A Korean-English Legal Glossary

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공급 에는 권역에 두개의 프라임 오피스가 준공 되었다. 청진구역 2,3지구에는 광화문 D타워가 준공되어 대림에서 약 50%를 사용하며 나머지 50%는 임대마케팅을 진행 중이다. 메트로타워는 GS건설의 사옥에서 매각 이후 2013년 4분기에 리모델링을 시작하여, 에 완공

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韓英훨律用語廣典 A KOREAN-ENGLISH LEGAL GLOSSARY for Asian Law Pro1 맑 am \ \. // / /. U 퍼 venlty of Washlngtoa Scho 여 of Law Seattle. Wa. 빼 n 향 OD 1998 --, - -- -- - - -- - -- ' I...., - - -- -- - - ;- -- - - - - - -.. -. - - -.-. - -,.. - - - - / - /

. 韓英릎律學훌훌典 A KOREAN ENGLISH LEG. 화 i GW~ 를 ~.JI 빼W 압류 --홉 provisional attachment 빼yu 압류 lflil훨 attachment; seizure; garnishment 빼yu hada 앙류하다 jlp홉하다 attach; seize 뼈yu ~ 뼈 ~ 양류명령 * 뿌留옮令 order of seizure (attachment) a월 1뼈on~ 없훌 * 액면초화액 훌面超훌훌 premium a뼈 ~ 웠1 ~ 훌 * 씩면금액. 휠面훌훌 face value 훌싹Tt,'00ll 빼k 벽면주석. 홉面妹 ~ par value stock (sh없-e) 하양 ~ 악법 훌훌훌 bad laws 하a.Ii 악의 훌훌훌 bad faith 해aJi 악의 훌훌훌 in~~mt to prejudice; intent to injure (in general) 뼈j eu sli빼 악의의수익짜 惡훌의 ~ 흥훌 (bad faith) recipient of [unjust) enrichment!ii & 빼훌 * 빼척 MR: exclude; reject (petition) 야e얼 ng 야썼 ε:on 빼당법원 &! 홈 ft! 훌 court of distribution 야g얼 n pun $ yeoog훌훌 빼당금수령서 ~ 짧용윷웰휠 dividend certificate 야훌뼈 'IQ iai eu so --당o) 의의소 ~ 홈훌훌훌의 ~ action to object to distribution & 훌뼈맹빼d'la 빼당철착 훌훌훌 ~ proceeding for distribution. 훌얼I\ 훌빼 빼당표 fi!1훌훌 list or schedule for distribution 야lfXtang yog.j 빼당요구 Ii! 짧훌 ~ distribution demand

벌 ~ 째 1 abatement; dismissal; *#-- exclusion 야훌뼈sik 찌져식 白 :it in blank. 빼빠 뻐n 빼져수표 白.. 手톨 blank bill 야훨뼈빼m 빼져위엄 白 & 명한 ff carte-blanche mandate & 훌sang 빼상. 훌.. payt엉 1t of 뼈rnages {ci찌l law) ; rep뼈tions 뼈 loser in war). 훌a 양률. 빼상액 ~ 훌 amount of damages 야훌훌. tala 배상하다 흩양톨하다 pay damages l:jie훌 Q 때셔 背를 endorsement; indorsement 훌훌g eli 뺏ISO< 빼셔의연속. 훨률의훌. uninterrupted series of endorsements. 훌훌잉n 빼셔언 waa endorser; indorser baeseok 뼈때빼1 빼석법판 훌높뿜훌 홈 associate judge. 훌앨Tl 빼섬. 흩훌 JUry Im빼ok sit행weon 빼 } 쩍질시켠 훌훌빼的 exclusive license 야B4a 빼우짜 률 ~-훌 spouse deprivation (of a right). 빼 tal 박활 뼈. 벌기훌훨 incorporation movement --- 뼈gin 벨기인 훌훌A incorporator; promoter 뼈gin i아빼발기인초합. 훌월All슴 incorporators partnership 야 * 아 sea b 활기셜렵훌월앓立 formation without outside offering b빼tm멍 빨. 훌l 行 draw; issue * 훌Ilg 앨. 훌行 issue (stock) 빼훌멍앓뺏 * pk ~ : ) 발. 가척 ( 주삭의 ) 훌行. 흠 ( 훌式혀.) iss띠ng price (of shares) 뼈빼멍 뺑ae 옐t 얼거 4 훌行 B 총 * when-issued transaction 뼈빼힘a 옐명 ~ 훌行. issuer b빼야s1q jleik 앨 추석 훌行훌 ~ issued shares 뼈야g멍 jutk --훨j 발영주식총수 훌行훌 ~I톨. aggregate number of issued shares 뼈 'di훌 d훌형nf.al 받매 i에켠 反... adverse claim 뼈빼훌 a빼뻐 :ii 반대외견 反훨. 見 dissenting opinion 뼈빼훌훌빼j 한빼급부 Jst훨M 付 counter-performance 뼈빼te IM훌 * 반대혜석反 ----- iqterpretation by ar맑 ment from the contrary 뼈앨훌 i내u 반대주주 反훨흉主 dissenting shareholder 뼈웰18 n훌 'Be 반I꺼매매 IX훨 counter-sale 삐녕aem월π 훌 받대빼빼 Ii. 훨 counter-sale 뻐엉ae 양l1lU1 받때심문反훨훌 r:i adversary or떠 proceeding 빠igeo 빵어 111 defense 뻐9'Cl 뼈9>eOb 빵어방법 * 方훌 means of defense.

뼈Vee 방혜. 용훔 disturbance or interference (said of the enjoyment of real right) 뼈vae ba허e d'ml앓.κ00 빵혜빼찌청구련 l1i 害排뚫흩홈 * right to petition for the statement of interference 혈Yjae hac월 방혜하다 ** 훔하다 hinder; obstruct 뼈qae yet월뱅 am뺑빼 ~00 방혜예방청구련 tt; 훔훌 ~ 흙 * right to petition for the prevention of interference talqo 방조 흙UIJ assistance (given by accomplice in crime) 훌. 없Ti 뺏t::f: 법 협 Jib!! complicity in a crime; aiding and abetting 뼈Qoja 빵죠 ~ 협 Jib훌 accomj)lice, accessory 뼈훌k 방석 方 :it form; formalities 뼈빼 eu ta삐 항식의하 ~ 方式의훌훌 defect in form 뼈빼an 반환 훌훌 restitution 뼈. 뼈n dld뿔tjnεm 반환청구련 휠훌월흥 right to demand restitution 밟j삐 p aj 홉sta 받증올찌시하다 反훌훌훌示하다 produce contrary evidence 한혼反흩흩 adversary argument 톨뼈 --- YOO 반흔反훌 counter argument 뼈흩g 받소 反흩 * oounter claim 야m 법 f! law 빼야월1 9d'O 빼했1 법안기초위훤 f훌훌훌킬훌훌員 draftsman (of a bill) 뼈뼈뺑ye 법체셰 훌 ~ systematic body of law 뿔뼈형ye 법체셰 f훌홈 ; 흙 system of law; family of law. 월 * 빼tBc 법철학 훌홈훌 jurisprudence 아웰m에빼 법훨빡 t훌홈훌 philosophical j따 'isprudence. 월화8에빼 볍철확 훌좁를R philosophy of law. 월빼 * 법쳐폭 t훌폼톨 state ruled by law. 월x:n g빼 ~ 법쳐국가 $ 훌治룰훌 state ruled by law 아월앙i juet.i 법쳐주의 f훌혐호훌 rule-by-law. 윌앙 'ik 법척 fl.i! rule (not necessarily leg외 ); law, as in Newton s Laws. 빼빼1 법언훌훌훌 legal maxim 아m eu g,eil.i 법의체수훌 의 률 reception of law 야m eu taeseck 법의혜석 interpretation of law 풀의 --- 뼈Jb 웰뼈n함뼈법의홈컬훌의 ~- gaps in the law 야!Ob eli "" 빼잉l훌월멍! 혐의확질생찮의 @ 흩. 性 certainty of law 아m ai h)«ll뺑 k 법의명씩 홉의形 Jt form of law ( rm in which law 양ists) 없 $ 삐 i야훌 법외져빼 f훌의支률a rule of law beob eu 훌월1'al!k 법의션빽 훨의훌빼 choice of law q J

$ 행업1 법판 훌 홈 judge; Justice (of Supreme Court) 훨빼삐훌 법환 훌 홉 judici떠 officers 없빼빼 1 f 양훌 j 법판회의홉 홉홈훌 judges' confi 였 nee 야월. 빼1 S앙. 삐wro깨 Ile 법롤소추위훤희 * 훌홈흘 ~ i을훌員슐 Indictment Committee 뼈빼yu 법규 훌훌, laws and regulations; legislation 야빼l!k 법확 훌훌 study of law 뼈회훌뺑8 법확 ~ 훌훌훌 * department of law (in a university) 뼈빠빼a 법학 ~ 훌훌훌 legal ~choler (usu떠ly professor). 밟aksa 법확사 훌룰土 Bachelor of Jurisprudence; B.J 야월 ~n 법언 훌A juristic person; corporation 없nn 뼈IQ훌 j 법인풍기우 훌A훌훌 ~ juristic 야rson registry beobin 없 r훌훌웰1 법안의에싼 훌A씌 % 를k dissolution of juristic person 뼈빼웹8)1( 법언격 훌,AJ홈 juristic personality 뼈j이 ryjf80k tu1 a; 뼈Di 법인척푸언의법려 f훌a 格홈훌홍의 f훌理 doc앙ine of disregarding the corporate entity 아빼f힘뻐 * ~ $ 훌l 법언격없는사단 훌A 格없는 it톨 unincorporated association (ae앓iation without P앙용onality) 없뼈었 $ 법찌쳐 *& 制 l톨 Legislative Bureau; Bureau of Legislation (of the cabinet) 뼈빼eoo 법천 f훌. code 없뼈eong 법챙 훌톨 court; courtroom 뼈뼈g멍 ct없훌ilwl 법갱챙싼 훌훌 statutory liquidation 뼈뼈eoi명따19빠!} 법갱충당훌훌경Et appropriation by operation of. law 벌빠a이. 빼뺑따1 법갱메리켠훌훌代훌. provided by law; statutory 뼈뼈mig 뼈eri1 법갱예려언 훌훌代흉A power of le훌al representation 야빠뼈멍빼빼1 법쟁빼려언 훌훌代훌A 야at따ory agent legal rep res en때 tive; representative at cou 야 없뼈없멍顧훨1 법갱갱션 cons짜-uctive renewal ti 定롯-- 없뼈m~ 앓 ~ 법쩡기간훌훌뼈間 time period fixed by law 없뼈g멍 i)u 볍갱이올 훌훌利. 와atutory interest rate 없뼈ea 명 j흉월1 법갱죠건 훌훌---* conditio juria; condition-by-law (not a condition by requisite provided by law) - 4 -

없쳐Emd jllld휠m 법쟁준배금 f훌훌훌훌총 statutory reserves 없빼eon josa 삐W때 l'l>e 법견조사위원획 f훌 A협효委員흡 code investigation committee 뻐뼈훌훌 법찌사 t흥制史 annals of legislation; history of laws 야월 )je sirreitlle 법찌심의회 t 훌훨흩훌융 Legislative c uncil 없Jbjo 볍조 훌훌 the legal profession; jurists; the bench and the bar $ 뼈 're 법 Ef:. 회 훌 1톨를 Jurists Association 밟삐W ilw 때1Wa 협조얼훤화 훌훌一元 it unification of the legal profession 를빼n뻐 j 볍푸푸 훌훌훌S Ministry of Justice 야빼n.tJu 법무부 Ministrγ * 훌8 흩 of Justice 뼈뼈n.tJuj~ 법우쭈창판 f훌훌 II흡 홉 Minister of Justice. 훨m.gj( 법우국 f훌훌局 Bureau of Legal Affairs 없뼈TlJ!J. 빼1Q 법무국창 t훌옳局長 director of Bureau of Leg외 Affairs 야빼1 법리 훌훌 doctrine. 빼i 법리 f훌훌 legal principle; principle of law. 빼뻐 :rig 법명 훌令 laws and ordinances; statute 없훨뼈멍빼양삐 법령견셔 f훌令全훌 Complete Book of Laws 없펴 [ )rdinances at large 뼈삐 )'IJ 법톨 law; statute ~- 뼈XlrYl뼈 1 법률안 f훌 * 훌 bill; proposed cir값t of a law 야빼y\A e Elhll m뼈아bl 법룰예의한켠환 훌 에依환 llj훌 power conferred by Act. 월lyU e anyeo 법률예의하여 * 홀. 예依하여 by operation of law. 훨빠u eu 뱉R 법률의학오 훌훌의훌훌 error in application of law 없XlryU 없j jea멍멍n 법톨의갱션 훌 의빼jfl anima legis; spirit of the law 없XlryU ~ 법률..'.il. 품 훌훌. 問 legal advisor 뼈DyU Ql.i 법률구초 f훌 Q않al) aid 없삐 )'IJ 뺑a빼 e 법를환1 f훌-----훌 juristic r잉 ations 법률. 위 훌훌行흘 juristic act 뼈뻐 }'U t 훌 -- 뼈삐 )'IJ ~ 빼 법률효 ~ 훌훌했훌 legal consequence (effect) 뼈휠 j 빼mmga 법률천훈가 훌훌훌門훌 legal specialists Oaw scholars, legal profession, and in a broad sense law teachers ) 뼈뻐 )'IJ 빼 1rnnin 법률견문언 i 훌 門 A legal 앉 pert 없삐 )'IJ nu 뿔법훌푼찌 f 훌 r: 임훌훌 question of law 야빼꺼j 훨m 법률사무 훌훌훌. legal busim흘s $ 빼Asar맹 et.i 용l9lO 법률장의근거 훌 J: 의훌-- statutory authority (for some proposition of law) - 5 -

$ 빼j훨앵빼igsong 법률상 ~ 총 f훌훌上爭훌앙 legal disputes; legal controversy 없뼈 )U9'Q jinsu 법률장견슐 f훌홉上톨r~ legal averment. 빼yU 훨i,gi 법률사실 f홍 * 훌훌. juristic facts. 빼yU ~ 법률요건 f훌律要 ** juristic requisites bdweon 법훤 ~Pl릎 a court of justice; a law-court; a courthouse. 헤 :MEOO 법원 f훌院 source of law 뼈뻐VEal cheor흉a 법훤청사 f훌훌종l률舍 suit inns 야빼 κon l1j'l앙 1ik 법원규혀 f훌院規 g court rules 없빼ε뼈훌딩법훤짱훌훌長 chief judge (of a Dist. Ct.) 없 'tnt따 j훌명 법원장 훌훌長 president of a court 야월빼WI 벼빠llD 법훨 ~ 찍법훌훌훌 ~ 훌 Court Organization Law $ψweort sq 법휠셔기훌훌훌記 (court) clerk 없삐WEOl'I seogi 법원셔기 훌훌훌훌E court clerk α월빠m 빼없19 g따. 법훤운영 it척 * 훌g훌훌률훨 g Judicial Operating Rules 아빼1k jdmg 벌칙초빵. 뼈lj 條횟 P잉1떠 provision 없 j 없 m 벌금 n fine. 뼈Tai eli %$ 빼뱀의의계속 sustained criminal intent E& 의 -- beoo월병 3에훌3 톨룰 crime; offense 없 :n빼법위 @ 빼. ope 빼빼lin 빼빼1 비법인찌단 非훌AM빼 unincorporated foundation 벼훌 :On 훌빼1 버협인사한 非훌 Alt빼 uruncoπ><>rated association 뼈훌m뻐 JI품 바체변 " 非 payment of a non-obligation (payment when there is no obligation) 뼈꽤l훨 배거주자 非홈住훌 non-resident 빼e여 U I야g삐 1 배거주외국인 # 룰住外톨A non-resident alien 뼈않α $* gmr\αe It) 켠력환찌 킹 ~ 力 훌 non-authority relationship 뼈W 없뻐1lk 배.ii법학 比 ** 훌훌 C아nparative jurisprudence 야훌rig양 ~ 삐1 맹소년 휴行少年 juvenile delinquent 빠 ~isa 삐l 회훤이사 ~ 윌훌훌 non -memk훌r director 빼eoo깨 oor멍 g빼ac 버진행찌약 휴A쩔훗 ~ informal contract bijeoott,ulg W양ak 배천명째약 非훌쩔훗 ~ non-type contract W훌 lql'ok 삐l 망륙. 훌 ;-- memorandum 야81 삐I 환 훨t빼 criticism (always unfavorable) 빼빼멍 벼 i명 훨t 홀. criticism (case) (usually unfavorable); (case) critique $ 훌. 빼 l'im훌 비상장회사 非上뿔슐it unlisted company 뼈뺑. 비상장주 ~l:. 훌훌 unlisted stock; over-the-counter-stock $ 훌 비소비계 킹tom M inconsumables 하 $OIYJ 버총 非흩 & non-contentious - 6 -

뼈rg j뼈dll 배홍철작 ~~ 흘 ~.,~ non-contentious (or ex-parte) procedure 밟--빽훌 :in tt] 총사건非흩 & 킬 ** non-contentious case. 양. 흉없1 i없dll뼈 ~ 버송사건쩔차법 ~ 꿇훌ft:li~~ 훌 Non C ntentious Cases Procedure Law - -엉k sar훌p HJ 약상고커u률上告 direct re-appeal 뼈없뺑4a HJ 영주자非永 { ~ 륨 non-peπnanent resident 벼없WJri 뺑때v9' 배영리 ~ 非흉利行훌 non-profit-makin~ acts --- m HJ 용 expense; fee 빼αlQ U피am 핸rar멍 '/e 에용푸당환체훌f협負홉---- expense allocation relationship 뼈19 ai 빼m H] 용의빼훌 홈f협의륨E 分 sharing of fee 며-- 월방뼈n d없짧g때 1 비용상환청구권 m 훌홀흠 * right to reimbursement of expenses α빼 1 chec뻐i.1i. 안쳐폴 ~~ 울R톨分 disposition for the preservation of public order 뼈M맹 son뼈 보충총왈. 홈경E 훌훌 substituted service κ9> teda 보고하다. 좀하다 submit rep야t 뼈빼i 보환 ~ 률 custody & 혐 * 용OIT fi!:jt insurance 생mn mesa 보혐획사 i :Jt슬it in해ranee company 뼈m'f1a!!11~ 훌 msurer m해ranee prenuum 뼈l) 보효 훌훌 protection 뼈I) chec뻐 11 보호쳐흘 훌훌훌分 safety deposit 뼈찌eok 핸g뼈 l행따1 보호척환활권 훌훌的률. 훌. tutelary jurisdiction 뼈eon d' 없 )IJ'I 효천쳐붕 ~ 全 II 分 provisional remedy 뼈없l~ 찌aen & 청환찌인 -- 全률JltA receiver 여없1 t없멍뻐!!. 끽 위. 全行흘 act of preservation 뼈ar명 보중 훌훌 deposit; earnest money 뼈g멍 l! 중 훌훌 suretyship; warranty ~f:u횟 J!!U11 보중금 훌훌. deposit, earnest money 뼈EU훌ieun & 증금 훌훌. security; deposit; bond 뼈a따 1 효중인 훌훌人 surety 야뼈 ~ sactae. 보증사체 훌훌iUI guaranteed debenture kψ 뼈n훌 보쪼창가. 홈 Jl1J훌 :bn intervention to assist k뼈훌i 복대리 훌iHt~ 룰 sub-agent 뼈뺑했1 쪽헌 흉 * restoration of rights (by bankruptcy proceedings) bonan eu SI> 혼안의소 * 훌의흙 principal action m빽eon 빼뼈1 혼안천항변 * 훌흩ntit활 defense of lack of right to sue 뼈 mnyo.1i. 혐효... - 7 -

bonasl 뼈웰g여 삐항훌 밟영 m borqj< boog. 빼월 >b 혼안환철용사용토본국본국볍 *~ 훌判 ** i 틀 ft 월土 *I률깅 ~~ 훌훌 decision on the subject matter of the suit (render) service (freely) (feudal) domain native country law of nationality 뼈. 떼 rak borin 뼈 eok 뼈 ~ecxn 여 ITUl boos> α 훌 r 영 k 훌 rg am 뿔 j bcsar1 양훌 ITI. 흘 ilyj 면빠멍빼. 훌 * t 흩윌 Jil dm 웰 JJ bosu 야힐ig ~r J S없명. 힐멍 gt.et 뼈 l 야 ~ 홉빼 ~ 야힐힘 u 야힐영 κ 훌 m 빼 -- t llj bu ~ IUXll ~ tm.i i 훌훌 r 뿔 llb..n insu llb..n 빼ab tut 뿔뻐 j tut 훌훌 ~ 배 du 없 m lutj( α& 훌 twlg!i>. 양 rn. 빼 mu 뻐 ~ 본계약본언본척본캠본푼본소호상보상청구보상금호상환찌보씩허가청극L 호수보통공동소총보홍환활보통제환쩍보통주보통예금보휴푸부 ' 'l:t 부 ( 국 ) 푸본부부부푸찌싼찌푸폴안수쭈흘지급부 체비율푸체성언훌금부혀부대항소부당부당푸종여 혼훗활 1 *A 本本店 - * 文 本률빼. 훌求. 톨총빼톨뼈훌 뿔 흙可훌훌훌 홈홉共同훌훌 & 홈通흉홉훌훌훌횡I 훌 홉 jlt\t 훌훌f훌훌 ** 有흩 8 夫홉 ( 局 ) 삐 * 夫. 夫 l를없훌 $ 예 ft! 分引훗홉分支 fb' i를 11 比훌휠 fltt 캉 l 出출 뼈g 뼈홈 ti\ 흙월훌附 f룰-- 톨u훌 the co 따 ract p~per principal place of registry principal office main clause principal action (or this suit) compensation; indemnification compensation claim compensatoπ claim compensation relationship application for bail; petition for b 따 l remuneration; compensation ordinary joinder suit ordinary competence general forum; forum domicilii rei common stock ordinary deposit possession; retention department; division (of a District Court) husband mi 띠 g 야 y department duplicate spou! 핑s; husband and wife rnari뼈l prop잉-ty system partial acceptance part" al payment indebtedness ratio liability allowance supplementary provisions incidental (or er ss ) appeal charge; burden; responsibility gift with a burden; gift subject to charge - 8 -

. 빼rru 뼈A멍 우당푸유증 負훌W예회톨룰 bequest (legacy) with a burden. 빼lQhan 흥iorae jeten 우당한거래 ~~ 不훌한去來劃限 unfair restraint of trade. 뼈lQhan 없g뿔이 부당한결의 不짧한훌훌 improper resolution. 빼. 뼈l jy없 1 부당한지연 不짧한훌延 undue delay bl.dang idet.k 부당이득 不홈利得 unjust enrichment. 뼈 ~ 빼k 뻐메뼈n 부당이득반환 **$ 利得꿇홉 restitution of unjust enrichment W10 ec훌 Jill 푸도어음 不훌어융 dishonored note αntj용 1 부동싼 不뼈훌 immovable property ~ 뼈X빼 부동싼풍기 꺼 lb훌훌記 immovable registration (act or I esult) ~ 월1 뼈JOOOibu 부흥싼둥기푸 不뼈를훌훌記훌 immovable property registry. 빼멍Sill jl 부홈싼철 不 lb! 훌률 antichresis; a pledge of immovables rueu뻐. 푸의창 뭘훌률 vice chamber (old); vice-chairman tx.ga 멍n 우가기간 JfUD뼈댐 additional period bl.in 푸안홈훌g denial (of all or P없t of) the plaintiff s allegations 띠 a 푸찌 ~ 不在홈 absent.ee 띠하빼 부작쩌 不作훌 forbearance; abstention (individuals); inaction (admin. agency) --뼈 <beob 부척법 不훌훌 illegal; unlawful; not in accordance with the law ~ 부갱 홈 ~ deny 따없lg~ 혔19 부갱경끼g 不正훨爭 unfair competition 뼈없1i 푸천져. 혐훌훌 떠longe; a slip; a tag 뼈i Eli h빼 j 부찌의천슐 不知의훌훌 statement of ignorance of fact, i.e., defendant has no knowledge of the alleged facts h찌 lq (W빼옳 푸종찌약. 함쏠쫓-- accessory contract bu아!ob 폴법 不 ** illegal; unlawful bubeob 빼ig써 왈범행위 不흥行훌 t.ort; unlawful act bu뼈 * 빼1행 d빼 (Jn 훌법. 위쩍잉 不훌行월J!UE t.ort liability bu빼빼1뻐 i 활법 ~ 찌 不홉行훌지 place of t.ort bu뼈 )b j야없1 활법초건 unlawful condition **&---* btj삐 )b W없il 왈법휠인不훌훌困 illegal cause; unlawful cause 삐bok 폴복 不흩 appeals (administrative) 삐 ~ 흉n 풀변기간 不훌뼈뼈 perempt.ory periods. 흉뼈n 률7. 불 * 可分 indivisible - 9 -

--뻐11 d' 훌 εα1 활가흘혜련 不可分 indivisible obligation right 따빼11 d흩뺑뼈a 불가훈채권자 不可分 @* 훌 indivisible obligee * 빼11 d짧m 왈가환찌우 不! 分 indivisible obligation duties. 빼따1 빼없k 률가훈계약 不可分횟約 entire contract; unseverable contract bj맹따1앉월 'lg 활 7. 푼생 不可分 tt indivisibility. 짜 ~ 빠 )k 률가항력 ~JrJ tit 力 vis maj r; force majeure 를가항력죠항不可흙力훌횟 force majeure clause --월mgr빼k 뼈빼 ~ 없명흉1경 e 뼈p빼률공갱거래빵법不公正去來方훌 unfair business P.ractices bjκdi깨 fl 훌합리한不읍훌한 unreasonable 삐삐빠했 ~ 항Bl 왈확갱기한 不 I훌훌빼훔 time uncertain; indefinite period bj~ car휩 활황카르벌 不힘카르멸 depression cartel bjh뼈멍 률이명 不. 行 non performance; def aut buik 활이익 不 111쓸 disadvantage l'unulbecb 활훈법 不文훌 jus non 않riptum; unwritten law bj뼈i 멍 P빼 1 훌능조건 不훌---. impossible condition buseoogib 블생혐 不훌立 non-constitution (of illegal act) 삐톨빼oongnj 활쭉갱율 不. 훌훌빼 non-specific thing 삐뼈뼈 :n iκ휠영 활환천이. 不흥全 l 行 imperfect (improper) P 앙 formance lui 냄릎 iai> 흘활져급分휩支쏠 installment. payment 따빠 * 엄 t훌웹m 붙청빼걸 分 ~ settlement tul흩 IDk 아빼. 흘석법확 分 i듀훌. analytical jurisprudence tulsic. 뻐 $ 훌 불석컬션 훌. window-dressing accounting 따 ~ 부령훌令 cabinet order ~ 맹쭈령홈 l 令 Ministerial α der. 빼빼 '9 부사짱밑 iu 흘 vice-president t.$1 jll'b 없 m l 흙옐준바급 ~-~ 룰 -~ untrue H 훌 eπes ludc gig.91 l맑흑기환 빼l톨. au찌 Ii없 '"Y organ bu90k ~ 톡L속명셰셔. 함. 뼈를를 annexed spec.ifications of accounting documents Wiu a.i'nj 푸수의무. 에훌훌-- collateral CoJ?.tract duty. 뼈 ~ 푸양 f 夫률 support; maintenance. 깨eagsa 우영사 vice-consul; consular assistant 흩---- 빼뼈kian ~ 훌n 별단예금 jlj용u훨 * special deposit ~ 없 벌거 別홈 separation (fa:m.hy law) 빼 $ 뿔뻐EQ1 밸찌켠 뭘l 除. right of exclusive performance - 10 -

