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1 Korean J. Pl. Taxon. 46(2): (2016) pissn eissn Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula Jin-Seok Kim, Jae-Min Chung 1, Jung-Hyun Kim, Woong Lee 2, Byoung-Yoon Lee and Jae-Hong Pak 2 * Plant Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Korea 1 Forest Biodiversity Division, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon 11186, Korea 2 Department of Biology, Kyungpook National University, Deagu 37224, Korea (Received 23 March 2016; Revised 1 June 2016; Accepted 2 June 2016) 한반도풍혈지의관속식물상과보전관리방안 김진석 정재민 1 김중현 이웅 2 이병윤 박재홍 2 * 국립생물자원관식물자원과, 1 국립수목원산림생물조사과, 2 경북대학교생물학과 ABSTRACT: Algific talus slopes tend to occur on steep north-facing slopes with bedrock that retains ice and emits cold air throughout the growing season. Algific talus slopes provide a suitable microclimate for disjunct or relict populations of northern plant species at low altitude habitats in temperate zones. The purpose of this study is to suggest a strategy for the comprehensive conservation of the vegetation of algific talus slopes through studies of the floristics and plant species compositions and threat factors at present and in the future of 15 major algific talus slopes in Korea. As a result, the vascular plants surveyed on 15 major algific talus slopes were recorded, with a total of 587 taxa, 109 families, 323 genera, 531 species, 7 subspecies, 47 varieties 1 form and 1 hybrid. Of them, endemic plants numbered 26 taxa, and threatened species according to the IUCN valuation basis numbered 8 taxa. Fourth (IV) and fifth (V) degree indicator species as specified by floristic subregions numbered 31 taxa. Peculiarly, several subalpine-native plant species, in this case Cystopteris fragilis, Gymnocarpium dryopteris, Huperzia selago, Rosa koreana, Vaccinium vitis-idaea and Woodsia hancockii, were distributed on algific talus slopes at m above sea level. Numerous and diverse biological resources native to algific talus slopes in Korea have been consistently disturbed or damaged by human activities without some form of protection. An all-taxa biodiversity inventory should be surveyed to provide more information about all biological species living on algific talus slopes. In addition, conservation strategies to ensure biodiversity and effective management of algific talus slopes are discussed in detail. Keywords: algific talus slope, flora, relict population, northern plant, phytogeography 적요 : 풍혈지는여름철에너덜지대사면의암괴틈에서찬공기가스며나오며, 또한결빙현상을보이는국소적저온환경을형성하는지역이다. 풍혈지의국소적인저온환경은빙하기에남하했던북방계식물들의잔존집단이온대지역의해발고도가낮은지대에서도분포하는것을가능하게한다. 본연구는한반도에분포하는 15개소의주요풍혈지에대한식물상과식물종조성, 위협요인등의조사를통하여풍혈지식생에대한안정적인보전계획수립을위한기초자료를제시하고자한다. 15개소의풍혈지에대한식물상조사결과, 풍혈지의관속식물은 109과 323속 531종 7아종 47변종 1품종 1교잡종, 총 587분류군으로확인되었다. 이중에서멸종우려식물이 8분류군, 한반도고유종은 26분류군이었고, 식물구계학적특정식물인 IV V등급식물 *Author for correspondence: the Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 213

2 214 Jin-Seok Kim, Jae-Min Chung, Jung-Hyun Kim, Woong Lee, Byoung-Yoon Lee and Jae-Hong Pak 이 31 분류군이었다. 기후온난화에취약한북방계식물이 32 분류군으로조사되었고특히, 한반도내식물의수직적분포상에서, 주로아고산대에서발견되는애기가물고사리 (Woodsia hancockii), 월귤 (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), 좀다람쥐꼬리 (Huperzia selago), 토끼고사리 (Gymnocarpium dryopteris), 한들고사리 (Cystopteris fragilis), 흰인가목 (Rosa koreana) 등이해발고도 m 의풍혈지에서생육하고있었다. 풍혈지는인위적인교란과훼손행위에대해어떠한보호조치없기때문에풍혈지의주요식물종들이지속적으로소실되어가고있다. 풍혈지에분포하는생물종파악을위해모든분류군을포함한생물다양성조사가실시되어야한다. 그리고풍혈지의안정적인관리와생물다양성보전을위해국가차원의보존계획수립과체계적이고합리적인관리방안이논의되었다. 주요어 : 풍혈지, 식물상, 잔존집단, 북방계식물, 식물지리 풍혈지 (algific talus slope) 는봄부터가을까지애추사면의암괴틈에서찬공기가분출되어결빙, 결로등의국소적인저온다습한환경을형성하는지역으로 (Sato et al, 1993; Kim and Yun, 2013), 국내에서는얼음골, 빙혈, 풍혈또는하계동결현상지로불리고있다 (Jeon, 2001; Jeon, 2002, Kim et al., 2006). 국내에알려져있는주요풍혈지는금수산얼음골, 밀양얼음골, 의성빙혈, 진안풍혈 냉천, 청송얼음골등 10 20여곳에이른다 (Jeon, 1998, 2001; Jeon, 2002; Oh et al., 2013). 풍혈지는플라이스토세빙기의주빙하환경에서지형발달과정을거쳐사면에암설이퇴적되어만들어진애추, 암괴원, 암괴류등지에서발달하며 (Kong et al., 2012) 주로일사량이적은북사면에위치한다 (Jeon, 2001; Jeon, 2002; Kim et al., 2006). 풍혈지는미국 ( 약 400곳 ), 일본 (80곳이상 ) 과유럽에도보고되어있으며 (Nekola 1999; Andrews, 2003; Iokawa and Ishizawa, 2003; Ruå žicˇ ka et al., 2012), 주로북반구의북위 35 o 45 o 에위치하는것이특징이다. 미국의경우미네소타, 아이오와, 위스콘신, 일리노이의경계지역에풍혈지가집중분포하는데, 이지역을 Driftless area (42 44 o N) 라칭하며 1989년에국립야생생물보호구역 (national wildlife refuge) 으로지정하여보호하고있다. 일본의풍혈지는혼슈중부이북 (43 45 o N) 에집중적으로분포하며 (Iokawa and Ishizawa, 2003), 유럽의경우에도스위스, 체코, 헝가리등유럽중부의알프스산맥과주변의산악지역에다수의풍혈지가보고되어있다 (Morard et al., 2010; Ruå žicˇ ka et al., 2012). 풍혈지의식생은고산식물이격리분포를보이는원인과유사한빙하기이후의국소적인기후지대에살아남은잔존식생으로알려져있다 (Iokawa and Ishizawa, 2003; Kim et al., 2006). 풍혈지는최후빙기 (last glacial epoch) 에북쪽의추위를피해남하했던북방계식물들이간빙기에식생천이와이주과정에서풍혈지의한랭건조한국소적기후환경에적응, 고립되어있는섬피난처 (insular refugia) 이다 (Kim et al., 2006; Kim and Yun, 2013). 풍혈지에는다수의격리분포종뿐만아니라고유식물 ( 특히양치식물, 선태식물 ) 과동물 ( 톡토기류, 진드기류, 육상달팽이류 ) 이보고되어있으며, 미국에서는과거멸종했을것으로추정하 던종이일부풍혈지에서생육하고있는것이확인되면서풍혈지라는특이서식지에대한보존의중요성이부각되었다 (Nekola, 1999; Henry, 2003). 국내에분포하는풍혈지에도대표적인희귀북방계식물인꼬리까치밥나무 (Ribes komarovi Pojark.), 두메고사리 [Diplazium sibiricum (Turcz. ex Kunze) Sa.Kurata], 뚝지치 [Hackelia deflexa (Wahlenb.) Opiz], 월귤 (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.), 좀미역고사리 (Polypodium virginianum L.), 한들고사리 [Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.] 등이격리분포하고있는것으로알려져있다 (Kim et al., 2006; Kim and Yun, 2013). 또한수직적분포에서도주로아고산대에자라는마가목 (Sorbus commixta Hedl.), 산새풀 [Calamagrostis langsdorffii (Link) Trin.], 애기괭이밥 (Oxalis acetosella L.), 퍼진고사리 [Dryopteris expansa (C.Presl) Fraser-Jenk. & Jermy] 등이해발 350 m 이하에서나타나는특이한분포양식을보이고있다 (Kim et al., 2006). 이러한수직적, 수평적으로특이한분포양상은전세계의풍혈지에서나타나는공동된현상이다 (Ruå žicˇ ka et al., 2012). 본연구는국내의주요풍혈지 15개소에대한식물상적조사를통하여종조성특징과식물지리학적중요성을밝히고풍혈지의체계적인보전방안수립을위한기초자료를제시하고자한다. 재료및방법 2005 년부터 2013 년까지, 총 9 년간국내에분포하는주요풍혈지 15 개소 (Fig. 1) 에대해 63 회의현지조사를실시하였으며 (Table 1), 조사지개황은 Table 2 와같다. 채집된표본은대한식물도감 (Lee, 1980), 원색한국기준식물도감 (Lee, 1996), 세밀화와사진으로보는한국의귀화식물 (Park, 2009) 등을참고하여동정 분류하였으며, 증거표본은채집자의고유채집번호를명기하여국립생물자원관고등식물수장고 (KB) 에보관하였다. 조사된관속식물의목록은양치식물은 Smith et al. (2006) 의분류체계, 나자식물은 Engler 의분류체계 (Melchior, 1964), 피자식물은 Cronquist (1981) 의분류체계를따랐으며, 속이하의계급은알파벳순으로배열하였다 (Appendix 1). 학명및국명

3 Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula 215 Fig. 1. Distribution map of algific talus slopes in Korea. 1. Miryang Nammyeong-ri Eoreumgol; 2. Jinan Jwapo-ri Punghyeol; 3. Uiseong Binggye-ri Binghyeol; 4. Cheongsong Naeryong-ri Eoreumgol; 5. Jecheon Seon-go-ri Punghyeol; 6. Jecheon Geumsusan Eoreumgol; 7. Jeongseon Unchi-ri Eoreumgol; 8. Jeongseon Jangyeol-ri Punghyeol; 9. Pyeongchang Sin-gi-ri Punghyeol; 10. Hoengseong Gagok-ri Punghyeol; 11. Hongcheon Bangnae-ri Punghyeol; 12. Hwacheon Gu-un-ri Punghyeol; 13. Pocheon Seongdong-ri Punghyeol; 14. Yeoncheon Dongmak-ri Punghyeol; 15. Pocheon Samyul-ri Punghyeol.

