원재료 / 배지준비 (Dehydrated Media) 자체파생물질로조제된 Thermo Scientific 탈수배양배지로뛰어난품질의표준을유지합니다. 동물유래펩톤및식물유래 Veggietones 의원제조업체로, 시작부터마무리까지공정을완벽하게관리합니다. 따라서고객의실험대위에놓

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Pharmaceutical Microbiology Mini Catalog 2016~2017

원재료 / 배지준비 (Dehydrated Media) 자체파생물질로조제된 Thermo Scientific 탈수배양배지로뛰어난품질의표준을유지합니다. 동물유래펩톤및식물유래 Veggietones 의원제조업체로, 시작부터마무리까지공정을완벽하게관리합니다. 따라서고객의실험대위에놓이는배지가품질과일관성에대한검사를철저하게거쳤음을알고안심할수있습니다. 조제된배지 (Prepared Media) 광범위한규제를준수하는 Thermo Scientific 준비배양배지를사용하여검사지침준수에대해두번생각할필요가없습니다. 당사는관련미국, 유럽연합, 일본의약전은물론바이오버든및정제수검사에대한 FAD 및 ISO 요건을충족하도록설계된다양한제제를제공합니다. 편리한배지충전을위한생물공정용기 (BioProcess Container) 생물공정용기 (BPC) 에준비된 Thermo Scientific 배양배지로무균제조공정검정에서오염위험을줄이고지연을예방할수있습니다. 검증및준수하는동물파생성분무함유 (ADCF) 및 Tryptone Soya Broth(TSB) 변이체가지원되는이즉시사용이가능한액체배지는혼합및멸균이필요하지않습니다. 연결만하면 BPC 가자동으로수행합니다.

클린룸환경모니터링 (Environmental Monitoring) 가장규제가엄격한환경용으로설계된 Thermo Scientific Triple Wrapped Irradiated Plate 는최신품질보장기술이특징입니다. 고급계층보호에서향상된성능까지, 환경모니터링을위한탁월한선택입니다. Triple Wrapped Irradiated Plate & Swab 접촉플레이트어플리케이터 (CPA) - 스테인리스강으로제조된 CPA 는청각및시각표시와함께 10 초동안 500g 의무게를전달하여표면시료채취공정을표준화합니다. 빠른생화학적동정 (Biochemical Identification)) 실험실은품질저하없이비용을절감할수있는새로운방법을꾸준히찾고있습니다. Thermo Scientific 포트폴리오는광범위한미생물의비용효율적수동식별을위한 RapID System 을포함해귀하의목표를달성할수있는여러저렴한방법을제공하고있습니다. 정량적품질관리시험 (Quantitative QC Testing) 정량품질관리검사미생물로의약품재료에대한일관된미생물학검사를보장합니다. Thermo Scientific 의재수화가능한겔보존균주를통해오염위험을줄여줍니다. Quanti-Cult Two-Vial System 은성장촉진검사에사용하기위한자체시설에서 ATCC 파생균주와맞춤형환경격리를통해완벽한추적기능을제공합니다.

