160 최철만 김진호 김원일 이종식 정구복 이정택 문성기 구자들의연구와비교, 검토함으로써식물플랑크톤상의변화양상을함께파악하고자하였다. 재료및방법 그리고한강물환경연구소 31) 를참고로실시하였다. 동정된식물플랑크톤은알파벳순으로정리하였고출현종중우점종, 출현빈번종, 광분포종,

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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp DOI: * A Analysis of



한국환경농학회지제 26 권제 2 호 (2007) Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 159-170 연구보문 낙동강하류의식물플랑크톤상과군집구조 최철만 김진호 * 김원일 이종식 정구복 이정택 문성기 1) 농촌진흥청농업과학기술원환경생태과 1) 경성대학교이과대학생물학과 (2007 년 5 월 7 일접수, 2007 년 6 월 15 일수리 ) Phytoplankton Flora and ommunity Structure in the Lower Nakdong River hul-mann hoi, Jin-Ho Kim*, Won-Il Kim, Jong-Sik Lee, Goo-Bok Jung, Jeong-Taek Lee, and Sung-Gi Moon 1) (Division of Environment and Ecology, National Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, Rural Development Administration, Suwon, 441-707, Korea, 1) Department of Biology, Kyungsung University, Busan, 608-736, Korea) ABSTRAT: This study was focused on the investigation of the phytoplankton flora and community structure for changing of water environment at the rivers in the lower part of Nakdong river. The samples for this study were collected every month from Jan. 2004 To Dec. 2004. the 196 species belonged to 94 genera were identified during this study periods. The number of species was recorded the maximum 124 taxa in summer and the minimum 69 taxa in winter. We observed the maximum taxa (92 taxa) at the site No. 20 and the minimum taxa (55 taxa) at the site No. 8, respectively. Among the phytoplankton communities, diatoms were dominated over 40% of total phytoplankton groups. Subdominant groups were green algae (over 20% of total phytplankton groups). During this study periods, the 60 species were investigated ecologically significant species (46 cosmopolitic species, 25 pollution indicator, 21 redtide causative species, 8 dominant species, and 7 frequently occurred species). According to the cluster analysis by similarity index, the study sites could be divided into 4 groups. Key Words: Phytplankton flora, Nakdong river, ommunity structure 서론 수생태계에서식물플랑크톤은 1 차생산자로서, 먹이사슬의기초를이루는중요한구성원으로서역할을한다. 그러므로어떤수역의생태적특성을이해하기위해서는식물플랑크톤의군집구조와기능을파악하는것이우선적으로이루어져야한다 1). 최근강의하류에서발생하는부영양화나수화 ( 水華 ) 는강의상류나그주변유역에서과다한영양염유입과밀접한관련이있다 2-3). 또한이는인근연안해역까지영향을미쳐해양환경보존에도많은지장을초래하고있다. 