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1 Catch and Tame the Cat! Vocabulary : Fax:

2 abase abash abdicate abettor abeyance abhor abjure ablution abominate aboriginal

3 abortive abrade abrogate abscond absolve abstemious abstinence abstract abstruse abusive abut

4 abysmal abyss academic accede accelerate accessible accessory acclaim acclimate acclivity accolade

5 accommodate accomplice accord accost accouter accretion accrue acerbity acetic acidulous acknowledge

6 acme acoustics acquiesce acquittal acrid acrimonious acrophobia actuarial actuate acuity acumen

7 acute adage adamant adapt addendum addiction addle address adept adhere adherent

8 adjacent adjunct adjuration adjutant admonish adorn adroit adulation adulterate advent adventitious

9 adversary adverse adversity advert advocacy advocate aegis aerie aesthetic affable affected

10 affidavit affiliation affinity affirmation affix affliction affluence affray affront agape agenda

11 agglomeration aggrandize aggregate aghast agility agitate agnostic agrarian alacrity alchemy alcove

12 alias alienate alimentary alimony allay allege allegiance allegory alleviate alliteration allocate

13 alloy alloy allude allure allusion alluvial aloft aloof altercation altruistic amalgamate

14 amass amazon ambidextrous ambience ambiguous ambivalence amble ambrosia ambulatory ameliorate amenable

15 amend amenities amiable amicable amiss amity amnesia amnesty amok(amuck) amoral amorous

16 amorphous amphibian amphitheater ample amplify amputate amulet anachronism analgesic analogous analogy

17 anarchist anarchy anathema ancestry anchor ancillary anecdote anemia anesthetic anguish angular

18 animadversion animated animosity animus annals anneal annex annihilate annotate annuity annul

19 anodyne anoint anomalous anomaly anonymity antagonism antecede antediluvian anthem anthology anthropoid

20 anthropologist anthropomorphic anticlimax antidote antipathy antiquated antiseptic antithesis anvil apathy ape

21 aperture apex aphasia aphorism apiary aplomb apocalyptic apocryphal apogee apolitical apologist

22 apostate apothecary apothegm apotheosis appall apparition appease appellation append application apposite

23 appraise appreciate apprehend apprehensive apprise approbation appropriate appurtenances apropos aptitude aquiline

24 arable arbiter arbitrary arbitrate arboretum arcade arcane archaeology archaic archetype archipelago

25 archives ardor arduous argot aria arid aristocracy armada aromatic arraign array

26 array arrears arrhythmic arrogance arroyo arsenal articulate artifact artifice artisan artless

27 ascendancy ascertain ascetic ascribe aseptic ashen asinine askance askew asperity aspersion

28 aspirant aspire assail assay assent assert assessment assiduous assimilate assuage assumption

29 assurance asteroid astigmatism astral astringent astronomical astute asunder asylum asymmetric atavism

30 atheistic atone atrocity atrophy attentive attenuate attest attribute attribute attrition atypical

31 audacious audit augment augury august aureole auroral auspicious austere authenticate authoritarian

32 authoritative autocratic automaton autonomous autopsy auxiliary avalanche avarice avenge aver averse

33 aversion avert aviary avid avocation avow avuncular awe awl awry axiom

34 azure babble badger badinage baffle bagatelle bait baleful balk ballast balm

35 balmy banal bane baneful bantering bard barefaced baroque barrage barrister barterer

36 bask bastion bate bauble bawdy beatific beatitude bedizen bedraggle beeline befuddle

37 beget begrudge beguile behemoth beholden behoove belabor belated beleaguer belie belittle

38 bellicose belligerent bemoan bemused benediction benefactor beneficent beneficial beneficiary benevolent benign

39 benison bent bequeath berate bereavement bereft berserk beseech beset besiege besmirch

40 bestial bestow betoken betray betroth bevy bicameral bicker biennial bifurcated bigotry

41 bilious bilk billowing bivouac bizarre blanch bland blandishment blare blase blasphemy

42 blatant bleak blighted blithe bloated blowhard bludgeon bluff bluff blunder blurt

43 bluster bode bogus bohemian boisterous bolster bolt bolt bombardment bombastic boon

44 boorish bouillon bountiful bourgeois bovine bowdlerize boycott brackish braggadocio braggart brandish

45 bravado brawn brazen breach breadth brevity brindled bristling brittle broach brocade

46 brochure brooch brook browbeat browse brunt brusque buccaneer bucolic buffet buffoonery

47 bugaboo bullion bulwark bungle buoyant bureaucracy burgeon burlesque burly burnish buttress

48 buxom cabal cache cacophony cadaver cadaverous cadence cajole calamity caldron caliber

49 calligraphy callous callow calorific calumniate calumny camaraderie cameo camouflage canard candor

50 canine canker canny canon cant cantankerous cantata canter canto canvass capacious

51 capacity capillary capitulate caprice capricious caption captious carafe carapace carat carcinogenic

52 cardinal cardiologist careen caricature carillon carnage carnal carnivorous carousal carping carrion

53 cartographer cascade caste castigation casualty cataclysm catalyst catapult cataract catastrophe catcall

54 categorical catharsis cathartic catholic caucus caulk causal caustic cauterize cavalcade cavalier

55 cavil cede celerity celestial celibate censor censorious censure centaur centigrade centrifugal

56 centripetal centurion cerebral cerebration ceremonious certitude cessation cession chafe chaff chaffing

57 chagrin chalice chameleon champion chaotic charisma charlatan chary chase chasm chassis

58 chaste chasten chastise chauvinist check checkered cherubic chicanery chide chimerical chisel

59 chisel chivalrous choleric choreography chortle chronic chronicle churlish ciliated cipher cipher

60 circlet circuitous circumlocution circumscribe circumspect circumvent cistern citadel cite civil clairvoyant

61 clamber clamor clandestine clangor clapper clarion claustrophobia clavicle cleave cleft clemency

62 cliche clientele climactic clime clique cloister clout cloying coagulate coalesce coalition

63 coda coddle codicil codify coercion coeval cog cogent cogitate cognate cognitive

64 cognizance cohabit cohere cohesion cohorts coiffure coin coincidence colander collaborate collage

65 collate collateral collation colloquial colloquy collusion colossal colossus comatose combustible comely

66 comestible comeuppance comity commandeer commemorative commensurate commiserate commodious communal compact compact

67 compatible compelling compendium compensatory compilation complacent complaisant complement compliance compliant complicity

68 component comport composure compound comprehensive compress compromise compunction compute concatenate concave

69 conceit concentric conception concerted concession conciliatory concise conclave conclusive concoct concomitant

70 concord concur concurrent condescend condign condiments condole condone conducive conduit confidant

71 confine confiscate conflagration confluence conformity confound congeal congenial congenital conglomeration congruence

72 conifer conjecture conjugal conjure connivance connoisseur connotation connubial consanguinity conscientious conscript

73 consecrate consensus consequential conservatory consign consistency console consonance consort consort conspiracy

74 constituent constraint construe consummate contagion contaminate contempt contend contentious context contiguous

