The Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy 2004, Vol. 16, No. 1, 37-51 *. 468., 2,,, 5 8 (octant scales) 40 (KIAS-40). 8.79.90 ( ).,. :,,, * 2003. :, 2, : 032-340-3469 E-mail : - 37 -
., Big Five. Guttman, Leary Wiggins, Plutchik Lorr (circumplex model) (Plutchik & Conte, 1997).,. Sullivan Leary(1957). -, -, (-).. (0),, (+). (Leary, 1957; Lorr & McNair, 1965; Wiggins, 1979; Kiesler, 1983). 1, Adjective Scale-R; IAS-R ), (1987; Kiesler & Schmidt, 1991; Schmidt, Wagner, & 8, 90 Kiesler, 1999) 8 8 (octants) PA( ), BC ( - ), DE( ), FG( - ), HI( ), JK( - ), LM( ), NO( - ) Villasenor, 1988) (Inventory of. Interpersonal. Wiggins (1991, 1994) (Interpersonal Kiesler (Impact Message Inventory-C), Horowitz (1979, 1988; Horowitz, Rosenberg, Baer, Ureno, & Problems) 8 (IIP-C; Alden, Wiggins, & Pincus, 1990).,,.. IIP-C BC 8 (, JK 8,,,,,, PA 90 BC NO 135 45 DE LM 180 0 FG JK 225 315 HI 270 1. - 38 -
/ 2002;, 2001a). 1983, 1996), -...,.. 3 Wiggins(1979). 16 128, (IAS).. 64. (IAS-R) (Wiggins, Trapnell, & Phillips, 1988)..,,, (Wiggins et al., 1989)., IAS-R,. (Levenson, 1995; Luborsky, 1984; Strupp & Binder, 1984). ( ). IAS-R., (,,, 2000),, (,. 2001b).,,,.., (Kiesler,. - 39 -
IAS 51, 163 214... 478.., 468 ( 160, 308 ),. 22.41 ( 3.54) 19 49..,,.,. IAS(Wiggins, 1979) 128.,.. - (1992) 785 (2000) 834.,.,, 8 5 (maximum - 40 -
/ liklihood). 315, 360, 45 ( 1 ), x 2 8, varimax.. 2 (communality, )..,,..,,,., -,.. ( ),,..,,,. PA,.,,, -.,,,,. DE,,,,. /. FG, (x ),. (rad) = arctan( / ) (vector leng th) = 2 + 2 8 5. /. BC,. BC /. ( ),,,. /. HI,,,,, /. JK, PA NO 8,,, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270,, /. LM - 41 -
,,, 1. 8, ( ),, / ( ). NO, 1. PA( / ) 4.94(1.37).89,,, 2. BC( / ) 3.95(1.41).85, /. 3. DE( / ) 3.87(1.24).79,,,. 8 4. FG( / ) 5. HI( / ) 6. JK( / ) 7. LM( / ) 8. NO( / 3.71(1.23) 4.24(1.54) 4.93(1.36) 5.79(1.11) 5.46(1.32). n=468,.79.90.. 0 8.. 1 8,. ( ), 2 2 8,. 3.19, 3.03 77.77% 2 ( 2 ). varimax, 2. 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. PA 1.00 2. BC.58 1.00 3. DE.12.69 1.00 4. FG -.47.13.50 1.00 5. HI -.78 -.40.09.63 1.00 6. JK -.49 -.68 -.43.12.58 1.00 7. LM.08 -.45 -.58 -.43 -.04.54 1.00 8. NO.49.00 -.33 -.64 -.48.01.60 1.00 n=468. - 42 -
/ 2. Scree 3.,. 2.65 2.14. 3 59.94%. 8 3,. 3. 3. 1. PA -.05.76 2. BC -.73.51 3. DE -.87.08 4. FG -.62 -.49 5. HI -.13 -.76 6. JK.48 -.54 7. LM.71.01 8. NO.49.44 n= 468. 2 varimax., Fisher(1983). 8.. (cosine),. Fisher(1983), 0 = 1- / 180 ( ). Fisher 0-43 -
4. 8 0 (1) (2) (1) - (2) cosine 0 1. PA 90.00 94.16-4.16.997.98 2. BC 135.00 144.93-9.93.997.94 3. DE 180.00 174.66 5.34.999.97 4. FG 225.00 218.44 6.56.993.96 5. HI 270.00 260.56 9.44.995.95 6. JK 315.00 311.73 3.27.999.98 7. LM.00.89 -.89.999.99 8. NO 45.00 42.30 2.70.996.98 5.28.996.97 0 1 0, 1. 4,. 97.1%.. Fisher, x 2 ( 1) = 2n cos 2 (n. 8),.. 5.285.996. x 2,, x 2 (1)= 3.966, p <.05., 8,,..... 8 (PA ), (BC ), (DE ), (FG ), (HI ), (JK ), (LM ), (NO ). - 44 -