그러므로우리나라강을대상으로한식물플랑크톤의연구는최근까지활발하게진행중인데, Park 등 4) 의금호강의식물플랑크톤군집구조, Shin 5) 은섬강상류의식물플랑크톤상연구, Kim 등 6) 과 Lee 등 7) 은금강수계에서의군집구조, Kim 등 8) 은만경 * 연락저자 : Tel: +82-31-290-0221 Fax: +82-31-290-0205 E-mail: water@rda.go.kr 강상류에서의군집구조와동태, Lee 등 9) 과 Jeon 등 10) 은낙동강에서의식물플랑크톤군집구조, Lee 등 11) 은임진강에서식물플랑크톤군집의계절변화, Kim 12) 은한탄강에서군집의계절변화, Park 등 13) 의섬진강하구에서의식물플랑크톤종조성등이있다. 우리나라 4 대강중의하나인낙동강은부산과인근경남의주요상수원이지만, 최근수질악화로인하여심각한문제에직면하고있다. 본연구지역인낙동강하류는부산신항건설, 가덕 - 부산간대교건설, 명지대교건설등현재에도개발사업들이진행중에있어, 수계의지형변화및수질악화등수환경의변화에따른식물플랑크톤상의변화가예상된다. 그러나낙동강에서식물플랑크톤을대상으로한연구는대부분한종에대한분포와개체군변동에대한연구 14-18) 나생산력과성장잠재력에대한연구 19-23) 로낙동강하류전체를대상으로식물플랑크톤상과군집구조를밝힌연구는많지않다. 따라서변화가예상되는낙동강하류를대상으로식물플랑크톤상과군집을정확히파악할필요성이요구되어본연구를실시하게되었으며, 또한본연구지역에서선행연 159

160 최철만 김진호 김원일 이종식 정구복 이정택 문성기 구자들의연구와비교, 검토함으로써식물플랑크톤상의변화양상을함께파악하고자하였다. 재료및방법 그리고한강물환경연구소 31) 를참고로실시하였다. 동정된식물플랑크톤은알파벳순으로정리하였고출현종중우점종, 출현빈번종, 광분포종, 적조원인종등의생태적지표종을선정하여 Engler's system 32) 에따라정리하였다. 조사지역의개요 낙동강은우리나라 4 대강중의하나로서강원도태백시에서발원하여남해안으로유입되며, 위치상으로는동경 127 29 ~129 18, 북위 35 03 ~37 13 에위치하는우리나라제 2 의수계이다. 낙동강유역전체의면적은 23.860 km 2 이고유로연장은 525.8 km 로서, 1930 년대김해평야의안정된농업용수의공급을위해대저수문과녹산수문이만들어지면서농업용수저수형의강인서낙동강과낙동강본류로나누어흐르게되었다. 또한서낙동강수계에는유역면적 34.61 km 2, 유로연장 15.4 km 로시설재배농업에중요한역할을하는제 1 지류인평강과유역면적이 6.21 km 2, 유로연장 11.6 km 의제 2 지류인맥도강이있다. 조사방법본조사는 2004 년 1월부터 2004 년 12월까지매월 1회실시하였고, 조사지점은낙동강하류를수계별로나누어낙동강본류 4개지점, 맥도강 1개지점, 서낙동강 5개지점, 평강 4개지점, 하구 6개지점으로모두 20개지점을선정하여실시하였다 (Fig. 1). 식물플랑크톤분석용시료는 sampler로 5 l 채수, 10 μm체 (sieve) 로걸러최종시료량이 20 ml가되도록농축하여이용하였다. 종동정은시료를균일하게섞은후 DI현미경 (BX- 50, Olympus) 의 400~1,000 배하에서 hung 24), Whitfort et al. 25), 廣賴등 26), 水野 27), 根來 28), 山岸등 29), hung 30) Fig. 1. Map showing the sampling sites in the lower Nakdong river. 군집분석군집분석 (cluster analysis) 은지점간유사도지수 33) 를구한다음통계프로그램 SPSS ver. 12.0 에서실시하였다. 군집분석방법은군집형성에있어서일반적으로이용되는 Ward 의방법 34,35) 에의하였고, 분류방법에사용된거리의기준척도는제곱유클리디안거리를이용하였다. 결과및고찰 식물플랑크톤의종조성낙동강하류의식물플랑크톤상을조사한결과모두 94 속 196 분류군으로조사되었는데 (Appendix) Moon 등 36) 이보고한 76 종, Lee 등 37) 이보고한 104 종보다많은출현종수였다. 조사시기별로는여름에 124 분류군으로가장많은종이출현하였고, 봄 97 분류군, 가을 73 분류군, 겨울 69 분류군의순으로조사되어봄과가을에다양한종이출현한다는일반적인연구결과 38-40) 와는상이한결과였지만 Kim 41,42) 의연구와는유사한결과를보여식물플랑크톤의출현양상은계절별로일정하지않음을간접적으로알수있었다. 분류군별출현비율은모든계절에서규조류 (bacillariophyceae) 가 40% 이상으로가장높았고다음으로는녹조류 (chlorophyceae) 가 20% 이상, 남조류 (cyanophyceae) 등의순으로조사되어다른연구결과 43,44) 와도동일한결과였다. 