4 216 Jin-Seok Kim, Jae-Min Chung, Jung-Hyun Kim, Woong Lee, Byoung-Yoon Lee and Jae-Hong Pak Table 1. Localities and area of major algific talus slopes in Korea. No. Algific talus slopes Localities Slope 1 Miryang Nammyeong-ri Eoleumgol Gyeongsangnam-do 2 Jinan Jwapo-ri Phunghyul Jeollanam-do 3 Uiseong Binggye-ri Binghyul Gyeongsangbuk-do 4 Cheongsong Naeryong-ri Eoleumgol Gyeongsangbuk-do 5 Jecheon Seon-go-ri Punghyeol Chungcheongbuk-do 6 Jecheon Guemsoo-san Eoleumgol Chungcheongbuk-do 7 Jeongseon Unchi-ri Eoleumgol Gangwon-do 8 Jeongseon Jangyeol-ri Punghyeol Gangwon-do 9 Pyeongchang Sin-gi-ri Punghyeol Gangwon-do 10 Hoengseong Gagok-ri Punghyeol Gangwon-do 11 Hongcheon Bangnae-ri Punghyeol Gangwon-do 12 Hwacheon Gu-un-ri Punghyeol Gangwon-do 13 Pocheon Seongdong-ri Punghyeol Gyoenggi-do 14 Yeoncheon Dongmak-ri Punghyeol Gyoenggi-do 15 Pocheon Samyul-ri Punghyeol Gyoenggi-do N 35 o 34'49" E 128 o 58'89" N 35 o 43'86" E 127 o 17'86" N 36 o 13'88" E 128 o 45'33" N 36 o 18'96" E 129 o 13'44" N 36 o 52'32" E 129 o 11'03" N 36 o 59'45" E 128 o 14'71" N 37 o 15'43" E 128 o 37'10" N 37 o 27'06" E 128 o 41'05" N 37 o 35'03" E 128 o 35'18" N 37 o 34'38" E 127 o 59'49" N 37 o 48'18" E 128 o 16'09" N 38 o 08' E 128 o 35' N 38 o 00'51" E 127 o 16'07" N 38 o 05'09" E 127 o 06'30" N 38 o 09'15" E 128 o 12'00" Elev. (m) Area (m 2 ) N SE S N N N SW NW N E NW N NW NW NE Table 2. The dates and sites of the floristic study of major algific talus slopes in Korea. Algific talus slopes Dates Miryang Nammyeong-ri Eoleumgol 07 Aug. 2010; 07 Apr. 2011; 06 May 2011; 13 Jul Jinan Jwapo-ri Phunghyul 22 Oct. 2010; 08 Apr. 2011; 13 May 2011; 12 Jul. 2011; 30 Apr. 2013; 23 Oct Uiseong Binggye-ri Binghyul 09 Jul. 2005; 09 Apr. 2006; 29 Sep. 2007; 05 Aug. 2010; 08 Apr. 2011; 07 May 2011; 21 May 2011; 14 Jul. 2011; 12 Oct Cheongsong Naeryong-ri Eoleum-gol 09 Jul. 2005; 05 Aug. 2010; 08 Apr. 2011; 21 May 2011; 18 Jul Jecheon Seon-go-ri Punghyeol 10 Jun Jecheon Guemsoo-san Eoleum-gol 10 Jul. 2005; 04 Aug. 2010; 27 Oct Jeongseon Unchi-ri Eoleum-gol 03 May 2005; 20 May 2006; 04 Aug. 2010; 21 May 2011; 23 Jul Jeongseon Jangyeol-ri Punghyeol 02 Jul. 2006; 03 Aug. 2010; 21 May 2011; 19 Aug. 2011; 17 Oct Pyeongchang Sin-gi-ri Punghyeol 20 May 2006; 03 Aug. 2010; 27 Aug. 2010; 14 May 2011 Hoengseong Gagok-ri Punghyeol 27 May 2011; 15 Sep Hongcheon Bangnae-ri Punghyeol 02 Aug. 2010; 22 May 2011 Hwacheon Gu-un-ri Punghyeol 01 Aug. 2010; 03 Aug 2012 Pocheon Seongdong-ri Punghyeol 31 Jul. 2005; 23 Oct. 2010; 10 Apr. 2011; 10 May 2011; 10 Sep Yeoncheon Dongmak-ri Punghyeol 04 Jun. 2005; 17 July 2005; 12 Apr. 2006; 30 Jul. 2010; 23 Oct. 2010; 21 Jul. 2011; 16 Apr Pocheon Samyul-ri Punghyeol 01 Apr. 2011; 10 May 2011; 10 Sep. 2011

5 Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula 217 은국가생물종목록집관속식물 (Lee et al., 2011) 을준하여표기하였다. 보호가필요한식물지리학적인주요식물종의선별은한반도기후변화적응대상식물 300(Oh et al., 2010), 한국의멸종위기야생동식물적색자료집관속식물 (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012), 제 4 차전국자연환경조사지침 (National Institute of Environmental Research, 2012) 을참조하여제시하였다. 한반도고유식물의목록은한반도고유종식물편 (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2013) 을기준으로하였으나, 자료가부족하거나최근에보고되어서누락된종은논문과문헌을참고하여일부추가하였다. 귀화식물과생태계교란종의목록작성은세밀화와사진으로보는한국의귀화식물 (Park, 2009) 과생태계교란야생동식물 (Kil et al., 2011) 을참조하였다. 결 과 관속식물현황이번연구에서조사된 15 개소풍혈지의관속식물은 109 과 323 속 531 종 7 아종 47 변종 1 품종 1 교잡종, 총 587 분류군이다 (Table 3, Appendix 1). 풍혈지별조사된관속식물의수는의성군빙계리빙혈이 241 분류군으로가장많으며, 연천군동막리풍혈 (229 분류군 ), 진안군좌포리풍혈 (214 분류군 ), 포천시성동리풍혈 (175 분류군 ) 순으로조사되었다 (Table 3). 사면부에위치한풍혈지보다임연부에위치한풍혈지에서종다양성이더풍부하게나타났다. 풍혈 지의종다양성은면적과도관계가있지만, 풍혈지의형성위치가더크게영향을미치는것으로알수있다. 풍혈지에서조사된관속식물의종조성은지형과국소적기후현상의특성을잘반영하고있다. 애추지대의특유의종조성에북방계식물들이혼생되어있는것이풍혈지의종조성적인특징이다 (Kim et al., 2006). 한반도고유식물풍혈지에서생육하고있는한반도고유식물은날개현호색 (Corydalis alata B.U.Oh & W.R.Lee), 덕우기름나물 (Peucedanum insolens Kitag.), 산개나리 [Forsythia saxatilis (Nakai) Nakai], Dioscorea coreana (Prain & Burkill) R.Knuth 등총 28분류군으로, 풍혈지전체식물의약 5% 에해당된다 (Table 4). 날개현호색은최근경상북도포항시내연산에서발견된신종이며 (Oh et al., 2010), 보고된후경상북도의경주시와청송군, 강원도의동해시와삼척시등에서추가적으로발견되고있다. 청송군내룡리얼음골의풍혈지하단부에서소수개체가생육하고있다. 덕우기름나물은일본의식물학자 Kitagawa (1972) 에의해신종으로발표된한반도고유식물이다 (Kim et al., 2006). 최초채집지는강원도평창군덕우산이며, 주로강원도일대의석회암지대에분포하는식물이다 (Kim et al., 2006). 정선군장열리풍혈의토양으로피복된사면에다수의개체가생육하고있다. 산개나리는중부이북에분포하는한반도고유식물이다 (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012). 강원도 ( 영 Table 3. The number of vascular plants surveyed in major algific talus slopes in Korea. Algific talus slopes Fam. Gen. Sp. Ssp. Var. For. Hybr. Total Miryang Nammyeong-ri Eoreumgol Jinan Jwapo-ri Punghyeol Uiseong Binggye-ri Binghyeol Cheongsong Naeryong-ri Eoreumgol Jecheon Seon-go-ri Punghyeol Jecheon Geumsusan Eoreumgol Jeongseon Unchi-ri Eoreumgol Jeongseon Jangyeol-ri Punghyeol Pyeongchang Sin-gi-ri Punghyeol Hoengseong Gagok-ri Punghyeol Hongcheon Bangnae-ri Punghyeol Hwacheon Gu-un-ri Punghyeol Pocheon Seongdong-ri Punghyeol Yeoncheon Dongmak-ri Punghyeol Pocheon Samyul-ri Punghyeol Total