75 continence VStudy contingent contortion contraband contravene contrite contrived controvert contumacious contusion conundrum

76 convene VStudy conventional converge conversant converse convert convex conveyance conviction convivial convoke

77 convoluted VStudy copious coquette cordial cordon cornice cornucopia corollary corporeal corpulent correlation

78 corroborate VStudy corrosive corrugated cosmic coterie countenance countermand counterpart coup couple courier

79 covenant covert covetous cow cower coy cozen crabbed crass craven. credence

80 credo credulity creed crescendo crestfallen cull culmination culpable culvert cumbersome cumulative

81 cupidity curator curmudgeon cursive cursory curtail cynical cynosure dais dally dank

82 dapper dappled daub daunt dauntless dawdle deadlock deadpan dearth debacle debase

83 debauch debilitate debonair debris debunk debutante decadence decant decapitate decelerate deciduous

84 decimate decipher declivity decollete decomposition decorum decoy decrepitude decry deducible deface

85 defamation default defeatist defection deference defile definitive deflect defoliate defray defrock

86 deft defunct degenerate degraded dehydrate deify deign delete deleterious deliberate delineate

87 delirium delta delude deluge delusion delusive delve demagogue demean demeanor demented

88 demise demographic demolition demoniac demotic demur denigrate denizen denotation denouement denounce

89 depict deplete deplore deploy depose deposition depravity deprecate depreciate depredation deranged

90 derelict deride derision derivative dermatologist derogatory descry desecrate desiccate desolate despicable

91 despise despoil despondent despotism destitute desuetude desultory detached detergent determinate deterrent

92 detonation detraction detriment detrimental deviate devious devoid devolve devotee devout dexterous

93 diabolical diadem dialectic diaphanous diatribe dichotomy dictum didactic die diffidence diffusion

94 digression dilapidated dilate dilatory dilemma dilettante diligence dilute diminution din dinghy

95 dingy dint diorama dire dirge disabuse disaffected disapprobation disarray disavowal disband

96 disburse discernible discerning disclaim disclose discombobulated discomfit disconcert disconsolate discord discordant

97 discount discourse discredit discrepancy discrete discretion discriminating discursive disdain disembark disenfranchise

98 disengage disfigure disgorge disgruntle dishearten disheveled disinclination disingenuous disinter disinterested disjointed

99 dislodge dismantle dismember dismiss disparage disparate disparity dispassionate dispatch dispel disperse

100 dispirited disport disputatious disquisition dissection dissemble disseminate dissent dissertation dissident dissimulate

101 dissipate dissolution dissonance dissuade distant distend distill distortion distrait distraught diurnal

102 diva diverge divergent divest divination divulge docile docket doddering doff doggerel

103 dogmatic dolorous dolt domicile dormant dorsal dotage doughty dour dregs droll

104 dross drudgery dubious duenna dulcet duplicity durance duress dutiful dwindle dynamic

105 dyspeptic earthy ebb ebullient eccentric eccentricity ecclesiastic eclectic eclipse ecologist economy

106 ecstasy eddy edify eerie efface effectual effervescence effete efficacy effigy effluvium

107 effrontery effusion egoism egotism egregious egress ejaculation elaboration elated elegy elicit

108 elixir ellipsis elliptical eloquence elucidate elusive elysian emaciated emanate emancipate embark

109 embed embellish embezzlement embroil embryonic emend emendation emetic eminent emissary emollient

110 emolument empirical emulate enamored enclave encomiastic encomium encompass encroachment encumber endearment

111 endemic endorse endue enduring energize enervate enfranchise engage engaging engender engross

112 enhance enigma enjoin enmity ennui enormity enrapture ensconce ensue entail enterprising

113 enthrall entice entity entomology entrance eulogy euphemism euphony euphoria euthanasia evanescent

114 evasive evenhanded evince evocative evoke ewe exacerbate exacting exalt exasperate exceptionable

115 excerpt exchequer excise exclaim excoriate exculpate execrable execrate execute exegesis exemplary

116 exemplify exempt exertion exhilarating exhort exhume exigency exiguous existential exodus exonerate

117 exorbitant exorcise exotic expansive expatiate expatriate expedient expedite expenditure expertise expiate

118 expletive explicate explicit exploit exploit expository expostulation exposure expropriate expunge expurgate

119 extant extemporaneous extenuate extirpate extol extort extradition extraneous extrapolation extricate extrinsic

120 extrovert extrude exuberance exude exult fabricate facade facet facetious facile facilitate

121 facsimile faction factious factitious factotum faculty fallacious fallible fallow falter fanaticism

122 fancied fancier fanciful fanfare farce fastidious fatalism fathom fatuous fauna fawning

123 faze feasible febrile fecundity feign feint felicitous felicity fell fell felon

124 feral ferment ferret fervent fervid fervor fester festive fete fetid fetter

125 fiasco fiat fickle fictitious fidelity figment figurative figurine filch filial filibuster

126 filigree filing finale finesse finicky finite firebrand fissure fitful flaccid flag

127 flagellate flagrant flail flair flamboyant flaunt flay fleck fledgling fleece fleece

128 flick flinch flippancy flippant flit floe flora florid flotsam flounder flourish

129 flout fluctuate fluency fluke fluster fluted flux fodder foible foil foist

130 foliage foment foolhardy foppish foray forbearance ford forebears foreboding forensic foreshadow

131 foresight forestall forgo forlorn formality formidable forsake forswear forte forthright fortitude

132 fortuitous foster founder fracas fractious frail franchise frantic fraudulent fraught fray

133 frenetic frenzied fresco fret friction frieze frigid fritter frivolous frolicsome frond

134 fructify frugality fruition frustrate fugitive fulcrum fulminate fulsome functionary fundamental funereal

135 furor furtive fusillade fusion futile gadfly gaffe gainsay gait galaxy gale

136 gall gall galleon galvanize gambit gambol gamely gamut gape garbled gargantuan

137 gargoyle garish garner garnish garrulous gastronomy gauche gaudy gaunt gavel gawk

138 gazette genealogy generality generate generic genesis geniality genre genteel gentility gentry

139 genuflect germane germinal germinate gerontocracy gerrymander gestate gesticulation ghastly gibber gibberish

140 gibbet gibe giddy gingerly girth gist glacial glaring glaze glean glib

141 glimmer gloat gloss over glossary glossy glower glut glutinous glutton gnarled gnome

142 gnome goad gorge gorge gory gossamer gouge gouge gourmand gourmet graduated

143 granary grandeur grandiloquent grandiose granulate graphic grapple grate gratify gratis gratuitous

144 gratuity gravity gregarious grievance grill grimace grisly grotesque grotto grouse grovel

145 grudging gruel grueling gruesome gruff guffaw guile guileless guise gull gullible

146 gustatory gusto gusty guy gyroscope habituate hackles hackneyed haggard haggle halcyon

147 hale hallowed hallucination halting hamper hap haphazard hapless harangue harass harbinger

148 harbor hardy harping harrowing harry hatch haughtiness haven hazardous hazy headlong

149 headstrong heckler hedonist heedless hegemony heinous herbivorous heresy hermetic hermetic hermitage

