KISEP Review Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr ~178 놀이정신치료 PLAY PSYCHOTHERAPY 곽영숙 * Young Sook Kwak, M.D., Ph.D.* 요약 중심단어 역사와분류 161 Depa

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KISEP Review 11 2 2000 Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr 11161~178 놀이정신치료 PLAY PSYCHOTHERAPY 곽영숙 * Young Sook Kwak, M.D., Ph.D.* 요약 중심단어 역사와분류 161 Department of Psychiatry, Cheju National University Medical School, Cheju


놀이의기능과임상적응용 1. The Functions of Play Behavior Biological Learn basic skills Reflexes release excess energy Kinesthetic stimulations Intrapersonal Functionlust Mastery of situations Exploration Develop understanding of the functions of the mind, body, and world Cognitive development Mastery of conflicts Symbolism and wish fulfillment Interpersonal Development social skills Separation- individuationplay can serve as a distraction when significant others are absentit can be used to master the anxiety associated with separation and can utilize objects symbolically to replace significant others who are absent. Sociocultural Imitate desired roles 163

2. 놀이의임상적응용 3. 놀이실과장난감 1. 정신분석적치료 주요치료접근방법 ü 1) 쾌락원칙 (Pleasure principle): 욕구충족의쾌감 (Gratification pleasure) 과기능적쾌감 (Functional pleasure) ü ü 164

2) 반복 : 반복강박 (Repetition compulsion): 반추 3) 수동성에서적극성으로 4) 동화과정 (Assimilation process) 5) 속뚫림 (Abreaction) 6) 숙달본능 (The instinct of mastery) 7) 8) 환상과백일몽 (Fantasy and day dream) 165

2. 비지시적 (nondirective) 치료 166

놀이치료에서발달론적접근 1. 발달과정으로서의놀이 1) 감각-촉각탐색욕구 2) 근육-운동욕구 167

3) 기본신체적욕구와연관된표상적놀이와건설적놀이 (Representational & Constructive play) 1) 자기애적놀이 2) 전외디프스기놀이 168

3) 외디프스기놀이 4) 외디프스기이후의놀이 1) 감각운동놀이 2) 상징적또는가상놀이 169

3) 게임 2. 놀이발달모델의치료적이용 1) 감각운동놀이의치료적이용 170

2) 가상놀이의진단적, 치료적이용 171

3) 게임의치료적사용 3. 인지발달적측면 1) 감정, 동기, 자신을이해하는데있어서의발달적변화 172


2) 행동의동기와원인에대한아동의이해 3) 자기깨달음의변화 4. 치료과정 1) 놀이에서언어로 (From play to talk) 174

2) Erikson의심리적사회발달모델에따른치료과정과치료기술 175

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ABSTRACT Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr 11161~178, 2000 PLAY PSYCHOTHERAPY Young Sook Kwak, M.D, Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry, Cheju National University Medical School, Cheju The author reviewed history and development of variable approaches of play psychotherapy. To understand basic concepts and practical factors of play, the functions of play behavior and it s clinical application were summarized. As major therapeutic approaches, both theoretical concepts and practical techniques of psychoanalytic approach and those of nondirective approach were presented. For clinician it is important to know developmental theories which can be applied to various therapeutic technics and to apply these theories to play therapy situations. So, to know the developmental approach in play psychotherapy, play as a developmental process, its therapeutic application, play in the perspective of cognitive development and the therapeutic process of play psychotherapy were reviewed. With the knowledge of developmental concept therapists can increase their abilities to prescribe an appropriate type of play therapy. KEY WORDSPlay psychotherapy History & classification The functions and clinical application of play Major therapeatic approaches Developmental perspective. 178