: AIDS :. 1967,. John s H opkin s Univ er sity.,,. :... HIV.,, HIV AIDS. 1981 1 ) Kaposisarcoma Pn eum ocy stis carninii pneum onia, HIV (CDC, 1981 ; W HO, 1993). 2 ),.. HIV, A IDS,,, 3 (Connor, 1989 ; W H O, 1988).,.
1986 5 HIV HIV, 1987 2 1 (Global Programm e on AIDS, GPA ). 1988 (W H O, 1992). 1992 HIV, HIV, HIV,,. 1993 6 9 166 14,000 A IDS,,,,. 800 A IDS HIV.. HIV. HIV,. HIV, HIV.(Aik en, Lake, Semaan, Lihman, & O 'H are, 1993 ; Fitzhu gh, & Shubin, 1988)..,,,.(Benn et, Michie, & Kippax, 1991 ; F au gier, 1990 ; Sim, 1992).,...,,.,,.
1. 1993 6 184 718,894 AIDS, A IDS 250. HIV 1,400, 100. 1,300 1,400 HIV 2000 3500 4000. 2000 30 50% (, 1993 ;, 1993 ; Chin, 1990 ; W HO, 1993)., 51.6% (37 ), 34.4% (25 ), 12.9% (92,000 ), 0.6% (4,100 ), 0.5% (3,500 ). 1993 6 30 1990 12 31, 92%, 200%, 120%, 63%, 300%. (500% ), (450% ), (250% ), (230% ), (200% ), (2,000% ), (500% ), (100% ). 1990 50% 87%.,,,,. A IDS 86%, 3. 2. 36 3,561 0.5%. HIV. 2000 (W H O, 1991 ; W HO, 1992). 1990 AIDS 69 1993 6 30, 1,569, 1987 HIV 200 1990 50,000 1992 450,000 (, 1993 ;, 1993).,,,,. HIV 82%, 73%, 87% (, 1993 ; Des Jarlais, Friedman, Ch oopany a, V anich semi, & W and, 1992).. 1987 1 60,000, 1% 1988 8 30%. HIV 4 50%, 1981 1991 AIDS,
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HIV,,. HIV,,,,,,,,,,,, HIV HIV. HIV.,. HIV HIV, HIV (W H O, 1988). 1,,,, 1970 1980. 70%, 10%, 5%. 1990 AIDS 20% N ew York 1981 1990 37,436. 83% 19 15% 19, 2% 13,. 1982 1991 3,160 97% 91%. 5 14% 36%. 1 1970 1985, 1985.. 1%, 50%. 85 : 15 (, 1993 ; W HO. 1993). 2,, 1. 80% HIV., (1% ) (5% ). 800, 150 HIV. 150 3. HIV/ AIDS 1985 (Cotr d 'Iv oire) (Abidjan ) HIV 1. (Ug anda ) 50% 80% HIV (, 1993). 52. 1 20%. 27 88%,,. 1%, 1 : 1
, 20 39. 3,,,, 1980.. 5. HIV 4 3. HIV HIV,. HIV.. HIV, HIV. HIV. 11 5 1993 100 HIV. 1995. 2000 1,300 HIV 30% (400 )., (W H O, 1993). 25 77% (Bw ay o, 1990 ; CDC, 1990 : Sittiral, 1991), HIV 36% (Chu, 1992), 75% HIV (T arrow, 1989) 70 83% 63% 82% 44% 28% (Doll, 1992 ; Runkel, 1992). HIV Bulgari 67.8% Africa 62.5% (Bw ay o, 1991 ; H elm an, 1990) HIV...... HIV.,, 3
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: T h e T rend of HIV / A ID S and th e N urs e 's Role in A ID S Care Soon Bok Chan g RN, BS, CNM, Ph.D Since the frist case of AIDS w as foun d am ong m ale h om osex uals, the AIDS relat ed problem h as been in th e m ale h om osex ual population, but the AIDS tren d is ch angin g from hom osexu als to h eterosex u als, w ith the m ajority of ca ses in th e gen eral population. Ev en though currently the reported HIV/ A IDS cases in Korea are only 324 in Korea, th e number of people infected w ith HIV/ AIDS is projected to increase greatly ov er the next few y ear s. A s the number of th ese cases in creases, there w ill be a m ajor strain on nur sin g care resources. Sin ce th ere is no kn ow n cure, the only w ay of h alting this epidem ic is through the pr ev ention of further infection. In v ariou s st ages of HIV infection, differ ent pr oblem s occur, callin g for v ariou s specific services an d nur sing skills. Nur ses mu st dev elop a strategy to allev iate the negativ e attitudes related to care of A IDS patient s and anxiety and dislike of care of termin ally ill patient s. Also, nur ses mu st be prepared for teaching th e gen eral population about prev ention of AIDS, coun seling in dividu als in risk of HIV infection, HIV t esting, and tr an smission risk s, and carin g for AIDS patient s u sin g H ospice con cept s in v ariou s settin g s.