150 herpetologist heterodox heterogeneous hew heyday hiatus hibernal hibernate hierarchy hieroglyphic hilarity

151 hindmost hindrance hinterlands hireling hirsute histrionic hoard hoary hoax holocaust holster

152 homage homeostasis homespun homily homogeneous hone hoodwink horde hortatory horticultural hostility

153 hovel hover hubbub hubris hue hue and cry humane humdrum humid humility hummock

154 humus hurtle husband husbandry hybrid hydrophobia hyperbole hypercritical hypochondriac hypocritical hypothetical

155 ichthyology icon iconoclastic ideology idiom idiosyncrasy idolatry idyllic igneous ignite ignoble

156 ignominy illicit illimitable illuminate illusion illusive illusory imbalance imbecility imbroglio imbue

157 immaculate imminent immobility immolate immune immure immutable impair impale impalpable impasse

158 impassive impeach impeccable impecunious impede impediment impending impenetrable impenitent imperial imperiousness

159 impermeable impertinent imperturbable impervious impetuous impetus impiety impinge impious implacable implausible

160 implement implement (v) implicate implication implicit implode implore imply impolitic imponderable import

161 importunate importune imposture impotent imprecation impregnable impromptu impropriety improvident improvise imprudent

162 impudence impugn impuissance impunity impute inadvertently inalienable inane inanimate inarticulate inaugurate

163 incandescent incantation incapacitate incarcerate incarnate incarnation incendiary incense incentive inception incessant

164 inchoate incidence incidental incipient incisive incite inclement incline inclined inclusive incognito

165 incoherent incommodious incompatible incongruity inconsequential inconsistency incontinent incontrovertible incorporate incorporeal incorrigible

166 incredulity incredulous increment incriminate incrustation incubate incubus inculcate incumbent incur incursion

167 indefatigable indelible indemnify indentation indenture indeterminate indicative indices indict indifferent indigence

168 indigenous indigent indignation indignity indiscriminate indisputable indissoluble indite indolent indomitable indubitable

169 induce inductive indulgent industrious inebriated ineffable ineffectual ineluctable inept inequity inerrancy

170 inert inevitable inexorable infallible infamous infantile infer infernal infidel infiltrate infinitesimal

171 infirmity inflated influx infraction infringe ingenious ingenuous ingrained ingrate ingratiate inherent

172 inhibit inimical inimitable iniquitous initiate injurious inkling innate innocuous innovation innuendo

173 inopportune inordinate inquisitor insalubrious insatiable inscrutable insensate insensible insidious insightful insinuate

174 insipid insolence insolvent insomnia insouciant instigate insubordination insubstantial insularity insuperable insurgent

175 insurmountable insurrection intangible integral integrate integrity intellect intelligentsia inter interdict interim

176 interloper interminable intermittent internecine interpolate interregnum interrogate intervene intimate intimidate intractable

177 intransigence intrepid intrinsic introspective introvert intrude intuition inundate inured invalidate invective

178 inveigh inveigle inverse invert inveterate invidious invincible inviolability invoke invulnerable iota

179 irascible irate iridescent irksome ironic irony irreconcilable irrefragable irrefutable irrelevant irremediable

180 irreparable irrepressible irreproachable irresolute irretrievable irreverence irreverent irrevocable isotope isthmus itinerant

181 itinerary jabber jaded jargon jaundiced jaunt jaunty jeopardize jettison jibe jingoist

182 jocose jocular jocund jollity jostle jovial jubilation judicious juggernaut juncture junket

183 junta jurisprudence justification juxtapose kaleidoscope ken kernel killjoy kindle kindred kinetic

184 kismet kleptomaniac knave knead knell knit knoll knotty kudos labile laborious

185 labyrinth lacerate lachrymose lackadaisical lackluster laconic laggard lagoon laity lambaste lament

186 lampoon lancet languid languish languor lank lap larceny larder largess lascivious

187 lassitude latent lateral latitude laud lavish lax leaven lechery lectern leery

188 leeway legacy legend legerdemain leniency leonine lethal lethargic levee levitate levity

189 levy lewd lexicographer lexicon liability liaison libel libertine libidinous libido libretto

190 licentious lien ligneous lilliputian limber limbo limn limpid lineage lineaments linger

191 linguistic lionize liquidate list listless litany lithe litigation litotes livid loath

192 loathe lode lofty log loiter loll longevity loom lope loquacious lout

193 low lubricity lucid lucrative lucre ludicrous lugubrious lull lumber luminous lunar

194 lupine lurid luscious luster lustrous luxuriant macabre mace macerate machiavellian machinations

195 madrigal maelstrom magnanimous magnate magniloquent magnitude maim maladroit malaise malapropism malcontent

196 malediction malefactor malevolent malicious malign malignant malingerer mall malleable malodorous mammal

197 mammoth manacle mandate mandatory mangy maniacal manifest manifestation manifesto manifold manipulate

198 mannered manumit marital maritime marked marred marshal marsupial martial martinet martyr

199 masochist masticate materialism maternal matriarch matriculate matrix maudlin maul mausoleum mauve

200 maverick mawkish maxim mayhem meager mealy-mouthed meander meddlesome mediate mediocre meditation

201 medley meek megalomania melee mellifluous memento memorialize mendacious mendicant menial mentor

202 mercantile minion minuscule minute minutiae mirage mire mirth misadventure misanthrope misapprehension

203 miscegenation miscellany mischance misconstrue miscreant misdemeanor miserly misgivings mishap misnomer misogamy

204 misogynist misogynist missile missive mite mitigate mnemonic mobile mode modicum modish

205 modulation mogul moiety molecule mollify mollycoddle molt molten momentous momentum monarchy

206 monastic monetary monolithic monotheism monotony monumental moodiness moor moot moratorium morbid

207 mordant mores morganatic moribund morose mortician mortify mosaic mote motif motility

208 motley mottled mountebank muddle muggy mulct multifarious multiform multilingual multiplicity mundane

209 munificent mural murky muse musky muster musty mutability muted mutilate mutinous

210 myopic myriad nadir naivete narcissist narrative nascent natation natty nauseate nautical

211 navigable nebulous necromancy nefarious negate negligence negligible nemesis neologism neophyte nepotism

212 nether nettle nexus nib nicety niggardly niggle nihilist nip nirvana nocturnal

213 noisome nomadic nomenclature nominal nonchalance noncommittal nondescript nonentity nonplus nostalgia nostrum

214 notable notoriety novelty novice noxious nuance nubile nugatory nullify numismatist nuptial

215 nurture nutrient oaf obdurate obeisance obelisk obese obfuscate objective objective (n) objurgation

216 obligatory oblique obliterate oblivion obnoxious obscure (a) obscure (v) obsequious obsequy obsession obsidian

217 obsolete obstetrician obstinate obstreperous obtrude obtrusive obtuse obviate occident occlude occult

218 oculist odious odium odoriferous odorous odyssey offal offertory officious ogle olfactory

219 oligarchy ominous omnipotent omnipresent omniscient omnivorous onerous onomatopoeia onslaught onus opalescent