계절별로는봄의경우규조류가가장많은 59.8%, 녹조류 25.8%, 유글레나조류 (euglenophyceae) 5.2%, 남조류 4.1%, 와편모조류 (dinophyceae) 3.1%, 황색편모조류 (chrysophyceae) 2.1% 순이었고, 여름에는규조류 42.6%, 녹조류 34.4%, 남조류 10.7%, 와편모조류 6.6%, 유글레나조류 4.9%, 황색편모조류 2.5% 순이었으며, 가을에는규조류 53.4%, 녹조류 26.0%, 남조류 13.7%, 와편모조류 2.7%, 유글레나조류 2.7%, 황색편모조류 1.4% 순으로조사되어여름과가을에여러분류군중특히남조류및와편모조류의출현률이높았음을알수있었다. 겨울에는규조류가 66.2% 로가장높았고녹조류 22.1%, 남조류 5.9%, 황색편모조류 2.9%, 유글레나조류 2.9% 순이었으며와편모조류는출현하지않았다 (Fig. 2). 조사기간중지점별총출현종수는낙동강하구의지점 20 에서 92 분류군으로가장많았고지점 8 에서 55 분류군으로가장적게출현하였다. 각지점별로는여름의지점 12 에서 63 분류군으로가장많은출현종을, 가을의지점 19 와 20 에서 14 분류군으로가장적은출현종수를보였다 (Fig. 3). 수계별로는하구 ( 지점 15~ 지점 20) 에서총 145 분류군이출현하여종의다양성이가장높았고, 서낙동강 ( 지점 6, 지점 11~ 지점 14) 119 분류군, 낙동강본류 ( 지점 1~ 지점 4) 101

낙동강하류의식물플랑크톤상과군집구조 161 분류군, 평강 ( 지점 7~ 지점 10) 100 분류군, 맥도강 ( 지점 5) 이 61 분류군으로가장적은출현종수를보였다 (Fig. 4). 다른조사지역에비해특히하구지역에서종의출현이높은이유로는 McLusky 45) 와 Nbakken 46) 에서와같이하구둑상부지역의담수종들과하구둑근처의기수역출현종그리고해양성종이혼재하여출현하고있기때문인것으로사료된다. 생태적주요종본조사기간동안출현한종중생태적으로한가지이상 의중요성을지닌생태적주요종은모두 60 분류군이조사되 었다. 생태적주요종중 Actinastrum hantzschii var. fluviatile 을비롯한 46 분류군이광분포종으로대부분의생태적지표를 나타내었고, 오수지표종은 Ankistrodesmus falcatus 를비롯 하여 25 분류군, 적조원인종은 Aulacoseira garanulata var. angustissima for. spiralis 를비롯하여 21 분류군, 우점종으로 는 Aphanizomenon flos-aquae 를비롯하여 8 분류군, 출현빈 번종은 Asterionella formosa 를비롯하여 7분류군이었다. 또한 5가지의생태적지표성을모두가진종은없었으나 4가지의지표성을가진종은 Actinastrum hantzschii var. fluviatile, yclotella meneghiniana, Microcystis aeruginosa, Synedra acus로 4분류군이었고, 1가지의생태적지표성을지닌분류군은대부분으로 31분류군으로조사되었다. 본조사에서출현한생태적주요종들은 hoi 등 47) 에서언급한 44분류군중 17분류군이일치함을보여주요종의보고에있어상당수가유사함을알수있었다. 또한조사지점의차이를감안하여연도별로주요종의출현을볼때, ho 등 48) 은 1983년~1989 년까지본조사지역중한지점인구포에서 Melosira, Fragilaria, yclotella, Nitzschia, Actinastrum 등의주요종이계절별로천이됨을연구하였고, Lee 등 49) 은 2000 년~2001 년에본조사지역에서 Aulacoseira, Stephanodiscus, Dictosphaerium, Scenedesmus, Microcystis, Nitzschia, Actinastrum 등이우점하여출현한다는연구결과를보여주었다. Kim 42) 의연 Number of species 140 120 100 80 60 40 h r y s o p h y c e a e D i n o p h y c e a e E u g l e n o p h y c e a e y a n o p h y c e a e h l o r o p h y c e a e Ba c i l l a r i o p h y c e a e 20 0 s pring s ummer autumn w inter Se as o n Fig. 2. Seasonal variation of the species number for the phytoplankton taxa. Fig. 3. Spatial variation of the number of species for the phytoplankton taxa.

