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A study of worker s stress symptoms and coping related variables: Focusing on emotional support, self-efficacy, job-satisfaction and job-performance Young-Shin Park Kyung-Lan Lee Ja-Young Ahn Sang-Hee Lee Dept. of Education, Inha University The main purpose of this research is to examine the relation of variables related to the worker s stress symptoms and coping. The influence of emotional support(from family, colleague, and boss), self-efficacy (self-regulatory, social, relational, resiliency, and management of work), job-satisfaction, and job-performance on worker s stress symptoms and coping is analyzed. Participants were 559 teachers (elementary 205, junior high 203, senior high 151; male 132, female 427). The results were as follows: There were no significant differences in stress symptoms and coping among primary, junior and senior high school teachers. On the other hand, there were significant differences in stress symptoms and coping between male and female teachers. Female teachers experienced more stress symptoms than male teachers. At the same time female teachers coped more efficiently in stress situation than male teachers. With emotional support, self-efficacy, job-performance and job-satisfaction as independent variables, the result of multiple regression showed that job-satisfaction has a negative influence on stress symptoms. Positive influences on stress coping was found for resiliency of self-efficacy in case of male teachers, and in case of female teachers resiliency of self-efficacy, emotional support from colleague, job-performance, and emotional support from family. Therefore, regardless of the gender of the teachers, high job-satisfaction decreased stress symptoms and high resiliency of self-efficacy increased efficient stress coping. As for female teachers, not only resiliency of self-efficacy but also emotional support from colleague and family, job-performance contributed to coping with stress. Key words : stress symptoms, stress coping, emotional support, self-efficacy, resiliency of self-efficacy, Job-satisfaction, job-performance