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1 Ann Clin Microbiol Vol. 7, No. 4, December, 24 pin ein Performance Evaluation of Anyplex Plus MTB/NTM and MD-TB Detection Kit for Detection of Mycobacteria and for Anti-Tuberculosis Drug usceptibility Test Jun Hyung Lee, Bo Hyun Kim, Mi-Kyung Lee Department of Laboratory Medicine, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine, eoul, Korea Background: The MTB/NTM and MD-TB Detection kits (eegene, Korea) a real-time PC assays for direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) and nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) and for identification of rifampin (IF) and isoniazid (INH) resistance of MTB in various specimens. We evaluated the diagnostic performance of the MTB/NTM and MD-TB Detection kit. Methods: To determine the ability of the kit to detect MTB and NTM, 557 samples were tested. The diagnostic performance of the MTB/NTM Detection kit was determined based on the results of culture, nucleic acid amplification tests (NAAT), radiologic analysis, and clinical features suggestive of mycobacterial infection. The performance of the kit was compared with those of other real-time PC kits. For the drug susceptibility test (DT), 5 MTB isolates were tested. The diagnostic performance of the MD-TB Detection kit was determined based on the conventional DT and compared with other molecular DT kits. esults: ensitivity and specificity for MTB detection of the MTB/NTM Detection kit were 82.9% (6/76) and 99.4% (478/48), respectively, while those for NTM detection were 76.5% (/7) and 89.6% (484/54). ensitivity and specificity for IF resistance detection of the MD-TB Detection kit were % (/) and 97.9% (47/48), respectively, while those for INH resistance detection were 8.% (5/6) and % (45/45). Conclusion: The MTB/NTM Detection kit showed good diagnostic performance for detection of MTB and NTM. Especially in MTB-positive cases, the MD-TB Detection kit provided rapid and reliable results of drug resistance to IF and INH. (Ann Clin Microbiol 24;7:5-22) Key Words:, Molecular diagnostic techniques, Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Nontuberculous Mycobacteria INTODUCTION 결핵의조기치료를위해서는무엇보다먼저신속하고정확하게진단하는것이중요한데, 결핵감염을진단하기위한여러검사법중짧은시간내에비교적정확한검사결과를얻을수있는분자진단검사법이이런목적에잘부합한다. 여러분자진단검사법중결핵균에만특이하게존재하는핵산을증폭하여확인하는핵산증폭검사 (nucleic acid amplification test, NAAT) 가널리쓰이고있고, 중합효소연쇄반응법 (polymerase chain reaction, PC) 은그대표적인예이다. 또한내성결핵은치료가힘들고다른사람에게내성결핵균을전파시킬수있기때문에, 내성결핵여부가결핵의치료방침을정하는데매우 중요한정보가된다. 항결핵제감수성검사는내성결핵을검출하여적절한치료를받게하고추가적인내성결핵의발생및전파를예방하는데필수적이다 []. 그러나전통적인항결핵제감수성검사는결핵균배양후추가로 4주이상의시간이소요되므로, 항결핵제내성을일으키는유전자변이를검출하여신속하게내성여부를예측하는분자진단검사의이용이증가하고있다. 최근핵산추출과정도간단하고, 결핵균검출과동시에다제약제내성여부까지간편한방법으로빠른시간내에확인할수있는 MTB/NTM Detection 키트와 MD-TB Detection (eegene, eoul, Korea) 키트가개발되었다. 이두가지키트는실시간중합효소연쇄반응 (real-time PC) 검사 eceived 5 October, 24, evised November, 24, Accepted 27 November, 24 Correspondence: Mi-Kyung Lee, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine, Heukseok-ro 2, Dongjak-gu, eoul , Korea. (Tel) , (Fax) , ( ) cpworld@cau.ac.kr c The Korean ociety of Clinical Microbiology. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 5

