Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.1-24 DOI: * An Interpretative Analysis on the Consolidation of Small Schools in a Rural Area Purpose: The aim of this paper was to interpretively analyze the meanings and values of small schools in rural areas through illuminating experiences and voices of village residents who were immediate stakeholder with regard to consolidation of small schools. Method: This paper employed a qualitative case study to accomplish this purpose and two core categories and four subcategories were derived from thematic analysis, which is based on the pragmatic eclecticism. Results: First, the residents in the rural areas had experienced exhaustive conflicts because of different interests and situations. Second, the research participants had been confronted with closing of schools and extinction of villages due to decline of next generation and local exodus. They had lost indigenous identities and memberships as a local community residents as well. Third, the village people had considered small schools as an institutional social capital to maintain and develop their villages. Fourthly, the small schools were public goods for maintaining communal lives of residents. Finally, the village people remembered small schools as a public good for maintaining and caring community life and regarded them as a social capital to realize community- and life-centered publicness. Conclusion: The results of this paper will be a guideline for improving consolidation policy and impact evaluation of school consolidation in rural area. Key words : rural area, small school, consolidation of small schools, extinction of villages, qualitative case study * ( 2018-1). Corresponding Author: Ju, Dong-Beom. Pukyong National University, Dept. of Lifelong Education&Counseling, 45 Yongsoro, Namgu, Busan, Korea, e-mail:
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