Original Article Korean J Child Stud 2016;37(3):123-133 http://dx.doi.org/10.5723/kjcs.2016.37.3.123 pissn: 1226-1688 eissn: 2234-408X A Study on Childcare Teachers Cooperation Experiences with Nuri Curriculum Teaching Assistants Jooyeon Cho 1, Sungeun Yang 2 Inha Child Development Center, Inha University, Incheon, Korea 1 Department of Child Studies, Inha University, Incheon, Korea 2 1, 2 1, 2 Objective: The aim of this study was to achieve a qualitative understanding of childcare teachers' cooperation experiences with Nuri curriculum teaching assistants. Methods: The study adopted a qualitative research design. Participants comprised 23 childcare teachers working with Nuri curriculum teaching assistants. Focus group interviews were conducted to discuss their cooperation experience with the teaching assistants. Qualitative themes analyses were carried out following individual-level analyses, group-level analyses, and cross-groupcomparisons. Results and Conclusion: The results showed that childcare teachers, at first, had low expectation for Nuri curriculum teaching assistants because they have ambiguous job descriptions. However, the teachers' actual interactions exhibited cooperation effects on improving the quality of childcare. Childcare teachers suggested the ways to promote cooperation between childcare teachers and Nuri curriculum teaching assistants at individual and systemic levels. Keywords: Nuri curriculum teaching assistants, cooperation experiences, qualitative study, focus group interviews,,. 2012..,,,. (Wittmer & Petersen, 2011) (Wee, 2011)., Corresponding Author: Sungeun Yang, Department of Child Studies, Inha University, 100 Inha-ro, Nam-gu, Incheon 22212, Korea E-mail: syang@inha.ac.kr The Korean Association of Child Studies This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Cho and Yang 124,,. (B.-K. Cho & Nam, 2006),. Kim Cho (2013a),., (Jung, 2010)., (Kim & Cho, 2013b).,..,, ( ).,, (Choi & Na, 2009),., (Groom, 2006), (Gwon, Do, & Hwang, 2012)., 2012 558, 2013 1,643, 2014 2,247, 2013 (Ministry of Health & Welfare, 2015). 2013 (,,,,, ). 2013 5,582, 2014 8,264. 3. (J. Y. Cho, 2015; J. Cho., & S. Yang, 2016; Lee & Seo, 2013). Lee Seo (2013) J. Cho S. Yang (2016)...,,.,,,,....,,. (verstehen). (interpretive) (Padgett, 1998)..,
125 A Study on Childcare Teachers' Cooperation Experiences..,,. 연구참여자 (theoretical sampling)., 1..,. (homogeneity) (essence)., 23. (,, ). 20 13, 30 7, 50 3. 1, 7, 4 14, 1., 12, 6, 5. 1-5 15, 6-10 4, 10 2. 1 14, 9 2. 4 13, 6, (,, ) 4.. 4-6... 11 12. 4-6 ( :, ). 자료수집 4, 2015 5.,. (focus group interview). (Schwandt, 2007)..,. 23 4. 3 6, 1 5.....,,
Cho and Yang 126,,,.,., 70.. (peer debriefing),. 자료분석 (individual-level analyses), (group-level analyses), (cross-group-comparisons).,,. 12, 4, 3. Table 1. Padgett (1988) (negative case analysis).,,.,, Table 2,. 누리과정보조교사에대한담임교사의기대.. Table 1 Data Analysis Course Research participant opinions Meaning units Category As a preschool class, there are more activities so there is so much for the teacher to do such as write daily logs and so it is too difficult to make activity preparations as well. For good activities, preparations must be made and since the [Nuri course assistant] teacher makes the basic preparations, it is great because I can focus on classes. (#17) Reduced tasks for the teacher The positive effects of cooperation The children are always talkative and full of curiosity. I can answer their questions right away. When I was alone, I told them to wait a little but now with the [Nuri assistant teacher] I can provide the children with quick feedback. (#05) Quality interaction with the children I hardly said anything because I felt sorry to give orders. I thought she would do the work on her own so I didn t tell her what to do. I think that is why she felt frustrated. (omitted) I wasn t sure how much work to give her, either. I know the work is not easy. I thought it would just be faster if I did it... It seems that the lines are vague with regard to how I should request help. (#04) A Nuri assistant probably has less sense of belonging than regular teachers. It seems that [Nuri assistant teachers] are more anxious emotionally and unsure of what to do. There was one [Nuri course assistant] teacher who went here and there and quit after a few months because there was no sense of belonging. (#19) Ambiguity in role prescription Lack of a sense of belonging for the Nuri curriculum teaching assistants Difficulties in cooperation
