(Multiple Leadership) * Yunkyung Min** Hyejoo Jung Jungmin Lee Jung Cheol Shin Seoul National University ARTICLE INFO Article history: Received Mar 6

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(Multiple Leadership) * Yunkyung Min** Hyejoo Jung Jungmin Lee Jung Cheol Shin Seoul National University ARTICLE INFO Article history: Received Mar 6 2017 Revised Mar 25 2017 Accepted Mar 28 2017 Keywords: principal, leadership, multiple leadership, qualitative research :,,, ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to propose new types of principals' leadership('multiple leadership') and to reveal the complex aspects of leadership in the school. Existing traditional leadership research, including contingency theory, presumes that there is one leadership suitable for a specific situation. However, we found from our interview with 42 school principals that new environmental changes surrounding the principal expect the principal to play a different role from the traditional role. In this way, in various situations in the school scene, the principal does not apply one style of leadership but multiple leadership. The concept of 'multiple leadership' proposed in this study are expected to be a new turning point in leadership research.. (multiple leadership)..,.. (multiple leadership). * 2016~2017. ** Corresponding author, ykmin21@snu.ac.kr

24 I.,. (, 1984;, 1991;, 1999;, 2000), (, 2008;, 2009).,,, (, 1995; Leithwood, 2005; Day, 2005;, 2005).,. Fiedler (contingency theory)(fiedler, 1967),... (Leithwood & Duke, 1999),., (, 2007;, 2007;, 2008)..,...

학교장의다면적리더십 연구 25,?,,?. A. (, 2013). (, 2013). Yukl(2002),. (2016).,, (, 2014).,..,. 1950.,. 1950-70.,. 1970-80,,., (, 2006). Sergiovanni(1999) (Technical Leadership), (Human Leadership), (Educational Leadership), (Symbolic Leadership), (Cultural Leadership),. Sergiovanni(1999)

26. (self-leader) (, 2015).. (Distributed Leadership), ( 2011).,,,, (, 2009). 1980 (, 2014)., Fiedler (contingency theory), (Fiedler, 1967)..,...,.,,..,

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28,,.. Fullan(2014) ( ), ( ), ( ) (learning leader), (system player), (agent of change)... C. (Hallinger, 1992; Leithwood & Duke, 1999; Robinson et al., 2008)..,.. Burns(1978) Bass(1990). Burns Bass,. Leithwood Duke(1999) 6 (,,,, ). 2000. (, 2007;, 2013;, 2013;, 2014),,, (, 2013).,

학교장의다면적리더십 연구 29 (, 2012;, 2014;, 2014). (, 2012;, 2013), (, 2007;, 2010;, 2013), (, 2010;, 2011;, 2014),.... A.., (IRB) (IRB No. SNU 16-03-081). 42. < -1>.

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학교장의다면적리더십 연구 51 (nofluke@snu.ac.kr).. (21571@snu.ac.kr).. (jcs6205@snu.ac.kr),.,.