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Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2018, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp.405-425 DOI: * A Study on the Perceptions and Factors of Immigrant Background Youth About Support Policy in Multi-Cultural Education Purpose: It has been ten years since multi-cultural education support policies were introduced in South Korea. Method: This study set out to analyze what types of supports the subjects and beneficiaries of the policies chose, there were according to the student and parent factors with the data of Multi-cultural Adolescent Panel Survey(MAPS). Results: The analysis results show that the multi-cultural family support policies provided adolescents with the most support in the content of "cultural experience activities" in 2012 and "after-school tuition subsidies" in 2013~2015. The adolescents, who were the beneficiaries of the policies, had hopes for supports for "visit to a theme park" from the fifth grade to the seventh grade and for "subsidies for academy fees" in the eighth grade. The study examined the perceptions of subjects of multi-cultural family support policies among migrant adolescents and found that many of them said it would be better to provide supports regardless of household economy. Conclusion: Academic achievement, peer relations, and parent's monthly income had significant effects on the response, and self-esteem, relations with teachers, and learning activities had no statistically significant effects on it. Key words : Multicultural Educational Support Policies, Immigrant Background Youth, Multi-cultural Adolescent Panel Survey(MAPS), Logistic Regression *,. Corresponding Author: Ko, Eun-Sun. Dharma College, 30, Pildong-ro, 1-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea, e-mail:

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