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1 사범대학


3 사회공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses in Integrated Social Studies Education) A 공통사회교과교육론 Integrated Social Studies Education 이과목은 공통사회 전공교사양성과정에서제시된기본이수과목으로서, 공통사회과교육에있어가장기초적인과목이다. 일반사회, 역사, 지리등의사회과제반영역에대한교육론을개관하며, 이와함께중등학교사회과교육의목표와교육과정및교육방법의최근경향, 사회과학과공통사회교육의관계등을검토하면서우리나라현실에적합한고등학교공통사회과교육의방향과방법을모색하는데에본과목의목표가있다. 공통사회과교육에관한최근의연구경향과문헌의조사도이과목의중요한부분이되며이러한연구는앞으로사회과각영역에있어서교재연구와지도방법등을전문적으로탐구하는데기초가된다. In this course, which is a core mandatory curriculum for training intermediate school teachers, students will survey education theories of a variety of social studies such as history, geography and general society, and review the latest trends in the aims, curriculum, and methods of secondary school social studies education. Also, the relation between social science and integrated social studies education will be examined. The purpose of this course is, based on these basic investigations, to seek the direction and methods of integrated social studies considering the present condition of Korean society 한국사개론 Introduction to Korean History 한국사에대한체계적인식을바탕으로그내적인발전과정을이해하고, 그연장에서오늘날우리사회의제반과제를역사적으로파악함으로써민족사의바람직한미래를모색한다. 아울러장차역사교사및역사학연구자로서의교육과연구활동에필요한기초지식과자질을함양한다. In this course, students will study the Korean history systematically in relation to world history, so as to gain the traditional historical attitude and viewpoint essential in teaching social studies 인문지리학 Human Geography 인문지리학의기본개념, 방법, 주요주제에대한기본적인전개와도입을목적으로한다. 지리학의연구대상인공간조직및그구조적인패턴과과정을이해하고설명할수있는능력배양뿐만아니라관련지리학의전문분야간의연계와그본질적인특성을학습한다. 내용상으로는문화적현상, 경제적현상, 사회적현상, 심리적현상과다른제현상들이지표공간을어떻게구성하고있으며, 그과정은어떤규칙적인법칙에의해지배되고있는가를밝혀본다. 또한지표공간을구조화하고변화시키는가장중요한역할을하는인간의행태와태도, 가치관에대해서도관심을기울인다. This course studies the Earth s biophysical systems. Specific topics will include human spatial decision-making, migration, population growth, economic development, and industrial location 자연지리학 Physical Geography 지표상의자연환경을구성하는제요소인기후, 지형, 식생, 토양, 수문, 해양등을비롯하여지도투영법에관한기본개념및그에적용되는제반원리를이해하여자연환경의실상을파악하고, 그와함께인간과자연환경과의관계를추구하는지리적사고의기틀을마련토록한다. This course studies the interactions among water, landforms, soil, and vegetation that create and modify the surface of the Earth 정치와사회 Politics and Society 사회과교육의내용의주요부분으로서의정치학의내용을과목의목표에맞도록재구성한것으로서사회현상의하나인정치현상의의미, 내용을분명히파악하기위한과목이다. 정치와정치학의관계, 정치학의성립과발전, 정치학의연구방법등의정치학의기초개념과역사를바탕으로정치체계, 정치권력, 국가, 정치과정, 정치사상등전반적인정치학영역을학습하여정치현상의효율적이해방법을탐구한다. In this course, students, as future social studies teachers, will be introduced to political science. Topics will cover the analysis of social and political systems, relationship between politics and political science, development of political science and its influence on political education, political ideals and political institutions, political power and political processes, and the state 경제와사회 Economy and Society 생산, 교환, 배분, 소비의상호관계및국민소득의결정, 경제구조, 경제제도, 경제의성장과변동등에관한주요개념등을알아보고이러한것과사회변동및경제생활의변천과의관계를연구해본다. 그리고이와함께한국경제에서중요한위치를차지하는국제경제부분을연구하고, 이로써사회내의경제생활에관한기본적사고를형성한다. 그리고이를위해국제경기의변동과한국경제, 국민소득의유형과결정, 경제성장과발전이론등을구체적으로알아보려고한다. Prerequisite for most economic education courses offered by the Department of Social Studies Education, this course will provide students with a basic understanding of economic decision-making. Students will be introduced to the key concepts of economic decision-making and its education. A structured sequence of readings and problem sets will form the backbone of the course and evaluation will be based primarily on three examinations and a final report 사회와법률 Society and Law 사회의기본질서를이루는법에대한기초강의로서사회현상에대한올바른이해라는사회과교육의목표에비추어사회규범, 특히법에관한것을탐구하는과목이다. 법의개념, 효력, 이념등법기초학분류에대하여검토하고법의일반원리와공법, 사법등의분야를개관하며학생들이사회생활에서법질서를존중하는공민으로서의자질을갖추게하도록법에대한태도, 법의식을아울러연구한다

4 This introductory course will help students to understand social norms including law. Students will study the concepts, effects, ideals, and general principles of law as well as the distinction between public and private law. They will also investigate various attitudes toward law and law consciousness in terms of citizens capacity to comply with law 지도학 Cartography 지도의특성, 도법, 지도작성및제작과정등을공부한다. 특히지도작성에서지도제작자와지도사용자간의효율적인정보를교환할수있는여러방법에대한연구와실습을강조한다. This course addresses map and chart reading and use. It covers grid systems, projections, and practical map measurement 문화와사회 Culture and Society 고등학교사회과교육의사회 문화부분을지도하기위한준비과목으로서문화인류학의이론을바탕으로하여문화의개념, 발전과정, 문화변동, 한국사회가당면하고있는문화의제문제를학습하는과목이다. 이과목은크게세가지부분으로나누어진다. 먼저문화에관한개념과일반적인이론을학습하고다음에한국문화의특수성, 사회변동과문화적갈등의문제, 한국에있어서의전통문화와현대문화의갈등과극복을위한과제등을연구한다. 끝으로한국문화의제문제에관하여학생들이발표를하고토론한다. 사회과교육과문화의관계가이과목에서계속적으로추구된다. This is a revised version of the course Introduction to cultural Anthropology for students majoring in social studies education. The course will help students to teach anthropology at secondary schools. Emphasis will be placed on anthropological concepts such as culture, cultural diffusion, developmental process of culture, enculturation, and value conflicts in Korea and Korean traditional culture and their current meaning B 공통사회교과교재및연구법 Materials and Methods in Teaching of Social Studies Education 중 고등학교 공통사회 과목담당전공교사양성과정의기본이수과목으로서역사, 지리, 일반사회등사회계열과목의제반영역을포괄하고종합하는교재개발과작성, 지도방법과관련한강의, 토론, 탐구방식, 그리고평가방식을중심으로진행한다. This course, which is a core mandatory curriculum for training intermediate school teachers, is made up of a set of lectures, discussions, and evaluation methods on the development of educational materials and its pedagogical construction The academic range of this course covers a variety of Social Studies such as history, geography, and general society A 공통사회교과논리및논술 Logic and Essay Writing in Integrated Social Studies Education 국가사회의현안문제들이나역사, 일반사회, 지리등의사회계열과목의주요관심주제들을대상으로통합과목의관점에서체계적 과학적으로분석하고, 그결과를논리적으로표현하는방 법을익힌다. In this course, students will learn how to analyzes current issues of society and main topics of a variety of Social Studies such as history, general society and geography systematically and scientifically from the integrated curriculum view and to cultivate the result logically 한국지리 Regional Geography of Korea 한국지리를계통적으로다루어한반도의지리적구조와특성, 그리고일반적인현상을전국적인수준에서취급한다. 주요내용으로는위치의중요성, 자연특색, 그리고인문분야로서산업구조, 도시와인구, 취락, 문화적특성, 자원문제등을체계적으로취급하며특히경제발전과함께나타난지역간의균형문제와지역개발에대하여학습한다. This course provides systematic analysis of Korean geography. It focuses on cities, population, residence, cultural features, and resource problems 세계지리 Topics in World Geography 중 고등학교교육과정에서다루게되는세계의주요지역에대한지리적지식을학습한다. 각지역의자연환경과인간생활에대한지식을체계적으로학습하고, 중 고등학교의학생수준에적합한학습자료개발방법과교수방법을탐색한다. This course covers major regions of the world as geographic units. It adopts systematic approaches to each region. 과학공통과목 (Extradepartmental Courses in Integrated Science Education) 일반물리학및실험 General Physics and Lab. 2 이과목은공통과학전공교사양성과정에서제시된기본이수과목으로서, 공통과학교육에있어가장기초적인과목이다. 전하, 전기장, 가우스의법칙, 전위, 기전력과회로, 자기장, 암페어의법칙, 페러데이의법칙, 인덕턴스, 물질의자기적성질, 전자기파, 기하광학, 파동광학, 양자물리, 상대론, 물질의파동성과입자성등을논의하며, 자기장의측정, 오옴의법칙, R-L-C 공진회로, 임피던스측정, 리사쥬곡선, 전류천칭, 레이저를이용한간섭및회절, 현의진동등을실험한다. This requisite course is one of the basic courses for students majoring in common science education. Charge, electric field, Gauss law, electric potential, emf and circuit, magnetic field, Ampere s law, Faraday s law, inductance, magnetic properties of matters, electromagnetic waves, geometrical optics, wave optics, quantum physics, relativity, and the dual nature of matter will be discussed. Experiments including magnetic field, Ohm s law, RLC resonance circuit, impedance, Lissajous figures, current balance, laser, and the vibration of strings will be performed 일반화학및실험 General Chemistry and Lab. 2 이과목은공통과학전공교사양성과정에서제시된기본이수과목으로서, 공통과학교사가반드시갖추어야할기초과학인일반화학전반에걸친강의와실험으로진행된다. 반응속도론, 화학