220 opaque opiate opportune opulence oratorio ordinance orifice ornate ornithologist oscillate osseous

221 ossify ostensible ostentatious ostracize oust outlandish outmoded outskirts outspoken outstrip outwit

222 ovation overbearing overt overweening overwrought ovoid pachyderm pacifist pacify paean painstaking

223 palatable palate palatial palaver paleontology palette pallet palliate pallid palpable palpitate

224 paltry panacea pandemonium pander panegyric panorama pantomime papyrus parable parapet paraphernalia

225 paraphrase parasite parched paregoric pariah parity parlance parley parochial parody paroxysm

226 parricide parsimonious partial (1) partial (2) partisan parturition parvenu passe passive pastiche pastoral

227 patent pathetic pathological pathos patina patois patriarch patrician patricide patrimony patronize

228 paucity pauper peccadillo peculation pecuniary pedagogue pedagogy pedant pedantic pedestrian pediatrician

229 pediment pejorative pell-mell pellucid penance penchant pendant pendulous penitent pensive penumbra

230 penurious penury peon perceptive percussion perdition peregrination peremptory perennial perfidious perforate

231 perfunctory perigee perimeter peripatetic peripheral periphery perjury permeable pernicious peroration perpetrate

232 perpetual perquisite personable perspicacious perspicuity pert pertinacious pertinent perturb perusal pervasive

233 perverse perversion perversity pessimism pestilential pestle petrify petty petulant pharisaical phenomena

234 philanderer philanthropist philatelist philistine philology phlegmatic phobia physiognomy physiological piebald pied

235 piety pigment pillage pillory pine pinion pinnacle pious piquant pique piscatorial

236 pithy pittance pivotal placate placebo placid plagiarize plaintive platitude platonic plauditory

237 plausible plebiscite plenary plenipotentiary plenitude plethora pluck plumb podiatrist poignant polarize

238 polemic politic polity poltroon polygamist polyglot pomposity ponderous porous portend portent

239 portly posterity posthumous postprandial postulate posture potable potent potentate potential potion

240 potpourri practicable practical pragmatic pragmatist prate prattle preamble precarious precedent precedent

241 precept precipice precipitate precipitous preclude precocious precursor predatory predecessor predilection preeminent

242 preempt preen prefatory prehensile prelate prelude premeditate premise premonition premonitory preponderance

243 preposterous prerogative presage prescience presentiment prestige presumptuous pretentious preternatural pretext prevail

244 prevalent prevaricate prey prim primogeniture primordial primp pristine privation privy probe

245 probity problematic proclivity procrastinate procurement prod prodigal prodigious prodigy profane profligate

246 profound profusion progenitor progeny prognosis prognosticate projectile proletarian proliferate prolific prolix

247 prolong prominent promiscuous promontory prompt promulgate prone propagate propellants propensity prophetic

248 prophylactic propinquity propitiate propitious proponent propound propriety propulsive prosaic proscenium proscribe

249 proselytize prosody prostrate protean protege protocol prototype protract protrude provenance provender

250 provident provincial provisional proviso provoke proximity proxy prude prudent prune prurient

251 pseudonym psyche psychiatrist psychopathic psychosis pterodactyl puerile pugilist pugnacious puissant pulchritude

252 pulmonary pulsate pummel punctilious pundit pungency punitive purblind purchase purgatory purge

253 purport purveyor pusillanimous putative putrid pyromaniac quack quadruped quaff quagmire quail

254 quaint qualified qualms quandary quarantine quarry quarry quash quay queasy quell

255 querulous queue quibble quiescent quietude quintessence quip quirk quisling quiver quixotic

256 quizzical quorum quotidian rabid raconteur ragamuffin rail raiment rakish ramble ramification

257 ramify ramp rampant rampart ramshackle rancid rancor random rankle rant rapacious

258 rapport rarefied raspy ratify ratiocination rationalization rationalize raucous ravage rave ravel

259 ravenous ravine raze reactionary realm reaper rebate rebuff rebus rebuttal recalcitrant

260 recant recapitulate receptive recession recipient reciprocal reciprocate recluse reconcile recondite recourse

261 recreant recrimination recrudescence rectify rectitude recuperate recurrent recusant redolent redoubtable redress

262 redundant reek refection refectory refraction refractory refurbish refutation refute regal regale

263 regatta regeneration regicide regime regimen rehabilitate reimburse reiterate rejuvenate relegate relevancy

264 relinquish relish remediable remedial reminiscence remiss remnant remonstrate remorse remunerative rend

265 render rendezvous rendition renegade renege renounce renovate renown rent reparable reparation

266 repartee repeal repellent repercussion repertoire repine replenish replete replica replicate repository

267 reprehensible repress reprieve reprimand reprisal reprise reproach reprobate reprobation reprove repudiate

268 repugnance repulsion reputable reputed requiem requisite requite rescind reserve residue resilient

269 resolution resolve resonant respiration respite resplendent responsiveness restitution restive restraint resumption

270 resurgent resuscitate retaliate retentive reticent retinue retiring retort retraction retrench retribution

271 retrieve retroactive retrograde retrospective revelry reverberate reverent reverie revile revulsion rhapsodize

272 rhetoric ribald rider rife rift rig rigid rigor rile rime risible

273 risque riveting rivulet roan robust rococo roil roseate roster rostrum rote

274 rotunda rotundity rout rubble rubicund rubric ruddy rudimentary rueful ruffian ruminate

275 rummage runic ruse rustic rusticate ruthless saccharine sacerdotal sacrilegious sacrosanct sadistic

276 saffron saga sagacious sage salacious salient saline sallow salubrious salutary salvage

277 salver sanctimonious sanction sangfroid sanguinary sanguine sapient sarcasm sardonic sartorial sate

278 satellite satiate satiety satire satirical saturate saturnine satyr saunter savant savor

279 savory scabbard scaffold scale scanty scapegoat scavenger scenario schematic schism scintilla

280 scintillate scoff scotch scourge scrupulous scrutinize scurrilous scurry scuttle seamy seasoned

281 secession seclusion secrete sectarian secular sedate sedentary sedition sedulous seedy seemly

282 seep seethe seine seismic semblance seminal seminary senility sensual sensuous sententious

283 sentinel septic sepulcher sequester sere serendipity serenity serpentine serrated servile servitude

284 sever severity shackle sham shambles shard shaving sheaf sheathe sherbet shimmer

285 shirk shoddy shrew shrewd shunt shyster sibling sibylline sidereal silt simian

286 simile similitude simpering simulate sinecure sinewy singular sinister sinuous sirocco skeptic

287 skiff skimp skinflint skirmish skittish skulk skullduggery slacken slag slake slander

288 slapdash slattern sleazy sleeper sleight slew slight slipshod slither slither sloth

289 slothful slough slough slovenly sluggard sluggish sluice slur (N.) slur (V.) smattering smirk

290 smolder snicker snivel sobriety sodden sojourn solace solder solecism solemnity solicit

291 solicitous soliloquy solstice solvent somatic somber somnambulist somnolent sonorous sophist sophistication

292 sophistry sophomoric soporific sordid spangle spasmodic spat spate spatial spatula spawn

