Western Blot Consumable Best Seller Protein Standards Dual Color All Blue Kaleidoscope TM Dual Xtra Prestained Ch

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Benchtop Flow Cytometry guava easycyte Systems 머크밀리포아의 guava easycyte System 은특허받은 microcapillary 기술을이용한컴팩트한시스템으로다양하고복잡한세포분석이가능합니다. Cell Health Cell S

Product Description Apoptosis 혹은 necrosis등에의하여죽거나손상된세포에서방출되는 Lactate dehydrogenase(ldh) 의양을고감도로측정함으로써 cytotoxicity/cytolysis를간단하게측정할수있는 kit 입니다. Cytot

한약재품질표준화연구사업단 단삼 ( 丹參 ) Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix 생약연구과

개정판 서문 Prologue 21세기 한국경제를 이끌어갈 후배들에게 드립니다 1부 인생의 목표로써 CEO라는 비전을 확고히 하자 2부 인생의 비전을 장기 전략으로 구체화하라 1장 미래 경영환경 이해하기 20p 4장 장기 실행 전략 수립하기 108p 1) 미래 환경분석이


2018 년 4 월 16 일 ~ 6 월 15 일까지 2018 비엠에스할 인 행 사 AbD Serotec 이 Bio-Rad 와하나가되었습니다. 10,000 여종의 Primary Antibody 를검색해보세요! Western Blot 장비 & 시약 5+2 증정 Western Blot Consumable Best Seller - Protein Standards - TC10/20 Cell Counting Slides - Acrylamide / Bis Solution - Electroporation Cuvette Protein Electrophoresis & Transfer System Western Blot 시약 TGX TM Precast Gel / TGX TM Stain Free Gel TGX TM Stain-Free Fast Cast Acrylamide Kit Trans-Blot Turbo TM Consumable Trans-Blot Turbo TM PCR/qPCR 시약 & 소모품 특별가 Real-time PCR Best Seller - iq SYBR Green - SsoFast Evagreen Supermix - iscript cdna Synthesis kit DNA 전기영동 Agarose PCR Plastic Consumable Real-Time PCR Supermix 추 가 증 정 혜택 Trans-Blot Turbo 구매금액은누적에서제외됩니다. 500 만원이상구매시 1,000 만원이상구매시 깨끗하고안전한 Culture Room 을위한 Aspiration System Vacusip 조직관찰용정립현미경 Leica DM500 or 동 / 식물세부관찰용실체현미경 Leica EZ4 택 1 주문및상담 02-3471-6500 / 042-824-7000 A/S 서비스 02-3471-8171

Western Blot Consumable Best Seller Protein Standards 250 150 100 75 50 37 25 20 15 10 5 2 Dual Color All Blue Kaleidoscope TM Dual Xtra Prestained Chemiluminescent Fluorescent MW kd 250 MW kd 150 100 75 50 37 25 20 15 10 Mass spectrometry 로검증하여 언제나정확한분자량 100% recombinant protein 으로 사이즈 variation 이적음 폭넓은 kda, 5 개 color 까지용도에맞는다양한선택 Film 에서도확인가능한 Marker, Western C Western C pack BR161-0363 Precision Plus Protein Unstained Standards 1,000 μl 180,300원 BR161-0373 Precision Plus Protein All Blue Standards 191,800원 BR161-0374 Precision Plus Protein Dual Color Stadards 213,600원 500 μl BR161-0377 Precision Plus Protein Dual Xtra Standards 283,000원 BR161-0375 Precision Plus Protein Kaleidoscope Standards 280,600원 BR161-0385 Precision Plus Protein WesternC pack 447,500원 250 μl BR161-0376 Precision Plus Protein WesternC Standards 364,200원 Acrylamide / Bis Solution Ready-to-use solution 으로간편하고안전한 Gel Casting + BR161-0154 Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 19:1, 30% 95,200원 BR161-0156 Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 29:1, 30% 95,200원 BR161-0158 Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 30%, 37.5:1 95,200원 500 ml BR161-0144 Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 40%, 19:1 101,900원 BR161-0146 Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 40%, 29:1 101,900원 BR161-0148 Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 40%, 37.5:1 101,900원 TC10/20, Cell Counting Slides TC10/ TC20 cell counter user 를위한전용 slide BR145-0011 60 counts 100,000원 BR145-0015 TC10/TC20 Counting Slides, Double-Chamber 300 counts 455,000원 BR145-0016 600 counts 910,000원 Electroporation Cuvette Gamma-irradiation Sterilization 완료, 개별포장으로 contamination 우려없음 다양한 electroporator 에호환하여사용가능 1 BR165-2088 0.4 cm, 50 ea, sterile 374,900원 BR165-2086 GP/MP Cuvette 0.2 cm, 50 ea, sterile 374,900원 BR165-2089 0.1 cm, 50 ea, sterile 374,900원

