,,,,,,,,,,., (genomics) (OECD, 2000)., (, 2000).,. 20. (traditional bioindustry), (modern bioindustry), (genome- based bioindustry) (< 1> ). < 1> 20,,

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1030 ¿©¼º»ý¸í12³â»ç ¼öÁ¤

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1. 6 26. 1990 (Human Genome Project: HGP) 35., 21. (Jeremy Rifkin) < > 1990 (Rifkin, 1998).. 21.... 2, 3, 4. 2. 1) (bioindustry) (biotechnology). OECD(1982).

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. (post- genome),,,,,..,. (, 1992),,,,, 6 (techno- economic paradigm) (< 2> ). (key factor ), (motive branches), (carrier branches),,,, (induced branches). < 2> 1 1770/ 80 1830/ 40 2 1830/ 40 1880/ 90 3 1880/ 90 1930/ 40, 2 4 1930/ 40 1970/ 80 5 1970/ 80 2010/ 20, 6 2010/ 20?., 6 (socio- institutional framework)., (promotion) (regulation)., (windows of opportunity) (Perez and Soete, 1988).,.,.

2),,.,., 1g 5 60%, 256K D 1g 360 30%. G- CSF (granulocyte- colony stimulating factor ) 1g 54, EPO(erythropoietin) 1g 67.,. 1990 97 32%, (< 3> ). DRI(Decision Resources Incorporation), 1995 2005 22.1%, (9.4%), (9.1%), (6.9%), (3.5%), (1.4%). < 3> : 1997 2000 2003 2008 313 540 740 1,250 1,470 1,480 2,125 3,701 7,070 9,210 12,340 21,320 : Ernst & Young(1998); Dataquest; KISDI,.,,,,,,,,,.,,, (bioinformatics).,.

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2. 1990 (Monsanto), (Novatis), (Calgene), 2., 1997,., (Living Modified Organism, LMO). LMO 64%, 1/ 3, 1/ 2 LMO. LMO LMO LMO, 1998 9 LMO 19 2001 4.,,., (hydrocarbon) (carbohydrate).... DNA,, Lab. DNA DNA 1 0.,. 2) 1990.

1990,, 21 3. 1988 (Biotechnology Coordination and Competitiveness Act) 1992 95 21 (Biotechnology for the 21st Century). 21 13 1992 1993 1995.. 21,,,,,, (Office of T echnology Assessment, 1995).,. (NIH),., 114 (Biotechnology Center).,,., EU. 1980 BEP(Biomolecular Engineering Program), BAP(Biotechnology Action Program), BRIDGE(Biotechnology Research for Innovation, Development and Growth in Europe), EUREKA (European Research Coordination Agency) 20%.,,. 1995 Biotechnology Means Business, 2000 (Genome Valley). 1996 2,560 Ecu

3 Bio Regio. 1991 96 Bio- Avenir,. 2.,,. 1990. 1997, 1999 (Helix)., 1999,,,, 5,,. 2010 1,175 1 25 1,000.,,,,,,, (, 2000b).,,. 1999 (Genome Canada) 2005 4., 3 (Genome Canada T ask Force, 1999). 2000,,,, 16% 2 5.,

,,,,, 6 (Commonwealth of Australia, 2000).. (Convention on Biological Diversity) 1992 6 UN (UNCED) 1993. (sovereign right). (Biosafety Protocol) (Bio- Pollution) (Bio- Hazard) 2000 1,. (Bio Property Right). (Biological Ethics) (1990 ), (1990 ),,, ( 1994 )., 1997 2,. 4. 1) 1990 20 30%. 1998 3 6 (5,085 ) 1.1%, 2.7%, 1997,,, 0.1 0.3% (< 5> )., 1993 97 30.4%(1,683 4,246 ), 16.2%(299 541 ), 1997 2003 32%, 2004 13 20% 2003 3.4%, 2008 5.0% (< 6> ).

