* MRI Murray Bowen., Miles Huberman.,,,,,,,.,,,,,., MRI Murray Bowen.. * 2009. (Corresponding Author): / Tel: 02-820-0506 / E-mail: ssp60@hanmail.net
(conversion disorder),, (,,, 2000;,, 1996;, 2002; Kozlowska, Scher, & Williams, 2011; Uijen & Bischoff, 2011). (,, 1996;,, 2001;, 2004; Ruddy & House, 2005),,.. (2004), Bowen. (2008), Bowen. (2012), MRI Murray Bowen,. MRI Bowen (,,, 2010;,, 2011). (Tickle & Crockford, 2011; Wald, Taylor, & Scamvougeras, 2004) (Wald, Taylor, & Scamvougeras, 2004) (, 2004) (,,, 2000;,, 1996;, 2002;,,, 1991;,,, 1997;, 2007;,, 2001;,,, 1987;, 1991;, 1982; 2011;, 2002;,,, 2003; Ford & Folks, 1985; Hurwitz, 2004; Roffman & Stern, 2006; Uijen &, Bischoff, 2011; Voon et al., 2010; Vuilleumier, 2005),...,
. ( ), (Ford & Folks, 1985). (APA) 4 (DSM- -TR),. (somatoform disorders),,,,, (APA, 2000).,,, (, 1982), (, 2007; Owens & Dein, 2006; Voon et al., 2010; Vuilleumier, 2005)., (,,, 2003).,,,,,,,,,,,,, (, 2002).,, (1987),,. (Roffman & Stern, 2006)., (,,, 1991; Hurwitz, 2004).. 1 2 (,, 1996). 5 15% (, 1995),,,, (, 1982). (1981) 10 20%,,,
.,, (1987), 56%,.,, (1997).,.,,., (Roelofs et al., 2002), (Sobot et al., 2012). (Binzer & Eisemann, 1998)., (Pehlivantürk & Unal, 2002). (Roelofs et al., 2005).,, (,,, 1997).,,,,. (,, 1996;,, 2001). (1996), (37 ), ( ). 2. ( ).. 15 ( ).
,, (, 2002).,,,,, (,, 2001),,, (, 2002). (Ruddy & House, 2005).,, (,,, 1991)..,, (, 2004). (2004), 4..,. 1 1..,,,. (, 2004). (2011), 33 DSM- -TR, (, ),,,,. (2011)., 1 1.
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. (Weakland et al., 1974). Murray Bowen Murray Bowen (Bowen, 1978).. Bowen,.. Bowen (, 2011). Bowen,.,,, (Kerr & Bowen, 2005). 3.,.,,.....,,.., OO.
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. 3,,.. 4. 5, 6, 7,. 8, 11. 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 2 3.,.,?,?, MRI Murray Bowen?. 2, 1. 1 ( ), 18, ( ) ( ), ( ).,,. (constant comparative analysis) (open coding),.., (Miles & Huberman, 1994). (triangulation) (Patton, 2002),
...,.,., (Miles & Huberman, 1994).. MRI Murray Bowen.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,. T:? H: 42. T:? (1 - ) T:? H:. (1 - ) T:? H: 1. (1 - ) T:. H:. T:,? (1 - ) T:? H:. (1 - ) T:? H:.... (1 - )
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, 12.,,,.. Murray Bowen,. (Kerr & Bowen, 2005), 13,,. 14,.,. MRI Murray Bowen,,,,,,,,,. MRI Murray Bowen. 2, 2.
. OO,,.,,,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,. MRI Murray Bowen. Murray Bowen,...,..,.,, (, ) (Kerr & Bowen, 2005 ).,,,. MRI.
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Effectiveness Analysis of Family Counseling for a Wife with Conversion Disorder Soongsil University This study investigated the effectiveness of family counseling for a wife with conversion disorder. The therapist used MRI model and Murray Bowen's family systems theory to treat a wife with conversion disorder. This study used constant comparative analysis with open coding and matrix and network display developed by Miles and Huberman to show the results of the study. The findings of the study were as follows. First, the therapist utilized probing, promoting the client's statement, doing an examination, doing a treatment, planning counseling, and giving hope as therapeutic process. Second, the effectiveness of counseling included change of symptoms, cognitive change, behavioral change, change of communication method, and intention of the reunion between husband and wife. Third, the findings of the study showed that the counseling, which applied MRI model and Murray Bowen's family systems theory for a wife with conversion disorder, was effective. Therefore, the findings of the study revealed that the family systematic intervention and functional communication method were important to treat a wife with conversion disorder. Key words : conversion disorder, family therapy, counseling