W 뼈없멍 j 빼 i 뺑 m 야휩 lso 매없 Vlab ~ 빼빼 jool< ~ 빼 W 없. 얹앵 어없힘 $ 멍쩌빼 1 빼 rl9't 없멍뼈뺑뼈 야없뼈 n ~n ~ 흘 a ~ 앓 d> W 없 msa 빼 멍 b)e>i'h 훨 'Oe m 없 ima ho 업 * ~ 빼 l>sa nytavjx 빠 ~ 매 '80f1e diπpa맹 ~ 훌 j 룰앙. ~ ~ 뼈. 빼 1 byeol' 양빼빼 g 삐 ~ byeol'risa ~t 빼월 'Oe ~ byeorroo ji.ai 빼없훌훌 $* 뻐 별갱척렵금벌소뱅합병혈척뱅합변경변경찌한변경환컬변호인변호언변호샤변호사법변호사배용변호사회변호사회칙변호사명부변1 변찌충항현1 의찌공변1 기뺀1항변변쩌자대위변조변리사앤리사협회변흔변흔주의변I를쩔렵 jlj~~ 훨立용 jlj 흘동 ** 슴 t 효列的밟合 -- 更 률훗훌 -- -- 更쩨훌 * 훌 A -- 훌人훌훌土 홈훌土훌 -- 훌土., 엠 흘훌土슐 륨훌土슐則 빠훌土名 $ --흡룸充흘 -- 룹의훌供 뼈 MIJl!ftfL --* 빼훌 ft& 률훌 -- 흉士 -- 훌土뿔. -- 훌 -- 훌主훌 률훌활立 contingent reserve; speci 떠 reserve fund separate suit merger; joinder parallel joinder amendment; alteration; modification adjudicate changes (understandable abbreviation) modifying judgment advocat.e (old word) counsel (for accused) Korean lawyer Lawyers Law attorney's fee8 bar association rules of bar association lawyel"s list payment; fulfillment {of debt) allocation; appropriation of performance tender of performance time for payment affirmative defense of payment subrogation 야 performance al t.eration patent agent Patent Agent g Association oral ar 맑 men ts adversary s~ 쩌양 m qualified formation c card 뻐뼈g엠 a ard a.i 띠없명훨 )(>~ 카드멜명 ;;q. 차드의부갱사용 카드훌훌 ff훌카드의 ~ 표使 f홈 card i11suer unauthorized use of car 녕 art! 벌 d빼y«j. 흩형 *εm 카르. 화별체권 카르윌훌없 R훌윷 * c 없 야 l discrimination debenture; bond; debt securities - 11 -

d흩껑wεm 채검 @ 흩 obligation right; obligee s right; credit; a claim <teegnwl 뼈lsc훨 'IQ e W뼈. ~ 헨방생에판한계약 J훌生에 ii한횟約 transaction involving the tm 뺑 ~ creation of an obi iga tion-right 빼행따1 ~ 계켠체약 m 훗훨 contract regarding obligation d훌뺑 Onja 채권자 R톨훌훌 creditor; obligee. 훌뺑 %α1a 4 뭘자 6를. 홈 petitioner; claimant (only in provisional attachment and provisional disposition suits) d훌행랬 ~a d빼 $ 없on 혜변 ~ 취소켠 훌훨消. 흩 obligee s right of nullification. 훌 @ε뼈a dae삐뺑eoo 체뭘 ~ 째뀌련 ---훌 -ft 位훌 subrogation by obligee d흩행 % ψyeon 체권연 훌 book on obligations d빼얽없1 뼈I.fa 체면소유짜 所혐흥 bondholder. 훌빠00 뻐뺑체켠양 ~ 훌를 assignment of obligation-right d 훌쐐 m 킥엄 «liability; π~ponsibility d흩뻐m ej jlj $ 빼lEU1 킥엄융져울수있는 «훌지울수있는 imputable d훌뼈m jetal 킥엄찌환 «뼈限 limitation of liability d빼m rn,e>r흙책임면. «免除 exemption from liability ctamj 체무 fll훌 obligor s duty; obligation duty; debt; liability; obligation cmerru 벼it홉맹체우활야--... 톨. 不 I를 fi non-performance of obligation duty,,.. 혐m 뼈뼈n 체무훌답 fll훌分 -- contribution among obligors. 없ru l7t없 ~ 셰무뺀찌 perlormance of obligation duty. 훌ru~ 빼 체무초과 lllj훌 jl insolvency; I iabilities exceeding assets d훌ru gmllyj)'e 져무환제 --훌 i훌 obligation relations d훨 11J it혐핑체무이. 톨 aarr performance of obligation duty d훌견t1j ifsj 혜우인수 {ill훌링 훗 assumption of obligation duty d훌trqa ~ 우짜 {ffll~ 를 obligor; debtor; loanee d뿔때a 체무자 illl4f respondent (only in provisional attachment 없id provisional disposition suits) db9!tu rtκg뽕 j 체무명의 R톨 i홈名훌 document evidencing executable obligation; a title of debt d힐 1,1) 확요. 훌훌 mistake (subst.); error (proc.) - 12 -

de' 뼈 j. 빼훨 am훌 all빼빙 dwπg i뻐j d 뀐 πp StnYU dlr 끼없앨삐었 1 dblq! 월 lbi am양월lbi dlrlq80b j아ti 빼빼 am훌 ;J> d빼훌p 삐I훌 JtYEOll eta' 앵ll jeu훌빠m d 빼 gitlbi dlllg 헤 I ~ dblsecllg ~ cteytxqn Ma뱅ye. 빼빼. 빼뼈 ~ji 뼈b d월 90"9 db뼈 11 db 뼈 I 엉 ~ de 뼈 Jl d 빼 $ cteotlj 멍 K 뼈 1 ~ 힘 κ 야뻐 1 db뼈 II t훌 ia cteokdctleor멍 dl!oh: 훌 dl!o뼈 j M맨 Olll'OO dlsofwj chlorg)j d흩횡neon.$ 뿔j 없없mM -없횡j ai ~ 빼 창의창가창가운행창가져불황고셔류황청권황업버창업비창업준배행위창고창고중켠창하중권창립 ll) 창립총회찬생의견차용언 l-l쩌계 ~ 철 ~ 형져법킹형쳐훌쳐폴청쳐불취소쳐훌켠쳐흘련한쳐흘하다철도청휠획천부인권혼청구청구체켠청구의뱅휘청 -r의뱅합 를흘 흘.bll 를.bll 훌行 흘.bll 支 I 훌 훌考홉顆 훌 ii: 률 I 훌. 융u 훌 * 훌l 훌빼틀 arri훌 --- --- 훌뼈를쫓톨훌 률 l 立톨 률 I 立 - -~ 훌見, 홉뼈 A [-] ~ --- 훌 --- 훌빼훌. 分톨- l톨分 l. 分 Iii뼈. 分. 흩分 111. 分화다. 훌률. 回 天 aa 홈훌흩 흘음 * 월 *Gt 훌흥의훌빼 훨흥의혐合 state councillor (old) intervention participant bank payment by intervention pr, 아y statement right to paπicipate in g vernment expenses for opening business organization expense preparatory transactions for business commencement warehouse warehouse receipt warehouse receipt organization expeni월s organization meeting concumng op1ruon; supplementary opinion borrower, lessee System XYZ (book title) conclusion (of a r.ontract) law of the place of contracting; lex loci contract us corporal purtlshment disposition acting agency; agency handling disposition reversal of a disposition right of disposition authority for disposition dispo1훌 National Railroad Authority with값awal (of a juristic act); revocation; retraction theory of natural human rights demand or claim (act) (subst. law); petition (proc. law) claim scope of claim joinder of claims L k - 13 -,, E

ctm훌 l ai d빼 j 청구의춰지 홈흥의를륨 decree sought in petition d없횡j ai 없m 청구의기초 홉 "#. 의훌훌 factual basis of the petition (civ. proc.) ctm뿔 j Eli 빼 $ 뺑el> 청구의경합 흩홈 "#. 의웰음 concun ency of demand rights d'leo!wj ai inyor멍 청구의인용 훌홈 )j( 의 U!~ admission of (opponent S) claim d없양jeli 때 청구의포기 를흩 * 의휠흘 waiver of the claim ~ai W없 *' 청구의원인 훨홍의 B홀困 grounds for petition (civ. proc.) am~ 양m 청구헨 흘 '* demand right; right to petition d훌 뿔j 뻐j eui S) 청구야의의소 홉흥를롤의흙 suit of objection to petition (f<r oonψ벼뼈y ex.ecuti00t etc.) chro;p.in 청구언 훌훌人 petitioner ch3o맹tui 청푼 훌rm hearing; (administrative law term). 없흉an 빠!Sa eli...) 청싼 ( 회사의 ) * 훌률 < it의 ) liquidation; dissolution ct8>1gsaryi 챙싼언 M'JJ.A liquidator dleooj얼 nil to없 j 챙싼언혁의 If Jf A 훌 0081녕 of liquidators d빼 '9" 00 청휠 흙,. petition; application; request dbmle' 멍 천황 天훌 emperor. 빼빼 천제 天 ~ natural disaster d"i삐f훌 청헤. 룰흠 dispossession; d.isseisin; disseizin dllm훌 ta 청빼하다 훌훌하다 dispossess; disseise; disseize ctil1'te에a 청빼 ~ 흩홈훌 dispossessor; disseisor; disseizor 이n 훤 훌 parent --- d"ing.vron 청권 parental rights d"ilti:jesa 천회사 훌 *it parent company 벼t빼 캔자 률子 parent and child 빼 * 훤촉 훌훌 relative dir삐빠eob 천족법 훌훌훌 family law dd뼈월b'l뻐 * 뻐하1 wrordik 초법 Tt척힐받훤칙 빼훌훌 l J 一 tu동則 supr삐eg떠 general principles] e dd>oo 초환 * 았ract (from a writin밍 ; abridged transcript m>ed'o Eli t뼈 i!l)o 획초의항고 훌훌 'f); 억 tit 告 first appeal dα웰i f냄 :ii> 척초납업 훌훌UMA. first installment payment (on stock) ~ 척고 R흩놈 formal demand (for P앙iormance); peremptory notice '. - 14 -

~ 밟 i 짧 행 * <m 빼 9 m d 뾰 pig 밍 m 뼈빼 'EOO dn 맑뻐뼈 l 야훨 'lq dα 빼 ija d 맹뼈 e joof9lak dm eta 뺑 1k ~ ctmtoe eta 렐 Ile eli g 뼈 j cto 뿔 san dmgi 따 1'Cl -- 멍 ;~ ctavm ~ dl 황빼 oog l 뻐 Snlak di.in m 뻐 1 멍 d1 뻐 I 멍 hada cnir 멍 책져발명가격. 최종심 척종섬법원 초파발 i 톨 초파 I Al- 초 J4- 쩡박 촌 총칙 총회총회 총회의결의 총짜싼 총무쳐 총리령 총흔 훌톤수 추가형투 Al- 션확 추언 추갱 추갱하다 추정 훌低흉行 -- 홈 률흙흘훌훌E 最 ---- 흩흉훌혔行 * 훌훌利子 SiAiE~ #* tl 훌. i 훌 톨. 외훌훌 -- 훌훌훌훌훌 훌훌令 l 톨훨 흩용 -- i 흩 1JllM& 훌흠託 i 흩등 g. 훌훌. 훌하다 追 minimum issue price {of share without par value) final hearing court of last instance excessive issue of shares interest in excess of legal rate period of demmurage village general provision general meeting shareholder meeting resolution of a general meeting tot 떠 assets National Personnel Authority Prime Minister s Office Order General Remarks on xyz; Outline of xyz; Introduction to xyz (book title) gross tonnage open investment; trust ratification; confirmation presumption; inference be deemed; deem; regaz 녕 (in broad sense) supplementary fine or?l i li u l pen 허 ty ~ t 훌 esook d1 빠 j duja ctu 삐 art 뾰 Yd dl 빼 9IO m 뼈 * dljso c:tuweoo. 뼈 1g du9 힐때 ~ 빼 'IQ 뼈 a du 밸 l du 멍패 uru dvok 혹소예석 훌푸 훌짜 훌 ;;q. 은. 훌창소 율선국훌소 훌훤배용충당 당셜셜륙충충충추하다무- 15 - 의 훌 4 -- 出훌 出를 w 훌훌行 lli롤所出身 II 出 ~ 出 nm 充 11' 充합하다 充 *!1!1".llR 뚫 * restrictive interpretation appearance, attendance contribution; financing presenting bank sub-branch o 셋 ce national origin bringing suit request fee appropriation; assignment; allotment appropriate (payment to); loyalty to master fiduciary duty supplement l L r!;l.[ ra i--

따 $ 째eok S미u i때뺑w1 duiim duiim 11 였 lg)eα. duiim v mbi 훌 $ d"mideuk aw 없 * 잉 t 뼈 <h 삐 ji. 빼 ijiseo d 빼 so d 빼 so. 빼었 lll SU Kneu1 d 빼었혈 SU * 뭘 m 없 eyak d 빼었 lii αn:hm SU ilna.rl t 짧멍뻐 추상객신주인수권 ltu훌 tfj훌 "~ 흥흥 풍. anticipatory pre empt1ve right 추심 헤훌훌 collection 추성명령推훌슐令 collection o 펴 er 추심위임빼서 推훌훌 ff 背훌 endorsement for collection 취득 取得 acquisition 취득시효.lfli흉時** acquisitive prescription 취져 * 흩릅 case (as in stating one s case") 춰져셔. 릅흘 preliminary prospectus 척소 取뼈 cancellation 휘소 取뼈 revocation; cance꾀 lation; retraction; recantation; abolition; disaffirmation; repeal; setting aside; nullification; rescission 취소할수있는 取뼈할수있는 voidable 취소할수있는체약取뼈할수있는훗約 voidable contract 휘소할수있는행위없뼈할수있는行훌 voidable act 콘체를론체를 concern (Ger. = Konzem)!b &ψsit 맙션 홉. report (of government agency) & 훌훌뼈없 ~ & 뼈 >eobweoo 빼법 ;g I획법필 大훌률大훌훌 Grand Bench Supreme Court 뼈빼 없 ()0 뿔뼈1 뼈 @ 삐n 빼법훤찌환연구용. 大훌훌훌 ~j흙뾰홉 Supreme Court research offici떠 & 훌 $ 빼ε()0 뼈멍 째법원짱 大훌훌훌 Chief Justice of the Supreme Court & 월 * 빠 :on 메따a 따V빼 b I껴법훨민 A. 환혜챔 ** 훌훌民훌 B에훌 Collection of Supreme Court civil pr용cedents (1947 to date); 야훨 % 빼N.Oll 뼈lSa 대법원판사 大훌훌 ~~ 훌 Supreme Court Justice daebu 양웠ae I훌푸거 4 f룰付去來 loan transaction & 빼 '8 & 킹야 % 대차대조표 f훌借훨m 表 b떠 ance sheet & 빼 'e g/81껴e 째제철-4 ~ 홉決. central clearing of securities & 빼le j빠훌명 빼제철. ~ 훌훌. 行 execution by substitute & 뼈d'lenu 대쩨율 fungi bl es & 빼u 째훌 ~*" f훌出 loan - 16 -

훨횡ll1lO야a 쩨금업짜 * 훌 & 業흥 money lender 흉 ~ 잊흉1 대기기간. 훌期뼈 rjj waiting period dae9 oyoom 대기오염大훌f륭훌 air pollution & 훨월lQ 대항 Jttn setting up (defense) against third paπy; opposition; counteraction & 훨mg yoge웠 1 대항A건 JH/ 훌件 setting up requirements daei 째가 훨 6톨 consideration; countervalue * 훌. 빼rqye 대가판찌 --뻐빼흉 value exchange relationship 빼며뼈1e 대풀변쩌 代 @--* substitute performance daeoe 째외 훨外 towards foreign countries; with foreign countries & 훌le i뻐 j s빼n 때외지풀수한 훨外支훌手짧 forei맑1 means of payment 훨!V1'0 대표 {t훌 representing; representation 훌힘앵M'.00 때표켠 {t 表 * power of representation 휠6P'J'O isa 빼표야사 {t 表훌훌 representative director 훌빼 ~ 째표 ~ {t훌훌 representative 훨쩌0 SC없. 대표소용 {t훌흙를& derivative suit $ 흩m 대리 代훌 agency; represent as agent; act as agent 뼈g빼짧1 째리켠 ft흉. agency powers ~suyeo 없앙 * 빼리현수여규혀 ft훌--훌훌tll!i Proxy R않ulation 빼i t훌명삐 빼리명위 ft훌行흘 acts taken as agent & 월헤n 대리인 ft훌a agent daai빼 n 째리갱 ft훌店 represen뼈 tive; agent 훨 빼r명 대리장 代훌商 commercial agent daer뼈 19 rt훌tbe 대량예예 大 bulk sale 훨!tYllt 없빼 ~ 째룩법찌 大훌훌系 continental law system daer 뼈19 대륙붕 大훌빼 continental shelf & 훌sa t1i사 大使 ambassador 훨흥휠 )'O 대셔료 ft 훌-- scrivene1γ fee & 훌sim 빼성 * 훌 adversarial trial 빠훨 OUl뼈뺑am 대손충당금 t훌훌 1f. 홈. allowance for bad debts 뼈e삐 대쩌 {t{\i subrogation 훨 % byeor흙 대위변찌 代 f효 subrogation by performance & 훌삐 hikia 대위하다 ft 位하다 subrogate & 훌 haκ 째위하여 ~~ 하여 representing; as in A, representing B, brought suit 훨빼a 빼위 ~ ft{it 훌 subrogee & 훌삐 ~ 대위소송 ft 位흙흘앙 derivative suit 뼈훨1 깨뼈g맹 다자간협갱 多훌뼈빼 $ 定 multinational convention

뼈rbo 당보 security; mortgage; ~ 믿larentee; surety; hypthec 뼈Tb: 뼈J. 훌껑W따 1 당보푸혜권. 훌付 6를용 secured debenture dantoou 톨uae 당보푸거 i!i l흩흙付去來 secured transaction 뼈moou sact훌앙1빠 φed> 당보부사체선학법. 훌付훌훌흡託 f훌 Secured Debenture Trust Law dcrrbo d'8e씨m 담보책임 f*l톨 ff tanpo liability; liability for defects 빼nx빼 ' 00 당보겸 security right 빼nx빼따1 ai 잉. 훌. 당효켠의설명 ~ B- 의. 行 enforcement of security right 뼈rbo rn힘neoo 당.!l. 풀면 t훌 @-- re삐 security right 1-뼈 nmr앵 isa (-] 당당이사 l-1 훌행훌 director with a special title 한제빼R organization g엉-- 뼈 e g빼ak 한체찌약빼9Jl!fJ collective contract 뼈 ~t휩빼 단폭명위. 톨行풀 non-transactional acts 뼈100k.ti휠빼한북 11 위 行훌 unilateral act; right 뼈t뼈한빼 h휠활tlk 환독명투짜진학. 톨M훨훌흠흩E unit investment trust 때α:j( M앵W따 1 단독주주련 빼g롤훌主 -- single (independent) shareholder 뼈 α>k ju'l 휠아 1 한폭중계인. 를 +ta A sole 없 -bitrator 뼈 ** 뼈 'IS8 단독판사 ; 빼훌 single judge 뼈Yj'a벅 당예 [-] the -concerned; such -; 앙ie -- 該 1-1 appropriate - 뼈9 Mic훨멸 단기임대차 iii뼈 lti홀借 short-term lease 뼈옐마훨med에k 한기매매차익. 효뼈 差益 short-swing profits 뼈l!Pe ~ 聊멍 당좌계쟁 tllit솔 current account 빼빼 W빼. 뻐 당혹찌갱관고 흩훌홀t~ 훌홉 current account balance 뼈렘v.a ye뿔m 당확예금 tllb~ current deposits 뼈흉핵a 당사자 훌 P없-ty (to a suit); litigant 뼈뼈a 당사자 ---훌 P없 'iy (to a suit); litigant 뼈. 헥a ct빼i 엉 당사짜황가 ---훌융. intervention (as a p압ty) 뼈협a j뼈웰 ~ 냥사자척격 ---훌훌홈 competency as party (competen~y to be plaintiff or defendant in particular dispute); standing to litigate dar용핵a i뻐j 당사짜주의. 홉. 훌호-- party φresentation) principle (adversary system) 뼈협a 빼빼빼 당사짜눔혁 ---홈홈力 capacity to argue 뼈흉혀때빼m뼈 * 당사짜능력 ---훌훌力 party capacity 뼈흉핵a sosor멍 당사짜소총 ---훌흙월 party litigation @ 훌한훨9>eOb 한형법. 行훌 special law 야I간휠. 뼈b얀 mg 한명법령 fii훌令 epeciaf laws and orders 뼈1u fractional share 단주 웰 -- - 18 -

뼈훌lO jta멍 단서조항 m. 홉條횟 proviso clause 뼈 'IStll ~rq빼단숭병합 힘함응 simple joinder 뼈lSLITiln 뼈야뿜ong w빠1 받송한법령위반 M한훌令遺反 mere contravention of laws and orders 뼈aq,eJI 다수철 多 * 횟 decision by majority 빼 * 잉 폭질 t훌失 acquisition or loss 빼I빼 둥기 훌記 registration 뼈I훌 JbJ 풍기푸 훌훌 [!. register; registration book 뼈JqJbl~ 둥기푸둥본 률記뼈를 * certified copy of register dlu빼 jeu뺑eo 동기종셔 훌훌g풀를 registration certificate (certificate of completed registration) 없I훌뼈 둥기소 훌흩am registry 빼I빼 W양m 풍기요건 률훌E 훌 ** registration requirements 뼈따d< 풍욕 훌를 registration (with administrative agency) 뼈껴d< ir휠n 등록언장 훌am률 registered seal (same as jitsu in) dalvo< sac.tee 동륙사체 훌. 훌 ~- debenture without certificate dar1야 ISe 풍록세 훌 registration 뼈X do 도 훌 prefecture do 도 훌 pro찌 nee 아뽕b~ 도급계약 홉 ft~~ contract for work φ횡 Ali1 도급언 훌 ft.a contractor 생U< 빼ctl! 폭촉쩔차 훌 (fl률 ~ summary debt collection procedure.. 아뼈eM'I 폭검톨110 monopolization 뼈eM'I 쪽생 o monop여y & 뼈eon뿔 JTji뼈Jb 폭챔금져법를0훌止훌 Anti-Monopoly Law 뼈i뺑톡척척,, bribery; charge of misconduct in office 야빼b 톡렵 를효 independence ~ 뼈. 획a dlan뿔 독렵항사자창,... 톨立 훌 intervention as an independent party 아뼈I> 홉빼뼈 * 흑렵찌환혀 효훌 1'11.1 independent forum rules <bl훌훌i> 도예업 훌. 훌 wholesale business; factorage 뼈T훌훌빼a 도매업 ;q. 훌I룰훌 wholesaler; factor; commission agent φ뿔 j 동의 同 1훌 consent @ 훌j eu 뼈a 동의의하자 同. 의훨훨 defect in consent @. 훌 동싼 lb훌 movables 빠훌훌1 e 야훨 "SI 휠댐e 동싼예빼한강제핍. lb훌예대한흘制풀行 execution against tangible 뼈훌명 movables 뼈훌훌1 뼈 $ 멍 동싼집. lb훌훌 ~ti' execution against movable - 19 -

뼈훔때 @ 훨 it-eerg eu 뼈 lgtlyeon 뼈훨 $ 매I멍 al~~ 야삐때멍 동산철동시여행의항변동시사망의추청도며항 lb훌률同時톨行의 bt함同 R흉,f c 의推定훌훌港 property pledge of movables (af윈 rmative) defense of simultaneous performance presumption of simultaneous death port of refuge --e. 뼈빠lilf'I 뼈뼈y j 훌 b ootmi 뼈j 뼈 :mj 뼈 ~ 없 :mj 뼈혐훌삐따 1 eown eoeuti 앙 I 훨 n 없 UTI 뺑뼈 &:I eown 삐. eown~ 훌빼 )\J ab ab muso eudo ~I 예환한법률 업 업무기구 업무정 -- 업무컵옐권 어용 어음추생 어옴를환소 어옴활안 어융소송 억류 융 융사무소 의포 의철 에삐한훌뼈 훌 훌훌 g 훌률 # 훌훌 g 훌 k 行 훌훌훌 k 行. 어옴 어용훌훌 어융훗훌所 어융협응 l 어음휴훌 & 柳홉 물 용훌훌훌 Jn i 률를 훌 * a 빼뻐聊 'EOfl 빼 1 t 빼흉융의철켠대리. 사의훌훌. 代훌行使의 삐삐 i 띠 q 위임장훌 ff~ Law Concerning - occupation business organization administration of corporate business power to administrate the affairs (of a company) bill; draft; note collection of notes cle.aring hou 앓 discount of notes action on a promissory note an est; detention; detainment; seizure; internment town eugye 뼈 '1111 따 1 eui 뼈 '9~ 의철련의불통일훌훌. 의不릎 - split voting I 훌훌 a 명사行使 town office intention; purj>ose solution or resolution (of disputes) proxy a 빼 g 뺑 ml gsok W 빼의철련기속찌약훌훌 JtJ:!i 양 voting a 맑 eement a때 $ 빼따1 f옮훨 eu 빠!je 의컬권명사의배져훌훌. 行使의 排除.abstention from voti앵 a뺑g빼따1 siltm 외철련신학 훌훌. 훌훌E voting trust a빼빼1 의견 훌見 opinion aijil' 멍 와짱 훌훌 chairman er.i홉헬훌뼈 의짱법 Silt훌 Design Law aije 의찌 훌힘 legal fiction - 20 -

~ 훌 i eu.ie scwgn ai!tl.j ai!tl.j i 야 Sig airn4a eu!tl.j w 뼈 n aisa aisa 9J9이 lte011j aisa 빼i eu w따 m aisa 뼈 Ilg 뼈 * 삐 sa 1 >!i eu 훨 'Ok aj~ ( eu 빼뱅 ob aro l1kia 삐 viak eu 앵 so 어. 훌,. 삐뼈 Sfl!I 뺑따 1 의갱셔 의져상인 의무 의무이행 외무 - 자 의부 위반 의사 의샤컬갱 의사자쳐의원리 의사능력 의사표사 의사록 용휴 ( ) 폴영업으츠승 용낙 용소 은용-. 뭘 훌 ~ 흠 훌험 l 商 A 훌훌 훌훌 HI 行 훌훌훌훌 훌훌 I~ 훌 1'Ji. a.w..w. 훌 ~ i 훌훌 g 自治의훌률 1 훌思훌力 1 훌훌훌示 흘훌훌 Z 훌 [-] Protocol constructive merchant duty performance of duties be없애er of a duty breach of duty intent determination of intent principle of p없-ty autonomy intent-capacity declaration of intent minutes Group B cases 하다 ( ) 용흉훌으호하다 engage in {-) as a business consent; assent; compliance If --IF 훌. 行 훌行흉 counter-suit; appear 없 tee; response to an action ba 파 bank note fi ga ~(-~ 뼈I맹훨 :xyu 뺑m 뼈m @αii~ 빼k 빼 I 뼈 ig iroo 가갑찌 ) 효증갑류가훌혜무가폴찌약가흘생이롱 -- 甲훌 <->. E 률 可分 fll 흘 可分훌뼈 可分 { 훌훌훌 house Plaintiffs Exhibit (-) Group A cases divisible obligation-duty divisible or severable contract separability doctrine (in 휠 :hie뻐 I\ gidb뻐 I\!b'9여뼈I멍양dlEml1 회압iecxig g빼이흉빼뺑없1 양홉1 훌훌Hli $ 빼빼1 양삐ecJ'lg 가쳐흘가쳐훌철갱가쳐불신청께발배게업현개인깨인외융환깨갱 훌 l 훌分 훌훌分훌훌 훌 I 흩分申흙 II 룡 -- 介 A. A MA. 외륨,. 예 t 正 없 -bitration theory) provisional disposition provisional disposition; decision application for provisional disposition development expem 용 S right t.o int 앙 vene individual habit amendment; revision - 21 -

양뼈 «D"9>9얘 71 갱볍 ijk표옳 amendatory law (usually); amended law (sometimes) 양훨d1e 책 -4 object of rights and duties ;-- ~ g뼈홉19 Z혜장 over-the-counter market 양월뼈1Q πm훌쩍장에메 흥훌를買 over-the-counter trading (in securities) 양eiggae 갱재 훗 Cit novation 훌훌흉훌 '19 1엉생 更生 reorganization 훌g훌훌lg j뼈뼈 갱생쩔차 룻生빼 ~ reorganization proceedings 양g훨 n 경신 J! 흘 I걷new al 양빠 '1{e 게피 CA: 를 amendment or abolishment 훌훌tl1 게흔 톨흩. Elements of...; (book titl밍 (suf.) utline of... ; (book title) (suf.) 홈흥해 게컬 빼활 establish 훌훌멀 게 Al 빼훨 disclosure 뿔g힐 eli 빼lsQ< 께시의연속 빼혐의릎훌 continuous disclosure 용Jff!IJ<. 가격 톨빼 value 뼈빼a 가혜자 1JD훌훌 injuring P없-ty; assailant; wrongdoer 뼈휩l 가혜지 ----* place of misconduct -멍 m훌πle 가창예예훌훌 matched orders; wash sale 뼈 <Pd rmaree 가장매매 l흘훌 washed sales 뼈ab 가제도훌 WU흩 house system 뼈g밍없빼따1 가갱 법훨 훌훌훌훌 family court 뼈eollJ 없빼없1 빼앵뼈1 가갱법훤초샤환 훌I울훌훌훌훌홉 family court research official (EHS 압ans.: family court investigator) 업ell뺑 'E.on 가중권 훌톨l 훌 interim certificate 9핵b빼멍 가쟁명 률휠行 provisional execution 빼훌 각하 빼下 rejected; rejection (procedural,.. * grounds); dismissal 룡icrm 각론까-eatise on 앙le 뼈πiculars <i -Law (book titje); 까톨atise on the I농뼈iled 안ieory of Law 뼈양. zt셔 톨. memorandum 훨1l훌 * 감액. 률 reduction 형l1md 가명 mm accession; affiliation gmn빼 jin 뼈a 감추어천하짜 감추어진훌풀 bidden vices 휠JQ)k g4뼈앙l90i' 멍 감독환챙 톨., 훌. regulatory authorities; competent authorities 협1훌훌휠 ~ 감가상각 depreciation; amortization 훨T훌훌훌빼따I뺑 rgjlut1 감가상각종당금 훨充률올 depreciation allowance - 2'2 -

~ 감형 * 흩 :lflj commutation (penalty); reduction gijt뻐 감자. 훌 capital reduction gan월 d'laik ( 휠tja i째oogetjt'f 감짜차익 ( 강짜잉여남 ) 훌훌差효 (Jij률혔옳회 profit from capital reduction 훨T뼈 ng 감갱 톨 )E presentation of legal opinions 훨따 ~n 감갱언 룰定人 expert witness (civ. proc.) 황rteol'9훌P 갑청셔 톨定훌 expert opinion (a writing) (civ. proc.) gan 홉감사훌훌 auditing gan훌 갑샤 훌훌 auditor; inspector (in corp. law) g:imsa 야뼈in 잡사법인 훌훌홉人 audit juristic person 황l1la boφ훌 % 감사보고셔 훌훌훌씀훌 auditing report 훌l1la gjuo 감사기준 훌훌훌훌 Auditing Standards ~ 뼈따rt/ 뼈 'IQ 감샤종명 훌훌훌뼈 audit certification!jijl1la 삐WEOl'I 감사위원 훌훌훌員 mspecti n comnus.s1oner 횡뼈k 강박 훌훌훨 duress; coercion; compulsion ~ 강의 훌훌훌 Lectures on ~ 없명 $ 뼈 J 강., 법규 훨行훌훌 mandat.ory provisions; directory provisions 황 ~ 강학상 훌훌t in scholarly ciπles 훨엠e 강찌 훌u폐 compulsion 훨Qe dle< 뻐m 강쩌쳐훌 훌희制훌分 compulsory dispositions. garrje g,varri 강찌환리 훌를웹률흉 compulsory management 황lQe 뼈m 흉훨힘없없멍 강쩌황리께시컬갱 훌u폐흉흉 flthtk:i! ruling initiating compulsory management ~gyeongme 강셰갱메 훌u폐 compulsory auction (judgment sale)management grwje Jti없. 강찌청. 훌톨폐휠行 compulsorγ execution (execution of judgment) 훨엠e Rao, 멍 강찌죠쟁 률혈빼홈 compuls야y conciliation 훨ge Reong jal뺑 1 강찌 iε쟁제환 훌훌뼈빼홈훌찢l compulsory conciliation judgment 휠1Qe maen훌e 강셰예메 훌홈헤훌買 compulsory sale 훨흉a 강사 를. 홈6 lecturer 명얘 ~ 깐o}ll~ 소 빼훌훌훨용l 所 summary court ~ g후훌l5d j훌뼈19뼈 1 깐o] 찌환소찌환환 륨훌훌훌훼所 it#'.!' 홈 summary court judge g뼈ψ 휠9 간검강찌 間훌훌制 indirect compulsion ~ 빼쩨j 간청갱유 M훌 0 有 indirect possession 향 ~ 빼째j 깐정생휴 r~ 훌 0 有 possessi n by agency 빼eob jeon!j없 Tl 간첩쟁법 rai훌正犯 indirect principal (crim. law) 흥 ~ 뼈 ~ 가사초쩡 훌훌홉뿜 family affairs conciliation 용sa 양π>anbeob 가사심환법 훌훌훌쩨훌 Domestic Affairs Adjustment - 23 -