2 6 Ann Clin Microbiol 24;7(4):5-22 법으로서, MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 키트는결핵균의 is6과 mpb64, 항산균의 6 rna 유전자에특이적인시발체 (primer) 를사용하여, 객담 (sputum), 폐포세척액 (bronchial washing), 체액 (body fluid), 생검조직 (fresh tissue) 등다양한검체에서직접결핵균및비결핵항산균을검출할수있도록개발되었다. MD-TB Detection (eegene) 키트는 rifampin (IF) 내성에관련된 5가지돌연변이와 isoniazid (INH) 내성에관련한 6가지돌연변이를동시에검출할수있도록고안되었고, MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 키트의증폭산물을검사에이용하므로결핵균검출후내성여부를확인하는데약 4분정도만추가로소요되는것이큰장점이다. 본연구에서는 MTB/NTM 및 MD-TB 검출을위한 Anyplex plus MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 및 MD-TB Detection (eegene) 키트의유용성을평가하고자기존에사용되고있는 MTB/NTM 검사들및항결핵제내성검사들과비교하였다. MATEIAL AND METHOD. 대상 22년 4월부터 7월까지중앙대학교병원진단검사의학과에항산균염색, 배양및결핵균 PC 검사가의뢰된총 46명환자의 557개의검체 ( 호흡기검체 : 42개, 비호흡기검체 : 55개 ) 를대상으로결핵균검출능을평가하였다. 호흡기검체는객담과기관지폐포세척액이대부분이었고, 비호흡기검체는골수천자, 농양, 뇌척수액, 늑막액, 복막액, 소변, 관절액등이포함되었다. 이검체들중배양에성공하고대한결핵협회결핵연구원 (The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis) 의통상적항결핵제감수성검사결과를얻을수있었던 5개결핵균양성검체에대해서는항결핵제내성검출능을평가하였다. 본연구는중앙대학교병원생명윤리위원회 (institutional review board) 의승인을받았다. 2. 항산균도말검사와배양항산균도말검사 (acid-fast bacilli smear, AFB smear) 와배양은대한임상미생물학회의결핵검사지침에따라다음과같이시행하였다 [2]. 객담이나소변과같이오염의가능성이있는검체는.5% NALC/5% NaOH (N-acetyl-L-cysteine and sodium hydroxide) 혼합시약을동량첨가하여전처리하였다. 항산균염색은 auramine-rhodamine 형광염색을시행하였고, 양성이면 Ziehl-Neelsen 염색법으로확인하였다. 항산균도말결과는미국질병관리본부 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC) 의기준에따라판정하였다 []. 항산균배양을위한검체도항산균도말과동일한기준과방법으로전처리를시행한후 BACTEC MGIT 96 배양튜브 (Becton, Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes, NJ, UA) 와 2% Ogawa 배지 (The Korean Institute of Tuberculosis, Cheongju, Korea) 에접종하였다. BACTEC MGIT 96 배양튜브 (Becton, Dickinson and Company) 는 7 o C에서 6주동안배양하였고, Ogawa 배지는 7 o C에서 8주동안배양하였다. 액체배지와고체배지중에한개이상의배지에서자란경우배양양성으로판정하였다. 결핵균의동정은결핵균특이항원검사인 MPT64 (tandard Diagnostics, Yongin, Korea) 를이용하였다. 비결핵항산균 (nontuberculous mycobacteria, NTM) 은역교잡검사법 (reverse blot hybridization) 의원리를사용하는 MolecuTech EBA Myco-ID (YD Diagnostics, Yongin, Korea) 와 Advanure Mycobacteria GenoBlot Assay (LG Life ciences, eoul, Korea) 를이용하여동정하였다.. 양성검체의정의 A. 결핵배양고체배지나액체배지에서배양양성인경우 B. 결핵배양음성이지만핵산증폭검사에서양성인경우에는 (i) 다른검체에서항산균배양양성인환자의검체인경우 (ii) 결핵치료를받은환자에서검체를얻은경우 (iii) 임상증상, 방사선학적양성, 결핵피부반응검사양성, 조직학적양성, 항결핵치료후개선된경우를포함한결핵의병력이있는환자에서검체를얻은경우등상기 가지부가적인기준에서 개이상만족하는경우로정의하였다 [4]. 4. MTB/NTM and MD-TB Detection MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 검사는항산균도말및배양에이용한검체와동일한시기에, 동일한방법으로채취한별도의검체를이용하였고, 키트의사용설명서에따라검체에동량의전처리액 (4% NaOH) 을첨가하여전처리하였다. 항산균 DNA 추출을위해전처리후남아있는침전물을.5 ml 튜브에옮기고 ml 의멸균수를넣고, 5, g 에서 5분간원심분리한다음상층액을제거하였다. 여기에 DNA 추출용액 μl 를넣고 초간교반기로잘섞은다음 o C에서 2분간가열하였다. 이후 5, g에서 5분간원심분리하고분리된상청액 5 μl 를 PC에사용하였다. PC 반응은 PC master mix가 5 μl씩분주되어있는 PC 튜브에각검체에서추출한핵산을 5 μl 넣은후 CFX96 eal-time PC system (Bio-ad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, CA, UA) 을이용하여 5 o C에서 5분, 95 o C에서 5분의변성단계후 95 o C에서 초, 6 o C에서 분의 PC 주기를 45회반복하였다. 결핵균과항산균각각에특이적인시발체를이용한 PC 반응의검출에는 개의채널 (MTB, Mycobacteria, internal control) 을이용하여각채널에서 FAM, HEX, Quasar 67 파장의신호형성을확인하여 MTB와 internal control은 C T 값이 45 이하일때를, Mycobacteria는 C T 값이 4 이하일때를양성으로판정하였다. 제조사의지침서대로 MTB만양성또는 MTB와 Mycobacteria 동시양성인경우에는결핵균으로판정하고,

