. : ~ 연구책임자 : 음선필 ( 홍익대 ) 공동연구원 : 기현석 ( 명지대 ) 공동연구원 : 최혜선 ( 한국형사정책연구원 ) 연구주관 : 한기영 ( 중앙선거관리위원회 ) 사단법인한국입법학회

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. : 2017. 3. 30. ~ 2014. 7. 28. 연구책임자 : 음선필 ( 홍익대 ) 공동연구원 : 기현석 ( 명지대 ) 공동연구원 : 최혜선 ( 한국형사정책연구원 ) 연구주관 : 한기영 ( 중앙선거관리위원회 ) 사단법인한국입법학회

I. 1 1. 1 2. 4 3. 5 II. 6 1. 6 2. 8 3. 10 III. 31 1. 13 2. 14 IV. 29 1. 29 2. (PEI ) 31 3. 41 V. 43 1. : 43 - i -

2. 47 3. (institutionalization) 96 4. 75 VI. 81 1. 81 2. 85...88 - ii -

[ 1] 3 [ 2] 2017 93 [ 3] (Democracy Index 2016) 7 4 [ 4] (2006-2016 ) 9 4 [ 5] ( ) 05 [ 6] 2013-2017 3 5 [ 7] 2013-2017 3 5 [ 8] (2013 2015 ) 8 5 [ 9] 63 - iii -

,, (electoral integrity) (the perceptions of electoral integrity index), (universal suffrage),,,,,,,,,,,,, - iv -

(legal framework),,, (,,,,, ), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (PEI) 11,,, (PEI) (,,, ),,,. 40 11.,, (institutionalization),. - v -

,.,, ㆍ,,, - vi -

,,,,,, - vii -

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.. 2012 18, 2014 6, 18 2017 19 5)..,... (electoral integrity) 6) (the perceptions of electoral integrity index).. 5) 2017.4.19.. 18.. 18,. 19 3. 1987... 6) electoral integrity.. (),, electoral integrity. - 2 -

. (The Electoral Integrity Project, EIP).. 7),....,,,.,.,. 7) The Electoral Integrity Project. Pippa Norris, Richard W. Frank, and Ferran Martínez i Coma, THE YEAR IN ELECTIONS, 2013: THE WORLD S FLAWED AND FAILED CONTESTS, February 2014. 2012.7.1.~2013.12.31. 66(10 ) 73 (855 ), 49 11 100. www.electoralintegrity project.com. - 3 -

2.,,,,,.. (PEI ) : - 4 -

- - (institutionalization) - - - - 3..,,,.,.,.. - 5 -

II. 1.., 8) (electoral integrity, election with integrity)... 9)., (to refer to international standards and global norms governing the appropriate conduct of elections) 10)., 8) (,,, ). 9) The Electoral Knowledge Network, The ACE Encyclopedia: Electoral Integrity, 3 rd Rev., 2013; Pippa Norris, Richard W. Frank and Ferran Martínez i Coma, Advancing Electoral Integrity, New York: Oxford University Press, 2014; Norris, Pippa, Does the World Agree about Standards of Electoral Integrity? Evidence for the Diffusion of Global Norms, Special issue of Electoral Studies 32(4), 2013, pp.576-588; Pippa Norris, The New Research Agenda Studying Electoral Integrity, Special issue of Electoral Studies 32(4), 2013, pp.563-575; Pippa Norris, Electoral Integrity and Political Legitimacy, Comparing Democracies 4, eds. Lawrence LeDuc, Richard Niemi and Pippa Norris, London: Sage, 2014; Pippa Norris, Why Electoral Integrity Matters, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 10) THE YEAR IN ELECTIONS, 2013, p.7; Pippa Norris, (international conventions and global norms). Pippa Norris, The New Research Agenda Studying Electoral Integrity, Special issue of Electoral Studies 32(4), 2013, pp.564-569. - 6 -

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., ( 不偏不黨, impartial, unprejudiced). (fair competition)..,..,.,..,.,.,.... 10..,. 10, - 9 -

. 17) 18). ( ),... ( ).. 3.,.... 17) 10 1.. 18),,, 1992. - 10 -

.. 1900 2012 19),.. () (political equality) (political control).. 20)....,,. 21) 1975 97 800 22) 19) Amanda Edgell et al., When and Where do Elections Matter? A Global Test of the Democratization by Elections Hypothesis, 1900-2012, Working Paper Series 2015:8, The Varieties of Democracy Institute, 2015, p.22. 20) Deepening Democracy, p.12. 21),. Pippa Norris, Ferran Martínez i Coma, Alessandro Nai and Max Grömping, The Year in Elections 2015, Feb. 2016, pp. 29,30. Carl Henrik Knutsen et al., Economic Development and Democracy: An Electoral Connection, Working Paper Series 2016:16(2), The Varieties of Democracy Institute, 2016., - 11 -