Law 톨훌앙T빼 lg.&1 가샤성환판 흥훌훌휘,. 홉 Domestic Affairs Judge 앵 $$ 빼1 W따 'ik 가사심환규혀 훌훌훌혔JJ훌則 Domestic Affairs Adjustment Rules q핵 «>! 거첼 me refuse 양뼈eu멍 거중 톨훨 pr1 ve; establish a fact 할껴삐명 d빼 litl 거충킥임 훌훌賣 ff responsibility of adducing proof. 빼내a 거주자 훌 ti: 킹률 resident ---내 거주져 홈 ti: 빼 residence (pla e of abode) (temp rary residence) gea 샘뻐검활 @-- prosec 따 e 명1며 B납없Yi! 검활청 ----률 procurator g office g뼈i 멍 검중 * 훌 evidence by inspection 빼Tlia 검사 --훌 (public) procurator; prosec 따 or g!ot 훌검사훌훌 pπ)cu 얘 tor; proeec 따 or geatlia 검사 --훌 scrutinization; inspection g!ot훨n 검사인 --훌A ins뼈ctor (appointed by the court) (corp. law) 맹 ('J1' 쩍a 검사짜 --훌훌 inspector; superintendent ild) 룰빼빼뼈멍 j뼈 'ik 건천생준척 l흩全홈훌則 Standards of Soundness gidmj de: 빠 :IC 건물철거 I흥 혐k 去 remov외 of house 휠 :mu~ 건률명도 vacation of house; eviction 톨lCf1S8이뻐건껄이자 f훌훌뼈子톨----를 interest during construction 뿜 :rae 거혜去來 transaction 휠 :wae 거혜去來야 '8nsaction goorae txb mie빼-- 거혜흘혀컬갱 去來不許훌훌 ruling disapproving sale 휠 :rae 뼈I빼 거혜단왜 去來.Q trading unit geo:ae l빼멍삐 거혜명위 去흉行. tr'8nsaction act gl08혀 거혜얼 i양훌日 business day giuae 빼. 거래쟁져 去,--- 止 suspension of trading goorae 빼. 거혜쟁지 去來 止 suspension of transaction 훌I훌 $ 거혜소 去來所 ex ch없ige (e.g., stock or commodity) r}?lne y혀뺑al 거혜약환 去 ---녕. standard form contr"sct. 잊뼈 거쇼 居所 present whereabouts 뿔byo 굽료 ~ft 8떠ary; wages 훌j 빼t안!Ok ej 뺑lell'lda 그효력을갖는다 그했力흘갖는다 shall have its effect 훌n훌 * 금액. 훌 amount of money 훌n앙 i훌 1 금쳐싼 를율1 읍풀 incompetency; interdiction - 24 -

없n낱 % 빼a 금쳐싼 ;q. 옳 * 읍훌흥 an incompetent; an interdict; an incompetent person an incom1꽃!tent; an interdict; an incompetent person 용lrg:> 금고 禁흩. impri s nment; incarceration 없JTjeon 금천 ~ 흩. money 멍n뼈 Jn d훌뺑짧1 금천체권 money claim ~ H톨-- 휠lT'jeoo d빼m 금청체푸 4l 흩lfi훌. money obligation gm'1eon chi뻐. 헬없k 금견하용째약 借用 ~ 約 contract for borrowing money 용n훌 11 뼈웠B g'jf1f i'. 금천얘차계약 ~-i홀借훗 ~ money loan contract 용n빼 1 a.i 없없 금천의빼부 훌훌의흡付 lending of money 뿔n빼, jbtaeng 금천핍. 4l8훨行 execution on claims for money 없n빼 i i뱅b ctm형 j 훌g명금천객급청구소총 ~ 홈支 ft1흠흥흙훌앙 pecuniary suit 뿔n뻐 Jl'1 협j & 빼B 금천소삐I 쩨하 m st 借 monetary loan for consumption 황..., 금져 훌止 prohibition; prohibit 없J1lWQ d흩껑얀on 금용셰켠 ft를** financial note 뿔JT 1'19 d9erru 금융셰무 finance 뿔fT l'l9 흙R빼 1 금융기환 financial institution 횡찌g빼때근져당훌훌훌 base bypothec 양빼Elli< if }κm 기본혀언뭘 훌 * 的 A fundamental human rights 행J t휩멍삐 거푸. 위 홈빼行흘 act of endowment 뼈를훌 mesa 기체획사. 흘 흩 t debenture issuing corporation 양!00 기업 enterprise; undertaking ~- 야!00 d훌뼈m 기업. 엄 ~ 훌훌 ff liability of enterprises (for the consequences of their o야 I야훌rat뼈 ions 흉φ 함뺑i 기업찌혈 1k흘系꺼 business affiliation 훌φt빼뻐eoo;J 기업합뱅 4놓훌씀혐 business combine 훨00 ll: 빼 '/e S빼b>e 기엽 j쩨찌심외획 it; 훌. 計훌훌를 Business Accounting α;>eliberation) Council ~to맹ye %α벼k 기업획제원칙 ~-- 計훌 ~- Business Accounting Principles 잊홈k 기 zt l률빼 dismiss (a case) (on the merits) 9gci< d없뿔j 기각청구 훌훌l 훨. motion to dismiss. 힐Jirl 기간 11r.n period; term 기간의연장 ar.u 의윷훌 extension of period 와Jirl a.i κ 훌잉뼈훌1 )0뺑ea뼈기간용션자뼈뻐 훌 time charterer 없뻐en 기환 organ; instrument; agency 명힐1 기한 IJlll term; stipulation as to time - 25 -

야 가옐 뼈 B (appointed) date (for doing something) 휠I ai 뼈X9 기얼의연기 뼈日의풀뼈 extension of period OJae 기찌 흘ea statement; entry; description Qlllll 기준 훌훌 standard; 밍iideline 며 ll애 기준힐 훌훌 H record date. 빼lJW원 * 가명채약 훌e~ 횟휠. nominate contract 양 ' 0엉 i뼈k 기명주식 를g 名훌 )t; register form of stock ~ r뻐 in 기명날언 흘g 名훌 ffi record names of - and impress their seals on -; sign and seal 휠n,w멍훌. 흩e 기명사체 훌E 名 iu를 register form debenture gn없h 빼때i n뼈. 빼. 긴급갱져명령 를훌옳停止융令 cease and desist order 야1맹 b pinan 긴급피난 --훌훌훌를 necessity 따훌 ~ 기환핵 l!lf'j 力 (an irrevocable judgment having) the effect of excluding further litigation; res judicata effect 밍 기피 훌훌 challenge (a judge) i;ok 가록 응e record ~dm뻐 j 기륙챔푸 훌ea풀 Jtt annexation of the reco1녕 활lk 빼빼lg 기속찌량. 훌훌를 restrained discretion 흙 * 빼 ~ 기속찌량. 훌훌. restr뱉ted discretion ~ 고발 쏠훌 accusation (c꺼m. proc.) g훌앓 b 고대법 휩 -tti훌 ancient laws g월l뱅뼈뻐n (ll'i 고둥법원 l훨훌훌g응 high court ~ 맹아 --κm 홉빼 고둥협훤찌판연구환홈훌훌 g 훌훌휘흙뿔 홉 High Court Re 용 arch R lei 떠 뻐 ~ 훌Jdeu멍야웰M' Cll 빼 고둥법훤장 a훌훌훌훌훌 president of the high court p뼈 "-1 뼈빼EOll 빼톨융 고풍법훨민시환빼집 에i훌f훌훌民훌 $'J 例 Collection of civil precedents 뼈TY빼b of the high courts (1947 to date) poi 고외 in양nt p;m ~- 고의보흩ti훌보 intentionally (usually kno뻐 ngly); wilfully; knowingly ~ ~9"Be 고가경매 흉뻐했R official auction at a higher pnce. 뼈. 고창 故톨 opposition g빼핑 R홉 1 고갱 ;q. 싼 固훌훌훌 fixed assets gjjeol' 영 yea양uj 홉an 고갱영업짜싼 固 ~ 활3훌훌훌 fixed business assets 힘없 'fji\j 고갱올 R엉 ** fixed rate ~πm 고훌 jljfl헤 torture - 26 -

{PTU1 마없rasa 고문변호사. 問활훌土 "outside" lawyer used by a corporation; legal counselor ~9: 웠lb 공법 公훌 public law 뺑 ~n 공법인 公훌 A public juristic person ~ 멍 ai~ 풍법상의계약 公훌上의쫓約 contract under public law. 향없n 공범 共犯 complicity; accomplice gφ없 i;a 풍범자 共횟3훌 accomplice 공체公룹 public bonds ~~ ~ 뺑m9t흘공청희公 public hearing ~ 앨m9t훌 공청희 公 I흩. public hearings ~ 뺑흩09roe jue..i 공청회주의 公훌훌主훌 public hearing principle (includes even admin. hearing) 따g뼈 l:!p멍 $ 공단 : 공사 公빼 ; 公 it public corporation ~ 빼 blj뼈 $ I훌뱅삐 공흥활협빼위 共同不훌行흘 joint tortioue act ~ 휠빼 공흥헤 共同 -- commun외벼dies; commune; community {P9뻐 Id & 뭘깨 공동대표 共同代훌 joint repre.sentation ~~aiiik 공동의이익 共同의뼈益 community of interest g뼈 ryj 뼈!. 없n 풍동갱뱀 共同正훌3 joint principals (crim. law) P뼈 f쟁 M훨e f뼈화ioi' 맹 공동중찌협갱 共同휴훌훌定 joint arbitration agreement P빼 I영야. 풍훌피고 共同를훌쏠 codefendants P뺑 f멍빼 :in 꽁풍피고인 共同훌告 A co-accused!pio: 뻐멍훌I삐 공동사업 共同. 훌 1omt enterpnse!p뼈ig 빼영 공동사용 共同 t훌f홈 use-in-common; joint uee!pvt>n9 $$ 멍 공용소흥 共륨흙흠앙 joinder of parties; cooperative suit ~ $$ 멍 d훨 r뿔 공동소총창가 # 同휴훌 ~-- intervention as co-litigant pg훌e 공깨 公빼 open to the public P훌 ~ si빼 tg 공깨시장 公빼 ifi:tl public market P빼훌l 공갈 i!: blackmail Pal 룰 n 공간 ~IHI air spa e P힐alb 풍기업 公金훌 public enterprise g훌p 공고 公쏟 public notice ~ 뼈. 공공복져 公共 i를 it the public welfare ~r멍빼엉le 풍공단체 公共뼈빼 public body g훌 µig Elli anjeon 뼈P 공풍의안천효호 公共의安全 N. 훌 protection of the safety of the general public P훌W 명 geomsa. 공공검사 公共빼훌 public inspection gjgp명 jlseo 풍공철셔 公 #--- public order pp따뻐 >k PEI빼 1 공켠잭환단 公 a<j~li authoritative of힌 c i al judgment - 'l:1 -

gπp.te.onryeok eu b 야 n 멍 힘빼뻐 * g 뺑뻐 * 뼈 ~b 9Jl!jk ~kboo 바 1 g:wgk gcm ~ 剛따 ~k 훌 lob ~n to: 행얻었 ~ φqqq 9lfYiieor멍양!Orae vi.wt여 lle SP19eq 뻐빼훌 g {P'Qeq sij 하. 횡빨!Ok!Jlfl!iar 영 grr 뼈 ng 률혔 1 ~ 뺑 g l 힘vm 공켠력의발동공격공격방법공익꽁익법인공익기업공억권풍익샤업공인회계사공찌공갱공갱거혜위휠희공갱중셔공갱시창가격공중기명셰싼공중인공져공포 公훌力의훌動 攻훌攻훌方훌公益公益양人 公율企훌 公益 -- 公益훌훌 公꿇훌計土훌훌公正公正去來훗員흘公표홉훌 公표m훌홈.I& 公훌흩 ~~JU훌公훌A 共.. 公흉 exercise (invocation) of public power attack; assault means of attack public interest juristic person for public interest; non-profit foundation public utilities rights of comm.on interest public utilities certified public accountant deduction; credit ( 뼈 x) justice; fairness; impartiality Fair Trade Commission notari 떠 deed (authenticated act) fair market value publicly registered pro1 훌 rty notary (public) notice (civ. proc ) conspire; conspiracy; conspiring ~ 뼈 ~ 써 'EOO) {P"9T1) 훌웰eok ~ 빼 g 멍 ~ ~ 월. g 훌었흩훌 훌훌 eo, 뼈훨 * g 흉 eo 뼈뺑 * g 흉 eo 뼈. 훌 * 빼 >an 공모 ( 종현 ) 공포가척공 5!. 약갱공운셔공무훤공명갱째공판공포공포공명공사체공셔양촉공셔양흑공셔양속위반 公흉 ( 홈흉 ) 公훌홈格公훌f.1~ 公文훌公훌員公 "1표大公判公布 公 :$ 公 lji 公.itfft 公하 ; 良혐公 If lilt. 公 ~l 훌 %} 훌反 subscription offer (of secui애 ties); solicitation; public offering offering price aπ 없 igement for a public offering of 윈 ci 떠 document public servant; public official fairly (fair and square) public tri 때 (crim. proc.) issuance; promulgation; publication promulgation; publication impartiality; fairness debt 않 curities public order and good morals virtuous ways and dutiful manners; hence, Korean cu st.om violation of public order and good morals i - 28 - l li l i

g흩g 공시 公示 public notice; public disclosure ~~ 공시최고公示옳告 general pressing notice ; public perempt.ory notice P뿔 Ot)'OOk 공션력 公信力 public-reliance effect ~ 양빼 공사송날 公示홍뚫 seπice by public notice 힐Vll껴뼈 공소장 公訴狀 indictment; information (crim. proc.) 공확供託 consignation; deposit 항- g뺑 공휴公有 co ownership P힘 IUTti eu m뼈 l 공휴률의훌할公有 % 의分혐 partition of a thing jointly owned ~eu $ 빼빼1 고혜의융환 古來의홈홉 ancient cust.om p 고시 좀示 announcement; public notice IJ)9 고시 告示 senior civil service examination ~ 고용 훌훌 employment ~n 고용안 훌흩人 employee g1jljbe휠b 고유법 흩훌휠훌 native law; indigenous law 'PfU ai 고유의 固홈의 proper(ly so called) 빼J 때 뼈eok g뺑 f영양빼고휴훨요척공동소송固有必쫓的共同활훌앙 necessary joinder per se; compulsory joinder ~ 구법 훌훌 former law g.d빼없 g뼈 ~ 구체혜 E} 당성 4훌. 률 ti') 훌... 홈 speci감c justice PJ.$ 뼈1 구두현흔 口훨흙휠. (formal) oral proceedings. 빼J ~ 뼈1 빼d협 et.i- 쑤푸변롱쩔 ~ 의경산 口흉휠흘frll~ 의훗. renewal of or떠 proceedings gyeor 뿔 n. 빼J by었뼈l joseo 구두뺀흔죠셔 口훌훌톨훌훌훌 protocol of oral proceedings Pl 찌없뼈l j뼈j 구두변릎주의 口훌훌훌훌훌호훌 oral proceedings principle!j4i 아없뼈1 j마ta 뼈뻐B 구두뺀릎준삐l 철차 o 훌흘훌훌빼훌 ~ preparat.ory procedure prior t.o the main oral proceeding; preparatory proceeding. 훌m 구금 detention; confinement ~b ; 업 MA --흥 installment purchase ~b 구입. 入 puπhase 949 구찌 relief; help; remedy; redress g.4e gyl.j없 "G 구찌 it갱 훔. remedial provisions IM 구쏘 tkjuj assistance (in litigation) 뼈야1't8 구쪼 ttjuj salvage 국局 bureau (e.g., Securities.* Bureau of Ministry of Finance) g빠 >eob 국법 훌훌 national law; law of the land - 29 -

gj«lo 국효 톨. national treasury g앨e 메 ** 국제민족 톨 " 民. national structure and folkways. 뺑 국가 I를흥 country; the state; Korea (in case names) g뼈ab훌 ~ 국가빼앙 I홉흥 Cit state compensation. 빼엉훨빼1 국가기판 빼흥훌뻐 organs of the state g.'9> jell1훌.κm 국고층켠 룰. 룸흉 treasury bills 용빠 'IEIOO 국현를-- Fundamental National Law or National Constitution (first attempt at constitution) 빼u 국회 톨 diet (governmental) gj4e 국체 훌훌 international g빼edeoo 국쩨법 훌훌훌 international law 빼e 없mµ 밍 S때힘 국1금융사창 룰홉용률lro훌 international money market g뼈e g빼 iak 국찌찌약 Ill훌횟 f;j inter national contract (agreement). 빼e t빼뼈없 'IQ 국찌협갱 톨IU힐호 international a맑 eement * 뿜삐,. 국찌조약 I를훌훌. atj 양eaty; international convention g빼eok 국척룰-- nationality 양빼eok eu 앓땅해국혜의상설 I룰룹의훌失 renunciation of nationality α* 뼈 $ 뼈 )I) 국찌사법 룰댐훌훌 ~i옳 private international law gj< 뼈훌l톨빼ae 국찌상거혜 톨훌商去來 international commercial transaction!ji< 뻐 saro훌 ju엠훌 t빼itde 국1 상사중제협희 홈 ** 훌w출 International Commercial Arbitration Association {JJQe $$ 영 국1 소총 를흩 ~~ transnational litigation gjmn 국민 톨民 the people; nationals 양JG'Tin ha빼 ~ 국맨학- 룰民 ~ primary school ~ 없 :On 국내법인 I톨內훌A domestic corporation; domestic juristic person PMle 훌lge01 국내사건 I톨內 ** domestic case 와월빼m Jjq 국세청캉 I를훌. 륨 director f a national tax bureau ~ 훌1 byeor야 >in 국션변호인 톨톨훌 훌A 4efense counsel selected by the state (for criminal defendants) ~ 향3d> 국영기업훌률1 state-operated enterprise -- 군룰S township g훨 lg 구장 tt톨 reimbursement pi: 월째구생 composition; formation; -~ make-up - 30 -., --

. 훌 lonq ~ 9)e빼없ig p월핑 K엉없1 eli d빼φ ~~r엠빼 q 뻐 @ 빼 ~ ~ 빼.am tme gmi' 엉 $ 핑 gmi납없멍빼따뻐jk IJt8lgel.i ~rv 훌 P ~ 렇eo 9빼P뻐 n g.ewe 뼈 )0 gml'vj' 핵a 훌M뺑따1 ~ QIMI' 뼈l Q옐뼈I 야. 뻐야n gnil' 뼈I (Jtf80k ~ 앵 WEOO ~ 훌 n 톰빼 1l 빛 mi 1뼈Yib!d> 뺑Brin 명뼈Yi~ 뼈f밍 gvevi 빼뼈ryeok gte'iyeor1 } 훌뼈 njeok 맹 ~ 훌 휠 g 흩 e 휠 msab. 뼈 '5eLb 명 ~ 구생구생쩔갱구생요건의학오구속영장 i와파갱환효환보호외팔청환청능력황의환공셔환공셔환계인편계자료환제 4예소유권환. 환할환할법훤. 환활구역환빨켠를제언환려환라 환리법환려인. 롤리명령환려능혁환연찌환씌환셰환셰환슐판슐환습법. 빼 i ta$:tk 낯츠 It.$: 賣件의. 훌훌빼束令狀 홉 過 ~ 홉월 홉 --- * 홉훌 흩 8'11 力톨훌 홉公훌 홉公를 삐훌 A --훌훌빠빠훌8인所有 行률. 흩 * 흘훌홈 --훌훌를 륨 --- 률 MA 률훌 합뽀 -률훌훌륭훌A -률훌융令 --훌훌力 훌잊 l 홉 빼훌. 홈 빠률 빼룰 * 훌 formality amending ruling fundamental mistake warrant of detention section (bureau) process Official Gazette Official Gazette Extra authorities omnipotence of the officials adjudication in the broad sense government office public office other p없-ty concerned therewith source material relating to - relative ownership customary practice special competence; jurisdiction competent couκ territory of special competence (authority to exercise) g야cial competence; jurisdiction a뼈 j띠 strator; trustee; manager adrr니nistration; management; control; supervision public functionary; civil servant; govemmentofficial -Control Law court-appointed administrator -Control Order capacity to act as administrator correlative forum 생 riff tariffs; customs; duties custom natural custom customary law i t - 31 -

훤g뿔.tlbeOO 판융볍 --쩔훌 customary law ; custom having the f rce 맑 &"l)'el 판여 --훌 participation 룰l6Se pyojtll 과세표준훌 & 훌 B홈 tax (imposition) standards 뺑훌ii 과실 過失 - fault; negligence 힘8혜뼈g뺑 ija 과실행위짜 過失行훌者 person at fault; negligent person 핸훌흩훌WI& 파살상재 過失빼計 set-off by negligence; comparative negligence or fault 횡빼훌--.J4태료 過훌킹빠 non-penal fine; administrative penalty 맨Eolseok 홉. 훌1 궐석찌환 IU훌훌힘 default judgment gneav:> 켠고. 흩告 advice; recommendation 뻐EQ'9) 임 " 힘e이 권고심철. 告훌훌 decision on recommendation 뺑εOfiBl 련한 R훌 pow앙 (authoritative power of gov t. agency);authority 뺑따뼈I영 필놓. 흩텀 (general) powers; authority;.n capacity; competency gn OOli 켠려 right gw OO'i 뼈p ~n 켠리효호청구켠 fflf* 훌홉 ~ right to petition for the protection of rights (notconst. right) (civ proc.) (content of prevailing view) % 따m 빠X> ai iik 켠펙 Y. 호의이익 fl훌훌의利흥 interest on judgment gκ따 i dirrtmn 뭘리청범 --빼훌훌 infringement of a right 뭘κ:onri dint훌뭘리청혜 --뼈흩훌 infringement of a right gκcm eu d삐 $* 련리의취득 뼈의取훔 acquisition of rights 뺑짧 eu~ 현리의상설. 뼈의훌失 loss of rights g.yeayi eu sh훌 lq 뭘리의설. -- 利의. 行 exeκise of a right 뭘리환찌한π 렇훌Vf8 利빼-- relationships of rights; rights relations gneoo'i he훌 lgsa 현리. 사.fl.I 行 f훌 exercise of a right 권리. 휘뺀따 t훌-- fl 行훌훌 exercise of a right 앓 :om~ 핸휠 현리항변 defense based upon a right.ftl 抗 -- (affirm.) 뺑 'E<nija 현리 ~ -- 利훌 possessor of a right 뺑없Yi j(mtju 켠리생휴 possession of a property --챔 i5 ;ft right (as contrasted with possession of a tangible object) 聊에i jeulg9eo 필리중서.flit흠 certificate of rights - 32 -

.%α, 련려주 :fo흥 embryo-share; potenti싫 share 뺑따m 때.@ 잉 권리남용 -- 利흩f엠 abuse of rights 없없vi 뼈m없 * 켠리능력 -- 利훌力 legal capacity; right capacity; capacity to possess rights 뺑εonri 뼈JVYOOI< e()jjlfjul- 권리능력없는사단.f1J{E 力없는 it뿔 unincorporated association 훌빼 1 맨땅 련위 * 훌 au tho꺼 ty (to be relied on) 함OON뼈 * 켠위척 e인 authoritative 뺑따1')\J 켠유훌훌 solicitation. 뻐 찌 * 훌 subsection (in bureau) 아맹al 제간 季刊 Quarterly -(publication name) W룰P 찌고. 告 warnmg 뻐빼. 며 e~ 뼈1 뼈훌삐,, 계챙물에판한가쳐불훌爭빼예 --환월훌分 proviaional disposition of the subject matter in dispute 뼈ve 찌확 計훌 account 뭘빼a.i 컬의 ** 훌 resolution; decision ~ 철찌 * 홍S톨 settle accoun어 야빼EmJ 컬갱 훌훌 judgment by (court) ruling 뭘 $ 뼈lg 컬갱 훌훌 ruling (Judicial or adtrlin.) % 뼈없빙 i빼d 벌 컬쟁철 ~ 훌훌-~ ruling procedure % 뼈g멍 t00.gi8> 9~ 훌 옐쟁풍져셔가제 훌훌遍빼를증 ~- statement in the notice of a ruling 엎eolsa 철사. 흩it association ~ 뿔멍 철싼기 * 빼 end of accounting period 없빼빼VUfldmi~ 옐흔금쳐려계싼셔 * 훌 ~-훨計算흩 deficit reconciliation statement 없없reob 검업 --훌 side business 빠!IOI' 뱅빼g Sl 갱활환 를훌홉 police officer g,«>r뽕 X> 훌찌i[lSa eli) 청업납지 ( 이사외 ) --훌훌止( 훌훌의 ) prohibition of competition (by d 뻐 cton) 'lflo흉 $ 뽕찌i 뻐m 경업급져의무 止훌훌 duty to refrain fr아n competition @ 없-- 청고 를홈 warning; caution; admonition 9'1'α훌빼뼈j 경확초쳐 wiu를를 상ansitiorn꾀 measure 없 ~ 경계. 훌-- boundary ~, 렐lib 청합. 음 cone바rency (of demand rights) g,«lrq훌맹 갱--. 휠 competition ~ 훌명 ai 빼i~a'.lk pm 청쟁의설철척찌한.. 풍악. 률的뭘W훌 substantial restraint of competition -~-

없 ~ 경갱 更正 correction (civ. proc.); revision (ad. law) ~ 없 'IQ dlecw'l 경청쳐푼更正훌分 revision disposition ~ 정메 auction 아ieof91l용정예. 률 public auction g,e>ngti용 청메. 훌률 public sale (by tax bureau for tax appropriation) ~rvr훌월klt> 갱메법. 훌 i훌 Auction Law (repealed 1979) 힘빼IVTI올. 훌g!J)'eOjoor멍경메째시철쟁. 훌를 Bii.a~ 定 ruling initiating an auction g,exig * hec엄a W었빼f멍정낙허가컬갱 It훌許可훌톨즈 ruling approving a bid ~ 멍뻐ong 뻐im 경영위엄 훌률훌任 entrustment of management ~ 흩훌 션혜 見 -- view 아없빠 ~ 견쩍셔 見훌흠 prospectus 아 $ 훌1 $. l 계싼셔류 흘f 算훌훌 financial reports; accounting documents 없흉1 훌삐j rudc 11\«)1뿔훌g 계산셔류부속명세셔計算훌훌얘 19Ja빼 ; 톨 schedules to financial reports 없 $ 홉1 톨었 'JJ 'll뻐. 계산셔류규칙 흘f 算훌훌規 g Financial Reports Regulation 없흡EU1Q 계숭 --훌 succession; inheritance 힘훌 ~~ 야훌삐 ) 제촉 ( 혁사의 ) continuation (of a business --( 슐it 외 ). COJτ>Oration) g,eidc φ얼p n뼈. 훌뼈111 찌옥돼고명빽현 훌훌되고뼈白한 continuous and apparent 활g 힐30b 계수법. 풍f 훌 law received; received law 횡빼-- 찌약 훗 r-; contract; agreement; compact; covenant. % 밍ak ~ 찌약체결 ~~ 흩 conclusion (consummation) of contrat) 없밍ak 뼈I훌핵삐 찌약당사짜 J@fJ'I' 훌훌 parties to a contract W밍ak te머e d없빼j 계약혜셰청구 ~fjiji용흩를 * off er of termination of contract 힘맘훌빼u 찌약자유 훗훨自由 freedom of contract gff'jf?i< 빼u eli κ 엉 ~ 계약 ;q. 유의훤혀 ~fl 自由의훌 J{IJ principle of freedom of contract % 빠뼈lb 계약져법 ~fi-i흥 l~w of the place of contract 아빼ak 삐뼈1 제약쩌받 ~~ 훌反 breach of contract 힘뿔j In훌훌 찌연핵사 ; 列흡it family corporation % 뼈j.111.. 쭈 훗付 d잉 ivery; transfer; service % 뼈J sa뱅혀효부총발훗付홍훌 se ice by delivery ~ 훌훌. 를확셔 It 科훌 Textbook for - 힘m 빼U 효호1 출 훗互훌出 reciprocal presentation (of written documents) 뺑빼1 교환 exchange (kind of contract) 뾰훌훌쿄사 1t 交 -- instigation; incitement; abetment (crim. law) - 34 -

-없훌 ~ 뺑흉뼈. 뺑훌혔홉 )I( % 뼈1Q S흉 d없 i 뻐 %αme gp.1아. sag> san뼈n힘 WW없n 표샤 ~ 훌k뺏훌 abettor; instigator 교섭 交흉 negotiation; bargaining 요성혁 훗흉力 bargaining power 요통사고쳐려위원회交通훌故훌뿔훌員슐 Traffic Accident Disposition Committee 교통사고앙당설 交 i훨훌故 * 업흘흥쫓 Traffic Accident (Free) Counseling Room 規훌 norms it 법 gyuttk!11"4e ~ ""'4e 훨훨훌 * ~ "1'14eong 111"4eong % 뼈 l9 t 훌 g 뼈 e 빼 ltty 뼈 균혀규찌규찌큐1에대쩍 it갱 it갱규갱규청하다균찌환확 *@ 則 폐 i용 * 영. 뼈훨策規훌훌 ) 規훌 $ 용호하다 * 용홈헤 ~ regulations (subst. law); rules (court rules, etc ) (proc. law) regulation; control regulations; regulate object of regulation provisions (of written law) rule (general rule) rules (specific enactment, used as name of lowest kind of enactment; stipulate; provide; prescribe; determine relaxation of control R t벼훨,obseo~ hi빼 ~ ta뼈 $ 핑 chik hi뼈 ~ ai IT\trp t빼빼 'eol'yj gy없k rat뻐 $ 멍 W없뿔m 뼈뼈j re없j f빼뻐j f웰 181.i 뻐뼈j bu훌!i019ib t뼈 $ 빼e 합법성합병합뱅차익합뱅의우효합뱅찌약합뱅교부금합의합의합의합의합의풀성렵합의 ~ 合훌홈 읍 # 合함差용合함의 --** 융함훗 fj 읍 * 훗付 ~ 合 j 훌 合훌 응훌 읍흘 合훌不 flt 효 合훌 -- merger; amalgamation profit from merger nullification of merger merger agreement pa nent to shareholder on merger agreement collegiate (court) consent decisi n deliberations failure (to conciliate); failure to 양rive at conciliation coll않iate body -legality 니냐애V!-애 A애깨애매----내-!, - 35 - - - --I - l - 내

ta.i r훌 ~ 합의혜찌 읍.a1tn용 termination (of contract) by agreement (with continuing relations type of contract) t빼 >eu ilon 합의이혼 읍 ~ 훌 divorce by agreement,. 뼈 'l80n 합헨 융w constitutional r빼 'IE!Of"ll! 훌or빙 합현생 合훌性 constitutionality 벼이a td흥a 합자회사 合훌會 it limited P없tnership co 야rpo 야,ra 하ti on t빼 f빼a 빼빼 t훌훌!ok 합목객씌훌l 섹 음엄的的 Mfr teleological interpretation ~ 멍 td훨 합명회사 음 :t it partnership corporation t월 1 tw뻐 α삐빙 합리확카르멸 슴훌化차르벌 rationalization cartel t빼훨1 t톨뼈 합산하여 음훌하여 in the aggregate ta뼈없vnj 합생물 음h훌 * 빼 composite thing t빼mig gy빼ek 하청 1쩨약 下홉훗約 subcontract for work I훌훌k 헤악 훔惡 harm ll뼈빼a 헤하다 훔하다 injure; prejudice teeim 혜영 MS: removal; dismissal 빼e 혜찌 rescind, rescission r흩뼈뱅nton 혜제련 Miil right to rescind; right of resc1ss1on t뼈e~ 빼1 혜셰초건 Ml!tW.ft: resolutive condition 야e깨 eor멍 혜명 11191 explanation; justification teer빼 1 ~ 혜난구죠 를훌를훌 ll1j salvage 빠I뼈 i 톨뼈i 혜난구초져 훌---빼빼 place of salvage or assistance in maritime accidents t훌bl 힐흉!00 $ 없멍 빼난사건소총. 훌---- 휴훌 & maritime action π~ 명. fjfl administration of punishment r뿔엠훌ing 영 2월 ff훌 administration t훌 lqtlcln양 $$. 갱법 ffiu훌 administrative law t휩geoog 야빼 &<. 갱법확 行룰 [~ 훌훌 study of administrative law ~. 갱벌 行훌ii제 administrative punishment tmqecr멍 d흩뼈r. 갱쳐흘 行훌. 分 administrative disposition 야19Y:iecng 뿔훨. ; 용강찌 行훌훌-- administrative enforcement t휩엠eong 앉. 룰1. 챙기환 行훌훌빼 administrative O멍 an raengeong {Pigπ빠m 행갱꽁무훤 行훌公옳員 administrator; administrative officer 야훌때eong 뺑9CllTl 뭘갱공랍 行훌 ~- administration through ciπul 압 g 야.,-gemg 함 * 를갱구획行훌 (GI 뼈 administrative area f훌ljeoog ~ 영갱구찌 行훌훌 8' administrative reli하 ; administrative remedy - 36 -

