, ( ) 1) *,.., ,,,,.,.. I. (SCM: Supply Chain Management)... *

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, 40 1 2 (2006 6 ) 1) *,..,.. - 4. 203 4,,,,.,.. I. (SCM: Supply Chain Management)... *

98, 40 1 2,,,,, (Lee and Billington, 1993). (Lambert & Cooper, 2000).,...,,,... (Stevens, 1989),..,, -.

99. -. -. -. -.. II.. GSCF(Global Supply Chain Forum),,.

100, 40 1 2,,,.,.., (Hobbs, 1996). (Handfield & Nichols, 1999), Christoper et al.(2001). Marbert and Venkataraman(1998),,,. La Londe(1998), Supply Chain Council(1998),,,. Thomas and Griffin(1996),,..,,,,, (,, ) (,, ),

101,,,,,,, (, 2004).,,,,..,,. (demand chain) (value chain). 1980 (Porter, 1985). (Hamel and Prahalad, 1989).,,, (lean production) JIT(just in time) (Christopher, 2001).,,.,

102, 40 1 2 (trust), (shared vision), (contract).., (developmental stage).,.,. Stevens(1990),, / / (Narasimhan and Jayaram, 1998)..,. Bowersox et al.(1999) (customer integration), (internal integration), (material and service supplier integration), (technology and planning integration), (measurement integration), (relationship integration) 6. Marien(2000) 4 Bowersox et al.(1999),,, 4, < 1>.

103 - - / - - - - - - - contact point - - - - ( ) - - - Marien 2000; Bowersox er al. 1999 Marien 2000; Bowersox et al. 1986, 1999; Lee 1998; Marien 2000; Bowersox et al. 1999; Lee 1998. (Chow et al., 1995). Wheelwright and Bowen(1996) SCM,,,.,,,,,,., /,,. / /.,,,,.

104, 40 1 2 Stuart and McCutcheon(2000), (Flexibility) (Responsiveness),, 4,., - -.,,,,. Beamon(1999) (Resource), (Output), (Flexibility) 3.,, ROI,,,,,,,,. Gunasekaran et al.(2001).,,.,,,,,,,,,. < 2>.

105 Gunasekaran, 2001 Wheelwright and Bowen, 1996 Lambert & Stock, 1993 PRTM Consulting 1994 / (Resource),,,,,,,, /, Time to Market,,,,,,,,,, C/S,,, / / / / /,,,,,,,,, Beamon 1999,, (Fill Rate),, /, (Output),,, (Flexibility),,,, Handfield and Nichols 1999 2005 /,,,,,,,

106, 40 1 2 III..,,., (Maloni and Benton, 1997). - (Harland et al., 1999). -. (Cooper and Slagmulder, 1999). -,,..,,. Williamson(1975, 1985, 1981) Grossman and Hart(1986).,,..

107, (co-specialization). (transaction-specific asset). Williamaon(1979) (Site Asset Specificity), (Physical Asset Specificity), (Human Asset Specificity). Dyer(1996). William Dyer < 3>. (Site Asset Specificity) (Physical Asset Specificity) (Human Asset Specificity) (Williamson 1979) (Dyer 1996) (,, ) - -..

108, 40 1 2 /.. (Fisher, 1997). Fisher, (functional products) (innovative products),., < 4>.,,,,,..

109 Hau Lee(2002) Fisher(1997),.,. IV.,. 212 SCM 203. 203, 23.6%, 34.0%. 38.4%. 46.8% 48.3%, 8.,,,,, 6, 62, 47.,. Cronbach s Alpha, Nunnally (1974) Cronbach s Alpha 0.7

110, 40 1 2. < 5> 0.848 0.735. Cronbach s Alpha 0.7. 0.836,, contact point 0.775 0.848 0.834 (ROI) 0.774 0.735 (factor analysis) ( )

111 (common underlying dimensions), (factors). Varimax. < 6>,,, (eigen value) 1 3. 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ).780.147.229.844.175.092.786.308.090.721.194.146,,.160.803.013.213.813.025 contact point.191.662.237.222.656. Varimax., < 7>,, (eigen value) 1 3.

112, 40 1 2 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ).744.244.087.840.043.090 /.793.234.082.811. -.030.090.839.074.272.747.169.151 -.099.736 (ROI).213.055.760 -.069.366.712. (Cluster).. (distance measures).. 1). (hierarchical clustering),..,,, Ward. 1), SPSS10.0, 2002.

113 (non-hierarchical clustering). K- (K-means). K. Ward..., (outlier)....,,. K-. Fisher(1997) (efficient supply chain) (market responsive supply chain), - Bensaou(1999).., < 8> 1,,, 2,,

114, 40 1 2,. 6,, 1, 2. 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 203 2 201., 1 114, 2 87. - - -., < 9> 1, 2. 1 - (lock-in), 2.

115 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 203-2 201., 1 112, 2 89. - 2, - 2. 2-2, - 4. EB(efficient buyer: ), ES(efficient supplier: ). RB(responsive buyer: ), RS(responsive supplier: ). [ 1], 199 EB 58, ES 56, RB 53, RS 32.

116, 40 1 2 - EB RB 58 49 111 ES RS 56 32 88 114 85 199 V.,,,,,. EB( ) RB( ), ES( ) RS( ).., ES( ), RB RS., ES( ). ES.

117, EB 1, ES 3,000 1, RB 1,000 3,000, RS 100 1,000.,,. EB(Efficient Buyer) ( ), - -. EB 58, < 10>,. Beta t Beta t Beta t.188 1.386.208 1.567.319* 2.091.206 1.584.371* 2.919.031.227.208 1.594 -.042 -.331.071.493 R F 4.137 5.082 2.733 *: p<0.05, **: p<0.1 ES(Efficient Supplier)

118, 40 1 2, - -. ES 56, < 11>. Beta t Beta t Beta t.100.509.051.307 -.060 -.342.094.507.276 1.663.245 1.379 -.021 -.118.230 1.506.139.857 R F.434 4.619 1.639 * : p<0.05, ** : p<0.1 RB(Responsive Buyer), - -. RB 49 Beta t Beta t Beta t.192 1.454.551* 3.829.127.824.516*** 1.817.118.993 -.197-1.425.145 1.000 R 2.454.285.187 F 12.449 5.851 3.447 *: p<0.05, **: p<0.1

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