6 218 Jin-Seok Kim, Jae-Min Chung, Jung-Hyun Kim, Woong Lee, Byoung-Yoon Lee and Jae-Hong Pak Table 4. The list of the endemic plants in algific talus slopes in Korea. Family Taxa Aspleniaceae Asplenium montanus C.S.Lee & K.Lee 산꼬리고사리 Aristolochiaceae Asarum patens (K. Yamaki) B.U.Oh 금오족도리풀 Ranunculaceae Asarum versicolor (K.Yamaki) Y.N.Lee 무늬족도리풀 Ranunculaceae Clematis trichotoma Nakai 할미밀망 Ranunculaceae Thalictrum rochebrunianum var. grandisepalum (H.Lév.) Nakai 금꿩의다리 Berberidaceae Berberis koreana Palib. 매자나무 Fumariaceae Corydalis alata B.U.Oh & W.R.Lee 날개현호색 Fumariaceae Corydalis albipetala B.U.Oh 흰현호색 Fumariaceae Corydalis maculata B.U.Oh & Y.S.Kim 점현호색 Fumariaceae Corydalis namdoensis B.U.Oh & J.G.Kim 남도현호색 Ulmaceae Celtis choseniana Nakai 검팽나무 Polygonaceae Aconogonon microcarpum (Kitag.) H.Hara 참개싱아 Theaceae Stewartia koreana Nakai ex Rehder 노각나무 Violaceae Viola seoulensis Nakai 서울제비꽃 Ericaceae Vaccinium hirtum var. koreanum (Nakai) Kitam. 산앵도나무 Hydrangeaceae Deutzia paniculata Nakai 꼬리말발도리 Apiaceae Peucedanum insolens Kitag 덕우기름나물 Oleaceae Forsythia saxatilis (Nakai) Nakai 산개나리 Oleaceae Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance 물들메나무 Scrophulariaceae Pseudolysimachion pyrethrina (Nakai) T.Yamaz. 가새잎꼬리풀 Diervillaceae Weigela subsessilis (Nakai) L.H.Bailey 병꽃나무 Caprifoliaceae Lonicera subsessilis Rehder 청괴불나무 Asteraceae Artemisia japonica ssp. japonica var. angustissima (Nakai) Kitam. 실제비쑥 Asteraceae Cirsium setidens (Dunn) Nakai 고려엉겅퀴 Asteraceae Saussurea chabyoungsanica H.T.Im 자병취 Cyperaceae Carex okamotoi Ohwi 지리대사초 Liliaceae Lilium amabile Palib. 털중나리 Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea coreana (Prain & Burkill) R.Knuth 국명미정 월군, 정선군 ), 경기도 ( 관악산, 북한산 ), 경상북도 ( 안동시, 의성군 ), 전라북도 ( 임실군 ) 에서만분포하는희귀종으로서 IUCN 적색목록기준의평가에서도취약종 (VU) 으로분류된다 (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012). 연천군동막리풍혈에서는식생의천이가이루어지지않은애추가장자리에 40 여개체가생육하고있으며식생으로피복된사면에서도 10 여개체가자라고있다. 한국의멸종위기야생동식물적색자료집관속식물풍혈지에서생육이확인된관속식물중한국의멸종위기야생동식물적색자료집 (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012) 에서멸종우려 (CR, EN, VU) 와준위협 (NT) 로평가된분류군은개병풍 [Astilboides tabularis (Hemsl.) Engl.], 개석송 (Lycopodium annotinum L.), 복주머니란 (Cypripedium macranthos Sw.), 월귤, 좀다람쥐꼬리 [Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart.] 등 9 분류군이다 (Table 5). 개병풍과복주머니란은환경부지정법정보호종 II 급에도해당되며, 2 종모두정선군장열리풍혈에서생육하고있다. 개병풍은다소경사가급한사면에 개체가개체군을이루고있으며, 복주머니란은등산로주변에서 1 개체가확인되었다. 좀다람쥐꼬리는남한에서는강원도설악산에서만분포하고개체수도적은편이다 (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012). 세계적으로는북반

7 Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula 219 Table 5. The list of floristic regional indicator plants (Grade IV V) and threatened vascular plants in algific talus slopes in Korea. Family Taxa Grade Criteria Sites * Lycopodiaceae Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. 좀다람쥐꼬리 V VU 14 Lycopodiaceae Lycopodium annotinum L. 개석송 IV VU 12 Aspleniaceae Asplenium trichomanes L. 차꼬리고사리 IV - 14 Woodsiaceae Woodsia hancockii Baker 애기가물고사리 IV - 8 Athyriaceae Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. 한들고사리 IV - 3 Athyriaceae Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.) Newman 토끼고사리 IV - 12 Athyriaceae Gymnocarpium jessoense (Koidz.) Koidz. 산토끼고사리 IV - 8 Polypodiaceae Polypodium virginianum L. 좀미역고사리 V - 3,4,9 Ranunculaceae Anemone reflexa Stephan 회리바람꽃 IV - 15 Berberidaceae Epimedium koreanum Nakai 삼지구엽초 V - 13 Fumariaceae Corydalis alata B.U.Oh & W.R.Lee 날개현호색 IV - 4 Fumariaceae Corydalis maculata B.U.Oh & Y.S.Kim 점현호색 IV - 13 Fumariaceae Corydalis namdoensis B.U.Oh & J.G.Kim 남도현호색 IV - 2,3 Ulmaceae Ulmus macrocarpa Hance 왕느릅나무 IV - 7,8,12,13 Polygonaceae Aconogonon microcarpum (Kitag.) H.Hara 참개싱아 IV - 10 Ericaceae Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. 월귤 IV VU 11 Hydrangeaceae Deutzia paniculata Nakai 꼬리말발도리 IV VU 1 Saxifragaceae Astilboides tabularis (Hemsl.) Engl. 개병풍 V VU 8 Saxifragaceae Rodgersia podophylla A.Gray 도깨비부채 IV - 13 Rosaceae Prunus sibirica L. 시베리아살구나무 IV - 3 Rosaceae Rosa koreana Kom. 흰인가목 V - 9,14 Fabaceae Caragana koreana Nakai 참골담초 IV - 8 Aceraceae Acer tegmentosum Maxim. 산겨릅나무 IV - 9 Araliaceae Oplopanax elatus (Nakai) Nakai 땃두릅나무 V VU 9 Oleaceae Forsythia saxatilis Nakai 산개나리 V VU 14 Valerianaceae Patrinia rupestris (Pall.) Juss. 돌마타리 IV - 8 Asteraceae Erigeron acer L. 민망초 IV - 8 Asteraceae Saussurea chabyoungsanica H.T.Im 자병취 IV - 8 Asteraceae Tephroseris flammea (Turcz. ex DC.) Holub 산솜방망이 IV - 8 Poaceae Poa nemoralis L. 선포아풀 IV - 3,6,7,8,9,10, 12,13,14 Orchidaceae Cypripedium macranthos Sw. 복주머니란 IV EN 8 *Sites : Numbers are the same as numbers in Table 1 and Fig. 1. 구온대지역의고산지대에넓게분포하며, 일본의경우홋카이도와혼슈일부지역의고산지대에서자란다 (Iwatsuki, 1992). 연천군동막리풍혈에서는이끼와토양으로피복된애추사면에서 4 개체가생육하고있다. 개석송은강원도설악산이북의높은지대의숲속에서자라는상록성다년초이며 (Lee, 1980), 일본의경우에는고산또는아고산대지역의초원및임상에자생한다 (Iwatsuki, 1992). 화천군구운리풍혈내에서는개벚지나무 (Prunus maackii Rupr.), 박달나무 (Betula schmidtii Regel), 털개회나무 [Syringa patula (Palib.) Nakai] 의교목층및아교목층아래에서개체군이넓은면적 (5 6m 2 ) 을점유하며생육하고있다. 월귤은국내에서설악산중청봉이남방한계로알려져있는 (Kim et al., 1998) 전형적인극지 고산식물종이다 (Kong, 2005). Kong and Lim (2008) 은고산식물인월귤이

