기본연구 국제자매결연도시간 교류활성화를위한연구 강창민

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기본연구 2011-26 국제자매결연도시간 교류활성화를위한연구 강창민

2011 11

연구요약 Ⅰ. 서론 2. 지방자치단체자매결연의의의

1) ㆍ 2) 3) 4)

5). 3. 국내지방자치단체의자매결연현황 4. 제주특별자치도자매결연실태 1) ㆍ


5. 제주특별자치도자매결연방향과전략과제 1) (1),



Ⅰ. 1. 2.


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. 1) ㆍ

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2.. 1) < Ⅲ-3>

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< Ⅲ-7> : (www.economy.seoul.go.kr)2011.

4) ㆍ (1) (2) < Ⅲ-8> : (www.economy.seoul.go.kr)2011.

(3) < Ⅲ-9> : (www.economy.seoul.go.kr)2011. (4)

5) ㆍ (1) (Seoul Friendship Fair) (2) 6)

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: (www.busan.go.kr). 4)

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2) (1) [ Ⅲ-3] (2)

< Ⅲ-17> : 2011.

(3) < Ⅲ-18> (: ) : 2011. 2) < Ⅲ-19> (IAEC : The International Association of Education Cities) (NEAR :North East Asia Regional Government) (LUCI Lighting Urban Community International) (UCLG : United Cities and Local Government) 20%(20% Club for Sustainable Cities) 2008.9 2008.3 2007.9 2006.12 2004.3

(SCI : Sister Cities International) (METROPOIS) (ICLEI : International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) : 2011. 2003.4 2001.5 2001.10 3) (1)

(2). ㆍ ㆍ. - : - :, - : - : (3) 4)

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2007-11-21 2007-08-.09 2007-.06-19 2000-.07-18 2000-04-07 2000-02-21 1998-02-12 1996-12-09 1993-02-10 : 2012. 2) (1) 국제협력실 국제기획 국제협력 [ Ⅲ-4] (2)

< Ⅲ-22> :. 3)

< Ⅲ-23> () () 17 1,023 953 70 100 100 10 10 () 15 15 60 60 30 30 40 40 30 30 15 15 2 50 50 210 140 70 40 40 (UCLG, ) 40 40 10 10 40 40 107 107 176 176 50 50 : 2012 2011. 4)


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2) < Ⅳ-5> : (http//www.gaok.or.kr) 2011. 3) (1)

< Ⅳ-6> 51 21 7 10 5 1 1 4 1 1 10 9 - - - - - - 1-12 2 2 3 4 1 - - - 6 3-1 1 - - 1-7 2 4 1 - - - - - 8 2 5 1 - - - - - 14 8-3 1 - - - 2-8 5 2 - - - - - 1-1 1 - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - - : (http//www.gaok.or.kr) 2011,. (2)

< Ⅳ-7> 25 10 5 5 4 1 10 1 9 - - - 13 3 8 2 - - 4 3 1 - - - 12 2 5 5 - - 4-4 - - - 2-1 - 1-2 2 - - - - 2 2 - - - - 2-2 - - - : (http//www.gaok.or.kr) 2011,. (3) < Ⅳ-8> 19 6 13 6 1 5 4-4 2-2 1-1 3-3 3-3 5-5 6-6 2-2 : (http//www.gaok.or.kr) 2011,.

4) < Ⅳ-9> :, 2008~2009. 5) < Ⅳ-10> :, 2008~2009. 6) ㆍ


< Ⅳ-11>

:, 2008. 8)

< Ⅳ-12> :, (2009-2010).

(1) < Ⅳ-13> 2010. 7. 13 ~ 7. 15(34) (),, 59 :, (2009-2010). (2) < Ⅳ-14> 8 (56) 1978 2010 24 1297( 573, 724) 10(1 2) 2002 2010 9 456( 351, 105) :, (2009-2010).

(3) (4) (5) < Ⅳ-15> () 2000. 4. 25 16.1(2009 ) 50%, 50% 5(2000 1, 2007 2, 2009 2) :, (2009-2010).

