4 2 Asia n Journa l of Ed uc a tion 2003, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 141-168. ( ) *,....,, Bruner, Hir sch, Jr..,, Hir st, Ryle.,,,,.,,,,, Palmer,.,. :,,,, *
142 4 2 I.,....,.., Bruner, Hirsch, Jr., Hirst,, Ryle,, Polanyi,,,,.,,.,...,...,, Bruner, Hirsch, Jr..,, Hirst, Ryle.,,,,.
143,,,,, Palmer,.,.. 1. :.. 18.,. 19, 20.,,.,.,., 1957. Bruner.,., Bruner.?,,, (
144 4 2, 1978: 39)., Bruner.,,,,., (middle langu age),,. Bruner. (Bruner, 1960;, 1978; 1988)... Bruner. Bruner,.,. Hirsch, Jr. (Cultural Literacy). 1983 (Nation at Risk),. Hirsch, Jr.(1988; 1996). Hirsch, Jr.,.,.,.
145 Hirsch, Jr., Bruner.,,, (Hirsch, Jr., 1988). Hirsch, Jr.,,.,.., Hirsch, Jr.,, (Hirsch, Jr., 1996: 84-87;, 1999: 328-331 ). Hirsch, Jr.. Hirsch, Jr.,. 2. :,.,., 1 (1954 1963), 2 (1963 1973), 3 (1973 1981), 4 (1981 1987). 5 (1987 1992), 6 7 21..
146 4 2?? Oakeshott.,?,? (Oakeshott, 1967: 160). Oakeshott.,,. (Oakeshott, 1967: 160-161).,,. Peters.,,. (teach somebody something),., (Peters, 1966: 2 ).,.. Bruner Hirsch, Jr..,.. 1. ( 1) : Hi r s t,.
147 Hirst (Hirst, 1974),. Hirst 1991 (Hirst, 1992). Hirst (Hirst, 1974: 96). Plato. Plato,. 7 (seven liberal arts). Hirst,,.,,,,,,.. (Hirst, 1974: 3 ). Plato, Hirst,., (Hirst, 1974: 42). Hirst,,.,. Martin Hirst. Martin Hirst ( ). Hirst (Martin, 1981: 46-51;, 1999: 19-26). Elliott Hirst.,
148 4 2,.,,.,. Hirst (Elliott, 1975: 62;, 1999: 17-19). Hirst,, (Hirst, 1992: 40-53). Hirst, (a practice). Hirst,,. Hirst,,. Hirst,, (Hirst, 1993: 197).,.. Hirst MacIntyre (a practice) (MacIntyre, 1984), Hirst. Hirst,,,,,,,, (Hirst, 1993: 196;, 2000a; 2000b)., Education as initiation into practices (Hong, 1991).
149,.,,,,, (MacIntyre, 1984: 187ff).. Hirst? Hirst. Hirst,.,., Hirst,.,. 2. (2) : Ryl e Ryle. Ryle.. Ryle,. (know that) (know how),., (intellect) (intelligence), (Ryle, 1949: 2 ). Ryle,.,
150 4 2 (Ryle, 1967: 111-112). Ryle,. Ryle,., (Ryle, 1949: 48, 54).,.,,. 3. :,.,...,.,.,.,.,., (, 1999: 1 ).. Hirst.,. Ryle,.
151.,. Hirst, Hirst.,. Hirst,.,,,..,.,,. Ryle, (, 1999: 1 ).,.,,,,,.,.. 1. :.,.,.,.,
152 4 2. Descartes...,.. Locke, (, 1972: 3 ).,?,.,,.,, Gadamer (fusion of horizon)., (Gadamer, 1975; Palmer, 1969;, 1972: 5 ).,.,,.., (, 1972: 44-45).. Bernstein,.,,,,, (Bernstein, 1983: 8-9).,.,,.
