BMS Mega Sale 행사기간 : 2015 년 5 월 29 일까지

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01 Cloning AccuRapid Cloning Kit NEW 3 Gene Cloning Service 4 AccuPower Ligation PreMix 6 T4 DNA Ligase 7 Thermostable Thermus filiformis (Tfi) DNA Li

(specifications) 3 ~ 10 (introduction) 11 (storage bin) 11 (legs) 11 (important operating requirements) 11 (location selection) 12 (storage bin) 12 (i

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V3 1 Separate Proteins Western Workflow 15 분 Stain-free gel 사용시, 300V, 15 분만에전기영동완료 2 Visualize Separation 1 분 UV 를조사하여 coomassie stain 없이 1 분만에이미지획득 Speed 2 시간안에실험완료 3 3 분 Transfer Proteins - 동시에 4 장 gel transfer 가능 - 3 분만에 transfer 가능 Confidence 검증된 high quality 이미지 4 1 시간 30 분 Verify Transfer Ponceau stain 없이 1 분만에이미지획득 - 1st antibody step: 1 시간 - 2nd antibody step : 30 분 Quantitation 정확한연구 data 5 10 분 Validate Western Blot Normalization analysis 를이용한정확한정량분석가능 2 시간실험완료 1

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20% SureBeads TM Magnetic Beads for Immunoprecipitation 아직도 Agarose 로 IP 를하시나요? Protein A 나 protein G 가결합된형태의 magnetic bead Multiple centrifuge step이없는간단하고재현성이좋은 magnet 방식 Tube 벽면에 sample이고착되어, 손쉽게 loss없이샘플회수가능 높은 binding capacity로적은량의 antibody로실험가능 Non-porous surface 때문에 non-specific protein binding 적음 쉽고간단한 protocol의 Imminoprecipitation BR161-4821 SureBeads TM Trial Kit, Protein G 143,200 1 ml bead, 4-tube magnetic rack BR161-4811 SureBeads TM Trial Kit, Protein A 143,200 BR161-4823 SureBeads TM Starter Kit, Protein G 2 x 3 ml beads + 625,600 BR161-4813 SureBeads TM Starter Kit, Protein A 16 holes magnetic rack 625,600 BR161-4023 SureBeads TM Protein G Magnetic Beads 205,600 3 ml BR161-4013 SureBeads TM Protein A Magnetic Beads 205,600 BR161-4021 SureBeads TM Protein G Magnetic Beads 98,400 1 ml BR161-4011 SureBeads TM Protein A Magnetic Beads 98,400... 증정 Disposable Cuvette 1 박스 (100 개 /1.5 ml ) 단백질정량시약 품번 품명 행사가 ( 원 ) Bradford 방식 : 가장일반적인 5x Solution BR500-0001 Protein Assay Kit 1 (bovine IgG stds) 252,000 BR500-0002 Protein Assay Kit 2 (BSA stds) 252,000 BR500-0006 Protein Assay Dye Reagent, 450 ml 206,400 Bradford 방식 : 편의성높은 1x ready-to-use Solution BR500-0201 QuickStart Bradford Assay Kit 1 (BSA stds) 261,600 BR500-0202 QuickStart Bradford Assay Kit 2 (BSA, 2 sets of 7 serial) 285,600 BR500-0203 QuickStart Bradford Assay Kit 3 (bovine-igg stds) 261,600 BR500-0204 QuickStart Bradford Assay Kit 4 (bovine-igg, 2 sets of 7 serial) 285,600 BR500-0205 QuickStart Bradford 1X Dye Reagent 213,600 Lowry 방식 : Reducing Agent와 Detergent 함량이높은단백질 sample에적합 BR500-0111 Bio-Rad DC Protein Assay Kit 1 (bovine IgG stds) 324,000 BR500-0112 Bio-Rad DC Protein Assay Kit 2 (BSA stds) 324,000 BR500-0121 RC DC Protein Assay Kit 1 (bovine IgG stds) 518,400 BR500-0122 RC DC Protein Assay Kit 2 (BSA stds) 518,400 3

