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이용석 박환용 - 베이비부머의 특성에 따른 주택유형 선택 변화 연구.hwp



Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp.269-297 DOI: * Understanding the elderly years of three male senior citizens, as seen through their life experience Purpose The purpose of the study is to broaden understanding of the ages of other generations by directly listening to life stories from three male seniors and discussing their aging lives and adaptations based on them. Methods: An in-depth interview was conducted for the study, using a narrative exploration method. results: According to the study Results, first, the senior citizens have a principle on how they lead their lives in their later years through their life experience. Second, the three male senior citizens made efforts to maintain a good relationship with people around them to ensure that they would not be socially isolated. Third, they made efforts to tackle anxiety through attitudinal values and the use of their body. They also showed a willingness to overcome challenges in a given environment. Conclusion: The three male senior citizens who took part in the study took the stage of comprehensively compiling their life experience to review their life as an agent of assessing their own life and re-interpreting it. This served as a motivation to lead a positive life in their later years. Key words : Life experience, male senior citizens, narrative exploration, attitudinal values * 1,. Corresponding Author: Park, Youmg-Im. Gyeongsang University, Dept. of Education, Jinjudaero 501, Jinju, Korea, e-mail:

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