Effects of baseball expertise and stimulus speeds on coincidence-anticipation timing accuracy of batting Jong-Hwa Lee, Seok-Jin Kim, & Seon-Jin Kim* Seoul National University [Purpose] [Methods] [Results] [Conclusion] Key words:
Table 1. Participant Characteristics (Mean ± SD) Group (n) KBO League (7) KBO Futures League (7) KUBF League (7) Age (yrs) 24.57± 4.43 24.57± 3.10 21.14± 2.19 Height (cm) 182.43± 4.54 179.86± 4.14 177.86± 4.22 Weight (kg) 82.86± 9.28 80.57± 5.86 73.43± 11.98 Baseball Experience (yrs) 12.83± 1.17 12.17± 1.17 11.00± 0.89
Table 2. Mean and SD of constant error(ms) Group KBO League KBO Futures League KUBF League 300 250 200 Stimulus Speeds 10mph 15mph 20mph Random Mean 59.60 147.46 174.31 107.00 SD 36.61 19.25 23.09 17.41 Mean 103.51 158.60 212.20 189.42 SD 31.72 24.12 55.25 42.75 Mean 72.83 186.71 262.40 185.24 SD 37.59 30.78 54.97 49.92 150 100 50 0 ms 10mph 15mph 20mph Random KBO League Players Group KBO Futures League Players Group KUBF League Players Group Fig. 1. Constant error(ms) across stimulus speed and expertise.
Table 3. Mean and SD of absolute error(ms) Group KBO League KBO Futures League KUBF League Stimulus Speeds 10mph 15mph 20mph Random Mean 60.06 147.46 174.31 117.60 SD 36.62 19.25 23.09 10.58 Mean 99.00 162.57 223.31 190.13 SD 26.36 24.25 54.53 41.85 Mean 74.37 186.71 262.40 185.49 SD 32.20 35.36 43.95 33.51
300 250 200 150 100 50 0 ms Fig. 2. Absolute error(ms) across stimulus speed and expertise. 10 mph 15 mph 20 mph Random KBO League Players Group KBO Futures League Players Group KUBF League Players Group
Table 4. Mean and SD of variable error(ms) 100 Group KBO League KBO Futures League KUBF League Stimulus Speeds 10mph 15mph 20mph Random Mean 18.43 15.13 21.55 78.25 SD 11.98 12.00 18.61 5.60 Mean 24.10 20.46 24.06 77.76 SD 5.58 8.36 10.77 14.71 Mean 22.61 29.15 59.19 96.80 SD 4.91 13.18 28.22 24.31 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ms 10 mph 15 mph 20 mph Random Fig. 3. Variable error(ms) across stimulus speed and expertise. KBO League Players Group KBO Futures League Players Group KUBF League Players Group
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