5 평형, 분자운동론, 금속과비금속의화학, 배위화합물, 유기화학과생화학의기초, 간단한기기의조작및실험데이터처리와통계등을전반적으로다루어물리학, 지구과학, 생물학등의관련연구에도반드시필요한화학적지식과실험기술의훌륭한밑거름을제공한다. This course in chemistry is for students in the integrated science teacher program. Topics will cover reaction kinetics, chemical equilibrium, Kinetic theory of molecules, metals and nonmetals, coordination compounds, organic chemistry, biochemistry basics, instrument operation, and experimental data handling and statistics. The course will offer chemical principles and experiments for students majoring in other sciences such as physics, earth science, and biology 일반생물학및실험 General Biology and Lab. 2 이과목은공통과학전공교사양성과정에서제시된기본이수과목이다. 이과목에서는소화, 호흡, 순환, 배설등의대사과정과면역계, 자극에대한동. 식물의반응, 신경계, 분류와진화, 생태등을보다폭넓게강의한다. This basic course is for students majoring in common science education. Topics will cover the molecular interpre- tation of life phenomena, history of modern biology, origin of life, structure materials of living things, cells, heredity, metabolism, reproduction, and development 일반지구과학및실험 General Earth Science and Lab. 2 이과목은공통과학전공교사양성과정에제시된기본이수과목에해당하는것으로, 과학교육론, 일반물리학및실험, 일반화학및실험, 일반생물학및실험과더불어공통과학교사양성에있어서가장기본이되는과목이다. 지구과학전반의이론을탐색하고기본적인실험을통해이를확인하는과정으로이루어지며, 지구과학이라는학문의특성과지구과학을구성하고있는천문, 대기, 해양, 지질학각영역의특성을파악하여중등지구과학교육에있어서지구과학분야의학습지도에도움이되도록하는데그목표가있다. This requisite course is for students majoring in common science, science education, general physics, general chemistry, and general biology. It will deal with the basic principles of and laboratory studies on earth science. The course will challenge students to develop models of how the earth functions. Topics will include a brief introduction to astronomy, meteorology, oceanography, and geology. The course will help students to teach earth science at middle and high schools B 과학교재연구및지도법 Materials and Methods in Teaching Science 공통과학의각영역에서포함하고있는탐구활동지도를실질적으로안내하기위하여탐구활동에대한전반적인안내와함께교육과정및교과서에나오는구체적탐구활동을경험하고실질적인지도방법을다룬다. 각영역의내용을보다심도있게다루기위하여네영역의교수진이상호협력하여내용을구성하고수업을지도한다. 또한학생들의실질적인탐구활동경험이충분히이루어질수있도록실습시간을함께제공한다. Students will experience inquiry activities and learn practical instructing methods for teaching integrated science in national curriculum effectively. A cooperative teaching group from different areas will lead this course from organizing contents to instruction. This course has practice times following lecture 교사를위한과학사 History of Science for Teachers 이강좌는중등과학교사를위한과학사입문강좌로서고대그리스과학사상으로부터중세의과학, 천문학등과학혁명과근대과학의탄생, 20세기현대과학의탄생과발전에이르는과학의역사적발전과정전반을개관한다. 특히, 학생의과학개념과과학사에서의과학개념의변천의비교, 과학교육에서의과학사적접근등과학교육에서의과학사의활용방안등에대한이론적, 실천적배경지식을습득하고자한다. This course, as an introductory history of science course for science teachers, outlines the general historical development of science, covering from ancient Greek science ideas, scientific revolution and the birth of modern sciences such as in astronomy, the beginning and development of contemporary science during the 20C. In particular, special attention will be given to the ways of using the history of science in science education, such as the comparison of students science ideas and historical development of science concepts, historical approaches to science teaching. Practical as well as theoretical knowledge will be expected to be gained 과학수업에서의언어와학습 Language and Learning in Science Classrooms 본과목은학생들에게과학수업의학습과정에서언어가하는역할을검사하는연구를소개한다. 본과목에서학생들은언어및비언어상호작용을통해이루어지는과학지식의표현을조사하는연구를경험하게된다. 또한독서, 글쓰기, 듣기, 말하기, 그리기등을통해전달되는과학지식을위한언어사용을다룰것이다. This course is designed to introduce students to research examining the role of language on learning in the context of science classrooms. This course also introduces students to current research examining language and representation of science knowledge, through both verbal and non-verbal interactions. Language use for conveying science knowledge via reading, writing, listening, speaking, and drawing/ graphical representations will be examined. The course reading, lecture, and interactive activities will focus on supporting students to a) become familiar with new and seminal research on language and science; b) examine the ways in which language shapes the development of scientific ideas and concepts via means of representation and communication, c) focus especially on the impact of second language acquisition on science teaching and learning in diverse science classrooms; and d) identify and develop teaching strategies that support science learning in the K-12 classroom 다양한학습자를위한과학수업 Teaching Science to Diverse Learners 아동은모두다르기때문에과학을하는방법또한다양하다. 따라서교사는모든아동이과학에흥미를가질수있는방법을찾아야만한다. 본과목은다양한조건에서과학교육을효과적으로하는데관계되는문제, 이론, 실제를살펴본다. 본과목에서학