< 5> (1997 ) (%) ( ) 92,138 180 0.20 ( ) 2,697,568 3,300 0.12 ( ) 4,348,950 5,879 0.14 ( ) 1,361.6 3.2 0.24 : ; < 6> :, % 1997 2000 2003 2008 2013 1997 2003 2004 2013 4,700 11,000 25,000 63,000 150,000 32 20 2,500 7,000 16,000 42,000 100,000 36 20 6,000 14,000 32,000 84,000 200,000 32 20 1,200 4,000 9,000 21,000 50,000 40 19 7,200 18,000 41,000 105,000 250,000 34 20 : (1999).,,,.,., 1999 1,608 0.8%, 5.5%, 10% (< 7> ). < 7> : 772 186 268 133 28 28 35 1,450 1999 22-12 84 19 18 3 158 794 186 280 217 47 46 38 1,608 1,007 290 313 143 30 31 40 1,854 2000 21-29 195 19 19 3 286 1,028 290 342 338 49 50 43 2,140

: (2000)., 60 70%, (< 8> ). < 8> ( ) (%) 3.3 2.3 4.4 65.7 3.3 2.3 5.9 67.2 2.8 2.0 4.5 69.0 2.9 1.9 4.5 63.9 3.5 2.4 6.9 62.9 :,,,, 1 5 : (1999).,. 1999 4,934 2,368 50, 453 80, 1., 9 1,608 ( 450 ),.. 1983 1994 (Biotech 2000),.,.,. LMO. 2),,

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.,..,,,,,. ( ). 5...,,..,,,,.,,,,..,..

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T rends and P er spectiv es ),.. 1996 OECD S T I R ev iew No.19 (Special Issue on Biotechnology )..,...,,.,...,,. (T h e Biotech Century )" Jeremy Rifkin,..,.,... (ex traction in du stry )...,,. Bill Gat es.,. (if) (h ow ). Bill Gates Leroy H ood Darw in M olecular.,..,,., (super anim al),

.,. (2) (gen om e) (genom e ),,,,,.. (genom e ) (gen e) (chrom osom e). DNA. (g en om e),. (genom e ). - ics g enom ics..,,,.,,,.,,, (paradigm shift ).,,.,. (critical m as s )., 10 1 10 1.,.. (research m at erials ).,.

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772 186 268 133 28 28 35 1,450 22-12 84 19 18 3 158 794 186 280 217 47 46 38 1,608 :, 2000 (2) (2000), 2002 50%.. 33%.,. < 3> 2000 881 673, 208 3). g en om ics 17, ( ) 28., 4). 1998 99 (IP C C12N ), ( ),,. 1,474 ( 11.8% ), 741 ( 6.0% ), 240 ( 1.9% ) ( 1 6 8 ),., 1 667, 179, 85. 5) 3). 3,141 6,598. KORDIC DB ( ) 1.329. 4). 5) 29 2.

< 3> (2000 7 ) (structural biology) ) (genetics) (structure and function of macromolecules) - 88 88 (anabolism) - 12 12 (catabolism) - 9 9 (enzyme) 2 101 103 (action mechanism of bioactive substance) 5 111 116 (g enomics ) 1 16 17, (replication, transcription and translation) (gene expression and regulation) 1 23 24 8 208 216 (recombinant DNA) 2 72 74 3 11 14 22 651 673 (molecular genetics) 8 118 126 (developmental genetics) 1 22 23 (cytogenetics) 1 33 34 (populational genetics) 1 20 21 1 3 4 12 196 208 34 854 881 : 1.. : KORDIC, DB (3), 3.6%, 13.2%. < 4>,,., 14 43. 35. (pool) 1. < 4>

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,,,. < 2> (1986 2000), 9) 1992 1996 100 12,000, 2,000 (< 3> ). < 3> : Office of T echnology Policy, (1998) < 4> 1975 1998 ( 9) (technology strength) quality-weighted indicator.

). 5 14., serum album in, protein C, F GF, antisen se 10., F DA. urokin ase,, EP O, CSF, T PA F DA 1 4... < 4> it em ( ) ---------------- apoptosis(4 ) ---------------------------- humanized(6 ) ------------------- chimeric(5 ) ---------------------------- TGF(6 ) FGF( ) antisense( ) angiogenesis( ) ---------------------------------------------------- AAV(12 ) protein C( ) ----------------------- SOD(5 ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- repressor(14 ) inhibitor( ) ----------------------- --- TPA(6 ) ------------------------ ---------------------- lympokine(5 ) serum albumin( ) --------------------------------------------------- --- CSF(10 ) ---------------------------------------- ----------------------- EPO(13 ) -------------------------------------------------------------- urokinase(12 ) ------------------------- ------------ interferon(5 ) ----------------------------------------- -- growth hormone(9 ) ------------------------------------ insulin(7 ) 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 : :, :, : FDA :. ( ) : : (2000), p.50.