293 specious spectral spectrum spendthrift sphinx-like splice spontaneity spoonerism sporadic sportive spruce

294 spry spurious spurn squabble squalid squander squat staccato stagnant staid stalemate

295 stalwart stamina stanch stanza static statute statutory steadfast stealth steep stellar

296 stem stem from stentorian stereotyped stickler stigma stilted stint (N.) stint (V.) stipend stipple

297 stipulate stoic stoke stolid stratagem stratified stratum strew striated stricture strident

298 stringent strut studied stultify stupefy stupor stupor stygian stygian stymie suavity

299 sub rosa subaltern subjective subjugate sublimate sublime subliminal submissive suborn subsequent subservient

300 subside subsidiary subsidy subsistence substantiate substantive subsume subterfuge subtlety subversive succinct

301 succor succulent succumb suffuse sully sultry summation sumptuary sumptuous sunder sundry

302 superannuated supercilious supererogatory superficial superfluity superfluous superimpose supernumerary supersede supine supplant

303 supple suppliant supplicate supposititious suppurate surcease surfeit surly surmise surmount surpass

304 surreptitious surrogate surveillance susceptible sustain sustenance suture swarthy swathe swelter swerve

305 swill swindler sybarite sycophant syllogism sylvan symbiosis symmetry synchronous synoptic synthesis

306 synthetic tacit taciturn tactile tainted talisman talon tangential tangible tanner tantalize

307 tantamount tantrum taper tarantula tarry taut tautological tawdry taxonomist tedium teetotalism

308 temerity temper temperament temperate tempestuous tempo temporal temporize tenacious tenacity tendentious

309 tender tenet tensile tentative tenuous tenure tepid termination terminology terminus terrestrial

310 terse tertiary tessellated testator testy tether thematic theocracy theoretical thermal thespian

311 thrall threnody thrifty throes throng throttle thwart thyme timbre timidity timorous

312 tipple tirade titanic tithe titillate title titter titular toady tocsin toga

313 tome tonsure topography torpor torque torrent torso tortilla tortuous touchstone touchy

314 tout toxic tract tractable traduce trajectory tranquillity transcend transcribe transgression transient

315 transition transitoriness translucent transmute transparent transpire trappings traumatic travail traverse travesty

316 treatise trek tremor tremulous trenchant trepidation tribulation tribunal tribute trident trilogy

317 trinket trite trivia troth truculence truism truncate tryst tumid tumult tundra

318 turbid turbulence tureen turgid turmoil turncoat turpitude tutelage tutelary tycoon tyranny

319 tyro ubiquitous ulterior ulterior ultimate ultimatum umbrage unanimity unassuaged unassuming unbridled

320 uncanny unconscionable uncouth unction unctuous undermine undulate unearth unearthly unequivocal unerringly

321 unfaltering unfeigned unfetter unfledged unfrock ungainly unguent uniformity unilateral unimpeachable uninhibited

322 unique unison universal unkempt unmitigated unobtrusive unprecedented unprepossessing unravel unruly unsavory

323 unscathed unseemly unsightly unsullied untenable untoward unwarranted unwieldy unwitting unwonted upbraid

324 upshot urbane urchin ursine usurp usury utopia uxorious vacillation vacuous vagabond

325 vagary vagrant vainglorious valedictory valid validate valor vampire vanguard vantage vapid

326 variegated vassal vaunted veer vegetate vehement vellum velocity venal vendetta vendor

327 veneer venerable venerate venial venison vent vent ventral ventriloquist venturesome venturous

328 venue veracious verbalize verbatim verbiage verbose verdant verdigris verge verisimilitude verity

329 vernacular vernal versatile vertex vertigo verve vestige vex viable viands vicarious

330 vicissitude victuals vie vigilance vignette vilify vindicate vindictive vintner viper virile

331 virtual virtue virtuoso virulent virus visage visceral viscid viscous vise visionary

332 vital vitiate vitreous vitriolic vituperative vivacious vivisection vixen vociferous vogue volatile

333 volition voluble voluminous voluptuous voracious vortex vouchsafe voyeur vulnerable vulpine waffle

334 waft waggish waif waive wallow wan wane wangle wanton warble warrant

335 warranty warren wary wastrel wax waylay wean weather welt welter (n) welter (v)

336 wheedle whelp whet whimsical whinny whit whorl willful wily wince windfall

337 winnow winsome wispy wistful wither witless witticism wizardry wizened wont worldly

338 wraith wrangle wrath wreak wrench wrest writ writhe wry xenophobia yen

339 Vstudy VOCA33000 TOTAL LIST Vstudy VOCA33000 TOTAL LIST 1. abase 35. accord 69. adjutant 103. agility 2. abash 36. accost 70. admonish 104. agitate 3. abdicate 37. accouter 71. adorn 105. agnostic 4. abettor 38. accretion 72. adroit 106. agrarian 5. abeyance 39. accrue 73. adulation 107. alacrity 6. abhor 40. acerbity 74. adulterate 108. alchemy 7. abjure 41. acetic 75. advent 109. alcove 8. ablution 42. acidulous 76. adventitious 110. alias 9. abominate 43. acknowledge 77. adversary 111. alienate 10. aboriginal 44. acme 78. adverse 112. alimentary 11. abortive 45. acoustics 79. adversity 113. alimony 12. abrade 46. acquiesce 80. advert 114. allay 13. abrogate 47. acquittal 81. advocacy 115. allege 14. abscond 48. acrid 82. advocate 116. allegiance 15. absolve 49. acrimonious 83. aegis 117. allegory 16. abstemious 50. acrophobia 84. aerie 118. alleviate 17. abstinence 51. actuarial 85. aesthetic 119. alliteration 18. abstract 52. actuate 86. affable 120. allocate 19. abstruse 53. acuity 87. affected 121. alloy 20. abusive 54. acumen 88. affidavit 122. alloy 21. abut 55. acute 89. affiliation 123. allude 22. abysmal 56. adage 90. affinity 124. allure 23. abyss 57. adamant 91. affirmation 125. allusion 24. academic 58. adapt 92. affix 126. alluvial 25. accede 59. addendum 93. affliction 127. aloft 26. accelerate 60. addiction 94. affluence 128. aloof 27. accessible 61. addle 95. affray 129. altercation 28. accessory 62. address 96. affront 130. altruistic 29. acclaim 63. adept 97. agape 131. amalgamate 30. acclimate 64. adhere 98. agenda 132. amass 31. acclivity 65. adherent 99. agglomeration 133. amazon 32. accolade 66. adjacent 100. aggrandize 134. ambidextrous 33. accommodate 67. adjunct 101. aggregate 135. ambience 34. accomplice 68. adjuration 102. aghast 136. ambiguous 1

