Relationships among burnout, presenteeism, and coaching achievement in athlete coaches Keunchul Lee 1, Yongse Kim 1, & Kanghun Lee 2 * 1 Seoul Nationa

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Relationships among burnout, presenteeism, and coaching achievement in athlete coaches Keunchul Lee 1, Yongse Kim 1, & Kanghun Lee 2 * 1 Seoul National University & 2 Changwon National University [Purpose] [Methods] [Results] [Conclusions] Key words:

Fig. 1. Research model

χ χ

χ χ Table 1. Descriptive statistics and correlations Burnout Presenteeism Variables Mean(SD) Skewness Kurtosis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Physical exhaustion 3.13 (.93) -.208 -.535.801 Emotional exhaustion 2.61 (.92).236 -.456.658 **.902 Poor working condition 3.30 (.94) -.426 -.580.424 **.447 **.803 Dissatisfaction at evaluation and treatment 3.95 (.98) -1.110.820.519 **.472 **.674 **.875 Trouble in relationship 2.86 (.94).138 -.601.535 **.626 **.590 **.603 **.769 Completing work 2.42 (.68).094 -.231.018.245 ** -.046 -.041.187 *.808 Avoiding distraction 3.01 (.80) -.117.111.507 **.543 **.312 **.341 **.489 **.188 *.817 Coaching achievement 70.82 (16.74) -1.093 1.666 -.163 -.251 ** -.004 -.134 -.195 * -.294 ** -.298 ** --

Table 2. Predictions for parameter and dependent variables b SE t LLCI ULCI Dependent variable = Presenteeism (R 2 =.1945, p<.001) Burnout.336.058 5.793 ***.221.451 Constant 1.646.189 8.716 *** 1.273 2.02 Dependent variable = Coaching achievement (R 2 =.1468, p<.001) Burnout -.453 1.941 -.234-4.292 3.385 Presenteeism -10.865 2.548-4.265 *** -15.902-5.827 Constant 101.701 7.055 14.416 *** 87.752 115.651 Table 3. Predictions for indirect effect Indirect effect b Boot SE LLCI ULCI Burnout Presenteeism Coaching achievement -3.651 1.307-6.456-1.354

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