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< 5> 1999 12,,,, 5 2000 7,,,, 16% 2 5 (A UD ) 1999 (MRC) Gen om e Canada, 3 3 2005 4 (CAD ) 2000 (DT I) Genom e V alley, 11)..,.,....,,... 11) 1999 Max - Plank 10,,,,.

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2. 1) (Basisw issen schaft ) 1). (scientific rev olution ) ( ). (clockw ork ),....,,.. 2).,, (hierarchy ).,. (F. J. Ay ala ),,. (ontological reductionism ) (entity ). (m eth odological reductionism ). (epist em ological redu ctionism ).. HGP.,.. ( ). 2) 1). (phy sicalism),. (Carnap), (Neurath).,,,,,. 2)

(Vicedo, 1992)..,. (fundamental), (essence)..,. (Sarkar ).. 1) (fundamentalism ) 2) (abstract hierarchy ) 3) (spatial hierarchy ). 3. 3), (weak reduction ) 1). (phenotype)., 1) 2).. ( )., (strong reduction ) 1), 2), 3).. (Sarkar, 1998). 1) 2) 3) (approximate strong reduction ) (strong reduction ). (geneticism, Sarkar ),....,.. (molecularization), HGP. (level),. 3) weak reduction, approximate abstract hierarichical reduction, abstract hierarichical reduction, approximate strong reduction, strong reduction,.

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1).... 6 15 6 30, 59. 1. 2000 6 30 215 138. 7,110 2% 30%. < 1> 1997 1998 1999 2000 6 (A ) 1,468 2,042 4,934 7,110 (%) 39 142 44 (B) 41 65 118 138 (%) 58 81 17 (%, B/ A ) 3 3 2 2 : 1996. 1999 70 2000 42 1) ( )

. < 1> : 2000 6 2. 30% 19%, 14%, 11%. 9%, 3% 18%, 11%, 11%. < 2> 3. 70% 60%..

38% 1999 62 81%. 1999. < 3> 4., 30%,. < 4>

..(< 3> ) 1. < 4> 50% 10%... < 5> 2. 1999 1.17 2000 2.33 18.5 10%.(< 6> )

< 6> 99 2000 > ( : %, ) 3.. (CE O) (CT O)..(< 7> ).,,. < 7> ( : % )

4.. M&A Buy - Back,. 2 3 5.. 1. 80%. 30 40 10.. < 2> 39 77% 49% 61% 40.9 98%, 66% ( ( ) 10 65% 73%) 94% 2. 1999 71% 2 8 13 6. < 8>

1 % 1 % 3 7 % 1 2 % 2 0 % 1 2 % 3 5 % 3 0 % 7 % 4 4 % 5 15.4 184%. 1 2. < 9> 3. 1999 4 9 1999 47 5%. 1999-830% 2000 9%

. < 10> 99 50%, 2000 40%,,. 1999 151%. 2000 136% 71%. < 3> R&D (99) (97) (97) 99 151-830 50 2000 136 9 184 40 71.2 4.0 25.3 33.6-2.0 0.6-2.3 0.3 2.0-2.9 8.7 2.1 4.. 48% 1 6. 47% 3 9 5. < 11>

10 80% 21.. < 12> (premium ) 1.. 1.,,.

. < 13> ( : % ) 2.. 3 5. 5. < 14>

. < 15> < 16> o 2%. 2000 6 1,500 150...

1. o 65% 1999.. o 10. 6 50%. o 1 2 10.. o,. < 5> KAIST 4 17 26 10 10 20 5 5 4 10 < >,, o

. o.... o Exit. Exit. Exit Licen sing Out M &A.