153,,,,,,,,,,,..,, Bernstein (inter-subjectivity) (Bernstein, 1983: 8-10)..,.. 19,,,,, ( ), (, 1998: 2671-2674).,,, (Lyotard, 1979, : 5-6).,,,,,,....,,,.,,,, (Lyotard, : 52). 2. Hamlyn.?,,
154 4 2.., Hamlyn Wittgenstein., (Hamlyn, 1978, : xxiv). (, 1998: 25). Hamlyn, (1998).,. Hamlyn.,,,...,., Hamlyn. Hamlyn Wittgenstein,,,. Hamlyn. Hamlyn.,,, Hamlyn,.
155, (, 1998: 9-17).,,. 1),.,. Hamlyn.,.,.,... 1. :,..,..? 1), (, 1998: 10 ).
156 4 2 (impersonal).,.,. Polanyi, (committed) (personal).,, (Polanyi, 1962: vii).,. (Polanyi, 1966: 4-5)., (tacit dimension)., Polanyi,.,,,,, (Polanyi, 1962: 134). Polanyi,,. (Polanyi, 1962: vii-viii, 300).,.?.., (Achtemeier, 1985: 533-534).
157,.,,.,.,,. 2...,.,.. (objective),,,., (reality),, res. res (real estate).., (Palmer, 1983: 48-50).. Marcu se, (Marcuse,, 1976;, 1972: 15 ). Marcuse,
158 4 2.,,.,.,,,.,.. Habermas. Habermas(1971),,.,. -,.,..,.. Habermas, -,. - -,. 3. : Pal mer,..,,.,
159,., (Palmer, 1983)..,.,,.,.,.,. Palmer,,..,.,. (Palmer, 1983: 28-29).? Palmer,.,. Palmer,,..,.,, (Palmer, 1983: 31). Palmer,,.
160 4 2.,.,.,,.,, (Palmer, 1993: 30). Palmer.,,, (Palmer, 1983: 31). (mind),.,,,. (mind) (heart),. 4. :,,. Drucker 21 5 (, 1998: 38)., (Drucker,, 1993: 19-23;, 1999).., Drucker (Drucker,, 1993: 83-84).?.,.,.,
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167 Abstra c t Mapping the Discussions on Knowledge Education Hong, Eun-Sook* There are various kinds of theories and discussions on knowledge education. Because their relationship is not clarified, they sometimes cause confusions in discussing knowledge education. The purpose of this article is to draw the overall picture of how a variety of theories of 'knowledge education' are connected. In this article different theories are classified into four areas according to the problems they are dealing with. The first area deals with the situation where knowledge education is criticized for bad exercise such as cramming of information. Instead of denying knowledge education itself, some tend to correct the distorted form of knowledge education. Here Bruner's 'structures of knowledge' theory and Hirsch, Jr.'s 'cultural literacy' theory are explained. On the basis of desirable shape of knowledge education, we can explore the proper status of knowledge education. The second issue is the problem of intellectualism in education. The most representative theory of intellectual education is Hirst's 'forms of knowledge' theory. Here some criticisms and alternatives to this theory are explained. Especially Hirst's own alternative, 'education as initiation into social practices', and Ryle's concept of know-how are explained. The third area deals with the foundations and processes of knowing. Here 'Foundationalism' in epistemology is criticized, while other views such as hermeneutic epistemology and post-modern epistemology are suggested as alternatives. And the new trend of 'educational epistemology' is also explained. The fourth area pursues the nature of knowing and the purpose of knowledge education. Here 'Objectivism' which distorts the relationship between the knower and the known is criticized, and 'personal knowledge' is argued for instead. For the purpose of knowledge * Associate Professor, Division of Theology, Sungkyul University
168 4 2 education, instrumental view is also criticized, while knowledge for restoring the community, responsibility, and mutuality is emphasized. Palmer's concept of 'knowledge originated from love' is introduced in this context. On the basis of this classification, implications on education are discussed. Key Words : the status of knowledge education, intellectual education, educational epistemology, nature of knowing, the purpose of knowledge educat ion