κqeor 맹 9 빼업빼 ~ t훌 'IQ없19 g뼈ige 빼. 없 'IQ I홉멍뻐 r짧. 없 'IQ r훌멍뻐 eli d 없roe 빼. 없lQ t빼빼 ai i따톨 빼. 없 qb< t홉웰없lq 빼an 빼엠휩뱅 ~φ 빼 빼 -- 없흉 d< 빼 lqea' 빙뻐 old-a 빼.$ 핑뼈 r 훌옐없뼈때 k tm 엠없방 ~ 빠!rQeon 흉 ang ieli 잉얘 1lOIYJ t 홉 gear 멍 ~ 빼 tjax 빙 $ 생훌 빼 Qeor 멍잉 nuye t 홉 Qeor 엠 sin 뼈 n i 뼈 ctebeoo 빼 gear 빙없뼈 n 빼따 'h 훌 tmqemg S빼 '9 빼 ~SOSO' 핑 t 훌 Qeor 앵 ueyeor 멍 t훌. 훌 I훌g 삐 r 홉 -- t 훌 Vf'1 ai tjp 뻐 * t18yj빼 j r혈맹빼없i> t없. 뻐뼈 ~ f 훌훌 i 뼈 a 뻐 a hi 훌 al t 톨휠홉 1Q t 훌훨 9lOOb. 갱판청. 갱정쩨 명갱행위 앵쟁뺑위의철회 행정행위의주 -4. 갱확. 갱찌 -- -- 갱작용법. 청척 멍청철차 명갱져도 명쟁초칙. 갱혜 명갱캉이왜신청. 청션빼 횡갱셔사 앵갱셜무빼 명갱심환쩔차법 명갱성환쩌원획. 갱소송훌갱소총 를갱훈영 --. 위사 영위앵위의효혁명위져행위지협행휘능쩍 혜외척갱투 ~ 혜산를혜상법 --- 行훨 당. 行政월 - 行훌行훌 行政行옳의 t 回 行훌 fii 훌의主 m 行훌훌 行훌훌빼 行 lt 作用훌 行훌的 行훌훌 ~ 行 it 指훌 行 B:IU 톨 行 ltfl f1 훨上훌훌申함 行 it 先例 行훌훌를土 行훌. 훌에 行훌률힘 e~~ 훌 行훌흘쩨경톨員. 行훌휴흩 & 行훌휴훌 & 行훌훌률 行使行훌行훌行풀의 ** 力行훌훌빼行훌훌훌行훌홉力 훌훌外훨훌훨훌훌 훌 t ---* J:.f훌 administrative agency/office economy of administration administrative act revocation of an administrative act holders of administrative power study of public 'administration administ~ative trial administrative function law administrative-like, e.g. in reference to court administrative procedures administrative guidance administrative organization administrative instances administrative appeal petition administrative precedents administrative scrivener actual instances of administration Administrative Case R엉 edure Law Administrative Ajudicate Committee administrative lawsuit administrative suit administrative management exeπiee (of right) act act; deed; conduct effect of acts place of the act law of the place of the act capacity to perform juristic acts direct foreign investment dissolution ( f a company) mant1me com.meπe maritime commeπial law..;l l,,i ; ---, r, ll; Sd n --n - '51 - M M lfl i L n

ro훌훌 j빼빼1잊훌빼q뼈.m 회사찌명가척립금의 슬it 再훌----훌立용의 Law Conceπiing Fonnal ai i뼈 1 SMib e fl'8뼈f 착용산업에환한법률賣本算入에 II환홉律 Capitalization of Revaluation 뼈 ~~ Reserves of Stock Corporation ta흘a jedo 회사1도 슐 it힘度 company system; business corporation system ll>esa j내u 회샤주주 슐 it흙主 entrepreneur-shareholder ro흉 $ 없. 회사소총 흩it 訴흠a corporate action toeweon 회원. 훨 member t뼈따1 빼빼빼 혁훤자격갱져. 員흘格훔止 suspension of membership 뼈 ~ 뼈 j 호혜주의효훌호훌 recipπ>city 뼈0 효척 戶. family re믿야er; census registration t껴빼φu 호혀부 戶 ---- family register books; records of family registry t엑eok 빼 호쩍찌도 戶 t헤度 family registry system 빼 호주 戶효 household; head of a (the) house t뼈u: 뼈훌ok 호주장혹 戶主뼈훌 succession to headship of house m빼빙 혼동 를훌댐 merger (between obligee and obligor) 얘ta> 빼밍!i( 혼합제약. 훌음횟約 mixed-type contract illr1n 혼언. 률뼈 marriage oonn 삐so 혼인취소 를톨뼈뻐뼈 dissolution of marriage tmin~ - 혼언초혜 훌뼈훌 " marriage re맑jlation.s ( 이d) π& 헥U 후빼주 -~~ 훌 deferred stock h뼈a 후효짜 훌 candidate tuj뻐 :nn 후견언 --흉 人 assistant; advisor ~ 후견인. 훌뭘.A curator; custodian IUJ1없 'in 후견인. 훌 I.A 믿lardian h핑뻐i 빠l 후견인 -- 見 A guardianship tuj뻐 :m aj i찌a 후견언을두다 * 見 A흘두다 place under guardianship Myalng 훈령 힘令 instruction (kind of law) ~ 빼훌j 화의 f(j 훌 composition (of creditors) IM없jba)b 확의법 f4j훌훌 Composition Law t빠휠j W켈 확의. 기 和흩 & a court ruling to abrogate the composition proceeding f빼 'Be 확혜 oomprom.ise; a맑걷ed fl!- settlement 빼흩뻐 확혜 f4jm settlement; private settlement (of disputes) (suggests force) - 40 -

tr. 빼훌 ~ 확빼계약 fall ~ 約 c ntract f compromise tmtt삐an eoetjti 확환어음 i흘훌어옴 bill of exchange 뼈1 확인. 흩 U! ascertainment t빠빼1 a; so 확언의소. 흩꿇의활 declaratory claim or action 빼1 뼈1g,e:il 확언판결. 흩흘g횟 l훨 declaratory judgment 빼빼ng 월흥ok 확장혜적 MlllW" extensive interpretation t뼈뼈r영 확생 를흩定 (1) determination; decision; settlement (see _hantei, (2) become fin외 (judgment); final; irrevocable (3) vested; vest (right, obligation right, etc.) ~ 빼뻐멍 확갱. 흩定 become final (judgment); final; irrevocable t빠빼빼명 확갱 I흩定 determination; decision; settlement (see _hantei tw빼g 멍 --갱. 흩 ~ vested; vest (right, obligation right, etc.) t빠뼈eong 앙iarl 확정기한. 톨定뼈없 term certain I빠뼈tJO(tjl j없b 확갱얼져급. 흩훌 8 支給 payable at a fixed date t빼빼빼f앵따ig,ied 확갱환철. 흩 ~ 횟I~ final judgment; final decision; final and conclusive judgment,, tlnc빠 때 m --갱사설. 흩 ~- fa 야8 found; facts conclusively found tm빼빼멍잉19> 확쟁션고 훌훌 $ 홈 final return f빠g때 화물 i를빼 freight; C없-go; goods tweru eli ida' 힘 확률외이동 w-의훌jij carriage of goods t빼며뼈뼈.ng 확률언수충 1'49.i}l~I톨 bill of lading twmj~ 확훌훌송 i를物훌훌홍 carriage of goods tmet훌 --빼셔훌 π!endo1옐e 환가 conversion (of debtor s propeπy into money) 빠---월ae Srr9Jll>e. 거래심의획 훌去來훌훌. Commit양 e on Foreign Exchange and Other Transactions 뻐g빼빼ng 환천장 --훌뼈 moneychangers tmtnt훌힐we.on 환예켠 훌 right to repurchase; right of repurchase W뼈 lsoi' 멍 him 환총하마 훌i용하다 remand (to lower court) t'm81)u --훌 current rate of exchange 환을 --- foreign exchange rates r없b 훌혐박 intimidation; threat; menace --- 이 -- 훨 - 41 -

~ 삐빼 협동조합. 용同 ll 음 cooperative ~ 웰Jet.i 협의 ij훌 agreement '1'80뼈-- 혐쩡 -I용 )E -Accord; -Convention; Agreement t깨g뼈없ig 협갱 settlement agreement r뼈ng 행 ~ --똥 (criminal) punishment; penalty f뼈 r9>eoi 형별뼈흥1 punishment; criminal penalty ~' 뻐ton 형벌켠 flfll right to punish; right to impose criminal punishment ll)i0019uti 현남 現. cash ~ 없뿔rn 9't9체e 현금철제 現훌훌 S톨 cash settlement ~ 뽕m 뼈 현금지률 훌훌支 -- payment in cash ~ 뼈뿜m 빼m톨 현금환에 現출Ii cash sale ~ 형기 삐뼈 없꺼1 of punishment; length of sentence ~ 행명 훌쭈 equity ~ 월. 웠Jb 형명법 훌예if훌 equity ~ 훌a 행사 헤훌 criminal -; penal -; (adjective) t!0~ j훌뼈i멍 WEOO 형사찌판권 빼훌훌 &---- criminal jurisdiction ~sodll핑 ~on 행사소추켠 빼훌흙 i뭘 right to prosecute (pro뿔cut.or'~ power) ~ 흥없lg 명사소총 쩨훌訴훌. 야iminal pr oceeding; criminal procedure - ---훌 $$ 멍빼빼ieob 형사소총배용법 헤훌훌 * 흩 ~ mi훌 Criminal Procedure Costs. Law t깨 OOfl95훌 I양원EOr1 행생켠 D,ljft formative right l 09! 빼 ieok W없 lj>'sollq 행생혀핸갱 ~l.i흩的률 :t: formal modification; formative m dification t!0'98이멍따wed 명성환철 ~.at껴 * formative judgment 1 훌I훌뼈 'Pl힐 eji ai!i) 명생판결의소 률Z훌判흙의휠t formative suit tt,teof9빼vyeok 행생혁 ~ 월i 力 formative effect tr,tear훨k 형식 ~A form llj'80f뺑빼 l'm하뼈뺑!ct 명석찍확쩡력 ~A 的. 훌훌力 formal irrevocability (or finality) (of a judgement) I뼈훨뼈1 앵석륜 ~ 式훨 formalism t뼈훨뼈맹 eti 휠끼a 행석상의갑자 f A 의풀賣 nominal capital reduction l loft흩흘명 현행 짧行 now in force 깨 $ 에홉맹 ( 뻐뼈 현.( ) 법 짧行 ( ) 훌 the [-] law now in force; the present [-] law t S이 l훌 ligt훌빼 현. 법 짧 fjf! Jaw now in force - 42 -

깨 $.$ 멍. 빼 ~lb 현행법령집 現行훌令. Complete collection of laws and ordinances in force tr,eott훌. dab삐.*- 현행대한민국법령집짧行大률民훌훌令윷 Korean laws and regulations 없b빠 1휠b in force 매lll>mU 뻐 ~ 현율출착 物出 ft contribution-in-kind 깨 'OOmU georae 현물거혜 짧物去來 spot transaction n,wr 녕 l 현실 m actu 떠 r 뻐효킹 t filial piety l >'tj뼈 $* 깨뻐빼l9 효확객언집행 했 J!: 的인훨行 effective enforcement t짜 ~ 효력 했力 efficacy; validity t뻐빠 * 빼ngi n뼈 '!J빼핑 효력갱지명령 ** 力停止빼令 stop order 뻐jl 휴일 休 R holiday ~i 휴져 休止 cessation (of court proceedings) M깨eon ll>esa 휴면회사 休 l훌훌it dormant company I 월 >ee>b 업법 立훌 legislation; law-making l>t>ee>b 업법 효훌 legislation; laws bled: 뼈j 입법부.ll.i훌빠 legislature; legislative body d빼어뼈 업법부 1L훌훌8 legislature; legislative body 월gφ e ai뼈1 빼뻐 * 업법예외환게혁 立훌예훌한改. legislative reform l>t>ee>b aigfeoo dαl!janl 입법의견총랑.ra훌훌見훌. conspectus of legislative op1ruon 월 >ecb 밍gtGl 업법기환 효릎톨. legislative organ; legislature bjeob ~ 업볍고용 立훌I톨問 legislative councilor 뼈뼈뺑따1 입법켠 효훌. legislative Oaw-making) power ijbeoo ll>eel.i 입법회외 효훌. 흩 legislative council ilt>e: 뼈a 입법자 立훌훌 legislator 압법작용 立훌作 } 휩 legislative function itjbeci> 홈 -- itjbec뼈eac t훌eseok 업법예빼석 ll:i농 lfjmfi legislative interpretati n 뼈 >ecb je<x91ae1< 입법갱쩍 立훌훌. legislative policy 월 $ 빼빼훨1 입법쩡신 立훌---- legislative spirit 빠 $ 빼., 입법론 立훌훌 legislation theory 입활 Aft bid i 빼야-- IOb 이법 o) 훌 the (or this) Jaw 엉lOe gecftlill 업희검사 A흘훌훌 on-the-spot inspection 업획련入훌. itiloe힐κ right of common 힌10lir1 업회언 A률A witness; observer - 43 -

L함 P 혀 i 뼈없앵 뼈없lQ 뼈 '9>00b itjjmg 없 :itxnk 찌 euig d 흩뼈 m imj( bm 뻐 a 빠훌멍 없 * g ieu ieu a.i ~ iai ai 빼 뼈 e 빼 ng 명 n. 훌 a 맹 h 훌멍삐뼈 I 핑. 빼엉 ctieor 뿔 j Eli!D t빼 ig dm명멍weof'i -- 월 lq a.i ctm 훌. h1elyj 훌 j 뼈.,,, 핑 i 빼 'IQ Eli!D I 훌영횡뺑 빼빼야. 져 i 빼 lq j)ml 업증 증방입 a 찌중업입법법칙엄찌MF 중쩍폭업푼사입업양엽이득이의이의이의의찌의의아혜판이이. 야명활능 기기! 利업화져 이. 청구외소 이. 청구련 이. 외청구 이. 의찌풍 이명의소 이. 강찌 이명져 1 명져 이. 져연 A 훌 * 立홈 훌則任勳難합없효효효木門빠를쩌빠를立入A A 利훌흩혐혐I* 윷*l를行 觀없빼때톨行不훌 -- 行홈홍의 IF. 行뭘흥 -. 行의흘 g 흥 I 를行외훌 ~. 行의훌 * II 行훌훌훌. ll fi 빼 톨行빼 l 톨行 i 톨. 行훌를 common; commonage proof; demonstration; establishment (of a fact); substantiation (of a statement) ev:identiary method rules of ev:idence burden of proof standing timber Introduction to - (book title) joining (a firm) adoption enrichment exception objection; exception petition of exeeption petition of objection interested party; in없 ested person performance (of a duty) (from the v:iewpoint of the eff'ect on the obligation-right); fulfillment (of a promise}; discharge (of an obligation); execution (of a contract); observance (of a rule); implementation (of a treaty) impossibility of performance claim for present P 잉 iormance right to performance demand for performance tender of performance action for performance specific performance; compulsory performance place of performance place of p 앙 iormance servient land; land subject to a seπitude delay in performance; default in performance J n ;i,,,,!- ιh u --h. -,. l,, - 44 -

h.9-g 뼈껑빼 o)i흥환컬 I훌行쩨훌 judgment ordering a performance 뼈g멍 ~i o) 앵요 ;f 져 I훌行要 ;.U뼈 don'unant land (estate) h>n o) 혼 --훌 divor e hln si때lelq'lq 이혼신청 petition for divorce --홉!tJ 흘흠 lk 이익利益 profit; gain; benefit; advantage; interests ik * 뼈 '4J 이익빼당 '11훌g훌 dividend; distribution of profits ik baec용 lq 9Yen>ek 이익배당계획 뼈흥I!' 훌計빼 surplus appropriation plan iki~! 억잉여남 뼈효---훌金 earned surplus ik jlld뿔.m 이익준 li) 금 利益훌훌훌 revenue reserve ~ o) 짜利子 interest (on loan, deposit, etc.) ijad훨빼따1 이자 i빼켠 利子 6훌쫓 interest obligation ijad빼m 이짜채무 '1J 子홈. duty to pay interest ia ai κ뼈없멍 o] 자외약갱 利子의 ~~ 울 stipulation of interest ~!P' 명e o);4공찌 빼子훌除 interest deduction ta 뼈빼뼈b oj:4제한법 flj 子훌Ill훌 Interest Restriction Act; Usury Act ija 뻐lill 빠lb o) 차찌한입법 利子뼈. 立훌 interest limitation legislation. 혹 % o) 짜표 빼子흘 interest coupons 빼이 oj~ 훌 혜子 * interest rate ijeck 이척 훌--- remov. 따 of a P앙son s name from the fan'uly registry 빼1 o) 천 ---훌 transfer ~ 뼈. 익명죠합 톨名 Ii 合 silent partnership 삐 80"9 뼈힐뻐때1 익명조합훤 g룰名 II: 合員 silent p없tn앙 iba'i d톨 Ollg! 웰 l 얼반챙싼 一. 흙훌 general liquidation i뼈 1 dleor~ 빼1 얼반청싼 -. 흘흙훌 ordinary liquidation Mba'I 헬훌빼j 일반컬의 - 훌훌 ordinary resolution 뼈i j뼈멍뻐빼 ~ 얼한져청 - 짧훌 general designation (of 훌1훌빠9leOb El. 씨 ( 불꽁갱환거래방법의 } ( 不公 iei한去來方훌의 ) unfair business practices) 함훌1 예g빙 일반조항 一 훗 blanket clause general amnesty 뻐J 얼푸 - am 免 date (in a document) lbyeoo 얼변 Bit interest per day lim nan훌뼈g멍 일엄예메채갱 --표를률計훌 discrectionary account lin ho훌훌 얼인회사 -A슐 it one-man corporation i빠찌 'Bil 흙Jail 빼 e 일갱한기깐안. -훌한뼈뼈안예 within a specified period of time ljeor멍없yang 일청수량 -~ 훌를 set quantity i빼 i eu tqi 힐필지의토져 -훌훌의土 - tract of land. I 뼈 1 행 W 없 1 일반사면, ; ' - 45 -

뻐끼따빼b 얼랑훌급 一률出 ff; payabl~ at sight ircrrtu jea맹 m빼b 일람후갱기출급 一률後 ~ 뼈出給 payable at a fixed period aκer sight isi휠m 힐시금 一합金 lump sum i잉m 아월M'EOrt 옐심법훤 -훌훌앓 court reeei ring the action at first instance 뼈n jeor없영빼없1 얼신천속권 一身 ---- rights personal to 앙1e holder inf1a 양 ~ 임차가육. 借훌훌 leased house. 엄휠 1 엄차인흘借 A b 야 rower, lesse 풍. 앙빼1 암쳐언 를얻훌A lessee; locataire. 앙훌1 엄차언. 뽑A origiru피 lessee mt빼 임차져 흘借 - leased land ind훌생11 임빼차 JU훌借 lease. 빼혈혈뺑1혈 n 임대차갱신., 를엠용룻If renewal of lease lt'da밍n 영대언., 를A lender n빼l 허n 앙대언 를훌人 lessor; locateur irt양훨 암대언 를훌A original lessor itai d흩깨g훌n 염의챙싼 tu훌... voluntary liquidation imli d1. 빠j 엽의훌두 iu흥出흉 voluntary appearance ilta.i 따n뺑훌JetlTl 염의충당금 f표훌경e1κ흥 voluntary reserves nai & 훌in 염의예려언!:El훌 ~ 훌A appointed representative nm gmlt뻐염의환활 { 훌---홈 non-exclusive (permissive) competence Gurisdiction) n톨이 ~g 임의균갱 ffj훌흉훌 non-mandatory provisions il'a.i µi뼈eun 엄외훈버금 ff훌훌 voluntary reserves rrgeun 염금 wages mru 염푸任훌 --홍 duty ilt1!00q 임명任. appointment ~ 엄료 rent ( 떠 l inclusive rent > n뼈임시 ** 훌훌 special; extraordinary; extra; emergency; interim; t.emporary; provisional fnjj ~ 염시초안 뭘 * 흉. 훌 Tentative Draft b잉 cnxr;.: 훌 엄사총회 흩 ~ special meeting; extraordinary meeting msi isa 엄사이사. 믿時흉. provisional director in믿없빼훌j 빼 ~ 임시척져쩌률갱하는흩훌的빼位률훌화는 provisional disposition 혈1훌빠II 가쳐흘 훌훌分 temper arily fixing legal relations in a dispute """ 밍 i야 :iob 임시조쳐법 뭘g흉혐롤훌 - Temporary Measures Law (used in names of laws) n 빠 m 힘없 rim 임휠청임 ffj 훌 ff interlocking dire 야 orate n 뼈 00 seor)\i 이면셔류를面 informal document& - 46 -

i뻐 j. 남 U i 때 U 없 m 뼈 0 훨 I휩n W뺑n jel쩨 T1jt01Q lqwe.on ingwf.on eli 없 m ~ 뽕 m d 훌뼈찌 W 없 1 월힐 ~ 용 IT1 없 g 훌 -- - 힐뼈홉훌 n i힘eok iyj뻐빼weoo --없 κ 뼈 * t짧. 빼 meo 뼈멍 i 삐삐 빼 $* 훨 T 뼈 때 a t'&9 한!Cit ileor 멍 매 eorlg 인인부인훌언훌금인노인가인강인감중명언권언면의효호잉여급쳐불계싼셔잉여금계싼셔잉여자싼인격인척켠인격권혀명위얀혀언짱언갱져인쩍당보인찍빵변인갱언갱 A ~ 홉 引出 ~I 出총련 l 導폼可 印롤 r:jji흩훌 191 人흩 A 의 N:ll ---- 영 ~ 分計를를 ~ 計 ---- 人홈훌훌 A 格. A 홉빼的行훌 훌훌許 m 훌훌 Ant.JIUi A 的 m 흩 g 定 응훌 ~ - 47 - person admissions and denials (civ. proc.); approval or disapproval withdrawal; repayment allowance delivery approval; validation; authorization; penni ssion; sanction seal certificate of seal human rights (civil rights or liberties) guarantees of human rights surplus appropriation statement surplus statement surplus assets personality; character personality rights (interests inseparable from the Possessor of the right; private rigbtsrelating t.o 뻐e person, rep따at ion, freedom, etc., of an individual) Acts relating to personality rights consent; reoo맑lition (of foreign juristic person or other personality to operate as a juristic person domestically) 용 al adjoining land P앙sonal security personal defense attestation; ceπification {by public notary or other public 01 양 an find (facts) (civ. proc.); find to fulfill requirements (admin. law).,,,,! l l i ; l i i l -- -- l l! i;!! ---;i,,l 1,,l l l냐 이1l. -l l JJu ]H li l --,, ll

뻐 ::ng 99lll 인갱가준홉定基핵톨 strict sem월 ; standard for determining (as a matter of fact rather than law); broad sense; standard for ju때ment tjmg itnm 없npxi tjt 인증었는등본인져 흩홍훌있는훌本꿇. 뭔 certified c PY acknowledgement (of an illegitimate child) insa e gwar뼈n $ 없. 월빼1 인사에환한소송사건 A훌에삐환흙옳훌 # personnel affairs case insa $ 었멍빼eta밟b 인사소송철차법 A훌흙뚫훌次훌 Pers아me! Affairs Procedure Law ilsin t었i 인선보호 A 身뿔훌 habeas corpus 빼j 연수링 l윷 assumption of performance 뼈j eu 없빼인수외공서引풍의公示 presentment for acceptance 뼈뽕m 언수금引훗슐 acceptance (of bill or note) 빼뿔m 인수금 링 l 受총 subacription price 뼈J ta: 월 6 빼빼. ) 인수하다 ( 주식옳 ) 를 윷하다 ( 妹式용...) subscription (for shares) 뼈j r 輪 μ휠eu빼weoo 빼...) 언수확다 引쫓하다 underwriting (for nun 빼J jar흉eo ( 휴가중권융 ) ( 有률훌 ** 을 ) &ecu 꺼 ties) 언수인 引受 A underwriter; subscriber 인수증셔 링 윷훌를 documents against ace 잉 eptance il'p멍 인용 를훌훌 sustain (petition, etc.) i쩌. 훌 * 언용씩 홉쩔률 amount admitted i빼맹뼈멍빼 인용환컬 il~1'1~ consent judgment iron 야회j흩 * 이혼법학 훌훌흩홉룰 theoretical (dogmatic) jurisprudence isa... 이사 훌훌 director isa~ 이사째. 훌훌ft 行 actingdirector 훌me 이사회 훌훌. ho없-d of directors; board of directors meeting 홉1멍 이송 흥홍 transfer 뻐 ~ 이양. 훌 transfer; surrender (of ship) t,wl 삐훌1 이연짜싼 ---톨률흩 def erred assets 뼈ga 이용쳐 fl} 월홈 user,,.,.. 이유훌 it reason; cause; grounds ryu bu이이휴률버훌由不 -- inadequate reasons,,.,.. ;nsu 이유전슐훌!Bili& statement of reasons n 이융 헤률 profit; returns 빼I~ 뻐뼈1 이윤충권 헝l 홉훌 ** profit certificate; profit bond - 48 - -,--,l,씨 --!i l,,.