340 Vstudy VOCA33000 TOTAL LIST 137. ambivalence 173. anesthetic 209. aperture 245. arbitrate 138. amble 174. anguish 210. apex 246. arboretum 139. ambrosia 175. angular 211. aphasia 247. arcade 140. ambulatory 176. animadversion 212. aphorism 248. arcane 141. ameliorate 177. animated 213. apiary 249. archaeology 142. amenable 178. animosity 214. aplomb 250. archaic 143. amend 179. animus 215. apocalyptic 251. archetype 144. amenities 180. annals 216. apocryphal 252. archipelago 145. amiable 181. anneal 217. apogee 253. archives 146. amicable 182. annex 218. apolitical 254. ardor 147. amiss 183. annihilate 219. apologist 255. arduous 148. amity 184. annotate 220. apostate 256. argot 149. amnesia 185. annuity 221. apothecary 257. aria 150. amnesty 186. annul 222. apothegm 258. arid 151. amok(amuck) 187. anodyne 223. apotheosis 259. aristocracy 152. amoral 188. anoint 224. appall 260. armada 153. amorous 189. anomalous 225. apparition 261. aromatic 154. amorphous 190. anomaly 226. appease 262. arraign 155. amphibian 191. anonymity 227. appellation 263. array 156. amphitheater 192. antagonism 228. append 264. array 157. ample 193. antecede 229. application 265. arrears 158. amplify 194. antediluvian 230. apposite 266. arrhythmic 159. amputate 195. anthem 231. appraise 267. arrogance 160. amulet 196. anthology 232. appreciate 268. arroyo 161. anachronism 197. anthropoid 233. apprehend 269. arsenal 162. analgesic 198. anthropologist 234. apprehensive 270. articulate 163. analogous 199. anthropomorphic 235. apprise 271. artifact 164. analogy 200. anticlimax 236. approbation 272. artifice 165. anarchist 201. antidote 237. appropriate 273. artisan 166. anarchy 202. antipathy 238. appurtenances 274. artless 167. anathema 203. antiquated 239. apropos 275. ascendancy 168. ancestry 204. antiseptic 240. aptitude 276. ascertain 169. anchor 205. antithesis 241. aquiline 277. ascetic 170. ancillary 206. anvil 242. arable 278. ascribe 171. anecdote 207. apathy 243. arbiter 279. aseptic 172. anemia 208. ape 244. arbitrary 280. ashen 2

341 Vstudy VOCA33000 TOTAL LIST 281. asinine 317. attrition 353. babble 389. beholden 282. askance 318. atypical 354. badger 390. behoove 283. askew 319. audacious 355. badinage 391. belabor 284. asperity 320. audit 356. baffle 392. belated 285. aspersion 321. augment 357. bagatelle 393. beleaguer 286. aspirant 322. augury 358. bait 394. belie 287. aspire 323. august 359. baleful 395. belittle 288. assail 324. aureole 360. balk 396. bellicose 289. assay 325. auroral 361. ballast 397. belligerent 290. assent 326. auspicious 362. balm 398. bemoan 291. assert 327. austere 363. balmy 399. bemused 292. assessment 328. authenticate 364. banal 400. benediction 293. assiduous 329. authoritarian 365. bane 401. benefactor 294. assimilate 330. authoritative 366. baneful 402. beneficent 295. assuage 331. autocratic 367. bantering 403. beneficial 296. assumption 332. automaton 368. bard 404. beneficiary 297. assurance 333. autonomous 369. barefaced 405. benevolent 298. asteroid 334. autopsy 370. baroque 406. benign 299. astigmatism 335. auxiliary 371. barrage 407. benison 300. astral 336. avalanche 372. barrister 408. bent 301. astringent 337. avarice 373. barterer 409. bequeath 302. astronomical 338. avenge 374. bask 410. berate 303. astute 339. aver 375. bastion 411. bereavement 304. asunder 340. averse 376. bate 412. bereft 305. asylum 341. aversion 377. bauble 413. berserk 306. asymmetric 342. avert 378. bawdy 414. beseech 307. atavism 343. aviary 379. beatific 415. beset 308. atheistic 344. avid 380. beatitude 416. besiege 309. atone 345. avocation 381. bedizen 417. besmirch 310. atrocity 346. avow 382. bedraggle 418. bestial 311. atrophy 347. avuncular 383. beeline 419. bestow 312. attentive 348. awe 384. befuddle 420. betoken 313. attenuate 349. awl 385. beget 421. betray 314. attest 350. awry 386. begrudge 422. betroth 315. attribute 351. axiom 387. beguile 423. bevy 316. attribute 352. azure 388. behemoth 424. bicameral 3

342 Vstudy VOCA33000 TOTAL LIST 425. bicker 461. boon 497. bulwark 533. cantankerous 426. biennial 462. boorish 498. bungle 534. cantata 427. bifurcated 463. bouillon 499. buoyant 535. canter 428. bigotry 464. bountiful 500. bureaucracy 536. canto 429. bilious 465. bourgeois 501. burgeon 537. canvass 430. bilk 466. bovine 502. burlesque 538. capacious 431. billowing 467. bowdlerize 503. burly 539. capacity 432. bivouac 468. boycott 504. burnish 540. capillary 433. bizarre 469. brackish 505. buttress 541. capitulate 434. blanch 470. braggadocio 506. buxom 542. caprice 435. bland 471. braggart 507. cabal 543. capricious 436. blandishment 472. brandish 508. cache 544. caption 437. blare 473. bravado 509. cacophony 545. captious 438. blase 474. brawn 510. cadaver 546. carafe 439. blasphemy 475. brazen 511. cadaverous 547. carapace 440. blatant 476. breach 512. cadence 548. carat 441. bleak 477. breadth 513. cajole 549. carcinogenic 442. blighted 478. brevity 514. calamity 550. cardinal 443. blithe 479. brindled 515. caldron 551. cardiologist 444. bloated 480. bristling 516. caliber 552. careen 445. blowhard 481. brittle 517. calligraphy 553. caricature 446. bludgeon 482. broach 518. callous 554. carillon 447. bluff 483. brocade 519. callow 555. carnage 448. bluff 484. brochure 520. calorific 556. carnal 449. blunder 485. brooch 521. calumniate 557. carnivorous 450. blurt 486. brook 522. calumny 558. carousal 451. bluster 487. browbeat 523. camaraderie 559. carping 452. bode 488. browse 524. cameo 560. carrion 453. bogus 489. brunt 525. camouflage 561. cartographer 454. bohemian 490. brusque 526. canard 562. cascade 455. boisterous 491. buccaneer 527. candor 563. caste 456. bolster 492. bucolic 528. canine 564. castigation 457. bolt 493. buffet 529. canker 565. casualty 458. bolt 494. buffoonery 530. canny 566. cataclysm 459. bombardment 495. bugaboo 531. canon 567. catalyst 460. bombastic 496. bullion 532. cant 568. catapult 4

