에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 17, Number 1, March 2018 : pp. 67~94 기온효과를반영한 한국의환경쿠즈네츠가설검정 ** *** :,,,, *. ** ( ), papa@kogas.or.kr *** ( ), yongjulee@ynu.ac.kr - 67 -
. - 68 -
- 69 -
. - 70 -
1) - 71 -
CO 2, SO 2 CO 2-72 -
CO 2 2) CO 2-73 -
< 표 1> 환경쿠즈네츠가설에대한선행연구 - 74 -
. 1. - 75 -
< 표 2> 연료연소시부문별탄소배출비중 3) 3) - 76 -
4) ~ 5) 4) - 77 -
< 표 3> 분석자료주요통계 ln ln ln ln ln ln - 78 -
6) ln ln ln ln ln ln ln v t - 79 -
7) < 표 4> 단위근검정결과 - 80 -
~ ~ - 81 -
< 표 5> 공적분검정결과 ( ) ( ). 1. - 82 -
8) < 표 6> 공적분회귀모형추정결과 - 83 -
9) 10) - 84 -
11) 10) 11) - 85 -
< 표 7> 오차수정모형추정결과 z t-1-86 -
z t-1 z t-1-87 -
- 88 -
~ - 89 -
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ABSTRACT This paper tests Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis using time series data of Korea in the time period between the years 1971 and 2014, and analyzes the determinants of CO 2 emissions. For this purpose, we consider GDP per capita, the portion of renewable energy relative to the nation s power source, final energy consumption per capita, and cooling and heating degree day as the explanatory variables. And, considering nonstationarity of the time series, we analyze the relationship between CO 2 emissions and explanatory variables in the framework of a cointegration model and an error correction model. The test results show that there exists a statistically significant positive relation among GDP, cooling and heating degree day, final energy consumption and CO 2 emissions, and a statistically significant negative relation among GDP square, the portion of renewable energy and CO 2 emissions. That is, the results ascertain the existence of Environment Kuznets Curve in Korea and the significancy of temperature effects on CO 2 emissions. Key Words : CO 2 emission, Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis, Temperature Effects, Cointegration, Error Correction Model - 94 -