,. (electoral accountability). (transformative potential). John Gerring et al., Electoral Democracy and Human Development, Working Paper Series 2015:9, The Varieties of Democracy Institute, 2016. 22) Carolien van Ham, Clean Elections, Good Governments? Electoral Fraud and Accountability in Third Wave Regimes, Paper presented at the Workshop on Challenges of Electoral Integrity, International Political Science Association World Congress. Madrid, 7 July 2012. - 12 -

III. 1...,,,,,,,,,,. (legal framework),,, (,,,,, ),. (,, )..,,,,. -. 23) (guiding principles).,..,, ( ). 23) Electoral Integrity, p.20. - 13 -

. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 24),,. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 25),.... 2. 26).. 27), 24) Deepening Democracy, pp.19-37. 25) Electoral Integrity, pp.11-15. 26),, 111-121. 27). (electoral), (liberal), (consensual), (participatory), (deliberative), (egalitarian). (rule by the people) - 14 -

(thin, minimalist) (thick, fat)., (electoral democracy). 28) () ( ).,. (minimal democracy).,.,,,...., (kompetitive Wahl) 29).. 30). 31),.,,. Michael Coppedge et al., Varieties of Democracy: Methology v.2., Varieties of Democracy(V-Dem) Project, 2014, pp.3-7. 28) Joseph Schumpeter (J. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, New York: Harper, 1947). 29) Dieter Nohlen, Wahlrecht und Parteiensystem: Zur Theorie der Wahlsysteme, 4. Auflage, Verlag Leske+Budrich, 2004, SS.25-31. 30) Inter-Parliamentary Union, Declaration on Criteria for Free and Fair Elections, 1994: Elklit, Jorgen and Palle Svensson, What Makes Elections Free and Fair? Journal of Democracy, 8(3), 1997; Beetham, David, Freedom as the Foundation, Journal of Democracy, 15(4), 2004, pp. 61-67. 31), R. Dahl (polyarchy),,,,. Jan Teorell et al., Measuring Electoral Democracy with V-Dem Data: Introducing a New Polyarchy Index, Working Paper Series 2016:25, The Varieties of Democracy Institute, 2016. - 15 -

,,.,.,...,..,,,,,... (institutional safeguards) (1)...,. 32).,. 33) 32),,,. - 16 -

(Chief Electoral Officer), (Electoral Enrolment Center). (Electoral Commission),,,.. (Representation Commission). (Election Law Committee)..,,. 1990 1996. 34) (Federal Electoral Institute). 35)..,. 33) Electoral Commission of New Zealand, Everything You Need to Know About Voting Under MMP, Wellington: GP Publications, 1996. 34) Andreas, Distrust Breeds Bureaucracy: The Formal Regulation of Electoral Governance in Mexico, Mexico City: FLACSO, 1999. 35) ( 69 ).,,,,,,,,,,,..,. - 17 -

.,.,,. (2).. 36) ( ).... 1996-2002 28,. 37),.. 36) Goodwin-Gill, Guy S., Free and Fair Elections: International Law and Practice, Inter Parliamentary Union, 1994; Elklit, Jorgen and Andrew Reynolds, The Impact of Election Administration on the Legitimacy of Emerging Democracies, Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 40(2), 2002, p.86-119; López-Pintor, Rafael, Electoral Management Bodies as Institutions of Governance, New York, New York: United Nations Development Programme, 2000; Mozaffar, Shaheen and Andreas Schedler, The Comparative Study of Electoral Governance Introduction, International Political Science Review, 23(1), 2002, p.5-27; Pastor, Robert A., The Role of Electoral Administration in Democratic Transitions: Implications for Policy and Research, Democratization, 6(4), 1999, p.1-27. 37) Sarah Birch, Electoral Institutes and Popular Confidence in Electoral Process: A Cross-national Analysis, Electoral Studies 27, 2008, pp.305-320. p.314. - 18 -