Western Blot 시약 + TGS Buffer + TG Buffer 각 5L 증정 Power Supply 단품구매제외 Protein Electrophoresis, Transfer System BR165-8001FC MP Tetra Cell 1,524,900원 BR165-8025FC MP Tetra Cell/PP Basic 2,178,500원 BR165-8026FC MP Tetra Cell/PP Universal 5,118,900원 BR165-8027FC MP Tetra Cell/PP HC 2,981,300원 BR165-8028FC MP Tetra Cell/PP HV 4,947,100원 BR165-8029FC MP Tetra Cell/MTB Module 2,175,200원 BR165-8033FC MP Tetra Cell/MTB Module/PP Basic 2,956,700원 1 set BR165-8035FC MP Tetra Cell/MTB Module/PP HC 3,880,400원 BR170-3930 Mini Trans Blot Cell 1,117,000원 BR170-3940 SD Semi-Dry Blotter 2,590,400원 BR164-5050 PowerPac Basic (300V/400mA/75W) 805,300원 BR164-5052 PowerPac HC (250V/3.0A/300W) 1,850,600원 BR164-5056 PowerPac HV (5000V/500mA/400W) 4,227,600원 BR164-5070 PowerPac Universal (500V/2.5A/500W) 4,296,400원 Western Blot 시약 품번 Gel Staining Solution BR161-0435 BR161-0436 BR161-0438 품명 Coomassie Blue R-250 Staining Kit, Staining Solution 1 L + Destaining Solution 2 L Coomassie Blue R-250 Staining Solution, 1 L Coomassie Blue R-250 Destaining Solution, 1 L 행사가 (VAT 별도 ) 184,300 원 92,300 원 75,800 원 BR161-0786 Bio-Safe Coomassie Stain, 1 L 150,600 원 BR161-0449 Silver Stain Plus Kit, 40 mini gels 370,000 원 BR161-0496 Oriole Fluorescent Gel Stain, 1 L 256,500 원 Gel Casting & Sample Preparation BR161-0700 Ammonium Persulfate, 10 g 27,400 원 BR161-0201 Bis, 50 g 81,200 원 BR161-0611 Dithiothreitol (DTT), 5 g 139,800 원 BR161-0729 EDTA, 500 g 120,200 원 BR161-0718 Glycine, 1 kg 96,500 원 BR161-0724 Glycine, 2 kg 1 80,000 원 BR161-0737 2x Laemmli Sample Buffer, 30 ml 27,400 원 BR161-0747 4x Laemmli Sample Buffer, 10 ml 27,400 원 BR161-0738 Premixed Native Sample Buffer, 30 ml 42,800 원 BR161-0416 SDS Solution, 10%, 250 ml 88,200 원 BR161-0418 SDS Solution,, 1 L 188,400 원 BR161-0301 SDS, 100 g 46,400 원 BR161-0302 SDS, 1 kg 314,700 원 BR161-0800 TEMED, 5 ml 33,000 원 BR161-0801 TEMED, 50 ml 95,000 원 BR161-0713 Tricine, 500 g 317,300 원 BR161-0719 Tris, 1 kg 148,300 원 BR161-0716 Tris, 500 g 90,400 원 BR161-0798 BR161-0799 Tris-HCl Resolving Gel Buffer (1.5 M), ph8.8, 1 L Tris-HCl Stacking Gel Buffer (0.5 M), ph6.8, 1 L 71,800 원 71,800 원 BR161-0710 2-mercaptoethanol (BME), 25 ml 42,000 원 BR161-0731 Urea, 1 kg 126,000 원 품번 Protein Assay kit BR500-0006 BR500-0002 BR500-0201 BR500-0202 BR500-0205 BR500-0206 품명 Protein Assay Dye Reagent, 450 ml Protein Assay Kit II (BSA Standard) QuickStart Bradford Assay Kit 1, (BSA 5 mg/ml) QuickStart Bradford Assay Kit 2, (2 sets of serial) QuickStart Bradford 1X Dye Reagent, 1 L QuickStart Bradford (BSA standard, 2 mg) 행사가 (VAT 별도 ) 194,300 원 230,200 원 238,400 원 260,600 원 201,900 원 143,600 원 BR500-0112 Bio-Rad DC Protein Assay Kit 2 306,500 원 BR500-0122 Running & Transfer Buffer RC DC Protein Assay Kit II (BSA Standard) 500,900 원 BR170-6531 Tween20 Detergent, 100 ml 92,300 원 BR161-0781 Tween20 (10%), for easy pipetting, 1 L 69,900 원 BR161-0780 10X PBS, 1 L 78,400 원 BR170-6435 10x TBS, 1 L 62,200 원 BR161-0734 10x Tris/Glycine, 1 L 51,400 원 BR161-0771 10x Tris/Glycine, 5 L cube 153,000 원 BR161-0732 10x Tris/Glycine/SDS, 1 L 49,700 원 BR161-0772 10x Tris/Glycine/SDS, 5 L cube 157,800 원 BR161-0744 10x Tris/Tricine/SDS, 1 L 157,800 원 Gel Casting Comb/ Casting Plate, ETC BR165-3303 Mini-P3/Tetra Casting Stand, 1 set 250,100 원 BR165-3304 Mini-P3/Tetra Casting Frame, 1 set 75,300 원 BR165-3305 BR165-3352~68 Mini-P3/Tetra Casting Stand Gasket, replacement, 2, 1 set 67,100 원 Mini-P3 Comb, 5/pk 61,200 원 BR165-3308 Mini-P3/Tetra Short Plates, 5/pk 48,200 원 BR165-3310~2 Mini-P3/Tetra Spacer Plates, 0.75 mm, 5/pk 148,700 원 RKMB-030 RIPA Buffer, 50 ml 92,000 원 QTPPI1015 Protease Inhibitor, 5 kits, 1 ml 152,000 원 2