162 최철만 김진호 김원일 이종식 정구복 이정택 문성기 구에서도 1995 년 ~1996 년에낙동강하류에서 Navicula, Stephanodiscus, Nitzschia, Aulacoseira 가우점하여출현한 다고보고하여본연구결과와도유사한결과로, 연도별로볼 때선행연구자들의연구결과와는뚜렷한차이가없었다 (Table 1). 하지만, 본조사지점과동일한지점에서의식물플랑크톤 상과군집에대한최근의연구는없었으므로주변환경변화 Fig. 4. omparison of the number of species by sampling sites. Table 1. lassification of the ecologically significant phytoplankton by Engler's system lassification E* lassification E lass yanophyceae Order hroococcales Order Discales Family oscinodiscaceae Family hroococcaceae Aulacoseira granulata, P Microcystis aeruginosa, D, P, R Aulaco. granulata var. angustissima, F, R Micro. spp. Aulaco. granulata var. angustissima for. spiralis hroococcus dispersus Merismopedia tenuissima Order Hormogonales Family Oscillatoriaceae Lyngbya limnetica Oscillatoria tenuis Osc. sp., D, P, R Family Nostocaceae Aphanizomenon D flos-aquae Anabaena afffinis A. flos-aquae A. spiroides A. sp., R, R R P lass Euglenophyceae Order Euglenales Family Euglenaceae Euglena gracilis Trachelomonas hispida lass Dinophyceae Order Peridiniales Family eratiaceae eratium hirundinella lass hrysophyceae Order hrysomonadales Family Ochromonadaceae Uroglenopsis americana lass Bacillariophyceae P, R R R D Aulaco. japonica Melosira italica M. varians Stephanodiscus hantzschii yclotella meneghiniana yclo. stelligera Order Araphidales Family Fragilariaceae Fragilaria construens Synedra acus Syn. ulna Asterionella formosa Order Monoraphidales Family Achnanthaceae occoneis placentula Order Biraphidales Family Naviculaceae Navicula spp. Family ymbellaceae ymbella ventricosa Family Nitzschiaceae Bacillaria paradoxa Nitzschia acicularis Nitzschia closterium Nitz. longissima Nitz. longissima var. reversa Nitz. palea Nitz. sp. Family Surirellaceae ymatopleura solea, R, P, R, F, P, D, P, D, P, R, D, F, P, F, P, F, R, D P, P, R R, R P

낙동강하류의식물플랑크톤상과군집구조 163 Table 1. ontinued lassification E lassification E lass hlorophyceae Order Volvocales Family hlamydomonadaceae hlamydomonas pertusa Family Volvocaceae Gonium pectorale Eudorina elegans Pandorina morum Order hloorococcales Family hlorellaceae Micractinium pusillum Family Oocystaceae Oocystis lacustris Family Selenastraceae Ankistrodesmus falcatus Ankistrodesmus falcatus var. tumidus Family Dictyosphaeriaceae P, P, P, P, R P Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Family Hydrodictyaceae Pediastrum biwae P. boryanum P. duplex Family oelastraceae Actinastrum hantzschii var. fluviatile Scenedesmus acuminatus S. acutus for. costulatus S. bijuga var. alternans S. protuberans S. quadricauda oelastrum microporum Order ladophorales Family Desmidiaceae losterium gracile * E: Ecological characteristics;, cosmopolitic species; D, dominant species; F: frequently occurred species; P, pollution indicator; R: redtide causative species., P, R P, R, F, F, P, R, P P, R, P 에따른객관적인차이는확인할수없었다. 