,,.,,. (non-partisanship), (political balance). 38),.. 39) 40),. 41),,. 42).. 43),.,,. 38) OSCE/ODIHR, Existing Commitments for Democratic Elections in OSCE Participating States, (Warsaw, 2003), Part One, para. 4.2. 39).,. 40) (Chief Electoral Officer) (Deputy Chief Electoral Officer). 41) (Election Commission), 6,. 42),, Electoral Integrity, pp.103-109. 43) OSCE/ODIHR, Existing Commitments for Democratic Elections in OSCE Participating States, (Warsaw, 2003), Part One, para. 4.3. - 19 -

, 1..,. 44),,. 45),.,,. (3)., (,, ).,,. (financial audit) (performance audit)..,,,.,, 44),. 45) (, ). - 20 -

.,.. (Quis custodiet custodienses)?,. (4)....... (5).. SNS (fake news).. 46) - 21 -

,,,,. (6).. 47).,........ 48)..,,,,, 46),,,. 47) (electoral justice) Jesús Orozco-Henríquez, Electoral Justice: The International IDEA Handbook, 2010. 48),,, 12 1, 2011, 143-146. - 22 -

,. (Do s and Don ts)..,.,..,... 49) (1).,...... (2)... 49) Electoral Integrity, pp.22-25. - 23 -

.. 50).,.,,.. (3).,.,.,.,... (4),.. 50),. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010). - 24 -

...... (5).,. 51).,.,. (6)..,...... 51) International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, Code of Conduct for the Ethical and Professional Observation of Elections, 1997. - 25 -

,..,, (transparency).... (accountability).,,.,..,,......,. 52) 52), - 26 -

. 53).,.,,,,,. 54)..,,,.,,.. 55). (statutory,,, NGO.,. 53).. Global Network of Domestic Election Monitors(GNDEM) Declaration of Global Principles for Non-Partisan Election Observation and Monitoring by Citizen Organizations Code of Conduct for Non-Partisan Citizen Election Observers and Monitors. 54) Electoral Integrity, pp.73-99. 55),. - 27 -

law).. 56).,. 57).,,.. 56) OSCE/ODIHR, Existing Commitments for Democratic Elections in OSCE Participating States (Warsaw, 2003), Part One, para. 2.5. 57) European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), Code of Good Practice in Electoral Matters, Opinion No. 190/2002 (May 2003), pp. 10, 26. - 28 -

IV. 1.. (electoral integrity, election with integrity).,.. 58),,,,. 59) (The Electoral Integrity Project, EIP) 11 49. (Perceptions of Electoral Integrity, PEI). 60). (EIP) ㆍ ㆍ 58),, 15 3,, 2014, 105. 59) Pippa Norris and Max Gröomping, Perceptions of Electoral Integrity (PEI) CODEBOOK, dataset, April 2017, p.4. 60) Pippa Norris and Max Gröomping, Perceptions of Electoral Integrity (PEI) CODEBOOK, dataset, April 2017, p.3. - 29 -

,.. 2012, (),..,,,.,., (i) Susan Hyde Nikolay Marinov NELDA, (ii) Judith Kelley QED, (iii) Sarah Birch, (iv) 20. 61) 1 2013 5 (PEI_1) 2012 7 1 2012 12 31 20. 2013 4 20 (Norris, 2013 www.electoralintegrityproject.com). 40 30%., PEI. World Values Survey PEI 9,. (PEI_2) 2014 2 1 1 12 31 61) Pippa Norris, Does the world agree about standards of electoral integrity? Evidence for the diffusion of global norms, Electoral Studies 32(2013), p.580. - 30 -

. (PEI_2.5) 2014 1 1 2014 6 30. (PEI_3) 2012 2013, 2014 1 1 12 31. PEI_3 107 127. (PEI_3.5) 125 153 1,696. PEI_4.0 139 180 2,080, PEI_4.5 153 213 2,417. 62) 2017 5 (PEI 5.0), 2012 6 2016 12 158 241 2,709. 63) 2. (PEI ).,,.,,. 64) PEI. 62) Pippa Norris, and Max Gröomping, Perceptions of Electoral Integrity (PEI) CODEBOOK, dataset, April 2017, p.3. 63) PIPPA NORRIS AND MAX GRÖMPING, THE YEAR IN ELECTIONS 2016-2017, May 2017 (www.electoralintegrityproject.com), p.3. 64) Pippa Norris, Richard W. Frank, Ferran Martinez I Coma, Measuring Electoral Integrity around the World: A New Dataset, Political Science & Politics(Volume 47, Issue 4), October 2014, p.2. - 31 -