6 생들은다문화교육의주요원리, 다문화주의를철학적지향, 다양한과학학습자를위해필요한학교, 교실및페다고지를만드는방법들을살펴볼것이다. Because children are not all the same, the way that they all do science will not be the same. As a result, teachers must find a way to make science appealing to everyone. This course provides an overview of the issues, principles, and practices associated with effective science teaching in diverse settings. In this course, students will examine key principles of multicultural education; philosophical orientations to multiculturalism; and ways to make schools, classrooms and pedagogy suitable for diverse science students. Students will be introduced to issues related to diversity in science education through examination of experiences of science learners who are diverse with regards to learning abilities, physical abilities, social class, race, ethnicity, language, gender, and religion. Students will be introduced to a) different models for developing engaging and inclusive science lessons, including methods for adapting activities for different learners, b) utilizing inclusive teaching strategies, and c) modifying assessments for students with different abilities and interests. The course will focus on both research about diversity in science education and practical knowledge needed for practice teachers in inclusive classrooms A 과학논리및논술 Logic and Writing in Science 이강좌에서는과학적사고와이해의특징그리고이를언어적방식을통해의사소통하는활동에대한이론적실천적학습을하고자한다. 특히중등학교교사로서학생들에게과학적으로사고하고표현하는능력을함양하고이를위한효과적인지도방식을실천하는방안을학습하고자한다. 이를통해과학을지도함에있어서학생들의독서및토론활동이활발해질수있는실질적방안들을탐색한다. This course aims to teach practical as well as theoretical knowledges of the features of the thinking and understanding in science and of the linguistic ways to communicate them. Special focus will be given to the ability of secondary teachers to improve students thinking and expression in science and to develop effective teaching methods. Through the course, the ways to encourage students reading and discussion in teaching them science will be explored 과학교육론 Science Education 과학교사가되기위한기본소양을쌓는과목으로서, 과학교육의목표, 과학교육과정, 과학탐구, 과학교수- 학습, 과학교육시설, 과학교육평가, 과학교육정책등과학교육의전반에대한기초적인이론과지식을습득한다. 본강좌에서는과목으로서의과학의특성을반영하는교육적실천과지식을지향한다. As the fundamental subject for science teachers, this course provides basic theories and knowledge covering the whole areas of science education, such as aims, curriculum, scientific inquiry, teaching & learning, school facilities, assessment, policy issues in science. This course pursues educational practice and knowledge reflecting the features of science as school subjects. M 유기물질의화학과생물학 Chemistry and Biology of Organic Compounds 물질의성질과변화를다루는화학과생명현상을다루는생물학이점점통합되어그학문의경계가무너지고화학자와생물학자가공동의목표를가지고연구하고있다. 본교과목에서는이러한학문변화의추세를반영하여과학교사의화학과생물학에대한융합적소양을키우고자한다. 이를위하여생명체의구성물질인유기물의구조및성질그리고이의측정방법을학습하고, 생체내존재하는유기물의형성과정및대사그리고이들의기능을배운다. 이같은학습내용을통해서화학전공자는유기화합물의생체내기능과성질및생명현상의이해를증진시킬수있으며, 생물학전공자는생체분자의모양과성질을바탕으로생명현상을이해하는능력을키울수있다. Chemistry that deals with properties and changes of matter and biology that deals with biological phenomena have been integrated and the border of in the both principles are merging while chemists and biologists pursue common goals of academic research. Reflecting such trends of principles, this course fosters students understanding of integrated nature of chemistry and biology. For this purpose, students learn the structure, property, and characterization of organic molecules as building block of life objects and generation process, metabolism and function of organic molecules in life organizations. Through this course students in chemistry major can ehnahce understanding of their functions and properties of organic compounds in life system as well as life phenomena, and those in biology major can understand life phenomena based on the structures and properties of bio-molecules. 전공탐색과목 (Pre-major Tracks for College of Education) A 독일문화와영상매체 German Culture and Medium 대표적인독일문화를문자매체와영상매체를통해감상함으로써독일문화와예술에대한이해를높인다. 영상매체를이용해서보다사실적으로독일문화교육의발전과정에서문화교육의가치와주요한개념들을이해하고, 문예학의발전과사회적, 문화적발전에상응하는문화교육의방향과방법을이해하고자한다. 문화교육의목적, 문화교육의방향과방법, 교수법적측면에서본문화교육, 한국문화교육의현재와독일문화교육의수용등다양한주제로연구될수있다. By giving the opportunities to meet the major works through the image media, the course is helpful in understanding German culture and Art. The course aims at understanding the critical concepts in Education with the Culture in the process of the Education with German Culture. With this, Students can have the opportunities to consider about the direction and the ways, adjusting to the social, cultural developments of the education with Culture 현대사회와지리 Modern Society and Geography 우리나라의도시화와산업화에서보는바와같이현대사회를이루는구성요소는복잡하고급속히변하고있다. 이과목에서는이러한사회, 경제, 문화적인요소가우리나라및세계각지역에

7 어떻게분포하고, 이들이어떻게변하고있으며오늘날우리사회의특성을이루는가를살펴보려고한다. 예를들면도시화, 산업화가일어난사회 경제적원인을분석하고, 우리나라및세계의여러지역이갖고있는문제를이해하고그대안을연구해본다. 특히인간의활동이현대사회에미친영향에초점을둔다. The organization of modern society has changed very rapidly and complicatedly, as is obvious in the case of urbanization and industrialization in Korea. This course is designed to show where the social, economic, and cultural elements are located and how they are distributed and changed, thus affecting the characteristics of Korean society. Students will focus on how human activities affect modern society 환경과지리 Environment and Geography 오늘날우리사회가겪고있는환경문제를진단하고대안을찾기위해서다학문적이고, 간학문적인접근이필요하다. 지리학은전통적으로인간과자연과의관련성이해를강조해왔는데, 최근우리사회가맞고있는지리과목에서적절한주제가된다. 자연환경에서부터인문환경에이르는광범위한주제가대상에포함될수있으나이과목에서는인간의활동이자연환경에미친영향과, 이와관련한환경교육과같은자연환경에초점을둔다. To diagnose and solve environmental problems, this course will take an interdisciplinary approach. Traditionally, geography focused on the relationship between man and his environment. It is therefore appropriate for the geographer to approach environmental issues. Students will focus on how human activities affect on our environment and discuss issues in environment education 영미어문교육의기초 Foundations of English Language, Literature and Education 사범대외국어교육계열신입생들의전공탐색과목으로서영어교육의기초가되는영어교육학, 영어학및영미문학분야에대한개관적인조망을영미어문교육의시각에서통합적으로제시한다. 이를위하여주로영어교육학, 영어학및영미문학분야의글을영어로읽고이에대해토론할기회를갖는다. As an interdisciplinary foundation course for freshmen majoring in foreign language education, this course provides an overview of English language education, linguistics, and literature. The students will explore wide-ranging issues and ideas on English teaching and learning through intensive reading and in-depth discussion about language, literature, and education A 프랑스문화의이해 Understanding French Cultures 본과목은사범대학어문교육계열학생들을대상으로프랑스문화에대한다양한접근을통해프랑스어전공분야를소개한다. This course on French culture and its current issues aims at enhancing the qualifications of prospective French teac- hers 역사학개론 Introduction to Korean History 역사학과역사교육학습및공통사회교습의첫걸음으로서역 사학을통한교육적, 인문적소양을함양하도록우리나라및동 서양의역사인식, 연구대상과방법, 역사서술, 역사교육등을개별성과보편성에서파악하게한다. This course is the first step in the study of history, history teaching, and social studies. Students will investigate the facts and ideas of Korean and world history through physical data and historical narratives. They will also learn to see history in terms of particularity and universality 한국사개론 Introduction to Korean History 한국사에대한체계적인식을바탕으로그내적인발전과정을이해하고, 그연장에서오늘날우리사회의제반과제를역사적으로파악함으로써민족사의바람직한미래를모색한다. 아울러장차역사교사및역사학연구자로서의교육과연구활동에필요한기초지식과자질을함양한다. In this course, students will study the Korean history systematically in relation to world history, so as to gain the traditional historical attitude and viewpoint essential in teaching social studies 독일문화와생활 Culture and Life in Germany 외국어를학습하는데있어서그나라의문화를아는것은필수적인요소이다. 본과목은독일의정치, 사회, 문화전반에대하여개괄함으로써, 학생들이독어학, 독문학, 독어교수법등을학습하는데기초가되는상호문화적능력을향상시키는것을목적으로한다. This course overviews German politics, society, and culture. It focuses on enhancing intercultural ability in order to learn German language, literature, and pedagogy 기초독문법 Basic German Grammar 본교과목은독문법의기초적인내용들을학습함으로써학생들의독일어문법능력을향상시키는데그목적이있다. 특히일반문법과는구별되는학습자문법(Schulgrammatik) 의관점에서수업을진행함으로써예비독일어교사인학생들이장차학교수업에서독일어문법을가르치게될때필수적으로갖춰야할능력들을신장시키는데그주안점을둔다. The course aims at improvement in practicing the basic grammar in German. This course deals with various German grammar theories, which will then be applied to the study of the Korean language 독어발음및듣기지도 German Pronunciation and Listening 본교과목은언어습득의네가지영역, 즉쓰기, 듣기, 말하기, 읽기영역중에서듣기영역의능력을향상하기위한것으로써, 독일어테이프가첨부된독어교재, 독일방송극, 독일시등의시청각자료를통해서청취력향상에중점을둔다. 이러한발음과듣기훈련과정을거쳐학생들은말하기능력을자연스럽게향상시킬수있을것이다. The course is for the improvement in listening part. It is for the improvement in the ability of listening by using kinds of texts in the visual and audio media. In the first