: Genom e Can ada 1 ) I. Genom e Can ada.. 1997 (M edical Research Coun cil of Canada ) Genom e T ask F orce. 1998 6 Genom e Canada 5 2 5. 1998 9 (Nation al Research Council of Can ada ), (N atural S cien ce and En gineering Research Council) (S ocial S cience and Hum anities Research Coun cil) Genom e Canada., Can adian Biotechn ology Strat egy T ask F orce, A griculture an d A gri- F ood Can ada, H ealth Can ada, Environm ent Can ada, an d the Canadian F orest S erv ice, 1999 Genom e Can ada T a sk F orce,, Gen om e Can ada. 1999 5 Gen om e Can ada M artin Godbout Gen om e Can ada ` Genom e Canada 1999 11 Genom e Canada.. II. Genom e Can ada 1) 1) Genome Canada Genome Canada: Blueprint and Principles, November 1998, Summary of Activities(1997-1999), November 1999, Genome Canada: Business Plan, November 1999. Business Plan. Genome Canada, w ww.genomecanada.ca. - 1 -

,,,, GELS (Genomics Ethical, Environmental, Legal & Societal Issues),,. 2) R&D :,,,, (business cluster ),,,.,,, :, functional genomics, genotyping, proteomics, bioinformatics, genome mapping and sequencing,.. :,,,. III. 1) (Genomics )., (bioinformatics). Genomics. Genomics - 2 -

25%. Geonomcis,,,. 2),,, ( Canada Foundation for Innovation,CFI).. BRCA2 high throughput sequencing capability Myriad.,. 5... GDP R&D. R&D. (40%) (30%)..,,,... - 3 -

(Canadian Institutes for Health Research). (National Research Councils) (Canadian Foundation of Innovation ). 1999 1,,, Genome Canada. IV. Genome Canada 1) Genome Canada. 6 (Headquater ). Genome Canada Genome Canada,,. Genome Canada. (Science and Industry Advisory Committee, SIAC),,,..,,,, genotyping, sequencing, proteomics, bioinformatics, functional genomics, technology development. bioinformatics.....,.. - 4 -

Gen om e Can ada Board of Director N ation al Str ateg y & GE L S, Pu blic Ou treach Science & Indu stry Advisory Committee President & CEO Genome Canada National Staff Proteom ics Sequen cin g Cen t er T echn olog y Dev elopm ent Bioin form atics Genoty pin g Funtion al Genomics < > Genome Canada 2) Genome Canada 1, 9. 20%, 3 5% GELS, 2.5%,. 2 100 200. Genome Canada. 3.,, 3. (2 ),,. Genome Canada.,,,. Genome Canada. Genome Canada. 10 (CDN), 1 3 (CDN ), 20, 1 3, 500 1000, 5000, 5 Genomics. - 5 -

V. Genome Canada 1).,..,,,,.,,..,,.,,. 2),,.. 3) Genome Canada. Genome Canada.,,....... 4). - 6 -

.. Genome Canada Genome Canada. Genome Canada 5 9 5. 5),,,,..,,,.,, 2.. 8 10. Genome Canada.,, GELS. 6) Genome Canada.. Genome Canada. Genome Canada,.. VI. Genome Canada 1) 6. 1. Genome Canada,,. - 7 -

2) 1 :. 1 3. Genome Canada. GELS. 2. 2 :.. 3 :. Genome Canada, GELS,. 4 : 2. Genome Canada. 5 :,,. Genome Canada. VII. 1) MIT Whitehead, 2,. 20%, 40%, 40%. 3, 3, Genome Canada( ) 1. 2) Genome Canada.., 2 750. 2 5. 5.,,, 3 8 6 2. 8

< 1> Genome Canda ( : ) 7.5 25.0 5.0 62.5 100.0. 5,. 3 4 1..,, 3 7 2 7 5 2 5 ( 3 1 2 5 2 1 2 5 ). < 2> Genome Canada 5 ( : ) large Center1 large Center2 large Center3 small Center1 small Center2 small Genome Center3 Canada 1 10 10 0 5 0 0 5 30 2 20 20 10 10 5 0 5 70 3 20 20 20 10 10 5 10 95 4 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 100 5 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 100 9