.. ㆍㆍ,,,,,, (,, ),,,,. 65),. < >, ㆍㆍ ㆍ 11.,,,, ㆍ,,,,,,. 11.,,. 66) 49., 5 /.,,, ㆍ. P/N (positive), (negative). 65) Electoral Integrity, pp.99-178. 66) Pippa Norris, Ferran Martínez i Coma and Max Grömping, THE YEAR IN ELECTIONS, 2014, February 2015 (www.electoralintegrityproject.com), p.6. - 32 -

< 1> P/N 1-1 N 1. 1-2 N 1-3 N 2-1 P 2. 2-2 P 2-3 P 2-4 P 3-1 N 3. 3-2 N 3-3 P 4-1 N 4. 4-2 N 4-3 N 5-1 N 5-2 P 5. ㆍ 5-3 P 5-4 N 5-5 / N 6-1 P 6-2 TV N 6. 6-3 / P 6-4 P 6-5 P 7-1 / P 7-2 / P 7. 7-3 / P 7-4 N 7-5 N 8-1 N 8-2 P 8. 8-3 P 8-4 P 8-5 P - 33 -

8-6 P 8-7 P 8-8 P 9-1 P 9-2 P 9. 9-3 P 9-4 N 9-5 N 10-1 / N 10. 10-2 N 10-3 N 10-4 P 11-1 P 11-2 P 11. 11-3 P 11-4 P : Pippa Norris and Max Gröping, THE YEAR IN ELECTIONS 2016-2017, The Electoral Integrity Project, May 2017, p.40. PEI 5.0.,., PEI 5.0 2012 7 1 2016 12 31 10 ( )., Freedom House Freedom in the World Freedom in the World: Aggregate and Subcategory Scores 67),. PPP GDP 1 GDP, World Bank income level, UN (Geographic region), OECD. PEI, 67) Pippa Norris, Ferran Martínez i Coma and Max Grömping, THE YEAR IN ELECTIONS, 2014, February 2015 (www.electoralintegrityproject.com), p.4. - 34 -

.,,, 0 100.,,, 0 100.,, 0 100.,, 5 0 100. ㆍ,,,,, 5 0 100., TV, ㆍ,, 5 0 100., ㆍ, - 35 -

ㆍ,, 5 0 100.,,,,,, 5 0 100.,,,, 5 0 100. ㆍ,,, 5 0 100.,,, 5 0 100.,, ㆍ., ㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍ ㆍ, (,,, ㆍ ). - 36 -

. (,,, ),,,. 40. 68) PEI 40 1. 9,000. PEI-2.5 3,733, 1,059 28%. 2~36 ㆍ. ( ), ( ) ( ). 69) PEI 49., 11 49 PEI. 70) 49 100, 11 49. 71) (the perceptions of electoral integrity index, PEI ). 100, 68) Pippa Norris, and Max Gröomping, Perceptions of Electoral Integrity (PEI) CODEBOOK, dataset, April 2017, p.3. 69) Norris, P., Frank, R., & Martínez i Coma, F., Measuring Electoral Integrity around the World: A New Dataset. PS: Political Science & Politics, 47(4), October 2014, p.3. 70) Norris, P., Frank, R., & Martínez i Coma, F., Measuring Electoral Integrity around the World: A New Dataset. PS: Political Science & Politics, 47(4), October 2014, p.3. 71) Pippa Norris, and Max Gröomping, Perceptions of Electoral Integrity (PEI) CODEBOOK, dataset, April 2017, p.3. - 37 -

. EIP ( ), 11 49.,, PEI PEI. 72) PEI,. PEI 2012 7 1 2016 12 31, PEI 5.0 158 241. 73), PEI 3. PEI 5.0, ( 2,709 ), (241 ), (158 ). 74) PEI, 5. 6,.. 23. 72) Pippa Norris, Richard W. Frank, Ferran Martinez I Coma, Measuring Electoral Integrity around the World: A New Dataset, Political Science & Politics(Volume 47, Issue 4), October 2014, p.3. 73) PIPPA NORRIS AND MAX GRÖMPING, THE YEAR IN ELECTIONS 2016-2017, May 2017 (www.electoralintegrityproject.com), p.37. 74) Pippa Norris, Ferran Martínez i Coma and Max Grömping, THE YEAR IN ELECTIONS, 2014, February 2015 (www.electoralintegrityproject.com), p.4. - 38 -