(6) ㆍ (7) < Ⅳ-16> 2001: 549 (1.8:1) 2002 510 (1.7:1) 2003 482 (1.6:1) 2005 451 (1.5:1) 2007 439 (1.4:1) 2004 433 (1.4:1) 2006 394 (1.3:1) 2008 400 (1.3:1) 2009 436 (1.4:1) 2010 524 (1.7:1) :, (2009-2010). 9)

< Ⅳ-17> 17 (2010. 12. 31 ) 사업명 관련부서 추진상황 중앙 도 비고

사업명 추진상황 관련부서 중앙 도 비고 :, 2011. 2.

Ⅴ. 1.. 1) 1),

2) 3)


. 1) 2),





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(2007). 2020,, pp.154~156. (1994).,, 9(1), p.86. (2009)., 65, pp. 345-348. (2007),. (2006),, 2006, pp.310-313. http://www.seoul.go.kr/ http://www.busan.go.kr/ http://www.gwangju.go.kr/ http://www.provin.gangeon.go.kr/ http://www.jeju.go.kr/ http://www.jejusi.go.kr/ http://www.seogwipo.go.kr/ http//www.gaok.or.kr/

(2011 11 )

: (http://exchange.gaok.or.kr)

[ : ] 2010. 11. 10 663 1(). 2(). 1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ). 2.. 3( ). 4( ) 1 ( ). 2. 3. 5( ) 1,..

2 ( ),. 6( ),. 7( ) 41,. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D/B 6. 7. 8. 8( ) 21 ( ) 9( ) 1 1. 2 1. 3 1 2 8. 10() 1 9 2.

2 3. 11( ) 8. 12( ). 13()..

Abstract A Study about Exchange Vitalization between International Sisterhood Relationship Cities During recent 10 years, as local bodies aim to internalization and globalization, international exchanges with foreign autonomous body have been vitalized and the project of sisterhood relationship to continue to the above has been actively implemented. Sisterhood relationship project of local autonomous body prepared the opportunity to diversify the exchange with foreign cities beyond the frame of international exchange which has been made under the national level, and was actively used as a promotional method to let the world know the autonomous bodies. The whole international exchange cooperation of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has been made centering on sisterhood relationship with foreign autonomous bodies and conclusion of amity and cooperation city. Since concluding sisterhood relationship with State of Hawaii, USA in 1986, it concluded sisterhood relationship with five cities of five countries, and in administrative cities, Jeju-si concluded sisterhood relationship with five cities of three countries and Seoguipo-si concluded with four cities of two countries. Jeju-do has made the best efforts with initiative in international exchange cooperation field since Jeju Free International City Special Act has been enacted. Exchanges with foreign local cities include administration exchange, personal exchange, culture & art exchange, tour exchange, youths exchange, sports exchange, technology & academy exchange, economic exchange, private bodies exchange, and symbolic projects. Of total 433 times of exchanges, administration

exchange dominates 44.1%, the first rank. Also, it is true that it has no outstanding result comparing to other local autonomous bodies in spite of national supports and efforts, and it shows the limit of content and extent which concludes sisterhood relationship and friendship cooperation within North East Asia like China, Japan, and etc. Therefore, the direction and strategic tasks of sisterhood relationship of Jeju-do are as follows: First, brands like the island of world peace and world natural heritage should be actively used. Conversion to leading role of international exchange, diversification of sisterhood relationship site for globalization, and Jeju-friendly strategies of countries & cities for exchange are needed. Second, from administration exchange dominating many parts of international exchange with international exchange vitalization strategy to personal exchange, tour exchange, and economic exchange, diversification plan of exchange is needed. Also, the construction of cooperative governance system in central government, local government, and private sector is needed. Progressing of practical economic exchange which can raise the quality of life of Jeju people and securing international exchange experts including the extension of personal exchange are needed. Third, it is needed to decide the importance and the priority according to politic, economic, and cultural exchanges for each area or each country with international exchange cooperation vitalization plan for each region, and to analyze culture characteristics of each area/country, water solubility of Korean and Jeju cultures, and differentiated program organization according to this. Key words: international exchange, sister cities

연구진 연구책임강창민제주발전연구원연구위원 공동연구강영훈제주대학교행정학과교수 공동연구 윤원수제주발전연구원위촉구원 기본연구 2011-26 발행인 양영오 발행일 2011 년 11 월 발행처 제주발전연구원 690-029 제주시청사로 1 길 18-4 전화 : (064) 726-0500 팩스 : (064) 751-2168 홈페이지 : www.jdi.re.kr 인쇄처 정음인쇄사 ISBN : 978-89-6010-225-5 93330