20% Protein Electrophoresis & Transfer System 전세계연구자들의 Gold Standard, Bio-Rad Electophoresis/Transfer system Thermoplastic gasket 을사용하여샘방지강화 4 장의 gel( 최대 60 샘플 ) 을한번에 running 가능 Blotting 용도로간단히전환가능 품번 품명 행사가 ( 원 ) BR165-8001 MP Tetra Cell 1.0 mm, 10-well 1,395,000 BR165-8025 MP Tetra Cell/PP Basic 1.0 mm, 10-well 1,994,000 BR165-8026 MP Tetra Cell/PP Universal 1.0 mm, 10-well 4,684,000 BR165-8027 MP Tetra Cell/PP HC 1.0 mm, 10-well 2,726,000 BR165-8028 MP Tetra Cell/PP HV 1.0 mm, 10well 4,526,000 BR165-8029 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell and Mini Trans-Blot Module 1,915,000 BR165-8033 MP Tetra Cell/MTB Module/PP Basic 1.0 mm, 10-well 2,604,000 BR165-8035 MP Tetra Cell/MTB Module/PP HC 1.0 mm, 10-well 3,417,000 BR170-3930 Mini-Trans Blot Cell 1,042,000 BR170-3940 SD Semi-Dry Blotter 2,258,000 BR164-5050 PowerPac Basic (300 V/400 ma/75 W) 738,000 BR164-5052 PowerPac HC (250 V/3.0 A/300 W) 1,693,000 BR164-5056 PowerPac HV (5,000 V/500 ma/400 W) 3,868,000 BR164-5070 PowerPac Universal (500 V/2.5 A/500 W) 3,931,000 Western Blot 시약소모품 正品 Bio-Rad 正品사용을권장합니다! 국내공식대리점을통하여구매하신경우에만철저한유통관리로제품품질이보장되며 A/S 등의사후관리를받으실수있습니다.... 2+1 전기영동 Plastic 소모품 BR165-3303 Mini-P3/Tetra Casting Stand 291,200 1 ea BR165-3304 Mini-P3/Tetra Casting Frame 85,800 BR165-3305 Mini-P3/Tetra Casting Stand Gasket 2 ea 80,600 BR165-3308 Mini-P3/Tetra Short Plates 52,800 BR165-3310 Mini-P3/Tetra Spacer Plates, 0.75 mm 158,400 BR165-3311 Mini-P3/Tetra Spacer Plates, 1.0 mm 158,400 BR165-3312 Mini-P3/Tetra Spacer Plates, 1.5 mm 5/pk 158,400 Mini-P3/Tetra Comb BR165- - 두께 : 0.75 mm / 1.0 mm / 1.5 mm 3352~3368 - Well : 5-well/ 9-well/ 10-well/ 15-well/ 72,000 prep(2-d) well/ IPG well 주문및상담 02-3471-6500 042-824-7000 4

