Jeein Jeong 20., (teaching), (Skerry, Lambert, Powell, & Mcauliffe, 2013; Strauss, Ziv & Stein, 2002)..,.,.,.??,?,.,,. (Davis-Unger & Carlson, 2008; S
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1 Research Article Korean J Child Stud 2018;39(3): pissn: eissn: X The Development of Young Children s Understanding of Intentionality of Teaching and Theory of Mind, and its Relation to Their Understanding of Teaching Intention of an Actual Teaching Activity Jeein Jeong Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Development, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, United States,, Objective: The current study intends to examine how young children understand intentionality of teaching with the theory of mind development, and how this understanding relates to their understanding of a teaching intention of an actual teaching activity. Methods: The theory of mind of 90 children aged 3-5 years and their understanding of intentionality of teaching were assessed. Additionally, children were randomly assigned to experimental condition in which the teaching intention of an activity (memory game) was explicitly revealed, or control condition in which the intention was not stated. Afterwards, their understanding of the teaching intention of the game was measured. The development of understanding of intentionality of teaching, and its relation to their theory of mind were examined. Whether age and understanding of intentionality of teaching predicted children s understanding of the teaching intention of the game was also investigated. Results: Along with the theory of mind development, children s understanding of intentionality of teaching also developed. Children s understanding of teaching intention of the game was related to their understanding of intentionality of teaching with age controlled. Children s recognition of the teaching intention of the game was predicted by understanding of the intentionality of teaching in the control condition, and it was predicted by both age and understanding of intentionality of teaching in the experimental condition. Conclusion: With the development of theory of mind, children come to understand that teaching involves a goal, and this development plays an important role in their appreciation of an actual teaching intention of the activity. Keywords: intentionality of teaching, theory of mind, understanding of teaching intention of activity Corresponding Author: Jeein Jeong, Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Development, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania, 3700 Walnut Street., Philadelphia, PA , United States The Korean Association of Child Studies This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 Jeein Jeong 20., (teaching), (Skerry, Lambert, Powell, & Mcauliffe, 2013; Strauss, Ziv & Stein, 2002)..,.,.,.??,?,.,,. (Davis-Unger & Carlson, 2008; Strauss et al., 2002; Ziv & Frye, 2004; Ziv, Solomon, & Frye, 2008).,, (Olson & Bruner, 1996).,,.,,.., (Frye & Ziv, 2005; Kruger & Tomasello, 1996; Ziv et al., 2008).,.,,.. (Ziv et al., 2008).,,., (imitation)...,.,, (Ziv et al., 2008).,.,.,., (Cavadel & Frye, 2017; Ziv et al., 2008; Ziv, Solomon, Strauss, & Frye, 2016)., 3, 4 (Cavadel & Frye, 2017; Ziv et al., 2008)., 3, 4,,., 5,,. 5