127 A Study on Childcare Teachers' Cooperation Experiences 낯선역할 에대한모호한기대.,,.,.... [ ]...,... (#20).?... (#19) 단순업무보조., ( :,,, ),.,.,.. [ ]..?...,. Table 2 Cooperation With Nuri Curriculum Teaching Assistants Experienced by Childcare Teacher Topic Category Main meaning units Homeroom teacher expectations of Nuri - Ambiguous expectations of an unfamiliar role course assistant teachers - Simple work assistance Actual cooperation with Nuri course assistant teachers as experienced by homeroom teachers Proposals for enhanced cooperation between teachers and Nuri curriculum teaching assistants Positive effects Difficulties in cooperation Individual teacher levels Institutional levels Work reduction for teachers Emotional support for teachers Strengthened quality interactions with the children Conflicts due to unclear role prescriptions Discord in teacher positions and professional skills Lack of a sense of belonging for Nuri curriculum teaching assistants Effective work management for homeroom teachers Strengthened abilities of Nuri curriculum teaching assistants Regulation of Nuri curriculum teaching assistants work duties Stabilization of Nuri curriculum teaching assistant systems
Cho and Yang 128... (#11) 담임교사가경험한누리과정보조교사와의협력실제.,.,. 긍정적효과.,,.,...,,.,,. [ ].. [ ].. (one). [ ],. (#15).,.,,. ( :, ).,., 1:1.. 1:19..., [ ]. (#05).. [ ]. (#06) 협력의어려움....
129 A Study on Childcare Teachers' Cooperation Experiences. [ ]....,..,. (#04),.,..,,,,.,,.,. [ ]...,...... (#22)... [ ]... (#07).,., ( :, )...,... [ ],.,.??.... (#08) [ ] 1.?.. (#11) 담임교사와누리과정보조교사의협력증진을위한제안.,.,,.
Cho and Yang 130 교사개인차원..,,.,.... [ ]..,.. (#19),.,......,. (#06) 제도적차원...,,........... (#05)..,.,...?.....,. [ ].?. (#06)
131 A Study on Childcare Teachers' Cooperation Experiences.,,..,.. ( :,, ).,.. (Choi & Na, 2009).. (Woo & Suh, 2015)..,,,. (Choi & Na, 2009)..,. (Lee & Seo, 2013).. (J. Y. Cho, 2015)..,.,.,.,.. Tillma (2009) (Woo & Suh, 2015). Woolfson Truswell (2005)..,. 3.,,.. (Kim & Cho, 2013a)
Cho and Yang 132. Park (2014)... (2016. 1. 1. 13618 ) 33 ( ) 1.,,,,,,,.....,..,.,...,.,.. Notes This article was presented as a poster at the 2015 annual fall conference of the Korean Association of Child Studies. Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. In English References Groom, B. (2006). Building relationships for learning: The developing role of the teaching assistant. Support for Learning, 21(4), 199-203. Padgett, D. K. (1998). Qualitative methods in social work research: Challenges and rewards. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Schwandt, T. A. (2007). The sage dictionary of qualitative inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Tillema, H. H. (2009). Assessment for learning to teach: Appraisal of practice teaching lessons by mentors, supervisors, and student teachers. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(2), 155-167. Retrieved from http://jte.sagepub.com/content/60/2/155. short Wittmer, D. S., & Petersen, S. H. (2011). Infant and toddler development and responsive program planning: A relationshipbased approach (S. Y. Lee, E. Y. Kim, J. H. Kang, & H. R. Moon, Trans.). Hakjisa. Woolfson, R. C., & Truswell, E. (2005). Do classroom assistants work? Educational Research, 47(1), 63-75. Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/001318804 2000337569v In Korean Cho, B.-K., & Nam, O. J. (2006). Variables influencing the role performance of public kindergarten teachers. Korean Journal of Child Studies, 27(6), 81-96. Retrieved from http://www.
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