증정 TGXTM Pre-Cast Gel / TGXTM Stain-Free Gel 6 박스 구매 시, Mini Protean Tetra 전기영동장치 200V에서 30분, 300V에서 15분이면 전기영동 완료 1년 냉장 보관 가능 일반적인 running buffer (tris/glycine/sds) 사용 Single % ~ gradient gel까지 다양한 gel 선택 가능 8+1 well 30 10 well 30 10 well 50 12 well 20 15 well 15 7.5% Resolving Gel BR456-1029 BR456-1023 BR456-1024 BR456-1025 BR456-1026 BR456-1021 10% Resolving Gel BR456-1039 BR456-1033 BR456-1034 BR456-1035 BR456-1036 BR456-1031 BR456-1049 BR456-1043 BR456-1044 BR456-1045 BR456-1046 BR456-1041 BR456-1089 BR456-1083 BR456-1084 BR456-1085 BR456-1086 BR456-1081 4~20% Resolving Gel BR456-1099 BR456-1093 BR456-1094 BR456-1095 BR456-1096 BR456-1091 8~16% Resolving Gel BR456-1109 BR456-1103 BR456-1104 BR456-1105 BR456-1106 BR456-1101 Any kd Resolving Gel BR456-9039 BR456-9033 BR456-9034 BR456-9035 BR456-9036 BR456-9031 7.5% Resolving Gel BR456-8029 BR456-8023 BR456-8024 BR456-8025 BR456-8026 BR456-8021 10% Resolving Gel BR456-8039 BR456-8033 BR456-8034 BR456-8035 BR456-8036 BR456-8031 12% Resolving Gel BR456-8049 BR456-8043 BR456-8044 BR456-8045 BR456-8046 BR456-8041 BR456-8089 BR456-8083 BR456-8084 BR456-8085 BR456-8086 BR456-8081 4~20% Resolving Gel BR456-8099 BR456-8093 BR456-8094 BR456-8095 BR456-8096 BR456-8091 8~16% Resolving Gel BR456-8109 BR456-8103 BR456-8104 BR456-8105 BR456-8106 BR456-8101 Any kd Resolving Gel BR456-8129 BR456-8123 BR456-8124 BR456-8125 BR456-8126 BR456-8121 품명 Shape or 전기영동 시약 패키지 패키지 구성 Protein Dual Marker, 2개 TGS Buffer, 2개 Laemmli Sample Buffer, 1개 IPG well 행사가 (원) 7 cm IPG Strip Mini-PROTEAN 12% Resolving Gel TGXTM Precast Gels 4~15% Resolving Gel Mini-PROTEAN TGXTM Stain-Free 4~15% Resolving Gel Precast Gels 200,000원 (10 gels/box) Bio-Rad의 신기술, TGXTM Stain-Free Gel! TGX Stain-Free gels (300 V run) imaged with a stain-free enabled imager Separate Proteins Rinse gel Stain gel Destain gel Image/analyze gel TGX Stain-Free gels (200 V run) imaged with a stain-free enabled imager Bio-SafeTM Coomassie with Tris-HCI precast gels (200 V run) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 (Time/min) 하나! 30분 만에 전기영동부터 band확인까지! 둘! 염색과정 없이 protein band 이미지 획득! 셋! Coomassie stain보다 5배 이상 시간 절약!... 2+1 + 5 Acrylamide/Bis Solution 품번 품명 규격 행사가 (원) BR161-0144 40% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 19:1 91,200 BR161-0146 40% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 29:1 91,200 BR161-0148 40% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 37.5:1 BR161-0154 30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 19:1 BR161-0156 30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 29:1 84,000 BR161-0158 30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 37.5:1 84,000 500 91,200 84,000 모든 가격은 부가세 별도입니다.