8 grade, the establishment of this subject is necessary for the advances of the accurate pronunciation and listening ability 유럽과미국사회와문화의이해 Understanding European and American Societies and Cultures 본과목은사범대학외국어교육학과( 영어, 독어, 불어전공) 학생을대상으로하는강좌이다. 본강좌는유럽과미주지역의다양한사회와문화( 언어, 문학, 예술, 역사, 사회등) 를통합적이고유기적으로이해하는것을목표로하며팀티칭의형식으로진행된다. This course is designed for the students in three foreign language education departments (English, German and French) of the College of Education. It aims to foster an integrative understanding of the various societies and cultures (language, literature, arts, history etc.) of Europe and America. The course will be taught through team teaching A 프랑스어기초문법 Basic French Grammar 1 본강의에서는간단하고기본적인프랑스어의사소통에도움이될수있는프랑스어문법을익히는데중점을두도록한다. This course focuses on learning French grammar which is helpful for basic French communication 프랑스어기초문법 Basic French Grammar 2 < 프랑스어기초문법1> 과마찬가지로, 본강의에서학생들은프랑스어회화및독해에반드시필요한프랑스어기초문법사항들을학습하게된다. 학생들은프랑스어기초문법1에서다룬기본적인문법을한번더검토할뿐만아니라, 초급에서중급에이르는프랑스어문법강의를통해학습한요소들을기본적인프랑스어의사소통에활용할수있도록한다. Like <Basic French Grammar 1>, students learn the basic french grammar points that are necessarily required when they communicate with people in french and read the french texts. Students briefly examine the basic grammar that they have already learned from <Basic French Grammar 1>. It can be helpful for them to use the grammar, which they study through this course, in basic french communication 한국사개론 Introduction to Korean History 한국사에대한체계적인식을바탕으로그내적인발전과정을이해하고, 그연장에서오늘날우리사회의제반과제를역사적으로파악함으로써민족사의바람직한미래를모색한다. 아울러장차역사교사및역사학연구자로서의교육과연구활동에필요한기초지식과자질을함양한다. In this course, students will study the Korean history systematically in relation to world history, so as to gain the traditional historical attitude and viewpoint essential in teaching social studies

9 교육학개론 Introduction to the Study of Education 교육의개념과목적에관한사상과이론을검토하고, 제도교육의실상에관한구체적이고도체계적인안목을제공한다. Discussion of various paradigms or concepts of education, representing different views on aims, content and method of education. A particular emphasis is given to identifying theoretical questions and bringing them into historical perspectives 교육심리학 Education Psychology 본과목은교육현상에대한심리적접근에대한기본적이해를형성하도록하는데그목적이있다. 발달, 학습, 동기측면에서관련된선행연구에대한이해를바탕으로교육현상을이해하는교육심리학적관점을형성할수있도록강의와토론을중심으로수업이이루어진다. This course is intended to develop understanding on educational phenomena from the educational psychology perspective. Students will develop their own perspective through participating in various class activities and in-depth discussion on research findings and implications will be done in areas of development, learning, and motivation 교육철학 Philosophy of Education 교육이론의성격, 교육의개념, 교육의목적, 교육의과정, 교육의윤리및현대교육사조에관한철학적분석과이론적체계화, 그리고교육문제에관한철학적탐구방법을주요내용으로한다. This basic course on educational philosophy will introduce students to the contemporary analyses of the major educational concepts including the concept of education itself. Topics will cover a general introduction to the philosophy of education and the practical implications of modern philosophical theories of education 교육사회학 Sociology of Education 이과목은교육사회학의입문과정으로서, 사회과학으로서의교육사회학의기본개념을익히고그주요영역과과제를개관하며, 교육사회학적연구방법의개요를파악함으로써사회적현상으로서의교육을사회과학적으로이해 설명할수있게한다. This course will focus on the relationship between school and society. It will cover the major findings and issues in the sociology of education by looking at the sources of educational change, the impact of schooling on social mobility, the determinants of educational contents, and contemporary policy issues 교육인류학 Anthropology of Education 본강좌는교육과문화의상호관련성에대한지적안목을드높이기위해교육인류학의학문적전통을개괄적으로소개하는데그목적이있다. 학생들은시간과공간을달리하는여러사회의교육을비교문화적시각에서살펴봄으로써, 한국인의문화적정체 성과한국교육의문화적특수성을비판적으로인식하도록한다. This course introduces academic traditions of educational anthropology. It focuses on the inter-relatedness of education and culture. The course also provides comparative approaches to each society s education 교육행정학 Educational Administration 교육행정학의입문과목으로서교육행정의이론과실제를종합적으로고찰하여교육행정의기초를구축함을목적으로한다. 교육행정의개념, 교육행정학의학문적성격영역접근방법등을광범하게취급한다. This introductory course will focus on establishing the foundations of educational administration by studying the relevant theory and practice. The concepts, characteristics, areas, and approaches of educational administration will be dealt with 교육학고전강독 Readings in Educational Classics 교육의이론적원리와실제적방법을이해하는데유익한동서양의교육학고전들을선정하여읽고현대적맥락에접목하는역량을기르기위한과목이다. 동양의고전읽기는한문학습을수반할것이며, 서양의고전읽기는영어강좌로이루어질수도있다. This subject aims at rearing students` ability to read educational classics which are useful for understanding theoretical principles and practical methods in education. Oriental classics as well as Western classics will be selected, read, and applied for the present meaning and utility. Lectures could be in Chinese writing or English speaking 교육과정 Curriculum 이강좌는교육과정의기초, 원리, 쟁점들에대한종합적인이해를제공하기위한것이다. 이를위해이강좌에서는교육과정을이해하고개발하는데도움을주는제접근들을검토하고, 교육과정과관련한가장기본적인쟁점들을다룬다. This course reviews the foundations, principles, and issues of curriculum. It examines approaches to curriculum theory and development, and discusses the most basic issues underlying thought about curriculum 교직과교사 Teachers and Teaching Profession 교사와교직에관한기본개념, 관점그리고이론을개관함으로써교사와교직에대한논리적분석과이해의틀을마련하는데목적이있다. 보다구체적으로는학교조직의특수성, 교사와교직의특성, 교사의자질과자격, 양성과임용등을포괄적으로다룬다. This course examines basic concepts, views, and theories about teachers and teaching profession. Specific topics will include the characteristics of school organizations, qualifications and assignment of teachers 한국의교육 Korean Education Introduced in English 이강좌의목적은한국의교육과교육학을영어로소개하는데

