상담학연구 ADHD- : ) 2) 3) 4) 5).,.,. MMPI, K-CBCL, KPR-C,. (Corresponding Author): / / 47 / Tel: /

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ADHD- : 1. 51 15.. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5).,.,. MMPI, K-CBCL, KPR-C,. (Corresponding Author): / / 47 / Tel: 031-416-7179 / E-mail: webhope@hanmail.net

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ct - 1 ct, - ADHD - 2 - - 3 - -, 4 -, - -, 5 - - 5 6 - ADHD - 7 - ADHD - 8 -, 9 - - 10 11 - - - - 5

12 - - 5 13 - - - 14-15 - - ct - 1, 6 ct.,,.. 2, 3. ct. 4. ct ct 5. ct,.. ct.., MMPI ct 6. MMPI, F (67T/44T), K (40T/ 52T). (D; 71T/62T) (69T/55T) (Hy;71T/61T).

ct(1) (2) ct (3) (4) 1-5: ct (5) (6), ct (7) (8 (1-10) ).. (9) (10) 6-10: (11) (11-22) (12-14) (15) (16-17) (18-22) (23) (24) : (25-26) : (27-28) :, (29-30) (23-36) ct :,,.

. ADHD ( ) : 3/4, 1/4 (31-32) : (33),. (34) (35) (36) (37-44) (45-48) (49-51) (37) (38) (39) (40-42) (43) (44) ct, : (45) : (46) : (47) PC (48) (49) (50) (51) (Ma; 48T/56T), Si;67T/51T). ct., K-CBCL,,

?. (8).. ()...(1 ) (19 ),,?, (23 )., (8 ). (10 ) (12 ), (13). (1 ).. (3 ). 3. (19 ),,, (22 ).,, /, (23 ).. (11 ). (21 )

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CB CL 78 73 79 70 49 71 69 50 46 69 57 55 54 57 45 60 52 63 49 58 70T (79T; 78T; 73T), 63T (54T; 57T; 55T). ct (71T-60T; 70T-57T).. 7. ct., ct KPR-C 8. (79T-56T; 90T-55T) ct. 70T(82T; 73T), 63T (59T; 55T). K-CBCL. 70T (70T; 80T) 63T (61T; 60T). K-CBCL KPR-C K-CBCL, KPR-C. (ERS) (20T-50T) ct. K-CBCL KPR-C, ct. ADHD ADHD. ADHD KPRC L F ERS 30 80 20 75 83 73 82 71 70 80 79 90 69 47 55 50 65 63 55 59 55 61 60 56 55 52

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The effects of combined parents training-play therapy of teen ADHD-depression on depression and family relationships: A case study DARIKKUM Center This study is to investigate the effects of combined parents training-play therapy on depression of ADHDdepression in teens and family relationships. The subject of this investigation is 14 years old boy who has a trouble in peer relationship. Methodology was a case study. Analysis materials composed of 51 times of paly therapy and 15 parents training sessions. Analysis was carried out qualitative and quantitative research. The goal of both therapy and training session is 1) to express self in a comfort place 2) to decrease depression through practicing expression of emotions 3) to have competence 4) to improve consistent and stable relationship between parents and child 5) to improve a peer relationship. The results are produced by analyzing a process of behavior change from combined parents training-play therapy. Both self-expression and self-esteem increased, but the depression decreased. Also according to the parents' report, a relationship family of with child is to be comfortable. Furthermore, the results of MMPI K-CBCL, and KPR-C's test showed that a depression scale and a total problem behavior are in the normal level, and the score of other problem behavior scale also largely decreased. Key words : depression, combined parents training-play therapy, play therapy, ADHD and comorbidity, case study.