무균시험법 대한약전명 제품명 제품번호 용량 용기 물성 CM0173B 500g Pot 건조분말 액상티오글리콜산 Thioglycollate Medium BO0211M 10 x 100ml 125ml Sirop 액체 배지 (EP/USP) BO0368M 10 x 100ml 100ml Vial 액체 BO0510M 10 x 100ml 100ml DIN 액체 변형티오글리콜산배지 대두카제인소화배지 세정액 Thioglycollate Broth, alternative (USP) Tryptone Soya Broth (Soybean Casein Digest Broth) (EP/USP/JP/BP) 0.1% Peptone Water 0.1% Peptone Water with 0.1% Tween CM0391B 500g Pot 건조분말 CM0129B 500g Pot 건조분말 BO0351U 10 x 90ml 125ml Sirop 액체 BO0351M 10 x 100ml 125ml Sirop 액체 BO0369M 10 x 100ml 100ml Vial 액체 BO0509M 10 x 100ml 100ml DIN 액체 BO0833M 10 x 100ml 100ml DIN 액체 BO0833Z 10 x 300ml 500ml DIN 액체 BO0833V 10 x 500ml 500ml DIN 액체 BO0293M 10 x 100ml 125ml Spc 액체 BO0293Z 10 x 300ml 500ml Spc 액체 BO0964V 10 x 500ml 500ml DIN 액체 미생물한도시험법 - 생균수시험 대한약전명 제품명 제품번호 용량 용기 물성 CM0982B 500g Pot 건조분말 Buffered Sodium Chloride ph 7.0 펩톤염화나 Peptone ph 7.0 (EP/USP/ BO0322D 24 x 9ml Universal 액체트륨완충액 JP/BP) BO0322M 10 x 100ml 125ml Sirop 액체 CM0129B 500g Pot 건조분말 BO0351U 10 x 90ml 125ml Sirop 액체 Tryptone Soya Broth 대두카제인소화액 (Soybean Casein Digest BO0351M 10 x 100ml 125ml Sirop 액체체배지 Broth) (EP/USP/JP/BP) BO0369M 10 x 100ml 100ml Vial 액체 BO0509M 10 x 100ml 100ml DIN 액체 CM0131B 500g Pot 건조분말 Tryptone Soya Agar (Soybean Casein Digest Agar) PO0163A 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤대두카제인소화한천배지 (EP/USP/JP/BP) BO0330M 10 x 100ml 125ml Sirop 액체 사부로포도당액체 Sabouraud Dextrose CM0147B 500g Pot 건조분말 배지 Broth (EP/USP/JP/BP) BO0283M 10 x 100ml 125ml Sirop 액체 R454462 500g Pot 건조분말 사부로포도당한천 Sabouraud Dextrose Agar 배지 ph 5.6 (EP/USP/JP/BP) PO1166A 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 BO1155M 10 x 100ml 125ml Sirop 젤 감자덱스트로오스 CM0139B 500g Pot 건조분말 Potato Dextrose Agar 한천배지 PO0186A 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤

미생물한도시험법 - 특정미생물시험 대한약전명 제품명 제품번호 용량 용기 물성 CM1115B 500g POT 건조분말 모젤장내세균증균 EE Broth-Mossel (EP/USP/ BO1156E 24 x 10ml Universal 액체 액체배지 JP/BP) BO1156J 10 x 90ml 125ml Sirop 액체 BO1156M 10 x 100ml 150ml Sirop 액체 바이올렛레드ㆍ담 R455302 500g POT 건조분말 Violet Red Bile Glucose 즙산ㆍ포도당한천 Agar (EP/USP/JP/BP) 배지 PO1167A 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 맥콘키액체배지 맥콘키한천배지 라파포드바시리아디스살모넬라증균액체배지 엑스엘디한천배지 (XLD agar) 세트리미드한천배지 만니톨염화나트륨한천배지 강화클로스트리디아배지 콜롬비아한천배지 사부로포도당액체배지 사부로포도당한천배지 기타배지 MacConkey Broth (EP/ USP/JP/BP) MacConkey Agar (EP/USP/ JP/BP) Rappaport-Vassiliadia Broth (EP/USP/JP/BP) XLD Agar (EP/USP/JP/BP) Cetrimide Agar (Glycerol 별도첨가 ) Cetrimide Agar (EP/USP/ JP/BP) Mannitol Salt Agar (EP/ USP/JP/BP) Reinforced Medium for Clostridia (EP/USP/JP/BP) Columbia Agar MLT (EP/ USP/JP/BP) Sabouraud Dextrose Broth (EP/USP/JP/BP) Sabouraud Dextrose Agar ph 5.6 (EP/USP/JP/BP) R453822 500g POT 건조분말 BO1124M 10 x 100ml 125ml Sirop 액체 R453802 500g POT 건조분말 PO1142A 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 R455432 500g POT 건조분말 BO1121E 24 x 10ml Universal 액체 R459902 500g POT 건조분말 PO1132A 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 R452802 500g POT 건조분말 PO1168A 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 R453902 500g POT 건조분말 PO1169A 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 R455402 500g POT 건조분말 BO1158M 10 x 100ml 125ml Sirop 젤 R455412 500g POT 건조분말 CM0147B 500g POT 건조분말 BO0283M 10 x 100ml 125ml Sirop 액체 R454462 500g POT 건조분말 PO1166A 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 BO1155M 10 x 100ml 125ml Sirop 젤 분야제품명제품번호용량용기물성 CM0906B 500g Pot 건조분말 Water Test R2A Agar PO0659A 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 Burkholderia cepacia CM0995B 500g Pot 건조분말 Agar Base Burkholderia cepacia Pseudomonas spp. + Burkholderia cepacia Selective Supplement SR0189E 10 vials 동결건조 Burkholderia cepacia Agar PO0938A 10 plates 90mm Plate PPM Pseudomonas Agar Base CM0559B 500g Pot 건조분말 + Pseudomonas CFC Supplement SR0103E 10 vials 동결건조 Pseudomonas CFC Agar PO0291A 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤

환경모니터링 (Environmental Monitoring) 제품명 제품번호 특징 용량 용기 물성 PO0163A Single wrapped, Non-irradiated 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 Tryptone Soya Agar (Soybean Casein Digest Agar) Tryptone Soya Agar with Tween and Lecithin Pro-Tect Agar (Tryptone Soya Agar w/ Lecithin, Histidine, Sodium thiosulphate, Tween 80) Sabouraud Dextrose Agar Tryptone Soya Agar (Soybean Casein Digest Agar) Tryptone Soya Agar w/lecithin, Polysorbate 80, Sodium Thiosulphate, L-Histidine PO0193C Single wrapped, Non-irradiated, Contact 10 plates 55mm Plate 젤 PO0777B Triple wrapped, Irradiated, VHP impermeable pack 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 PO0821B Triple wrapped, Irradiated, Deep Fill 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 PO0262D Triple wrapped, Irradiated, Contact 10 plates 55mm Plate 젤 PO0479D Triple wrapped, Irradiated, Contact 10 plates 55mm Plate 젤 PO0678D Triple wrapped, Irradiated, Contact 10 plates 55mm Plate 젤 PO0160A Single wrapped, Non-irradiated 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 PO0192C Single wrapped, Non-irradiated, Contact 10 plates 55mm Plate 젤 PO0410B Triple wrapped, Irradiated 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 PO0394D Triple wrapped, Irradiated, Contact 10 plates 55mm Plate 젤 TWIP; Triple Wrap Sterile Pack w/ PO5500B VHP Irradiation Indicator, moisutre control patch, desiccant, Irradiated, 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 Settling plates TWIP; Triple Wrap Sterile Pack w/ PO5510D VHP Irradiation Indicator, moisutre control patch, desiccant, Irradiated, 10 plates 55mm Plate 젤 Contact plates TWIP; Triple Wrap Sterile Pack w/ PO5501B VHP Irradiation Indicator, moisutre control patch, desiccant, Irradiated, 10 plates 90mm Plate 젤 Settling plates TWIP; Triple Wrap Sterile Pack w/ PO5511D VHP Irradiation Indicator, moisutre control patch, desiccant, Irradiated, 10 plates 55mm Plate 젤 Contact plates 공정시뮬레이션 (Process Simulation) 분야 제품명 제품번호 용량 용기 물성 CM1065B 500g Pot 건조분말 Cold Filterable Tryptone Soya Broth, Gamma-irradiated CM1065R 2.5kg Peil 건조분말 CM1065T 5kg Peil 건조분말 Cold Fiterable Vegetable Peptone VG0704B 500g Pot 건조분말 Broth, Gamma-irradiated VG0704T 5kg Peil 건조분말 Microbiological BP1065A 1L BioProcess Container 액체 Media Fill Trials Cold Filterable Tryptone Soya BP1065C 10L BioProcess Container 액체 Broth in BPCs BP1065E 20L BioProcess Container 액체 BP0104A 1L BioProcess Container 액체 Cold Filterable Vegetable Peptone Broth in BPCs BP0104C 10L BioProcess Container 액체 BP0104E 20L BioProcess Container 액체