주요종을수계별 ( 상류부 - 낙동강본류, 서낙동강, 평강, 맥도강 ; 하류부지역 - 낙동강하구 ) 로생각해볼때, 상류부에서는겨울에호소에서볼수있는전형적인종인 Stephanodiscus 와정체된수역에서심각한 Bloom현상을일으키는 Microcystis 가매년여름에우점하여출현한다는보고 51) 에서알수있듯이본조사지역에서도두종이겨울과여름에각각우점하여출현하므로본지역이유수지역이라기보다는오히려정체된호소화된수역일뿐아니라부영양화된수역이라판단되었다. 군집분석지점간유사도지수를이용하여군집분석을실시한결과 4 개의그룹으로분류되어졌는데, 1그룹 ( 지점 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12) 은낙동강하류유역의각수계별상류부에해당하는그룹으로낙동강중류의영향을받을가능성이있는그룹이었고, 2그룹 ( 지점 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20) 은하구에해당하는그룹으로기수역의생산성이높은지역의그룹이었다. 3그룹 ( 지점 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10) 은각수계의중류부에해당하는그룹이었고 4그룹 ( 지점 13, 14) 은지천인조만강이유입되는그룹으로다른지천에의해서쉽게영향을받고있는지점들임을알수있으며, 군집분석의결과로볼때, 수계별유사성에의한수직적분류와는다른경향을보임을알수있었다 (Fig. 5). 요약본연구는낙동강하류 20개지점에대하여주위환경변 화에대응하기위하여식물플랑크톤상과군집구조에대한조사를실시하였다. 식물플랑크톤상과군집은 2004년 1월부터 12월까지매월 1회조사하였다. 조사기간동안식물플랑크톤은총 94속 196 분류군이동정되었는데, 여름에 124분류군으로가장많은종이출현한반면겨울에 69분류군으로가장적은종이출현하였다. 지점별총출현종수는낙동강하구인지점 20에서 92분류군으로가장많았고지점 8에서 55분류군으로가장적게출현하였다. 분류군별출현비율은모든계절에서규조류 (diatoms) 가 40% 이상으로가장높았고녹조류 (green algae) 가 20%, 다음으로남조류 (blue-green algae) 등의순으로조사되었다. 조사기간동안생태적주요종은 60 분류군이조사되었는데, 그중광분포종은 46분류군, 오염지표종 25분류군, 적조원인종 21분류군, 우점종 8분류군, 출현빈번종 7분류군이었다. 지점간유사도지수에의한군집분석의결과, 20개지점은 4개의그룹으로분류되어졌다. 참고문헌 1. Ryther, J. H. (1969) Photosynthesis and fish production in the sea. Science 116, 72-76. 2. Yoo, S. J., Kim, J. G., Kwon, T. Y. and Lee, S. M. (1999) A study on the eutrophication in the Keum river. J. of Korean Environmental Sciences Society 8(2), 155-160. 3. Rim,. S., Shin, J. K. and ho, K. J. (2000) The trend and assessment of water pollution from

164 최철만 김진호 김원일 이종식 정구복 이정택 문성기 midstream to downstream of the Kum river. Korean J. Limnol. 33(1), 51-60. 4. Park,. W., Kim, Y. J. and hung, J. (1995) Structure of phytoplankton community in the Kumho river. Korean J. Limnol. 28(1), 49-60. 5. Shin, Y. K. (1996) Studies on the phytoplankton community in the upper region of Sum river, Korea. Korean J. Limnol. 29(3), 143-157. 6. Kim, J. T., Park, E. R., ho, H. S. and Boo, S. M. (1996) The phytoplankton community structure in the main stream of the Kumgang river, Korea. Korean J. Limnol. 29(3), 187-195. 7. Lee, S. K. and Boo, S. M. (2000) Standing crops of freshwater phytoplankton in Kumgang river, Korea. Korean J. Environ. Biol. 18(3), 347-353. 8. Kim, B. H., hoi, M. K., hung, Y. T., Lee, J. B., Wui, I. S. and Kil, B. S. (1997) Phytoplankton community structure and dynamics in the upper Keum and Mankyeong river system. Wonkwang J. Environ. Sci. 6, 47-56. 9. Lee, Y. J., Jung, J. M., Shin, P. S. and Joo, G. J. (2005) Daily variation of phytoplankton and water quality in the lower Nakdong river. Algae 20(1), 133-140. 10. Jeon, S. I. and ho, K. J. (2004) Primary productivity of phytoplankton in the shallow and hypertrophic river (Seonakdong river). Korean J. Limnol. 