Small Cities and Rational Regrouping of Cities of Different Sizes". Habitat International. Vol. 15, No. 3. Zhou, Yixing; Ma, Laurence J.C. 2000. "Economic Restructuring and Suburbanization in China". Urban Geography. 21. 3. 120

SUMMARY Urba n Deve lopme nt in Tra ns ition Economie s a nd Its Implications for North Korea Sang-Jun Lee The purpose of this study is to review the trends of urban changes in China, Poland and the former DDR after beginning of economic transformation and to define its implications for North Korea. This study consists of five chapters. In Chapter 1, research objectives and methods are discussed. The second chapter deals with conceptual relationship of economic transformation with urban spatial changes briefly. In this study, marketization, privatization and economic globalization are defined as the key variables determining the post-reform urban development in transition countries. In Chapter 3, the process of economic transformation and its consequences in urban development in China, Poland and the former DDR are discussed. In contrast to Poland and the former DDR, China adopted a gradual approach to economic reform. Marketization in land and housing and attracting foreign investment by globalization in these countries have begun to change the scene of urban development. Especially, positive stimulating effects of foreign direct investment in SUMMARY 121

urban development have been observed in China. Many special economic zones mainly located in the southeastern coastal cities played an important role for attracting foreign direct investment in China. An important spatial consequence of transformation was the growing regional disparities in transition countries. The problem of unemployment was serious in the regions that were based on heavy machine industry. It was one of the typical problems of transformation in these countries. Especially, the cities where economic base was deeply connected with big state-owned enterprises should be confronted with serious economic depression. In Poland, the cities located in the Upper Silesia with coal and steel industries represent the most difficult economic problems. As urban spatial consequences of marketization, privatization and globalization, suburbanization and revitalization of central areas were found in these countries. Suburbanization was one of the spatial consequences of changing spatial behavior of the civilian and private enterprise affected by special transformation measures like the privatization of land ownership and state-owned enterprises. Also, intensive and diverse land use was one of the important spatial consequences of transformation. After the privatization of land and the state-owned enterprises, a pattern of diverse and intensive land use appeared. In Chapter 4, some important implications of urban consequences of economic transformation for North Korea are identified. In this study, changing industrial demand and geographic characteristics of cities are identified as the main factors which could play an important role in urban growth and development in North Korea according to the forthcoming economic reforms. These two factors are drawn from the review of experiences of urban transformation process in China, 122

Poland and the former DDR. If economic reforms are implemented in North Korea, the winners and losers among the North Korean cities could be more apparent. The economic problems such as high unemployment and low investment could be more serious in the cities that are based on heavy industries than in the cities which have potentials for service and light industries. Also, easy accessibility to foreign market, including South Korea, could be one of the strengths for urban growth. The cities which have poor geographical conditions would face problems of low investment. For the balanced urban development in North Korea in the future and attracting foreign investments, the improvement of infrastructure in the cities which have poor geographical conditions and specialized with heavy industries should be considered as one of the important policy issues. SUMMARY 123