3 Jun Hyung Lee, et al. : Anyplex Plus MTB/NTM/MD-TB Evaluation 7 Mycobacteria만양성일경우는 NTM으로판정하였다. 항결핵제내성검출을위한 MD-TB Detection (eegene) 검사에는 MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 검사로생성된 PC 증폭산물을이용하였다. MD-TB PC Mastermix가 9 μl씩분주되어있는 PC 튜브에 PC 증폭산물을 μl 넣은후 CFX96 eal-time PC system (Bio-ad Laboratories, Inc.) 을이용하여 95 o C에서 2분의변성단계후 95 o C 에서 2초, 64 o C에서 초, 75 o C에서 초의 PC 주기를 2회반복하였다. IF, INH 저항성을보이는변이, 즉, rpob (β-subunit of NA polymerase) 와 katg (catalase-peroxidase) 유전자부위및 inha (enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase) 의촉진자 (promototer) 부위의변이에각각특이적인시발체를이용한 PC 반응의검출에는 개의채널 (IF-, INH-, internal control) 을이용하여각채널에서 FAM, Cal ed 6, Quasar 67 파장의신호형성을확인하여 IF-, INH- 각각의 C T 값이 2 이하일때를저항성으로판정하였다. MD-TB Detection (eegene) 검사의검출대상이되는유전자변이 (IF 내성 5개, INH 내성 6개 ) 는 Table 에정리하였다. 5. TB/NTM real-time PC and MD-TB GenoBlot Assay 결핵균검출능에대한비교를위해 TB/NTM real-time PC (LG Life ciences) 키트를이용하였다. MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 검사의전처리가완료된검체를분주하여이용하였고이후과정은제조사의설명서에따라진행하였다. PC 반응의검출에는 개의채널 (MTB, Mycobacteria, internal control) 을이용하여각채널에서 FAM, HEX, Cy5 파장의신호형성을확인하여 C T 값이 5 미만일때를양성으로판정하였다. 제조사의지침서대로각신호에서 MTB 의 C T 값이 Mycobacteria 의 C T 값보다작거나같으면결핵균으로판정하고, 큰경우에는결핵균과 NTM의동시감염의가능성이있는것으로해석하였다. Mycobacteria의 C T 값만이 5 미만인경우에는 NTM으로해석하였다. 항결핵제내성검출능에대한비교를위해서는 MD-TB GenoBlot Assay (LG Life ciences) 를이용하였다. 배양 에성공하고통상적항결핵제감수성검사결과를얻을수있었던 5개결핵균주를제조사의지침에따라검사하였다. 즉, rpob와 katg 유전자부위및 inha와 ahpc (alkyl hydroperoxide reductase) 의촉진자 (promoter) 부분을증폭하였고, 이때증폭된 DNA에바이오틴 (biotin) 을표지하여 rpob, katg, inha, ahpc의야생형또는변이형으로구성된나일론멤브레인-흡착탐색자 (probe) 에교잡시켰다. 교잡여부는자동화분석장비인 Advanure Genocan (LG Life ciences) 을이용하여측정하였다. 제조사의지침에따라, 우선야생형띠의농도와변이형띠의농도중하나라도 2 이상일경우에는, 변이형띠의농도와야생형띠의농도의비를구해서그값이 이상일때그약제에대한내성으로, 미만일때는감수성으로판독하였다. 6. 통상적항결핵제감수성검사통상적항결핵제감수성검사를위해결핵연구원의감수성검사와자동화액체배양감수성검사 (automated liquid culture system) 를시행하였다. 결핵연구원에서는 IF과 INH가각각기준농도 (critical concentration) 인 4 μg/ml와.2 μg/ml씩포함된 Löwenstein-Jensen (L-J) 배지를이용하여절대농도법 (absolute concentration method) 으로감수성검사를실시하였다. 본원에서시행한자동화액체배양감수성검사에는 BACTEC MGIT 96 액체배지 (Becton, Dickinson and Company) 를이용하였는데, 항결핵제를포함하지않은대조배지 (growth control) 의성장지수 (growth unit) 가 4에도달하였을때, 항결핵제 (IF. μg/ml, INH. μg/ml) 를포함한배지의성장지수가 이상이면내성으로판정하였다. 결핵연구원의감수성검사결과와본원의자동화액체배양감수성검사결과가불일치할경우는결핵연구원의감수성검사결과를따랐다. 7. DNA 염기서열분석 MD-TB Detection (eegene) 키트와통상적항결핵제감수성검사의결과가일치하지않는균주들에대해서는추가로 DNA 염기서열분석을실시하였다. 염기서열분석은 MTB/NTM (eegene) 검사의 PC산물에대해 rpob, katg, inha 유전자에각각특이적인시발체를이용하여 Table. Mutation targets in MD-TB Detection kit Drug-resistance elated gene Mutation targets ifampin-resistance Isoniazid-resistance rpob katg inha promoter L5P (CTG CCG) D56V (GAC GTC) H526L (CAC CTC) 5L (TCG TTG) 5N (AGC AAC) -8 (T A) Q5L (CAA CTA) D56Y (GAC TAC) H526N (CAC AAC) 5W (TCG TGG) 5T (AGC ACC) -5 (C T) a.a. deletion in L (TCG TTG) H526 (CAC CGC) L5P (CTG CCG) 5T (AGC ACA) -7 (G T) D56G (GAC GGC) H526D (CAC GAC) H526Y (CAC TAC) Abbreviation: a.a., amino acid.