3 21 Young Children's Understanding of Intention of Teaching ( )..,, (Frye & Ziv, 2005).,,. (Oh, 2013; Chung, 2009), (Song, 2004; N. Shin & Kim, 2016), (Park, 2006; E.-S. Shin, 2005)., (Oh, 2013), (Chung, 2009)., (E.-S. Shin, 2005).,. H. Lee (2011) Yoon Kim (2012) Ziv (2008),,.,, 5 (H. Lee, 2011).,, (Yoon & Kim, 2012). 3 5,.,, (Flavell, 2004),,.,,., (Cavadel & Frye, 2017; Ziv & Frye, 2004).,,.,,.??.,,,, (Frye & Ziv, 2005),. 1? 2? 3,,,? 3-1.? 3-2.,
4 Jeein Jeong 22? 연구대상. 8, ( 13, 15, , M = 3.65, SD =.18), 4 28 ( 13, 15, , M = 4.62, SD =.24), 5 34 ( 15, 19, M = 5.50, SD =.27). 연구도구,,.,. 교수의도성이해수준 Ziv (2008) Yoon Kim (2008). 12, 2, ,,,,., 8 ( ) ( ),,,,, 2( ) 4( ) 8 (,,,,,,, )., ( :?? ). 1., , ( ) ( ), ( :??? ). 1, 마음이론 Gopnik Astington (1988)., ( : ), ( : ), ( :, )
5 23 Young Children's Understanding of Intention of Teaching ( :, ) 1.,,, 0-2. 실제교수활동의교수의도이해.,,..,. ( :.. )., ( :?,? )..,,..?.,,.... ( :??? ). ( ) 1, 0. 연구절차 IRB,.,., 2 20.,,,. ( :??? ),. 자료분석 SPSS 22.0 (IBM Co., Armonk, NY). (10 ), (ANOVA).., ( ), Pearson Spearman.,. 유아들의교수의도성이해수준
6 Jeein Jeong 24 Table 1 Understanding of Intentionality of Teaching by Age 3-year-olds 4-year-olds 5-year-olds Successful teaching.68 (SD =.48).96 (SD =.19) 1.00 (SD =.00) Unknown outcome teaching.61 (SD =.50).82 (SD =.39).97 (SD =.18) Partially successful teaching.64 (SD =.49).86 (SD =.36).97 (SD =.18) Failed teaching.50 (SD =.51).89 (SD =.32).97 (SD =.18) Total understanding of teaching stories 2.43 (1.37) a 3.54 (.79) b 3.90 (.30) b F = 20.30***, a < b Successful imitation.64 (SD =.49).68 (SD =.48).84 (SD =.37) Unknown outcome imitation.71 (SD =.46).71 (SD =.46).81 (SD =.40) Partially successful imitation.82 (SD =.39).82 (SD =.39).77 (SD =.43) Failed imitation.75 (SD =.44).82 (SD =.39).81 (SD =.40) Total understanding of imitation stories 2.93 (1.30) a 3.04 (1.37) a 3.23 (1.31) a F =.38 Hidden intention game.71 (SD =.46).82 (SD =.39).87 (SD =.34) χ2 = 2.29 Hidden intention question.36 (SD =.49).61 (SD =.50).65 (SD =.49) χ2 = 5.46 Total understanding of intentionality of teaching 6.43 (1.97) a 8.00 (1.72) b 8.65 (1.50) b F = 12.57***, a < b Note. N = 90 (28 3-year-olds, 28 4-year-olds, 34 5-year-olds). Scheffé s contrasts were significant at the.001 level. ***p <.001. (ANOVA), (F = 12.57, p <.001). Table 1, Scheffé, 4 (M = 8.00) 5 (M = 8.65) 3 (M = 6.43).,,. 3 4, 4 5.., (F = 20.30, p <.001). Scheffé, 3 (M = 2.43) 4 (M = 3.54) 5 (M = 3.90), 4 5.,. 3 4,..,., 5 ( ). (50%), 3,,,. 4. 5
7 25 Young Children's Understanding of Intention of Teaching Table 2 Correlations Between Theory of Mind and Understanding of Intentionality of Teaching Understanding of intentionality of teaching Representational change False belief Appearance-reality distinction Teaching stories.47** (.29**).43** (.20).17 (.00) Imitation stories.25* (.22*) -.04 (-.12).04 (.00) Hidden intention game -.03 (-.10).17 (.12).01 (-.03) Hidden intention question.16 (.06).22* (.12).17 (.102) Total understanding of intentionality of teaching.47** (.32**).31** (.08).17 (.02) Note. N = 90. Coefficients in parentheses are age-controlled correlations. *p <.05. **p <.01.. 교수의도성이해와마음이론의관계 Pearson (Table 2). (r =.47, p <.01), (r =.25, p <.05), (r =.47, p <.01), ( r =.29, p <.01; r =.22, p <.05; r =.32, p <.01).,., (r =.43, p <.01), (r =.22, p <.01), (r =.31, p <.01),.,,. 실제교수활동의교수의도에대한이해와다른변인간의관계 게임의교수의도에대한이해와마음이론, 교수의도성이해의관계, Spearman (Table 3).,,., (r =.29, p <.01), (r =.22, p <.01), (r =.35, p <.01)., (r =.32, p <.01), (r =.32, p <.01). (r =.30, p <.01), (r =.26, p <.05), (r =.36, p <.01)., ( r =.23, p <.05; r =.25, p <.05).,,,., (r =.23, p <.05),.,,.,