(STEPI, ) TSER 1) 6,.,,,,, 6,., ( 3, 4, 2, 4, 3 ). 1. 1980 (molecular biology) (biomedicine),..,,,,., ( ).,, ( ) ( ).,., 2), 1) "Public Sector Research in Europe : Comp arative Case Stu dies on the Organization of Human Genetics Research " synthesis rep ort for TSER project 'European Comparison of Public Research System s', Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies, 1999. 2) 4 1980.,. - 1 -

. (pool),. (,,, ),..,,,.,,.,,,.. 6 4 ( 1). 1., (Large, developed countries;, ) :,..., (Large, less develop ed countries; ) :.,,,., (bottom-up)., (Small, developed countries;, ) :. R&D - 2 -

(niches of excellence)'., (Sm all, less develop ed countries; ) :,., (critical m ass). 90 ( EU Fram ew ork Programme) 3). < EU fram ew ork program m e > EU.,., EU., EU 2, German Research Society, EU., (, ) (, ) (, ).,.,.., 1980,, EU.., 3) 97 65-3 -

... 1970 1990 (BMBF)., 1986 genetic screening. 2. (Mode 2). Mode 2 '. - Mode 1.,,....,,,,,,,, ( ). ( ), (,, ), (,,,, )..,.. - 4 -

.,.. -., (,, ).,, (,, ). (, ).. 1950 60 (science-pu sh)',,. ; (1) (2) 1980-90, 21 (3) thirty-part-fund.,,. ( FIS).,. 1980 90.,. - 5 -

3.., (tenure-track p osition),,.,....,., (,,, ),. ( )., core funding. 3 5 (, third-party -fund ), (,, ).,.,. core funding (staff) ( ) (,, )... - 6 -

third-party-fund., block fund,. 1/ 3 1/ 2 core fund,.,,,. core fund.,,,. (,,, ). core fund (, ).,. (FIS, Sp anish Medical Research Fu nd)., (,, ).,,..., (science-based funding).,,,, (all-around agency; Germ an Research Association ) (mission-oriented) ( : British Medical Research Council).,.. N orw ay Research Council (mission-oriented council),. (p olitical funding),.., - 7 -

,,,,. (project-grant agencies)'. 6 5 FIS.. DFG (Germ an Research Association),.,.., (,,, ). - (them atic orientation)., core funding -,. (foundation) (charity)..,.... (p eriod of afflu ence) (steady state).,,. (chair-based) ( ). - 8 -

. 70 core funding, 80. (perm anent staff) core funding.. third-p arty- funds.,, R&D 4 3 block funding.,,. 1980 90 (du al fund system). (HEFC, Higher Education funding Councils) 4). core funding,. Medical Research Council(MRC). MRC.. core funding ( ) (, ),. core funding. (non-tenured),..,. 4) Research Assessment Exercises(RAE) 5. 7 3 core funding. - 9 -

.,.,. 5 2 3.,,.. 4.. 4 ( ) 50 (,, ), 10 20, (director), 1 ( ), 10, 1 2. ( ).., (, )..,.. (,, ) (,, ).,,. (tenure) (, ) (, ),.. - 10 -

,,., (charity university model).. : (flexibility) (resp onsibility),. ( ). (niche strategy) (diversification)., (,, ).,., (, ).., piggy-back,.. :,. (, ).,,,... - 11 -

( ) 1. 1).,. 10 10, 270 1 4,000, 200 ( 2 5,000 ).,.,,,.. 2000 1 2).,. 1). 1998 1,300, 15 3,000. 1998 134, 1 17%., 100 (1998 ). (NIH ), (NSF ),.,.. 2) ( ).

5 15 20,. 2. 2.1. DNA monoclonal antibody production, DNA,.,,,,,. Genomics Bioinformatics,. 3 14 3). 2.2. 1989 1998 10 (, ) 13 7,000, 3 4,400 25%. 1990. 270 1 4,000, Consultant 460, 4. 2 30%, 1999 (< 1> ). 10 (40% ), 3).