4 8 Ann Clin Microbiol 24;7(4):5-22 BigDye Terminator v. Cycle equencing Kits (Life technologies, Carlsbad, CA, UA) 로시행하였으며, 염기서열분석결과는 National Center for Biotechnology Information ( 의자료와비교하였다. 8. 통계분석민감도, 특이도, 양성예측도, 음성예측도의계산에는 Microsoft Excel 2 (Microsoft, edmond, WA, UA) 프로그램을사용하였다. 두검사법간의민감도비교에는카이제곱검정 (χ 2 test) 을이용하였으며, 유의수준.5 미만인경우 (P<.5) 통계적으로유의한차이가있다고판정하였다. EULT 총 557개의검체에서결핵균과 NTM의양성검체는각각 76 개 ( 호흡기검체 6, 비호흡기검체 6) 와 7개 ( 호흡기검체 6, 비호흡기검체 ) 로모두 9개였으며, 결핵균과 NTM이동시에배양된경우는없었다 (Table 2). 검체의종류에따른결핵균검출률은 MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 키트의경우호흡기검체에서는 88.% (5/6), 비호흡기검체에서는 8.% (/6) 를보였고, Advanure TB/NTM real-time PC (LG Life ciences) 의경우는각각 9.% (54/6), 9.8% (5/6) 의검출률을보였다. 결핵균검출에있어서 MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 키트의민감도, 특이도, 양성예측도, 음성예측도는각각 82.9%, 99.4%, 95.5%, 97.4% 였다 (Table ). Advanure TB/NTM real-time PC (LG Life ciences) 의민감도, 특이도, 양성예측도, 음성예측도는각각 89.5%, 99.8%, 98.6%, 98.4% 였다. 항산균도말양성검체를대상으로할경우 MTB/NTM (eegene) 의민감도는 9.7%, Advanure TB/NTM (LG Life ciences) 의민감도는.% 였다. NTM 검출에있어서 MTB/NTM (eegene) 의민감도, 특이도, 양성예측도, 음성예측도는각각 76.5%, 89.6%, 8.8%, 99.2% 였고, Advanure TB/NTM (LG Life ciences) 은각각 4.2%, 98.9%, 5.9%, 98.2% 의성능을보였다. 단지배양결과만을기준으로 MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 키트의결핵균검출능을평가하였을경우민감도, 특이도, 양성예측도, 음성예측도는각각 88.5%, 96.%, 69.7%, Table 2. Detection frequencies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacteria Decision* Organisms No. case (%) Positive Negative Total Mycobacterium tuberculosis Nontuberculous mycobacteria M. avium M. intracellulare M. abscessus M. flavescens M. massiliense Not identified (.6) (.) (8.) (.) *True-positive specimens were defined as those that met the following criteria: (a) culture positive on 2% Ogawa medium and/or in the BACTEC MGIT 96 system; or (b) culture negative but positive in NAAT, provided one or more of the following additional criteria were met: (i) the specimen originated from a patient whose other specimens were culture positive; (ii) the specimen originated from a patient receiving TB treatment; (iii) the specimen originated from a patient whose history of TB included clinical symptoms, positive radiographic findings, positive Mantoux tuberculin skin test, positive histology, and improvement under treatment with anti-tb chemotherapy. Table. Performance of MTB/NTM Detection and TB/NTM real-time PC Target AFB smear Assay Positive sample* Negative sample PC + PC - PC + PC - ensitivity (95% CI)/ pecificity (95% CI) PPV (95% CI)/ NPV (95% CI) MTB NTM All Positive Negative All Positive Negative ( )/99.4 ( ) 89.5 (8.-95.)/99.8 (98.9-.) 9.7 ( )/NA. (7.5-.)/NA 8. ( )/99.4 ( ) 87.5 ( )/99.8 (98.9-.) 76.5 (5.-9.2)/89.6 ( ) 4.2 ( )/98.9 ( ) NA/9.7 ( ) NA/. (7.5-.) 76.5 (5.-9.2)/89.6 ( ) 4.2 ( )/98.9 ( ) 95.5 ( )/97.4 ( ) 98.6 ( )/98.4 ( ). (7.5-.)/. (.-97.5). (7.5-.)/NA 94.6 ( )/97.6 ( ) 98. (9.6-.)/98.4 ( ) 8.8 (.4-.)/99.2 ( ) 5.9 ( )/98.2 ( ). (.-97.5)/. (7.5-.) NA/. (7.5-.) 9. (.6-.5)/99.2 ( ) 5.9 ( )/98. ( ) *Criteria of positive sample is the same as Table 2. Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; PPV, positive-predictive value; NPV, negative-predictive value;, MTB/NTM Detection;, TB/NTM real-time PC; MTB, M. tuberculosis; NTM, nontuberculous mycobacteria; NA, not applicable.