.! 빼훌 * 착빽 自白 confession; admission 생b 1 자혀l 自홈 one s own expenses P여 1 자본 쯤깅k capital; stated capital a여 1 bubyaon 에 % 앙 'ik 자본블변의원칙 賣本不 의흉則 principle of unchangeable capital 봐JCl'I dulg영 ai % 념1k 착본총질의원칙 i룰本充 j( 의훌則 capital maintenance principle 벌JCl'I 뼈앙훌 자혼단체 훌本률l톨 capital based organization 발JCl'I 훨1liO ~ 홈캄소賣本. 少 capital reduction 뻐boo 훨1liO a.i m1 > 자혼갑소의무효 nullification of capital 훌本흘少의 * ** reduction 합JCl'I 핸g훌 짜혼 ~ 세 훌 * capital levy 홉 >onh.\ 빼빼. a.i 빠cnnk ~ 본확갱외윈획 홉 *' 흩홀의훌則 principle of fixed capital 빼 :m. 야 M ;q. 혼이득 흘후 --흩 capital gain 빠 :m I힘훌뺑JTI ;q. 혼잉여금. 훌本... capital surplus 빼빼u 자본주 흘후호 proprietor 웰JCl'I 뼈j 자본주의 흘本호훌훌 capitalism 빠JCl'I ;n뼈am ~ 혼준버금 훌 * 훌 capital reserve 뻐η훌 nti e 뼈rhr1 뼈빼j 짜혼싼입예환한법률훌本를入예. 한훌 ** Reserves of. Stock Corporations 빼 :m siia"t) 자본샤짱 훌本 itj훌 capital market 봐JOO ~i 뼈 W (J업. 자혼휴져의원혀훌 *' 훌홈의 g톨則 capital maintenance principle g n 빼앙e 자치단체自治빼l톨 autonomous body 삐월뺑a 짜동차 엽뼈훌 motor vehicle; automobile 홈 b 짧아없멍 t 빠뼈 ;roe 짜동착운송협의획딩톨훌훌홍뿔훌를 Autαnotive I r-ansportation Council 빼g멍뼈ug 짜동안훌기 automatic cash dispenser 빼훌d 제벌뼈빼 ~- 引出 -- financi떠 combine; property clique; large family holding company 빼월1 찌단 --빼 foundation 빼빼1 없뼈1 찌단법안 It삐훌A incorporated foundation 체고자싼在. 責훌 inventory assets; inventory; --훔었1 stock 빼g뺑 eoo 계항변 再!All duplication (thi벼 order defense) 빼av빼 1 제항변 흉m replication (in pleading) 빼lill!D) 체항고 再抗告 second appeal 를뼈 >r J 제갱.M훨 finance 홉聊 ~ 룰Jlfl 찌쟁기간 훨훌뼈R해 discretionary time period 륨흉a 째조사 再뭘훌 re-examination; reinvestigation - 49 - ~ '

흠빠홉 W훌뼈ig 제조사결쟁 再홉훌훌定 ruling on re-examination 흩mJ 찌무 훌ta financial affairs 빼ru i혹뻐 찌무. 표 財훌홈表 financial statement 흡,m 뼈 "' ~k 제무제.ll it칙 財옳請表짧 Jlll Financial Statement Regulations 없 ~ 체무성 월 # 훌흉省 Department of the Treasury 이 S); 빼뿔i 켈외 爭흘 dispute (usu. labor dispute) 뿜gean 쟁갱 爭톨뻐 issue (in a case); point in dispute 없 ~r맹 챙총 爭홀. controversy; dispute 흩 ~ 제환 훌훌-- justice; trial; hearing; judgment; decision 삐빼l dm' 명빼뼈1 찌환챙구뭘 right to petition for 훌l~ * adjudication or judgment 홈함fl aj t훌 ia 찌환을하다 훌용判을하다 render (frame) decisions; decide 홉뼈1 aj 빠I맹를da 계환흘멍하다 훌 & 껴올行확마 administer justice; adjudicate; judge (a person, a case); try (a per뼈n, a case); stage a t꺼외 ; pass fl judgment on 빼lll'l 빼받aJ 않mi 셰환을딸을켠리훌률껴을받융 right to receive a judgment; right of access to the courts 홉뼈1 훔 >bu 찌환거부 훌휘f흩홈 deni외 of justice 홉협 1 ~r 야찌환기륙훌쐐훌를 judici 외 recoi 녕 g 홉양--빼n 찌환환 훌훼랍 a judge; a justice; the court; the bench 흡뼈1 링Vlri홉 1d ~~ 환. 훌훌--- 行 court practices; court routine 빼빼1 gmlhl t빼뻐i 찌환환할합의 훌훌훼률. 홈홈. prorogation clause 홈빼, g.wt빼양. 찌판환활수확 훌빼률. 흠훗홈g (voluntary) submission to the court 8 jurisdiction 뿔뻐1 gmrt i m빼엠찌판한활a령훌i껴률. 훌훌홉 choice-of-court clause; jurisdictional clause 훔후Bl'1 QI빼 1Selb 찌판환숍 훌훌----률 1) procedural customs of court, 2) customs established through repetitions of decisions (usu머ly substantive law) 홈빼l gwna. 빠JeC'b. 찌활환융법 * 훨했톨혈훌 customary law (usu배ly subst.) established through repetitions of decisions - &> -

륨빼뺀따1 빠빼1 ta훨뿜뼈n 뼈1 빼빼1 뼈1 륨聊 1 뼈흡뿔 ~eok 홉뼈1 뻐뼈B j훌뼈1itb8 혈J>'ED 뿔따, oe 홉뼈1 oe eli t빼훌훌 홉뼈 1 oe 'P > a빼훨yj 홉빼훌멍앙빼형j 빼빼협멍 Elli d빼홉빼빼r멍 Elli t뿔빼빼훌훨멍 ai t뼈훌홈뼈훨멍 ai 빼훌 * 홈빼협YJ Elli r깨없vyeo 빼따빼멍 tpteor뼈m 양훨l 빼빼훨핑 ~ 흡聊 l ~S!l g뼈 1 뻐JfV.9빼n 홉W뼈뺏톨뻐빼빼a.m 없뻐lg 홉톨-. 홉훌1 훌훌1 훨 }\' 홉훌tJeot> 훌an 배deli 뿜훌1 멍mi 흩훌Ill; 원따1 " 환권 찌환하다 찌환이혼 찌판이흔 찌환쩨도 제환격 찌환절차 제환매가격 제환외 찌환씌의확헤 찌환씌유 A 찌환상 찌환장청구 찌환앙의대휘 찌환상의. 위 찌환상의화혜 찌환상의 ~ 찌 찌환상의명령 제환상현져한사셜 찌환상무효 찌환속기사 제환연구환 계명 7. 에랩금 찌량 제료 찌싼 제싼압휴 찌산법 찌싼취득 찌싼활려 찌싼현 훌용횟,. 훌 & 判하다. 判훌훌 a1 켜 l 훌홉 훌 & 찢 l 制度 훌홉횟 /J 훌 훌용횟 Iii~ 흉 Ii 賣. 格 훌찢 I 外훌햇外와 fuiw 훌했 -- 有 ~ *& 몇! 上 훌챔上홉흥훌껴 t 의 -ft& 훌判上의行훌훌빼上의 M. 判上의 自白 훌껴 t 의융令 jurisdiction; power to adjudicate try (a person, a case) divorce by (family court) determi nation judicial divorce adjudication system; court orgaruzation general forum trial procedure; adjudication procedure; judgment making procedure resale price extra-judicial; out of court extra-judicial compromise valid out of couπ judicially; judicial petition in couπ judici혀 subrogation judici허 act judici떠 compromise; compromise in court admission in cou1치 literally, confession juψ'ci 왜 order 훌했上. 훌한훌I fact patent t:o the court 훌빼上릎했 invalid in court (interest cases) court stenotypist --횟l훌훌土 af"jfht 홈 court reseaπh official (found in High Courts and the Supreme Court) F훔흩 뻐톨立훌 revaluation reserve fund discretion 훌톨 ****.It훌 It 훌 * 뽑 뼈훌훌 -- 훌.lk 홉.ti 훌뺨 I 룰 It 훌. - 51 - materi 허 property; assets; fortune; estate attachment of propeπy property law prop 앙 -ty a 여 u1s1t1on propeπy n 뻐 nagement propeπy right - ii - --hl i.,, l -- ;,,--- ; ι

g 흥뭘 lgneon 훌 1Q eu SOSJng 찌산권상의소송財훌. 上외흙훌앙 action based on property 뿔5all j훌빼injeok 제싼찌환잭 財훌훌융횡j 룰 forum rei sitae. 빠훨1 rmlm< 체싼목록 Jjj폴엄훌 inventory 뿔훨1 sont훌 찌산손혜 M훌훨뽑 propeπy damage 홈잊sim 체심 再률 retrial; new trial 흡훨m et.i so 셰심의소 再률의휴 suit for retrial 흡혈πn 찌심리 再흘훌 rehearing; re-examination; review 훔흘P 혜소 再훌 # reinstitution of the suit (brin믿ng suit for second time) 빼j.;q. 의 껑 ~j룰 arbitrariness 빼훌JTI joda 짜금조랄 훌훌빼훌 procurement of funds 빼룰.m &SJ 짜금수수 흘金훌 ~ transfer of funds 홈 @ 양Dae 짜기거래 답 E 去 * d바 ir 대ec야 to r-corp 야 ra 와ti on transaction 빼, 뼈1 뻐j 짜기짜본비율 自己資本比뿔 equity capital ratio 빼i j뼈k 짜기주식 自己흙式 treasury stock 빼yea< 자격 i톨格 capacity (e.g., acting in 뻐s -) 뻐D!Sa 자희사 子 -ett subsidiary 홉뺑따1 짜익켠 自용. rights of individual interest 빼U 뻐 ~ 자주규찌 自호Jltl self-regulation 빼0삐 작위 fl: 훌 commission (of an act); f easance; prestation; an act (as opposed to a forbearance) 빼삐뼈 ::m 작위혐 作흘훨 crime of commission 꺼 ght 빼뼈뻐 * 작위쩍作 i 훌的 intentional; d 잉 iberate 홉꺼때asig 자민당 自民. Libe뻐 Democratic P양 ty H 훌 * 뼈J 찬빽인수. 훌훌링 I~ stand-by underwriting 뻐ig 짱 chapter; title 홉lQ 장훌 director (suf.) 빠. 훌 ~ 쩌eoo 짱에빵앤 ---훌 tit affirmative defense in bar; plea in abatement; plea of procedur. 떠 hindrance 빼 빼i 격Jl훈. 훌훌 (account) books 빼1휠 J y뼈arrgneon 격훌부열람뭘 훌훌뼈--- right to inspect the books g뭘.,,., 창환 흘 'll' nuruster j!wg; 빼홉1 짱판 f흘캄 president (of a high govental department) 뻐. 흩훌뻐g뼈 lg lllleib 짱내대량예업 훌內 * 11.A. block purchase on the floor 뻐lp 빼. 빠힐 ftll혹훌 장외빼량예.zJ 뿔外大롤톨훨l block sale on the floor jlr9)8 없 :wae 장외거혜 훌外去 -- off-floor trading $ - 52 - Ill ~ i

janp n 훌뺑 뼈 vae ga.tru 없 so 聯聊내聊뼈ν 聊聯뼈뼈 ~ i ilnajn a홉 1 홉an i훌 ~ 뼈φ 배 '8000eob W없ld훌m 때eon 뼈뼈n 빼U 빼u bar웰n w뼈멍빼u 뼈쩌I빙 jayu rrir빼때 α빼 'IQ 빼J SIT빠 M맹뼈l je 빠 % jege 빼i ta삐 획pig 빼W없 1 뼈f뺑 ed 장외예각장 \!I 급부의소장헤비용장훤잔여기간자펼증서짜썩이었는자싼 ~ 싼찌명가법자연법 ~ 연채무자연독갱자유 ~ 유방임자유당자유찌량 ~ 휴면권훈풍 ~ 휴심증주외찌 안척훌찌찌찌찌도. 거찌기하마찌공찌훨환결 # 훌外를훌 P 將來給付의흙 흉를1훨 f협앞園. 훌훌期 r"1 自훌훌훌 it:b 이있는홉훌훌훌再홈f~U훌 흡 --* 훌 自 --@ 훌훌自 --- 톨 0 自 di 自 ddtf 自 mi훌自 di훌. 自由民훌훌 l1j 自 di(, 풀主훌훌 ** 따삐빼빼It.Ill. 용去훌월하다提 ~. 용 횟l 훌 off-floor distribution (at securities exchange) claims or actions for future performance funeral expenses manor (medieval) unexpired period document under private signature solvent assets; property; means Assets Revaluation Law natur, 외 law(s) 이 d term) (now.) natural obligation natural monopoly freedom; liberty liberal and uncontrolled Liberal P 없 'ty discretion; free discretion F reedom and People 8 Rights Movement free conviction prindple (principle of free evaluation of evidence) (kind of restricted discz 엉 tion) regime (system of rules or regulations) proposal; suggestion exclude; disqualify submission (of exhibits); lling; presentation institution; regime; orgaruzat1on system removal; exclusion institute (a suit) tender; off er judgment of exclusion l,,.,,., ;;, J I J ----3 ; 매 i 1 l l j 깨 -- --,, i!! - J --- 뼈 'Ian 빠 'Ian 빠 'Ian t 훌훌!Ok insu 찌환찌환혜석제환인수 훌폐홈 制훌강 l 훗聽없 JI 훌 --- - 53 - (n 띠 lification) restriction; restraint; limit; limitation; circumscription restnctive mterpretation qualified acceptance 씨씨U j 씨 ;1 l l! j

jela1 pig뻐며 제한총류물 制限. 훌훌 @ restricted non-specific thing 빠WI µnjl 제한주푼 制 R훌훌文 limited order 빠넬1)U 체한윷 制限. maximum rates (for interest provided in the Interest Limitation Law) 뼈ae 껴l 찌 없l훨 sanction~s); punishment; discipline ~ 제쟁 휩J)E enactment; establishment jej~ 쩌갱볍 制定훌 enacted law 빼eong ct뼈 I 찌청취져 훌펴껴츠I흘뜰 purpose of enactment 법eaig tu 제갱하다 制定하다 enact; establish; institute.$ 여a 1 죠업자. 造훌훌 manufacturer.! 홀뺏 * 찌쪼가격. 톨훨훌 fl.f& cost of production 빼며 찌죠. 불 @ 造빼 manufactured goods; products 빼띠 d빼쩌n 제조물책임. 훨훨 ~ a: products liability 빼매 d빼m. 죠률피엄. 흉 ~ a: products liability ~ 제명. 용 45 expulsion 흡뼈 'IQ 져당 훌 률 mortgage; hypothec. 뼈멍 져당 훌u흩 mortgage; bypothec; hypothecation g빼 Yi1 blm뺑an 저당환동싼 훌 홈.-1'"1훌 hypothecated immovable 빼dal훨W타 m얻 져당권자 훌훌빼훌 mortgagee; encumbrancer; hypothecary obligee g뼈. 뼈I훌 JN따 1 져당총련 훌훌훌훌 hypothec certificate; mortgage bond jeoe S8)\I 찌외사유. 용,~ m grounds for exception 빼빼따1. 저작련 훌作 copyright g빼d 쩍법 훌훌 lawful 빼빼oob 씌법 훌훌 legitimacy 빼양!Ob 빼eta 척법쩔차 훌훌훌 ~ due process. 빼a>b i빼eta beob 척법철 *} 법 훌훌훌 ~ti law providing due process 홉뼈u 랙훌. 出 legitimate child 뼈벌 빼룰 * d훌웰해1 d'ift'hae 예극 4씌체권첨혜 훌훌的 @* 용f률뽑 positive violation of an obligation-right 빠 * 뿔뼈 * ~mt흩붙 척극객계약청빼 훌훌的횟IJ홈홈 positive violation of a contract g빠m훨 예격 Ii 格 suitability 빠 * 빼Yd 쩍용 흘 }IJ application (of a law). 뻐UWJ jeoe 척용찌외 훌JD~ 훌싸 exemption; exemption from application (of a law) jec삐 뻐훌훌I 훌 씌용찌외거혜 *' 엠 R용싸去 -- exempted transactions Jee* 빠ig jeoe 삐.rg; 원형1 객용1 씌증권 흘 f뭘 W훌外 m 찢 * exempted securities - 54 -

R 뼈 n 빼lcTe 뼈훨k joo 남봐 ioob jeo 남 B 뻐 mk jeolda 빼 d saw i~ jeoldo 뼈뼈 1 빼때 u l 껴 eon jeoft J eu so 빼 m 빼없 1 빼 l)\i 빼 1)\11\J 빼 ~ 뼈 l tl>ebok ~~i 없 $ 빼뼈 J IT 뼈. 뼈 -- 빼뻐j 뼈뱀g어 빼 U 빼 B 빼 * 훌 1 - 삐황함 - 빼 9>eaTl 빼 vxri 빼!- 빼 r 뼈 1 빼빼 j 빼빼j. 뼈 ~ ja.i렐 fn!cji 빼빼 l 빠얀 00 빼행빼삐 빼 vti 쩔반껄쳐방석철착법캘착규칙철째척창고이유철도갤연캠령군갱유갱유효천갱유의소갱휴권갱휴획쪽갱휴플갱유유지갱휴유져의소천푸명령천푸환철천대책천대언갱박료갱명갱혼쟁혼갱혼쟁부갱푸 Y.. 증증권쟁쭈쩌원갱확훌갱쳐 훨r* it~ 方 ;t trl~i훌훌 ~Ill 則. 용협的上告理由 M훌. 용I흩 녕i 홉. a5 有 0 有保全 a5 有외 * 년i 有. 0 有回. 0 有 -- a5 휠 --- 흘냥 i 有톨 ** 의 -- 付옮令 全훌S1'Jflt 1훌借 s롤 A. 훌혐 ** 正 E 표本 ~* 표 * 훌 tiff ltjfftl: 훌 m 찢 * B:Jf! 훌힐 i 료훌 - 훌 tt; 흙 equal shares formula procedural law procedural rules absolute ground for appeal larceny; theft; pilfer age dissolution of adoption (modem code usage); divorce (coll. and old usage) occupation forces occupancy; occupation; possession preservation of possession possess 야 y suit right of possession recovery of possession possessed 야 1ing maintenance of possession suit for maintenance of possession assignment order (in execution procedings) whole judgement sublease sublessor demurrage (admir. law) principal Oegal term, c 끼 m. law) attes 야 d copy (of a document) official text origim 퍼 (copy); exemplified or attested copy; exemplificat ion the government; the administration bond guaranteed by the government government delegate; representative of the administration fixture politics; government - 5.5 -

빼영j 빼1횡m 없. 뼈. 빼뺑 I 멍 없. 뼈맹뼈. 뻐 jeo1'9li 빼빼 l 빼 9li 뼈 O jeor 빼 dmgh>e 없 w 없 ne 빼빼없빼 Jd 흩뺀짜 1 빼멍벼 훌뼈훌없 1 빼빼 ji 벼 빼명 * 뽕 m 없 w~ 없 -- 빼 R 빼. 없l byeo: 멍빼lg 없 ~ 갱 g,'9 여 %- 빼 9U 핑 $ 빠없멍양잊 jeor 뺑 joorgi jogeoo 뼈 f 휠뼈 j 갱쳐현금 갱당 갱당 갱당방위 정의쟁의 갱의인도청기총회 갱기거래갱기급부체권 갱기항혜용션갱기져플갱기예금갱기용션갱판 갱환변경쩡쩡철갱갱갱션청서 갱지갱찌죠건갱쪽수 lu음-~ 正홈홉 I갖黨正홈防훌定훌훌正훌훌 正훌人遺定 # 용훌슐 호뼈去來 i료 it 付흡 ** ~ 흘Oit훌흩 Mt 定뼈支. a를뼈f휠 ~ 定 It 호훌 k ~ 훌훌更訂正흉定훌I 正申홉홉 훔止훔止. 훌 ** ~ 足훌 political contribution legitimate; justified; prφer political p없ty justifiable self defense definition justice (abstraction); right; righteousness justice and humanity periodic meeting; regular meeting (of shareh이de rs) time transaction period performance obligation-right voyage charter periodic payments time deposit time chaπer chart.er; articles of incorporation charter amendment decision of rectification amendment to a I용gistration (sec. reg ) suspension; 앙oppage; stay suspensive condition quorum 뼈멍 1 없 Vi 빼뱅 i (l1>esa eu.) 빼 Vi W oo 빼훨 ~ 빼. 훨 1 빼훨 f 빠 * 업 'lhae R 야 JSU jeo 에 g 멍 빼 t 빼 1 jeo삐빼l j냉k 빼깨빼1 월 :hae 빼빠훨멍 % * 빼째 l jeor10 빼 VT 빼 갱리갱리갱리 ( 회사의 ) 갱리휘원갱철갱신갱신척흔훌. 갱수천황전환천환주식전환사 ~ 천형계약견철견죠견예 ~ 훌훌흘훗... 훌훌 ( 홈社의 --) 훌훌쫓員 ~ 훌 홈-~ 훨훔 定. 1if 훨... *-- ajt... 훌 &@* ----. 훌홉훌. 성 훌n 條훌훌 흥 b 따 liff bailiff; sergeant of the court (corporate) reconstruction arrangement comm1ss1oner the established theory spirit non-pecuniary damage; pain and suffering fixed number; quorum preceding para 맑 -aph conversion (of stock) convertable stock convertible debentut 용 type contract subpledge; repledge preceding article subsequent purchaser - 56 -

joor1tu g, 훌 jeomok 뼈,lSOk g.r.a뼈 l 뺑 lweorl duseok ~ 없 1 yj 홉am ct훌따a 제 3;4변찌 購聯jesan 휠뻐 l eu 9) 흡 arrja 뼈 j 빼빼 1 g 없 k jesi jesi ~ jeso CT양 ~ jeu'9 휠 1 jeu훌훌p 흠l훌흙P 뼈없1 jeu훌훌p 뼈0Cll joseo ~ 없뼈M뼈 * g 9)ea'Ok w 훌없 yeolc ju 훨 WEOO jar훌빠00 뻐.11뺑했1 b해빼19 뻐X훌삐Eooeob ju뿔wtoneob ~ 짧 ~ * 빼따1 었lja. jar훌뻐짧i eu IT뼈 ib jeu훌뻐짧1 톨. 훌훨lOb jalvj뻐따1 홈 :wae 훌얘n'I> 견무견샤천속전속판활천원출석총회 저려져용찌 3체무짜 제 3~ 쩨 3;4이의의소제3;q. 를위한재약 셰시제시기간제소명령 증언증거중거보전 중거보천초셔중거농력증거록증거력증켠충현중현발- 중원업종켠업협회 중권업자증련의.2. 청 증권거혜볍종련거 ~ 쩍엄준비금 훌훌훌士專. 훌훌훌흘흉. 홉全員 H.U홍훌웰 D-tf1J 低훌훌3flD훌 훌3훌훌3훌--흡 혔3훌훌훌씌휴 ma훌를흉한훗 ~ 훌示提示뼈M 훌흙命令 훌훌를 훌. g 률훌훌全 흩훌-~ 全홈훌 훌훌훌力풀롤훌훌. 力흘톨옳훌훌 * 홈흉훌行를톨 ** 훌훌용쫓 &* 을 훌훌옳훌훌훌 ** 의훌훌 흩률 ** 去흉훌 Jl뼈eun ju훌삐행1 geaae sflni 종현거혜심의회홈 ** 去 * 훌훌슐 senior managing dire 야 or warn ors exclusive possession exclusive jurisdiction meeting with complete attendance low rate of interest low rate garnishee; debtor s debtor; lit. third party obligor third party fulfillment of obligation by third party third party objection action contract for the benefit of a third party presentment; presentation limit of time for presentment o 벼 er to bring the action on the claim testimony evidence; proof preservation of evidence; pro f 뼈king, often p껴 or to 뼈 action or formal deposit for protocol of proof taken admissibility (of evidence) minutes of e에 dence credibility constructive security secunt1es issuance of securities securities business association of securities firms securities firm; broker-dealer oft'ering for subscription of secunt1es Securities Exchange Law 풀 ** 총來훌릎훌훌용 securities transaction liability reserve Securities Counseling Commission!! l i l -- ; l i -- -- - 57-11!

jal훌. 따1 용X훌 so 종켠거례소 훌흉去來所 secu꺼ties exchange 뻐I뺑따1 gen'ae 뻐W 00뺑 증권거래위원회 훌용去來훌員슐 Securities Exchange Commission ~ 없rn,'\I멍 h:je흘a 중면금융회사 훌흉총IU~it securities finance company 삐JffJ]N따 * 증권국 훌훌훌圓 Securities Bureau (of.ministry of Finance) jal뻐땅1 hjesa 증권회사 훔흉흡it securities company ja.r훌r따 1 ~ 증권사고 훌흉훌 1/1. 앞curities trouble 빠rq;JN었 1 뼈양 ** 증권투자신학 S흘흉B를벌틀f securities investment trust ja.jvn 중인 훌A witness 뻐 ~ 훔. 충명셔 훌빼률 certificate 뻐JV훌P 증셔 홈를 document, instπment, deed, certificate jeu' 뺑eo 종여 훌훌 donation; presentation 빠I힘없 u 충여용 룰짧物 gift; present; donation i야훌 찌에 호를E control jbaein 져 언 支 ~A (business) manager 뼈멍 져방 i힘方 district 함llllQ 뼈빠V Q'I 져방법훤 i톨方홉 ~ ward court (prewar); local court 뼈뺑흩붙 져방셰 빼方 ii municipal bond i뼈얽an 씹활환 훌 * 훌 홉 marshal; execution officer i뼈빼빼n 뼈lb 휩당환법 휠훌 홉훌 Marshal s Law jbdsl ~ 빼e 핍한철제 collective settlement jbda'i $ 없g 컵한소총 j ~ 톨빼훌훌 & public action class action 뼈않00 집켠 훌-- regent jti훌힘 핍. 휠行 enforcement 빼훌 ~ 챔. 휠行 execution; performance; conduct; enforcement; exercise 뼈휩힘뻐p뼈 e 뺑er 쟁. 방법에환한이의훌,fi 方훨에 --한훌훌 objection raised against the 삐1 ieu method of execution 뼈홉IQ tuneuyj ~ 활능 훨行不훌 unenforceable 없- 훌밍 뺑않!a 갱훌. 켠 ~ 훨行 훌 execution creditor 합훌. 훌n4a 정. 셰우 ~ 훨行훌훌훌 execution debtor 청. 의션고훨行의훌좁합 ~ eu seer issuance of execution clause ;~ eli so -fl 의소휠行의흙 action for issuance of execution clause ;tt없. 훌훨 접명깨사 훨行빼뼈 initiation of execution 빼 - 흩톨맹훨 IE!ll 항훌옐정. 가능생훨行뭘 I 훌훌 enfor eability -- 훌명빼빼 1 청. 기환훨行훌빠 execution autho 꺼 ty 썰훌 "d taw> {14 항고휠行 tn 좁 execution appeal 빼홉힘빠 i eli so 정룰이의의소휠行훌훌의훌 action to object to execution - 58 -

i 벼 $. ieui eu so i 납훌. 빼빼 lso 뼈 $. 뼈 향 1()1'1 ~It혔. 빼빙i ~{Neα. 뼈없멍 -- 훌잉 뼈 $. 뼈 B 영 jbhaeng'lut bu'/00 e 뺑 a 뼈,.. -- jbt훌영뼈 ~ 뼈없 '9yook jbt없 l9 )Vie jqtllg $ 메 i 뼈 j j~ hαj 뼈j 뼈 ψ i 삐삐뼈 ~ 뼈양핵뼈 jbuin jbu~ 뽕 m j 삐뼈 S 뼈 ~i jbu n\lleu9 뼈 * jbtj~ jbtj 빠 1QY9 여 i 벼뼈. jbu~~ jiu! 힘훌 jdae 뺑 t 빠 lell 멍 jigad 빠원며a 찌빼 g:rrook t'eda h 빼뺑따 1 빼 Jn 껴 ean eti se 뼈 i 뼈멍 du' 뺑갱 뼈u --- 정형이의의소 정형찌환소 정. 갱본 집행청지명령 정. 증셔 정명조항 잡. 푼부여예 01~ 집행환켈 정형혁 집행휴예 집중심려 져블 져폴 찌률 져블방법 져률폴능 져폴거컬 져불인 지활잉여금 져블찌시 져률지 지률우능력 져블명령 찌폴 -- 철지률연기 지률연기찌확 져훌 져제 지빼 져굽률능 지급률농자 져휘갑독하다 져휘켠 져갱 져정의셜칙 져갱충당 져주희사 져주 I 빼 훨行톨훌의흙 objection action against iss lance of execution clause 황行훌判所흉行正本훨行 if 止옮令 court of execution executable instrument order for suspension of execution 執行홈훌 executable deed. 훨行條횟 execution clause 판한훨行文附흉예뼈한 objection against issuance of 훌훌 execution clause 흉行判決 judgment of execution 훨行力 executability 훌Mi훌훌 suspension of execution 윷中흘훌 concentrated trial 支흙 drawn to order 支훌 payment 支훌 payment 支훌方훌 manner (mode) of payment 支훌不뿔 insolvency 支 *--딛훌 protest for non-payment 支훌人 payor 支훌혔훌훌 paid-in surplus 支훌훌示 presentment for payment 支 it#j place of payment 支 te 力 insolvency 支훌융令 order of payment 支훌릉 ~~ completion of payment 支훌룰뼈 deferment 支.j률뼈응u 흉 deferred accounts * 分 share-interest; equity 훌빼 delay; default 훌代 rent Oand) 支훨不훌 insolvency 支쏠 +IE훌 insolvent person * 합훌톨흡하다 control and supervise 指.. 支 1i'5 支店의짧를. 얄호充홉. 훌훌훌 it 뼈호경며 diπκtive power branch office establishment of branch office appropriation (of payment by designation) holding corψoration land-ownership regimes - 59 -

h낀n ιhwi없11 gib뼈 j i 때 %α1 jldn 뼈 $$ gange i 써 ~ 힐빼 j 뼈 eob SOI' 행 l jkm.j & 휠홉. isa jlml ~ 뼈홉 'Qa jkrru jti흩 lq 11 줬l9 )1!IOI' 멍 jlcnal 명따 li ;t 빼 NEOO ;1 빼명 따 1 Jrnp>r 멍 삐 yea' 멍없핸 ron ;r9>e 얘 ook $. 삐 e 빠훨힐 빼 '80I< W뼈 ~ g없엄 $ 톨IOn I빼j jry«>rj ;yo ~ 빼rg삐 00 $ 빼aig JS m따 1 i뻐 lk gl' 멍P핑뼈xte 칙흘환활 칙켠 칙인 격접강 ~ 격첩심의 격첩송활 격푸대명이사 칙무대. 자 직무뭘. 명령 칙능흘리 철 철켠 철중켠 져명 져명체견 정벌척손혜빼쌍 생역 캔쟁환소총사건전슐져령져료져쌍켠져장켠껄갱져시져원지역공공단체. 分흉홈 --- ~ 홉훌뭘예려 훌훌훌뿔 直훌훌훌 代行훌훌 --% 代行훌. 훌혐行융令 휠分. 를 톨빼 톨풀 **. 읍 ~ * 합 ~ n 的뿔홈훌. 톨훌. 正환흙옳훌 ** 훌홉抱슴 functional competence (of a court) authority of the court (on its. 끼1 motion) artisan direct compulsion direct-conduct-of-trial principle service on encounter acting director acting director order for mandamus segregation (by function) pledge (of a thing) pledge (rights) pledge certificate; instrument of pledge nomination obligation-right payable to order punitive damages penal seπitude; imprisonment at forced labor purely contentious case deposition diπ~ctive; o 퍼 er. 톨빠 rent (for land) i훌上 - 뻐perf1cies; surf ace rights creation of superficies - 빼示上 -~ 흥 directions; instructions 支붙 district court local public body. 를公共빼톨 servitude; (praedial servitude) 훌延利子 delayed interest 훌延뼈子 delay interest 훌를훨홈 d잉 ay damages article (of a statute, etc.) -;yec빼없1 져역권 JY!Cll ija 져연이짜져연이자 1'lf!'X a. 빼l soot뿔져연흔예 jo 소 빼i 초쳐 훔를 me뻐ures P양 lqn 초건 훌휴 condition jlgeort>u 뿔얘힐 죠건부각하. 훌 ** 빼빼下 conditional dismissal ~ 죠 iil IJblt assistant to a professor μ빼때lab ( 메! 월 ~ 훌g eu jotllb) 조합 ll씀 association; league; society -- 조합 ( 민법앙의조합 ) 훌읍 ( 民훌上의 Ii 읍 ) civil partnership -%- wm川川ww ν.