Bio-Rad 가제공하는 Speed Western Blot 15 min Gel Running 3 min 3 min Visualize Protein Protein Transfer - TGX TM Pre-cast Gel - TGX TM Fast-cast Kit - TGX TM Stain-Free Gel - TGX TM Stain-Free Gel Fast cast kit Trans-Blot Turbo TM 5+2 TGX TM Pre-Cast Gel / TGX TM Stain-Free Gel 품명 10 well 30 μl 10 well 50 μl 12 well 20 μl 15 well 15 μl IPG well 7 cm IPG Strip 정상가 (VAT 별도 ) 냉장보관 1 년가능 Shape 7.5% Resolving Gel BR456-1023 BR456-1024 BR456-1025 BR456-1026 BR456-1021 일반 running buffer (tris/glycine/sds) 사용가능 Mini-PROTEAN TGX TM Precast Gels 10% Resolving Gel BR456-1033 BR456-1034 BR456-1035 BR456-1036 BR456-1031 12% Resolving Gel BR456-1043 BR456-1044 BR456-1045 BR456-1046 BR456-1041 4~15% Resolving Gel BR456-1083 BR456-1084 BR456-1085 BR456-1086 BR456-1081 Coomassie/Silver 염색없이밴드확인이가능한 Stain-Free System 4~ Resolving Gel BR456-1093 BR456-1094 BR456-1095 BR456-1096 BR456-1091 8~16% Resolving Gel BR456-1103 BR456-1104 BR456-1105 BR456-1106 BR456-1101 Any kd Resolving Gel BR456-9033 BR456-9034 BR456-9035 BR456-9036 BR456-9031 7.5% Resolving Gel BR456-8023 BR456-8024 BR456-8025 BR456-8026 BR456-8021 200,000 원 (10 gels/box) 10% Resolving Gel BR456-8033 BR456-8034 BR456-8035 BR456-8036 BR456-8031 Mini-PROTEAN TGX TM Stain-Free Precast Gels 12% Resolving Gel BR456-8043 BR456-8044 BR456-8045 BR456-8046 BR456-8041 4~15% Resolving Gel BR456-8083 BR456-8084 BR456-8085 BR456-8086 BR456-8081 4~ Resolving Gel BR456-8093 BR456-8094 BR456-8095 BR456-8096 BR456-8091 8~16% Resolving Gel BR456-8103 BR456-8104 BR456-8105 BR456-8106 BR456-8101 Any kd Resolving Gel BR456-8123 BR456-8124 BR456-8125 BR456-8126 BR456-8121 TGX TM Stain-Free Fast Cast Acrylamide Kit Resolving gel, stacking gel 을별도로굳힐필요없이한번에 casting TGX Gel 의 speed running, stain-free system 기능은그대로! 증정 Trans-Blot Turbo TM 구매시 Western 100 회분량 Transfer 소모품증정 Turbo Pack 60 회 + RTA Kit 40 회 품번품명규격행사가 (VAT 별도 ) BR161-0181 TGX TM Stain-Free FastCast Acrylamide Kit, 7.5% BR161-0183 TGX TM Stain-Free FastCast Acrylamide Kit, 10% BR161-0185 TGX TM Stain-Free FastCast Acrylamide Kit, 12% 신개념의 Semi-dry Blotter, Trans-Blot Turbo TM 3 분만에 transfer 완료, 한번에 4 gel transfer 가능 Membrane, Blot Paper, Buffer 일체형 pre-assembled pack Membrane, Blot Paper, Buffer 가각각구성되어조립하여사용하는 kit 65 mini gels (1 mm 두께 gel 기준 ) 236,200 원 품번품명규격행사가 (VAT 별도 ) BR1700-1915~9 BR170-4158 Trans-Blot Turbo TM Transfer Starter System Trans-Blot Turbo TM Transfer Pack, 0.2 um, NC, 7 x 8.5 cm 1 set 5,665,000 원 ( 정상가 ) 121,800 원 BR170-4156 Trans-Blot Turbo TM Transfer Pack, 0.2 um, PVDF, 7 x 8.5 cm 134,000원 10/box BR170-4159 Trans-Blot Turbo TM Transfer Pack, 0.2 um, NC, 8.5 x 13.5 cm 195,700원 BR170-4157 Trans-Blot Turbo TM Transfer Pack, 0.2 um PVDF, 8.5 x 13.5 cm 215,200 원 BR170-4270 Trans-Blot Turbo TM RTA kit, 0.2 um, NC, 7 x 8.5 cm 329,700원 40/box BR170-4272 Trans-Blot Turbo TM RTA kit, 0.2 um, PVDF, 7 x 8.5 cm 389,800원 3