343 Vstudy VOCA33000 TOTAL LIST 569. cataract 605. chagrin 641. circumscribe 677. cog 570. catastrophe 606. chalice 642. circumspect 678. cogent 571. catcall 607. chameleon 643. circumvent 679. cogitate 572. categorical 608. champion 644. cistern 680. cognate 573. catharsis 609. chaotic 645. citadel 681. cognitive 574. cathartic 610. charisma 646. cite 682. cognizance 575. catholic 611. charlatan 647. civil 683. cohabit 576. caucus 612. chary 648. clairvoyant 684. cohere 577. caulk 613. chase 649. clamber 685. cohesion 578. causal 614. chasm 650. clamor 686. cohorts 579. caustic 615. chassis 651. clandestine 687. coiffure 580. cauterize 616. chaste 652. clangor 688. coin 581. cavalcade 617. chasten 653. clapper 689. coincidence 582. cavalier 618. chastise 654. clarion 690. colander 583. cavil 619. chauvinist 655. claustrophobia 691. collaborate 584. cede 620. check 656. clavicle 692. collage 585. celerity 621. checkered 657. cleave 693. collate 586. celestial 622. cherubic 658. cleft 694. collateral 587. celibate 623. chicanery 659. clemency 695. collation 588. censor 624. chide 660. cliche 696. colloquial 589. censorious 625. chimerical 661. clientele 697. colloquy 590. censure 626. chisel 662. climactic 698. collusion 591. centaur 627. chisel 663. clime 699. colossal 592. centigrade 628. chivalrous 664. clique 700. colossus 593. centrifugal 629. choleric 665. cloister 701. comatose 594. centripetal 630. choreography 666. clout 702. combustible 595. centurion 631. chortle 667. cloying 703. comely 596. cerebral 632. chronic 668. coagulate 704. comestible 597. cerebration 633. chronicle 669. coalesce 705. comeuppance 598. ceremonious 634. churlish 670. coalition 706. comity 599. certitude 635. ciliated 671. coda 707. commandeer 600. cessation 636. cipher 672. coddle 708. commemorative 601. cession 637. cipher 673. codicil 709. commensurate 602. chafe 638. circlet 674. codify 710. commiserate 603. chaff 639. circuitous 675. coercion 711. commodious 604. chaffing 640. circumlocution 676. coeval 712. communal 5

344 Vstudy VOCA33000 TOTAL LIST 713. compact 749. concur 785. consign 821. conveyance 714. compact 750. concurrent 786. consistency 822. conviction 715. compatible 751. condescend 787. console 823. convivial 716. compelling 752. condign 788. consonance 824. convoke 717. compendium 753. condiments 789. consort 825. convoluted 718. compensatory 754. condole 790. consort 826. copious 719. compilation 755. condone 791. conspiracy 827. coquette 720. complacent 756. conducive 792. constituent 828. cordial 721. complaisant 757. conduit 793. constraint 829. cordon 722. complement 758. confidant 794. construe 830. cornice 723. compliance 759. confine 795. consummate 831. cornucopia 724. compliant 760. confiscate 796. contagion 832. corollary 725. complicity 761. conflagration 797. contaminate 833. corporeal 726. component 762. confluence 798. contempt 834. corpulent 727. comport 763. conformity 799. contend 835. correlation 728. composure 764. confound 800. contentious 836. corroborate 729. compound 765. congeal 801. context 837. corrosive 730. comprehensive 766. congenial 802. contiguous 838. corrugated 731. compress 767. congenital 803. continence 839. cosmic 732. compromise 768. conglomeration 804. contingent 840. coterie 733. compunction 769. congruence 805. contortion 841. countenance 734. compute 770. conifer 806. contraband 842. countermand 735. concatenate 771. conjecture 807. contravene 843. counterpart 736. concave 772. conjugal 808. contrite 844. coup 737. conceit 773. conjure 809. contrived 845. couple 738. concentric 774. connivance 810. controvert 846. courier 739. conception 775. connoisseur 811. contumacious 847. covenant 740. concerted 776. connotation 812. contusion 848. covert 741. concession 777. connubial 813. conundrum 849. covetous 742. conciliatory 778. consanguinity 814. convene 850. cow 743. concise 779. conscientious 815. conventional 851. cower 744. conclave 780. conscript 816. converge 852. coy 745. conclusive 781. consecrate 817. conversant 853. cozen 746. concoct 782. consensus 818. converse 854. crabbed 747. concomitant 783. consequential 819. convert 855. crass 748. concord 784. conservatory 820. convex 856. craven. 6

345 Vstudy VOCA33000 TOTAL LIST 857. credence 893. debonair 929. deify 965. depreciate 858. credo 894. debris 930. deign 966. depredation 859. credulity 895. debunk 931. delete 967. deranged 860. creed 896. debutante 932. deleterious 968. derelict 861. crescendo 897. decadence 933. deliberate 969. deride 862. crestfallen 898. decant 934. delineate 970. derision 863. cull 899. decapitate 935. delirium 971. derivative 864. culmination 900. decelerate 936. delta 972. dermatologist 865. culpable 901. deciduous 937. delude 973. derogatory 866. culvert 902. decimate 938. deluge 974. descry 867. cumbersome 903. decipher 939. delusion 975. desecrate 868. cumulative 904. declivity 940. delusive 976. desiccate 869. cupidity 905. dรฉcolletรฉ 941. delve 977. desolate 870. curator 906. decomposition 942. demagogue 978. despicable 871. curmudgeon 907. decorum 943. demean 979. despise 872. cursive 908. decoy 944. demeanor 980. despoil 873. cursory 909. decrepitude 945. demented 981. despondent 874. curtail 910. decry 946. demise 982. despotism 875. cynical 911. deducible 947. demographic 983. destitute 876. cynosure 912. deface 948. demolition 984. desuetude 877. dais 913. defamation 949. demoniac 985. desultory 878. dally 914. default 950. demotic 986. detached 879. dank 915. defeatist 951. demur 987. detergent 880. dapper 916. defection 952. denigrate 988. determinate 881. dappled 917. deference 953. denizen 989. deterrent 882. daub 918. defile 954. denotation 990. detonation 883. daunt 919. definitive 955. denouement 991. detraction 884. dauntless 920. deflect 956. denounce 992. detriment 885. dawdle 921. defoliate 957. depict 993. detrimental 886. deadlock 922. defray 958. deplete 994. deviate 887. deadpan 923. defrock 959. deplore 995. devious 888. dearth 924. deft 960. deploy 996. devoid 889. debacle 925. defunct 961. depose 997. devolve 890. debase 926. degenerate 962. deposition 998. devotee 891. debauch 927. degraded 963. depravity 999. devout 892. debilitate 928. dehydrate 964. deprecate dexterous 7

346 Vstudy VOCA33000 TOTAL LIST diabolical disclaim disparity doff diadem disclose dispassionate doggerel dialectic discombobulated dispatch dogmatic diaphanous discomfit dispel dolorous diatribe disconcert disperse dolt dichotomy disconsolate dispirited domicile dictum discord disport dormant didactic discordant disputatious dorsal die discount disquisition dotage diffidence discourse dissection doughty diffusion discredit dissemble dour digression discrepancy disseminate dregs dilapidated discrete dissent droll dilate discretion dissertation dross dilatory discriminating dissident drudgery dilemma discursive dissimulate dubious dilettante disdain dissipate duenna diligence disembark dissolution dulcet dilute disenfranchise dissonance duplicity diminution disengage dissuade durance din disfigure distant duress dinghy disgorge distend dutiful dingy disgruntle distill dwindle dint dishearten distortion dynamic diorama disheveled distrait dyspeptic dire disinclination distraught earthy dirge disingenuous diurnal ebb disabuse disinter diva ebullient disaffected disinterested diverge eccentric disapprobation disjointed divergent eccentricity disarray dislodge divest ecclesiastic disavowal dismantle divination eclectic disband dismember divulge eclipse disburse dismiss docile ecologist discernible disparage docket economy discerning disparate doddering ecstasy 8

