특수교육논총 *. 257..,,,,..,..,, 76.7%.,,,.,,.. * 1. ** (eun67@dankook.ac.kr)
.,,,,,,,,,, (,, 2014)., (,, 2007)....,,,, (,, 2014).. (2003)...,,, (Baron-Cohen, O Riordan, Stone, Jone, & Plaisted, 1999; Hobson, 2005).,, (,, 2008; Alice & Norah, 2010; Amado, Stancliffe, McCarron, & McCallion, 2013; Keith, Bennetto, & Rogge, 2015; Martinez, 2011).,, (Simplican, Leader, Kosciulek, Leahy, 2015).,.
, (,, 2014;,,, 2014).,., 2 2,,,,,,,. 28,,., 2,.,,,,.. (,, 2012; 2013)..,. (2014),,.,,.. (semantic differential technique) Osgood, Suci, Tannenbaum(1957).,, (semantic space),,.
(, 1996).,,,,,., (,, 2009;, 2000;, 2006;, 1999;, 2010;, 1999)...,?,?. 257 (,, ). < 1>.. (, 2008;, 2012;, 2001).,,,,,,,,
(n) (%) 124 48.2 69 26.8 64 24.9 1 72 28.0 1 ~3 68 26.5 4 ~6 58 22.6 7~10 25 9.7 10 34 13.2 203 79.0 54 21.0 46 17.9 211 82.1 174 67.7 83 32.3 149 58.0 108 42.0 203 79.0 54 21.0 257 100.0. (2000) (2006). (Osgood) 50,.,, (, 2010).,, < 2>. (2006) (2000) 40,
20 21 22 23 31 35 36 37 1 2 3 4 5 24 25 26 32 33 34 38 7 8 9 10 28 29 16 17 18 19 30 8 5 7 6 4 2 38. 5,
. 5 1. < 2> (, 2006), Cronbach s alpha α,.72,.63,.85,.73,.53. 1) (2008), (2001), (2012).,. 15,,,,,,,,,.,. 2) 4,,,.. 3) 2015 9 12 10 26 45 300. 276 (92%) 19 257.,
,,,.. 1 5., 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2.5 2.5, 2.5. SPSS version 18..,,,, t-test. (one-way ANOVA), scheffe.,, χ 2.., < 3>,,., < 4> (F=2.669, p<.05)..
(n=124) (n=69) (n=64) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) 3.08(0.51) 3.02(0.51) 3.16(0.56) 1.09 3.51(0.58) 3.48(0.60) 3.61(0.64).76 3.63(0.62) 3.62(0.66) 3.73(0.74).66 3.62(0.55) 3.68(0.63) 3.33(0.58).25 3.33(0.63) 3.35(0.68) 3.44(0.63).58 3.42(0.43) 3.41(0.46) 3.50(0.50).80 F 1 1~3 4~6 7~10 10 (n =72) (n =68) (n =58) (n =25) (n =34) F M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) 3.03(0.50) 3.14(0.56) 3.05(0.53) 3.13(0.47) 3.10(0.54).50 3.47(0.56) 3.53(0.63) 3.41(0.55) 3.61(0.60) 3.80(0.66) 2.67* 3.65(0.57) 3.64(0.66) 3.56(0.71) 3.73(0.62) 3.77(0.78).64 3.70(0.56) 3.62(0.59) 3.58(0.56) 3.63(0.61) 3.66(0.62).38 3.50(0.61) 3.33(0.64) 3.32(0.68) 3.31(0.70) 3.26(0.58) 1.20 3.44(0.41) 3.44(0.48) 3.37(0.47) 3.47(0.44) 3.51(0.51).54 *p<.05., < 5>., < 5> (t=-2.26, p<.05)...
(n=203) (n=54) t (n=46) (n=211) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) 3.09(0.54) 3.07(0.45).16 2.99(0.53) 3.10(0.52) -1.26 3.56(0.61) 3.40(0.54) 1.74 3.47(0.59) 3.54(0.60) -.69 3.66(0.66) 3.62(0.66).43 3.51(0.61) 3.68(0.67) -1.64 3.66(0.58) 3.56(0.54) 1.16 3.47(0.61) 3.68(0.56) -2.26* 3.37(0.65) 3.33(0.62).45 3.34(0.50) 3.37(0.67) -.30 3.45(0.47) 3.39(0.40).95 3.33(0.42) 3.46(0.46) -1.70 *p<.05 t, < 6> (t=3.03, p<.01), (t=1.98, p<.05), (t=4.06, p<.001), (t=2.67, p<.05).. (n=174) (n=83) t (n=149) (n=108) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) M(SD) 3.13(0.50) 2.99(0.57) 1.98* 3.12(0.47) 3.03(0.59) 1.29 3.63(0.59) 3.32(0.57) 4.06*** 3.64(0.62) 3.38(0.55) 3.56*** 3.72(0.68) 3.50(0.59) 2.68* 3.70(0.70) 3.58(0.60) 1.48 3.68(0.60) 3.55(0.50) 1.65 3.69(0.58) 3.57(0.56) 1.74 3.40(0.61) 3.28(0.69) 1.45 3.33(0.61) 3.41(0.67) -.93 3.50(0.47) 3.31(0.42) 3.03** 3.49(0.46) 3.37(0.45) 1.92 *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 t, < 6>, (t=3.56, p<.001)
.., < 7> (t=2.16, p<.05), (t=3.23, p<.01), (t=3.05, p<.001).. (n=203) M(SD) (n=54) M(SD) t 3.14(0.51) 2.88(0.55) 3.23** 3.59(0.61) 3.31(0.51) 3.05** 3.67(0.68) 3.57(0.58) 1.06 3.65(0.59) 3.60(0.50).63 3.34(0.65) 3.46(0.59) -1.28 3.47(0.47) 3.33(0.38) 2.16* *p<.05, **p<.01 < 8>,, 65.4%,,,,,,,,,. < 9>, 1,,,. 2,,,,,. 3,,,. < 9>, 1,,,. 2,,,. 3,.