4,000 3,. 3 (< 1> ). < 1> (1999 ) < 1> (1999 10 8 ) (1999 10 8 ) (1998/ 9) (1998/ 9) (1998/ 9) (1998/ 9) Celltech 208 21.5 24.5-3.1 701.3 463.5 Chiroscience 330 29.2 58.7-17.2 Pow derject Pharmaceuticals 564.3 761.5 87 7.3 9.0-4.7 SkyePharma 252.3 52.5 279 5.7 27.3-22.0 British Biotech 216.3 32.5 376 35.4 47.9-39.8 Biocompatibles 217.0 177.5 486 14.9 49.1-43.7 Oxford Asymmetry 146.6 355.0 187 0.9 29.7 1.4 Oxford Glycosciences 131.0 352.5 117 13.2 16.1-8.7 Vanguard Medica 73.6 222.5 60 21.0 24.3-16.0 Cantab Pharmaceuticals 62.3 141.5 127 12.1 13.8-7.2 Cambridge Antibody 50.3 199.0 123 9.1 11.3-7.0 PPL T herapeutics 40.9 82.5 209 13.5 15.8-14.2 Oxford Molecular 32.6 37.5 254 6.6 18.9 1.7 Peptide T herapeutics 30.5 39.0 88 8.1 9.4-7.5 : 1),,. 2) Celltech Chiroscience 1999 8 Celltech Chiroscience. 2.3

2.3.1.,, 70% 90%. 5%, 25%( 400 ).,. GDP 0.6% GDP 3%, 6 ( 1/ 3 ), 1998 59 24., 3, 15%, 25%. 7%( 115 ), 10%, 1/ 3 (< 2> ). < 2> (1998 ) Glax o W ellcom e 14,000 13.2 / R&D A strazeneca 15,000 12.7 / / R&D Sm ithklin e Beecham 8,300 7.7 / / R&D Pfizer 3,400 11.8 / R&D Bay er 3,000 4.8 R&D Rhone- P oulen c Rorer 2,500 5.4 (1997 ) / / R&D Roch e 2,500 8.1 / R&D Eli Lilly 1,750 8.6 / R&D Abb ott Laborat ories 1,750 7.1 / R&D A m erican Hom e Product s 1,500 8.1 / R&D N ov artis 1,400 10.0 / R&D M erck, Sharp & Dohm e 1,300 15.3 / R&D :, 10. 2.3.2 (Diagnostics)

.,., (< 3> ). 200, 3 1.5%. 250,. < 3> Radio immunoassay 1953 / Enzyme labels (ELISA ) 1972 Monoclonal antibodies 1975 Flow - through membranes 1976 T ime- resolved fluorescence 1979 Enzyme amplification 1980 Chemoluminescence 1980 Enhanced luminescence 1982 Biosensors 1970 / / / DNA fingerprinting 1984 PCR amplification 1985 Immunochromatography 1986 / DNA chip 1991 / Lab on a chip 1993 / 2.3.3,.,,. NHS(National Health Service), 1999 4 (National Institute for Clinical Excellence; NICE).

2.3.4,. 630, GDP 8.9%, 320. 190, GDP 2.6% (< 4> ). GDP, 1990. 90, 5%. 20 25 1,000,. < 4> (1997 ) GDP (1,000 ) (10 ) (%) 527 7.6 1.1 19 0.6 0.1 450 18.8 2.6 215 5.7 0.8 894 19.2 2.7 1103 11.4 1.6 2.3.5 330,, 40. 40 60, (Speciality chemicals) (Chemicals manufacturing). OECD,. 2.3.6,

.,,,,.,. (2000 20% ), 100 6,000. 3., 1999. (R&D tax credit ),. University Challenge, Science Enterprise Ch allenge, F ar aday Net w ork s, Reach Out F unds, DT I Enterprise Fun d, Enterprise Management Incentives. (DT I),. LINK, SMART, EUREKA, EC Framework Programme ( 70 ) Biotechnology Mentoring & Incubator (BMI) Biotechnology Finance Advisory Service(FAS) Manufacturing for Biotechnology Initiative, BIO- WISE

(ST EPI ) I.. 2000 1,350 279. 1999 25%.. < 1> (1998 ) < 1> 1998 1999 2000. - 1 -

1998 50.,..,, ( :,, ). 90. 1999 2000 250 ( 1250 ). 90. II.. - :,, - :,,. (BMBF ) Biotechnology 2000. BioRegio. 1. BioRegio - 2 -