5 Jun Hyung Lee, et al. : Anyplex Plus MTB/NTM/MD-TB Evaluation 9 Table 4. Culture based performance of MTB/NTM Detection and TB/NTM real-time PC Target Assay Culture positive* Culture negative PC + PC - PC + PC - ensitivity (95% CI)/ pecificity (95% CI) PPV (95% CI)/ NPV (95% CI) MTB NTM ( )/96. ( ) 96.2 ( )/96.2 ( ) 56. ( )/88.9 ( ) 25. ( )/98. ( ) 69.7 ( )/98.8 ( ) 72.5 ( )/99.6 (98.5-.). (6.-2.)/98.6 ( ).8 (9.-6.4)/97.8 ( ) *Culture positive on 2% Ogawa medium and/or in the BACTEC MGIT 96 system. Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; PPV, positive-predictive value; NPV, negative-predictive value;, MTB/NTM Detection;, TB/NTM real-time PC. Table 5. Performance of MD-TB Detection and MD-TB GenoBlot Assay on detection of anti-tuberculosis resistance Drug Assay esistant isolates* usceptible isolates ensitivity (95% CI)/ pecificity (95% CI) PPV (95% CI)/ NPV (95% CI) ifampin Isoniazid (29.2-.)/97.9 (88.9-.). (29.2-.)/97.9 (88.9-.) 8. ( )/. (92.-.) 8. ( )/. (92.-.) 75. ( )/. (92.5-.) 75. ( )/. (92.5-.). (47.8-.)/97.8 ( ). (47.8-.)/97.8 ( ) *esistant isolates were determined by conventional drug susceptibility test; esistance was determined by each molecular based assay. Abbreviations:, resistant;, susceptible; CI, confidence interval; PPV, positive-predictive value; NPV, negative-predictive value;, MTB/NTM Detection;, TB/NTM real-time PC. Table 6. Discrepancies between molecular and conventional drug susceptibility test ample No. Drug MD-TB Molecular DT Advensure MD-TB equencing Absolute concentration method* Conventional DT Automated liquid culture 7 47 ifampin Isoniazid ifampin Isoniazid rpob 5L wild rpob L5P wild *Absolute concentration method used L-J media; Automated liquid culture used BACTEC MGIT 96 system. Abbreviations: MD-TB, MD-TB Detection; MD-TB, MD-TB GenoBlot Assay; DT, Drug usceptibility Test;, susceptible;, esistant. 98.8% 였고, Advanure TB/NTM real-time PC (LG Life ciences) 의경우는순서대로 96.2%, 96.2%, 72.5%, 99.6% 였다 (Table 4). 5개배양양성결핵균주에대하여통상적항결핵제감수성검사결과를바탕으로 MD-TB Detection (eegene) 의항결핵제내성검출능을평가한결과는 Table 5와같다. IF 내성검출에있어서 MD-TB Detection 키트의민감도, 특이도, 내성예측률, 감수성예측률은각각.%, 97.9%, 75.%,.% 였고, MD-TB Genoblot Assay (LG Life ciences) 도이와동일하였다. Isoniazid 내성검출에있어서는 MD-TB Detection (eegene) 키트의민감도, 특이도, 내성예측률, 감수성예측률은 8.%,.%,.%, 97.8% 였고, MD-TB (LG Life ciences) 에서도이와동일한결과를보였다. 항결핵제내성에대한분자진단검사와통상적항결핵제감수성검사결과간불일치를보인경우는 IF과 INH 내성에있어각각하나씩총 2 균주가관찰되었는데, Table 6의 7번균주의경우 2종의분자진단검사에서는모두 INH 감수성일것으로예상되었으나통상적항결핵제감수성검사결과내성균주였고, 47 번균주의경우 2종의분자진단검사에서는모두 IF 내성일것으로예상되었으나, 통상적항결핵제감수성검사결과감수성균주로확인되었다.