37(1), 57-63. 11. Lee, K. and Yoon, S. K. (2002) Seasonal changes of the phytoplankton community in the Imjin river. Korean J. Limnol. 35(2), 111-122. 12. Kim, Y. J. (2003) Seasonal variation of phytoplankton community in the Hantan river. Korean J. Limnol. 36(2), 191-199. 13. Park, M. O., Moon,. H., Kim, S. Y., Yang, S. R. Kwon, K. Y. and Lee, Y. W. (2001) The species composition of phytoplankton along the salinity gradients in the Seomjin river estuary in autumn, 2000: omparison of HPL analysis and microscopic observations. Algae 16(2), 179-188. 14. ho, K. J. and Shin, J. G. (1995) Persistent blooms of diatoms Stephanodiscus hantzschii f. tenuis and S. parvus in the Nakdong river. Korean J. Phycology 10(2), 91-96. 15. Shin, J. K. and ho, K. J. (1997) Distribution and population dynamics of Microcystis (yanophyta) in the Naktong river. Algae 12(4), 283-290. 16. Kim, W. H., hoi, A. R. and Lee, J. A. (1999) The occurrence of microcystins in the Naktong river. Algae 14(4), 237-246. 17. hoi, A. R., Park, J. H. and Lee, J. A. (2002) Population dynamics and the toxin of Anabaena in the lower Nakdong river. Algae 17(2), 95-104. 18. hoi, A. R., Oh, H. M. and Lee, J. A. (2002) Ecological study on the toxic Microcystis in the lower Naktong river. Algae 17(3), 171-185. 19. ho, K. J. and Shin, J. K. (1998) Growth and nutrient kinetics of some algal species isolated from the Naktong river. Algae 13(2), 235-240. 20. Park, H. K., hung,. M., Bahk, J. R. and Hong, Y. K. (1999) The relationship between phytoplankton productivity and water quality changes in downstream of Nakdong river. J. of Korean Environmental Sciences Society 8(1), 101-106. 21. Seo, J. K., Lee, J. J., Yang, S. Y. and hung, I. K. (2003) Effect of the sewage and wastewater plant effluent on the algal growth potential in the Nakdong river basin. Algae 18(2), 157-167. 22. Kwon, Y. H., Seo, J. K., Park, S. W. and Yang, S. Y. (2006) Evaluation of diatom growth potential in midstream and downstream Nakdong river. Algae 21(2), 229-234. 23. Hwang, S. J., You, K. A. and Shin, J. K. (2006) omparison of algal growth potentials in the large reservoirs and river mainstream of Naktong river watershed. Korean J. Limnol. 39(1), 138-144. 24. hung, Y. H. (1968) Illustrated encyclopedia of fauna and flora of Korea. Vol. 9 Fresh water algae. Ministry of Education. 25. Whitfor, L. A. and Schumacher, G. J. (1969) A manual of the fresh-water algae in North carolina. Agric. Exp. Stat. Tech. Bull. 188, 1-313. 26. 廣瀨弘幸, 山岸高旺. (1977) 日本淡水藻圖鑑. 內田老鶴圃. 27. 水野壽彦. (1977) 日本淡水プランクトン圖鑑. 保育社. 28. 根來健一郞. (1982) 琵琶湖のプランクラン. 滋賀縣立衛生環境センター. 29. 山岸高旺, 秋山優. (1984) 淡水藻類寫眞集. Vol. 1-11. 30. hung, J. (1994) Illustration of the freshwater algae of Korea. Academy publishing company, Seoul, Korea, p. 1-496.