8 220 Jin-Seok Kim, Jae-Min Chung, Jung-Hyun Kim, Woong Lee, Byoung-Yoon Lee and Jae-Hong Pak 해발고도가낮은홍천군방내리풍혈에자생하는것을풍혈지의독특한저온환경에적응하여살아남은빙하기의잔존집단으로분석한바있다. 식물구계학적특정식물국내에서일부지역에만제한적으로분포하여식물지리학적가치가높은것으로평가되는식물구계학적특정식물 V 등급과 IV 등급은총 31 분류군이조사되었다 (Table 5). V 등급은땃두릅나무 [Oplopanax elatus (Nakai) Nakai], 좀미역고사리, 흰인가목 (Rosa koreana Kom.) 등 7 분류군이고 4 등급은민망초 (Erigeron acer L.), 토끼고사리 [Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.) Newman], 한들고사리등 24 분류군이다. 그외에 III 등급은검종덩굴 (Clematis fusca Turcz.), 산우드풀 (Woodsia subcordata Turcz.), 쉬땅나무 (Sorbaria sorbifolia var. stellipila Maxim.), 용머리 (Dracocephalum argunense Fisch. ex Link) 등 35 분류군, II 등급은가래고사리 [Phegopteris connectilis (Michx.) Watt], 다람쥐꼬리 [Huperzia miyoshiana (Makino) Ching], 좀나도히초미 [Polystichum braunii (Spenn.) Fée], 퍼진고사리등 30 분류군, I 등급은아구장나무 (Spiraea pubescens Turcz.), 참나도히초미 [Polystichum ovato-paleaceum var. coraiense (H.Christ) Sa.Kurata], 털개회나무등 32 분류군이다. 애기가물고사리는북반구냉온대지역에분포하고일본에서는시코쿠, 혼슈, 홋카이도의고산지대에서자란다 (Iwatsuki, 1992). 국내에서는함경북도무산령의해발고도가높은산지에서분포한다 (Lee, 1996). 정선군장열리풍혈내에서는찬공기분출구입구바위틈에서 20 여개체가확인되었다. 한들고사리는일본의경우고산대의바위지대에자라며 (Iwatsuki, 1992) 미국에서는풍혈지의주요구성종으로알려져있다 (Nekola, 1999). 한반도에서는평안북도낭림산과함경북도백두산의고산지대바위틈에자란다 (Lee, 1996). 의성군빙계리빙혈내에서는찬바람분출구주변에서만자라고있으며확인된개체수는 100 개체이상이다. 토끼고사리는제주도및강원도, 경기도에분포하는것으로보고되었으나 (Lee, 1980; Lee, 1996), 이는산토끼고사리 [Gymnocarpium jessoense (Koidz.) Koidz.] 의오동정이고, 토끼고사리는북한지역에만분포한다고추정하기도한다 (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012). 화천군구운리풍혈내에서토양과이끼층으로피복된바위위에서 20 여개체가생육하고있다. 대부분의개체가생육이불량한상태여서지속적으로개체수의감소가진행될것으로판단된다. 흰인가목은강원도설악산, 금강산이북의산중턱이상에서자라는낙엽활엽관목이다 (Lee, 1980; Lee, 1996). 주분포역과멀리떨어진경기도연천군에서흰인가목이자생하는것은수직분포적으로매우특이한현상이다. 연천군동막리풍혈과평창군신기리풍혈의애추사면에넓게분포하고개체수도많은편이다. 민망초는강원도금강산이북의아고산대에자라는 2 년초이며 (Lee, 1980; Lee, 1996), 남한에서의분포는알려져있지않다. 정선군장열리풍혈의토양으로피복된애추사면의가장자리에서 1 개체가발견되었다. 북방계식물기후변화에취약한북방계식물 (Oh et al., 2010) 에해당되는관속식물은꼬리까치밥나무, 노랑투구꽃 [Aconitum barbatum var. hispidum (DC.) Ser.], 인가목 (Rosa acicularis Lindl.), 주저리고사리 [Dryopteris fragrans (L.) Schott] 등총 32분류군이조사되었다 (Table 6). 이중주저리고사리는 6 개소의풍혈지에서, 꼬리까치밥나무와인가목은각각 4 개소의풍혈지에서관찰된다. 주저리고사리는북반구의온대에서아한대지역에넓게분포하는주극요소종이다 (Iwatsuki, 1992). 국내에서는아고산대의건조한바위지대나서늘한애추지대에드물게자생하는양치식물로, 식물구계학적으로남부아구에해당하는밀양시남명리얼음골 ( 해발고도 380 m) 의집단은식물지리학적으로중요하다고판단된다 (Kim et al., 2006). 노랑투구꽃은강원도, 평안남도, 평안북도, 함경남도, 함경북도에분포하며 (Lee, 1980; Lee, 1996), 주로해발고도 900 1,200 m의높은산지에서자란다 (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012). 남한에서는강원도금대봉과함백산에만분포하는자생지가극히제한적인종이다 (National Institute of Biological Resources, 2012). 정선군장열리풍혈의하단부숲가장자리에 10여개체가생육하고있다. 다른종들과의식생경쟁중이어서지속적으로개체수가감소될것으로추정된다. 꼬리까치밥나무는북한에만분포하는종으로보기도하지만 (Oh et al., 2010), 남한의석회암지대, 아고산대산지의능선, 풍혈지에서도불연속적으로분포하고있다. 의성군빙계리빙혈의경우풍혈지내에서는총 3개체가있으나모두수그루이다. 꼬리까치밥나무는무성번식을하지않는암수딴그루식물이므로멀지않는장래에의성군빙계리빙혈내에서는자연소멸할것으로예측된다. 인가목은가리왕산, 덕유산, 설악산, 지리산, 태백산등의아고산대능선부에분포하는낙엽성관목이다 (Oh et al., 2010). 주분포역과떨어진경기도포천시성동리풍혈 ( 해발고도 120 m) 에서발견된것은수직분포적측면에서특이하다. 일본에서도풍혈지의주요구성종으로보고되어있다 (Iokawa and Ishizawa, 2003). 그외국내내륙에서는드물게분포하는북방계희귀식물인공작고사리 (Adiantum pedatum L.), 까락사초 (Carex pallida C.A.Mey., 경성사초 ), 넓은잎그늘사초 [Carex pediformis C.A.Mey.], 두메고사리, 뚝지치, 북분취 [Saussurea mongolica (Franch.) Franch.], 산새풀 [Calamagrostis langsdorfii (Link) Trin.], 용머리, 잔잎바디 [Angelica czernaevia (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Kitag.], 집사초 [Carex vaginata var. petersii (C.A.Mey.) Akiyama] 등이풍혈지에서생육하고있다.

9 Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula 221 Table 6. The list of northern plant lineages adapted to climate change in algific talus slopes in Korea. Family Taxa Sites * Dryopteridaceae Dryopteris fragrans (L.) Schott 주저리고사리 1,4,9,11,12,14 Polypodiaceae Polypodium virginianum L. 좀미역고사리 3,4,9 Pinaceae Abies holophylla Maxim. 전나무 9 Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom. 등칡 4 Caryophyllaceae Pseudostellaria japonica (Korsh.) Pax 긴개별꽃 10 Berberidaceae Epimedium koreanum Nakai 삼지구엽초 13 Ranunculaceae Aconitum barbatum var. hispidum (DC.) Ser. 노랑투구꽃 8 Ranunculaceae Anemone reflexa Stephan 회리바람꽃 15 Ranunculaceae Clematis fusca Turcz. 검종덩굴 10,11,14 Ranunculaceae Clematis serratifolia Rehder 개버무리 8 Ranunculaceae Eranthis stellata Maxim. 너도바람꽃 5,13 Saxifragaceae Astilboides tabularis (Hemsl.) Engl. 개병풍 8 Saxifragaceae Rodgersia podophylla A.Gray 도깨비부채 13 Grossulariaceae Ribes komarovii Pojark. 꼬리까치밥나무 3,6,7,9 Rosaceae Malus baccata (L.) Borkh. 야광나무 2,7,13,14,15 Rosaceae Prunus maackii Rupr. 개벚지나무 9,12 Rosaceae Rosa acicularis Lindl. 인가목 9,11,13,14 Rosaceae Rosa koreana Kom. 흰인가목 9,14 Rosaceae Spiraea salicifolia L. 꼬리조팝나무 11,13 Rosaceae Spiraea trichocarpa Nakai 갈기조팝나무 8 Fabaceae Lathyrus vaniotii H. Lév. 산새콩 8 Aceraceae Acer tegmentosum Maxim. 산겨릅나무 9 Aceraceae Acer triflorum Kom. 복자기 10,14 Aceraceae Acer ukurunduense Trautv. & C.A.May. 부게꽃나무 9 Araliaceae Oplopanax elatus (Nakai) Nakai 땃두릅나무 9 Gentianaceae Gentiana triflora Pall. 과남풀 11 Boraginaceae Brachybotrys paridiformis Maxim. ex Oliv. 당개지치 10,11,15 Linnaeaceae Zabelia biflora (Turcz.) Makino 털댕강나무 7, 12 Caprifoliaceae Lonicera chrysantha Turcz. ex Ledeb. 각시괴불나무 9 Valerianaceae Patrinia rupestris (Pall.) Juss. 돌마타리 8 Asteraceae Cirsium pendulum Fisch. ex DC. 큰엉겅퀴 13 Liliaceae Lloydia triflora (Ledeb.) Baker 나도개감채 10 * Sites : Numbers are the same as numbers in Table 1 and Fig. 1. 공작고사리는강원도, 울릉도, 제주도및북부지방의숲속이나바위틈에서자라는다년초이다 (Lee, 1980). 울릉도에서는비교적많은개체가생육하고있으나, 강원도와제주도에서는자생지가매우드물다. 연천군동막리풍혈내의식생과토양이피복된사면에서 100 개체이상을확인하였다. 두메고사리는중국북부, 일본중 북부에분포하며 (Iwatsuki, 1992; Iokawa and Ishizawa, 2003), 남한에서 는홍천군방내리풍혈, 평창군신기리풍혈, 연천군동막리풍혈등풍혈지에서만분포하고풍혈지에서도저온다습한환경을강하게받는찬바람분출구주변에서소수개체군이생육하고있다. 일본의중부지방에서도주로풍혈지에분포하는종으로알려져있다 (Iokawa and Ishizawa, 2003). 북분취는국내에서는함경북도에서자라는다년초이며 (Lee, 1996) 세계적으로는중국, 몽골에분포한다. 정