2+1 Precision Plus Protein Standards + Renewal 더욱강해진 Band Intensity! Blot Development 까지변함없는선명한 Color Band Mass spectrometry로검증하여언제나정확한분자량 고순도의재조합단백질이 lot에관계없이항상일정한 size의 band 식별이용이하도록 3개의 reference band (25/50/75 kda) 제공 형광 dye가포함되어형광을이용한 multi-western blot 시 detection 가능 Dual Color All Blue Kaleidoscope TM Dual Xtra BR161-0363 Precision Plus Unstained Standards 1,000 μl 168,000 BR161-0373 Precision Plus All Blue Standards 180,000 BR161-0374 Precision Plus Dual Color Standards 201,600 500 μl BR161-0377 Precision Plus Dual Xtra Standards 266,400 BR161-0375 Precision Plus Kaleidoscope Standards 264,000 BR161-0385 Precision Plus protein WesternC Standards (Western blot 시, 필름현상가능 ) 250 μl 432,000 Western Blot 시약소모품 BEST 2+1 BR161-0786* Methanol/actetic acid 가필요없이 only water 로 destaining 가능! 전기영동ㅣ Blotting ㅣ Staining 시약 품번품명행사가 ( 원 ) BR161-0700 Ammonium Persulfate, 10 g 31,200 BR161-0201 Bis, 50 g 88,800 BR170-6404 Blotting Grade Blocker, Non-fat dry milk (Skim milk), 300 g 86,400 BR161-0611 Dithiothreitol (DTT), 5 g 156,000 BR161-0729 EDTA, 500 g 136,800 BR161-0718 Glycine, 1 kg 108,000 BR161-0737 2x Laemmli Sample Buffer, 30 ml 31,200 BR161-0747 4x Laemmli Sample Buffer, 10 ml 31,200 BR161-0416 SDS Solution, 10%, 250 ml 84,000 BR161-0418 SDS Solution, 20%, 1,000 ml 208,800 BR161-0302 SDS, 1 kg 348,000 BR161-0301 SDS, 100 g 52,800 BR161-0800 TEMED, 5 ml 38,400 BR161-0801 TEMED, 50 ml 108,000 BR161-0713 Tricine, 500 g 379,200 BR161-0719 Tris, 1 kg 177,600 BR161-0716 Tris, 500 g 96,000 BR161-0798 Tris-HCl Resolving Gel Buffer (1.5 M), ph8.8, 1l 72,000 BR161-0799 Tris-HCl Stacking Gel Buffer (0.5 M), ph6.8, 1l 72,000 BEST 품번 품명 행사가 ( 원 ) BR170-6531 Tween20 Detergent, 100 ml 103,200 BR161-0781 Tween20 (10%), For Easy Pipetting, 1l 72,000 BR161-0731 Urea, 1 kg 132,000 BR161-0780 10X PBS, 1 l 84,000 BR170-6435 10x TBS, 1l 72,000 BR161-0734 10x Tris/Glycine, 1l 60,000 BR161-0771 10x Tris/Glycine, 5l Cube 177,600 BR161-0732 10x Tris/Glycine/SDS, 1l 60,000 BR161-0772 10x Tris/Glycine/SDS, 5l Cube 175,200 BR161-0744 10x Tris/Tricine/SDS, 1l 175,200 BR161-0710 2-mercaptoethanol (BME), 25 ml 50,400 BR161-0435 Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Staining Solution Kit 204,000 (Staining 1 l + Destaining 2l) BR161-0436 Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Staining Solution, 1 l 100,800 BR161-0438 Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Destaining Solution, 1l 84,000 BR161-0786* Bio-Safe Coomassie Stain, 1 l 168,000 BR161-0449 Silver Stain Plus Kit - MALDI-TOF 호환 420,000 BR161-0496 Oriole Fluorescent Stain 90 분염색만으로얻는 Silver Stain 의감도 276,000 주문및상담 02-3471-6500 042-824-7000 6

증정 신개념의 Semi-dry Blotter, Trans-Blot Turbo Turbo 구매시, 65 만원상당의소모품증정 전용 Transfer Pack 3 박스 (30 개 ) + Clarity ECL 200 ml 7 분만에동시 4 장까지 transfer 가능하며 1.25 ng 의미량의단백질도 transfer 가능 최단 3 분만에 transfer 분자량 5~300 kd의단백질 transfer Mini gel 4장동시 transfer 가능 1.25 ng 까지검출가능 전용소모품 Package, RTA kit 40 장 Transfer 분량의시약 / 소모품으로구성 구성 전용 Transfer Pack 샌드위치형태의소모품으로효율 / 편의성극대화 - Pre-cut membrane 40 장 - Filter stack 40 set - 5x 전용 Transfer buffer 전용 Transfer Pack 전용소모품 Package 품번 품명 행사가 ( 원 ) BR170-4150 Trans-Blot Turbo Blotting System 5,500,000 BR170-4158 x 5 Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer Pack, 0.2 μm, NC, 7 x 8.4 cm 550,000 BR170-4156 x 5 Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer Pack, 0.2 μm, PVDF, 7 x 8.4 cm 600,000 BR170-4158 Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer Pack, 0.2 μm, NC, 7 x 8.4 cm, 10 pk 140,000 BR170-4156 Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer Pack, 0.2 μm, PVDF, 7 x 8.4 cm, 10 pk 150,000 BR170-4270 Trans-Blot Turbo RTA kit, 0.2 μm, NC, 7 x 8.4 cm, 40 ea 408,000 BR170-4272 Trans-Blot Turbo RTA kit, 0.2 μm, PVDF, 7 x 8.4 cm, 40 ea 480,000... 증정 7~8 페이지의시약제품 100 만원일시구매시, (Turbo 제외 ) 30 만원상당의 Western Blot 꾸러미증정 단백질 Transfer 용 NC, PVDF Membrane 품번 품명 행사가 ( 원 ) BR162-0112 Nitrocellulose Membrane, 0.2 μm, 30 cm x 3.5 m 504,000 BR162-0115 Nitrocellulose Membrane, 0.45 μm, 30 cm x 3.6 m 480,000 BR162-0177 Immun-Blot PVDF Membrane 0.2 μm, 26 cm x 3.3 m 470,400 Western Blot 용 Secondary IgG Antibody BR170-6516 Affinity Purified Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L)-HRP 300,000 BR170-6515 Affinity Purified Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)-HRP 2 ml 300,000 BR172-1050 Affinity Purified Goat Anti-Human IgG (H+L)-HRP 312,000 7

