14124 Chapter 2 Financial management of local governments, school sizes, and school facility location Abstract With regard to consolidations of public elementary and junior high schoolsit can be said that from an educational point of view the size of schools should be remain constant. Furthermore, from a financial point of view, schools of the optimum size are more efficient than small schools. However, the policy option of not consolidating, but rather allowing schools to remain as they are, is affected by the local government finance system peculiar to Japan, and the financial management system of the local government. We must consider the advantages of local government financial management for the effective use of public money in a time of decentralization. When we consider a specific local government, it is often unclear whether school consolidation have contributed to a reduction in expenditure. It depends on the financial position of the local government in question, and the number of schools in maintains. We must therefore recognize there are limits to discussing the effects of school consolidations on local government finances from a short-term cost comparison point of view. The proportion of a local government s budget taken up by school facilities is a major factor, but nevertheless, the full cost of each individual school, including its personnel costs and lighting and heating costs, or the depreciation of the facilities, remains unclear, and future discussions need to take these factors into account. Baum, 2003 school size Leithwood & Jantzi, 2009, p.466; Darling-Hammond, Ancess, & Ort, 2002Lindsay, 1982 Monk & 43
Haller, 1993Pittman & Haughwout, 1987 1 Foreman-Peck & Foreman-Peck, 2006; Haller, 1992 2,000 600 Stiefel, Patrice, Fruchter, & Berne, 1998Stiefel, Schwartz, Iatarola, & Chellman, 2008 Beaumont, 2002 Valencia, 1984 1 Boyd, 1979, p. 334 DeYoung & Howley1990 Vincent, 2006Lawrence, et al., 2002McCann & Beaumont, 2003Jimerson, 2007 punctuated equilibrium Baumgartner & Jones, 1993Baumgartner & Jones, 2002 44
organization slackboyd, 1979 efficiency equityberger, 1983aBerger, 1983b 1 2 1 2 1 (a) (c) Berger, 1983a, p. 6 2 (b) (d) RIF 2 : Reduction in Force (a) (b) (c) (d) (ZBB) (long range strategy) (involvement) Berger, 1983a, p. 7 1 (d) (d)(a) 45
(b) 2 2000 12 3 2006 18 19 2.1 2 1 2 3 3 (a) (b) (A) Aa Ab (B) Ba Bb Schools-within-Schools 3 46
1 Schools-within-school DeYoung & Howley, 1990; Lee, Ready, & Johnson, 2001 3 4, 2008 5 1 4 720 18 600 15 47
4 21 () 720 18 1 40 600 15 1 40 2 1 21 41,113 38,300 1/2 1/2 720 600 21 834,000 1,091,000 1 1 18 15 21 8,659,000 9,306,000 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 13 10 16 6 21 1 48
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14 8 20 5.68.5 8 22 82 7, 2008 7 1 1 21 53
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