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ORIGINAL ARTICLE J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2016;27(4): pissn X / eissn

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KISEP Original Article J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 44, No 3 만화과제를이용한정신분열병환자의사회인지능력의측정 오정은 1,2 나명현 1,2 하태현 1,3 신용욱 1 노규식 1 홍순범 3 이경진 3 신민섭 3 이영호 2 권준수 1,3 Social Cognition Deficits of Schizophrenia in Cartoon Task Jung Eun Oh 1,2, Myung Hyon Na 1,2, Tae Hyon Ha, MD 1,3, Yong Wook Shin, MD 1, Kyu Sik Roh, MD 1, Soon Beom Hong, MD 3, Kyung Jin Lee, MD 3, Min Seop Shin, PhD 3, Young Ho Lee, PhD 2 and Jun Soo Kwon, MD, PhD 1,3 Clinical Cognitive Neuroscience Center, 1 Neuroscience Institute, SNU-MRC, Seoul, Department of Psychology, 2 Catholic University, Seoul, Department of Psychiatry, 3 Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Objectives:This study is to investigate the hypothesis that schizophrenic patients have difficulty in inferring mental state of others. Methods:Twenty schizophrenic patients and twenty normal subjects were administered to the Cartoon Task required inferring the character s intention in a given context. Results:The schizophrenic patients showed a statistically significant impairment in the Cartoon Task. Both groups chose the card depicting a frequent everyday action significantly more rather than the similar card to the last picture in each story for wrong answers. Conclusion:These preliminary results suggest that schizophrenia is associated with a specific deficit of the cognitive ability referred to as social cognition, and this deficit can be detected not only in the acute phase as found in previous research studies, but also in remission. Also when subjects fail to appreciate what is going on in the minds of other people, they seem to rely on a socially familiar experience. (J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc 2005;44(3):295-302) KEY WORDS:Schizophrenia Social cognition The cartoon task. 서 - 론 295

- - 방법 연구대상 296

Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the schizophrenic patients and the normal controls Variables Schizophrenics n20 Controls n20 Mean SD Mean SD p-value Age years 027.85 04.76 025.40 2.58.052* Education years 014.65 02.21 015.45 1.70.207* IQ 103.35 11.49 114.65 9.90.002* PANSS total score 05400. 09.77 positive score negative score global score 014.40 012.95 026.65 04.08 04.11 04.37 Duration years 00600. 04.41 Onset years 021.7 05.22 p.01 연구도구및실시방법 한국판웩슬러성인용지능검사단축형 (Short-form of Korean-Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: K-WAIS) 양성및음성증상증후군척도 (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale:PANSS) 만화과제 (Cartoon task) 분석방법 - - 297

30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 Fig. 1. Group differences on scores of the cartoon task between the schizophrenic patients n20 and controls n20, ANCO- VA, p.05. Score RT s 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 28.25 11.3 Cartoon Task* 만화과제의수행비교 결 25.5 18.63 Cartoon Task* 과 Controls n20 Schizophrenics n20 Controls n20 Schizophrenics n20 Fig. 2. Group differences on RT of the Cartoon Task between the schizophrenic patients n20 and controls n20, ANOVA, p.001, RTreaction time. 반응유형분석 정신분열병증상과과제수행의상관 고찰 298


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