증정 TGX Stain-Free FastCast Acrylamide Solutions 7~8 페이지의시약제품 100 만원일시구매시, (Turbo 제외 ) 30 만원상당의 Western Blot 꾸러미증정 SDS-PAGE Gel 만드는데번거로우신가요? 쉽게 gel casting 가능 - 1:1로 mix하는 easy casting - Resolving gel 용액을넣고곧바로 stacking gel 용액을넣을수있음 - Gel solution 준비부터굳히기까지 30분내 gel 제작완료 상온에서본제품 1년보관가능 Casting된 gel은 4 에서 4주간보관가능 10x Tris/Glycine/SDS, 1L + Blotting Grade Blocker, Non-fat dry milk(skim milk), 300g + Thick Blot paper, 50 ea + 10x TBS, 1L BEST 기존 acrylamide/ bis solution FastCast TM TGX acrylamide solution 200V에서 30분만에전기영동완료 별도염색 (coomassie, silver) 과정없이 UV에서 5분내 band 확인가능 Gel 준비 (Gel solution 준비 - casting - 굳히기 ) SPS-PAGE Running Visualiziation / staining Western Blot 시약소모품 분 30 60 90 120 BR161-0181 TGX Stain-Free TM FastCast TM Acrylamide Kit, 7.5% 270,000 BR161-0183 TGX Stain-Free TM FastCast TM Acrylamide Kit, 10% 65 mini gels 270,000 BR161-0185 TGX Stain-Free TM FastCast TM Acrylamide Kit, 12% 270,000 BR161-0180 TGX Stain-Free TM FastCast TM Acrylamide Starter Kit, 7.5% 98,000 BR161-0182 TGX Stain-Free TM FastCast TM Acrylamide Starter Kit, 10% 13 mini gels 98,000 BR161-0184 TGX Stain-Free TM FastCast TM Acrylamide Starter Kit, 12% 98,000 Clarity TM Western ECL Substrate 24시간동안 signal 유지, 이상적인 signal-to-noise 구현 Femto gram 수준의단백질 detection 가능 실온에서 1년보관가능, performance 보장 BR170-5060 200 ml 216,000 BR170-5061 Clarity TM Western ECL Substrate 500 ml 358,000 Colorimetric Substrate 품번품명행사가 ( 원 ) BR170-8235 Opti-4CN Colorimetric Substrate Kit 360,000 주문및상담 02-3471-6500 042-824-7000 8