10 있다. 외국인학생이주요수강대상이지만한국학생들도수강가능하다. 한국교육의구체적인과제와쟁점들을이해하기위해서강의, 토론, 조사, 관찰등의다양한방법이활용될것이다. The purpose of this subject is to introduce Korean education in English. Foreign students are main target group, but Korean students also could attend the class. Problems and issues of Korean education will be lectured, discussed, surveyed, and observed in concrete contexts 비교교육학 Comparative Education 비교교육학의역사적발전과정과연구대상및연구방법론에대하여개관하고비교교육연구가갖는교육학적의의를논의한다. 이강좌에서학생들은한국가를선택하여그국가의역사적, 사회 문화적배경을개관하고, 그국가에서이루어지고있는교육실제를분석함으로써비교교육학적인안목을기른다. This course overviews the history and the methodology of comparative education. Case study or cross-cultural comparative study in different societies could be suggested 교육평가 Educational Evaluation 학교학습의맥락속에서교육평가가어떠한의미, 역할을갖는 지에초점을둔다. 이강의를통해교육평가의기본개념, 측정이 론및학업성취의측정. 평가방법과해석, 정의적특성평가의방 향등을논의한다. This course will focus on the relationship between school learning and appropriate types of evaluation. It will cover theories of reliability and validity, achievement test construction, and interpretation of test results 교육공학 Educational Technology 교육학전공학생들에게제공되는교육공학에대한입문과목이다. 교육공학의영역과역사, 관련이론, 현대적동향등의이론적부분과그활용등의실제적부분에서의접근이이루어지는과목이다. 학생들은단위수업의교수설계경험, 정보통신기술기반의교육자료개발, 이러닝, 사이버대학, 기업교육등교육공학의실제적용영역에대한폭넓은이해를하게된다. This introductory course provides education-majoring students with pedagogical foundation of theory and practice of educational technology. The purpose of the course is to address the current trends and issues in educational technology through theoretical and practical approaches. Students plan and design a unit of instructional development of a class A 학습사회와평생학습 Learning society and lifelong learning 가정교육, 학교교육, 사회교육을포괄하는총체적교육개념으로서의평생교육의등장배경, 이념적특성, 조직, 내용을탐구한다. 평생교육을구성하는각교육영역간의관계도검토한다. In this course, students will investigate the philosophy, ideological features, system, and contents of lifelong education, which consists of family education, school education, and adult education A 한국교육제도및정책 Korean Education Systems & Education Policy 한국교육제도의조직과운영의실제를소개하고검토하기위한학사과정의과목이다. 교육법제속에제도화된제도를개관하고, 제도의발전과정, 문제, 대안적발전모형을검토한다. This course introduces Korean educational systems. It focuses on their developmental process, problems, alternative models A 교육학교과교재및연구법 Materials Evaluation and Development in Education 학부과정에서논문작성을위한교육연구에서사용되는연구방법과과정에대한기본개론과정으로서교육연구에서의비실험및실험설계방법, 변인측정, 자료의분석및보고서의작성방법등을다룬다. This course overviews methodologies for pedagogic research. It deals with experiment methods, data analysis, and report preparation 학교와학급경영 School & Classroom Management 교장 교감등관리자에게필요한학교경영의이론및실제, 그리고학급을경영하는교사에게필요한학급경영의이론과실제를주된내용으로한강좌임. 수업의주된내용은학교와학급경영에관한기본적인개념, 학교와학급경영이론, 현장의사례를비롯하여교사들의수업 학급경영 생활지도및교무분장업무등에영향을주는학교경영적측면에대한이해를돕는과목임. This course covers theories and practices on school & classroom management. In this course, students will learn basic concepts and theories of school & classroom management, and students will learn management tasks and processes that affect teachers classroom teaching, classroom management, guidance, and academic affairs. In addition, students will have a chance of analyzing cases related to this topic A 교육학교과논리및논술 Logic and Writing in Education 교육학의논리체계에대한이해를도모하고, 이를바탕으로교육현상에대한이해를글로표현하는데목적을둠. 교육학논리에대한학습을통하여교육현상에대한능동적이해를도모하고, 이를글로표현하는논술교육을시도함. This course deals with logic in Educational concepts and theories of Education. And this course covers writing about critical issues of Education A 교육사 History of Education 이과목은한국교육사에대한입문과정이다. 이과목은교육제도의변화와발전그리고그것의이념적기초로서교육사상의변화를다룬다. 이해의심화를위하여동아시아교육사와세계교육사와의비교사적접근을포함한다

11 This is an introductory course on the history of education. It deals with the evolution of educational system and educational thoughts. To get well based understanding, comparative historical approaches is necessary in the contexts of the East Asia and global dimension 현대교육사상 Contemporary Educational Thoughts 현대교육을지배하는주요교육사조의형성과배경그리고그이론적특징을체계적으로이해, 분석, 검토, 비판한다. 이를통해교육사상의최근동향을파악하고더나아가교육에대한철학적사고를연습하도록한다. This course examines the formation and characteristics of major educational thoughts. Some preliminary look at current philosophical trends shall be added 교수이론 Theories of Instruction 교수이론탐색의기초가되는다양한학습이론과학습자특성을고찰해보고, 아울러다양한학습이론과학습자특성을고려하여연구 개발된교수이론들을체계적으로학습한다. 그리고다양한교수이론들의특징을비교 분석해본다. This course addresses various learning theories and learners characteristics. It also provides systematic studies about pedagogic theories A 교육측정과검사 Measurement and Testing in Education 본강좌는교수-학습활동에서사용되고있는각종교육및심리검사에대한이해와이들에대한비판적평가능력을향상시키는데그목적이있다. 아울러교육및심리검사들의이론적기초에대해살펴보고, 구체적인교육및심리검사들의측정학적특성에대해구체적으로분석- 평가하고자한다. This course addresses educational and psychological testing instruments used in the various teaching-learning activities. It discusses theories of measurement and theoretical bases of testing instruments. In addition, it discusses concretely the psychometric characteristics of educational and psychological testing instruments A 교육학교과교육론 Theories in Education 교육학일반에관련된각종이론및방법론을광범위하게다룸으로써교육학의교육내용에대한구조적체계와특성을파악하고자함. 이에대한이해를바탕으로교육학이론의학교현장적용을위한기초토대를닦는데목적을둠. This course covers concepts, theories and methodologies on Education. Students can understand structures and characteristics of Education. The objective of this course is to apply theories of Education to actual school 인간학습과발달 Human Development and Learning 본과목은인간의학습과발달과정을기초적인교육심리학적관점을통해접근한다. 행동주의적접근뿐만아니라인지주의적 접근등최근교육심리학에논의되고있는학습에대한주요이론들과인간의성장과정을발달의관점에서접근하고있는주요이론들도함께검토하도록한다. This course examines human learning and development processes from the view point of educational psychology. It covers important learning and development theories, such as behaviorism and cognitive perspective theory 학교상담과생활지도 Guidance and School Counseling 본강좌는중 고등학교에서의상담과생활지도에대한이론적, 실제적지식을습득하는데그목적을둔다. 이를위해본강좌에서는학교상담과생활지도의기초이론과영역, 그리고방법을다룰것이다. 우선기초이론부분에서는학교상담과생활지도가발달해온역사와전통적인교육학적 심리학적이론을알아본다. 학교상담과생활지도의영역에관해서는학교상담과생활지도의영역을학업, 진로, 비행, 생활습관, 정서와성격으로구분하여각영역과관련된이론과실제생활지도방법에대해언급할것이다. 끝으로방법부분에서는생활지도의대표적방법인상담, 집단지도및집단상담, 검사, 학급경영등에대한개괄적인내용과교사들이실제로학생들의생활을지도할때사용할수있는소집단, 학교및학급단위의프로그램의내용과진행방법을다루어학생들에게습득하게한다. 이를통해학생들이학교에서상담과생활지도를효율적으로수행할수있도록한다. This course provides theoretical and practical knowledge about school counselling and guidance in secondary schools. Specific topics will include basic theories of school counseling, career development, school drop-outs, delinquents, and emotion/personality development 교육통계 Statistics for Educational Research 본통계적방법은교육연구를위한통계적방법의기초과정으로서주로기술적통계방법을다룬다. 주요기술적통계방법으로는집중경향, 변산도, 두변인간의상관과회귀분석이포함되며추리적통계방법으로는평균치에관한검증과빈도자료에대한 X² 검증의초보적방법등이포함된다. This course studies the techniques for organizing and presenting data. It covers statistics such as central tendency, variability, bivariate correlation, simpleregression, t-tests and analysis of variance 성인교육방법론 The Methodology of Adult Education 본강좌는다양한성인교육프로그램을기획운영하는데필요한지식을살펴보고이를실제적용할수있는기초능력을배양하는것을목표로한다. 이강좌에서는아동학습자와다른성인학습자의특성, 성인교육프로그램에서사용되는교육방법, 성인교육의실제사례에대한조사분석활동등을다룬다. 수강생들은이강좌를통해서제도교육안팎의성인교육장면에서일어나는교수학습현상을보다깊이이해할수있을것이다. This course introduces various methods and knowledge used in adult education program planning and implementation. It deals with adult learner s characteristics, effective teaching methods for adults, case studies of adult education program. The student can understand teaching and learning in adulthood more deeply