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The Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy 2004, Vol. 16, No. 1, 37-51 Construction of the Circumplex Scales for Korean Version of the Interpersonal Adjective Scales(KIAS-40) Nam-Woon Chung The Catholic University of Korea The aim of the present study is to construct a set of circumplex scales for Korean version of the Interpersonal Adjective Scales(KIAS-40). A sample of university undergraduates(n=468) was used for this purpose of the study. The item scores were intercorrelated and subjected to a factor analysis in which two familiar interpersonal factors (that is, Affiliation and Control) were extracted. The factor loadings, communalities, and thematic contents were used to select the best items for eight 5-item circumplex scales. Factor analyses of the scores for these eight scales resulted in a clear two-factor solution, accounting for 60% of the variance. A post hoc chi-square test developed by Fisher(1983) was used to evaluate the circumplex structure of the KIAS-40 in this sample. This test suggested a high degree of convergence between the empirical locations of the KIAS-40 scales and the locations predicted by circumplex theory. The implications and limitations of the study were discussed along with some suggestions for future researches and psychotherapy practice. Key Words : Interpersonal Adjective Scales(IAS), KIAS-40, circumplex model, affiliation, control - 49 -
(KIAS-40),,, ( ) 1) 2) 3) 4 ) 1. PA( / ) 4.74(1.71).80 87.11.83 5.01(1.56).76 90.98.82 4.64(1.66).64 109.34.77 5.05(1.54).73 86.94.75 5.26(1.75).72 91.40.71 2. BC( / ) 4.45(1.86).67 148.00.77 3.65(1.79).68 128.02.76 4.00(1.85).64 127.62.74 4.47(1.77).68 142.48.73 3.20(1.62).67 149.38.73 3. DE( / ) 4.24(1.74).57 166.01.68 3.56(1.64).61 168.64.68 3.60(1.62).64 176.92.62 3.53(1.67).59 176.46.59 4.41(1.74).46 184.65.57 4. FG( / ) 3.44(1.69).59 222.12.66 ( ) 4.03(1.77).57 225.33.60 3.45(1.62).66 229.88.60 4.00(1.64).57 221.53.60 3.64(1.58).50 232.22.57 1) n=468, 8 (1 8) 2) corrected item-total correlation 3) (x ) (degree) 4) - 50 -
/ ( ) 1) 2) 3) 4 ) 5. HI( / ) 4.21(1.76).74 264.95.77 4.36(1.91).67 275.31.76 3.99(1.99).69 260.29.75 4.60(1.99).70 267.04.73 4.06(1.78).71 268.39.73 6. JK( / ) 5.05(1.71).70 319.59.75 5.45(1.56).63 331.95.74 5.09(1.81).69 323.61.74 4.62(1.95).56 293.57.68 4.42(1.79).56 295.16.66 7. LM( / ) 5.65(1.37).78.43.80 5.91(1.25).75 3.52.79 5.90(1.24).76 7.90.75 5.52(1.37).74 6.53.73 5.95(1.30).73.39.71 8. NO( / ) 5.57(1.48).76 41.52.79 5.68(1.56).77 39.59.78 5.55(1.59).74 38.19.73 5.59(1.47).75 48.53.71 4.91(1.75).69 53.26.69 1) n=468, 8 (1 8) 2) corrected item-total correlation 3) (x ) (degree) 4) - 51 -