Plat> gj뼈k 초합계약 @ 合훗約 partnership contract # 빠뻐따1 조합훤 ll 合員 civil partner # 삐a 조화 홉和 accomodation A«>! 조쩔 흡혈B regulation; adjustment; control R었 lq 조갱힐 (statutory) conciliation; mediation 빼eong 쪼갱 훌 흉 conciliation; settlement Aeone iξ/ 월l흘 regulation; adjustment 뼈eong e 용뼈m 뼈lE!\ll- 조갱에갈용하는결갱 홈뺨에갈융하는훌定 ruling in lieu of conciliation gyeo g멍껴없ig e 훨lEun 뭘Jn j흥빼1 쪼청예갈음하는찌환홉停에칼음하는훌용j judgment in lieu of conciliation Reong i훌빼1 조갱제판 홉停훌 & 횟I conciliation adjudication ~ 뻐W Oll 쪼갱왜원 홀 훔훌용 conciliator; conciliation committee memeber 뼈eong 빼따1loe 초청쩌휠회 홀 흥훌員훌 conciliation committee ~k 조격.@ 훌 orgaruzat1on 뼈i빼 $$ 조격볍 II훌훌 law of organization Aik~ 없-- (ro양a eu...) 초찍현경 ( 회사의 ) 훌훌훌훗 ( 솥it 의 ) transformation (of a corp ration) Wφ8001 종범 從 E acce앓아γ (to a crime) jonge빼too 총업휠 從훌員. employee ~ 총기 lfljj resolutive term; resolutory tenn; extinctive term W형 * 뼈I멍 % 엉 총국환컬 -- 局혔훌 final judgement W훌M뼈총철 ---훌 successfully terminated reorganization hearing ~ 없었 ** 종합법확. 흘융훌훌 synthetic jurisprudence p,gr나 총훌 ttfl accessory (thing) pigyu 종류톨훌 type, kind P9Yu jl.1u h>n{toe 총류주주총회 1훌훌훌호i톨를 class shareholder meeting pig싸며 총류물 훌훌빼 nonspecific thing. pnrl> jl.r앵 폰렵중 存효 Jfl existing {company) ~ gigan 존속기간存 rjj duration pin hoe훌폰속회샤存 흩 if: merging corporation (corporation which continues existance after merger) Pi 조혀 훌훌 natural reason; logical reason; common reason; reason; equitable principles; fundamental legal principles; logic; naturalis ratio; Natu:r der Sache; nature des choses,i - 61 -

m 없聊없 없josa airru 리혜헤사사죠초소조조조사외무 얘활M빼했밝없없嚴힘훌훌빼 reason ordinance (modem usage) prefectural order comparison of objects investigation; survey; research duty to investigate g 빼빼 n pm slikr)u josa Wwεon ~ ~ 없뼈 yu 빼 j psoo Pfcic μ. 얄DTI ;i d' 훌꾀a 빼훌 빼 g 명 j R빼 )8'I ct없훨j j.aj -- 룸 a 뼈멍 P 빼 ;.geo ;..goo F 뿔 m 때이 b 뻐 I 뺑 TlfOOllgSeO )q.11 ~. 빼없1 ~n * 뼈 i l뺑생n 없뼈빼g l빼없1 n뼈 lhae' 멍 -- 뼈 l IT 뼈벼 a 멍빼. 뺀빼1 빼i 뻐l흉 8) Ma명 조사판 초사수익률 조사위월초셰초세법률주의초셔조약주주법주체무짜주4 주갱구주훤청구 주외주가안갱초썩주거주거주금납업증명셔 주주주군켠켠주권플소져 주뭘외발행주권미발명주뭘며빨. 찌도 주켠예칙증셔주짱 뭘. 훌 홉 빼훌收益 g 홈 롤훌훌. 흘 @ 를t 짧훌 ** 훌홉主훌빼훌훌뼈 - - 출主 E 호룹. 훌主. 톨 主홈 * 主완훌 ~ f호. t훌.j: 훌훌作 {t: 몸 f훈홈. 훌용l빼.Al훌 II}) 홈쐐얘혀폐앓웠흉흉不所 * 훌 흉흉의훌훌行흉흉 * 훌行 *** 未훌行홈켜훌 -- 흉 f 훌 R 톨홈主흘 judicial reseaπb of 잠 cial; {n t legal term without prefix) rate of profits on sales determined by sample investigation investigation comnuss1oner tax; duty; dues; taxation legal principle of taxation a protocol; minutes treaty share; stock principal (crim. law) principal obligor possessor (of rights and duites); subject {of rights and duties) principal petition principal petition diligence; {ant. negligence) stabilization {of securities) dwelling (structure) residence certificate of stock payment deposit overlord; leige lord; master sovere1 믿 lty stock certi!1cate; share certificate non-issuam 훌 of stock certificate issuance of shares stock without certificate non-issuance of stock certificate receipt for stock certi 힌 cate allegation; asseκion.. - 62 -

빼뼈熾熾 υmmoog SOOOI' 멍 jl.i빼따1 _Mu t힐뼈 ~ _Mu l't D뺑 l j.ju 때 @ 뺑j _Mu l't D뱅 j 아없l!Jll없멍 Mu~ 뼈 I 맹 ai wconctik Mu us 없 lgneoo 주종소총 j.ju 주주 Mu d'lolyjl>e W뼈eu ai dwso 주주총회철의의취소빼 빼稱회網nT-- 효.잊주주권 주주할당 주주명부 주주명푸 주주명의변경 주주앵풍의훤칙 주주훈션뭘 Mu 뻐월 1 d 훌뼈 m ai wεonctik 주주유한킥엄의원혀 µtin de. 빼 ok µru gmi' 앙 $ 때 µru 뼈흩빼 n µyui J1 빼 M 삐룰 m µ, 뼈 m eui i 뼈 1 j 빼빼 n µlb 빼 cm --- 빼 cm g 찌 u ~ 없 wn jllb j 뼈훌뼈 $ PD sa:m,tea'1 M 앙 ik juet.i Mφ800l ~ 빼 n µ,φeorfa ;r 방 >Ok ~so ~ 뼈 latl 밴빼 1 ~ 뻐 l 맹 ai 따 1 렐 주민풍혹 주무환청 추무창환 추푼 준벼 ttl 줄배금 준배남의자혼천활 준배쩔화 준배철차구두번흔 준비쩔차초셔 훈비셔연줌혀주의중앵 충뱅중법 ~ 중복기소중째한콰설중단중풍의풍월 흉호 - 흉主빼 - -* 主名훌훌主 ~ ** 主名훌. 롯 t 흥主 2fi 훌의훌則 훌主틀先 -- 妹主有훔 f 任의훌 a I 住民훌 - 主뚫 홉. 主훌훌 홉 主文 훌훌. 繼환繼總 ~ R홈 획훌本 훌 훌 1 훌훌 빼litlli:cfi: O 휠. 룰풀 훌훌 ~ 쩌. 훌 흩面훌則主훌훌훌3 훌E 훌 ~ 훌훌훌 * 흘휴훌大환훌失 中. 中흥의융 -- 빼영빼쩨觸의懶의 M 웬-m -m 월떼m m때 h 삐--m.W competent minister holding (section of decision stating formal judgement) expenses for ope띠ng business rese~e fund formal capitalization of reserve preparatory procedure (pr1 야 eedings) 聯뼈m s m preparatory or 떠 proceedings protocol of preparatory proceedings preparatory writing normative system grave offense; felony major offense; felony f 잉 on double pendency of an action gross negligence stay (of proceedings) medium quality m dιt π m* 뼈떼삐없뻐- 앙아뾰R M ) 빼없m 빼뼈바야빼m 빼뼈빼따냄빠鋼뼈W 熾뼈싫 뱅뺑없빼짜앙싸W없 A.믿빼냈 빼 빼 뼈쨌-씩빼없때 배廠쩌빼vm 빼빠hm 뻐m 뼈 m m m 뾰,이빼 뻐봤뼈삐빼뺑빼 뼈빼m fm 혔뾰 e μ찌--* L n. m t - y 아빼뼈m 매 m.빼h -따빼빠- 63 -

~ 뼈빼훈거법빼틀 f! applicable le.w; governing law ~ 훌 $ 충깨엽 #:f. brokerage ~n 중깨언 * 介 A broker μ훌뻐1 뼈뼈하멍 중간빼당 中問 ~ 흘 intermin dividend jlll앓n bog:>seo 중간보고셔 中뼈월양를 interim report M밸훌1 lwj뼈n 없 so 중간확인의소 中間 e흩짧의흙 interlocutorγ confirmation action M훌 ~ 뼈 ~ 중간판철 中빼 1'1~ interlocutory judgment j.j빵so 준기소 g룰월 Jj: quasi-institution of a public action µgae 중찌 --훌훌 arbitration ju뺑e 빠 빼 멍중셰철갱 * 훌l~ 定 arbitration award M렘ae 때g멍중계초함 --훌훌---톨 arbitration clause ;.n111 중져 sf' 止 stay (of proceedin~s) M렐 cmor빼빼빼1 중져챙구궐 中止흘흥. right (of shareholders) to petition for injunction µigii tma 중찌하다 中止하다 enjoin; prohibit; forbid; ban ;.iv n한 ~ 중 ~ 명령 中止. 令 injunction; cease and desist order (Anti-Monopoly Law) jlllljll' 힘 U 훈공유 B 홈共有 quasi-co O' 씨 lership llt월% 따1 훈회원 훌슬홈 associate member; limited category for foreign lawyers in the Korean bar j.111> bee빼 WEOll 훈입법켠 I룰立훌. quasi-legislative power. M빠 ~ 훈갱유훌 0 훌 quas1-poesess1on M훌m 멍mi 준사무환려 훌킹I옳률훌 quasi-management of affairs without mandate j.jlwim 준위엄. 훌fl quasi-mandate ~ 준용 B홈 JD application by an떠ogy with necessary modifications j.11삐 ~ 준용 빼흩f협 apply with necessary modifications; j.jl)a멍없빼 '1UI 준용법조푼 훌 } 협훌홉文 article applied with neces없ry modifications. 훌lOI< 주석 흩U commentary on (suf.); gloss; interpretation; Kommentar. 양lOI< 주석 註 -- commentary on (book title] 훌뻐φeob 주석법 註 'H흥 jus glossae; law developed by glossators i훌빼낼 (JB 주석학확 흘호. 똥. exegetical school μ훌 J'I 주션 빼 I흩 mediation (suggests force in background) - 64 -

µ;ik 주식 f*;t share; stock µ;ik 앓행119 주석배당 * 훌Jt ~ 훌 stock dividend jt&k 뼈U 주식호윤. 흥 Jt~ 有 stock holding jusik 뼈U 뼈lan 주식보유찌한 ~;ttt!: 有훤JR훌 restriction on stockholding j뼈k 배없iglab 주식병합 f*;tff: 合 reverse stock split jlsk ct빼명1si!i) 주식청구서 ~:it 講 Jl홉 stock subscription form.sk eti blllbae 주식의환빼依式의分률g subscription of new shares; allotment of shares µ;ik eti 뼈뼈1 주식의상환 * 式의홈훌 redemption of stock 뼈k eu 양g원 j 빼뼈 * 주석의션의취득 흉 ;t외훌훌取쩔 bona fide purchase of shares l빼빼a $$ 주식합자회사 ** 式융훌훌훌t limited partnership corporation with stock 빼k inslin. 주식인수언 t훌 ;t 강 I쫓 ; 人 share subscriber; underwriter j&k rraesu d빼빼때뼈1 주석메수청구련. 흥 ;tj훌 ~ 홉 * appraisal right 빼k yar뺑 주식양도. 흥 ;t훌훌 t뼈 nsfer of stock µ;o 주소 住所 domicile (permanent residence); address Jl;qibeob 주소져볍 {!: 所빼f훌 law of domicile ~ 뻐l9SO 주영업창소 主률훌훌所 principal place of business 까. m 빼 U M 혐없빼 W 따 1 eui... ) 예출 ( 휴가중권의 ) 톨 lls ( 有홈꿇쫓의. ) secondary distribution (of securities) n 훌 du 양힘 eok 매출가격 wou 용 offering price n빼du jurg)aein 에훌중깨인 I 出휴介 A one who makes a 용condary distribution rr훌웰0 메도 를훌 sale and delivery IT흩웰lin 에도안 --** 人 seller IT& 휠b 뻐빼멍 매도쩌당 톨훌훌홉 mortgage by sale n뼈 '9n.d 예짱풀 성훌훌物 hidden treasure mierπ~ 예예 를買 sale ~nd buy n뾰 T훌빼 $ 뼈 예메보고서 를용훌씀훌 sales confirmation n훌 π~ g/f!f8x 예예째약. 톨횟-- sales contract rreeltl:le g빼 ~ 뼈eun 매에손질준비금 훌失훌홈톨 ~ sales loss reserve rnwm훌 su삐j 메메수익률 를힐 4k용훌 rate of gr ss profits on sales R훌훌밍빼l);o 에강천표 賣上빼흘 sales slip Iπ훌 s.in 메수인 톨풍人 buyer ~ 만기 * 톨뼈 maturity 빼멍l 만기얼. 期日 date of maturity payment before maturity 빼빼 eon ji 벼만기천져불. 빼뼈 llj 支 -- - 6.5 -

빼 r 훨 g 뼈 1 뼈 rrilwa rritme 찌없맹 메 야훌lg r빼a rrifsldu rrir1>eob IT 빼빼 rtψ$ 훨 i chm 메 nbec 뼈없 1 미 nbeob 훨멍 eu trnahe 올 rrir 멍 %α1 rrir 흘 a 메ns하 >eob 삐1뻐 rrir 훨 $ 뼈 eong i)u mnsa d'b 빼 m 메 nsa 뺑 g 뼈윈 ton 메 nsa gl 뼈 ls8i> rrinsa j1 납홉 1φD> mnsa 때뼈밍 rrir 훌 jojfmdbe 빼 rrin! 홉뼈없맹 % 앙 * rrinsa SC 없멍 rrir 흘 a sosor 핑 찌 I 훌 $ 뺑 JeOb rrir훌 $ 훨 'ig 뽀앙 'ik rrir 훨 sosong inp 뼈 Jb rripj 멍 Y 훨훨 at ~ n"d 훌 Jb rrofib ~φ 빼 rib 망설 ~ 만족미화미확쟁밀행하다멀수풀민법낸법민법초안면법천민법장의확혜민켠민사민샤법훈야만사법갱이폴민사킥임민샤환활켠먼사환슐면... 혐. 법민사조쩡민샤쏘갱법민사조쟁 it혀민사소총딴사소총민사소총법민샤소종규혀민사소송언져법미풍양속 ""'' 성년 ~ 모법 5!. 챔 5!. 쟁셜협 훌失훌 훌足 훗 1r *i 흩定 톰行하다. 암를出 民훌 民 f 훌 民 f 훌草훌 民훌 A 民훌上의 ll!ij 民. 民. a; 훌分톨 f 民 ~ 훌 iζfl* 民 任民 --- 흠. 民 --- 률 民훌훌 k 行훌 民. 빼 * 民. 빼훔훌 民흘톨훔홉 Jtj f 흘 ~ 훌 a 民. 흙옳 民 *IF 훌훌 民. 훌훌 ~j 훨훨 民훌흙훌앙 r:u 훌훌 美 JI 良홈 *~ 年훌 Ni 훌 훌. 톨 --- 앓효 person who has lost a thing satisfaction American currency contingent (right, obligation right, etc.) conduct secretly (not open to public) illegal exportation (smuggling) Civil Code civil law Civil Code draft Civil Code Civil Code compromise civil right (droit civil) civil field of civil law generally (including commeπial law) statutory rate of interest for civil matters civil liability civil jurisdiction civil custom (in contrast to commercial custom) Civil Execution Law civil conciliation Civil Conciliation Law Civil Conciliation Rules civil pπ>eedure; civil suit civil proceeding; civil procedure Code of Civil Procedure; CCP Civil Procedure (issued by Supreme Court); Law of Revenue Stamps for Ci찌l Procedure good morals πunor mother law; (ant. 신법 ) private offering (of securities); private placement formation with outside offering - 66 -

n 빼 EO< n뼈eo< 뼈뼈k rt뼈eek 뼈rT1M oe IT 매뼈 * eu d 혀 seo~ rtd 빼며 rn: 빼빼따 Eli 찍흉빼 IT 회뼈總 ai t 홉뺀 rml 뼈뼈 g 뼈 * r 훌 $* n 빼 'Ok rmlsu m 훨뼈 1 빼 on jtsik rnrl 빼 M 뼈 j~ rnrlle i 룰훨 1 n앙 le j흥훌i멍 wtcll rn.d'81\j n찌 ant>o 없 ~ 111.0Mto 월 :h훌 ma빼빠삐neofl ju 빼 ai!rf엉뻐따q.1 ~ 양멍 d훨뺑eαjt ~ 명 W밍ak n링깨 $ 엠빼k rtujm,m' 멍밟훌 n뺑 l loi' 흉k jlqn따 1!T\91빼 I d' 흩빼m rt\41 빼 scrt 훌 e 아훌 ngdb 빼 m m 뺑따 l daei 메횡WEOn d훌 iii rnilan d흩뼈m 훌 %εm ~ ml > mp rn.fogeoo 욕잭 목쩍법학 목객법위외 쪽혀의달성 목켜물 목객물의소찌사법 옥랙외의윌위 랩랙론쩌 주펙적%때한N껴끼변식수별정M푸체찌싼권 무체율 푸맙보금융 푸당효사체 싼찌우의철권추무의컬권주무기명혜련자무가명계약무기명주섹무가명사킬무기명석주면무과셜륙엄 무켠빼리무권째려인푸한킥엄사월 目的 目的훌훌 目 R 양뼈률外 目的의훌成 目 l 훨빼 目的빼의所在私훌 目的 *} 의行흘 的훌的 Mfi 目. N~ * 홉面훌 :it. 훌훌.wa4t tlbm흩 - -- 톨 M' 뜰 - 훌 ~II -- 롤 *--. 흥 ** 흩훌 -- 훌. 훌 B~ 훌 -- 휠 ~ 훗뼈 를훌 g; 名흉 ~ -- 폼名훌,. -- 훌 a~~ ** 흉 -- 첼 l 失 *«--- 代훌 --- 代훌 A ---- 훌任 it 員 --* -- 훌 - -- 흙 --- 훌 ** subject-matter; objective; purpose teleological jurisprudence untra vires achievement of purpose subject-matter law of the place where the subject-matter is situated act outside the scope of purpose teleological interpretation inventory confiscation; confiscate no par value stock indiscriminate confiscation intangible property; incorporeal property property rights in intangibles incorporeals; intangibles; res incorporales unsecured finance unsecured debenture non-voting stock non-voting stock (share); obligee without a title-<>f-debt mnommate contract bearer share (stock) bearer debenture bearer share 않rtificat.e strict liability; liability without fault 무확셜흔빼빼쌍획엄 i 를失훌훌훌., 를任 no-fault liability for compensation 무효 푸효무최푸쪼건 - 0/ - unauthorized agency unauthorized agent general partner-member; member with unlimited liability nullification of capital reserve nullity; null; void; invalid not guilty (crim. law) unconditional --- - ;;! l r!

mj<s eu r옐 le..i 묵시의합의 률t 示외슴훌 implied agreement ~ 삐t 묵시씌 It 示的 implied; by implication; tacit rru 용 thing -ft: m빵월1 용천 -- articles in subject-matter list --- mjg.'iεm 율권 real rights (rights in this) m.igweoo W빼k 왈켠계약 ~-~t:j contracts regarding only real rights mj없 빼 * 뼈 # 빼까 활권척반환청구련.,,. 的활훌활-* right to petition for d없 ~ron restitution based. on m외 rights m.i앓뼈em dl!o빼빼따1 풀켠쩍청구권 - 的훔 * rights to petition (performances) based on real rights rru!jnw'l nyeor흉훌w 물권명셰표 '11 ~ 엠뻐훌 detailed propeπy report mjjtm 뼈n'bo 물적담보 fjj{i인훌훌 real security mjjd 뼈rV 빼1 물척항변 @ 的 bt홈 material defense mj었l9 뼈f뼈 훌장당보 -- 上훌훌 property security (re떠 security) m뼈i 뺑훌X 우능력 tti 力 incapacity; disability m뼈따뼈 * 쩔 무눔력자 를l얻力훌 an incapable (person with a disability) ml뼈 e EU며 1 뿔n없 용자예의한금액 文좋에依한총훌 amount written in words 따깨 t훌!sid< 용리혜석 文률---- grammatical interpretation nu찍톨p 푼셔 文를 instrument (civ. proc.: written evidence) π뼈a~ 훌Yf'D벙 무사공명 * 훌A 公쭈 equitable and proper n훨멍에o 무상으로 으로 gratuitously m.sar핑명빼k 무상찌약 훗約 gratuitous contract rt\'90! 앙훌 * 연찍 免. release frorn liability; exoneration n한g앙흩 * 뻐981 연쩍약환 ~--양훌k exception clause ~ 명푸 register of names; roll; ~ roster n뼈 빼lg i내u 명푸상주쭈 ~- 上 ** 主 shareholder of record 명도 "11훌 vacation (of land or building) ny훌--. n빼없l 명의名훌 (in the) name (oo n한digeu 명의 名훌 title ~ 흉i d훌빼따 "ta 명의체켠자 名훌m 훌 creditor with a title-of-debt ~ 월VlU e e띠 ital 명의예의한 名훌예없한 in one s name IT O' 뿔l 뿔얻훌P 명외찌셔 名.ijt홈 change in holders (in the register of shareholders) ITyeo' 뿔 j 훌훌 g 야빼 1 명의깨셔대려언名훌냉 k 흩 ft 흉 A transfer agent rryeonget 빼훌멍명외쌍名흘上 nominal ~ - 68 -. fl I ~

W뼈뿔월ngai 뼈1 Q! T'ISD 형외상의자본감소 名훌훌t의흡후플少 nominal reduction of capital rryeongr빼 * 명목적 名텀的 nominal ~ 명푼 名文 statutory provision; express pro 씨 SIOO ~ 명용화 名文 it. codification fl\" 였 ~ 명령 옮令 (administrative ~r court) order ~jeok 명시척 tjjj 示 tfj express ~ 째500 명예쩨흔 名률훌훌 defamation ITyea'π, 면허 免許 license ~ 면제 免除 exemption 월1e 훌 j 면찌사유 免除훌 di 맑 ounds for exemption 윈 r 웰깨 b 냥엽빼入 paymen 뼈 r빼빼m 냥입금 MA~ part payment I빼빼 납입기얼 빼A.IJJ 日 stock payment date I 훌월.ia georae 내부자거혜內훌훌去來 insider 암 ading r훌훨 내각 內뼈 cabinet I& 행j 내규 혐훌. internal regulations 1훌 njl 내무부 Pi& 홈B Ministry of Dome잉tic Affairs κ훌훌1 내심 內心 unexpressed intent! 훌!00 " 내연 內를 unregistered n따rriage; common-law marriage; de facto but not de jure mamage M야 '800 eu 야llO 내연의쳐 內흘의훌 wife by uru용gistered marriage Ill: 훌뻐 P 내용內흉 con ten 뼈 I옐e없 gyevak 낙생계약 꿇빼i 훗월 consensual contract; (requires only consent for formation). r빼 1;a a.i gijae 날확의가제 날확의記흩 recording of the date l'8t J' 핑 남용 릎用 abuse {of rights) 빼v;-,a 냥뼈1:4 훨훌훌 a spendthrift; a prodigal ~ 흩Ql 다용션 a m bare-boat charter 뼈뼈뻐 * 능핵 홈팀力 capacity l'll!llv}4뭘 cja 능력짜 홉力훌. a capable {person of full capacity) f훌iv빠빼훌 ai r빼-- 능력외의행위. 力外의行훌 act outside scope of capacity noc월 'IQ 노폼 labor; toil ---* - 69 -

(0000' 맹 ) 뼈lab ( 노동 ) 조합 ( 흉lb) 훌융 (labor) union mblqi: 훌 >b 노동법 ~ bl흥 labor law l'd월명 g뼈聊 e 노동판찌 ~lbll 係 labor relations nodtrlg 없eyac 노동계약 ---회훌-- labor contract nooor빼a 노동착 --훌b=i률 laborer; worker I뼈월멍빼뺑j 노동쟁의 ~ 爭훌 labor dispute r월mg jail훌노동조합 ~ 뿔읍 labor union noenu 뇌률.115 A bribe nam 노임 --홉 hire nan 노언老 A the aged; old people 녹. 률 minutes of the sessions t * rm훌!k sir뺑녹씩신고 15 申쏠 a blue return ncm 노무 --훌훌 labor ~ 노무짜 - --훌훌 manual laborers ruvm 농민률民 farmer 따Virra훌 l'ielob 놓립수싼엽 톨林水훌훌 faj뻐 ng, fishing, and forestry oorfa 논짜»; 룹 appellant (sometimes) 때1i 뼈m 논져는폴답는 Appellant argues that -nor빼 논쟁 훨훌 Essays on (book title) ram찌b 논푼쟁 쏠文. essays on φook title) 때mil 훌!Ol'f b 논푼션웹 홈文훌훌 collected articles (essays) on... ncmui ~ 논흘션정 폴文훌. selected essays on φook title) 때Jt f훌훌ed< 논려혜섹 흩흩훌jJfi logical interpretation fvj0c빼핑노역짱 --훌훌 workhouse ru>edn 누협 ME recidivism; repeated offense ~ deulj 누구든지 누구튼껴 ev, 양y person m삐jk. 누력투짜 훌훌훌훌 installment investment m뻐 * ~ 누혀투표 훌훌 cumulative voting rry없 1>o 년보 yearbook ~- f!0'1 WEOI i 년훨앨年 JJ a date 0 야.* 외국 If.I훌 foreign. courntry 빼월 :leob 외국법 外톨훌 foreign law 야. 야빼n 외국법언 --홉훨A foreign juristic person; forei맑1 corporation 야 ~ q빼ed< 외국국껴 짜I훌훌. foreign nationality oecjj< 00를훌 - 외국획샤.} 톰슐it foreign business corporation - 70 -

야g앙뼈1 gπ훌 EUI뼈뼈 외국환거래은행 外 I톨훌去來훌行 Foreign Exchange Bank Law ~ 흥 ~.π휠 P멍! 외국환거래공인은행外훌훌去來公짧홉行 authorized foreign exchange 없t흘째 bank 야. 뼈뼈n 뺑ianri 외국환환려 --룰훌합훌 foreign exchange control ~ 힘뭘tliryl: 웠맹 외국환관려령 --룰훌쯤률令 Foreign Exchange C ntro l Order 아황빼빼n!1>'4e 외국환규찌 --톰훌훨R커 foreign exchange restrictions 야g뻐 1 외국인 外톨톨A alien; foreigner 야힐 * 뼈m앓 WEOf'l 외국총련 外훌훌흉 foreign securities 맹 * 뼈 ~ 외국판철 外 I톨잊I~ foreign judgment 빼 * 뼈 ~ 없 j셀빼lg 외국환철의집행 M- 1'1훌의훌 ~ff enforcement of foreign judgment 빼 * 뼈 ~ 이없었llQin 외국환철의송인 外 llff훌의훌를g recog띠tion of foreign judgment 빼 * 훌!Jlrl흙 외국세공계 --톰훌控除 foreign income 뼈x credit 08l}J< ta9w뼈 외국흥화 外톨 ill를 foreign currency 빼 * 띠룰훌 외국투자가 --룰훨훌흩 forei망1 investor 뼈lNal'I d훌휠w양 m 외환체권 外훌 exchange claims (obligations in foreign currency) OEtWl'I dmnj 외환 JI무 外 foreign currency liabilities 뼈빠11 홉훌1 와환자싼 --훌훌훌 foreign currency assets 뼈뼈l ;at9. 뻐생1 외환중켠 ----톨** forei믿1 securities 0어a 빼앙뼈.it뿔 외자도업심의희 --훌훌A률훌슐 Forei맑1 Capital Counseling Com.mission 뼈a e 뺑하뼈1 뼈뼈 )\JI 와자예판한볍률 外훌예. 한훌홉 Law Concerning.Foreign. U S빼εon Investment 외푸사훤外훌it 員 registered representative αvo 용효 --훌 uphold; defend (the constitution) 징. αv κ tmansong 따 *1 뼈힘 g 아 따헬 eol 화기 화가환종 환한 환철 판결 뼈 ~ 뼈써 oong 삐쩨깨없핑환컬확 2 명중명 훌훌훌훌훌흉 횡 Ufi --* 횡 q~ 1'J~f 흩 )E 훌훌 llji reverse; quash reverse and remand ajudication; judgment; award determination; judgment; ruling; award jupgment; decision certificate of a final judgment l. -,--,.,. - 71 -

~iyu 판결이유 * 낀 ** 훌 m ratio deeidendi; grounds for decision 때YJY8이 l뼈 cm 환철쩔차 * 꺼훌훌 ~ procedure for decisions; decision-making procedure 뼈웰g에 ljb 판컬집 判훌훗 Repoπs of [-] Decisions 뼈 ~ 환철운 判흉文 decision document 뼈웰eol sea-go 환결션고 혔l 훌효쏟 rendition of a judgment 따 ~~i 판결요칙 횡j 훌륭F 륨 digest 뼈헬g여뼈i 판결요져 햇 훌要읍 digest (of cases) 뼈Wool yqi 환컬요져 횟l 決훌릅 holding; findings ~ 환갱 횟I~ 효 determination 빼빼명 gjlll 환갱기준 횟jj료훌훌B룰 standard for judging Oudgment) J&lji 판져 횟j 指 holding 뼈γ1훌훌뻐 환예 7. 톨illil selling rates 뼈vye 환쩨 혔19' judicial precedents 따vye 판혜 判 fh precedent; case iar뼈훌 $ 환혜법 횟j 例훌 case law 어! 뼈 $ 빼 W cni 환빼법원리 좋꺼例 f훌훌훌 doctrine of case law 뼈rye Eli. 빼뻐 * 환혜의가속력 혔例의. 훌力 binding (authoritative) force (effect) of decided cases 따rye 1l훌 eel 환껴빼셜 찢IMM훌 Explanation (of Cases) 빠lyeji> 환혜정 했 B에 1톨 (case) reports 뼈 ry 빼 b 환혜챔. 혜 ft 훌 re poπg 뼈 rye 빼를 1 ~1111 위반햄에 i 흩反 contravention of precedents imart 확싼 ft.l!i 훌 ba 바 U"Upt.cy α훌 rileob 확산법 훌훌훌 Bankruptcy Law κ훌n. 뼈-aan 확싼환찌인 훌훌흉없A bankruptcy administrator 뼈san 빼회an 111-싼찌한 훌훌합빼 ba따trupt g estate 뼈san seongo I짜싼션고 훌훌훌쏠 bankruptcy declaration 빼훌seoo 피빼셔언 endorsee; indorsee --뿜를A 뼈빼rja 피보험자훌훌 훌훌 the insured 뼈훌뱅.in 피청구인 훌홈 ~A respondent (in FI action) 뼈훌 :tlemi 픽대체률 훌代활物 non-fungible thing 빼훌명뼈-- 픽강요짜 훌훌훌훌 compelled party; victim of compulsion 톰,, 때고 --쏠 defendant pigoi1 찍고언 --쏟 A the accused; defendant (criminal case) ( 배!J) $ 훌X'I (-) 펴고사건 (-) 훌告훌 ** case cone앙ning charge of [-] 야훌 ~ 왜빼 ~ -- 훔훌 injured paπy 야 뿔 :in 픽항소인 i 훌抗훌 Ji:A app 잉 lee i I - 72 -

h빼h爛觸어 Wlg! 훨 1 야 x.qy 없 lin 빼F 애 SU j 뺑였 1 뼈빼 맹뼈 Sal 빼 e 때 빼. 뼈 Gi P'M 깨없 \, %κon 메뻐 D 뼈 l j 훌뼈 l9 l'j'iαtgjmg 삐뻐!e 빼빼 Ilg j 뻐. W 뼈훌훌 g 명 i 엄 I 빼 m ~joyak? 빼 g 훌 * ~ 훌 :iclk ~ 훌훌 * W 없 ma~ ~ 빠뼈 eok t"desa 빼뻐Jl 빼빼 ~isa ~ 뼈 m 뼈뼈1 빠l굉 n W 이 lll~ 했 k seosik W 며 m 때 Ut 뼈IJ'l Sl빼A p>,o 잉 tmanyu 피. 소인 픽후견인 훨수죠건 훨요삐 I 펴상고언 피장흑인 픽용 ~ 포기 포기 포고포고 포폴승찌 폭. 폭려. 져 핀, 켠 핀의찌량 명풍훌빼 1 명풍추의 명가성언훌금. 화조약 - 쩍. 씩 I 옐석 현무찌약 찌혜쩍희사 *- 현대 *- 이사 표현쩨리 표현져빼언 * 훈셰약셔섹 표준외국환율 표훈수익율 표시 -- 양 i 를 ~A 를훌後見 A 必須條件 必要률 훌上告 A --- 엄룰 A --- 웰쫓훌빼쫓 # 늄씀 1 힘告 힘括 ~ 를行. 률利 -- 止 불, 훌 8! 宜훌훌를 쭈흉分 ~ 쭈흉호훌 훌,. 폼引 lti~ 쭈和 ll - 혼 M 훌흩 -- 片 1훌 ~lj m t1 양 11: 훌혈, 代훌훌. 훌見代훌 表見支훌 A 훌흩횟約흩 >t 훌빼 l 外룰훌훌 흘 I 톨收흥. 表示 appellee {lit. other party) in appeal ward (of the court, etc.) conditio sine qua non; indispensable condition necessary expenses appellee; re-appellee ancestor employee abandonment waive; waiver (of right) decree; proclamation promulgation of circular or pronouncement; (kind of law) universal (general) succession violence; assault usury abrogate; annul; repeal; ab 이 ish book; -volume free discretion (old usage) equal proportion principle of equality valuation allowance peace treaty -review (title of periodical) (case) comment (case) criticism; commentary one-sided contract closely held corporation apparent representative director apparent agency apparent manager standardized contract form the basic rate of exchange of the national currency standard rate of gross pri fits declaration; expression,,, v,, -! l -t - 견