.,,. 17 (integrated concept ) 3 1997 5 BMBF. BioRegio 17 3. -,, - (interdisciplinary networking),, - (,, ) - - - -, BioRegio,,,,,. 17 Munich, Rheinland, Rhein - Neckar - T riangle(baden/ Hessen/ Pfalz), 2002 BMBF Biotechnology 2000 150..., BioRegio BMBF < 2> 10 ( 5000 ) - 3 -

.,. BioRegio. < 2> R&D BioRegio,. BioRegio.. BioRegio,,,,,. < 3> BioRegio. - 4 -

< 3> BioRegio, BioFuture, BioChance, BioProfile. 2. BioFuture Post - Doc. 1998., 50 350 250. 3 (1998. 5 1999. 1 ) 800 32. 3 10%.. BMBF 5 80 ( 400 ), 60 ( 3 ). 6. - 5 -

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EU R&D I. (program ) (theme)..,.,., 1980..,,,., (public accountability ). 1980 (financial accountability ). (taxpayer )., 1990 (performance accountability ). II. EU R&D EU R&D - 1 -

Framework, ESPRIT, EUREKA. 1. F ram e w ork P rog ram m e. EU (RT D ) F ram e w ork (EU: European Union ) (RT D: research and technological development ). ( ) EU : (Framew ork ) ( ) EU - (EUREKA : European Research and Cooperation Agency ) - (COST : European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and T echnical Research) - (ESF : European Science Foundation ) ( ) EU - (ESA : European Space Agency ) - (CERN: Conseil European pour la Recherche Nucleaire) - (EMBL: European Molecular Biology Laboratory ) - (Airbus) Framew ork EU,. EU Framework, Framework (specific programmes ). Framew ork. ESPRIT EUREKA EU EU.. F ram e w ork Framew ork 1984 5. Framework < 1>. - 2 -

< 1> Framew ork ( : ECU) 1 2 3 4 5 1984-1987 1987-1991 1991-1994 1994-1998 1998-2002 37 54 66 123 149 1 4 280 ECU 400 $. 4 5 EU Framew ork. < 1 Framew ork > EU RT D, RT D. ( ) BRIT E/ EURAM (Basic Research in Industrial T echnologies for Europe / European Resear ch in A dv anced Materials ), ( ) ESPRIT (European Strategic Programme for Research in Information T echnology ), RACE (Research in Advanced Communications in Europe), ( ). EU (Reisenhuber ), Framew ork. ( ) ( ) ( ), ( ), < 2 Framew ork > 2 60% - 3 -

., 4 ( ) : RT D. < 3 Framew ork > 2 Framework 2. 50% ESPRIT.,,. < 4 Framew ork >.,, 4. EU (JRC: Joint Research Centre)., 4 Framework EU,,. 1 (,, ) - 3 Framework - :,,,,,, 2 ( 3 ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) < 5 Framew ork > Framework, 5-4 -

(thematic programmes) (structural programmes). ( ), ( ), (European added value: ).,,,,. - (living resources) - - - (ecosystem ) - - -., Framework,,,,., EU Framework,. 2 Framew ork, 2 Framework (1987-91) Framew ork 1.,,,,., Framework,,, - 5 -

., SPEAR.., (real- time). 1990 3 Framework (1990-1994),., Framework EU 1994.. EU 1994 RT D, 5 Framework. EU 5 Framework < 2> (monitoring ) 5 (5- year assessment ), 5 Framew ork.,, 5,. < 2> EU RTD Framew ork 5 4 4, RT D (real time). < 1> - 6 -

, Framework 5. < 1>. EU, CREST,. 1994, EU. ( ), ( ) EU ( ),.,., EU. - 7 -

(public accountability ). EU, 90,,. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (vision ) ( ), (partner ship), 5., ( ), ( ) EU, ( ), ( ), ( )., 5 (feedback),.,,, ( ) (relevance), ( ) (efficiency ), ( ) (Effectiveness). ( ) (relevance): ( ) (efficiency ): ( ) (effectiveness ):,, Framew ork 5 EU. - 8 -

