, (Mandala, Binder, & Simmons, 2013) 77% 1 3. (Napa Valley Visitor Center, 2014) ,,, 1 150, ,., (, 2013)., (, 2013).,,

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1 24 4 ( 86 ) pp Psycho-Culinary Scale Development for Domestic Food Tourist Choi, Jung-Woon Kim, Tae-Hee Towards better understanding of domestic food tourist characteristics and the invigoration of domestic food tour market, this study attempted to develop scale of domestic food tourist psycho-culinary based on psychographics (e.g. lifestyle, food-related lifestyle, personality, and food-related personality traits). Psycho-culinary scale for domestic food tourist was developed based on Churchill(1979) and DeVellis(2003)'s Scale development method. Psycho-culinary scale was developed in the following manner. First, 83 item pools was developed based on qualitative study; previous studies, focus group interview, and delphi survey. Second, 54 items were generated from 876 potential food-tourists and EFA was employed to identify underlying dimensions of domestic psycho-culinary scale. EFA identified 12 typologies that describe culinary or food tourist types: family-oriented, reliable, health-conscious, variety-seeking, challenging, social, economical, trend-setting, educated, epicure, localistic, and ambience. As a result, this Psycho-Culinary scale will be able to suggest marketing strategy for domestic food tourists through market segmentation and thus vitalize domestic food tourism via promotions, communications, positionings, and beyond. : Food Tour, Food Tourist, Psycho-Culinary, Psychographics

2 , (Mandala, Binder, & Simmons, 2013) 77% 1 3. (Napa Valley Visitor Center, 2014) ,,, 1 150, ,., (, 2013)., (, 2013).,, (Au & Law, 2002),, (, 2008)., (Demographic Segmentation) (Ignatov & Smith, 2006; Mckercher & Lau, 2008; Sanchez-Canizares & Lopez-Guzman, 2012;, 2012)., (Zeithaml, Bitner & Gremler, 2013),. (, Psychographics),,., ( : Psychographics Profiling),, (Chawla,

3 Elliot, Wansink, & Wolf, 2014),. (Tourist Profile)',., (Ajzen, 1991: Plog, 1974;, 1996;, 2013).. (Gruent, Brunsø & Bips,1993; Lastovicka 1982),., (Food-related lifestyle) (Food-related personality traits).,.,, -(Psycho Culinary),,.,,,, (Canadian Tourism Commission, 2002; Henderson, 2009). (, 2014)., (Boniface 2003; Hall & Sharples, 2003; Henderson, 2009; Hjalager & Richard, 2002; Long 2004; Sánchez-Canizares & López-Guzmán, 2012;, 2014; 2009). (CTC, 2002; Hall & Sharples, 2003; World Food Travel Association, 2012), 1 (Ignatov & Smith, 2006; Long, 2004; Tikkannen, 2007;,

4 2010), ( ) ( ) (, 2008)., (Hall & Sharples, 2003; Zelinsky, 1985),, (Long, 2004),, (WFTA, 2012). (Ignatov &Smith, 2006). (Long, 2004), (2010) (2010). (Psycho-graphics),,,,,, (, 2009;, 2010).,, (Formica & Uysal, 1998;, 2009;, 2010).,,, (, 2010),,,, (Formica & Uysal, 1998; Kotler, Bowen, & Makens, 2013).,, (Zins, 1993).,, (, 2009), 2000 (, 2004; Smith & Costello, 2009;, 2000).,,, (Um & Crompton, 1990),,,,, (Formica & Uysal, 1998).

5 ,,.,,,.,,.,,,,,., (World Food Travel Association) ,000, 13 [ 1],

6 -(Psycho-Culinary) (Psycho-Culinary), (Mandala et al, 2014)., 8.1% (Gourmet), 92%. [ 1] 13 -(Psycho-Culinary), -(Psycho-Culinary). Churchill(1989) DeVellis(2003) -(Psycho-Culinary), (Sequential Mixed Method).,,,,,.,., - (Psycho-Culinary). (Grunert et al, 1993; Nie & Zepeda, 2011; Buckley et al, 2005;, 2007;, 2013;, 2013;, 2014), (Plog, 1974) (Pliner & Hobden, 1992; Mak et al, 2012;, 2001;, 2012), (Mak et al, 2009; MacLaurin et al, 2009; Mandala et al, 2013; Shenoy, 2005) -(Psycho-Culinary)., ( ) 5,,., (Pool).,.,,. 21,.