정량시험용균주 - Quanti-Cult Plus TM 시험당 <100 CFU/0.1ml 을사용. 10 개의균주 vial 과 10 개의 rehydration vial 로구성. vial 당최소 1ml 을제공하여최소 100 회의시험량을제공. 균주명 Aspergillus brasiliensis ATCC 16404 Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 Brevundimonas diminuta ATCC 19146 Burkholderia cepacia ATCC 25416 Candida albicans ATCC 10231 Candida albicans ATCC 2091 Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 11437 Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 19404 Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 Enterococcus faecium ATCC 35667 Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 Kocuria rhizophila ATCC 9341 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027 제품명 R4711100 R4711221 R4711300 R4715220 R4711503 R4711601 R4711703 R4711700 R4717030 R4711956 R4717050 R4717085 R4714075 R4715210 균주명 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis ATCC 10708 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC 13311 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium ATCC 14028 Salmonella sp. serovar Abony NCTC 6017 Serratia marcescens ATCC 8100 Shigella sonnei ATCC 25931 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC 29737 Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC 6538P Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus ATCC 6538 Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228 Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615 제품명 R4719001 R4716100 R4716000 R4716007 R4718001 R4716300 R4717020 R4719002 R4717016 R4716500 R4717000 신속생화학동정키트 - RapID kits 표적균주제품명제품번호용량보조시약 Oxidase 음성, 그람음성간균, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. 등 Oxidase 음성, 그람음성간균, Burkholderia cepaciia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 등 RapID ONE R8311006 20 panels R8325106, R21540, R8309002, R20412 RapID NF Plus R8311005 20 panels R8325102, R21540, R8309003, R8309002, R20411 주요혐기성균주 Clostridia 등 RapID ANA II R8311002 20 panels R8325102, R8309002, R20413 Staphylococci 및기타 catalase 양성, 그람양성구균 RapID STAPH PLUS R8311009 20 panels R8325106, R8309003, R8309004, R20413 Yeast 류 Candida 등 RapID Yeast Plus R8311007 20 panels R8325106 Corynebacterium 및그람양성 coryneform 간균 Corynebacterium, Actinomyces, Listeria 등 Streptococci 및관련유사균주 Streptococci 등 RapID CB Plus Panel R8311008 20 panels R8325106, R8309003, R8309004, R20414 RapID STR Panel R8311003 20 panels R8325102, R20411 보조시약 제품번호 제품명 용량 R20411 McFarland Equivalence Turbidity Standard No. 1 Each R20412 McFarland Equivalence Turbidity Standard No. 2 Each R20413 McFarland Equivalence Turbidity Standard No. 3 Each R20414 McFarland Equivalence Turbidity Standard No. 4 Each R21540 Bactidrop Oxidase 50 ampoules, 0.75ml / amp. R8309002 RapID Spot Indole 15ml bottle R8309003 RapID Nitrate A Reagent 15ml bottle R8309004 RapID Nitrate B Reagent 15ml bottle R8325102 RapID Inoculation Fluid 1ml/tube 20 tubes R8325106 RapID Inoculation Fluid 2ml/tube 20 tubes

Bottle Types of Bottled Media Key to Bottle Types D DIN wide neck bottle with septum V Vial narrow neck with septum S Sirop screw cap bottle Spc Sirop with pierceable screw cap U B T P Universal 1oz straight walled Bijou 1/4oz straight walled Tube with screw cap Sterile plastic container Microbiology Products 전화 02-313-4541 팩스 02-313-4539 일반문의 info@mesdia.com 학술지원 techsupport@mesdia.com 판매문의 sales@mesdia.com 웹 mesdia.com 07532 서울특별시강서구양천로 551-17 비즈메트로 1 차 1101 호