10 222 Jin-Seok Kim, Jae-Min Chung, Jung-Hyun Kim, Woong Lee, Byoung-Yoon Lee and Jae-Hong Pak Table 7. The list of naturalized plants in algific talus slopes in Korea. Family Taxa Sites * Chenopodicaceae Chenopodium album L. 흰명아주 2,3,13 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus retroflexus L. 털비름 2,14 Polygonaceae Fallopia dumetorum (L.) Holub 닭의덩굴 2,3,10 Brassicaceae Lepidium apetalum Willd. 다닥냉이 3 Fabaceae Trifolium repens L. 토끼풀 2,3,4 Onagraceae Oenothera biennis L. 달맞이꽃 2,4,7,10,13,15 Scrophulariaceae Veronica arvensis L. 선개불알풀 2 Scrophulariaceae Veronica persica Poir. 큰개불알풀 2 Asteraceae Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. 돼지풀 10,13,14,15 Asteraceae Ambrosia trifida L. 단풍잎돼지풀 13,15 Asteraceae Aster pilosus Willd. 미국쑥부쟁이 13,15 Asteraceae Bidens frondosa L. 미국가막사리 2,3,10,14 Asteraceae Carduus crispus L. 지느러미엉겅퀴 3 Asteraceae Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist 망초 2,3,10,14 Asteraceae Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. 개망초 2,3,10,13,14,15 Asteraceae Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pav. 털별꽃아재비 3,13 Asteraceae Senecio vulgaris L. 개쑥갓 3 Asteraceae Solidago gigantea ssp. serotina (Aiton) McNeill 미국미역취 3 Asteraceae Taraxacum officinale F.H.Wigg. 서양민들레 2,3,7 Poaceae Festuca arundinacea Schreb. 큰김의털 13 Poaceae Festuca myuros L. 들묵새 2 Poaceae Poa annua L. 새포아풀 2 Poaceae Poa pratensis L. 왕포아풀 2,3 * Sites : Numbers are the same as numbers in Table 1 and Fig. 1. 선군장열리풍혈의애추가장자리에서 20 여개체가생육하는것을확인하였다. 귀화식물및생태계교란식물국내주요풍혈지 15 개소에서조사된귀화식물은들묵새 (Festuca myuros L.), 털비름 (Amaranthus retroflexus L.), 흰명아주 (Chenopodium album L.) 등 9 과 23 분류군이며, 이중생태계교란식물은단풍잎돼지풀 (Ambrosia trifida L.), 미국쑥부쟁이 (Aster pilosus Willd.) 등 3 종이다 (Table 7). 풍혈지의귀화식물은대부분이민가주변에위치한의성군빙계리빙혈, 진안군좌포리풍혈그리고군사지역과인접한연천군동막리풍혈, 포천시삼율리풍혈, 포천시성동리풍혈에집중되어있다. 진안군좌포리풍혈에서는들묵새가찬바람분출구주변에생육하고있고, 경기도에분포하는풍혈지에서는돼지풀 (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), 단풍잎돼지풀, 미국쑥부쟁이등의생태계교란식물들이풍혈지내에서도왕성히자라고있다. 이들귀화식물들과의식생경쟁으로인해북방계희귀종이일시적으로절멸 할우려가있다. 풍혈지의훼손과파괴원인본연구의현장조사과정에서훼손사례를매우다양하게확인하였다 (Table 8). 일부풍혈지는자연적인원형을잘유지하고있으나, 대부분의풍혈지는인공적인구조물설치, 탐방객에의한답압등의인위적인훼손으로인해원형이크게훼손되었다. 풍혈지는과거에농작물, 잠종등을보관하거나, 얼음을채취하였다는기록이있어오래전부터인위적인간섭을받은것으로추정할수있다. 최근에발견된풍혈지도알려짐과동시에탐방객들이증가하거나해당지방자치단체에의해개발되는추세에있다. 밀양시남명리얼음골, 의성군빙계리빙혈, 진안군좌포리풍혈, 청송군내룡리얼음골은인공구조물설치와탐방객의답압으로이미원형이크게훼손되었으며, 특히제천시금수산얼음골역시탐방객의휴식공간으로이용되고있어원식생이거의남아있지않을정도로파괴되었다 (Kim et al., 2006). 또한공작고사리, 복주머니란, 월귤

11 Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula 223 Table 8. The threats to algific talus slopes in Korea. Algific talus slope Miryang Nammyeong-ri Eoreumgol Jinan Jwapo-ri Punghyeol Uiseong Binggye-ri Binghyeol Cheongsong Naeryong-ri Eoreumgol Jecheon Geumsusan Eoreumgol Jeongseon Unchi-ri Eoreumgol Jeongseon Jangyeol-ri Punghyeol Pyeongchang Sin-gi-ri Punghyeol Hoengseong Gagok-ri Punghyeol Hongcheon Bangnae-ri Punghyeol Pocheon Seongdong-ri Punghyeol Yeoncheon Dongmak-ri Punghyeol Pocheon Samyul-ri Punghyeol Threats Artificial structure (Wood deck trail), Human foot traffic Artificial structure (Building), Development, Human foot traffic, Road establishment, Invasive species Artificial structure (Building), Development, Human foot traffic, Road establishment, Invasive species Artificial structure (Mineral spring), Human foot traffic Artificial structure (Wood deck trail), Human foot traffic, Digging Artificial structure, Human foot traffic, Digging Artificial structure (Wood deck trail), Human foot traffic, Digging, Poaching Human foot traffic Artificial structure (Agricultural irrigation canal), Human foot traffic, Digging Artificial structure (Food storage facility), Poaching Artificial structure (Wood deck trail), Human foot traffic, Digging, Invasive species Human foot traffic, Digging, Military foxhole, Invasive species Digging, Military foxhole, Invasive species 등의특정희귀종의경우조사과정중에불법적인채취가확인되기도하였다. 그뿐만아니라풍혈지의생육하고있는식물지리학적주요종은개체수가매우제한되어있는경우가대부분인데, 이들주요종은자연적인식생경쟁으로인해지속적으로개체수가감소될것으로판단된다 (Kim et al., 2006). 고 찰 본연구의조사결과, 한반도풍혈지에서확인된관속식물은 109 과 323 속 531 종 7 아종 47 변종 1 품종 1 교잡종, 총 587 분류군이다. 개병풍, 복주머니란, 월귤, 좀다람쥐꼬리등국가지정법정보호종및멸종우려 (threatened) 에해당되는식물이 8 분류군이고, 개석송, 땃두릅나무, 민망초, 토끼고사리, 흰인가목등식물지리학적가치가높은것으로평가되는식물구계학적특정식물 IV V 등급식물이 31 분류군이다. 또한노랑투구꽃, 꼬리까치밥나무, 주저리고사리등기후변화에취약한북방계식물이 32 분류군이다. 이중두메고사리, 뚝지치, 민망초, 애기가물고사리, 좀다람쥐꼬리, 토끼고사리등은남한에서는풍혈지에서만관찰되거나자생지가 2 3 곳에불과한희귀식물로서자생지보호및모니터링이필요한종이다. 수직적분포면에서도남한에서는주로아고산대산지의능선이나정상부에서발견되는산새풀, 월귤, 인가목, 좀미역고사리, 한들고사리, 흰인가목등이해발고도가 m 정도밖에되지않는연천군동막리풍혈, 의성군빙계리빙혈, 정선군장열리풍혈등에서생육하고있 다. 남부지역의밀양시남명리얼음골 ( 해발고도 350 m) 에서는노각나무 (Stewartia koreana Nakai ex Rehder), 사람주나무 [Neoshirakia japonica (Siebold & Zucc.) Esser] 등의남방계식물아래에서산앵도나무 [Vaccinium hirtum var. koreanum (Nakai) Kitam.], 세잎종덩굴, 애기괭이밥, 퍼진고사리등의북방계식물들이생육하고있는독특한식물군락구조를보이고있다. 풍혈지는국소적인저온환경에의해만들어진특수한생태계로서규모는작지만다양한생물들이공존하고있다. 특히찬바람분출구주변에서저온다습한기후의영향을직접받는선태식물류, 지의류, 육상달팽이류, 톡토기류, 거미류, 진드기류등의개체가작거나이동성이낮은분류군들은개체크기가큰관속식물에비해보다더다양한북방계주요종이서식할가능성이매우높다. 풍혈지는최후빙기이후의식생및식물상복원에필요한직접적인생물학적증거가되는희귀북방계식물이잔존하는귀중한서식지임에도불구하고생물학적기초조사가이루어지지않은채과거에서부터오늘날까지지속적으로자연적또는인위적인훼손이진행되고있는상태이다 (Kim et al., 2006). 풍혈지는벌목, 조림, 가축방목, 채석, 농업폐기물유입, 매립, 도로와수로개설, 살충제살포, 탐방객에의한답압, 주요종에대한도채등의인위적인훼손뿐만아니라, 산사태, 야생동물에의한피식, 외래종의침입, 식생천이, 고립에의한유전적다양성감소그리고기후온난화에의한풍혈기능약화또는소멸등의자연적인원인으로도주요구성종이감소하거나절멸이될수있다. 현재홍천군방내리풍혈을제외한국내풍혈