6 2 Ann Clin Microbiol 24;7(4):5-22 DICUION 결핵을조기진단하고치료를시작하는것은공중보건과의료의관점에있어매우중요하며, 조기진단을위해핵산증폭검사를사용하는것은보건당국뿐만아니라임상진료의와환자에게상당한이득을가져다준다 [5]. 결핵진단에있어핵산증폭검사의민감도와특이도에대해서여러연구가있어왔는데, 호흡기검체를대상으로 Anyplex MTB PC 키트 (eegene) 를평가한다른연구에서는전체검체를대상으로했을때민감도 8.2%, 특이도 98.2%, 도말양성검체를대상으로했을때민감도 95.2%, 특이도 72.7% 를보고한바있다 [6]. 본연구에서는, 전체검체를대상으로했을때민감도 82.9%, 특이도 99.4%, 도말양성검체를대상으로는민감도 9.7% 로분석되었다. 앞서언급한연구와비교할때, 전체검체를대상으로했을때두연구의민감도와특이도는상당히유사하나, 도말양성검체에대한민감도는본연구에서약간감소하였다. 이는항산균도말검사에서약양성 (-2/ fields) 을보이고결핵균이배양된검체 건이 MTB/NTM (eegene) 검사에서 NTM에해당하는형광강도를보여 NTM으로판정된결과로생각된다. 항산균도말검사는결핵균의검출을위해가장널리쓰이는기본적인검사이지만, 민감도와특이도가낮은단점을갖고있다. 본연구에서항산균도말검사의민감도는 2.9% (95% 신뢰구간 : 6.9%, 2.5%) 에불과하여기존에보고된다양한민감도 52%-97% 에비교해서도상당히낮았다 [7]. 이는본연구의양성검체판정이단순배양양성뿐만아니라핵산증폭검사결과와다양한임상병력을고려하였기때문일것으로생각된다. 항산균도말검사의특이도는본연구에서 % (95% 신뢰구간 : 99.2%,.%) 로기존에보고된연구들과유사하였다 [7]. 비교평가한다른핵산증폭검사인 TB/NTM real-time PC (LG Life ciences) 검사는전체검체를대상으로했을때결핵균검출의민감도가 89.5% 로서, MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 검사의 82.9% 에비해좀더높은민감도를보였으나, 두검사간에통계적으로의미있는차이는보이지않았다 (χ 2 test, P=.24). NTM 검출에있어서 MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 키트는민감도 76.5% 로서비교평가한 TB/NTM real-time PC (LG Life ciences) 키트의 4.2% 에비해더높은민감도를보였고, 두검사간에통계적으로도의미있는차이를보였다 (χ 2 test, P=.4). TB/NTM real-time PC (LG Life ciences) 검사의 NTM 검출민감도는다른연구에서는 75% 로보고된바있는데 [8], 본연구와동일한양성검체판정기준을사용한연구였으므로양성검체판정기준에의한차이는아닐것으로생각되며, TB/NTM real-time PC (LG Life ciences) 키트의 NTM 검출민감도에대해서는추가적 인연구가필요하다고생각된다. 두키트간 NTM 검출민감도차이가발생한원인으로는 PC 검사의반복횟수에있어 Anyplex plus MTB/NTM (eegene) 검사는 4회, TB/NTM (LG Life ciences) 검사는 5회로서 의반복횟수가더많다는점과사용된시발체의차이등을생각해볼수있겠다. 단, NTM 검출에있어 MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 키트의양성예측도는 8.8% 에불과한것으로나타났는데, 이는본연구에서의 NTM 유병률 (.% in Table 2) 에의한영향을고려하더라도결과해석에있어주의가필요할것으로사료된다. 결핵균의항결핵제내성의원인으로는 rpob, katg, 또는 inha 유전자의소실또는변이가알려져있는데, IF 는 NA 중합효소에결합하여전사 (transcription) 와 NA 연장 (prolongation) 을방해하는기전으로작용하며항산균의 NA 중합효소의베타사슬 (beta chain) 을부호화하는 rpob 유전자의변이가 IF 내성을일으키게된다 [9]. 기존연구에따르면 IF 내성은 rpob 유전자의변이로 96-98% 까지잘설명된다고알려져있다 []. INH 내성에있어서는 katg 유전자가항산균의과산화수소분해효소 (catalase) 를부호화 (encoding) 하는데, INH는과산화수소분해효소에의해전구체 (prodrug) 에서활성형 (functional form) 으로전환되기때문에과산화수소분해효소유전자 (katg) 의소실이나변이는 INH 내성을유발하며, INH 내성균주에서적게는 -25% 부터많게는 42-58% 까지발견된다고알려져있다 [-2]. inha 유전자는항산균의세포벽을구성하는주요성분인 mycolic acid 의합성에관여하는 long-chain enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase 를부호화하며, INH는 inha 단백에결합하여항산균의세포벽합성을억제하는기전으로작용하는데이유전자의촉진자 (promoter) 부위의변이는 INH 내성균주의 2-4% 에서발견된다 [,,4]. 본연구에서항결핵제내성분자진단검사와통상적항결핵제감수성검사간불일치, 즉유전형과표현형의불일치는 IF, INH에대해서각각하나씩관찰되었는데, Table 6의 7번균주의경우 MD-TB (eegene) 와 MD-TB (LG Life ciences) 키트에서모두 INH 감수성으로판정된반면결핵연구원의절대농도법과본원의자동화액체배양감수성검사에서는 INH 내성균주로확인되었다. 염기서열분석에서는 katg, inha 유전자부위에서알려진변이형이관찰되지않았다. 이균주의불일치결과는 katg, inha 등기존에알려진유전자변이외다른기전으로발생한내성때문일것으로판단된다. 또다른불일치균주인 Table 6의 47번균주는 MD-TB (eegene) 와 MD-TB (LG Life ciences) 키트에서모두 IF 내성으로판정되었는데, 결핵연구원의절대농도법과본원의자동화액체배양검사결과는 IF 감수성균주였다. 염기서열분석에서는 rpob L5P 변이가확인되었다. rpob 유전자의 5번코돈의점돌연변이가실제로내성을유발하는지에대해서는아직논란의

