Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp DOI: Educational Design

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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.361-379 DOI: Educational Design for Future Education Purpose: This study examined the educational design from the perspective of future education in relation to the fourth industrial revolution. Method: Based on the literature review, first, analyzing of design value, design meaning and design thinking. Second, Reviewing of educational design meaning and educational design competency. Finally, getting the basic foundation of program development for educating dynamic educational designer. Results: A educational design can be seen as designing and practicing educational system based on combined thinking and creativity so that children can study happily and improve the efficiency of education. To do this, following educational design capabilities are required. First, it is strengthening future prediction capability. Based on scientific perspectives and humanistic thinking, it is aimed to cultivate future-oriented talents that anticipate the direction of future social change and the educational system change accordingly. Second, deepening the educational field diagnostic capability. It is to nurture field-oriented talents that pursue in-depth understanding through systematic diagnosis and analysis of the reality of our education. Third, strengthening cultural and emotional competence. Cultivate talented people with cultural, artistic and emotional capacities that accept cultural and media diversity and respond flexibly to change. Fourth, development of creative education design capability. It is to nurture creative talents that design and practice an educational system that can overcome the gap between the desirable education system of the future and the current education system based on fusion and complex thinking and creativity. Fifth, global capacity building. Based on a collaborative network with educational advanced countries and international educational institutions, we will cultivate global talents that can disseminate and share our educational experiences in developing and underdeveloped countries. Conclusion: 'Future-oriented education design' should be sought in order that may collectively plan educational activities at individual, institutional, regional and national levels. Educational design should not be a passive approach to solve the immediate problems of the current education system but should be a proactive and creative approach to design educational system and activities suitable for the change of future society. Key words : design era, design, design thinking, educational design, educational competency Corresponding Author: Choi, Doo-Jin. Pusan National University, Dept. of Education, Busandaehakro, Jangjeondong, Busan, Korea, e-mail:

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