12 224 Jin-Seok Kim, Jae-Min Chung, Jung-Hyun Kim, Woong Lee, Byoung-Yoon Lee and Jae-Hong Pak 지의대부분은적극적인보호조치를받지못하고있는실정이다. 풍혈지에대한체계적인보전을위해서는현재까지국가기관또는대학연구자들에의해축적된기후, 지형, 생물학적자료를근거로생태 경관보전지역 ( 자연환경보전법 ), 야생생물특별보호구역 ( 야생생물보호및관리에관한법률 ), 천연기념물 ( 문화재보호법 ) 또는산림유전자원보호림 ( 산림보호법 ) 등으로지정하고적극적인보호조치가시급히마련되어야한다. 풍혈지에대한전반적인현황조사를실시하고이를토대로풍혈지별등급을분류해서등급에따른구체적인관리와이용방안, 실행계획등이포함된포괄적인보전계획이수립되어야한다. 또한주요풍혈지에대해서는핵심지역, 완충지역, 전이지역을지정하여환경과경관을입체적으로관리하여야하며 (Kong et al., 2012), 보호지구에포함되는사유지에대해서는토지를매입하거나피해보상, 관리비지원등의조치가필요하다. 특수한자연유산에대해보호하는측면에서풍혈지주변으로울타리를설치하고출입을통제하는 1 차적인보호조치도중요하지만, 밀양시남명리얼음골, 연천군동막리풍혈, 의성군빙계리빙혈, 정선군운치리얼음골, 진안군좌포리풍혈과같이도로와인접하여접근성이좋은풍혈지에대해서는보전방안마련과함께, 훼손하지않는범위내에서풍혈지와관련된기후, 지리, 생물, 문화등의교육할수있는지오사이트 (geosite) 와생태관광지로이용도고려하여야할것이다 (Kim, 2011; Kong et al., 2012). 본연구에서는풍혈지의식물상적현황조사를통하여풍혈지가지닌식물학지리적가치를밝히고국내풍혈지의보전의중요성과시급성을강조하고자하였다. 풍혈지는인위적인훼손행위에어떠한보호조치없이한반도의식생변화의과거와미래를이해할수있는생물학적구성요소들이지속적으로소실되어가고있으며, 기후온난화에의해그속도가가속되고있는실정이다. 풍혈지의생물학적인가치와보전에대한시급성을인식하여통일된법과정책에의해체계적이고합리적인관리방안이마련되어야할것이다. 사 사 본연구는한국연구재단일반연구자지원사업 (NRF- 2014R1A1A ) 의지원으로수행되었습니다. Literature Cited Andrews, K. M A Geological Geophysical Investigation of Ice Mountain Algific Talus, Hampshire County, West Virginia. M.S. Dissertation. West Virginia University, Morgantown. Cronquist, A An Integrated System of Classification of Flowering Plants. Columbia Univ. Press, New York Henry, C Refuge for an Ice age survivor. Endangered Species Bulletin 28: Iokawa, Y. and S. Ishizawa Vascular plants of wind-hole areas in Japan (1). Journal of Phytogeography and Taxonomy 51: (in Japanese) Iwatsuki, K Fern and Fern Allies of Japan. Heibonsha, Tokyo. (in Japanese) Jeon, B. I On study of summertime ice formation in the ice valley at Unchiri, Gangwon-Province. Journal of the Environmental Science 11: (in Korean) Jeon, Y. G Geomorphic features of Bing-gye valley area (Kyongbuk Province, South Korea): mainly about talus. Journal of the Korean Association of Regional Geographers 4: (in Korean) Jeon, Y. G A geomorphological study on the distribution areas of freezing during summer season in Korea. Journal of the Korean Association of Regional Geographers 7: (in Korean) Kil, J., Y. Kim, H. Kim, D. Lee, C. Lee, S. Hwang, D. Kim and M. Kim Monitoring of Invasive Alien Species Designated by the Wildlife Protection Act (V). National Institute of Environmental Research, Incheon. (in Korean) Kim, J. S., J. M. Chung, B. C. Lee and J. H. Park The plant species composition and phytogeographical significance on algific talus slope in Korea. Korean Journal Plant Taxonomy 36: (in Korean) Kim, J. S. and J. H. Yun A study on the vegetation structure of algific talus in Korea. Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology 27: (in Korean) Kim, J. Y Algific Site's Value as Geosites and Their Conservation Plan. M.S. Dissertation. Sungshin Women's University, Seoul. (in Korean) Kim, Y. S., K. H. Kang, J. K. Bae and J. K. Kim Rare and endangered plants of Naesorak in Soraksan national park. Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology 11: (in Korean) Kitagawa, M Notulae fractae ob flora Asiae orientalis (29). Journal of Japanese Botany 47: (in Japanese) Kong, W. S Selection of vulnerable indicator plants by global warming. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 41: (in Korean) Kong, W. S. and J. H. Lim Disjunctive distribution of Vaccinium vitis-idaea and thermal condition. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society 43: (in Korean) Kong, W. S., K. Yoon, I. Kim, Y. Lee and S. Oh Spatial distributional characteristics of wind-hole and governance strat-

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14 226 Jin-Seok Kim, Jae-Min Chung, Jung-Hyun Kim, Woong Lee, Byoung-Yoon Lee and Jae-Hong Pak Appendix 1. The list of vascular plants surveyed in major algific talus slopes in Korea. Lycopodiaceae 석송과 Huperzia miyoshiana (Makino) Ching 다람쥐꼬리 ; kjs110820, kjs Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. 좀다람쥐꼬리 ; kjs Lycopodium annotinum L. 개석송 ; kjs Selaginellaceae 부처손과 Selaginella helvetica (L.) Link 왜구실사리 ; kjs110360, kjs110425, kjs11055, kjs110729, kjs111040, kjs Selaginella rossii (Baker) Warb. 구실사리 ; kjs110159, kjs110202, kjs111017, kjs111083, kjs Selaginella tamariscina (P.Beauv.) Spring 부처손 ; kjs110277, kjs050555, kjs Ophioglossaceae 고사리삼과 Botrychium ternatum (Thunb.) Sw. 고사리삼 ; kjs11048 Equisetaceae 속새과 Equisetum arvense L. 쇠뜨기 ; kjs Osmundaceae 고비과 Osmunda cinnamomea L. 꿩고비 ; kjs110079, kjs110183, kjs110447, kjs Osmunda japonica Thunb. 고비 ; kjs Hymenophyllaceae 처녀이끼과 Crepidomanes minutum (Blume) K.Iwats. 부채괴불이끼 ; kjs110260, kjs110436, kjs110557, kjs110986, kjs Dennstaedtiaceae 잔고사리과 Dennstaedtia hirsuta (Sw.) Mett. ex Miq. 잔고사리 ; kjs110078, kjs110451, kjs110549, kjs Dennstaedtia wilfordii (T.Moore) H.Christ 황고사리 ; kjs110073, kjs110295, kjs110462, kjs110535, kjs110576, kjs110894, kjs Pteridaceae 봉의꼬리과 Cheilanthes argentea (S.G.Gmel.) Kunze 부싯깃고사리 ; kjs110318, kjs Adiantaceae 공작고사리과 Adiantum pedatum L. 공작고사리 ; kjs110365, kjs Aspleniaceae 꼬리고사리과 Asplenium incisum Thunb. 꼬리고사리 ; kjs100592, kjs Asplenium ruprechtii Sa. Kurata 거미고사리 ; kjs110424, kjs110500, kjs110584, kjs110641, kjs110778, kjs111005, kjs100412, kjs Asplenium trichomanes L. 차꼬리고사리 ; kjs Asplenium montanus C.S.Lee & K.Lee 산꼬리고사리 ; kjs Asplenium varians Wall. ex Hook. & Grev. 애기꼬리고사리 ; kjs110357, kjs Thelypteridaceae 처녀고사리과 Phegopteris connectilis (Michx.) Watt 가래고사리 ; kjs110810, kjs Thelypteris palustris (A.Gray) Schott 처녀고사리 ; kjs Woodsiaceae 우드풀과

15 Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula 227 Appendix 1. Continued. The list of vascular plants surveyed in major algific talus slopes in Korea. Woodsia hancockii Baker 애기가물고사리 ; kjs Woodsia polystichoides D.C.Eaton 우드풀 ; kjs110286, kjs110501, kjs110574, kjs110638, kjs110677, kjs110801, kjs110901, kjs110983, kjs111068, kjs111104, kjs100378, kjs100400, kjs Woodsia subcordata Turcz. 산우드풀 ; kjs110258, kjs110405, kjs110466, kjs110546, kjs110635, kjs110941, kjs111082, kjs111102, kjs100453, kjs Athyriaceae 개고사리과 Athyrium niponicum (Mett.) Hance 개고사리 ; kjs110280, kjs Athyrium sinense Rupr. 참새발고사리 ; kjs110065, kjs110529, kjs110184, kjs110572, kjs110832, kjs110914, kjs110981, kjs100488, kjs100611, kjs Athyrium yokoscense (Franch. & Sav.) H.Christ 뱀고사리 ; kjs110106, kjs110156, kjs110222, kjs110373, kjs110489, kjs110898, kjs110949, kjs100472, kjs100606, kjs Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. 한들고사리 ; kjs Deparia conilii (Franch. & Sav.) M.Kato 좀진고사리 ; kjs Deparia coreana (H.Christ) M.Kato 곱새고사리 Deparia pycnosora (H.Christ) M.Kato 털고사리 ; kjs110850, kjs Diplazium sibiricum (Turcz. ex Kunze) Sa.Kurata 두메고사리 kjs110066, kjs110362, kjs11083, kjs110924, kjs Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.) Newman 토끼고사리 ; kjs Gymnocarpium jessoense (Koidz.) Koidz. 산토끼고사리 ; kjs110270, kjs Onocleaceae 야산고비과 Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) Tod. 청나래고사리 ; kjs Dryopteridaceae 관중과 Dryopteris bissetiana (Baker) C.Chr. 산족제비고사리 ; kjs110083, kjs110166, kjs110444, kjs110471,kjs110504,kjs110848, kjs Dryopteris chinensis (Baker) Koidz. 가는잎족제비고사리 ; kjs110468, kjs110136, kjs100614, kjs110438, kjs Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai 관중 ; kjs110118, kjs110185, kjs110441, kjs110494, kjs110566, kjs110783, kjs110839, kjs110867, kjs110910, kjs111000, kjs100473, kjs100605, kjs050566, kjs Dryopteris expansa (C.Presl) Fraser-Jenk. & Jermy 퍼진고사리 ; kjs110233, kjs110813, kjs Dryopteris fragrans (L.) Schott 주저리고사리 ; kjs110056, kjs110121, kjs110195, kjs110367, kjs110435, kjs110781, kjs110847, kjs110940, kjs050554, kjs Dryopteris gymnophylla (Baker) C.Chr. 금족제비고사리 ; kjs Dryopteris lacera (Thunb.) Kuntze 비늘고사리 ; kjs110035, kjs110497, kjs110514, kjs110533, kjs110992, kjs Dryopteris monticola (Makino) C.Chr. 왕지네고사리 ; kjs110154, kjs110510, kjs Dryopteris sacrosancta Koidz. 애기족제비고사리 ; kjs110406, kjs110449, kjs100549, kjs Polystichum braunii (Spenn.) Fée 좀나도히초미 ; kjs110182, kjs110567, kjs110827, kjs110844, kjs110880