. Framew ork. 3 4, 5 6 10 (panel),. EU Pool (DB).,,,,..,,,,.,.., 5. 5 Framework..,,,,.. 1997 5 (Davignon ).. EU EU. 5-9 -

Framework. Framework (formative evaluation ), (summative evaluation ). EU., (feedback).. EU. 2. E S P RIT. (ESPRIT : European Strategic Programme for Research in Information T echnology ), 1984 2. ESPRIT 1 Framew ork 3 Framew ork. Framew ork., 1994 4 Framew ork,,.,. 1990. 1993 12,, 1994 6 Bangemann, - 10 -

. < 3> 3 4 ESPRIT., Framework ESPRIT 1/ 3, Framework ESPRIT.. < 3> ESPRIT ( ) ( ECU) E SPRIT III 154 124 99 466 247 382 99 261 CIM 122 258 ( : 721) ( : 1,491) ESP RIT IV 79 63 113 189 218 107 58 87 74 69 51 68 43 75 64 94 4 11 EUROST AT 7 7 ( : 711) ( : 770) ) 4 F ram ew ork 1996 11 21 ) European Com m ission (1996a ). ESPRIT Framew ork Framework 5. ESPRIT 5. 1991 1994 3 Framework 4 Framew ork 1996, - 11 -

. ( ) ESPRIT ( ) 5 Framework ( ), ESPRIT 5, Framew ork.. 5 8, 1. 1996 9. EU ESPRIT 1996 Columbo ESPRIT, EU. EU,., ESPRIT 3 Framew ork 1996 Columbo, 5 Framew ork.. ESPRIT 5 ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ).,., 5 EU - 12 -

. -,, - Framew ork - - - - - - - Framew ork - - - - -. 5 (Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Information Society ). ESPRIT,. ESPRIT, - 13 -

.,,., 5 Framew ork., 5 Framework. ESPRIT RT D, RT D, (SME ). ESPRIT, ESPRIT 101 (1995),, ESPRIT (1996). EU ESPRIT. 3. EU RE K A. EUREKA (European Research and Cooperation Agency ) 1985., (Dale & Barker, 1994). EU 26, (RFP : request for proposals) (Bottom - up)., EUREKA., EUREKA EUREKA,.,, EUREKA. 1999 EUREKA < 4>. - 14 -

< 4> EUREKA ( :, Euro) Com m unication s 28 288 34 1,938 Energy T echnology 38 125 37 479 Environm ent 131 540 131 705 Inform ation T echn ology 124 6,284 126 5,539 La ser s 12 48 18 349 M edical and Biotechn ology 136 305 127 734 New M at erials 82 159 83 365 Rob otics/ Produ ction Autom ation 96 340 144 983 T ran sport ation 51 197 51 1,335. EUREKA 1995. 1995 2, 1991 (Dekker ), 1993 (Ormala ), 1995 (Airaghi). 1995 (CSE : continuous and systematic evaluation )', Directorate., 1999 (Georghiou),., 1991 (Quality ), 1993 1995. 1995,,., 1999, (portfolio), (netw ork ),.. 1995-15 -

,. Directorate,., 1995, 1997 1998 Georghiou, 1999 2000 Bobe. EUREKA 1995. 1995, 1995, 1993 1991, (forum ). 1991 (1,935 ) 874, 9 (,,,,,,, ). 1993 935 73, 1995 35. 1996 CSE, 3, (DB). DB,,.. EUREKA < 5>.. EU, (bottom - up approach ),. < 5> EUREKA - 16 -

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Geor ghiou, L. and D. Roes sner (2000). Ev aluation T echnology Pr ogr amm s: T ools and Method. in : Resear ch Policy. vol. 29. Meyer - Kr ahmer, Frider (1995). T echnology Policy Evaluation in Germ any. in: International Journal of T echnology Management. v ol,10 OECD (1997). Policy Ev aluation in Innovation and T echnology - t ow ar d Best Practices. Paris OECD (1998). T echnology. Productivity and Job Cr eation - best Policy Pr actices. Paris Orm ala, Erkki et.al. (1993). Evaluation of EUREKA : Indu strial and Economic Effect s. EUREKA Secr etariat - 19 -