순 위 국가 선거 종류 PEI 선거 지수선거법 절차 선거구 획정 선거인 등록 정당 등록 언론 보도 선거 자금 투표 절차 개표결과 1 덴마크총선 86 91 98 84 94 90 72 72 79 97 93 93 2 핀란드총선 86 80 98 72 95 93 70 70 93 99 96 96 3 노르웨이총선 83 80 92 72 86 84 67 73 81 97 92 91 4 아일랜드총선대선 83 79 88 68 92 85 67 71 84 96 91 90 5 스웨덴총선 81 79 90 80 88 79 61 66 80 93 88 94 6 코스타리 카 대선 81 80 97 59 75 79 57 65 81 99 94 97 7 독일총선 80 77 89 74 82 83 67 70 78 94 88 84 8 에스토니 아 총선 79 75 84 71 89 76 69 58 89 87 86 82 9 네덜란드총선 79 91 91 69 85 78 61 62 75 88 88 88 10 스위스총선 78 77 89 73 88 81 63 40 82 93 92 91 11 12 13 리투아니 아오스트리 아슬로베니 아 14 체코 총선대선 총선대선 총선대선 총선대선 78 87 82 76 77 85 67 64 73 87 84 79 77 83 81 73 79 75 63 68 80 90 77 82 77 74 83 65 90 74 59 63 80 93 78 86 76 81 85 71 87 78 57 59 69 93 85 83 15 뉴질랜드총선 76 71 95 66 54 83 55 56 78 87 89 88 16 우루과이대선 75 91 94 73 78 72 65 58 56 92 94 84 17 캐나다총선 75 51 90 78 55 74 63 68 73 89 87 89 18 슬로바키 아 총선대선 19 포르투칼총선대선 20 폴란드 총선대선 21 대한민국총선대선 < 2> 2017 75 72 84 68 79 81 65 56 71 87 85 80 75 77 89 67 49 79 57 62 73 92 88 85 74 79 85 74 77 75 54 61 74 85 82 81 74 53 87 63 85 71 55 63 76 92 83 83 22 이스라엘총선 74 76 92 65 78 76 58 61 57 91 88 86 23 대만대선 73 65 94 65 84 83 61 51 54 94 86 88 : PIPPA NORRIS AND MAX GRÖMPING, THE YEAR IN ELECTIONS 2016-2017, May 2017 (www.electoralintegrityproject.com), p.32. 선거 관리 기관 - 39 -

. PEI EIP 2012, 2013 66 800. (, )., ㆍ,..... ( ),,,,.. (, ).,. 75) 75) FERRAN MARTÍNEZ I COMA & CAROLIEN VAN HAM, Can experts judge elections? Testing the validity of expert judgments for measuring election integrity, European Journal of Political Research 54, European Consortium for Political Research, 2015, p. 305. - 40 -

3.,, (OSCE),, ), (OAS) (AU),., PEI.,.,,,. 76), PEI.. PEI. PEI.,. 77) 76) Pippa Norris, Richard W. Frank, Ferran Martinez I Coma, Measuring Electoral Integrity around the World: A New Dataset, Political Science & Politics(Volume 47, Issue 4), October 2014, p.4. 77) Pippa Norris, Richard W. Frank, Ferran Martinez I Coma, Measuring Electoral Integrity around the World: A New Dataset, Political Science & Politics(Volume 47, Issue 4), October 2014, p.7. - 41 -

,. PEI.,,. 78). 79) 78) Pippa Norris, Richard W. Frank, Ferran Martinez I Coma, Measuring Electoral Integrity around the World: A New Dataset, Political Science & Politics(Volume 47, Issue 4), October 2014, p.7. 79) Pippa Norris, Does the world agree about standards of electoral integrity? Evidence for the diffusion of global norms, Eletral Studies 32(2013), p.584. - 42 -

V. 1. : 80).,,,,.... 81)...,. ( 24 ), ( 25 ), ( 21 ), ( 7 ), ( 11 ) ( 116 1 ). 80),, 15 3, 2014, 124-128. 81),. - 43 -

, ( 37 2 ). 82), 83), 84), 85), ( 41 1, 67 1 ). 86) 82) 116 1,. 37 2.. 83)..... 1999.5.27. 98214 84).... 85)..,.,... 2001.7.19. 200091, 86),.,.,,,.. 1994.7.29. 934. - 44 -

( 67 ), ( 41 ), ( 118 )., ( 7 : 114 116 ).,.,,,,., ( 116 2 ).,.. 87).. 88).,,,. 89) 87)., 15,,...... 88),. - 45 -

(1),,..,,,,,,,,.,,... (2)... ( 17 )... (3) 89).,,.. - 46 -

,,,.,..,,,,,. 2... (The Economist) (Democracy Index).,,,,. < 5-1> 90) 2016. < 3> (Democracy Index 2016) 90) http://felipesahagun.es/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/democracy-index-2016.pdf. - 47 -

