1. 연구대상 연구방법 196

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KISEP Original Articles 10 2 1999 Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr 10195~200 가족내의위험요인이 ADHD 아동의 행동문제에미치는영향 THE EFFECTS OF FAMILIAL RISK FACTORS ON THE BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS OF ADHD CHILDREN 김진희 * 유희정 ** Jin-Hee Kim, M.A.*, Hee-Jung You, Ph.D.** 요약 중심단어 서 론 Department of Psychology, Korea University, Seoul Department of Psychiatry, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul Corresponding author 195

1. 연구대상 연구방법 196

2. 연구도구 1) 상태-특질불안검사 (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory:STAI) 2) Beck 우울질문지 (Beck Depression Inventory: BDI) 3) 결혼만족도평가지 (Marital Satisfaction Scale: MSS) 4) 부모용행동평정척도 (Child Behavior Checklist: CBCL) 3. 연구절차 결 η 과 197

Table 1. MSS, BDI, STAI 점수에서정상군과 ADHD 군의차이검증 n131 ADHDn29 df F 2 MSS 185.40 26.51 146.56 23.65 1, 150 49.356*.249 BDI 5.76 5.36 10.37 7.18 1, 149 14.333*.112 STATE 38.30 8.39 45.32 10.75 1, 156 12.877*.079 TRAIT 38.03 8.08 47.50 11.26 1, 149 19.655*.126 *:p.001 Table 2. MSS, BDI, STAI 점수와아동행동문제간상관 WITHD ANXDEP SOCP THOUT ATTEN DELIN AGG EXT INT MSS.436*.292*.446*.204*.398*.362*.431*.445*.377* BDI.413*.276*.336*.408*.398*.437*.334*.378*.380* STATE.384*.295*.343*.351*.352*.368*.274*.334*.367* TRAIT.386*.367*.336*.363*.403*.376*.386*.402*.407* *:p.001 고찰 198

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