연구목적과용도에따라다양하게선택가능한 PCR Package! CFX 96 Touch 간편한 touch screen 방식 5 multiplex + FRET 가능 최고의 ramp rate (5 /sec) 로정확하고신속한결과획득 /NEW/ DeepWell 모델출시 CFX Automation System으로업그레이드가능 CFX 96 Touch 와아래 package 를선택하시면최대 25% 할인효과를누리실수있습니다! 택 1 택 2 택 3 택 4 시약소모품 Pack (500 만원상당 ) 품명 IQ SYBR Green SuperMix iscript cdna Synthesis Kit Low-profile 8-tube strip 8-strip flat caps for tube 수량 40 x 1.25 ml 100 rxn 240 strips 240 strips High Resolution Melt Software + Calibration Kit TC20 TM Cell Counter T100 Thermal Cycler TC20 TM Automated Cell Counter 30초이내 hemocytometer보다빠르고정확한 counting 객관적인세포수측정 Cell size gating 기능으로다양한 size의세포계수가능 T100 Thermal Cycler Touch screen 방식으로편리한사용 단 3번의 touch만으로작동 Gradient 온도조절가능 9

CFX Connect 2 multiplex + FRET 가능 CFX96과 CFX connect를연결하여총 4대의기기동시운영 최고의 ramp rate (5 /sec) 로정확하고신속한결과획득 택 1 CFX Connect 와아래 package 를선택하시면최대 25% 할인효과를누리실수있습니다! 시약소모품 Pack (250 만원상당 ) 택 1 품명 수량 IQ SYBR Green SuperMix 16 x 1.25 ml iscript cdna Synthesis Kit 25 rxn Low-profile 8-tube strip 120 strips 8-strip flat caps for tube 120 strips 택 2 VIAFLO 8-channel Voyager... C1000/S1000 다양한블록 type으로확장가능 Real-time PCR로업그레이드가능 (C1000) Touch screen 방식 (C1000) 총 32대의 PCR 동시운영가능 (PC 1대당 C1000 8대, C1000 1대당 S1000 3대연결가능 ) qpcr/pcr C1000 또는 S1000 을선택하시면최대 30% 할인효과를누리실수있습니다! 택 1 C1000 + Mini-Sub Cell GT + Agarose 택 2 S1000 + Mini-Sub Cell GT 125 g 주문및상담 02-3471-6500 042-824-7000 10

2+1 BEST iscript cdna Synthesis Kit 30~40 분의짧은 protocol (5x type) 특허받은 RTase : 샘플 RNA 보존및합성후남은 RNA 는분해하여 PCR 저해반응해소 품번품명구성규격행사가 ( 원 ) BR170-8890 iscript RTase 25 rxns 168,000 iscript cdna Synthesis Kit 5x iscript reaction mix BR170-8891 Nuclease-free water 100 rxns 558,000 BEST iq SYBR Green Supermix 사용이간편한 2x type 의 master mixture 재현성높은결과보장 BR170-8880AP 2.5 ml (250 rxns) 289,000 BR170-8882AP iq SYBR Green Supermix 12.5 ml (1,250 rxns) 1,280,000 BR170-8884AP 25 ml (2,500 rxns) 2,060,000... 20% itaq Universal One-Step RT-qPCR Kit RNA를 template로! direct-pcr이가능한 one-step kit BR172-5150 100 rxns 266,400 itaq Universal SYBR Green One-Step Kit BR172-5151 500 rxns 1,062,000 BR172-5140 100 rxns 266,400 itaq Universal Probes One-Step Kit BR172-5141 500 rxns 1,062,000 iq Probe Supermix BR170-8860 2.5 ml (250 rxns) 222,100 BR170-8862 iq Probe Supermix 12.5 ml (1,250 rxns) 1,044,600 BR170-8864 25 ml (2,500 rxns) 1,600,000... 2 병구매특별가 Agarose, Certified Molecular Biology Grade 품번품명규격행사가 ( 원 ) BR161-3101D 125 g x 2 ea 350,000 Certified Molecular Biology Agarose BR161-3102D 500 g x 2 ea 850,000... 2+1 Gene Pulser Xcell 전용 / Micropulser Cuvette BR165-2086 GP/MP Cuvette, 0.2 cm, 50, Sterile 346,000 BR165-2088 GP/MP Cuvette, 0.4 cm, 50, Sterile 50 ea/ pk 346,000 BR165-2089 GP/MP Cuvette, 0.1 cm, 50, Sterile 346,000 11