1 9.93 10.00 9.64 10.00 10.00 10.00 2 9.50 10.00 8.93 8.89 10.00 9.71 3 9.39 9.58 9.64 8.33 10.00 9.41 4 9.26 10.00 9.29 8.89 8.13 10.00 5 9.20 9.58 9.29 8.33 9.38 9.41 6 9.15 9.58 9.64 7.78 8.75 10.00 7 9.15 9.58 7.86 8.33 10.00 10.00 8 9.09 9.58 9.29 7.78 9.38 9.41 9 9.03 10.00 8.93 7.78 8.75 9.71 10 9.01 9.58 8.93 7.78 8.75 10.00 11 8.81 10.00 8.93 6.67 8.75 9.71 12 8.80 9.58 8.57 8.33 8.13 9.41 13 8.63 9.58 8.57 7.78 7.50 9.71 14 8.41 9.58 7.86 8.33 6.88 9.41 15 8.39 9.17 8.21 6.11 8.75 9.71 16 8.36 9.58 7.14 7.22 8.75 9.12 17 8.30 9.58 7.14 7.22 8.13 9.41 18 8.28 9.17 8.21 5.56 8.75 9.71 19 8.17 10.00 8.93 4.44 7.50 10.00 20 7.99 8.75 8.21 6.67 7.50 8.82 21 7.98 9.17 7.14 7.22 8.13 8.24 22 7.98 9.58 6.43 7.22 8.13 8.53 23 7.94 9.17 7.86 6.67 6.88 9.12 24 7.92 9.58 7.14 7.78 6.25 8.82 24 7.92 9.17 7.50 7.72 7.50 8.24 26 7.88 9.58 7.14 6.11 6.88 9.71 27 7.87 9.17 7.14 6.11 7.50 9.41 28 7.86 9.58 6.79 6.67 6.88 9.41 29 7.85 9.17 7.50 8.89 7.50 6.18 29 7.85 9.58 7.86 6.11 6.88 8.82 : Democracy Index 2016: Revenge of the deplorables, The Economist Intelligence Unit limited, 2016, p. 7. - 48 -

2016 7.92, 24. 167.. < 5-2> 2006-2016. 2006 7.88 2008 8.01 2014. 2015 7.97, 2016 7.92. 8.0. 8.0. < 4> (2006-2016 ) 2006 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 7.88 8.01 8.11 8.06 8.13 8.06 8.06 7.97 7.92 31 28 20 22 20 21 21 22 24..,,,,,. < 5>. - 49 -

.. 91). < 5> ( ) 2006 31 7.88 9.58 7.14 7.22 7.50 7.94 2008 28 8.01 9.58 7.50 7.22 7.50 8.24 2010 20 8.11 9.17 7.86 7.22 7.50 8.82 2011 22 8.06 9.17 7.86 7.22 7.50 8.53 2012 20 8.13 9.17 7.86 7.22 7.50 8.53 2013 21 8.06 9.17 7.86 7.22 7.50 8.53 2014 21 8.06 9.17 7.86 7.22 7.50 8.53 2015 22 7.97 8.75 7.86 7.22 7.50 8.53 2016 24 7.92 9.17 7.50 7.22 7.50 8.24.,,,,,,. 92),. 91),,.. 92) Democracy Index 2013, pp.30-31. - 50 -

... 93)... 94). 95).. 93).,, 131. 94). 95),,...,,,,..,, 131. - 51 -

(87 ), (85 ), (92 ), (83 ).?. (2-1), (2-2), (2-3), (2-4). (4-1), (4-2), (4-3). (9-1), (9-2), (9-3), (9-4), (9-5). (11-1), (11-2), (11-3), (11-4)... 96),., 100 74 (53 ), (55 ), (63 ), (63 ).?,,,.,,,,. 96),. - 52 -

(institutionalization).,.. 2013 2017. 6 21.. < 5>, < 6>. 2013 2017. < 6> 2013-2017 PEI 6 2013 81.2 68 91 73 89 81 66 72 82 96 88 86 12 2014 81.1 68 91 73 90 80 66 72 82 96 88 86 15 2015 77 59 88 70 89 76 57 64 78 95 85 83 21 2017, (2012) 74 53 87 63 85 71 55 63 76 92 83 83 < 7> 2013 2017 2013 2017 PEI -7.2-15 -4-10 -4-10 -11-9 -6-4 -5-3 - 53 -

