K O R E A C E N T E R S F O R D I S E A S E C O N T R O L & P R E V E N T I O N PHWR Vol. 6 No. 2 www.cdc.go.kr 2013 1 11 6 2 ISSN:2005-811X Flavivirus surveillance in mosquitoes collected from the quarantine area of Incheon National Airport, 2012 CONTENTS
www.cdc.go.kr 23 Table 1. Total number and percentage of mosquitoes, by species, collected monthly in the quarantine area of Incheon International Airport, 2012 Table 2. Summary of mosquitoes collection and Flavivirus test results in the quarantine area of Incheon International Airport, 2012
24 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Table 3. Summary of mosquitoes collection and Flavivirus test results in National Quarantine Station in Korea, 2012
www.cdc.go.kr 25 The result of establishing tuberculosis shelter for homeless in Korea
26 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Table 1. The number of homeless people in Korea, 2011
www.cdc.go.kr 27
28 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Table 2. The number of admission and temporary admission to TB shelter for homeless
www.cdc.go.kr 29 Table 3. Treatment outcome of TB shelter for homeless
30 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Establishment of vaccine preventable disease epidemiologic investigation web reporting system
www.cdc.go.kr 31 Figure 1. Disease Web Reporting Transmission System Figure 2. Registration system of epidemiologic investigation
32 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Figure 3. Vaccine Preventable Disease Epidemiologic investigation system
www.cdc.go.kr 33 Current status of selected infectious diseases Figure 1. The weekly proportion of influenza-like illness visits per 1,000 patients, 2008-2009 season - 2012-2013 season Figure 2. The number of influenza virus isolates, 2012-2013 season Current status of hospital based Pneumonia and Influenza (P&I) mortality
34 PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC Table 1. Provisional cases of reported notifiable diseases-republic of Korea, week ending January 5, 2013 (1st week)* -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. EHEC: Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. HFRS: Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. CJD/vCJD: Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease / variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease. * Incidence data for reporting year 2012, 2013 is provisional, whereas data for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are finalized. Reported cases contain all case classifications(confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease respectively. Excluding Hansen's disease, diseases reported through the Sentinel Surveillance System(Data for Sentinel Surveillance System are available in Table III), and diseases no case reported(diphtheria, Poliomyelitis, Epidemic typhus, Anthrax, Plague, Yellow fever, Viral hemorrhagic fever, Smallpox, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Avian influenza infection and humans, Novel Influenza, Tularemia, Newly emerging infectious disease syndrome, Tick-borne Encephalitis, Chikungunya fever) Surveillance system for Viral hepatitis A, Viral hepatitis B, Syphilis, CJD/vCJD, West Nile fever was altered from Sentinel Surveillance System to National Infectious Disease Surveillance System as of December 30,2010. Calculated by summing the incidence counts for the current week, the 2 weeks preceding the current week, and the 2 weeks following the current week, for a total of 5 preceding years(for Viral hepatitis A, Viral hepatitis B, Syphilis, CJD/vCJD, West Nile fever, Lyme Borreliosis, Melioidosis, this calculation used 2 year data(2011, 2012) only, because of being designated as of December 30,2010). ** Viral hepatitis B comprises acute Viral hepatitis B, HBsAg positive maternity, Perinatal hepatitis B virus infection. Scarlet fever's case classifications added suspected cases in addition to confirmed cases.
www.cdc.go.kr 35 Table 2. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, Republic of Korea, weeks ending January 5, 2013 (1st week)* -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. * Incidence data for reporting years 2012, 2013 is provisional, whereas data for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are finalized. Reported cases contain all case classifications (Confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease, respectively. Surveillance system for Viral hepatitis A was altered from Sentinel Surveillance System to National Infectious Disease Surveillance System as of December 30,2010. Calculated by averaging the cumulative counts from 1st week to current week, for a total of 5 preceding years.
36 Table 2. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, Republic of Korea, weeks ending January 5, 2013 (1st week)* -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. * Incidence data for reporting years 2012, 2013 is provisional, whereas data for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are finalized. Reported cases contain all case classifications (Confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease, respectively. Surveillance system for Viral hepatitis A was altered from Sentinel Surveillance System to National Infectious Disease Surveillance System as of December 30,2010. Calculated by averaging the cumulative counts from 1st week to current week, for a total of 5 preceding years. Scarlet fever's case classifications added suspected cases in addition to confirmed cases.
www.cdc.go.kr 37 Table 2. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, Republic of Korea, weeks ending January 5, 2013 (1st week)* -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. * Incidence data for reporting years 2012, 2013 is provisional, whereas data for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are finalized. Reported cases contain all case classifications (Confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease, respectively. Calculated by averaging the cumulative counts from 1st week to current week, for a total of 5 preceding years.
38 Table 2. Provisional cases of selected notifiable diseases, Republic of Korea, weeks ending January 5, 2013 (1st week)* -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. * Incidence data for reporting years 2012, 2013 is provisional, whereas data for 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are finalized. Reported cases contain all case classifications (Confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease, respectively. Surveillance system for Syphilis, CJD/vCJD was altered from Sentinel Surveillance System to National Infectious Disease Surveillance System as of December 30,2010. Calculated by averaging the cumulative counts from 1st week to current week, for a total of 5 preceding years.
www.cdc.go.kr 39 Table 3. Provisional cases of reported sentinel surveillance disease, Republic of Korea, weeks ending December 29, 2012 (52nd week) -: No reported cases. Cum: Cumulative counts of the year from 1st week to current week. * Above data for reporting years 2011 and 2012 are provisional. Reported cases contain all case classifications (Confirmed, Suspected, Asymptomatic carrier) of the disease, respectively. Calculated by averaging the cumulative counts from 1st week to current week, for a total of 5 preceding *
www.cdc.go.kr PUBLIC HEALTH WEEKLY REPORT, KCDC 363-951 Tel. (043)719-7168, 7164 Fax. (043)719-7189 http://www.cdc.go.kr