20% Multi Purpose cdna Synthesis Kit 종류 One tube 5x master mix BR170-8840 5x iscript Reverse 25 rxns 288,600 최대의편의성, 재현성제공 BR170-8841 Transcription Supermix 100 rxns 888,800 최대 7.5 μg input RNA로부터 cdna 합성 대량 cdna 합성가능 Oligo d(t) 별도공급 mrna로부터 cdna 합성, 긴길이합성에용이 BR172-5037 iscript Advanced 25 rxns 332,000 BR172-5038 cdna Synthesis Kit 100 rxns 1,100,700 BR170-8896 25 rxns 180,000 iscript Select cdna Synthesis Kit BR170-8897 100 rxns 543,600 SsoAdvanced TM SYBR Green Supermix / SsoFast EvaGreen Supermix High performance를자랑하는 real-time PCR supermix 어떤조건의장비에도사용가능한 universal master mix Amplfication이까다로운다양한시료를위한선택 (high-, low-, no-rox) 장비에모두호환가능한 buffer ( 특허 ) Fast & Standard protocol 모두사용가능 SYBR Green Master Mix BR172-5270 2 ml (200 rxns) 204,100 BR172-5271 SsoAdvanced Universal SYBR Green Supermix 5 ml (500 rxns) 459,400 BR172-5272 10 ml (1,000 rxns) 883,600 EvaGreen Master Mix BR172-5200AP 2 ml (200 rxns) 223,900 BR172-5201AP SsoFast EvaGreen Supermix 5 ml (500 rxns) 485,500 BR172-5202AP 10 ml (1,000 rxns) 915,600 Probes Supermix BR172-5280 2 ml (200 rxns) 201,200 BR172-5281 SsoAdvanced Universal Probes Supermix 5 ml (500 rxns) 448,700 BR172-5282 10 ml (1,000 rxns) 864,000 itaq Universal SYBR Green Supermix / itaq Universal Probe Supermix 어떤장비로도최고의결과를보장하는 master mixture Fast & Standard cycling PCR 모두가능한 optimized buffer 사용이편리한 2X type의 master mixture 호환가능장비 Roche LC480, Qiagen Roto-Gene, Stratagene Mx4000p, ABI 전기종 BR172-5120 2 ml (200 rxns) 162,000 BR172-5121 itaq Unviersal SYBR Green Supermix 5 ml (500 rxns) 360,000 BR172-5122 10 ml (1,000 rxns) 694,800 BR172-5130 2 ml (200 rxns) 160,100 BR172-5131 itaq Unviersal Probe Supermix 5 ml (500 rxns) 360,000 BR172-5132 10 ml (1,000 rxns) 694,800 PCR 시약소모품 주문및상담 02-3471-6500 042-824-7000 12

Bio-Rad 정품 PCR 소모품구매시, 20% 할인! Best Result 를위한정품 PCR 소모품! 제조에서포장까지 class 10,000 cleanroom의청결한환경에서제작 PCR의결과를저해하는 nuclease와 nucleic acid의오염을철저히방지 단백질이 well 표면에결합하는것을최소화하여, 샘플량보존성우수 열에의한변형이있는저가의 plate와는차별화된인증받은내구성 Hard shell plate : 상기품목외에다양한 color의 shell( 테두리 ) 과 well을가진 35종의 plate 구비 선택가이드품번품목규격할인가 ( 원 ) 형태 누구나손쉽게, 어떤 PCR 장비에도사용가능한 general PCR tube TFI-0201 individual PCR tube with Flat Cap 2 X 500 tubes 40,000 Strip tube TLS-0801 Low-profile 8-tube strip w/o caps 960 tubes (8x120) 76,800 SYBR Green Detection Plate (96 well) MLL-9601 HSP-9601 Low-profile 96 well unskirted multiplate, natural color Hard-shell 96 plates, white shell/ clear well 25 plates 144,700 50 plates 223,500 Probe Detection Strip tube Strip tube Plate (96 well) TLS-0851 MLL-9651 Low-profile Strip Tubes, white color, Low-profile 96 well unskirted multiplate, white color 960 tubes (8x120) 97,600 25 plates 164,100 CFX 96/ Connect Real-Time PCR System Strip tube TLS-0801 Low-profile 8-tube strip w/o caps 960 tubes (8x120) 76,800 Plate (96 well) MLL-9601 HSP-9601 Low-profile 96 well unskirted multiplate, natural color Hard-shell 96 plates, white shell/ clear well 25 plates 144,700 50 plates 223,500 C1000/S1000 PCR system Strip tube TBS-0201 8-tube strip w/o caps 960 tubes (8x120) 104,100 T100 Plate (96 well) 223-9441 icycler 96well PCR plate 25 plates 288,000 HSS-9601 Hard-shell semi-skirted 96 plates, clear shell/clear well 25 plates 100,400 13