2013 2017.. (-7.2) 4, -15, -11, 10, 10, -9. (,,, ). (2013 81, 2016 71 ) (2013 81.2, 2016 74 ), (-10 ).? 21... 97) 97),.. 2013, 2014, 2015 2012 18. 3. 3.... 2012 11 pilot 40 ( 20, 20 ) 1 0, 2 14, 3 10 24 (Pippa Norris, Ferran Martinez I Coma and Richard W. Frank, PEI research design, The Electoral Integrity Project, University of Sydney, 2013.5.22. p.9. www.electoralintegrityproject.com) 2013. - 54 -

... (1) 18 1). 18 19. 18.. 18. 98),. 99). 2013 2014. (Very High, 60 ), (Moderate, 50-59 ), / (Low/Very Low, 50 ) (THE YEAR IN ELECTION, 2017, p 5.). 98) http://kiss7.tistory.com/736. 99) 2017.4.19., - 55 -

19. 18 K 100) 1 1.49. 101) 2017 5 9 19 K 1.6. 102),,..,... 18 5% 2%, 1.8.. 2017.4.19. 100) K,., 2017.6.2. 101). 1.5K. K '1' 18 1.5. 1.5. 19., 2017.6.2. 102) " 19 1, 2 K 1.6. ' ' 18 ". K 1.5 ' '., 2017.6.2. - 56 -

.. 103)..,. 104). SNS.. 2) 105) 103).,. 104) 5 9,.. 18,, 2017.04.20. 105) 2011 11 ' ' ' '....20 A " " "70 2 ".. (IP).... 8 30.,. USB PC........ A " 2011 " " ". 2013. 2. 4, <http://www.ohmynews.com/nws_web/ View/at_pg.aspx?CNTN_CD= A00018314 27>. - 57 -

18. 106)? < 8> 2013 18, 2015 18. < 8> (2013 2015 ) : 2013 2015 PEI -4.2-9 -3-3 0-5 -9-8 -4-1 -3-3.. 107) 106). 2012. 11 21 ( ) 2 6 4, 3.,.,.,,, 2014.09.12. 107).. - 58 -

.. 2013 2014, 2015.. 108). (-8)..... (2) 20 3.. 3. 108),,,. 2015. - 59 -

1) : <> 109) 2016년 1월 1일세시 ( 歲時 ) 부터대한민국이 선거구없는나라 가됐다. 헌법재판소의선거법개정시한인 31일자정을앞두고여야지도부의막판협상이결렬되면서다. 1일 0시를넘기면서기존 246개국회의원지역구는모두법적효력을잃었다. 4 13 총선을넉달앞두고국민은투표할지역구가어디인지, 후보는누구인지알수없는대혼란상황을맞게됐다. 새누리당김무성대표, 더불어민주당 ( 약칭더민주 ) 문재인대표등여야지도부와정의화국회의장의무능 무책임, 선거구획정이늦어질수록현역에유리하다 는현국회의원 293명의기득권야합이빚은 입법비상사태 다. 선거구간인구편차를 2대 1 이하로바꾸라 는헌재결정 (2014년 10월 30일 ) 이후 14개월을허송세월하며자초한사태다.,,,... 110). 111) 109), 300, 2016.1.1. 110) (1-3). 111).. 28 5 4.... 4 13 20 (). 2014 10 12 31.. - 60 -

2016. 2016 3:1 2:1. 2016 2013. 112) 2016,..?., < 5-6> 2013 2017 10.. (-10). 2) : ( 81 ), ( 82 )... 12 16,. 5 2. 4.,, 2016.4.28. http://news.naver.com/main/ read.nhn?mode=lsd&mid=sec&sid1=100&oid=018&aid=0003531556 112). - 61 -

.. 113) 3.....,... 114) 113) 472., 2005 572. 572 1 ( "" ).. 573 1..., -2012.4.11.. -,, 41 2, 2012.. 114) - 62 -

.. < 9> 2013 81 2014 80 2015 76 2017, (2012) 71 19 2013 2015 19 20 2017.. 115). 115) 20 3,,. 20 3 19....,. 20 ' '..,,. 3.............,.........,. 14 10 2. 24-63 -

20.. 116) 20. 117) 2017,., 2016.3.14. http://www.sjbnews.com/news/articleview.html?idxno=517854 116).......... ( ) (, ).... 13.5% 74.48%..., 20,, 62, 2017, 2. 32. 117) 20 ''. 3 ( ) ( ) ' ' 16. ' ' 3.. 75.7% 4. 2 800..., 3. 2 3 900 10 1..... http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2017/05/16/ 0200000000AKR20170516178900004. HTML?input=1195m, 2017. 5.17. " '' " 訴 - 64 -