7 Jun Hyung Lee, et al. : Anyplex Plus MTB/NTM/MD-TB Evaluation 2 여지가있는데, 감수성 (susceptible, MIC. μg/ml) 을보였다는연구 [5,6] 와낮은수준의내성 (low-level resistance, MIC=2.5 μg/ml) 을보였다는연구 [7], 그리고고도의내성 (high-level resistance, MIC=52 μg/ml) 을보였다는연구 [8] 등다양한결과가보고되어있다. 따라서 47번균주에서관찰된유전형과표현형의불일치는분자진단키트의점돌연변이검출능의문제가아니라 rpob L5P 변이가약제내성에미치는영향이다양하게발현되기때문인것으로판단된다. 결론적으로 MTB/NTM Detection (eegene) 키트는결핵균검출의민감도와특이도가우수하며, 특히비결핵항산균검출의민감도가기존의분자진단검사에비해우수하여, 다양한검체를이용한결핵과비결핵항산균감염증의신속한진단에유용하게사용될수있을것으로판단된다. Anyplex plus MD-TB Detection (eegene) 키트는결핵균검출후그증폭산물을이용해서검사를시행하므로검사가편리하고내성여부를매우신속하게확인할수있는장점이있다. IF 내성및 INH 내성검출에있어기존분자진단검사와동등한성능을보였으므로항결핵제내성유무를예측하는데유용하게사용될수있을것이다. ACKNOWLEDGMENT 본연구는 씨젠의연구비지원을받아수행되었음. 일부검사키트는 LG생명과학과벡톤디킨슨코리아 에서제공받았음. EFEENCE. The Korean ociety of Clinical Microbiology and Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Manual of Laboratory Tests for Tuberculosis (2). Download.jsp?fid=5&cid=27&fieldName=attach&index= [Online] (last visited on 6 December 24). 2. The Korean ociety of Clinical Microbiology and Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Practical Guidelines for Laboratory Diagnosis of Tuberculosis (2). board/lib/down.php?boardid=board_notice&no=722 [Online] (last visited on 6 December 24).. Diagnostic tandards and Classification of Tuberculosis in Adults and Children. Am J espir Crit Care Med 2;6: Levidiotou, Vrioni G, Galanakis E, Gesouli E, Pappa C, tefanou D. Four-year experience of use of the Cobas Amplicor system for rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in respiratory and nonrespiratory specimens in Greece. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2;22: eport of an expert consultation on the use of nucleic acid amplification tests for the diagnosis of tuberculosis: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. [Online] (last visited on eptember 22). 6. Lim J, Kim J, Kim JW, Ihm C, ohn YH, Cho HJ, et al. Multicenter evaluation of eegene Anyplex TB PC for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in respiratory specimens. J Microbiol Biotechnol 24;24: teingart K, Henry M, Ng V, Hopewell PC, amsay A, Cunningham J, et al. Fluorescence versus conventional sputum smear microscopy for tuberculosis: a systematic review. Lancet Infect Dis 26;6: Hwang, Oh KJ, Jang IH, Uh Y, Yoon KJ, Kim HY, et al. Evaluation of the diagnostic performance of the advansure TB/ NTM real-time PC kit for detection of mycobacteria. Korean J Clin Microbiol 2;4: Telenti A, Imboden P, Marchesi F, Lowrie D, Cole, Colston MJ, et al. Detection of rifampicin-resistance mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Lancet 99;4: Telenti A. Genetics and pulmonary medicine. 