Western Blot Transfer Consumables Transfer Consumables BR170-3932 Thick Blot paper 50 sheet 76,800원 BR170-3933 Form Pads 4 ea 76,300원 BR170-3966 ExtraThick Blot paper (MiniP3), 7x8.4cm 60 sheet 92,600원 BR170-3931 Mini Gel Holder Cassette 1 ea 170,200원 BR161-0734 1 L 51,400원 10x Tris/Glycine BR161-0771 5 L 153,000원 Membrane BR162-0112 Nitrocellulose Membrane, 0.2 um 30 cm x 3.5 m 441,000원 BR162-0115 Nitrocellulose Membrane, 0.45 um 30 cm x 3.6 m 412,600원 BR162-0177 Immun-Blot PVDF Membrane, 0.2 um 26 cm x 3.3 m 404,000원 Bio-Rad Primary Antibody, QR 코드로쉽게비엠에스홈페이지에서검색하세요! Secondary Antibody BR170-6516 Affinity Purified Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L)-HRP 275,400원 BR170-6515 Affinity Purified Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)-HRP 2 ml 275,400원 BR172-1050 Affinity Purified Goat Anti-Human IgG (H+L)-HRP 342,400원 AbD Serotec 이 Bio-Rad 와하나가되었습니다. 10,000 여종의 Primary Antibody 를검색해보세요! Clarity TM Western ECL Substrate Clarity Max Femto Grade(10-15 g) 극소량의 protein 검출용 상온보관 / 유효기간 1 년 Clarity Pico Grade(10-12 g) 24 시간지속되는 Signal 상온보관 / 유효기간 1 년 BR170-5060 200 ml 175,400원 Clarity TM Western ECL Substrate BR170-5061 500 ml 290,700원 BR170-5062 Clarity TM Max Western ECL Substrate 100 ml 397,500원 BR170-8235 Opti-4CN Colorimetric Substrate Kit 50 sheet 393,000원 Immunoreaction Enhancer Solution TONKB-101 Can Get Signal Enhancer Solution 1 & 2 each 250 ml 289,200원 TONKB-201 Can Get Signal Enhancer Solution 1 162,700원 250 ml TONKB-301 Can Get Signal Enhancer Solution 2 162,700원 4