낙동강하류의식물플랑크톤상과군집구조 165 31. Han river environment research center. (2004) Phytoplankton of lake Paldang Yangpyeong, Korea, p. 1-131. 32. Melchior, H. und Werdermann, E. (1954) A. Engler's syllabus der pflanzenfamilien I. Band. Allgemeiner teil bakterien bis gymnospermen. Gebüder Borntraeger Berlin-Nikolassee. 33. Sorensen, T. (1948) A method of establishing groups of equal amplitude in plant society based on similarity of species content. K. Danske Vidensk Selsk 5, 1-34. 34. Kim, J. G. (2002) Evaluation of water quality in the Keum river using statistics analysis. J. of Korean Environmental Sciences Society 11, 1281-1289. 35. Kim, J. H., hoi,. M., Kim, W. I., Lee, J. S., Jung, G. B., Han, K. H., Ryu, J. S., Lee, J. T. and Kwun, S. K. (2007) Multi-variate statistical analysis for evaluation of water quality properties in Korean rural watershed. Korean J. Environ. Agric. 26(1), 17-24. 36. Moon, S. G., hung, J. M. and hoi,. M. (2001) The structure of phytoplankton community in the middle-lower part of the Nakdong river. J. of the Environmental Sciences Society 10(1), 41-45. 37. Lee, J. H., hoi, J. S., Kim, Y. J. and hung, J. (1995) Flora of planktonic diatom in the Nakdong river estuary, Korea. Korean J. Limnol. 28, 35-47. 38. hoi,. M. and Bae, J. H. (2002) The structure of phytoplankton community in the Hoeya river (Ulsan). J. of the Environmental Sciences Society 11(3), 149-154. 39. Kwon, O. Y., Jung, S. W. and Lee, J. H. (2006) Environmental studies in the lower part of the Han river VIII. Physicochemical factors contributing to variation of phytoplankton communities. Korean J. Limnol. 39(3), 340-351. 40. Lee, J. H. and Jung, S. W. (2004) Environmental studies in the lower part of Han river VII. Long term variations and prospect of the phytoplankton community. Algae 19(4), 321-327. 41. Kim, Y. J. (2003) Dynamics of phytoplankton community in Youngsan river. Algae 18(3), 207-215. 42. Kim, Y. J. (2004) Monthly variations of phytoplankton communities in the mid and lower parts of the Nakdong river. Algae 19(4), 329-337. 43. Lee, J. H., Kwon, J. N. and Yang, S. Y. (2002) Seasonal variation of phytoplankton community in the Nakdong river. Algae 17(4), 267-273. 44. Lee, J. N., Park, Y. K. and hoi,. M. (1998) Flora of phytoplankton in Milyang river. J. of Korean Environmental Sciences Society 7(5), 607-613. 45. McLusky, D. S. (1989) The Estuarine Ecosystem, 2nd ed., Blackie, p.215-216. 46. Nbakken, J. W. (1997) Marine biology: An ecological approach, Wesley Educational Publishers Inc., p.304-308. 47. hoi,. M. and Moon, S. G. (2001) Assessment of important species of phytoplankton in river. J. Basic Sci. Res. Kyungsung Univ. 15, 135-153. 48. ho, K. J., hung, I. K. and Lee, J. A. (1993) Seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton community in the Naktong river estuary, Korea. Korean J. Phycology 8(1), 15-28. 49. Lee, J. H., Kwon, J. N. and Yang, S. Y. (2002) Seasonal variation of phytoplankton community in the Naktong river. Algae 17(4), 267-273. 50. NIER (National Institute of Environmental Research). (1998) A survey on the blue-green algal toxins in the Naktong river and toxin removal approaches, Seoul, Korea, p.1-300.

166 최철만 김진호 김원일 이종식 정구복 이정택 문성기 Appendix. A list of phytoplankton in the lower Nakdong river Species Sites 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Achnanthes brevipes Achnanthes crenulata Achnanthes hungarica Achnanthes longipes Actinastrum hantzschii Actinastrum hantzschii v. fluviatile Actinoptychus undulatus Amphiprora alata Amphora hyalina Amphora lineolata Amphora ovalis v. libyca Anabaena affinis Anabaena flos-aquae Anabaena macrospora v. crassa Anabaena spiroides Anabaena sp. Ankistrodesmus falcatus Ankistrodesmus falcatus v. mirabilis Ankistrodesmus falcatus v. tumidus Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Aphanocapsa clathrata Aphanocapsa delicatissima Aphanocapsa elachista Aphanocapsa elachista v. conferta Aphanocapsa grevillei Aphanocapsa rivularis Aphanocapsa sp. Astasia lagenula Asterionella formosa Asterionella gracillima Asterionella japonica Asterococcus limneticus Aulacoseira granulata Aulacoseira granulata v. angustissima Aulacoseira granulata v. angustissima f. spiralis Aulacoseira japonica Bacillaria paradoxa Bacteriastrum hyalinum