16 228 Jin-Seok Kim, Jae-Min Chung, Jung-Hyun Kim, Woong Lee, Byoung-Yoon Lee and Jae-Hong Pak Appendix 1. Continued. The list of vascular plants surveyed in major algific talus slopes in Korea. Polystichum ovato-paleaceum var. coraiense (H.Christ) Sa.Kurata 참나도히초미 Polystichum tripteron (Kunze) C.Presl 십자고사리 ; kjs110173, kjs110450, kjs110496, kjs110568, kjs110899, kjs110971, kjs111001, kjs111103, kjs Davalliaceae 넉줄고사리과 Davallia mariesii T.Moore ex Baker 넉줄고사리 ; kjs Polypodiaceae 고란초과 Lepisorus ussuriensis (Regel & Maack) Ching 산일엽초 ; kjs110817, kjs050540, kjs050687, kjs Pleurosoriopsis makinoi (Maxim. ex Makino) Fomin 좀고사리 ; kjs111188, kjs Polypodium virginianum L. 좀미역고사리 ; kjs110011, kjs110291, kjs110355, kjs110793, kjs Pyrrosia linearifolia (Hook.) Ching 우단일엽 Pyrrosia petiolosa (H.Christ) Ching 애기석위 ; kjs Pinaceae 소나무과 Abies holophylla Maxim. 전나무 ; kjs Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carrière 일본잎갈나무 ( 식재 ); kjs Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc. 소나무 ; kjs110088, kjs110246, kjs110250, kjs110266, kjs Pinus koraiensis Siebold & Zucc. 잣나무 ; kjs Pinus rigida Mill. 리기다소나무 ( 식재 ) Cupressaceae 측백나무과 Juniperus rigida Siebold & Zucc. 노간주나무 ; kjs110393, kjs110722, kjs110777, kjs Cephalotaxaceae 개비자나무과 Cephalotaxus harringtonia (Knight ex Forbes) K.Koch 개비자나무 ; kjs Magnoliaceae 목련과 Magnolia sieboldii K.Koch 함박꽃나무 ; kjs110199, kjs110248, kjs110585, kjs110701, kjs110792, kjs110854, kjs Lauraceae 녹나무과 Lindera erythrocarpa Makino 비목나무 ; kjs Lindera glauca (Siebold & Zucc.) Blume 감태나무 ; kjs110284, kjs110484, kjs110676, kjs Lindera obtusiloba Blume 생강나무 ; kjs110092, kjs110212, kjs110296, kjs110329, kjs110564, kjs110604, kjs110886, kjs Aristolochiaceae 쥐방울덩굴과 Aristolochia contorta Bunge 쥐방울덩굴 ; kjs110292, kjs Aristolochia manshuriensis Kom. 등칡 Asarum heterotropoides F.Schmidt 털족도리풀 ; kjs110032, kjs11071, kjs Asarum patens (K.Yamaki) B.U.Oh 금오족도리풀 ; kjs Asarum versicolor (K.Yamaki) Y.N.Lee 무늬족도리풀 ; kjs110069, kjs050542

17 Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula 229 Appendix 1. Continued. The list of vascular plants surveyed in major algific talus slopes in Korea. Schisandraceae 오미자과 Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. 오미자 ; kjs110230, kjs110630, kjs110694, kjs110775, kjs110782, kjs110864, kjs110931, kjs111061, kjs Ranunculaceae 미나리아재비과 Aconitum barbatum var. hispidum (DC.) Ser. 노랑투구꽃 ; kjs Aconitum pseudolaeve Nakai 진범 ; kjs110536, kjs Actaea asiatica H.Hara, 노루삼 Anemone reflexa Stephan 회리바람꽃 ; kjs Aquilegia buergeriana var. oxysepala (Trautv. & C.A.Mey.) Kitam. 매발톱 ; kjs110055, kjs110954, kjs Cimicifuga dahurica (Turcz. ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Maxim. 눈빛승마 ; kjs110174, kjs110786, kjs110916, kjs Clematis apiifolia DC. 사위질빵 ; kjs110080, kjs110188, kjs110316, kjs Clematis fusca Turcz. 검종덩굴 ; kjs110442, kjs110717, kjs110979, kjs Clematis fusca var. violacea Maxim. 종덩굴 ; kjs Clematis heracleifolia DC. 병조희풀 ; kjs110730, kjs Clematis koreana Kom. 세잎종덩굴 Clematis patens C.Morren & Decne. 큰꽃으아리 ; kjs Clematis serratifolia Rehder 개버무리 ; kjs Clematis terniflora var. mandshurica (Rupr.) Ohwi 으아리 ; kjs110303, kjs110455, kjs110939, kjs100482, kjs Clematis trichotoma Nakai 할미밀망 ; kjs Eranthis stellata Maxim. 너도바람꽃 ; kjs110583, kjs Hepatica asiatica Nakai 노루귀 ; kjs111090, kjs110103, kjs Pulsatilla cernua var. koreana (Yabe) Y.N.Lee 할미꽃 ; kjs110283, kjs Ranunculus japonicus Thunb. 미나리아재비 ; kjs Thalictrum filamentosum Maxim. 산꿩의다리 ; kjs Thalictrum minus L. 큰꿩의다리 ( 좀꿩의다리 ); kjs Thalictrum rochebrunianum var. grandisepalum (H.Lév.) Nakai 금꿩의다리 ; kjs110990, kjs Berberidaceae 매자나무과 Berberis koreana Palib. 매자나무 ; kjs110993, kjs100460, kjs Epimedium koreanum Nakai 삼지구엽초 Menispermaceae 새모래덩굴과 Cocculus trilobus (Thunb.) DC. 댕댕이덩굴 ; kjs Menispermum dauricum DC. 새모래덩굴 ; kjs100483, kjs110179, kjs Dioscoreaceae 으름덩굴과 Akebia quinata (Houtt.) Decne. 으름덩굴 ; kjs110349, kjs Papaveraceae 양귀비과 Chelidonium majus var. asiaticum (H.Hara) Ohwi 애기똥풀 ; kjs110005, kjs111118

18 230 Jin-Seok Kim, Jae-Min Chung, Jung-Hyun Kim, Woong Lee, Byoung-Yoon Lee and Jae-Hong Pak Appendix 1. Continued. The list of vascular plants surveyed in major algific talus slopes in Korea. Fumariaceae 현호색과 Corydalis alata B.U.Oh & W.R.Lee 날개현호색 ; kjs111094, kjs Corydalis albipetala B.U.Oh 흰현호색 ; kjs110062, kjs110640, kjs111086, kjs Corydalis maculata B.U.Oh & Y.S.Kim 점현호색 ; kjs Corydalis namdoensis B.U.Oh & J.G.Kim 남도현호색 ; kjs110560, kjs111039, kjs Corydalis pauciovulata Ohwi 선괴불주머니 ; kjs100573, kjs Corydalis remota Fisch. ex Maxim. 현호색 ; kjs Corydalis speciosa Maxim. 산괴불주머니 ; kjs110030, kjs110058, kjs110401, kjs110579, kjs111057, kjs111070, kjs050642, kjs050692, kjs Dicentra spectabilis (L.) Lem. 금낭화 ; kjs Ulmaceae 느릅나무과 Celtis auarantiaca Nakai 산팽나무 ; kjs100408, kjs Celtis choseniana Nakai 검팽나무 ; kjs Celtis jessoensis Koidz. 풍게나무 ; kjs110493, kjs Hemiptelea davidii (Hance) Planch. 시무나무 ; kjs100391, kjs100405, kjs100571, kjs Ulmus davidiana var. japonica (Rehder) Nakai 느릅나무 ; kjs110802, kjs110876, kjs100577, kjs Ulmus laciniata (Trautv.) Mayr 난티나무 Ulmus macrocarpa Hance 왕느릅나무 ; kjs110838, kjs110570, kjs110597, kjs Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino 느티나무 ; kjs110678, kjs110925, kjs100388, kjs110037, kjs110207, kjs Cannabaceae 삼과 Humulus japonicus Siebold & Zucc. 환삼덩굴 ; kjs Moraceae 뽕나무과 Morus bombycis Koidz. 산뽕나무 ; kjs111002, kjs05704 Morus tiliaefolia Makino 돌뽕나무 ; kjs Urticaceae 쐐기풀과 Boehmeria spicata (Thunb.) Thunb. 좀깨잎나무 ; kjs100556, kjs Boehmeria tricuspis (Hance) Makino 거북꼬리 ; kjs Girardinia diversifolia ssp. suborbiculata (C.J.Chen) C.J.Chen & Friis 큰쐐기풀 Pilea japonica (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz. 산물통이 ; kjs110470, kjs110502, kjs110548, kjs100561, kjs Pilea mongolica Wedd. 모시물통이 ; kjs110505, kjs110530, kjs110158, kjs Urtica angustifolia Fisch. ex Hornem. 가는잎쐐기풀 ; kjs110612, kjs110889, kjs050589, kjs Urtica laetevirens Maxim. 애기쐐기풀 ; kjs Juglandaceae 가래나무과 Juglans mandshurica Maxim. 가래나무 ; kjs110953