Real-Time PCR Consumable Best Seller Real-Time PCR Reagent 종류품번품명규격정상가 (VAT 별도 ) Real-Time PCR Supermix BR170-8880AP 2.5 ml (250 rxn) 298,200원 BR170-8882AP SYBR Green reagent No.1 Best Seller IQ SYBR Green Supermix 12.5 ml (1,250 rxn) 1,319,400 원 BR170-8884AP 25 ml (2,500 rxn) 2,122,000원 BR172-5200AP gene expression, HRM 분석에널리사용되는 2 ml (200 rxn) 293,000 원 BR172-5201AP Evagreen supermix 5 ml (500 rxn) 631,700원 BR172-5202AP SsoFast TM EvaGreen Supermix 10 ml (1,000 rxn) 1,192,300원 cdna Synthesis Kit BR170-8890 cdna Synthesis kit의절대강자, 25 rxn 179,000원 2-tube로간편한 cdna 합성 BR170-8891 iscript TM 100 rxn 574,700원 2 병구매특별가 DNA 전기영동 Agarose 500 bp ~ 20 kb 까지가장일반적인 size 분리에적합 DNase, RNase, inhibitor free 로오염도 test 완료 품번 품명 규격 특별가 (VAT별도) BR161-3101D 125 g x 2 ea 383,100원 Certified Molecular Biology Agarose BR161-3102D 500 g x 2 ea 983,400원 호환가능한장비 Low Profile ( 낮은 tube) C1000/S1000 series, CFX series 전용 High Profile ( 긴 tube) iq series, T100, 타사장비용 PCR Plastic Consumable 종류품번품목 Profile 규격행사가 (VAT 별도 ) PCR Tube BRTFI-0201 0.2 ml individual PCR tube with Flat Cap H 8 Strip tube & Cap Unskirted PCR Plate (Cutting 가능 ) BRTBS-0201 0.2 ml 8-tube strip w/o, clear H 500 tube x 2 pack 43,400 원 106,300 원 BRTLS-0801 Low-profile 0.2 ml 8-tube strip w/o caps, clear L 82,600 원 BRTLS-0851 Low-profile 0.2 ml 8-tube strip w/o caps, White L 120 strips 103,400원 BRTCS-0801 8-strip domed caps for 0.2 ml tubes and plates - (960 tubes) 67,900원 BRTCS-0803 8-strip flat caps for 0.2 ml tubes and plates, Ultraclear BRMLP-9601 96-well unskirted PCR plate, 12 x 8 format, clear H - 43,400 원 25 plates 155,300 원 BRMLP-9651 96-well unskirted PCR plate, 12 x 8 format, White H 189,400 원 BRMLL-9601 BRMLL-9651 96-well low-profile unskirted PCR plate, 12 x 8 format, clear 96-well low-profile unskirted PCR plate, 12 x 8 format, White L L 153,400 원 174,700 원 Hard Shell Plate Full Skirted Sealing Film & Foil icycler 전용 Plate BRHSP-9601 Hard-shell 96-plates, white shell / clear well L 248,400원 BRHSP-9655 Hard-shell 96-plates, white shell / white well L 271,500원 50 plates BRHSP-3801 Hard-shell 384-plates, clear shell / clear well - 285,400원 BRHSP-3805 Hard-shell 384-plates, clear shell / clear well - 318,900원 BRMSA-5001 Microseal `A` Film - 50 seals 177,900원 BRMSB-1001 `B` Clear Adhesive Seal - 100 seals 163,700원 BRMSF-1001 Microseal `F` Foil - 100 seals 128,300원 BR223-9441 icycler 96-well PCR plate H 25 plates 331,400원 5