7 , (Content Validity Ration, CVR) 1,2 2,3. 1,2,3,,,,. -(Psycho-Culinary). 1, (Psycho-Culinary),,,,,,,. 1 - (Psycho-Culinary),,,,, -(Psycho-Culinary) 1., (Hinkin, Tracey, & Enz, 1997) 12

8 ., ( ) ,,., , ,2,3,,, CVR,,.,. 2, 1 2 1, , 523., , 876. SPSS 18 AMOS,,. Cronbach s α,. -(Psycho-Culinary),,, 82. Chawla et al(2014) -(Psycho-Culinary) 13 (,,,,,,,,,,,, ),., (Vegetarian) (Healthy), (Innovative) (Educated), (Authentic) (Localist) (Localist), (Hinkin et al., 1997).

9 82,,,,,,,,,,, 12., 12, 10, 10, (Psycho-Culinary) 12 5.,,, 34, (Psycho-Culinary) 12, 12, , 9, 11, 7, 11, 12, 11, 10, 8, 9, 12, 6, 5., , , 22, , 36, 91,. 91 2,,,,,, 6 50%,,,, 26, 12 1~2

10 . 12, , , 2, 3 [ 3] 12,,, CVR, 2, 3, 83.,. 1~3 12, 83. 5, 8, 7, 6, 6, 7, 8, 6, 8, 7, 8, 7, 5, (Psycho-Culinary)

11 523, [ 4]., KMO Bartlett, KMO.925, Bartlett (p<.000)., (Worthington, et al, 2006),.40 (, 2010) , [ 5].40,.40,. 12, 65, %. 65 Cronbach's α. Nunnally & Bernstein(1994) Cronbach's α 0.6, Hair et al(1998) 0.7, 12 Cronbach's α.721~

12 α α

13 χ χ (, 2014). 0.5 (Hair et al., 1998) (Psycho-Culinary), [ 6]. 55, (AVE) 0.5 (, 2009). [ 7], AVE (, 2009), AVE

14 ., GFI=.837, AGFI=.816, RMR =.037, RMSEA=.044, CFI=.901, NFI=.820, IFI.901, TLI=.892.,, 1 3~4, (, 2012), 12, ,. 12, 55, 876. (, 2008). 876 [ 8].

15 , 55 Edu5., 1 0.4, , 12 Cronbach's α.737~ (Psycho-Culinary) [ 9].,. -(Psycho-Culinary) 12, , 1, AVE (.528~.698). - (Psycho-Culinary), [ 10] 1

16 α α AVE , GFI=.871, AGFI=.854, RMR=.035, RMSEA=.041, CFI=.910, NFI=.859, IFI.910, TLI=.901.,,,,,.

17 χ χ

18 12 (family-oriented), (reliable), (health-consicous), (variety-seeking), (challenging), (social), (economical), (trend-setting), (educated), (epicure), (localistic), (ambience). -(Psycho-Culinary),.,., 8, 3,,,,..

19 .,.,. -(Psycho-Culinary) 12, 54, -(Psycho-Culinary) 12 [ 11].,.., -(Psycho- Culinary). -(Psycho-Culinary),,, 83,, -(Psycho-Culinary), 12, 54. -(Psycho-Culinary) 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 6, 5,, 4.,., -(Psycho-Culinary),,., -(Psycho-Culinary) ,., (MacLaurin et al., 2009; Shenoy, 2005),,,,

20 ,,,.,.,.,,,,, 1~2.,.,,., - (Psycho-Culinary),,,.,,,,,,.,,. - (Psycho-Culinary)..,.,.,..,

21 12,. - (Psycho-Culinary),. - (Psycho- Culinary),., -(Psycho-Culinary),.,, -(Psycho-Culinary),. 권미영 음식관광관여도 다양성추구성향이참여활동과충성도에미치는영향 동국대학교대학원박사학위논문 권혁재 의사이코그래픽모델에기초한관광객유형에관한연구 동아대학교대학원석사학위논문 고성자 초등학생용휴대전화의존성진단척 도개발및타당화 초등교육연구 김민정 김기옥 소비욕구측정을위한척도개발 소비자학연구 김성섭 최상수 전혜진 관여도개념을이용한지방축제참가자시장세분화에관한연구 한국의술과떡잔치 중심으로 관광레저연구 김수지 황조혜 관광객의특성에따른음식관광자원정보탐색행동차이 관광학연구 김지회 한진수 호텔이용고객의서비스접점성과에대한척도검증 호텔경영학연구 농촌진흥청 농업인용지역농특산물미각교육교재개발연구 배병렬 구조방정식모델링 서울 청람 송숙 관광이미지에근거한시장세분화와목적지포지셔닝에관한연구 내국인 관광목적지를중심으로 목포대학교대학원박사학위논문 윤선희 음식관광관여와지역애착도가여행지음식추구성향에미치는영향 대구대학교대학원박사학위논문 이귀옥 생태관광자의개인특성에따른관광활동참여와만족에관한연구 대구대학교대학원박사학위논문 이성철 한상일 한국베이비부머와기존노년층의라이프스타일과여행상품선택속성에대한영향 상업교육연구 이애주 김희진 추구편익에따른주제공원방문객의시장세분화에관한연구 관광학연구 이영주 강원도음식관광활성화방안연구 강원발전연구원 이인옥 음식관광객시장세분화에관한연구 경희대학교대학원석사학위논문