( %) 19(7.4) 33(12.8) 157(61.1) 88(34.2) 168(65.4) 167(65.0) 69(26.8) 75(29.2) 22(8.6) 147(57.2) 945(367.7) 257 945 367.7%. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1(0.4) 5(1.9) - 30(11.7) 10(3.9) 14(5.4) 6(2.3) 6(2.3) 10(3.9) 20(7.8) 26(10.1) 6(2.3) 17(6.6) 21(8.2) 39(15.2) 18(7.0) 41(16.0) 45(17.5) 5(1.9) 10(3.9) 13(5.1) 7(2.7) 15(5.8) 12(4.7), 144(56.0) 18(7.0) 14(5.4) 5(1.9) 12(4.7) 13(5.1) 8(3.1) 29(11.3) 23(8.9) 102(39.7) 31(12.1) 20(7.8) 5(1.9) 42(16.3) 17(6.6) 5(1.9) 16(6.2) 16(6.2) 8(3.1) 22(8.6) 29(11.3) 1(0.4) 3(1.2) 8(3.1) 2(0.8) 3(1.2) 2(0.8) 2(0.8) 4(1.6) 5(1.9) 12(4.7) 36(14.0) 30(11.7) 15(5.8) 26(10.1) 30(11.7) 5(1.9) 3(1.2) 3(1.2) 7(2.7) 2(0.8) 39(1.2) 44(17.1) 62(24.1) 77(30.0) 45(17.5) 71(27.6) 85(33.1)
, 197 (76.7%) 60 (23.3%)., 28 (46.7%), (11, 18.3%), (11, 18.3%), (6, 10.0%), χ 2 96(77.4) 28(22.6) 124(100.0) 48(69.6) 21(30.4) 69(100.0) 53(82.8) 11(17.2) 64(100.0) 1 50(69.4) 22(30.6) 72(100.0) 1~3 50(73.5) 18(26.5) 68(100.0) 4~6 47(81.0) 11(19.0) 64(100.0) 7~10 22(88.0) 3(12.0) 25(100.0) 10 28(82.4) 6(17.5) 34(100.0) 154(75.9) 49(24.1) 203(100.0) 43(79.6) 11(20.4) 54(100.0) 30(65.2) 16(34.8) 46(100.0) 167(79.1) 44(20.9) 211(100.0) 143(82.2) 31(17.8) 174(100.0) 54(65.1) 29(34.9) 83(100.0) 130(87.2) 19(12.8) 149(100.0) 67(62.0) 41(38.0) 108(100.0) 163(80.3) 40(19.7) 203(100.0) 34(63.0) 20(37.0) 54(100.0) 3.33 5.50.34 4.10 9.21** 22.24*** 7.16* 197(76.7) 60(23.3) 257(100.0) *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001
(2, 3.3%), (1, 1.7%). (1, 1.7%)., < 10> (χ 2 =3.33, p=.189), (χ 2 =5.5, p=.24), (χ 2 =.34, p=.35), (χ 2 =4.1, p=.054)., < 10> (χ 2 =9.21, p=.004).., < 10> (χ 2 =22.24, p=.000).., < 10> (χ 2 =7.16, p=.011).....,,,.. (, 2008).
(Gagne, 1998)..,. (2008)..,,..,.. (2008),.,..., 76.7%. 23.3%.,. (,, 2012).. (, 2015),
.,,,,.,,,....,,,.,,.,, (,, 2013).,.. (,, 2009)..,.,,
.,. ((Lord, Cook, Leventhal, & Amaral, 2000; VanMeter, Fein, Morris, Waterhouse, Allen, 1997).,, (, 2015)..,.,.,,,,.,.,,,.., 5.., (Osgood) 1957 (1964).
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A Study on the Attitude and the Intention of Psychotherapists toward the Counseling for Children with Special Needs The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude and the intention of psychotherapists on the counseling for children with special needs. Two hundred and fifty-seven psychotherapists participated in this study. For the research purpose, the survey questionnaires based on related literature and the semantic differential scales were used. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, case percentage, t-test, F-test, and χ 2 test. The results of this study were as follows. First, on the attitude of psychotherapists on the counseling for children with special needs, there were not significant differences according to the special fields, work experiences, and religion. But there were significant differences according to the family member with special needs, the taking courses and in-service training related the counseling for children with special needs, and the experience worked in the institution implementing the counseling for children with special needs. Psychotherapists who have a family member with special needs in family or relatives showed more positive attitude on the counseling for children with special needs. Second, on the intention of psychotherapists on the counseling for children with special needs, 76.7% of the subjects showed the intention on the counseling for children with special needs. There were not significant differences according to the special fields, work experiences, religion, and the family member with special needs. There were significant differences according to the taking courses and in-service training related the counseling for children with special needs, and the experience worked in the institution implementing the counseling for children with special needs. Psychotherapists participated in the study showed comparatively positive attitude and intention on the counseling for children with special needs. Key words semantic differential technique, couseling for children with special needs, psychotherapist * () (eun67@dankook.ac.kr) 2016. 08. 06 2016. 08. 23 2016. 08. 24