담학연구,,. 4 20, 60., 2, 10.., - - 2., 15,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,. (Corresponding Author): / / 47 100 E-mail: bongwhan@sm.ac.kr
,.,,. (Vocational Ethics) (, 1999), Brown(2012). (, 2004).,,,,, 2011 32,400 (,,, 2011;, 2006)., (, 2006; Brown, 2012). (harm) (, 2006). NCDA(National Career Development Association) 11 (NCDA, 2009), (, 2014;, 2010;,, 2011;,, 2014), (,, 2015;,,, 2014;, 2012;,, 2011;, 2012). Bronson(2010), (2015) 21. Kitchener(1984) 5. (Respect for Autonomy), (Nonmaleficence), (Beneficience), (Justice), (Fidelity) APA(American Psychological Association), ACA(American Counseling Association), (, 2014;, 2013). Brown(2012),,
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M SD 3. (3, M=3.50) 13.. 3.56 1.42 12.. 3.50 1.38 11.. 3.44 1.38 4. (3, M=3.75) 15.. 4.17 1.09 14.. 3.61 1.14 16.. 3.50 1.38 5. (12, M=3.67) 5-1 (3, M=3.98) 21.. 4.06 1.11 22.. 4.00 1.13 23.. 3.89 1.18 5-2 (3, M=3.55) 24.. 3.89 1.27 25.. 26.. 3.39 1.29 3.39 1.24 5-3 (6, M=3.57) 32.. 29.,. 3.83 1.15 3.61 1.37 28.. 3.56 1.24 31.. 3.56 1.14 27. (15 30 ). 3.44 1.33 30.. 3.44 1.09 6. (5, M=3.77) 34. (, ). 3.89 1.23 36.. 3.89 1.13 35.. 3.78 1.35 39.. 3.67 1.28 33.. 3.61 1.24
M SD 7. (2, M=3.33) 38.. 3.50 1.33 37.. 3.17 1.33 8. (14, M=3.67) 8-1 (3, M=3.55) 40.. 3.72 1.36 42.. 3.61 1.09 41.. 3.33 1.23 8-2 (6, M=3.72) 44.. 3.94 1.25 46.,. 3.78 1.39 48.. 3.78 1.26 45. 3.67 1.23 43.. 3.61 1.14 47.. 3.56 1.42 8-3 (5, M=3.67) 50.. 3.89 1.32 51.. 3.83 1.42 49.. 3.78 1.39 52.. 3.61 1.46 53.. 3.28 1.36 9. (4, M=3.93) 57.,. 4.39.91 56.. 4.06 1.11 54.. 3.67 1.13 55.,,,,,. 3.61 1.33 10. (3, M=3.66) 58.,. 3.89 1.02 59.. 3.56 1.19 60.. 3.56 1.19
3.68. 5-1 (M=3.98), 9. (M=3.93), 2-1. (M=3.84), 6. (M=3.77), 4. (M=3.75), 8-2 (M=3.72), 8-3 (M=3.67), 10. (M=3.66), 1. (M= 3.62), 2-2. (M= 3.58), 5-3 (M=3.57), 8-1 (M=3.55), 5-2 (M=3.55), 3. (M=3.50), 7. (M=3.33). 3,,..,,,. 3.17 4.39, 57., (M=4.39, SD=.91). 15. (M=4.17, SD=1.09). 7. (M=4.11, SD= 1.13). 56. (M=4.06, SD=1.11). 21. (M=4.06, SD=1.11). 19. (,, ) (M=4.00, SD=1.28). 22. (M=4.00, SD= 1.13). 4.0 2.,,. 4 20, 60. 2, 10., - - 2. -
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담학연구 Concept Mapping of Ethical Dilemma Perceived by University Career Counselors Sookmyung Women s University The purpose of this study were to investigate specific factors and conceptual structure of ethical dilemma perceived by university career counselors and to identify dimensions and clusters when recognizing the factors, and relative importance of the factors by using concept mapping method. Thus, after collecting the idea through questionnaires targeting 20 employment supporting counselors in four-years university nationwide, the total 60 final statements were elicited through the overall editing process. The participants rated the similarity and importance between the 60 statements for themselves, multidimensional scaling and hierarchical cluster analysis were used in order to identify dimensions and clusters of the factors in this study. As a result, a concept map consisted of 2 dimensions and 10 clusters formed. The results of this study were summarized as follows. First, the 2 dimensions, organizations -counselors responsibility factors and physical-relational working context factors were found, when the university career counselors perceived the ethical dilemma factors of this study. Second, the 10 clusters and 15 sub-clusters were showed, and contents of the 15 sub-clusters in order of importance were overburdened multiple job, uncertain employment contract with the organization, lack of counseling records security, lack of counselors competences, restriction of the autonomy, infringement of intellectual property rights, unclear roles and responsibilities of the counselors', avoiding cooperation with other professionals, inadequate counseling facilities, lack of personal counseling information protection, inadequate counseling setting, failure in justice of offering counseling service, discrepancy in organization value, failure of informed consent for personal information utilization, failure in following psychological tests ethics. This study is significant in that it increased ethical sensitivity of career counselor, organization and related workers in a university through investigating the ethical dilemma factors which university career counselors perceived in their doing the work. Additionally, the result of this study will provide a theoretical background for a preparation of a code of ethics, training program for the code of ethics, and ethics audit scale which is specific for career counseling in a university. Key words : University Career Counselors, Employment Supporting Counselors, Career Counseling Ethics, Ethical Dilemma, Concept Mapping