철 령끼A꺼A柳撥커 m r 빠 ng r 뼈 ng 추Treatise on - (book title) Order (e.g., Cabinet Order) order. 톨월 m $ 뼈 ob 월 $$ 빼훌빠 l8jb 훌빼 $ 빼 j 훨 m a.t lj>r9'eobtme 훌훌 φ 뺑 ecnj 월 g 윌빼 1 SiiJec 빼땅 1 훨없빼없 1 월 )8(i) 훌훌뭘 n tilei> $$ 뼈빼따 'ISO 훌훌뼈를 * 빼 Yd g 엄 dl!oou'i 빼웠빼 eok i 야 $$ $ 뼈 d 여없빼빼 1 벌훌뼈빼 훨 :ieabsar 맹 힐훌 * 훌 r 핑 ai 뼈뼈 «lo $ 야 IOb 훌 n 얼 $ 뼈 φ 훨없꺼 사안사법사법사법법사법푸사법외공법화사법 ~ 쩡사법환사법련사법뭔사법업법사법언사협찌환소사법썩명갱쳐흘사법척입법사법혜찌환사법식사법앙사법상의협쩌도. 사법셔사사볍시혐 훌훌 司훌 훌훌 f 뀐훌훌 퍼훌 1ff 훌 t..l 훌의公훌 f ~ 司훌 ** 훌 司훌 홉 퍼훌 - 司훌 -- 司훌立훌 &-騙-앓 &퍼퍼퍼훌的효훌 司훌的훌훌 ~J 퍼훨. 훌 ~~ 훌上 私훌上의훌빼度 司 f 훌. 土 司훌틀 (. 分fact pattern ju버cial function; administration of justice; the judicature private law judiciary law the judicature change in the nature of private law in the direction of public law academic course for legal professionals judici떠 official judicial power jud.ici버 power; jurisdiction (intematiom퍼 law) judicial legislation; judicial law-making private juristic person judicial court judicial administrative disposition (judicially-made) judicial legislation judici떠 justice legal work (position, profession) (under) private law private law legal system judici떠 scrivener judicial examination; legal examination - 74 -

톨빼eob 삐W없 1 사법위원 司 f훌훌員 judici따 commissioner sabe훌b R월 lsus옮맹 사법연수생 퍼훌흙옳生 legal apprentice 월웠 :0 ~SlMκm 사법연수훤 司옳 ift훌훌 Legal Iraining & Resear h Institute * 훌뻐 )ll 사본 attested copy; certified copy 양화훌샤혜 il:ti톨 debenture; bond 훌힐흩풀뼈t'serlg 사 ~ 발행 it.fl 훌훌行 flotation of debentures; debenture issue 양화훌뼈l야훨lQ t빼 n 사체옐헬활인 it합훌行톨뼈강! discount on debenture 밟뼈wain 사체켠 itfi를흉 debenture; bond 양화훌켈 % 없뺑 사체권자 it톨 훌 debenture holder; bon버lol der 혈ae 뻐 사 i쩨이자 훌 ~~ 를利子 interest on debenture 훨를훌 ir&ia 사체인수짜 it톨引훗j륨 debenture underwriter sad를 ie nyeor빼 j 사 ~ 명푸 debenture register itfl 名 -- 용 :tll훌훨. 빼1 샤체장환 훌Uf fl훌 redemption of debenture 톨월le 양n빼 a 사제검사 ~ 훌 autopsy 훌얼 'it» 샤쳐배 훌용률 ornamental expenses SC tise 사쳐세 훌용 & luxury tax 를피하1 사단 if: 빼 assoc1at1on 룰빼n 야빼 n 사단법인 it빼훌a incorporated association ~ 뼈뼈월 >eob 생활보호법生폼保훌훌 Livelihood Protection Law 훌훌빵 뼈 eu 없l1QOO 생활의근거효活의흉l principal place of residence 훌l1SfM빼 gmi' 때e 생활환찌 生活 II훌 relationships of everyday life (esp. economic life) 훌훌g없 l d흩뼈m 생천쳐훌 生 IUJ훌分 disposition _inter vivos_ 훌g뿔홉1 생싼 生훌 production S뭘. 훌1ja 생싼자 生훌훌 producer; manufacturer 훌훌. 훌1 sllyoog 생싼신용 호흩홈 I휩 credit for production 훌뭘 >ja 사업짜 훌훌훌 entrepreneur 훌 ~ 사업짜 흘훌훌 entrepreneur 훌0야 i 뼈ld-e 사업자단체 훌훌훌빼l톨 business association 훌8i> rrd홍 * 없 :>mm 사업목쩍행외에 훌훌 na앙i톨빼 scope of the p따pose of the enterprise; scope of enterprise purpose $ 훌 )b n뻐i뼈 사업연도. 훌 ~~ 훌 business year 훌훌lb n뻐mo 사업년도흘훌 ~8홍 fisc머 year 훌J9(X1 사건 ftf case 용흉뤘 사건훌 If: case; action 훌-- 사기휠Flt fraud 를119' 사고 t«accident (e.g. traffic) 훌qNeOn 사련훌 ~ private right 흩앵빼엉in eu 빼V>'U 샤켠외향유私 의享有 enjoyment of private rights 힐lie 사혜 흙쩔훌 fraudulent injury - 75 -

월훌e hem 사혜하다 許쁨하다 prejudice; defraud; fraudulently injure 활met빼빼 사혜행위 許홈行훌훌 prejudicial act (done by obligor knowing it will prejudice obligee) 훨Ml9 뺑쩌k 사행계약 Mf! 홍흉얻뼈 떠eatory contract 훨l 훌뼈끼b 사후셜렵 훌훌設효 post-formation 벌한g멍 사형 ~ 카. capital punishment; death penalty saim 사엄 IHE res1gnat1on sain 사언 私 A private person 획훌멍 사장 it훌 company president 획없멍 사갱 훌k겉 assessment S핵 ~ t7j없때빼lg 샤청변경 훌fl'flf훗 change of circumstances S혀eoo. 뭘률 사전공찌 훌흩I릎險 deduction in adv없ice 빼oe 사확 를삐 " apology (crim. law) 획oe gi빼맺. 사최황고 IU훌훌告 public announcement of ap이앵y (in defamation cases) Sii<je 삭찌빼-- elimination; deletion; erasure; cancellation ~κon blnil 암필불렵 = 分효 separation of powers; re때ective independence of the legislatu앤, executive, and judicature SllTU 맑mi 사무관리 훌훌빵훌 management of affairs without mandate sarru. 빼1에 n 사무환리인 륭훌A manager of affairs without mandate mu 밝 at 법사풀환할훌빼률홉 SU 비 ect-matter compeα:nee G urisdiction) 룰ITlliO 사무소 훌훌훌所 office sanu;o 사무소훌훌所 public of 윈 ces 훌m.MEOO 사무훤 훌훌훌 of헌 ce.π offici떠 ; person in charge 훌웠빠 ~ 싼업법 훌훌훌 industrial regulation law sane b 홉빠 $$ 잊ng 싼업찌현생 훌훗再 i를成 industrial reorganization ---훌얘 장법 - 홈 f훌 commeπ i al law sang< 빼빼1g 상대방 1월훨方 other party; adversary; opponent scrpg 앙당. 엠 t proper; reasonable; adequate; due; appropriate Sil뼈엄삐, j뼈j 상당한추외 뼈룰한 B:J률 due diligence; due care 협뺑r명 ir없 gt.a' 뱅 * 상당인과판찌 a월困훌삐훌 relationship of adequate causation - 76 -

Sil1QOOb darw Sil1QOOb 없I명 bu SCllgeOO M햄따l 훌. 월훨잉 aj 뼈뼈b sargeob sayorgn 훨 ~ 9nyoogang sar훌 * 훌훌훌 f 빼 a 훨 ~ 었. 훌b 뼈O뻐따1 g훌 ~ 뼈n 훌힘없 m $ 멍없 m 훌QJ> 훌훌. d빼 iji SilYp iyu 89.PYJ to 없훌. 훌훌 B1Selb be 뼈 를 n 꿇 -- 훌훌 ~ el.i f 빼 빼 1 Silvjll 훌 훌. 훌 -. ~ 훨9'0 1 1α힘없멍훌9'0 t률훌훌. 빼 SCI# 빼l J뼈 k 훌휠n t뿔 iin 훌9n isa scrlgin isa 생업풍기상엽둥기부장업충권장업상의환습장업사용인상업신용창상각 상각하다 장거래상합법원장굽심상금 상금앙고상고혜져앙고이휴장공회의소 ---- 상찌습법상계의항변 장예 ---- 상호위장효변청 상효획사장환 상환주격짱엄빼리인상엄이샤상엄이사 商훌훌훌g 商훗훌훌훌홈훌꿇용商훌上의엔훔商훌 (f J협 A 商業信用狀. 빼 g 용 lilj 하다 商去來上훌훌院上훌훌 at 金 I 총上쏠上좀훌 g J:. 쏠훌때3 홈工슬훌所 商톨훔훌 m m합. 엠計의훌훔홈行 -- 商. 빼 --- 훗뼈互 11: t 훌 홈훌훌 ~? 톨 Ht률A 홈 {f훌. 홈 ff훌훌 commercial register commercial paper trade customs commercial employee commeπial letter of credit omission from gross receipts (accounting term) am rtize; repay; redeem (a bond) corn.meπial transactions upper courts; eu뿔rior couπs continuative instance compensation; reparations; damages prize money; prize; reward final appeal reasons for 상고 appeal grounds for 상고 appeal Cham뼈 of Commerce and Industry commercial customary law set off; off set set off defense i며 ury; bodily harm oommeπial acts 파m (trade) name change in firm name mutual corporation redemption; repayment; reimbursement redeemable stock stan< 힘ng proxy executive director managing director,commeπi 외 registration 훨91 훨. 빼빙홉뿔멍함빠 $ 빼뱅 hoesa srp 핑 W 빼 $. 훌 '9 W 찍 9i1ll $ 홈빼 silt 훨 gill1 상인상창상캉계약상장회사상장빼져앙창. 져기춘앙창심사기준 뼈 A 上뭘上뿔률約上훌훌it 上훌훌止上훌훌止훌훌 t훌훌훌훌. meπhant listing listing agreement listed corporation de-listing de-listing standar 넙 g listing standards.,-- l! lh jj - l ---- l - 77 - i i l, 1 -,

흡Qr멍 Y\91 je.i릎m 엉. 장장유가증권보고셔上뿔有. 짧 *** 告홉 periodic report on listed @φseo securities ~ 상표 R휠훌 trademark Slrlg!Vlja 상린자. 염훌훌 owner or occupier of adjoining land g때sa beobjeor멍상사법갱이율商훌훌 ~ 利 @@ statutory rate of interest foxcommeπial matters. j 훨방sa '1ff't빼 상사찌약 商훌훗約 c mmercial contract Slr1gSB l'08sa 상사회샤 商훌 it commercial company 훌멍sa iαgae 상사중찌 商훌 *** com.meπial arbitration 훨훨I j빼없1 상질주켠 훌失主. lost share certificate g밍g 상소 t흙 ap야 al (limited to suits in court) (admin. appeal different) 훌멍획용멍 쌍소짱 t흙狀 \\Titten petition for appeal 훌엠 $* 상속 m succession; i따 teri뼈nee $ 명빼W따 1 상촉켠 * 엠--- sue ession right $ 뺑 ~ 9)Utik 앙속큐척 m.t훌 Jl!J succession regulation Sil뽕뼈1 상속인. 엠MA heir 훌뿔 *. 상속포기 相. 빼l률 renunciation of succession 훌훌,., 사외주 it 外훌 outstanding shares 훌ye 사례 훌. honorarium; reward; fee 훌 % 뿔m 사빼금 훌I톨올 success fee m 사살 훌. facts (as section of a case means CO\Jπ 8 summary of 와legations, 않hi bits, petitions, defenses, admissions, etc., not findings) sasil 사옐 훌. the truth; reality; fact 훌빼 ai ji뼈a 사설의천슐 훌. 의 (or머) statement of facts in couπ 훌회 ~ 샤셜판제훌 * 삐훌 fact situation 훌훨 lljoor 명사철언갱훌. 홉 1 울 fact-fin 바 ng 훌si ~ 사설척시 훌I빼示 court s outline of allegations and offers of evidence 흥폐 nu뿔 사실푼1 훌훌 Mil question of fact 훌sil혈. 훌j φe\selb 샤셜상의환습 흥...1: 의삐홉 custom-as-fact ; m와om-as -a - matter-of-fact l 훌sil훌p ai t훨양 )'fajl'i 사질쌍의항변 를 ~-...I: 의 lfl (affirmative) defense based on facts 훌앙SSYJ ai tm훌 사설쌍의획사 훌 * 上의 *it de facto business corporation $ 헤훌 ~ ai 뼈얼11'1 사실장의활단 d앙ermination on the facts 훌 WJ: 외 --- - 78 -

L 1l; 를뻐 εon 빼 Wl 뼈 9-oe 훌 wea 빼 ron 휩 eok sayorg de 짧 B 를 r,uqu 훌 PJU 뼈훌 ob sectik 훌뿔 Jn 빼빼 1 훌. 빼뼈멍 훌,T\I SEJIUieO 사휠사훤총회사원권사역사용째차사용주사유세법셰척셰금세환셰환장셰우세우셔 if: 員 ii: 員훌. it 員 $. f 홀앓 使用 it 借 f홀 } 엠호를 ~dj 짧 * 훌 뻐 g -~ 훌 M 훌 훌훌 짧훌 % 률 member (of company, association, etc.); employee; staff member member meeting membership-right mission; errand; appointed task loan for use employer reason; cause; ground 없X law detailed rules or regulations (kind of law) 뼈x; duty; dues custom house; customs chief of customs taxation business 때X office; District Tax Office (GGJ 훌 rru 플 P 빼뱅 훌웰 >Oe 훌X>Oe ~ $* 빼eok t뼈빠 * secboe sabeob $ 껴l 빼euig $ 뼈l!009 ~ ~ eurnj $ 뼈T EO훌않α1 톨삐뼈 ~ 훌 :Jlr뻐 톨뼈00 ~ 훌drib d'm뼈 seal 빼없 I 뺑. 훌삐뼈U멍톨j 훌d b 메n, 톨lOiib 뼈W없 1 tk>esa 셰쭈셔장성외생외변호사섭외잭효력업외샤법셔기셔중석명씩명의무석명권껄갱쩔렵껄렵삐l 용껄랩취소껄휩둥거. 철립중의획샤연립무효갤럽해훤 훌훌률톨 훌外훌外 --훌土풀外 l'fcj했力 훌外훌훌흠를g 흩훨 lljj --- 훌훌 엠 흘 ~~ 활立 앓효홈JO 앓효取뼈훨효훌훌g 훨立 ifl 의 1톨 it :2 효를 ** 앞효훌. 이iief (or director) of 뼈X office liaison liaison lawyer ~ffect on liaison (relationships) extranational (private) law (court) secre없꺼es documentary evid밍1ce clarification clarification duty clarification right; (judge s) power to clarify creation (of auperficies, etc ) formation f C야 poration, etc.); foundation; establishment formation expenses rescission of formation registration of formation embryo business corporation nullification of formation formation committee; organizing committee ;.,.,--- --,.,Ill ---- l j 사,,.,,,,J l. -l -- 3 니,. l -, --, liih. 이t, - 79 -

훌 ~ (seort 뻐 l1) 뼈뻐빼 $ 훌 ~dor 뿔 j (seor'l BOO e ai 벼 l} 훌 m 었명 S00IT뼈 1 밍빼없ig seat 없 1 seon 야 * sirrri seon 빼뼈 ~ 힐 훌 n 월 * p 뺑 A seon 야 *@ 뻐 nriin seonmk 뻐빼훌삐 ton 었 n 헤 ha seon 뼈 Seo' 엉 1 세 ~κm 훌 Dlbek SC 4a 훌 Dl 삐 seer 뻐 j biycrjd seer 헤쩌 g 빼 R 따 1 seer 애써 8J9v 따 18 훌 3lll' 없 1 seoneon SEDleli seona.i seorai eui 훌 g 삐 l eui 뻐 ~ S0Cl1eU eui jes 쩌 a 훌 mea.i 없뻐 I 뿔 $ 뱅 삐 톨 ~ $ 뺑 U1beOO ~ 훌 lflg1 뻐 뻐 훌 JV> 서면 흩面 document; letter ( 셔면 ) 당변서 ( 홉面 ) 흉협홈 (written) answer. 셔연동의 를面同훌 written consent ( 셔면에의한 ) 소취하 ( 흠面에依환 ) 흙取下 (w꺼tten) withdrawal 셔명 를名 signature 셔면철갱 홈面흙훌 resolution by letters 서면심리 를面훌훌 trial by documentary evidence 션박션박풍기션학공유선박판랴언 mtt mtt훌훌g IJotl 公휴 MIO 률훌A ship; vessel registration of ship ship co-ownership ship's husband; managing 션빡져당권 션학션취톡련 션학소유짜 션촬 션률배용 션휘륙권 션취륙권 ;q. 션언 션언 션의 션의 션의외 션와의챔휴 ;q. 션의의쩌암자 션의의양수인 생춰 선거 성훈법 생년 생년자 션고 IHB 훌 -- mm 先 Jfl4 훌. IUl18T 有훌 先. 先훌톨 } 협 先 --- 홀. 先훨 * 훌 훌. 효륨 효를 훌훌 훌. 훌훌의 훌훌의 6~ 훌훌 훌훌외짧三훌 훌훌의를受 A 成흩 t 흉. 成文훌 찌 t.. 빼 i 年훌 효쏠 owner ship mortgage maritime lien owner of ship; ship s owner prepayment prepaid expenses lien; preferential right; priority right; privilege lien holder; holder of preferential right declaration (of confiscation, of judgment, etc.} declaration; pronouncement good faith; bona fides good will well-intentioned; well-meant; bona fide bona fide possessor third party acting in good faith; third party without knowledge bor퍼 fide assignee fulfillment (of condition) election stat야e; written law; ex scripta_; us scriptum_ majority; adulthood person of full age; a major hand down (judgment); deliver - 80 -

양g 맹. - 션고 효쏠 sentence; verdict; adjudication seongib 뼈 i미g 영 Ima 생립을언청하다 成효용옆定하다 admit the validity as evidence of... 훌mgib yogeon 생렵요건 成立훌件 constitutive requisite; f rmation requisite!m1q생 l 뼈ge 성설하게 훌 하게 in g d faith; sincerely; honestly 훌mgsi l뼈1 heyj 성살한이행 흩,. 한톨行 faithful performance seer, 야훌 ~ 월Jill 션행시간 ~fi'b흉뻐 time priority seoota jeu훌없on 션하충켠 It~ 텀를톨. BL; Bill of Lading $ 월lim 션엄 를任 election; appointment; assignment; nommat1on seonim 뼈 eu 션엄 (o} 사의 ---) 훌 {f( 훌훌의 ) election {of directors) seonim I뼈빼1 a.i...) 션엄 ( 져빼인의.) 훌 ff:( 支흩 ~A의 ) appointment (of managers) 훌ionjcng 션장 It 長 master (of a ship); ship s captain $ 빠빼g멍션쩍항,. 톨 port of registry (of a ship) Sllonjeok " 였뺑빼r흉 eo 션척명령셔 m톨. 令. shipping order seoo~ 멍빼흉핵a 션쟁당사자 훌훌---훌 plaintiff or defendant for a group in actions involving common interests 훌 ion, 션주 It 主 ship s owner 훌 ionrr 홉껑 Wε00 훌 loortbi 껑 WEOO 션예켠 션예켠 ~ 5ε-- preferenti왜 purchase right preferential purchase right (also read: saibaiken) SllOOmJ 톨me 션풀거혜 ~-~ 양,. future transaction SllOl1뼈lQ 벌1 뼈빼 a.i i뼈j 션량한환라자의주확훌良환률훌훌의훌훌 diligence of a good manager 훌mr뿜 션혜 先 % precedent sem~a.i ~ 뼈뼈 * 션혜의 f속력 先빼의빼束力 precedential effect $ 월lSeO 션셔 효를 oath 를!On톨ek 션악 훌-- election; option seon훌빼 * 빼빼빼 션빽척뱅합 훌훌的함슴 elective joinder 훌훌. WEon 션훤 It.It seaman; mariner; sailor seonwron 션훤 It를 the crew; ship s company; sailor; seaman; mariner sa.n빼빼1 출째인 * A successor seu빼 Jle jibt훨 :wig따n 숭채집앵푼 쳐 ~ 휠行文 execution exemplification agamst successor엉 Sl!U'91 송인 *D! approval; assent; admission SEU91 승인 * 폼 authorization; approval $ 찌. 송확 * 홉 acceptance; consent; assent; agreement si 시 ifi city - 81 -

si sidleα~ sie\.b~ si ~ 11 였1 a.iroe si etb ~000 a.i~ a뻐 ()1'1 si9. 뼈g형 si~ 잉. 훌.} gyt.dik 엉홉9 양훌. 빼d혈 sihimj뻐x 명 si)'fto sijal 뱅 sijang Wit 뻐 aro sijar명혈1fe!ok S뻐 ~ nκ~rg s업월 >eob S납 ~ 훌ng R빼훌 S낱뼈 $* 빼뺏j S녕쩨eokjM잊률P S빼따1 S 빼없 jj silgweofjj sill'i 훌빙 시시청시융연시융연의회사융변의회의원사기시행시행법시명규척시행일시명철차시행령사효시장시장흘활샤장가격으로샤갱명령실체법질제법상화 *. 실체쩍갱의살셰씌중거. 설현살켠주설련주설명 ili ili) 훌 m 물面 i 율율面훌흙 JU 물面훌슐훌員. 융뼈 I 훌行 X 훌行홉 @ 훌行規則훌行닙 -- 行홉 ~ I훌行令 R흉 ** *~ 훌 ifiw 分 'IJ rn홉톨格으로훌표융令 WI훌훌 -- 훌훌上和 -- JU를的, 표훌 )!(tie양짧훌 失. 失 * 失 **. 行 urban district (administrative unit); office (of.. ) city office cities, towns, and villages city, town, or village council city, town, or village councilmen time of commencement enforcement, operation Law for Enforcement of (law title) Enforcement Regulations effective date enf on:ement procedure Enfor ement Order prescnption market allocation of market at the market (price) correction order substantive law (see also extrajudicial compromise; substantive law compromise substantial justice substantial evidence forefeiture; loss of right unregistered share (stock) unsubsc 껴 bed shares enfor err 훌 nt; 양 gπise (of right); ;-- -i,.,,, lll,,, 씨! 1,,,,,, j r 훌훌멍 sitlyo 뼈 sifin 빼야IOO 빼i않 YJ 영뼈P S뼈멍 seot9> sim훌 garr;a 설명설효이짜살인설쩔법설철장장 ~ 설총셜종션고셜무가 를行 1t'-tf!J 子.qi. 훌훨. 홈t * 훌훌失훌失훌효告 JUi* foreclosure (on mπgage); commission (of crime) performance; payment; particular performance; presentation effective interest register ed se 따 substantive I.aw substantive capital reduction absence; disappearance adjudication of disappearance practitioners (non-academicians) hμ- 3ι7---L h, 4- 써! - 82 -

silsi 설시 enfor ement siltae 실대. 룰훌훌 substantive - 잉뼈Yd g뻐 1 실용신안., 협률훌 utility model sm 심 훌 trial; court (suffix) sπ00 심의 훌훌 deliberation; consideration sπbli 섬의 훌훌 informal examination (by a judge) srreuhc용 심의회 롤훌훌 (deliberation) council; inquiry commrss1on 잉 ~ 성철 훌훌 (Patent Bureau) decision sirrgy없 $ 싱결셔 훌훌. (written) decision (FTC) smn 샤민 市民 citizen; townsperson; but명 her sinmtl 생푼 훌間 hearing sirr빼 1 생판 훌-- hearing; determination; umpiring; refereeing; examination (by patent office) 잉n따 1 뼈Yfe양 * 심환빵혜최 훌 1'.l.W1훨 Ill off e~e of interference with a hearing S때빼빼1 심환환 훌휘 홉 trial examiner; referee; umpire sirm -- 섬려 훌훌 trial; examination; inquiry; hearing sirni 띠m 심리부천 훌훌不훌 inexhaustive examination (of facts) sill"68 싱사 훌훌 inquisitorial procedure; inquieitory authorities sπ'6a 샘사 훌훌 re찌 ew; inquiry; examination; inspection SlrT훌. 뻐n 생사환 훌훌합 inspector; investigating officer; examiner sill"68 g빽emg 심λ} 철갱 훌훌훌훌 ruling on review 일m;in S훌훨l 생신상셜 心훌훌失 mental unsoundness 흩뼈 *-- 신명력 홉룰力 credibility (of evidence) 잉빼I 선훈 :rt~ status; personal status S빼m 뼈훌멍 신홉효창 身分훌ID 밍Jarantee of status 밍뼈11 esej ~ euo 신분에세계약으보 身分예셔훨約으호 from status to contract SrWl jal멍 $ 신용종셔 身分 S훌훌 personal status certificate 앙빼n 훌 >mg 선불소총 身分 ~~ status action 일빠lEIOOJ 신청 $ 훌 application; offerer sillhmg 션챙 申홀 * application; petition; request sindm뺑1 션청언 申흘A applicant; petitioner 배앙 $ 영 sageai l-j신청사건 [-) 申홀---* case concerning pe찌찌m for (-]., - 83 -

잉 nd 없. 똥 p sinai 잉빠 jdj(.snai e 뼈 a seor 훨 ~ sinai seor뺑 i 잉뼈j 훌lll9영 l e.ji wεg엉 ik si~ sir 멍이 n si!9)sai 9fVJ uuyo sir 멍 WEon t 빼뼈 잉에 b 양삐 ro'1 sir1u 잉띠 U 빼짧 ri 빼 U 뼈뼈 g 멍 mttp S 에 u, 빼.gwEal g 때 il'islgw 00 jell 흉 ielo j 매바 Yd sirml1 9mul Pseo 신청셔 신의 션의칙 신의예따라성설하게 신의성실신의생웰의현척 신고 션고언션고셔 신고수수료 신련학화 신업사원 션주 선주nT 뺑효주신신주인수련 션주언수권증셔 션중 션푼 신용쪼셔. 훨. 흠훌 흠훌훌 llj 信훌예따 4 훌훌톨하게 信훌훌. 홈훌 ---- 의原則申告 申쏠 A 申쏠. 申告좋 t+ 훌훌 훌 JiAit 員 률 ** 흘 rr 윷行 Ji~ 흥흉行 ~ 훌 lit 흥댐 I 윷 -- -- 흥캉 I 훗. 훌를 fl 훌 흘 J\r:t 흘 J\r.:J 빼를 subscription form (for shares or debentures) good faith; trustfulness; faith; fidelity; loyalty good faith principle in g d faith good faith (and tπst) good faith principle petition; motion petitioner return (e.g., 뼈x); filing; rep 야 t; no~ification application fee divine right school newly joine녔 member new shares; additional cap it머 stock issuance of new shares nullification of iss iance of new she.res pre-emptive right to new shares; su밟.cription right stock purchase warrant; pre-emptive right certificate; subscription warrant caution; prudence; discretion; care examination (of witness) (civ. proc.) interrogatories relationship of mutual relian양 on good faith; fiduciary relationship consolidation new suit deposit; trust; bailment trust 홈. 뻐. sinroe q뼈 ~ 신뢰환찌잉nseol t빼w없. 신셜합뱅 Jr훨읍- sinso 션소훌 * * 잉빼k 선학흠託잉빼k 신학훌託 잉r훨k~ 빼신학찌약렬託훌 1'J contract!, S빼k fjfflfcflt. jllldik 신학찌약준칙,흙흩f ~ 約히톨 g Entrustment Contract i l i -.-Regulations,- -,,,,잉뼈k to훌훌신학희사 trust company 옳託 it l,j힐빼빼a 션학자흠託훌 depositor; trustor; bailor jtrust 41너니 1 h 이ι 내ι1-84 - i, j rt j i! i l ---;, -

S 뼈 k 뼈 IQ 뻐 Wl sir빠on 뼈g뺑 a.m sil'iwea'l 뼈 artjn sif )1'19 sif )1 텅 S 뼈 ~ 없 eyak 잉뼈 l"d ttfoo 뼈 XlQ jotllb sinyongang sinyor 명뼈 vree sir 뼈 I 멍뼈 m 훌 mesa $ 훌 * b 혀 has1g ~jpye m & 빼 B m 양 tak $ 뼈 ija $ 뼈ija 없I mmj $* 삐ta $ 빼 Acse $ 없싫 e dleongsaek sif9)se0 SD eu 아없. 없 'IQ SD eu d빼ta SD eu 흉월뻐 ~eok b 빼 9'eb SD eu 훨 ~ SD eli 훌ak SD eu jegi SD eu 빼빼1eok $. 흩 $ $ 뿔j) hay8o $ 없뻐 'f/o $ 뿔빼훌 * h 빼 n 뼈영 yfd 빼SOt}.J 爛總빼빼신학중뭘 협꿇-훤-원용신 신신신신-금인-용뺨한좌혐 빼 갱째뺀채h용합죠용-신용신용사신.껴용 핵소소액소비-셰소소비짜소삐l 짜보호소삐l 물소취하 뼈 소득세소득세청잭신고서소외변경소의취하소의쩍환객병합소외각하소의기각소의셰기소씌주환척뱅합소급하여소굽효 소극쩍확인판철 소구 소구소구켠소환소환창소짝인 흔託훌훌훌 身元保훌훌金, 身元保홈人 信 m 흠 f 펌 훌 % 用쫓흙 홈 m 용同뼈合 흠 m 狀 흠 f 혐훌훌 좁 f 휩 Jill( 슬 if: 少훌훌. 行 少홈뼈 -- m i 훌借 뼈훌훌훌 E 뼈훌훌에용횟훌훌훌 뼈흙 ---* 下所쩔짧 所쩔I용뿜e 쏠흘흙의훌훗흙의훌下흙의훌. 的 ff융. 씌훨下흙의훌훌P 흙의 t훌훨 흙의 3:.aec.J # 合. 及하여 훌及혔 뼈훌的훌훌흩용껴 * * 훌훌훌 JJt1i 홈곁 - ~tt 小 IF 人 deposit note; certificate of deposit secunty money personal surety credibility (of evidence) credit margin transaction credit association lett.er of credit credit sales; sales on credit credit sale company small issue (of securities) paper money of small denomination loan for consumption bailment for use; bailment for consumption; deposit for use; consumer consumer protect1on consumables withdrawal (of suit) income tax blue income tax return amendment of a suit withdrawal of action bjective joinder of acti ns dismissal of a suit dismissal of a suit institution of action subjective joinder of acti ns retroactively retrospective or retroactive effect negative declaratory judgment pursue in a suit (not w rd of 없 't) recourse (bills and notes) recourse right summons writ of summoi 뼈 tenant farmer - 8.5 -