8 Jeein Jeong 26 Table 3 Correlations Among Understanding of the Intention of the Memory Game, Understanding of Intentionality of Teaching, and Theory of Mind Understanding of intentionality of teaching Expectation of the intention of the game Teaching stories.18 (.05) Imitation stories.29** (.32**) Hidden intention game.10 (.08) Hidden intention question.22* (.21) Total understanding of intentionality of teaching.35** (.32**) Theory of mind Representational change.20 (.12) False belief.14 (.09) Appearance-reality distinction.18 (.15) Total theory of mind.23* (.10) Note. Coefficients in parentheses are age-controlled correlations. *p <.05. **p <.01. Recognition of the intention of the game.30** (.12).21 (.15).26* (.23*).12 (.09).36** (.25*).05 (-.10).17 (.08).13 (.03).15 (.03) Table 4 Models Predicting Understanding of the Intention of the Memory Game Variable B Wald χ2 OR Control group Age Understanding of intentionality of teaching.42* Model χ2 6.52* Nagelkerke R2.144 Experimental group Age.84* *p <.05. Understanding of intentionality of teaching.31* Model χ * Nagelkerke R 통제, 실험집단에서의게임의교수의도에대한인식, 교수의도성이해수준, 연령의관계 (Table 4)..,.,, (B =.42, p <.05, OR = 1.52).,
9 27 Young Children's Understanding of Intention of Teaching,.., (B =.84, p <.05, OR = 2.32) (B =.31, p <.05, OR = 1.36).,,.,, ( ).,..,..,,,,.,. (Ziv et al., 2008; 2016), Head start (Cavadel & Frye, 2017), (Yoon & Kim, 2012).. Ziv (2008) 4 5, 3 4. Head Start (Cavadel & Frye, 2017),, 4 5., 3 4, 4 5. Yoon Kim (2012). Ziv (2008) , 8.,.,,,, (K. S. Lee, Chang, Chung, & Hong, 2002; Kim & Ohm, 2007),.,. (implicit), (Jeong & Frye, 2018). 3, (Behne, Carpenter, Call, & Tomasello, 2005; Meltzoff, 1995) (Baldwin, 1991, 1993)., 16-19, (Baldwin, 1991, 1993).. Moses (2001),,
10 Jeein Jeong 28, (motivational aspect)., (desire),.,.,,... (Olson & Bruner, 1996), (Davis-Unger & Carlson, 2008; Strauss et al., 2002; Ziv & Frye, 2004; Ziv et al., 2008).,,., (Gopnik & Astington, 1988).,, ,..,.,.,,.,..,???., (Olson & Bruner, 1996),,..,. (Baumwell, Tamis- LeMonda, & Bornstein, 1997; B.-J. Lee, Kim, & Kim, 2010),.,.
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13 31 Young Children's Understanding of Intention of Teaching Jeein Jeong ORCID Received March 2, 2018 Revision received May 29, 2018 Accepted June 6, 2018
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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.1-19 DOI: *,..,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,, ( )
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp.1-19 DOI: *,..,,,.,.,,,,.,,,,, ( ).,,,. * 2014. 2015. ** 1, : (E-mail:
광고학연구 : 제24권 5호(2013년) The Korean Journal of Advertising, Vol.24, No.5 (2013). pp.99 116 대학생 광고공모전이 광고업계 취업에 미치는 영향: 대학생과 실무자의 인식 비교를 중심으로 차 유 철 우석대학교 광고이벤트학과 교수, 언론학박사 이 희 복 상지대학교 언론광고학부 교수, 언론학박사* 신