조사연구 권 호 특집논문 1) 탐색적요인분석의오 남용문제와교정 * Misuse of Exploratory Factor Analysis and Its Remedies 2) a) 주제어 탐색적요인분석 주성분분석 구성체 설명분산 요인의수 요인회전 방법 Though the factor analysis is widely used in social science research, researchers make frequently unreasonable decisions when conducting these analyses. The study reviews and recommends which decisions must be made when conducting factor analyses.
조사연구 This study contends that one of the main reasons of the misuse is because researchers understand exploratory factor analysis(efa) in the frame of principal component analysis(pca). The paper provides methodological and statistical comparisons between two methods and the consequences of interpreting EFA results in the frame of PCA. This article also address the issues of data fitting method, fit indices, choosing number of factors, and treating missing data and categorical data. Key words : exploratory factor analysis, principal component analysis, explained variance, number of factors, factor rotation methods Ⅰ. 서론
조사연구 II. 요인분석의원리
탐색적요인분석의오남용문제와교정 그림 요인분석모형의경로도 측정변수 공통요인 공통요인
탐색적요인분석의오남용문제와교정 Ⅲ. 선택 1: 주성분분석대요인분석 1. 주성분분석
탐색적요인분석의오남용문제와교정 2. 잠재변수 ( 요인 ) 와성분점수 3. 요인분석과주성분분석의비교
탐색적요인분석의오남용문제와교정 Ⅳ. 선택 2: 요인분석의자료적합방법 log log
조사연구 1. 서열척도의요인분석
조사연구 Ⅴ. 선택 3: 모형의양호도판단
탐색적요인분석의오남용문제와교정 설명분산
조사연구 설명분산
조사연구 Ⅵ. 선택 4: 요인부하량행렬의회전방법
조사연구 Ⅶ. 선택 5: 요인의수의결정
조사연구 Ⅷ. 선택 6: 결측치처리방법의선택
탐색적요인분석의오남용문제와교정 Ⅸ. 선택 7: 소프트웨어의선택
조사연구 Ⅹ. 맺는말
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