. 118) (3) 19 1) :. 119). SNS. SNS. 120) 118). 20. 19...,, 34. 119) ", "., " " " " ( ) ".,,,.., 2017 No.05, 2017, 23-24 120) ",, SNS,, ".,, 24. - 65 -

19, SNS. 121)... 122). 123) 2017.. 2017 (11-2). 19 121). 122)..,,.,,.,,,,.., 200.,,, 2017.3.16., 1-2. www.nec.go.kr 123),,..,, 2017-2,, 2017.6. 1-52. - 66 -

. (6-1). 124) (6-4).. 2) SNS 19 18. 125) 18 19 4 SNS,. 19. 126) 124) 2 19 ' ' ''. " 2 19 ' ' '' ".. ' ' ' ' ' '. ' ' ' '. ' '. ", ". KBS NEWS,,, 2017.2.2. http://news.kbs.co.kr/news/view.do?ncd=3421896&ref=a 125), 7.,,,,. - 67 -

19 SNS 2. 19 SNS. 2 SNS. 127) SNS TV.,. TV, 126) 97 SNS,.., 3. SBS. 127) 11.. 19 4... " SNS 2...... " 2 ". '. 2.." 2 ' " ",, 2017.5.5. http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=lsd&mid=sec&sid1=100&oid=005&aid=000098922 0' - 68 -

. 128) 3. (institutionalization).. 129).,.. ( ).... 128). 129).. - 69 -

.... 130).. 131). 130). ( ) ( ).. ( ). 37, 43. PEI (65 ) (43 ) (39 ). THE YEAR IN ELECTION, 2017, p 32. ( ),. 131)... - 70 -

... 132)... 133).. 134) 132),, 66, (2002. 4), 37-72 ;,, 28 4 1 (2000), 101-1147. 133).......,....,,, 130, 2012, 134) - 71 -

. 135),,., ( ) ( )., ( )., ( )... 136) ( ) (). ( ). 137) (). 138). 135) 2015. 12. 23. 2013168 136), - - 137) 2015. 12. 23. 2013168. 8 ( 8 1, 3 ),,,,.,. 138). - 72 -

/, /.... 2009 2. 2007. 2007 6 28 2004644, 2005360() 37 1 37 2.. 2012 4 19 18 2009.,,.?.. 139). 139) 2012 4 158 2,233193 56,456 2.53%. 12 222,389 158,196 7%. 20. 4.25. 4.30. 116 175 204 294,633 221,981 (75.3%). (3.9) - 73 -

.. 140). ( 56 ).. ( 57 ).. 141). 142). 143).,. http://www.nec.go.kr/search/search.jsp 140).,, 2014, 2014, 74-92.,,. 20. 141),,,.. 142),, 21, 2016.8. 232-238. 143),, 232. - 74 -

,. 4.. (1)..,.,.. 144)... 144). - 75 -

.. (2) (1-1), (1-2), (1-3)... 145) 20 253 934 133. 146). (3) 145). 19.. 22, 11 46. 11, 7, 5, 2, 1. 20, 43.5%. 18 26.4%. 53 14. 27.7%., 43% 2 2012.3.24. http://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2012032413588233153&outlink=1&ref=http%3a%2f%2f news.naver.com 146),, http://info.nec.go.kr/ - 76 -

(5-1), (5-2), (5-3), (5-4), / (5-5).,..,.. (4)...., SNS. 147). TV. 148) 147), 40 3, 2012, 95-116. 148), TV. - 77 -

... (5),. /,.. (6),?.,.,. 149) 149).. - 78 -

,,,.. 115 1. 2 1..,. 18.. (FBI) E-mail.., FBI.... (2-2).. (1-3). - 79 -

....... 150) 150)....,,.. - 80 -

VI. 1. 1),., (quality of election)..,. 1948,,., ().. 2) (electoral integrity) (the perceptions of electoral integrity index).. (The Electoral Integrity Project, EIP),. ( ),, (universal suffrage), - 81 -

. ().,,.. 3)..,,,,,,,,,,.,,, (,,,,, ),. (,, ).. (guiding principles).,. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. - 82 -

4).. ( )....,,.,,. (non-partisanship), (political balance).,..,,...,.,,., 1.., - 83 -

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....,.,. 2. 1)..,,,...,,,.. 2), - 85 -

.. 2013 2017.. 3),,,,,. 4).,..,......,,, - 86 -

,.. 5),.,,.,. - 87 -

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