12 A 인적자원개발론 Human Resource Development 본강좌의목표는개인, 조직및국가/ 사회경쟁력의원천인인적자원을효과적이고효율적으로개발하는데기초가되는이론과방법론을종합적으로탐색하는것이다. 평생직업, 평생직장개념의소멸과지식의폭발적증가및생산주기의단축은인적자원의지속적개발을개인수준에서뿐만아니라기업과같은조직, 더나아가국가의핵심과제로삼게하고있다. 본강좌를통해학생들은인적자원의교육, 학습, 성과체제를어떻게설계하고개발하는지에대한전략적인마인드와실무능력을갖추게될것이다. The purpose of this course is to explore theories and methodologies to develop human resource efficiently and effectively at the level of individual, organization, region and nation. Continuos human resource development plays the key role for improving competitiveness of individual, organization, region and nation as well as the quality of individual life. Through this course students will be able to develop strategic mind and practical competency of designing and developing education, learning and performance system of human resource 이러닝과원격교육론 E-learning and Distance Education 본과목은지식정보사회의새로운교육및학습형태로자리잡아가고있는이러닝에대한이해를원격교육의연장선에서다룬다. 이러닝의도입배경및국내외현황에대한검토와함께효과적인이러닝의개발과운영을위한다양한이론적모형을비판적으로소개한다. 또한원격교육의발전측면에서이러닝의실제및이론적동향을분석하게된다. 본과목을통하여이러닝의간단한사례를개발하는절차와기법을익히게된다. This course intends to provide theoretical perspectives to examine the effectiveness of the e-learning programs and basic skills to develop tutorials for e-learning. Students will have chances to criticize various e-learning programs from different educational and learning theories and distance education theories. Future directions for e-learning development will be also explored to solve theoretical and practical problems of education and learning environments. M 학습과창의성 Learning and Creativity 본수업은학습자의개인적역량및재능계발, 전인교육에필요한대표적인심리학적구인들을교육학적맥락안에서어떻게이해하고활용가능한지탐색해보도록고안되었다. 수업은학습과창의성을교육심리학적관점에서어떻게개념적으로이해할수있는지포괄적으로살펴보고, 이를교육적맥락에서계발, 증진시킬수있는방안들을구체적으로탐색해보는것을주된목표로하고있다. 본수업을통해서학생들은학습, 창의성, 재능계발과관련된개념들에대한정의, 개념설명모형, 진단도구및평가, 계발및교육방안등을배우고관련주제들을비판적으로논의해보는기회를가질것이다. This is an introductory course for undergraduate students who are interested in learning and creative talent development. The course is designed specifically to provide and overview of the theoretical and educational foundations of learning and creative talent development and to familiarize students with information about the concepts and models of learning and creativity. Main themes include definitions, forms, assessment and evaluation of learning and creativity, and educational models of talent development

13 국어문화교육론 Korean Language Culture Education 이강좌는국어자료에나타나는다양한국어활동의원리를국어문화의관점에서탐색하고그국어교육적의의를모색하는것을목적으로한다. 특히고전자료를통해드러나는전통적국어문화의원리와현대언어자료에서나타나는표현원리의관련성에주목하며, 이를위해구비문학, 기록문학및현대의대중문화텍스트를아우르는폭넓은자료를국어교육의관점에서다룬다. The purpose of this class is to search for the principles of various Korean language activities in Korean language culture. Especially it focuses on the principles of the traditional Korean language culture through the traditional literature, and its relationship with modern linguistic material. To achieve that purpose, we deal with folklore, written literature as well as the modern and popular texts 매체언어교육론 Media Language Education 현대사회에서중요한소통기능을담당하고있는매체는그언어적속성으로말미암아국어교육의중요한대상이자자료가된다. 본강좌는신문, 방송, 영화, 인터넷등다양한매체를통해나타나는여러가지흥미로운언어적현상의본질을탐구하고이를바탕으로현대사회에서매체언어교육이갖는의미와전망을모색해본다. With its linguistic attribute, Media is important contemporary communication method, and also is the major object and material of Korean language Education. This course searches for the various interesting nature of language phenomenon through the media of newspaper, broadcasting, film, and internet 국어교육학개론 Introduction to Korean Language Education 국어교육의연구대상과방법에입각해서학문적체계를지향 탐구한다. 언어사용능력의신장 이라는국어교육의목표를달성하기위하여요구되는제반원리와연구영역, 국어교육의실천등에필요한기초적이고도전반적인개념과방법들을다룬다. In this course, students will study academic systems in terms of the subject and method of Korean language education. To accomplish this goal, the improvement of linguistic competence, the course will deal with the general basic concepts and methods needed to carry out and study Korean language education 문학교육원론 Principles of Literary Education 본강좌는문학교육의개념, 성격, 범주및의의와실제교수- 학습, 평가, 감상등문학교육에대한기초적인이해를목적으로하고있다. 전통적인문학의교육작용과현대의교육이만나는데서인간에대한이해가가능할것이라는전제위에서, 문학교육은인문교육에있어서정당한자리를차지하게된다. 특히장차문학교육의실천과연구를담당하게될사람들에게는이강좌는문학교육의본질과의의를다시생각하게하고, 그기초적지식과능력을함양하는것을목적으로한다. The purpose of this course lies in a basic understanding of the concepts, characteristics, categories, actual teaching and learning, evaluation, and appreciation of literary education. The basis of the course is that human understanding is possible when the educational impact of traditional literature and modern education converge. On that basis, literary education will have its due place in humanities education. Especially for future researchers of literary practice and study, this course aims at exploring the essential qualities and significance of literary education and cultivating their basic knowledge and competence A 국어학교육론 Theories in Teaching Korean Linguistics 본강좌는국어학에대한기본적인개념을익혀그교육방안을모색하는것을목적으로한다. 음운론, 형태론, 문장론등의기본적인개념을익히고이를실제국어활동에적용함으로써국어교사로서갖추어야할국어에대한기본적인지식획득과올바른국어사용, 국어에대한가치관확립에도움을주고자한다. This class focuses on the basic conceptions of Korean Linguistics and its educational uses. We study the basic conceptions of Phonology, Morphology, and the syntax of Writing, and apply them in Korean language use. We also cultivate students to acquire general foundation of Korean language teacher, to use correct Korean language, and to establish value system on the Korean language A 한국문학교육론 Theories in Teaching Korean Literature 본강좌는한국문학에대한기본적인개념과원리이해를목적으로한다. 국문학의시대적 장르적특성을올바로이해하고주요작품을중심으로이를적용함으로써, 문학교사로서갖추어야할국문학에대한기본적인소양을기르고자한다. This Class focuses on the basic conceptions and principles of Korean literature. Understanding of the characteristics of history and genre of Korean literature, and its application in important literary works will develop basic competences of literary teacher A 한국언어규범론 Theories of Korean Orthography and Normative Rules 본강좌는다양한범주와층위의국어규범을탐구하고학습하는것을목표로한다. 즉음운층위, 어휘층위, 문장층위의규범을두루탐구, 학습하여국어교육에꼭필요한언어규범지식과교육적적용능력을기르는것을목표로한다. This course will explore various categories and levels of the rules of the Korean language. Students will study the levels in phonology, vocabulary, and sentence structure, and develop necessary knowledge of linguistic rules and competence in educational application B 국어문법교육론 Theories of teaching Korean grammar 이강좌는국어문법전반에대한지식체계를습득하고아울러이를학습자에게전달하고함께발견하도록유도하는문법교육의방안에대해탐구하는것을목적으로한다. 국어문법의체계, 국어의