- 획뼈 W 뼈때 획 Mg a.i!d"i 뼈 획빼앵뭘 g 멍 sir 성없. 훌 P sjj 앵뺏따 1 $ 껴 l 획 ib s)jiin 외 ija ~)a du 휠 b 뼈 ija ch 뺑 i> Sl4 l 소작료 소장 소장의총랄 소장개갱신청서 소체기련 소지 소핍 소지언 소칙짜 소져짜출급 소져짜출급수표 小 (Jifl 訴狀 흙狀의훌훌 訴狀 ijt!e 申흘흠흠 를 * 훌훌. 所持 홉. 所홈 A 所 * 훌훌 Hi1 흩훌出 It f#f 흠훌出쓸手. f양 m rent; fermage complaint; petition service of c mplaint petition to 뽀vise complaint risnt to bring suit detention (mere physical possession) call, summons, convening bearer; holder bearer -payable to 놓arer be양er check $ 껴 i 홉 a.i 빠!Seo 앵맹 rd< 뼈앵 $ $ 빼훌 -- m 훌훌뼈 m 뼈 힐 1 뼈 ta: 뻐 繼轉빼힐 1 뼈 roesa $ 뼈 aia.iπ$ 500}: 뻐. 뻐 1 훌 9.Jam D98n $.$ $ 뼈 e S 빠훌야를월명 sen 흩훌빠훨. 훌 * a.i 빼 I 멍 양 h 를. 훌훨. ~ $ 뻐 :ie 야훌훌. a.i 따 Tbo s:mc 훌빠훨멍 a.i 뼈 g 명 sen 흩훌뼈훌 lgi smae 뼈 a:rn 휠빼 2k saik bt.l1bae 소지자의빼셔 속기록 속기사 속. 소매업자 소멸 소멸하다 소멸회사 소멸시효 총달 총달 총발의의펴 송활기한 용급 총하언 총사 손헤흔혜 --- 손혜배상빼외예갱 촌혜빼앙청구뭘 손혜빼앙의당보 혼혜빼상획예갱 손핵발생져 손혜보협제약 손익불빼 所持훌의背훌 훌 E 훌훌 g 土. 行 4. 훌훌 뼈를 에 @ 하다 뼈를 iut 뼈 Ma 흉했 흉훌 훌훌 홍훌의 4 훌훌 훌훌 llfllj 훌 훌용 훌챈 A 홉 & 흘 --! 흠 -- 흠릎. 훌훌훌. 률의 ~ 월홈홈톨훌 --- 훨훔훌톨의 ii 훌훌 l 홈톨의톨 tζ 훨홈훌生 I 톨 -- 홈홉,. 훗흙. 쓸分률 g - 86 - end or영ement to 뼈arer stenographic record stenographer; stenotypist continuance retailer extinguishment lapse m밍 -ged (absorbed) corporation extinctive prescription service seπice (of summons); delivery entrusting delivery date of delivery remittance coruugnor proceedings; suits injury; damage; loss damages; payment of damages; reparation for JnjUry liquidated damages right to demand damages 훌 ~urity for damages liquidated damages place of i띠ury contract for insuran잊 against loss distribution of pr. 야its and los 앓 g j1 1--- 시 ι l ι 내내내!- νl1, ι rv trl.

ml< g,.es 하,. $ k gyesanseo e g 뼈야 ID 뺑엉 lk ~ ~φ S 없 19~ $ 빼 19~ 뼈 rt>o ~bu daeriin X빼 1Q d용 1뿔 $$ 밍 daerin $ 양멍훨멍 S 핵 a SOSOf 멍힘 l SOSOl1Q 힘O SOSOl1Q (}IS 휠빽 a $$. 빼 chi SOSOf11 뼈용 )fl S 없. 며 SllSCI' 잉빼뼈뻐 * SOSOf'9 빼oe 觸轉轉繼$ 홉 1 명 % 쩌 O $$ 멍 yogea\ SDSU a 때 )1eOl'I SDSU ;.tu 손악계산셔손익캘산서에판한큐칙손익상째손설손설흔살보상소년법소상인소송소송소총법소송비용소송비용담보소총부대라인소총황가소송대랴언소총당사짜소송고져소용구초소송환찌짜소종철차소용조건소총풀소흥능력소용외소총외의훌청혜컬소총사건소총장의소송상의확빼소송원죠소용A건소수의견소수주주 영월흘計算훌훌훌꽉算휠에빼한 JUl 휩益相計훨失휩失훨失빼톨少年훌小商人흙짧 NF뚫훌R 흘 * 훌훌흩훌 & 훌JU 흙흘 & 률f힘훌훌 ~ 흩 & 흩밍-ft.llA. 를 & 훌 1m 훌훨.ft흉人 ~ 앓훌훌훌 IF옳씀 ~ 힐 * 흩 ~-Mb ~ 옳뻐훌훌훌 * 앓홉 ~ IF 훌---** 흙훌 & * 훌를 ~- 力 ** 훌 &-- IF 흘 --- 외分똥 --** 訴를앙훌件 IF 흩 & 上의흙흩 i-c 외和 -- ~ 휠훌 Jib ~ 훌앙훌 ** 小 ** 見小 主 statement of profit and loss Regulations Concerning Balance Sheets and Income Statements of Stock Corporations set-off benefits by loss loss loss compensation for loss Juveniles Law small merchant suit; lawsuit; action; legal steps suit; lawsuit; litigation procedural law costs; costs of litigation security for litigation expenses subcounsel (in ci찌l suit) intervention m a suit counsel (for civil litigation) party to an.action notice of action assistance in litigation litigant litigation procedure conditions for suit subject matter of litigation; cause of action capacity to sue and be sued; procedural capacity non-party; person outside of the suit settlement out of court; private settlement contentious case procedural compromise during suit; procedural compromise assistance in litigation procedur. 떠 requisites minority opinion minority shareholder - f57 -

SllSU M 뺑없 i Dκ00 ~ $- ~ε00 뼈없00 뻐뺑 훌 ~ ssarvru 아빼 ak a.du mu 없찌 mu 뻐lgryeo 명삐 $ 빼때 sa.ai jogeon S뺑 eai 셀Ion 9J 훌 1 sub!uk eu 엘 ia 밍 lqa slik 뼈 ~ 빼n slim uru S 버 m 얽 Blg'ye 외떼 1 9.ilfia eli etirru 웰 1 뼈멍뼈뼈삐 1 SllT 빼멍뼈빼빼 1 Sll 앙빼 oby 명 VS> sma 훨 j Sll 뻐훨 1 SlV1'0 ui Sll 안월 ~ 5Jyeor 휠룰 * 소수주주권소훤소휠짜소유소휴켠소유련양도소유짜짱우채약수출수훌금칙수훌장려카르윌수당수의조건수원 ~ 본수하인수엽수익올얻다수익자수익증련수염의무수엄환계수엄인의의우수임자수명법환수명법환송껴 } 랙뱅합순돈수슐짜싼수표수리수령수령빼 小 t 흥호. 흙 g 를 訴. 흙 所有所有. 所有. 훌훌t 所有훌 ~I훌훌훨 흩出. 를出쫓止. 흩出윷l빼카르멸手률훌훌훌 ** tt i룰 * 훗뼈λ. 入.ft흘율얻다.ft를훌.ft율홉** 훗훌훌훌훌 풀 B: 훌훗 ff A 의 l 훌훌훌 훗 ff; 훌 룻융훌 홉훗융훌홈 l홉 ~atjff읍. 톨훌 톨훌훌手를훗훌윷흘훌 훗훌률 minority shareholder right petition, appeal; petitionary appeal (EHS); I엉 <:ourse (ad. law) petitioner; complainant; suitor ownership; possession ownership; ownership right transfer of ownership owner two-sided (synallagmatic, reciprocal) contract (often translated as bilateral contract, but this is not to be commended export; exportation ban on exports export promotion cartel 삐lowance potestative condition authorized capital conmgnee import; importation 뼈ke profit beneficiary trust ceπificate a fiduciary fiduciary relationship fiduciary duty mandatory; mandatary (in mandate L위임 ) commissioned judge requisitioned judge (not a member.of court of pendency) ranked joinder net tonnage net assets (bank) check receipt; acceptance receipt; acceptance (of tendered perfonnance) amount received - 88 -.

힐빼영 jicte 수령져체 受훌훌. d~fault by obligee (default in accepting performance); delay by obligee susa 수사 훌 3훌 investigation of a criminal offense suseon biyong 수션에용. 흉i홉찢f엉 allowance for repairs $ 뼈빼lU j뻐j 수시쩨출주의 훌훌時提 w 主훌훌 principle of presentation at any time St.60 beclbvκα1 수소법원 풋 &'Ff!~ court handling the suit suuyo 수수료手훌빠 fee; charge; commission $ 뼈k roesa 수학획사룻託슐 if: entrusted corporation; trustee corporation; trust corporation S뼈9a 수확짜 윷託훌 bailee; depositary 와빼빼 수확짜 受託훌 trustee 앙빼a 수확짜 훗託훌 trustee SUja e et.i빼1 앵mek 슷 ~ 에의환금액. 字에依한. 훌 amount in figures (vs. amount written in words) & 짜YJ 수용 8:1힘 expropriation q' 훌뼈빼 W없 lg-ab 핵얼척뱅합 1'-89함용 alternative joinder (vs simple joinder) 훌뼈 빽지 종i훌 residential land. 훌n 홈ban 타인짜혼 l!a훌 * debt capital, 월me 할팩. 톨退 withdrawal from membership tarn훌 * 한핵 --훨 impeachment tant 훌lk j뼈 ~ 한빼찌환소 훌훌훌 &-. 所 Impeachment Court b1w on훌!o 한훤셔 : 흩 (written) petition., ~ 특벌. 훌윗l special; extraordinary ~ 빠lb 특별법. 훌뭘II훌 special law $ 뼈뻐 ~~ 특별청싼. 훌,J special liquidation. g뼈뻐j 뼈rrilo 특별당보. 흥i빼훌훌 special security ai<byall w뼈 et.i 특별결의. 훌I째 ~- special resolution! J $ 싫 '1jf!O 힐eyak 특벌찌약. 훌i찌훗훨 special agreement ~ 벼n 확 ~ 특별한사갱. 흉w한훌뺨 special circumstances ~j뼈훌n 특밸찌판. 훌i쩌훌-- special adjudication ~ 뼈 j쩌훌i뼈 * 특별셰환척 tiwm~i훌 special forum taj<t 앵빼훌 * 특별조치법. 훌 jlj홉훌훌 Special Measures Law (-Special Measures Law) - 89 -

&Ad: 뻐j 얼n,iim 특별사변. 총 jljit 免 special amnesty g앙m웠 sarw 특별상고 * 흉BILI: 告 special joukoku appeal; spe미al re-appeal telj(dj( 특칙 * 흉 Jllj special (particular) rules gκ. 따1 특권 privilege; special right tbj<heo 특허 * 훌許 patent **-- 뻐뼈 $ 성없lQ 특허청. 훌許훌 Patent Office g뼈--* 특허국 * 훌許局 Patent Bureau g앙r행없1 특허련. 훌許 -- patent right 톨뼈 'leoij빠α1 cti빠흩훌 톡허권첨빼 * 훌許. 훌훌 infringement of patent right BJ<t흩 IO S뼈 f1l1f8i< 특허실시계약 * 許 i훌훌約 patent license agreement 훌빼oorgnJ 특정풀 * 훌훌빼 specific thing g빼emgnj d홉켈w없 1 특갱풀채권 * 흉k겉- 찢 * obligation-right to a specific thing 훌RJe 특혜 * 훌,. special rule; speci머얘se; exception e빼 j 훌 용톡수상-- * 흉흉 뽑 special damages 뼈k 되칙 i! retirement t빼 ik SI. 뼈p 퇴직수당 retirement allowance 흡. 手 -- t빼 ik 뼈I뿔m 퇴직연금필 if-~ retirement annuity U흥a 희사 를it retirement q i gaok 빼 토져가욕조사 土빼훌훌훌훌 land and house investigation 뼈i gmri빼 토져환활 土빼흉홉 territorial competence; venu qi ~ 뺑 토져명도 土 -.ill vacation of land 뼈i S1. 빼.$φ 보져수용법 土빼ti뀔훌 Land Expropriation Law b훌. 흥고 ~ 좀 notification D1gt뿜. 삐없1 통명켠 ji 行. right of passage D9Ma 통확 cuπ ency b명링eisab g,ut1k 룡힐환슐규칙. 훌--협짧 ~ Unifoπn Practice Code b빼빼통얼화. 一化 unification 09 sarv훌없뼈eon 퉁얼상사법견 M-M톨-~ 훌. Uniform Commercial Code t뼈멍 퉁짱 iit. 톨 circular; release DQ 홍져 ~1!1 notice 09 룡져 훌 1!J notification; registration; re poπ 09 용져 ii 知 notification system ~ a $ 얘흩룰 흉상의손혜 ai짧의휩뿔 ordinary damages bigscr맹 ~ 통상빵고 ii? 홉 t;t좀 ordinary appeal blgsif멍 sil행w따 1 풍상실시련 i훌홈... nonexclusive license DVS톨멍 $ 빼 'ii 통장소총 허u홈흙흩 & ordinary suit U멍흩d 통셜 i훌훌 prevailing theory; popular vtew :m mll'i 토론협훨 debate -%-

U} juju 투기주추 ti' 홈妹主 speculator-shareholder h뻐 투자 ti' 훌 investment \4a 향 *. 투자계약 ti' 톨쫓約 investment contract 1t4a roesa 투 ~ 회사 N'. 훌훌 it investment company ~ 뻐nJ1 투자자문 활資옳R헤 investment advisor t4a :ieu훌삐 0n 투자증권 授홉홉왔 investment securities \4a 빼ng a.tel 투자초갱차르헬 ru톨렐훌카르옐 investment adjustment cartel ~ sintak 투짜신탁 훌훌흠託 constructive investment trust '14a sir빠 투짜신확 N'.J톨흠託 investment trust 뻐a 빼빼m 투자예쳐금 훌훌훌훌훌 investment deposit fl 삐빼i 우체국 --훌局 post office 11\SOng 운흥 훌흉 convey하ice; shipping; transport; cajtiage; transporation U없 'IQ d쩌없삐1 훈송취급언 ii홍없援 A forwarding agent I빼흉lb 훈송업 훌홍훌 transport business; C압riage; shipping industry (applies to land transportation) Ut 얼뿔빼 a 훌송업짜훌훌훌훌 common c~er U 빼 lg 0 밍 ak 훈총째약훌훌훗 fj contract of caπiage 이m9n 훈총언 릎훌A earner 이m-gq 훈송창 훌훌狀 way-bill; invoice; consignment note Ul90I' 앵 µmseo 훈흥주푼서 훌훌훈文흩 delivery order q합vyo 운송료 freightage; shipping charges ιg 운수훌. 흘. --- carriage; conveyance; transport l쩌없1 ed빼 1 $ 흉빼우현예외한총닿 I! 예쏠한훌훌 service by maij P뻐 ootw8l 우현환 ---톤훌 postal money order 냉훌on 우션 pref ere nee; priority ~ l훌뼈 'f.i 우션주 -~~ 훌 prefeπed stock (share) 냉훌 )ll jl.8.i + 션주의. 先主훌훌 principle of priority (in execution procedings) - 91 -

W.f(J Wirlwl 환확 relax (restrictions) 빼! 환1에 完. completion f payment; fully satisfy 삐ban 휘반 it 反 contrav앙ie; 꺼olate 삐be 위법 훌훌 illegal; illegality; contrary to law 배mt짧명삐 위법. 쩌 훌훌行훌 act contrary to the law; unlawful act 빠Jed) t훌멍빼 위법. 위 ;q. 홉훌行 f훌훌 offender 때뼈뼈m 삐뼈n 위법한찌환 훌f훌환 * 훌-- illegal judgment 빠흩on 4에혐 危.. risk; dap.ger 빼mne. 빼ntBl 뼈l800T)C 위험에환한보협료危. 예삐한뿔Jt'4- insurance charges for risk 여빼깨Bq빼 ~ 쩌협한약흑 le풀한 * 성束 hazardous agreement 빠Bil 위헌 unconstitutionality M1eOO 잉IT훌횡rNEOO 빼현심사권훌훌훌훌. right to review for unconstitutionality 빼TI QIκαt&1 위임뀐한 경톨任 delegated authority (powers) WirT훨 위업자 훌fE흘 mandator 뺑1뼈명 취임창 훌fE~ instrument of mandate; power of attorney 빼뼈P (a. 뺑 $ 빼ron d훌 lri- 위엄짱 ( 와철련 훌任 ~ ( 훌훌-- proxy t훌훨에 } 헬사와 ) ft흉行 f훌왜 ) 빼 ~)UQ 위임짱용지 훌fUU휩. 률 proxy form ~ 위자료 훌흘-- solatium (pl. -tia); consolation money 삐O 위. 훌 forgery 삐oja 위초자 훌훌훌 forger 삐 %* 위학 훌흩E commissions 않ranted); entrustment (not anaccurate legal term) Aa<teda 위탁하다 훌훌f하다 entrust 빼a1< ro월뺑f울 roes떼 위학회사 ( 기 4 회사 ) 훗託 it ( 起홈슐it) debenture issuing corporation 빼하뼈 위탁짜 경F 홈f홈 trustor 삐W업 lfl>e 위훨희 쫓員. commission; committee 배W없 th: 톨뼈훌.tok 빼원회획의륙 훌홉 S 슐훌-- minutes of a committee 뼈합ljcrlg 위원장 훌g톨 committee chairperson. 삐빼qJalT1 뀌약금 ilfj penalty for breach of contract WEOO 훨 훌 -below; {ruling, decision, facts found, etc.); (pre.); original - 92

wror1x>n wronbon W었뼈 )Cl dla0gn따 1 W따빼1 dlljp1gseo WEOOdle 이 Xll WE.O wronin wror뼈힘g이 %α 념 le(xl gi'8se W빼뼈쩨eo1 eu 뼈아빼 wmnri 없 m [N 뻐 f.ol'iq'l wronron W 야 r 뭘 lg~ W 없 lsajl9 ~ WEOl'I 훌 IO ~ 빠 ia 월본원본월본체현원본충당셜훤쳐흘원천 i와세원 3!. 월언훤환컬훨환절융확기하다원리긍 [..] 휠흔훤론훤상희복원상회폭훤셔휠용하다 흉 ;k i동本 흉本 @ 훌- 흉本充훌꿇 M!li혼分훌윷훌훌훌告훌因 @ 흥--훌훌쩨決융흩훌훌하다元利용 (..] 훌a흩 g통폴 $ 동狀回. g뚱 ~ 回흉훌훌훌JD 하다 capital; principal original (document) principal obligation appropriation to principal theory original disposition withholding tax plaintiff cause; grounds for a claim decision below the decision below is quashed principal and interest π1e Elements of XYZ {book title) Principles of...; (book title); (suf.) redelivery (redemption) (of valuable instruments at the time of payment) restoration to original c ndition; restitution to original condition original work invoke (in Civ R c, submit report from some other source as evidence supporting own allegations); incorporation by reference 2' 뻐때 ~ 뻐맑 8'l 뼈 CJJilSI 빼 1 뼈뼈 :11'9 약청약환 약약약환인갱 % 폴. 성훌. 흩 - 93 - * --t g빼념*short title 1) agreement; stipulation; clause; provision (of contract); 2) adhesion contract standard form contract consideration promise; agreement; stipulation

빠뼈 ~ φ81 뻐빼P 빼j 빠 <SCI 뼈뼈없X> yaksik.! 야빼sik ITT1'lO뱅Y없 19 빼 ~ 뼈 (SOI( 뼈m 뻐 ~ 훌IEUTl ai 뼈뼈 ~n 빼g빼빼훌1 뼈뺑 'in 뼈 -. 뼈Vil 뼈Vil 뻐. 뼈1 뼈Vbn 뻐. 월빼명 g없 * 훨1 깨톨뼈없lg 뻐 % 뻗뼈항 $ g eu W없빼eu-g * 뿔Jn 빼뼈빼. * 뼈뼈lk~ R뼈뼈lk d없뿔j 빠빼 * 빼빼1 빼빼빼 simnll 없뻐n. 훌.Jr 약갱가한 약갱야자올 약사 약사법 약식기록 약식명령 약속 약촉어옴 약속어음의발행언 약혹빼받 양씬 양포 양도 양도 양도언 양도안 양도생 양국간협갱 양짜 양생의명동 양수얀 예바 예배.., - 삐 l 객뱅합예버잭챙구 예비혀함변 - 삐 최 예빼 l 심문 예한 예금. 양호뼈없. 영훌利子 l홈 -- 흘師훌 화式홉 ~ l 용式슐令 t-j 東 ~ 훌어옴. 얀훌어용의훌行 A ~ 훌 a 反 빼훌훌 훌. 롤를 훌. 훌훌 A 훌훌 A 롤를률 iii 를뻐 -~ 흘子 iif!t 의후훌 톨윷 A 룰. 룰훌빼--ift.lff씀훌 ift.i»~ --빼的 Bt 룰 뿔 --- 훌. 흘同 f 뤘올 term conventionnel agreed rate of interest pharmacist Pharmeceutical Business Law verbatim record summary order promise; a맑 eement; understandjng promissorγ note maker of a promissory note breach of promise adopter; adopting parent assignment (of obligation right [Ci띠l Code}); transfer (of bill or note or 야ock);conveyance; grant; alienation conveyance; assignment; transfer; alienation; negotiation; demise transfer mandate (of authority); delegation; authorizatfon assigner; transferor assi맑lor; transferor, grantor; alienator negotiability bilateral treaty adoptee; adopted child equality of the sexes ass1 맑 iee preparation (for crime); preparatαy act reseπe fund tentative joinder alternative claim alternative defense crime of preparation preliminary investigation predj udice; prej udication; conclusion in advance (money) deposit - 94 -

f뿔 ~ 예금 f훌훌 deposit to bank ~ 맺머없멍예금갑청 f훨 ~- 定 deposit account 뻐 ~ 멍뼈k 예금채약 f훨 ~~~ deposit contract κ행 JT1 jets훌eo 예금충셔 f훌총훌훌륨 deposit note ~ 예고 쏟 prior notice; previous not1ce * 휩X 엠 예갱 톨i울 advance a믿 eement; liquidation (as with damages) 뼈lab 예납 advance payment 뼈넬뺑m 예납급 --- 룰빼빼. earnest money; deposit 뻐Kn 억쳐 훌훌 stop-loss order 뻐 * 훌뼈뼈흩 * 역사법학 l톨史훌훌 historical jurisprudence 빼ran 혈렴 inspection (of records in registry) arrears 훔n: 뼈훌 연대 훌 g lidarity Yf1:X 앙훌 ;JEllTI 연체금.,.. 빼념훌뼈없핑연대보종 훌훌 joint and several suretyship 뻐 :rtdae 야뼈iQn 연대보충언 훌빼홉훌A joint sureties; co-sureties 뻐I삐 ae d빼m 연빼체무 훌홈 joint and several obligation (duty) Yf1:X 삐 ae ha: 뼈연대하여훌홈하여 jointly and sever 떠 ly 홉1웰훌 t빼eo 연대하여 훌빼확여 jointly and severally (with each having the right of contribution) 빼향id> 영법 를훌 carry on business; business; business operation; business activities; (either action or thing) 뻐 :in없lb 빼Til 영업에벌 를훌훌뿜 trade secret 빼lgalbφφseo 영업효고셔 쏟훌 business report ~ 빼!Qi 영엽갱져 를훌 止 suspension of business ~ 훨J 월ll 영업명 를흘名 kind of business Yf1:X후빼 pye5' 릎엉 rtt,'eiol9뻐1 멍영업페씌명령 톨훌빼빼홉令 order to close business of힌 ce 빼뿔lb 빠빼 영업양도 를훌훌. transfer of business 뻐I빼 µlg 영공 홉뿔 territorial airspace 빼1없 j 획빼ton 영구소쭉뭔 永久小作 -- perpetual lease (of land); yecj9 연기. 룰 -- emph 하 eusis postponement Yf1:X뿔 l'9 영장 令 ~ writ; warrant 뼈 >O!P n빼b 연고모웹 tb: 훌훌 offering to limited persons 빼tgl 명리. 利 profit-making organization; profit seeking organization 뻐J9i 뼈훨l 영리법인 톨뼈훌A profit seeking juristic person; - 95 -

A profit-making corporation 빼Vi tber빼 영리행위. 흘利行훌 profit-making acts; profit seeking acts yeongsa 영샤 훌훌 consul 뼈XI훌형삐1 영사환 훌훌 @ 흩 consulate ~gs4e.j뱅 영수씀 -~ 훌 receipt 뻐. 영토 짧土 teπitory; dominion; domain γea9j 연구 흙했 studies in -(book title); a study f -(book ti찌e) 뻐Jlg, 뼈ol 빼m jepyo 연결찌무제표 훌結용HI짧훌 consolidated financial statement 빼뱀g뼈 TI 연결갱 훌훌쩌 point of contact Oocalization) * 훌rij'twl 연화 훌坐 imputation of responsibility for crime upon blood relative. 휠lsab 연습훌휠 {suf.) seminar (book ti싱e) 뻐명k 예약 JlfJ preengagement; preliminary agreement;. subscription 'PiJYJ 요건 톨 ~ requisite; requirement; necessary condition κ9j 요구 훌홍 demand; request; claim 째l.a져 훌릅 gist of the claim or the relief sought 째.a져 훗륨 summary ycxru W빼ak 요물계약 훌빼훌.., real contract 뼈1Usl월 lg 요물생 훌---호 quality of the subject matter of a contract which requires delivery for effective contract formation; reality W벌q.vEon 용익현 JD 쓸. ueufructuary right; usufruct W활뻐따lCl 용익뭘자 f협용. 킹률 usufructuary ~ 휠1 용션 charte강-ing; hiring of a ship; a ch양tered ship π 훌휠 용션 demise chaκer )QVi 훌 1 뭘와경 κ 용션째약 at fj charter party (the contract) 흠. 홉 1 명뭘 * 훌잊용션찌약셔 헛뼈홈 ch 앙 ter party (the writing) g 떻훌 lirt 용션인 1tA demise charterer ~ 훨 1ja 용션자 tllt 훌 chaπerer )UV 빼 ll)(> 용션료 atfl charterage; ch 없 -ter fee W 뿔 Jji 빼빼 W on 용수져역켠 JD 手 i 훌훌 wa 용 T 꺼 ghts ymik Q'Mak A석찌약 훌 ~ 훗約 contract requiring formalities 'PifJ 요소 훌훌 element; requisite; bo 유.!! 留훌 constituent reservation; saving; reserves - 96 -

W앙빼 <ja 휴쩍 4 휴賣쳐률 person responsible; person liable n흩 * 훌oog 유킥성 有흉 tt imputability * 앙 'le 뼈흉al 유쩨용산 :ffdltj훌 tangible assets (property).dlem.i 유체활 휴, @ corporeal \tangible) movables ~ * 체물 有. 률빼 corp real things; res corporal es dl 유쳐 留룰 detention; custody (of. 화 없1 suspect); retention (of things) 휴칙켠용붙. right of retention 앙i ~ 꾀 유쳐총달 홉훌훌훌 service by leaving the document 뼈삐 t훌훌훌k 휴추혜석 interpretation by analogy; analogous int맑pretation. 홉뚫 ---- )Wu 뼈빼 oog 유추찍용 -~ 흩훌 f 용 apply by an 왜 ogy )Ula~ U앙1 훌유흥l암체 負 6를 current debts 빼YJ ja월 1. 윤용짜싼.,, 훌훌 floating (current) assets JeOO 유언 회I를 will; testament m훨 휴언 ~ 훌를훌 testator )\JeOr훨. 유언짱 훌륨 :It last will and testament ( 빠 itten) ~ jeu'ljgtveon 휴가중뭘 힘. 훌훌흉 않 ~rities M훌 jeulg없on~ 없g뿔 P 휴가충권기명셔 有! 홈 ** 흘g 名를 securities registration statement yi.ga j없빼w따 1 @ 휠g 휴가층궐풍껴셔 有톨훌흉훌 ~ 흩 없 ~rities notification statement. 황훌nJ 유가률 'fitl빼 valuables 훌 y빼 1 유가약인 후홀 인困 valuable consideration 빼빼1 κe엠eong 빛뼈1 윤판명갱기판 훨. 行훌훌. relevant administrative organ i훌훌ok 휴혜쩍 휴홈8연 detrimental yj1bll d훌빼n tq흘a 유환획엄회사 :fillil를를q슐 it limited liability company 빠 'en d훌뼈m saweoll 유한획염사원 有홈1룰任 it 員 member (partner) with limited liability 빠. 유효 有흥t V외 id; effective "/i.h/o Y\'1dE월 유효요건 有혔훌 ** validity requisite 뼈j 유익빼 有쓸-- benefici외 (useful} expenses jlqej< 유익객 흙용的 beneficial; effective 써월 '9 유충 훌룹 testamen 대ry legacy 4oe 휴쩍 有 JJ guilt; culpability; criminality. 훌뼈웰eol 유최판철 有 JJ및I~ judgment \verdict) of guilty - 97 -

}Ud>eOO % 빼 $$ 뻐 )058) )UT야써빼핑 없n N빼1 명 jar휠힘yeoo 써 YtbJ1 )\S 하 1 * 홉Yd r깨없빠훌k ~ g빼 lri K월피뼈9X> )\a 여1에훌 * ~ S)Sll' 밍 허nU 빼명.ta'g 뻐I훌뻐엉1 lfe 육법 육협견셔 유폭 융통어음 융통증현 유류흘 六훌 六홉全흩 ft. 木 -- 훌어음톨 l 피 u 률흉 훌홉分 the Six Codes, i.e., the Constitution, the Civil Code, the Cornmeπiai Code, the Ci피l Procedure Code, the Criminal Code, and the Criminal Procedure Code Compendium of Laws; the Statute Books; literally, complete texts of the six codes, actually a collection of Codes, important laws and ordinances updated and published annually by private publishers floating timber (on a river) accomodation paper negotiable instrument heirs legal portion (reserved for the successorat law) 유싼 훌훌 decedent s estate 유상면킥 有흩免훌 discharge for value 유싼환리 훌훌륭훌 estate administration 휴상양노 有야훌훌 onerous transfer 유사필요쩍공동소송훌없양훌的共同흙앓 semi-necessary joinder 유설물 훌失빼 lost article 퓨훌 훌훌 circulation; currency; distribution 유흥종켠유예 flil홈흉훌톨 negotiable instrument postponement; deferment; reprieve; 양ay; forbear없lee (oi exercise of right) suspension (of execution of judgment, crim. proc.) - 98 - "