22 이인옥 김태희 손건 음식관광체험활동선호도와음식관련성격특질이참여의도에미치는영향에관한연구 외식경영연구 이훈영 연구조사방법론 서울 도서출판청람 장지원 김태희 이인옥 모델을이용한음식관광지선택속성분류에관한연구 호텔경영학연구 정두용 음식관광객유형별특성및동기분석 전남대학교문화전문대학원석사학위논문 정효선 윤혜현 식생활라이프스타일에따른외식소비성향에관한연구 수도권지역대학생을중심으로 외식경영학회


24 Psycho-Culinary Scale Development for Domestic Food Tourist Choi, Jung-Woon Kim, Tae-Hee 본연구의목적은사이코그래픽스연구를기반으로신뢰성과타당성이입증된국내음식관광사이코 -컬리너리 (Psycho-Culinary) 척도를개발함으로써, 인구통계적시장세분화연구들의한계를극복하고국내음식관광시장에대한올바른이해와활성화에밑거름이되고자하였다. 체계적인척도개발을위하여정성적연구와정량적연구방법을모두실시하였다. 먼저문헌고차를통해 82개항목을추출한후집단심층면접과델파이서베이를진행, 구성개념을구체화하고, 내용타당성을검증하여 83개항목을도출하였다. 도출된항목에대한실증적적용가능성을검증하고자잠재적음식관광객들을대상으로정량적연구방법을실시, 설문자료를수집하였다. 척도의측정항목개발과검증단계에서는탐색적요인분석과신뢰도분석을통해차원성과신뢰성을검증하였으며, 확인적요인분석과상관관계를살펴봄으로써집중타당성과판별타당성을확보하였다. 이와같은척도개발단계를거쳐최종적으로 12개의사이코 -컬리너리 (Psycho-Culinary) 성향, 54 개의항목이도출되었다. 최종적으로개발된국내음식관광사이코 -컬리너리 (Psycho-Culinary) 척도는 가족위주의 성향을나타내는 3개항목, 객관적정보를선호하는 성향을표현한 3개항목, 건강을중시하는 성향 4개항목, 다양성을추구하는 성향항목 5개, 도전적인 성향을나타내는 5개항목, 사교적인 성향을표현한 5개항목, 실속적인 성향을의미하는항목 5개, 유행을선도하는 성향의 5개항목, 체험 교육을좋아하는 성향 4개항목, 탐미적인 성향을표현한 6개항목, 현지를중시하는 성향의항목 5개, 마지막으로 환경 분위기를중시하는 성향, 4개항목으로구성되어완성되었다. 본연구를통해개발된사이코 -컬리너리 (Psycho-Culinary) 척도는국내음식관광시장에대한올바른이해와활성화를위한타켓팅및포니셔닝등, 다양한마케팅전략수립을위한정보를제시하였다. : 음식관광, 음식관광객, 사이코 - 컬리너리, 사이코그래픽스

25 (family-oriented), Fam 1.. Fam 2.,. Fam 3.,. (reliable), Rel(Nov) 1.,. Rel(Nov) 2., TV. Rel(Nov) 3.,. (health-conscious),,, He 1. /. He 2.. He 3.,,. He 4.. (variety-seeking), Var 1.,. Var 2.. Var 3.,. Var 4.,. Var 5.,.

26 (challenging),, Ch(Adv) 1... Ch(Adv) 2.,. Ch(Adv) 3.,. Ch(Adv) 4.,. Ch(Adv) 5.,. (social), Soc 1.. Soc 2.. Soc 3., (,, ) Soc 4.,. Soc 5.,. (economical),, Eco(Bud) 1.. Eco(Bud) 2.,. Eco(Bud) 3.,. Eco(Bud) 4.,. Eco(Bud) 5.. (trend-setting),,, Trend 1. ' '. Trend 2.,. Trend 3.. Trend 4., (,, ). Trend 5.,.

27 (educated) Edu 1., / ( :,,, ) /. Edu 2.,. Edu 3., / (, ). Edu 4., /. (epicure),, Epi(Gou) 1.,. Epi(Gou) 2., (,, ). Epi(Gou) 3.,. Epi(Gou) 4.,. Epi(Gou) 5.,. Epi(Gou) 6.,. (localistic), Loc 1.,. Loc 2.,. Loc 3., ( : ). Loc 4., ( :,, ). Loc 5.,. (ambience) Amb 1.,. Amb 2.. Amb 3.,. Amb 4.,.


02. 서여주 외 2인(최종).hwp

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