14 변화, 국어현상에대한체계를익히며전달하는방안을꾀하되, 단순한지식전달에머무르지않고어떻게해야학습자스스로국어현상에대해적극적인관심과탐구태도를가지게할것인가하는문제에중점을둔다. This course will cover the development of the Korean language and culture and the knowledge of Korean grammar. Students will study learning and teaching methods in accordance with learners developmental stages. Specific attention will be paid to the problem of motivating a positive interest and attitude toward the phenomena of the Korean language in teaching the Korean language in the classroom A 한국한문교육론 Theories in Teaching Sino-Korean Literature 이강좌는한국문학의중요한부분을차지하고있는한국한문학에대한이해를높이기위해다양한한국한문학작품을섭렵하고, 이에대한통시적안목을기르며, 이를바탕으로한국한문학교육의목표와방법을구안하는과목이다. This class surveys various Sino-Korean literature and enhances the understanding of Korean literature. In developing histiorical perspective of Sino-Korean literature, the educational values of it can be learned. and this class will explore the basic principles of teaching, learning, and competences of Sino-Korean literature A 국어사교육론 Theories of Korean History Education 국어활동은인간의생활과떨어져서이루어질수없으며, 과거와현재그리고미래와의연계속에서통합적으로탐색되어야하는대상이다. 즉언중들이국어를어떻게사용하고있었는가하는점을중심으로국어의변천과정을살피는것이본강좌의목표이다. Korean language usage cannot be separated from everyday life in Korea and should therefore be synthetically explored in terms of its relationship with the past, present, and future. This course will focus on the historical change of the Korean language in terms of usage 한국고전문학사교육론 Theories of Teaching History of Korean Premodern Literature 이강좌는한국문학사를개괄하여우리문학에대한이해를높이는것을목적으로한다. 근대이전의한국문학에대한통시적인이해를바탕으로한국인의창조적인언어표현능력과이해능력의역사적전개양상을탐구하고, 문학과인간발달의상호관련과언어를매체로한한국인의문화능력의발달에대해통시적으로이해하는능력을기른다. In this course, students will survey the history of Korean literature and enhance their understanding of Korean literature. They will analyze various literary works from the ancient to the middle age era and develop a historical perspective. Class participants will study not only the classic literature history but also the effective teaching methodology of premodern literature and its history 한국현대문학사교육론 Theories of Teaching History of Korean Modern Literature 이강좌는한국문학사를개괄하여우리문학에대한이해를높이는것을목적으로한다. 근대이후의문학에서전후와현대문학에이르기까지다양한우리문학작품들을섭렵하고, 통시적인안목을기를수있도록한다. 특히현대문학작품을대상으로국어교육의현장에서효과적으로교수-학습할수있는능력을배양한다. In this course, students will survey the history of Korean literature and enhance their understanding of Korean literature. They will analyze various literary works from the modern to contemporary and develop a historical perspective. Class participants will study not only the modern literature history but also the effective teaching methodology of modern literature and its history 국어교수학습론 Teaching and Learning Korean Language 국어교육에서중요시되어야할세요소는국어, 교사, 학습자료요약되며교사는학습자로하여금스스로언어사용능력을신장할수있도록언어를통한사고력형성에조력자의역할을하는것이중요하다. 따라서교수와학습이라는측면은 교수법 차원을넘어선다. 국어를 가르친다 는측면과 배운다 는측면에서고려되어야할요인과방법, 지향점등에대해서기존의논의들을비판적으로검토하고새롭게구조화하는데초점을맞춘다. The three major factors of Korean language teaching are the Korean language, the teacher, and the learner. It is important for the teacher to help learners to enhance their language competence on their own. Teaching and learning therefore should go beyond so-called teaching methods. This course will focus on a critical review and the new construction of established arguments regarding teaching and learning Korean A 작문교육론 Theories of Teaching Writing 국어활동을크게이해와표현으로나눌때, 표현의영역에서큰비중을차지하고있는것이작문이며, 이러한작문에대해교육하는것이작문교육이다. 이강좌에서는머리속에서생성된발상이어떻게언어화되고표현으로연결되는가하는점을고찰함으로써작문과정을밝히고작문의효과적인교육방법에대해연구하고자한다. Language use of speaking, listening, reading, and writing can be divided into expression and comprehension. Among the four uses, speaking and writing can be included in expression, but they actually have relation to comprehension. In the study of expression, we explore the phonology, syntax, and discourse. And on these basis we also study the characteristic style, orthography, and invention with written and oral materials 한국고시가교육론 Theories in Teaching Classical Korean Poetry 이강좌는현장에서다루게될고시가교육에대한안목과이론적기초를함양하기위한것이다. 이전에수강하였을고시가의

15 작품강독이나고시가표현론을바탕으로하여, 여기에서는그교육적적용과방법을탐구하게될것이다. 이는그동안고시가교육이그표현적특징과원리를바탕으로한감상중심의교육이되지못하고, 어학적분석과자구해석중심이라는비판의극복과도밀접한관련을갖는다. 따라서우리의고전시가교육이올바른방향을잡아, 그학문적토대를견고하게하자는데이강좌의목적이있다. This course will focus on developing students sense of education and theoretical foundations as future teachers. On the basis of their knowledge of classical Korean poetry, students will explore its educational implications. They will also search for new ways to overcome the criticism that educators, by concentrating on linguistic analysis and interpretation, have failed to teach students to appreciate and understand the expressive characteristics and principles of classical Korean poetry. The purpose of this course therefore lies in finding a vision of classical Korean poetry education and firmly establishing the foundations of academic study 한국고전산문교육론 Theories in Teaching Classical Korean Prose 이강좌에서는고전산문의일반적특징과각작품의특징을원론적으로검토한후, 이를어떻게교육현장에적용시킬것인가를연구하고, 구체적인작품을통해서유용성을검토한다. 이를통해고전산문의본질에가장근접해들어갈수있는요소들을분석할수있으며, 산문의교수- 학습, 평가, 감상등의내용과방법을이론적으로심화학습하는기회를갖고자하는것이본강좌의목적이다. In this course, students will review the principles and characteristics of classical Korean prose, apply them in the classroom, and investigate specific works. They will also explore factors that can be used to approach the substance of classical Korean prose and theoretically deepen their understanding of the contents and methods of prose teaching, learning, assessment, and appreciation 한국현대산문교육론 Theories in Teaching Modern Korean Prose 현대산문교육은소설을중심으로하는현대의산문문학작품을읽는과정을통해학습자로하여금작품에대한능동적독서로나아갈수있게하는한편, 작품에대한지속적이고발전적인관심을갖도록하는것을그목표로한다. 이목표가충분히달성될수있게하기위해서는산문작품의문학성에대한깊이있는이해와함께학습자의수용과정에대한체계적지식이갖추어져있어야한다. 본강좌는산문의이론에대한포괄적인검토와한국문학사에서의산문학의전개양상을살피는가운데그러한능력을갖출수있도록할것이다. Modern Korean prose education focuses on enabling learners to proceed to active reading through modern prose literary works and motivating their constant and developmental interest in literary works. To achieve the purposes of achieving a deep understanding of the literary nature of prose works, and a systematic knowledge of the reception of Korean prose, this course will provide students with an overview of prose theories and developmental aspects of Korean prose in literary history C 국어사교재강독 Reading in Historical Materials of Korean Language 국어사교재강독은한문및국문으로남아있는국어학자료중에서교육적으로중요한것들을선별하여강독함으로써국어학자료를이해하는능력을기르는데그목적이있다. 이과정에서학생들은국어학에대한통시적조감능력을기른다. 국어학자료에대한통시적고찰은현대의국어학자료를심층적으로이해하는데토대를제공한다. By interpreting and appreciating Korean medieval and early modern language material, students can develop their educational view about this field A 화법교육론 Theories in Teaching Speech 말하기교육에서필수적인효과적인의사소통능력의신장을어떻게이룰것인가하는점을밝히는것이다. 이를위하여본강좌는일상적대화, 토의, 토론, 연설, 강연등에필요한이론을연구함으로써말하기교육의깊이를더하고자한다. How to find a way of developing communicative competency is necessary in the teaching of speaking. This class will advance the Korean language education by studying the theories of everyday conversation, discussion, argumentation, and oration 국어사고와논술교육론 Theories of Thinking Faculty of Korean Language and Essay Writing Education 이강좌에서는언어로사고하는행위, 특히국어로이루어지는사고행위가어떻게교육적으로연결될수있는지를살펴본다. 국어라는매개로생성된창의적사고가국어사용자라는공동체내에서효과적으로표현하고전달하는얼개를살펴보고, 그것을글로표현하는논술교육의단계로이어지도록한다. This course focuses on the procedure of language thinking faculty, especially performing Korean language. Creative thinking would be expressed by formed genre essays to communicate with the Korean language community. All class participants investigate proper methodology of teaching essay writing 한국어교육론 Theories in Korean Language Education as a Foreign Language 이강좌에서는한국어의이해및표현과관련된기본적인내용을학습함으로써한국어학습에필요한기초지식을갖추게한다. 외국어로서의한국어학습에필요한발음, 문자, 규범등의내용과한국어이해와표현에관련된제반원리등을집중적으로학습하게된다. This course covers basic knowledge of the Korean language, including its comprehension and expressions. It provides intensive study on the pronunciation, letters, rules, and other principles needed to learn Korean as a foreign language

