12 한국심리학회지 : 발달 한국발달심리학회

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12 한국심리학회지 : 발달 한국발달심리학회

12 * 12.,,,..., 12 - - - -.. - - - -,.. *,,. 2014 2012 ( ) (NRF-2012-S1A3-A2033375). :,, 50 ( 120-749) E-mail: hsong@yonsei.ac.kr

....,..... 1 (e.g.,,, 2008; Luo & Baillargeon, 2005; Woodward, 1998; Woodward & Guajardo, 2002). Woodward(1998) 6 (encode). Woodward., ( / ), ( / )., /,, /., / /,..,,. Luo Baillargeon(2005) (one-object condition)., A, B A (agency) 5

A B., A A. B A, A ( ) B ( )., A., A B. A A, B A. (Woodward & Guajardo, 2002). 12.. Woodward Guajardo(2002). 9..,, (,, 2008;,,, 2012)..., (declarative) (imperative) (Tomasello, Carpenter & Liszkowski, 2007).

(interrogative) (Begus & Southgate, 2012).,?. 18 (Song, Onishi, Baillargeon, & Fisher, 2008). 1 2 1 A 2 A B. 1 2 2 B. 1 A 2 B.. 12 (Behne, Liszkowski, Carpenter, & Tomasello, 2012).., 12.,. 12.. (Woodward & Guajardo, 2002). (Sodian & Thoermer, 2004; Woodward & Guajardo, 2002).,..,, (Sodian & Thoermer, 2004). Sodian Thoermer 12,,. A, B A A. B,, B (

) A B ( ).,,., 12 (Phillips., Wellman, & Spelke, 2002). Phillips 14 12. (Sodian & Thoermer, 2004). (Carpenter, Nagell, & Tomasello, 1998) 12 (Phillips et al., 2002),.. (Phillips et al., 2002; Sodian & Thoermer, 2004),.,? -, -..,. (Cannon & Woodward, 2012; Kim & Song, in press). Woodward(1998) A, B A. (Kim & Song, in press) (Cannon & Woodward, 2012). Woodward(1998).

B.,, A., 6, 11 A,. 12. 12, (Woodward & Guajardo, 2002). 12. ( ) ( )....., - -.. (association). (,, 2008; Kim & Song, in press; Luo & Baillargeon, 2005). A., A. A A A, A, B. - - A - - B. - -, - - - -.

2. 12 24 ( 12, : 12 10, : 11 26-12 29 ). 12, 12. 5, (1), (1), (1), (1) (1).,.. 1,. 6, 1, 1. Kim Song(in press).,, 3... (, ). 20.5cm, 13cm, 18cm, 18cm. 70.5cm, 6. 5cm. (4 ) (2 ) (4 ).,. 10 1),., 6 2). 1) (2008) ( 10-13 ). 2) (4 ) (2 ) 6. 6,

TV (LG LCD) 100cm. (PANASONIC NV-GS300GD).... (1/30 ). (preferential looking paradigm),,, (,, 2011; Fernald, Zangl, Portillo, & Marchman, 2008).,. 2 6, 91%. 40. ( - -, - - ) - -. - -

(, ) (Fs < 1). - - (, ), (F(1,22) = 1.67, p =.21)., (M =.64, SD =.36) (M =.44, SD =.38) - -. Woodward Guajardo(2002). 12 9, 12. 9 - -, 3 - -... - -, (M =.81, SD =.19) (M =.44, SD =.38) - - (F(1,19) = 7.20, p <.05). - - (t(8) = 4.99, p =.001), - - (t(11) =.55, p =.594). 9, 12 6 - - - -, (Ws = 100, p <.05). 12. 9 - -, 12 4 (X 2 (1) = 9.69, p <.01).

... 1,,. (,, ),, (Fs < 2.42, ps >.13),. - -. (, ; ) ( - -, - - ; ), (Fs < 1). - - - -.,. - - (, ; ) (, ; ), (F(1,19) < 7.46, p <.05). (F(1,19) - - - - 0.44 0.51 2.50 0.54 2.38 - (0.28) (0.28) (0.50) (0.25) (0.58) 0.66 0.17 0.74 0.62 0.65 - (0.37) (0.20) (0.36) (0.32) (0.26) 1.15 0.27 1.60 1.04 1.66 - (0.30) (0.39) (0.47) (0.37) (0.55) 3.20 2.78 2.84 2.92 - (1.88) (1.75) (2.37) (2.34) - 1.14 0.44 3.23 0.74 0.84 2.92 (0.69) (0.51) (1.15) (0.67) (0.63) (1.18)

= 2.50, p = 0.13) (M =.54, SD =.25) (M =.81, SD =.19) (t(8) = 2.87, p <.05), (M =.48, SD =.25) (M =.44, SD =.38) (t(11) =.28, p =.79). - -. 12.,. 6, 11 (Cannon & Woodward, 2012; Kim & Song, in press). Sodian Thoermer(2004),. Sodian Thoermer 12 ( : ) ( : ).. Sodian Thoermer.,. (Kim & Song, in press). Sodian Thoermer(2004). Sodian Thoermer,,, 12., Sodian Thoermer (,, ) ( ),. 12

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Twelve-month-old infants' ability to predict the goals of others' pointing actions Eun Young Kim Hyun-joo Song Department of Psychology, Yonsei University The current research investigated whether 12-month-old infants can predict the goals of others' pointing actions before the onset of the actions. Infants participated in three types of trials: familiarization, pretest-display, and test trials. In the two-object condition, infants watched an actor repeatedly point to one of two objects during familiarization trials. During the pretest-display trial, the locations of the two objects were switched. During the test trial, the actor simply sat between the objects. The procedure for the one-object condition was identical except that there was only one object during the familiarization trials. In the two-object condition, the infants who could produce pointing actions looked longer at the prior-goal object than at the non-prior-goal object; whereas infants in the one-object condition did not. The current findings demonstrated that 12-month-old infants could anticipate an actor's goal using information regarding the goal of previous pointing actions. Key words : action prediction, psychological reasoning, pointing, social cognition in infancy