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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2016, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp.149-168 DOI: * Relationship Between Planned Happenstance Skills and Career Adaptability of College Students Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the gender difference in planned happenstance skills and career adaptability of college students, and was to identify the relationship between those two variables. Method: This study was conducted by a survey. The participants of this study were 462 college students of 2 universities in A city. To analyze the data, t-test and canonical correlation analysis were performed. Results: First, significant gender differences were found in planned happenstance skills and career adaptability. Scores of male students were significantly higher than those of female students. Second, the planned happenstance skills were positively related to the career adaptability. In addition, differential relationship between those two variables by gender was found. Conclusion: Career education in universities should help students cultivate planned happenstance skills in order to enhance graduates career adaptability. Key words : planned happenstance skills, career adaptability, career education for college students * 2015. Corresponding Author: Yoo, Soon-Hwa. Pusan National University, Dept. of Education, Busandaehakro, Jangjeondong, Busan, Korea. e-mail:

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Kim (2014) (Planned Happenstance Career Inventory: PHCI), (2013).,,,, 5.,,,,. 25, Likert 5,. (Cronbach s α).78~.87 (Kim, 2014),.91,.78~.85. 2) 진로적응성 (2010).,,,,,,, 8.,,,,,,,,,,,,. 45, Likert 5,..94,.78~.87 (, 2010),.95,.79~.90.,

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( ) ( =462) ( =268) ( =194) M SD M SD M SD 3.60 0.58 3.67 0.57 3.50 0.60 3.14** 3.72 0.67 3.76 0.65 3.65 0.70 1.72 3.49 0.67 3.55 0.65 3.41 0.68 2.22* ( ) 3.42 0.51 3.49 0.51 3.34 0.49 3.15** 3.62 0.58 3.67 0.59 3.55 0.57 2.20* 3.33 0.72 3.42 0.71 3.22 0.73 2.95** 3.15 0.72 3.22 0.74 3.06 0.69 2.33* 3.52 0.74 3.58 0.75 3.44 0.71 2.01* 3.81 0.68 3.90 0.66 3.68 0.69 3.50** 3.25 0.71 3.32 0.73 3.15 0.69 2.54* 3.14 0.74 3.18 0.75 3.09 0.73 1.32 3.65 0.75 3.66 0.75 3.64 0.75 0.31 Pearson. < III-2>, (, r=.69, p<.01).., (r=.58), (r=.56), (r=.58), (r=.55). (r=.66), (r=.63), (r=.62).

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