16 A 국어교육연습 Seminar of Korean Language Teaching Methodology 본강좌는보다심도깊은국어교육론을바탕으로실제국어교육현장에적용될수있는개념, 원리들을학습하고교수학습방법론적으로적용하는것을목적으로한다. This course will focus on learning conceptions and principles that can be applied to actual Korean language teaching in the classroom, and applying them to teaching-learning methodology A 독서교육론 Theories in Teaching Reading 언어사용의네국면중 읽기 부분은지금까지비교적그연구성과가칸이집적된편이다. 읽기이론의성과는교재구성, 교수 - 학습방법, 교육과정등에직접적인도움을줄수있는중요한영역이기도하다. 이강좌에서는 읽기 와관련하여기존의이론을비판검토하고, 교수-학습상황에서의측면과읽기활동에요구되는능력들과그기본원리의탐색을목표로한다. Reading is the mostly well accumulated aspects of the four language use. The achievement of reading theory effect on teaching material, teaching-learning method, and curriculum. We criticize various theories of reading, and explore the basic principles of teaching, learning, and competences of reading activity 한국현대시교육론 Theories in Teaching Modern Korean Poetry 본강좌는시문학의문학성을구명하고자했던여러논의를비판적으로살피고, 한국현대시의전개과정에서구체화할수있는능력을기름으로써, 실제교수- 학습현장에서지도, 감상, 평가할수있는능력을함양하는것을목적으로한다. 이를통해학생들의시감상기제에대한분석및그체계화를지향하는시교육방법론의모색으로이어질수있도록한다. This course will focus on a critical review of arguments concerning studies on Korean poetry and the development of students competence in the developmental stage of modern Korean poetry. Students will analyze the poetry appreciation mechanism and speculate on the structural methods of poetry education B 국어의미화용교육론 Theories of Korean Semantics and Pragmatics Education 이강좌는국어교육연구의여러양상을다양한현대국어학의여러조류와더불어살펴보는것을목적으로한다. 특히국어의의미론과화용론을중심으로의사소통과국어생활에대한다채로운탐구를시도해볼것이다. 이강좌를통해언어행위와의미등에대해연구하고, 국어교사로서의활동적측면에대한소양을배양하고자한다. This course focuses on the Korean semantics and pragmatics in authentic use. All class participants are requested to research the various features of language use, especially in class interaction. Meanings and speech acts of language will give participants a wide view and insight for pre-language teachers 한국구비문학교육론 Theories of Teaching Korean Oral Literature 이강좌는구전되는우리문학에대한이해를도모하고, 그에바탕하여국어활동전반에관계되는말하기의원리를학습하는것을목적으로한다. 매체가발달함에따라구전되는언어활동의비중이커져가고있는까닭에, 국어교육에서구비문학에대한이해와연구는그중요성을갈수록더해가고있는상황이다. 민담, 전설, 속담, 민요등과거로부터전해내려온다양한구비문학은물론, 대중매체를통해급속한속도로광범위한지역에전파되는현재의구전언어활동에이르기까지다양한말하기활동에대해체계적인이해와교육적활용방안및그원리를탐구하도록한다. This course will help students to better understand oral Korean literature and to learn the principles of speaking in terms of the Korean language 문학감상론연습 Seminar in Literary Appreciation 이강좌는문학작품을분석하고감상하는활동을통해문학에대한실제적인이해를도모하고, 국어교육에서필요한문학작품감상의방법과원리에대해사고하게하는것을목적으로한다. 문학작품은독자의감상행위를통해온전히실현되는것이므로문학의소통과정에서독자의독서행위는매우중요한위치에있다. 한편국어교육에서의독자는일반독자의성격과더불어학습자로서의독자라는특수한성격을띠고있기도하다. 이강좌에서는국어교육의현장에서이루어지는문학작품소통의특성을고려하는가운데, 문학감상의실제적인활동이이루어질수있도록한다. Through this course, students will understand literature practically by analyzing and appreciating texts and applying the results of their study to Korean language education 국어음운교육론 Theories of Korean Phonology Education 이강좌에서는개론수준에서학습했던국어음운론에대한지식을확장하고교육적방안을모색하는것을목표로한다. 조음, 음운현상등음성학의내용과음운법칙의교육적방안등을학습하며, 나아가이러한지식을국어교육적으로어떻게활용할것인지를논의한다. This course aims that to study and research Korean phonetics and phonology, and investigate the proper educational methodology for Korean phonology. All phonological subject in school grammar will be the field of this course, and all participants will discuss the key issues of teaching phonology 연극교육론 Theories of Drama Education and Educational Theatre 이강좌를통해수강자들은국어예술의한장르인희곡, 드라마에대한국어교육적문제에대해학습하고, 나아가교육연극의기본적인개념과함께언어교육과태도교육적측면에서연극을국어교육적으로활용하는방안에대해서학습한다. 연극의국어교육적활용을위해교육과정및교과서와연결시키는구체적인작업을병행한다. Throughout this course, all class participants will study and research the play and drama as a Korean language arts


11¹Ú´ö±Ô A Review on Promotion of Storytelling Local Cultures - 265 - 2-266 - 3-267 - 4-268 - 5-269 - 6 7-270 - 7-271 - 8-272 - 9-273 - 10-274 - 11-275 - 12-276 - 13-277 - 14-278 - 15-279 - 16 7-280 - 17-281 -

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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: (LiD) - - * Way to

Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI:   (LiD) - - * Way to Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp.353-376 DOI: (LiD) -- * Way to Integrate Curriculum-Lesson-Evaluation using Learning-in-Depth

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27 2, * ** 3, 3,. B ,.,,,. 3,.,,,,..,. :,, : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/21 : 2009/09/30 * ICAD (Institute for Children Ability 27 2, 71-90. 2009. 3 * ** 3, 3,. B 2003 4 2004 2.,.,,,. 3,.,,,,..,. :,, : 2009/09/03 : 2009/09/21 : 2009/09/30 * ICAD (Institute for Children Ability Development) ** ( : 72 한국교육문제연구제

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