낙동강하류의식물플랑크톤상과군집구조 167 Appendix. ontinued Species Sites 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Biddulphia sinensis eratium fusus eratium fusus v. schuettii eratium fusus v. seta eratium hirundinella haetoceros affinis haetoceros brevis haetoceros curvisetus haetoceros debilis haetoceros decipiens haetoceros didymus haetoceros teres haetoceros spp. hlamydomonas conferta hlamydomonas pertusa hlamydomonas reinhardi hlorella vulgaris hlorella sp. hodatella citriformis hroococcus dispersus hroococcus limneticum hroococcus minutus losterium acerosum losterium gracile losterium lineatum occoneis placentula oelastrum cambricum oelastrum microporum oelastrum reticulatum oelastrum sphaericum oscinodiscus centralis oscinodiscus lineatus oscinodiscus radiatus rucigenia lacuterbornei rucigenia quadrata rucigenia tetrapedia yclotella glomerata yclotella kuetzingiana yclotella meneghiniana yclotella stelligera ymbella graciles ymbella tumida ymbella turgida ymbella ventricosa Diatoma vulgare Dictyocha fibula

168 최철만 김진호 김원일 이종식 정구복 이정택 문성기 Appendix. ontinued Species Sites 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Dinobryon divergens Dinophysis ovum Distephanus speculum Distephanus speculum v. octonarium Ditylum sol Ebria tripartita Errerella bornheimiensis Eudorina elegans Eudorina unicocca Euglena acus Euglena gracilis Euglena oxyuris Euglena proxima Euglena sp. Fragilaria construens Fragilaria crotonensis Gloeocystis gigas Golenkinia radiata Gomphonema olivaceum Gonium pectorale Guinardia flaccida Gymnodinium sanguineum Gymnodinium sp. Gyrosigma acuminatum Gyrosigma sp. Lauderia borealis Leptocylindrus danicus Licmophora abbreviata Lyngbya sp. Mallomonas tonsurata Melosira italica Melosira japonica Melosira nummuloides Melosira varians Merismopedia tenuissima Micractinium pusillum Microcystis aeruginosa Microcystis spp. Mougeotia sp. Navicula cryptocephala Navicula cuspidata Navicula placentula Navicula spp. Nitzschia acicularis

낙동강하류의식물플랑크톤상과군집구조 169 Appendix. ontinued Sites Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Nitzschia closterium Nitzschia holsatica Nitzschia longissima Nitzschia longissima v. reversa Nitzschia palea Nitzschia spp. Oocystis borgei Oocystis lacustris Oocystis submarina Oscillatoria tenuis Oscillatoria sp. Oxyphysis oxytoxoides Pandorina morum Pediastrum biwae Pediastrum boryanum Pediastrum duplex Pediastrum duplex v. gracillimum Pediastrum simplex Peridinium cunnigtonii v. contactum Peridinium sp. Phacus longicauda Phacus sp. Phormidium sp. Pinnularia major Planktosphaeria gelatinosa Pleurosigma elongatum Prorocentrum micans Prorocenturm triestinum Protoperidinium sp. Pseudonitzschia seriata Quadrigula chodatii Rhabdonema arcuatum f. constricta Rhizosolenia hebetata f. hiemalis Rhizosolenia setigera Rhizosolenia stolterfothii Rhoicosphenia curvata Scenedesmus acuminatus Scenedesmus acutus Scenedesmus acutus f. costulatus Scenedesmus bicaudatus Scenedesmus bijuga v. alternans

170 최철만 김진호 김원일 이종식 정구복 이정택 문성기 Appendix. ontinued Species Sites 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Scenedesmus denticulatus Scenedesmus dimorphus Scenedesmus ellipsoideus Scenedesmus perforatus Scenedesmus protuberans Scenedesmus quadricauda Schroederia setigera Skeletonema costatum Stauroneis acuta Stauroneis phoenicentron Stephanodiscus hantzschii Stephanopyxis palmeriana Strombomonas verrucosa Surirella elegans Surirella robusta Synedra acus Synedra ulna Tetmemorus laevis v. tropicus Tetraedron gracile Tetraedron limneticum Thalassiosira rotula Thalassiothrix frauenfeldii Trachelomonas hispida Trachelomonas sp. Uroglenopsis americana Westella botryoides Total 66 65 61 68 61 63 62 55 56 63 71 76 62 76 87 82 89 81 81 92