선택가이드품번품목규격할인가 ( 원 ) 형태 Strip tube TBS-0201 8-tube strip w/o caps 960 tubes (8x120) 104,100 Plate (96 well) MLP-9601 HSS-9601 96-well unskirted PCR plate, natural color Hard-shell semi-skirted 96 plates, clear shell/clear well 25 plates 146,800 25 plates 100,400 MyCycler PCR System Strip tube TLS-0801 Low-profile 8-tube strip w/o caps 960 tubes (8x120) 76,800 MJ Mini PCR System Strip tube TLS-0801 Low-profile 8-tube strip w/o caps 960 tubes (8x120) 76,800 TBS-0201 8-tube strip w/o caps 960 tubes (8x120) 104,100 Plate (96 well) MLL-9601 HSP-9601 Low-profile 96 well unskirted multiplate, natural color Hard-shell 96 plates, white shell/ clear well 25 plates 144,700 50 plates 223,500 DNA Engine /Dyad / Tetrad Strip tube TBS-0201 8-tube strip w/o caps 960 tubes (8x120) 104,100 icycler PCR System Plate (96 well) 223-9441 icycler 96well PCR plate 25 plates 288,000 HSS-9601 Hard-shell semi-skirted 96 plates, clear shell/clear well 25 plates 100,400 Strip tube TBS-0201 8-tube strip w/o caps 960 tubes (8x120) 104,100 icycler iq / MyiQ TM 2 / iq TM 5 Real-Time PCR System Plate (96 well) HSS-9601 Hard-shell semi-skirted 96 plates, clear shell/clear well 25 plates 100,400 223-9441 icycler 96well PCR plate 25 plates 288,000 Strip tube TLS-0851 Low-profile 8-tube strip w/o caps, White 120 strips (960 tubes) 97,600 MiniOpticon/ Chromo4 (white tube only) Plate (96 well) StepOne plus/ 7500 fast Strip tube Plate (96 well) TLS-0801 MLL-9601 Low-profile 8-tube strip w/o caps Low-profile 96 well unskirted multiplate, natural color 960 tubes (8x120) 76,800 25 plates 144,700 PCR 시약소모품 주문및상담 02-3471-6500 042-824-7000 14

더욱간단하고정확한이미지획득을위한 Smart Choice! Gel Doc TM EZ UV Colorimetric Stain-Free 초소형디자인으로공간효율탁월 단한번클릭으로 high quality 이미지획득및분석 버튼한번클릭으로이미지분석까지가능 다양한모듈 tray 지원 - UV / Stain-Free / White (silver, commassie blue 등단백질실험용 ) / Blue (SYBR Green 등핵산실험용 )... Gel Doc TM XR + UV Colorimetric Stain-Free Fluorescence 고품질이미지더욱간편해진 software로최상의이미지획득 lmage Lab 5.1 S/W로간편하게결과값분석가능 Dynamic flat fielding 기술로 gel 명암보정 Copyrightc 2015 BMS Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 015BM04A 본자료는친환경재생용지와콩기름잉크로제작되었습니다.