5. Genetics of drug resistant tuberculosis. Thorax 998;5: Heym B, Alzari PM, Honoré N, Cole T. Missense mutations in the catalase-peroxidase gene, katg, are associated with isoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mol Microbiol 995;5: Zhang Y, Heym B, Allen B, Young D, Cole. The catalase-peroxidase gene and isoniazid resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Nature 992;58:59-.. Banerjee A, Dubnau E, Quemard A, Balasubramanian V, Um K, Wilson T, et al. inha, a gene encoding a target for isoniazid and ethionamide in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. cience 994;26: ozwarski DA, Grant GA, Barton DH, Jacobs W Jr, acchettini JC. Modification of the NADH of the isoniazid target (InhA) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. cience 998;279: Ma X, Wang H, Deng Y, Liu Z, Xu Y, Pan X, et al. rpob Gene mutations and molecular characterization of rifampin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from handong Province, China. J Clin Microbiol 26;44: Ohno H, Koga H, Kohno, Tashiro T, Hara K. elationship between rifampin MICs for and rpob mutations of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated in Japan. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 996;4: Taniguchi H, Aramaki H, Nikaido Y, Mizuguchi Y, Nakamura M, Koga T, et al. ifampicin resistance and mutation of the rpob gene in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. FEM Microbiol Lett 996; 44: Yue J, hi W, Xie J, Li Y, Zeng E, Wang H. Mutations in the rpob gene of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from China. J Clin Microbiol 2;4:229-2.

8 22 Ann Clin Microbiol 24;7(4):5-22 = 국문초록 = 결핵균검출과항결핵제감수성검사를위한 Anyplex Plus MTB/NTM 및 MD-TB Detection 키트의성능평가 중앙대학교의과대학진단검사의학교실이준형, 김보현, 이미경 배경 : MTB/NTM 및 MD-TB Detection (eegene, eoul, Korea) 키트는실시간중합효소연쇄반응법을이용하여다양한검체로부터결핵균과비결핵항산균을직접검출하고 rifampin (IF) 과 isoniazid (INH) 에대한내성을검사할수있다. 본연구에서는 MTB/NTM 및 MD-TB Detection 키트의진단적성능을평가하였다. 방법 : MTB/NTM 키트의결핵균및비결핵항산균검출능을평가하기위해 557개의임상검체를검사하였다. MTB/NTM Detection 키트의진단적성능은배양검사, 핵산증폭검사, 방사선소견및결핵감염의임상소견을종합한결과에기반하여평가하였고, 다른실시간중합효소연쇄반응검사키트와비교했다. 항결핵제감수성검사를위해서, 5개의결핵균주를검사하였다. MD-TB Detection의임상적성능은통상적항결핵제감수성검사결과를기반으로평가하였고, 다른분자진단항결핵제감수성검사키트와비교하였다. 결과 : MTB/NTM 키트의결핵균검출의민감도와특이도는 82.9% (6/76) and 99.4% (478/48) 였고, 비결핵항산균에있어서는각각 76.5% (/7) 와 89.6% (484/54) 였다. MD-TB Detection 키트의 IF 내성검출에있어서민감도와특이도는 % (/) 와 97.9% (47/48) 였고, INH 내성검출에있어서는각각 8.% (5/6) 와 % (45/45) 였다. 결론 : MTB/NTM Detection 키트는결핵균및비결핵항산균검출에있어우수한성능을보여주었다. 특히결핵균양성검체에서, MD-TB Detection 키트는 IF와 INH 내성에대해빠르고신뢰할만한결과를제공하였다. [Ann Clin Microbiol 24;7:5-22] 교신저자 : 이미경, , 서울시동작구흑석로 2 중앙대학교의과대학진단검사의학교실 Tel: , Fax: cpworld@cau.ac.kr


untitled DOI: 10.4046/trd.2010.69.4.250 ISSN: 1738-3536(Print)/2005-6184(Online) Tuberc Respir Dis 2010;69:250-255 CopyrightC2010. The Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases. All rights reserved.

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