19 Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula 231 Appendix 1. Continued. The list of vascular plants surveyed in major algific talus slopes in Korea. Fagaceae 참나무과 Castanea crenata Siebold & Zucc. 밤나무 Quercus acutissima Carruth. 상수리나무 ; kjs Quercus aliena Blume 갈참나무 ; kjs Quercus dentata Thunb. 떡갈나무 ; kjs110595, kjs Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb. 신갈나무 ; kjs110219, kjs110396, kjs110594, kjs110691, kjs110749, kjs110970, kjs100558, kjs Quercus serrata Murray 졸참나무 ; kjs110305, kjs110904, kjs110127, kjs Quercus variabilis Blume 굴참나무 ; kjs Betulaceae 자작나무과 Alnus hirsuta (Spach) Fisch. ex Rupr. 물오리나무 ; kjs Betula chinensis Maxim. 개박달나무 ; kjs110369, kjs110397, kjs110432, kjs110681, kjs110744, kjs Betula dahurica Pall. 물박달나무 ; kjs110099, kjs110619, kjs110687, kjs110860, kjs11095, kjs Corylus heterophylla Fisch. ex Trautv. 개암나무 ( 난티잎개암나무 ); kjs110755, kjs Corylus sieboldiana var. mandshurica (Maxim.) C.K.Schneid. 물개암나무 ; kjs110453, kjs110600, kjs110704, kjs110750, kjs110805, kjs110900, kjs11095, kjs , kjs Carpinus cordata Blume 까치박달 ; kjs Carpinus laxiflora (Siebold & Zucc.) Blume 서어나무 ; kjs110220, kjs05539 Chenopodicaceae 명아주과 Chenopodium album L. 흰명아주 ; kjs100518, kjs Amaranthaceae 비름과 Achyranthes japonica (Miq.) Nakai 쇠무릎 ; kjs Amaranthus retroflexus L. 털비름 ; kjs Caryophyllaceae 석죽과 Arenaria serpyllifolia L. 벼룩이자리 ; NIBRVP Cerastium holosteoides var. hallaisanense (Nakai) M.Mizush. 점나도나물 ; kjs111036, kjs111157, kjs Cucubalus baccifer var. japonicus Miq. 덩굴별꽃 ; kjs110012, kjs110728, kjs Dianthus chinensis L. 패랭이꽃 ; kjs110426, kjs Dianthus longicalyx Miq. 술패랭이꽃 ; kjs Lychnis cognata Maxim. 동자꽃 ; kjs Pseudostellaria heterophylla (Miq.) Pax 개별꽃 ; kjs Silene firma Siebold & Zucc. 장구채 ; kjs110657, kjs Stellaria alsine var. undulata (Thunb.) Ohwi 벼룩나물 ; kjs Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. 쇠별꽃 ; kjs Stellaria media (L.) Vill. 별꽃 ; kjs Polygonaceae 마디풀과

20 232 Jin-Seok Kim, Jae-Min Chung, Jung-Hyun Kim, Woong Lee, Byoung-Yoon Lee and Jae-Hong Pak Appendix 1. Continued. Aconogonon microcarpum (Kitag.) H.Hara 참개싱아 ; kjs Fallopia ciliinervis (Nakai) K.Hammer 나도하수오 ; kjs Fallopia dentatoalata (F.Schmidt) Holub 큰닭의덩굴 ; kjs110537, kjs110598, kjs Fallopia dumetorum (L.) Holub 닭의덩굴 ; kjs110341, kjs Polygonum longisetum Bruijn 개여뀌 ; kjs110146, kjs Polygonum nepalense Meisn. 산여뀌 ; kjs Polygonum perfoliatum (L.) L. 며느리배꼽 Polygonum persicaria L. 봄여뀌 ; kjs Polygonum sagittatum L. 미꾸리낚시 ; kjs100569, kjs110142, kjs Polygonum senticosum (Meisn.) Franch. & Sav. 며느리밑씻개 ; kjs110143, kjs Polygonum thunbergii Siebold & Zucc. 고마리 ; NIBRVP Polygonum viscoferum Makino 끈끈이여뀌 ; kjs100477, kjs Theaceae 차나무과 Stewartia koreana Nakai ex Rehder 노각나무 ; kjs Actinidiaceae 다래나무과 Actinidia arguta (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq. 다래 kjs110636, kjs Actinidia kolomikta (Maxim. & Rupr.) Maxim. 쥐다래 ; kjs110826, kjs Actinidia polygama (Siebold & Zucc.) Maxim. 개다래 ; kjs110780, kjs100557, kjs Clusiaceae 물레나물과 Hypericum ascyron L. 물레나물 ; kjs110911, kjs100425, kjs Hypericum erectum Thunb. 고추나물 ; kjs110075, kjs Tiliaceae 피나무과 Corchoropsis tomentosa (Thunb.) Makino 수까치깨 ; kjs100564, kjs Grewia parviflora Bunge 장구밥나무 ; kjs Tilia amurensis Rupr. 피나무 ; kjs110105, kjs110402, kjs110413, kjs110433, kjs110967, kjs050556, kjs050666, kjs Tilia mandshurica Rupr. & Maxim. 찰피나무 ; kjs110404, kjs110439, kjs110742, kjs Violaceae 제비꽃과 Viola acuminata Ledeb. 졸방제비꽃 ; kjs110345, kjs110387, kjs110727, kjs110920, kjs111022, kjs111033, kjs111066, kjs050644, kjs Viola albida var. chaerophylloides (Regel) F.Maek. 남산제비꽃 ; kjs Viola collina Besser 둥근털제비꽃 ; kjs Viola keiskei Miq. 잔털제비꽃 ; kjs Viola phalacrocarpa Maxim. 털제비꽃 ; kjs111034, kjs Viola rossii Hemsl. 고깔제비꽃 ; kjs110119, kjs Viola selkirkii Pursh ex Goldie 뫼제비꽃 ; kjs110072, kjs110363, kjs110423, kjs110874, kjs111051

21 Floristic study and conservation management strategies of algific talus slopes on the Korean peninsula 233 Appendix 1. Continued. Viola tokubuchiana var. takedana (Makino) F.Maek. 민둥뫼제비꽃 Viola seoulensis Nakai 서울제비꽃 ; kjs Viola variegata Fisch. ex Link 알록제비꽃 ; kjs110610, kjs Viola verecunda A.Gray 콩제비꽃 ; kjs Viola yedoensis Makino 호제비꽃 ; kjs Cucurbitaceae 박과 Gynostemma pentaphylla (Thunb.) Makino 돌외 ; kjs Schizopepon bryoniifolium Maxim. 산외 ; kjs Salicaceae 버드나무과 Populus davidiana Dode 사시나무 ; kjs110395, kjs110622, kjs110759, kjs110808, kjs Salix caprea L. 호랑버들 ; kjs110060, kjs110620, kjs110690, kjs110751, kjs110892, kjs110962, kjs050575, kjs Salix gracilistyla Miq. 갯버들 ; kjs Salix koreensis Andersson 버드나무 ; kjs Brassicaceae 십자화과 Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh. 장대나물 ; kjs100386, kjs Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. 털장대 ; kjs100419, kjs100426, kjs110400, kjs110762, kjs Barbarea orthoceras Ledeb. 나도냉이 ; kjs110044, kjs110608, kjs110875, kjs111055, kjs111075, kjs Berteroella maximowiczii (Palib.) O.E.Schulz 장대냉이 ; NIBRVP Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. 냉이 ; kjs Cardamine fallax (O.E.Schulz) Nakai 좁쌀냉이 ; kjs111024, kjs Cardamine flexuosa With. 황새냉이 ; kjs Cardamine impatiens L. 싸리냉이 ; kjs110050, kjs110380, kjs110795, kjs Cardamine leucantha (Tausch) O.E.Schulz 미나리냉이 ; kjs110045, kjs Draba nemorosa L. 꽃다지 ; kjs11056, kjs Erysimum cheiranthoides L. 쑥부지깽이 ; kjs Lepidium apetalum Willd. 다닥냉이 ; kjs Ericaceae 진달래과 Rhododendron mucronulatum Turcz. 진달래 ; kjs110091, kjs110153, kjs110190, kjs110276, kjs110399, kjs110411, kjs110542, kjs110618, kjs110768, kjs110784, kjs110853, kjs110873, kjs100465, kjs Rhododendron schlippenbachii Maxim. 철쭉 ; kjs110790, kjs110859, kjs Vaccinium hirtum var. koreanum (Nakai) Kitam. 산앵도나무 ; kjs110223, kjs Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. 월귤 ; kjs Pyrolaceae 노루발과 Pyrola japonica Klenze ex Alef. 노루발 ; kjs110960, kjs Ebenaceae 감나무과 Diospyros lotus L. 고욤나무 ; kjs110332


도감본문(수정)~10p 두번째이야기 덩굴나무 두번째이야기덩굴나무 6 00 Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc. 4 5 6 6 5 4 7 8 9 P. densiflora P. densiflora for. multicaulis P. densiflora for. erecta 0 6 산에서자주만나는큰키나무 덩굴나무 8 산에서자주만나는큰키나무 덩굴나무 덩굴나무차례 9

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