Real-Time PCR & Reagent gdna 제거가능가장편리한 1 tube Type 가장경제적인 Best Seller 대량의 cdna 합성가능 cdna 합성 primer 선택가능 제품 iscript TM gdna Clear iscript TM Reverse Transcription Supermix for RT-qPCR iscript TM cdna Synthesis Kit iscript TM Advanced for RT-qPCR iscript TM Select 소요시간 36 min 26 min 26 min 21 min 40 ~ 90 min 형태 iscript RTase 5x iscript Reaction Mix 5x Supermix iscript RTase 5x iscript Reaction Mix 5x iscript Reaction Mix iscript Reverse Transcriptase Oligo dt Primer Random Hexamer Primer GSP (Gene Specific Primer) input RNA 1 µg ~ 1 pg 1 μg ~ 100 fg 7.5 μg ~ 100 fg 1 μg ~1 pg BR170-8896 Oligo dt, Random hexamer, GSP 선택가능한 cdna 합성 kit 25 rxn 199,400원 BR170-8897 iscript TM Select 100 rxn 606,900원 BR170-8840 편리한 1-tube type의 cdna 합성 25 rxn 272,200원 BR170-8841 iscript TM Reverse Transcription Supermix 100 rxn 816,800원 BR172-5034 Manual type의 RNA prep 사용자에게추천! gdna 제거기능포함 25 rxn 317,200원 BR172-5035 iscript gdna Clear 100 rxn 780,500원 BR172-5037 7.5 ug의 RNA input 가능, 대량의 cdna 합성 25 rxn 261,800원 BR172-5038 iscript Advanced for RT-qPCR 100 rxn 989,600원 Bio-Rad 의 High-Quality Taq Sso7d Enzyme DNA polymerase 에 fusion 되어 polymerase 를안정화시키고, template 결합력을증가시키는 dsdna binding protein Real-Time PCR Supermix 품번 품명 Fuorescent 규격 행사가 (VAT별도) BR170-8860 2.5 ml (250 rxn) 225,800원 Steady Best Seller BR170-8862 Probe 12.5 ml (1,250 rxn) 1,036,100원 IQ Supermix BR170-8864 25 ml (2,500 rxn) 1,648,300원 BR172-5141 500 rxns 1,195,300원 RNA sample로 Real-time PCR까지 Probe BR172-5140 한번에분석가능 100 rxns 297,200원 BR172-5151 itaq Universal One-Step Kit SYBR 500 rxns 1,195,300원 BR172-5150 Green 100 rxns 297,200원 BR172-5130 2 ml (200 rxn) 173,600원 BR172-5131 Probe 5 ml (500 rxn) 390,400원 BR172-5132 모든 Real-time PCR 장비에호환가능한 Supermix 10 ml (1,000 rxn) 756,000원 BR172-5120 2 ml (200 rxn) 173,600원 itaq Universal Supermix SYBR BR172-5121 5 ml (500 rxn) 390,400원 Green BR172-5122 10 ml (1,000 rxn) 756,000원 BR172-5280 2 ml (200 rxn) 235,200원 BR172-5281 Probe 5 ml (500 rxn) 530,400원 BR172-5282 Sso7d Enzyme fusion taq으로최고의내구성과정확성을보장하는 Supermix 10 ml (1,000 rxn) 1,022,400원 BR172-5270 2 ml (200 rxn) 214,400원 SsoAdvanced Universal Supermix SYBR BR172-5271 5 ml (500 rxn) 481,600원 Green BR172-5272 10 ml (1,000 rxn) 928,800원 BR172-5016 Crude lysates, FFPE sample, Blood 등 2 ml (200 rxn) 240,000원 BR172-5017 wild sample에서 direct qpcr이가능한 high performance supermix SYBR SsoAdvanced Universal Inhibitor- Green 5 ml (500 rxn) 537,600원 Tolerant SYBR Green Supermix BR172-5018 10 ml (1,000 rxn) 1,020,000원 6