347 Vstudy VOCA33000 TOTAL LIST eddy embryonic ensconce exemplary edify emend ensue exemplify eerie emendation entail exempt efface emetic enterprising exertion effectual eminent enthrall exhilarating effervescence emissary entice exhort effete emollient entity exhume efficacy emolument entomology exigency effigy empirical entrance exiguous effluvium emulate eulogy existential effrontery enamored euphemism exodus effusion enclave euphony exonerate egoism encomiastic euphoria exorbitant egotism encomium euthanasia exorcise egregious encompass evanescent exotic egress encroachment evasive expansive ejaculation encumber evenhanded expatiate elaboration endearment evince expatriate elated endemic evocative expedient elegy endorse evoke expedite elicit endue ewe expenditure elixir enduring exacerbate expertise ellipsis energize exacting expiate elliptical enervate exalt expletive eloquence enfranchise exasperate explicate elucidate engage exceptionable explicit elusive engaging excerpt exploit elysian engender exchequer exploit emaciated engross excise expository emanate enhance exclaim expostulation emancipate enigma excoriate exposure embark enjoin exculpate expropriate embed enmity execrable expunge embellish ennui execrate expurgate embezzlement enormity execute extant embroil enrapture exegesis extemporaneous 9


untitled Word Smart II ๋ณต์Šต์šฉ์ž๋ฃŒ abase abet abeyance abjure abomination aboriginal abound abrogate accede accentuate access acclaim accord accord accouterments accrue acquisitive acquit acronym adage adduce adjourn

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9 ๊ธ‰๊ณต๋ฌด์›์‹œํ—˜ํ•ฉ๊ฒฉ๋น„๋ฒ•์ž๋ฃŒ์‹œ๋ฆฌ์ฆˆ์˜ค๊ถŒ์˜์˜ Oh! voca 1. ์•ฝํ™”์‹œํ‚ค๋‹ค ์•ฝํ™”๋˜๋‹ค debilitate ์•ฝํ™”์‹œํ‚ค๋‹ค devitalize ์•ฝํ™”์‹œํ‚ค๋‹ค incapacitate ๋ฌด๋Šฅ๋ ฅํ•˜๊ฒŒํ•˜๋‹ค wither ์‹œ๋“ค๋‹ค, ์•ฝํ•ด์ง€๋‹ค enervate ์•ฝํ™”์‹œํ‚ค๋‹ค unnerve ๋ฌด๊ธฐ๋ ฅํ•˜๊ฒŒํ•˜๋‹ค en

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์–ด์›ํŽธ2_1์žฅ VOCA MASTER 1 C H A P T E R Major VOCA MASTER ab- (away) ab- abs- a- 1. abs- : abstract / abstain 2. a- : avert abdicate [ bdikรฉit] n. abdication resign, renounce, surrender, relinquish force the king

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<BFB5BEEEB4DCBEEE2033333030302E687770> ์˜์–ด๋‹จ์–ด 33,000 abase ๋œป : ๋–จ์–ด ๋œจ๋ฆฌ๋‹ค, ๋‚ฎ์ถ”๋‹ค; ์ฐฝํ”ผ๋ฅผ ์ฃผ๋‹ค ์œ ์˜์–ด : lower; humiliate ์˜ˆ๋ฌธ : His refusal to abase himself in the eyes of his followers irritated the king, who wanted to humiliate him. abash ๋œป : ๋‹นํ™ฉ์‹œํ‚ค๋‹ค, ์ฐฝํ”ผ์Šค๋Ÿฝ๊ฒŒ ๋งŒ๋“ค๋‹ค

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< F2D D C3D120C7D5BABB2C20BAB8B3CABDBA20C6AEB7A220C6F7C7D4292E687770> 1 ๊ฐ• TEst 1 running device = t 14 ์•ผ๊ธฐํ•˜๋‹ค 5 ๊ฐœ 2 ํž˜๋“  3 ๊ฐœ 15 ์ „์น˜์‚ฌ + ์ถ”์‚ฌ๋ช…์‚ฌํ•ด์„๋ฒ•? 3 ์ฐพ๋‹ค 4 ๊ฐœ 16 familiar 4 search 17 be familiar with 5 taxing way 18 term 2 ๊ฐœ 6 A ์™€ B ๋ฅผ๊ฒฐํ•ฉํ•˜๋‹ค 19 in terms of 7 ์ „๊ธฐ 20 terms with N 8 ์ž์„œ์ „ 21

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๊ฒƒ์„ ํ™•์ธํ–ˆ๋‹ค. ์–ดํœ˜ occupation n. ์ง์—…, ์—…๋ฌด executive n. ์ž„์›, ๊ฒฝ์˜์ง„ absorption n. ์ „๋…, ๋ชฐ๋‘(in) at hand ๊ฐ€๊นŒ์ด์—, ๊ฐ€๊นŒ์šด ๊ณณ์— exhilaration n. ๋“ค๋œธ, ํฅ๋ถ„ clarity n. (์‚ฌ์ƒ, ๋ฌธ์ฒด ๋“ฑ์˜) ๋ช…์พŒํ•จ, 1 ์ „๋ฌธํ•ด์„ ์Šคํฌ์ธ ์—์„œ ์†Œ์ˆ˜๋ฏผ์กฑ์„ ๋Œ€ํ‘œํ•˜๋Š” ์„ ์ˆ˜์˜ ์ˆ˜๊ฐ€ ์ง€๋‚˜์น˜๊ฒŒ ๋งŽ์€ ๊ฒƒ(๊ณผ์ž‰ ๋Œ€ํ‘œ)์ด ํƒ€๊ณ ๋‚œ ์šด๋™์  ์žฌ๋Šฅ์„ ๋ฐ˜์˜ํ•˜์ง€๋Š” ์•Š๋Š” ๊ฒƒ์ฒ˜๋Ÿผ, ๊ณผํ•™์—์„œ ๊ณผ์†Œ ๋Œ€ํ‘œ๊ฐ€ ํƒ€๊ณ ๋‚œ ํ•™์ˆ ์  ์žฌ๋Šฅ์˜ ๋ถ€์กฑ์„ ๋ฐ˜์˜ํ•˜๋Š” ๊ฒƒ๋„ ์•„๋‹ˆ๋‹ค. ๋Œ€์‹ ์—, ๋‘˜ ๋‹ค ์ œํ•œ๋œ ๊ธฐํšŒ๋ฅผ ๋ฐ˜์˜ํ•˜๊ณ  ์žˆ๋‹ค. ์–ดํœ˜ not A any more than B A๊ฐ€ ์•„๋‹Œ ๊ฒƒ์ฒ˜๋Ÿผ B๋„ ์•„๋‹ˆ๋‹ค overrepresentation

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